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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ric and Sonny hating on Jake was kind of hilarious.  I actually laughed out loud when Sonny asked how Jake's "chip" worked and whether you used a remote with it.  (I'm just glad some writer out there understands how ludicrous this whole brainwashing nonsense is.)  If I have to choose between Sonny & Ric getting along, and Ric locking Sonny's wife in a panic room and obsessively scheming to take down his brother, I'll choose Option A.


I really wanted to like this scene--mostly because it got Rick Hearst on my screen--but Sonny's little throwaway line that "You were always better when you were with Elizabeth" made the needle scratch on my mental record player. It was while Liric 1.0 were hot and heavy in the Summer of 2003 that Ric put Carly in the Panic Room. Rick Hearst always played it that Ric loved Elizabeth SO MUCH and was SO TRAUMATIZED when she had a miscarriage that he wanted to give her a baby (Morgan). And he sold that crap all the way to an Emmy--that's how good of an actor he is! But Sonny, of all people, shouldn't refer fondly to what a stand-up guy Ric was while with Elizabeth. Writer fail. 

  • Love 3

I would love if Carly & Morgan walked in on Sonny banging Kiki. I would howl with laughter so loud that the astronauts on the international space station would hear me.


It would be hilarious to find out that the real reason KA left the show was because she found out Kiki was going to sleep with Sonny and that was just a bridge too far for her. 

  • Love 17

I agree.  I can't believe I am about to defend Sabrina but the entire reason she gave Ava the wrong meds was because she believed Ava had caused the accident that ultimately resulted in her son's death.  Now that she is fully aware that Ava was not responsible for the accident, why would she pose any sort of threat to Avery?  I get why Kiki wouldn't like her - I can see that's not the sort of thing you get over anytime soon but she is being kind of hypocritical.  Sonny did a lot more harm to Ava than Sabrina did.  Sonny was going to kill her but Kiki seems to accept that in the end Sonny tried to save her.  Well Sabrina also had a change of heart and made sure Jordan knew what she had done so she could let Ava know.  In the end, Avery and Ava were just fine.  I don't like Kiki needs to sing Sabrina's praise or be her friend, but insisting she is a continuing danger to Avery doesn't make any sense.


I think the deal would be more a) Sonny is Avery's FATHER and Kiki has her own issues with being raised without her father whereas Sabrina isn't related to Avery b) Sonny tried to kill Ava but not Avery herself. and c)Michael's whole deal is keeping Avery safe by keeping her away from Sonny, so by that same token a woman who tried to kill Avery and is dating a mob gunman isn't really accomplishing that but is keeping her away from her father which flows back around to a.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 1

It would be hilarious to find out that the real reason KA left the show was because she found out Kiki was going to sleep with Sonny and that was just a bridge too far for her. 


Just because I'm completely demented, I now wish KA had stayed around long enough for us to have seen Mrs. Potato Head utter her constant OH MY GAWD statement when she was first presented with the naked, greased up and ready to go Moobs Corinthos.  And him leering down at her.

That sight alone would begin to pay me back for all the brain cells I lost watching her on OLTL and GH.

  • Love 10
Kiki has her own issues with being raised without her father


I love how suddenly these "issues" have popped up. Lauren is right to be upset that Ava lied to her about who her father was, but once she met Silas (and Franco, for that matter, during the two seconds they were supposedly related), Lauren was over it. This is more plot-point writing.


And there's a big difference between not knowing who your father is for most of your life and being raised away from your father for your own safety. Michael has never said he's not going to tell Avery who her father is. Once Michael calms down a bit, I can see him given Sonny limited, supervised access to Avery: He can talk to her if they run into each other at Kelly's, that sort of thing.

  • Love 5

It's been a while since I've mentioned this, but I really, really, REALLY hate Shawn.


Well, it can't be said enough!  

Seeing Duke and Shawn as the BIG BAD in conflict with "Does My Butt Look Big in This Ego" Jerome and "I LUVVVVVVVVVVV Sabweeeeeeeeeeeeena" Rivera is like watching a face off between Captain Kangaroo and Pauly Shore.


There are no winners here.

Edited by boes
  • Love 12

But but but... I thought Sonny wasn't involved in the mob anymore!  He gave it up!  For the child!


Anna, I believe Dante got as far into the Corinthos organization as Jordan, and look what happened to him.


So Duke's gonna go after Jordan, and Julian's gonna go after Duke.  I'm hoping nuKiki gets caught in the crossfire.  Between her and Morgan, there's not one brain cell to be found.


I can live with Silas getting custody of A.J., though not Kiki, considering her allegiances of late.  And seriously, how is mobster Julian a safer bet for the court than mobster Sonny?  Maybe Ava and Silas should get married to lend credence to his claim.  But seriously, of all these people vying for this child, is there no one who doesn't belong in jail?

  • Love 4

They should just give Avery to Brad & Lucas to raise.  They're not in the mob, Lucas is her blood cousin, she'll be raised by two people in a stable relationship that love each other, one of her daddies would be a doctor, and she'll have a built in sister in Josslyn who Lucas is also currently raising since Carly can't be bothered to.

  • Love 11

I must admit I smirked at Carly's line about Spinelli and outgrowing nicknames, while looking at him like he's a poor, brain damaged kid she's fond of. Also, 'Jake' looking at him like "Okkkkkk...I don't get it..." about the Stone Cold stuff and then the "He's special, isn't he?"  I hate knowing people will fall all over that ass that he was right and has good instincts, blah blah, when the truth comes out. 


Elizabeth and Patrick being curious and jealous of Jason speaking to Sam alone makes me roll my eyes so hard. (And I say this as a Liz fan.) Same with what Elizabeth really meant by that question/tone: I'm not okay with my soon-to-be boyfriend working for a Mob boss. 


So NOW Kiki - after yelling in Sabrina's face - just wants the Jeromes to have custody of the baby? WTF. She truly just exists for plot points. I think Ava's last line is an anvil that neither Morgan nor Sonny will turn out to be the baby's father. Speaking of, why wouldn't Silas want to raise her when you told him to so nicely, Ava. Sheesh. "I didn't let you be a parent to Kiki, so here's your chance to raise Avery instead. Or at least support Kiki as she does."  Don't you love what Ava adds to your life, Silas?


 Michael, talking Sabrina into accepting the nanny job is going to come back to bite you. Especially if Carlos shows up.

  • Love 9

Okay, I have to ask because I forgot. Who is Carlos supposed to kill? And hasn't. And who *was* he supposed to kill? And didn't.


Trying to remember who was/is supposed to kill who on this show on any given day requires a scorecard... but that would require actually caring about it, which I don't.  Make it stop already, Ron.

  • Love 3

Shawn sucks

Haven't seen it yet? Micheal didn't make Kiki look stupid again?

He said she has a selective memory; that she's turned a blind eye to the fact that Sonny, Ava and Franco were/are all murders and psychos. He pointed out that Avery is doing fine and HE is the one who makes the decisions about her life. She said she wouldn't let them forget that she is Avery's sister, and left in a huff. 

  • Love 3

He said she has a selective memory; that she's turned a blind eye to the fact that Sonny, Ava and Franco were/are all murders and psychos. He pointed out that Avery is doing fine and HE is the one who makes the decisions about her life. She said she wouldn't let them forget that she is Avery's sister, and left in a huff.

Thanks for this! I'm so proud he pointed out again that's she backing Sonny along with the facts of Ava and Franco being murderers too. Kiki should be wanting custody and not be okay with Sonny raising her sister. Though I'm sure she wants to win custody so Sonny can see his possession er Child. I hope Micheal tells her he will make sure it's known she's in Sonnys corner

  • Love 2

Who even let Kiki in to the Q's? I'm glad Michael called her a hypocrite, but I wish he'd been more detailed about ousting it out to her, because she sure didn't seem to get it.

Carly and Spinelli - can't. Spinelli solving the great Jake mystery is going to make me angrier than usual.

Hey look- it's bad guys in black shirts day! Fortunately, many of them are handsome in black.

Are we really going to get some combination of Michael, Sonny, Julian, Silas, and possibly Kiki and Morgan all fighting over Avery? Drop the custody story for a while! Have Michael settle in with her and show her getting to know whatever Qs are around; let Sonny start to sol destruct because he can't handle losing; whatever, just no custody battle for a bit. Kiki is officially as dumb as Morgan with all her talk about Sabrina being a danger but not Julian or Sonny. Gah.

  • Love 7

 Kiki should be wanting custody and not be okay with Sonny raising her sister. Though I'm sure she wants to win custody so Sonny can see his possession er Child. I hope Micheal tells her he will make sure it's known she's in Sonnys corner

You're welcome! Actually she's counting on Julian to make sure the Jerome Family gets custody. When he wasn't sure about what he could/should do re:Avery, she almost had a tantrum. He basically said he'd see what he could do, and so she practically skipped confidently out of his/Ava's apartment with a big smile and thank you. With Carlos in hiding (per Julian's order) for this whole exchange, I'm pretty sure my theory will come true. 


ETA: It's really abrupt or I guess choppy that in one to episodes,we've gone from baby Avery/ A.J. is a Jerome-Corinthos baby 'We lost this baby as a family' - Morgan Corinthos...to both Ava and Kiki being all 'Avery IS A JEROME.'  The audience is getting whiplash...AGAIN...Ron!

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I need Kiki to wash cut and comb her hair. I need it like fire.


Sabrina's still a bit too twee for me ("Oh babies are preciooooooous") and the actress doesn't really have the ability to not make her lines twee. But whatever, she's fine. Michael is cute with the baby. Gosh, look at him giving her such a horrible life!


Oh, Ava, you want Silas to raise Avery? You want her to be a diamond earring wearing crackhead?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

I was being a stand up sister by making my arm-slinged brother food and my thanks I guess on top of him not having a problem watching GH was his instance that Jake/Jason "isn't old enough for these mobs." Oh and Spinelli reminds him of "Edward Norton in Primal Fear at his craziest." I also informed him that a character has impacted my cutting down on calling him Mikey and now he really wants to see Morgan in action.

Please let Shawn's actions lead to TJWOP. Michael needs a friend, after all!

As if Kiki wasn't bad enough now she has me siding with Sabrina. She must go. I'm continuing to be uncomfortable with how comfortable I am watching Michael/Sabrina.

So, is it Dante or Nathan dropping pants for Anna tomorrow?

  • Love 4

I don't care who knows: I love Michael & Sabrina!!! They have such a great, positive vibe and they were adorable with Avery. I really hope she moves into the Q manse.

I need someone to take a scalding hot branding iron and use it to beat Spinelli to death. I did like Carly and Jake looking at him like he needed to be handled with kid gloves. The tone Carly used when she promised to do something or whatever to give Sam some time with Jake was the same tone that people use with a child.

ME needs to wake the hell up and try to rise to at least the same general zone as MW. She is bringing it big time and he's just a lump. While I dont agree with what Ava is saying, I can at least follow her internal logic.

I am loving Carrrlos' blood lust. I hope he kills Dewq & Shawn. I definitely think Shawn is on his way out.



I want TJ.to get an internship in ELQ's legal department and work with Michael on something or whatever for reasons.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 9

What's wrong with negative if that's the genuine, real emotion/reaction that someone is feeling? "Negative" and "positive" are quite vague terms, I think. I'm fairly sure that some of the "negative" reactions may be tendered if the show presents the characters as woefully clueless or not catching on to some highly obvious situation or pattern. One often-used snarky shortcut for expressing this reaction is: "the stupid--it burns". Some examples of this negative reaction include the fact that apparently nobody in PC was catching on to the initials "AJ" in blood as "Ava Jerome" as well as "AJ Quartermaine". Another example: neither Sam nor Liz figuring out that Jake is Jason Redux. When we are presented with characters who seem unusually dense like that, it is intensely annoying. Personally, my reaction to intensely annoying situations (i.e., "the stupid--it burns") that persist on the show is anger, because I have a feeling that the writers aren't respecting the intelligence level of the viewers either.


So if we viewers are feeling genuine distasteful feelings about the way the show is being written, what are we supposed to do? Stay completely quiet but endure it? Stop watching the show? Those aren't options I want to use when I'm feeling the stupid burning. So I speak out.


I've watched since the first day. YES! I'm that old, and there were times I couldn't watch for one reason or another, but now there are days when I can watch and choose not to watch. I think I've earned the right to bitch about the show when it is awful.

Edited by sometimesfan
  • Love 7

So Kiki was ok with the murder Sonny who tried to kill her mother and who her mother was on the run from raising Avery, but Sabrina's a no-no that makes her want to fight for custody? Seriously? Good for Michael for calling her out and calling her a hypocrite. 


Where was Kiki wanting to fighting custody before Michael got her? Kiki should have been the one fighting custody. Instead she chose to be team Sonny/team murderer. Ava's saying the baby is a Jerome, but Kiki had no problems not fighting for the baby and giving her up to Sonny. If Ava wants to blame someone she should have Kiki on the top of that list. 

  • Love 14

I was being a stand up sister by making my arm-slinged brother food and my thanks I guess on top of him not having a problem watching GH was his instance that Jake/Jason "isn't old enough for these mobs." Oh and Spinelli reminds him of "Edward Norton in Primal Fear at his craziest." I also informed him that a character has impacted my cutting down on calling him Mikey and now he really wants to see Morgan in action.

Please let Shawn's actions lead to TJWOP. Michael needs a friend, after all!

As if Kiki wasn't bad enough now she has me siding with Sabrina. She must go. I'm continuing to be uncomfortable with how comfortable I am watching Michael/Sabrina.

So, is it Dante or Nathan dropping pants for Anna tomorrow?

Hopefully Nathan. Maxie sucks and im a Lante shipper lol

  • Love 1

I am loving Carrrlos' blood lust. I hope he kills Dewq & Shawn. I definitely think Shawn is on his way out.


Could be, if his contract was for 4 years. If that's the case I hope it's the actor's own choice. He came on in January 2011. But Shawn, much like Olivia, seems to be cling on somehow. (I like Olivia but I am continuously amazed she was never used as emmy bait for MB and DZ.)


I think it is Carlos. Also I am ready for him to shave his beard.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

So Kiki was ok with the murder Sonny who tried to kill her mother and who her mother was on the run from raising Avery, but Sabrina's a no-no that makes her want to fight for custody? Seriously? Good for Michael for calling her out and calling her a hypocrite. 


Where was Kiki wanting to fighting custody before Michael got her? Kiki should have been the one fighting custody. Instead she chose to be team Sonny/team murderer. Ava's saying the baby is a Jerome, but Kiki had no problems not fighting for the baby and giving her up to Sonny. If Ava wants to blame someone she should have Kiki on the top of that list.

So annoying that it takes Sabrina to make Kiki fight for Custody. Ava needs to be around to slap some sense into her lol

  • Love 4

OK--somebody shoot me because I am firmly agreeing with KaKaKiKi. I don't want Sabrina anywhere near AJ, I think she should be in Pentonville doing 5-10 for her attack on Ava and Aj.  Bad move, Michael, asking her to be AJ's nanny, my liking for you went down several notches.  Her license should be revoked and she should be doing time.

  • Love 5

Sonny is such a vile selfish a$$hole. I am so thrilled that Michael has won in this. I will never understand the Facebook people that think Sonny can do no wrong.


I think RP is improving. Nathan just seems much to smart for someone like Maxie. 


And it was very nice to see a body WITHOUT tattoos.

Edited by decogirl
  • Love 11

OK--somebody shoot me because I am firmly agreeing with KaKaKiKi. I don't want Sabrina anywhere near AJ, I think she should be in Pentonville doing 5-10 for her attack on Ava and Aj.  Bad move, Michael, asking her to be AJ's nanny, my liking for you went down several notches.  Her license should be revoked and she should be doing time.


I'm not a violent person, probably why I have little use for the mob crap, but your best bet at getting shot is standing next to somebody Shawn wants to kill.

  • Love 12

I blame Alice.

It actually was Alice. Micheal Quartermaine asked Kiki how the hell she got in, Kiki said I told Alice I had something for my sister. He replied "Well, AJ has everything she wants and needs." It was awesome.

Dude. I wish Frank would have just paid the extra 5 bucks an hour for KA. I can't deal with Squiggle Whine Voice Box Kiki. She makes me want to shake her or throw water at her. I don't buy this Kiki being able to think nor do anything. At least KA looked like she could take some people on.

Shut up Sonny and Duke. You're doing nothing.

  • Love 4

I'm not a violent person, probably why I have little use for the mob crap, but your best bet at getting shot is standing next to somebody Shawn wants to kill.

Kiki is a fucking hypocrite supporting Sonny who should be in Jail for the rest of his life. How much crime has he committed again? Until she's against Sonny Kiki can keep her damn mouth shut

  • Love 8

Liz's jealously is so sickening. Every single time she sees Jakeson talking to a woman who isn't her she has to turn on the bitch face. Jakeson simply asking Sam to help him get a job while stalker nurse stands in the background looking stank just emphasizes how pathetic she really is. One of the worst things about this whole thing is that she knows he's interested in her so all she has to do is put on her big girl panties, properly end things with Ric, and then tell Jakeson she's interested in him as well. I guess that would be too easy. I guess she only gets turned on when she's lying and playing games and letting multiple men get into a pissing contest over her. She's so gross.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 8

It actually was Alice. Micheal Quartermaine asked Kiki how the hell she got in, Kiki said I told Alice I had something for my sister. He replied "Well, AJ has everything she wants and needs." It was awesome.

Dude. I wish Frank would have just paid the extra 5 bucks an hour for KA. I can't deal with Squiggle Whine Voice Box Kiki. She makes me want to shake her or throw water at her. I don't buy this Kiki being able to think nor do anything. At least KA looked like she could take some people on.

Shut up Sonny and Duke. You're doing nothing.

This Kiki is taller than KA and KA was not imitating in the least

So Kiki was ok with the murder Sonny who tried to kill her mother and who her mother was on the run from raising Avery, but Sabrina's a no-no that makes her want to fight for custody? Seriously? Good for Michael for calling her out and calling her a hypocrite.




What sucked, though, is that Michael didn't explicitly say, "I stopped Sonny from killing Ava, hours after Ava had been forced into labor and had the baby ripped from her arms. You think he should raise her?"

I now don't like that Michael won the first custody battle, because since there is going to be a second one, which tells me, in the end, Michael will lose. I wanted Michael to have baby AJ for as long as Sonny kept Michael from daddy AJ.

This baby is going to end up being Morgan's, anyhow. Ugh. 

  • Love 8


Her license should be revoked and she should be doing time.


In the real world, absolutely, 100% correct.  In the Port Charles world, in a town full of murderers walking around free, not to mention all the other people who have committed crimes of varying degrees, I just can't get that worked up about Sabrina being free.  She tried to undo it after she did it, she voluntarily confessed, she apologized to the victim and she got fired.  She suffered more reprecussions than most people in PC do.

  • Love 22

Liz's jealously is so sickening.  Jakeson simply asking Sam to help him get a job

Patrick, too. He was not happy to see Sam talking to Jake, then was cold to Sam when she approached him, and was like Oh, you want to have dinner with me? You don't have plans with Jake?  Such an ass. I'm usually a fan of the Liz and Patrick friendship, but today I just wanted to smack them both. 

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