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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Way back somebody posted Sonny, et al, going to prison and the show being set there.  That would add new meaning to "Orange is the New Black".  Wouldn't be able to tell where the jumpsuit ends and Sonny's face begins.


*I'll see myself out now*



ETA:  That would be movingtargetgal

Edited by OhioSongbird
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I was about to ask if that was a typo, and then realized that that's exactly how Kaka sees Michael, as her meal ticket. Which kind of serves him right.

It was a typo, my auto-correct hates "Mikey". Ha! But yeah, Kiki uses Michael as her personal wallet. Michael better kick her out of the brownstone and out of his life. I guess Franco won't receive any more cuff links any time soon.

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Yup, and the lack of reaction/panning over to Bobbie bugged me too. She is a legacy character; the mother and grandmother who has been one of her daughter's victims in the past.I had hoped to see some tears from her in reaction to her grandson's heartbreak, some desire to comfort him, some trace of anger that Carly hasn't changed over the years. Instead Bobbie's reaction was more like hmm, this is awkward that Carly got caught shoplifting. If anything, she seemed about to say sorry Carly that you got caught.


Jackie Zeman's face can't move from all the surgery.

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He was sitting there miming eating popcorn while Michael had tears running down his face.  Franco got some joy out of it.


And again, Franco didn't tell Michael out of the goodness of his heart o because he's some believer in honesty and truthiness or whatever.  He told because he wanted to hurt Carly and Sonny and hurting Michael was the best way to do it.  If Carly had remained faithful and in love with him, he would have taken that secret to hell.


He was getting joy out of hurting Carly not Michael. As I said Michael would have been hurt no matter how he found out it wasn't Franco who hurt him. As for goodness of his heart, Franco doesn't claim to be a "good" person where as several of the people who knew and didn't tell do. So not doing it out of the goodness of his heart seems moot to me as none of them did even though several seem to think they do have good hearts. RME

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Jackie Zeman's face can't move from all the surgery.

I am sorry I liked this, but it's true. JZ can give us a sour face (like the hilarious one she had when Scotty was walking Bobbie down the aisle) and she can give us a slightly open-mouthed-surprise face, but that's about it.

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Honestly the butchery of Bobbie's face took me out of the scene a few times. Her lips are so weird, I ended up wondering what kind of a hack surgeon did those and lord I hope they don't have their medical licence anymore. Bobbie is a legacy character but I can't watch her. I'm good with her being seen once a year unless they recast with an actress that can move her face to emote.


CD and LW were steller and (I the biggest Franco hater around) found RH really entertaining as well. Though these scenes just highlighted how horrible of an actress KA is. When she was shooting "disgusted" looks at Franco, I was howling with laughter. I have seen more convincing acting performances in a pre-school plays.

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Times like this are when I miss parents like Lee Baldwin.When scotty did something wrong he didn't care to tell him.He sure wasn't patted on the head for it lol.I think you can love and support your kids but call them out when there wrong.

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I also have to wonder if Sam is going to hear how Carly, despite all her "It was the tumor, get over it!" snarling in the past, tried to use what Franco did to Sam to wiggle out from under Michael's accusations.



Well she's still wearing the camera and since it records Franco could show Sam.

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As for goodness of his heart, Franco doesn't claim to be a "good" person where as several of the people who knew and didn't tell do.


He was up there bellowing how he wasn't a liar unlike Sonny and Carly, never mind that he was indeed all set to keep what he knew a secret until Carly betrayed him.


Bottom line for me, he's a fucking SERIAL KILLER.  As much as I enjoy Sonny and Carly getting called out, Franco casting moral judgments on others and being shoved to the center of this as some truth-telling hero is beyond stupid.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I am suddenly fearing the number of court scenes sure to come from all of this. I haven't liked a GH court fiasco in years, it seems as if we just left court, what with the custody battle and AJ's trial...oh god there'll be so many outbursts and bad acting on the horizon.


Hopefully, Judgy Wudgy will denied Nina custody, she'll go batshit crazy and take him out, thus solving many plotlines and giving Maxie her baby back.


I can't wait until Michael finds out that Ava killed Connie and AJ was innocent on top of Sonny killing him for no reason. Yesterday was such a glorious smackdown. Carly and Sonny deserve all the wrath because not one lie was spoken.

But but but but but AVA KILLED CONNIE! That makes everything right with the world! Sonny croaked out the words that Ava made him do it!

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Honestly the butchery of Bobbie's face took me out of the scene a few times. Her lips are so weird, I ended up wondering what kind of a hack surgeon did those and lord I hope they don't have their medical licence anymore. Bobbie is a legacy character but I can't watch her. I'm good with her being seen once a year unless they recast with an actress that can move her face to emote.


I can watch her in small stuff - the family scenes with Maxie, Joss, Carly, and Lucas were lovely - but I don't need, want, or expect her to do any heavy lifting.

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I am sorry I liked this, but it's true. JZ can give us a sour face (like the hilarious one she had when Scotty was walking Bobbie down the aisle) and she can give us a slightly open-mouthed-surprise face, but that's about it.

If she can look at Lucy with anger/disgust in her eyes - which she's done recently during this breakup with Kevin/pursuit of Scott crap - she can do the eye acting in these scenes too. Also, a tear or two while watching her grandson's life fall apart wouldn't require her face to really move. I blame that on both JZ (who should know better in this case) and the director, for making it clear that NotTodd!Franco is supposed to be the victim and that is a thousand times more important than two main characters' own mother/grandmother reacting to her family's pain. 

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So I'm going to miss the first however many minutes of GH because our beloved President feels the need to speak at 2:50 pm? Is there a reason he couldn't wait another hour and 10 minutes until the 4 pm news? I mean really, unless the country was attacked and Washington is burning (the latter actually might not be so terrible lol!), what could possibly be so terribly urgent???

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My Carly hate is so vast that I would enjoy whoever told the truth about her but come on Mike she was going to marry the man who got you raped. And your surprised that she is a vile and heartless.

Meanwhile her other son has probably made her a grandmother.

Which is probably just as bad as being cut off.

If only there was time to age Joslyn enough to sleep with Jason before he remembers who he is.

Any day Carly suffers is a good day

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You know Sasha and Malia brook no interruptions when they watch their stories.

The First Mother-in-law is reportedly a huge Days fan. During the next election, someone needs to ask the candidates where their soap loyalties are so I can vote accordingly.

Because really, forget the economy, ISIS, our deteriorating national infrastructure; what I really want to know is how the candidates feel about Victor Newman, Marlene Evans, and Sonny Corinthos.

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Good point. I almost added that I reserve the right to take back my 'deadtome' claim if the baby is Morgan's and he holds her and looks real cute while doing it, so I'm flexible. 

MWOP was so glorious- too bad it was short lived.


Picture this: Morgan, going MWOP with his Little Miss safely strapped to his chest in a snuggly. He can swing at people with the diaper bag for extra points! 


The best part is, the greasy little shit has no idea what's about to happen. He actually thinks that Sean took out Freakco and further has no idea that Heather has neutralized his henchmen.

Too bad Heather is (usually) hospitalized. She'd be a pretty good henchman. Sonny kinda blew it by pissing her off like he has, now he's stuck with Shawn and Max. 


Yup, and the lack of reaction/panning over to Bobbie bugged me too. She is a legacy character; the mother and grandmother who has been one of her daughter's victims in the past.I had hoped to see some tears from her in reaction to her grandson's heartbreak, some desire to comfort him, some trace of anger that Carly hasn't changed over the years.

She's been kissing Carly's ass for a decade at least, so I don't think we'll get much out of Bobbie. 

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If Carly had remained faithful and in love with him, he would have taken that secret to hell.


I don't think so. Franco is too sick. These kind of games and this kind of pain are what mean the most to him in life. Sooner or later, he would have told or made up a reason to tell. He was highstrung about Sonny and Carly before they fucked. Which is another reason the real Carly would never have gone near him or told him any of this.

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It's not hurting Michael per se that Franco likes, it's how hurting Michael hurts Carly. You gotta break some eggs to make an omelette.

No, he thoroughly enjoys hurting Michael.  His condescending tone, "Michael, Michael, Michael," his "What do you think about your parents now?" (aka - don't you feel like a fool?).  His imitation of eating popcorn as Michael's world implodes.  He LOVES watching the hurt.  He revels in it.  Why do you think Scotty had to walk over and tell Franco to STFU.  Even Kiki, Franco's biggest cheerleader, had to tell him enough was enough.  


Franco's target was Carly, yes, but in order to hurt her, he had to hurt Michael.  Doesn't this sound familiar?  Remember the rape?  I guess that was an egg too?  Franco wanted to hurt Jason as much as he could, and so he got Michael raped, and the gloating and glee that Franco showed after the rape is the same gloating and gleeful expression I saw on his face yesterday.  He is a sociopath.

Edited by Bishop
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I wanted to say, I thought for a while that the whole AJ-reveal was depending on Fluke to come back, find out the secret, and put Sonny in prison for it. Now that it's obvious the AJ storyline doesn't depend on Fluke, I honestly don't care about it being resolved. If Luke magically came back and we never saw or heard from Fluke again, I would be fine with that.

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No, he thoroughly enjoys hurting Michael.  His condescending tone, "Michael, Michael, Michael," his "What do you think about your parents now?" (aka - don't you feel like a fool?).  His imitation of eating popcorn as Michael's world implodes.  He LOVES watching the hurt.  He revels in it.  Why do you think Scotty had to walk over and tell Franco to STFU.  Even Kiki, Franco's biggest cheerleader, had to tell him enough was enough.  


Maybe I'm just vicious, or maybe I hate Mikey just that much, but for all the talk of how dumb Morgan is for falling all over himself to get approval/love/the time of day from Sonny, this isn't really that much different to me. Michael being shocked (shocked, I tell you!) that Scummy murdered AJ either means that he is the most naive or the dumbest being on this planet. Does he not remember having to extract a promise from the stutterbarking greaseball that AJ wouldn't be hurt? Does he have no idea of who his mother actually is that she would cover up the lie to protect Sonny's worthless ass? He has to know about on some level the trail of destruction these two sociopaths have left in their wake, not just of his own father but of Joss' as well. Him being angry I get, and I long for him to go full-on scorched earth against both Carly and Sonny because of it, but why on earth is he surprised?

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Michael may well be an idiot but I think that he was shocked that Sonny broke his promise to him not to hurt AJ. He was raised to believe that Sonny had a code of honor and wouldn't betray his word.

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If these characters didn't have to act "shocked" or "surprised" about the shitty shit their family and friends do then they'd literally have nothing else to do 99.7% of the time.

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Maybe I'm just vicious, or maybe I hate Mikey just that much, but for all the talk of how dumb Morgan is for falling all over himself to get approval/love/the time of day from Sonny, this isn't really that much different to me. Michael being shocked (shocked, I tell you!) that Scummy murdered AJ either means that he is the most naive or the dumbest being on this planet. Does he not remember having to extract a promise from the stutterbarking greaseball that AJ wouldn't be hurt? Does he have no idea of who his mother actually is that she would cover up the lie to protect Sonny's worthless ass? He has to know about on some level the trail of destruction these two sociopaths have left in their wake, not just of his own father but of Joss' as well. Him being angry I get, and I long for him to go full-on scorched earth against both Carly and Sonny because of it, but why on earth is he surprised?

No child expects their parents to utterly use, manipulate and disrespect them to the degree that Carly and Sonny did.  Sonny had sex in AJ's crypt which is the same as pissing on his grave, he and Carly had sex in Michael's apartment while discussing how they conspired to cover up the murder, Carly lied to Michael about AJ's last words, and Sonny lied in general.  Michael is not an idiot for believing that his parents loved and respected him.  He's just finding out now that they only really care about themselves.  


Regardless, Franco is not the good guy for exposing the truth.  He simply wanted to hurt Carly and Michael - and Sonny.  That was his goal because his poor feewings got hurt.  He was perfectly content to keep the lie as long as HE wasn't being lied to.  I don't care what he did to Carly and Sonny, but considering he got Michael raped and pretty much just got him raped emotionally all over again, he's a parasite.

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Michael loves the people who raised him. He was raised to believe they were fundamentally decent and that he could trust their word. That's something that takes a lot to break.


Morgan is just a needy kid caught between two homes and a lot of dysfunction. His whole "I'm with the Jeromes now!" thing was just an adolescent rebellion and so is everything else he does - I never took any of that seriously. He had a lot of big talk but the minute Julian Jerome put a gun in his hand he looked at it like it was a giant spiked dick. He doesn't know what he wants so he still hews to the thing he thinks he needs, which is a full acceptance from his father, in the hopes of putting his whole divided self right. They were both sheltered and lied to but I think their reasons for anger and betrayal are very different.


Also, I feel for you, Obama, but if you really are planning to cut into the beginning of my show today we are going to have words.

Edited by jsbt
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You'd think Franco being the one to tell would be a good thing b/c yes he did call a spade a spade to Michael. It wasn't pretty but I don't think his goal was to hurt Michael it was to destroy Carly. If any of those other ya-hoos had been the one to have to tell Michael the truth they would have "sugar coated" and in the end Michael probably would have apologized to Sonny and Carly b/c AJ dared to be his father. Just like Morgan ended up telling Sonny sorry for helping Ava. RME.


What Franco did was open Michael's eyes wide and Carly fell into the the trap by continuing to lie when the proof was staring in Michael's face. The only way to truely turn Michael on his parents was for him to see the bald truth as only Franco could deliver. Having to disown his parents is what hurt Michael and they did that to themselves Franco didn't do it.

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Too bad Heather is (usually) hospitalized. She'd be a pretty good henchman.


She'd automatically be the best shooter of the bunch. At least she hits what she aims at.


Michael may well be an idiot but I think that he was shocked that Sonny broke his promise to him not to hurt AJ. He was raised to believe that Sonny had a code of honor and wouldn't betray his word.


This, and when Sonny did break his word, he was always able to blame someone else. This is the first time Michael has been directly affected by Sonny breaking his word, I think. Or at least the first time it's been something this meaningful to Michael. I also think Michael has always been somewhat naive about Sonny's true nature. Sonny and Carly have been able to shield/hide Sonny's shittiness from Michael for the most part.

Edited by dubbel zout
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jsbt, great points about Morgan.  He does fly all over the place, because he's never really had a "place" and is trying to find one.  He wants to love Sonny and for Sonny to love him, and so he so quickly forgives and goes back any time he gets an opening.  It's sad, but it makes sense given his age and his history.  He needs Jax.  We all need Jax. 

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I forgot to say how much I'm enjoying Healther's PC tour. She reminds me of a female version of Reddington from Blacklist. She don't care she'll shoot anyone.heh!

Edited by Cattitude
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Shut up, Bobbie.  Her begging Scotty not to turn in the tape because it would implicate Carly was beyond.  She's implicated, Bobbie, because your darling daughter WAS AN ACCESSORY AFTER THE FACT TO A MURDER.

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That laugh about it not being over is the first time NotTodd!Franco has somewhat resembled real (James) Franco. Bobbie is happy that her daughter is free of Franco?! And then the rest, Ugh!! She can disappear now, thanks. 


Can't guarantee he won't put himself out there for Sonny? .... "Are you sure you have to kill her?" Good Lord Morgan is a moron/loser.


First locking up Shawn, now directing her crazy at Carly....hmm, two incidents of me liking Heather. Sooo weird.


That Dante-Michael exchange was great; really good acting by CD. I assume this is groundwork for Dante being Michael's advocate in the near future. 


Good Julexis moment(s), but jjeeebbbuusss could Silas have been anymore subdued about Danny's good test results? Nice to see Sam smile.


P.S. to MrsOldManBalls: Today's show demonstrates how right you are about Bobbie.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Blah blah blah Carly shut the fuck up. You and Sonny did this to Michael. And gross admitting she was with Franco because she saw Jason. Though not surprising her obsession with Jason was always pathetic.


Also Bobbi shut up. You are just as annoying as your daughter.


Please Heather kill Carly. I will love you forever. Too bad she didnt kill Kiki on the docks.


Julian seems like a very opportunist person. Looks like he is using Danny to get Alexis back. Saying he would do it for Alexis. etc.

Edited by backhometome
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Press conference didn't start until 2:55 here, but I'm guessing I missed the last couple of minutes.  Annoying.  I hope those minutes didn't render my thoughts below irrelevant!


Heather in her scrubs practicing her "shooting stance" on the docks was more comedy gold for me.  I especially liked it because I think the writers *meant* for it to be funny, instead of the unintentional comedy they so often serve up.


I agree that Franco's glee was more at making Michael hate Carly, and Carly's suffering, than at Michael's pain.  I don't think he especially enjoyed hurting Michael, but he didn't care one way or the other; Michael is just a tool to Franco, and the only feeling of Michael's he has any interest in is anger, directed at Sonny and Carly. 

I could have done without the Franco/ Carly/ Bobbie follow-up scene, especially the Jason talk.  Give us more RageMichael, please.  I want a couple of entire episodes of nothing but Michael rampaging and angry truth-telling all over town. Loved loved loved Michael flashing back to all the times Sonny lied to him and betrayed him, letting it fuel his anger. 


Also could have done without the Sam/ Silas/ baby-cancer stuff, at least for today.  Why not just let the focus be on Michael, him yelling at Kiki, him storming in to the hospital to confront Sonny, him telling Dante *everything* so Dante can go arrest Sonny?  For a couple of days, at least - this news is a major life-changing event in Michael's life, and he was on for, what, 6 minutes of the show (note: I'm just guessing, I didn't time it or anything)?  And we all know Michael isn't going to shoot Sonny, so why bother setting that up?  Don't screw this up now, show!


From the transcript Ulkis posted:

Michael's had a lifetime of damage.


That pretty much sums it up.


Scotty, you pick up that phone and call Dante right this second.  Bobbie, shut the hell up.


And now the idea of Obama timing his press conferences according to Sasha and Malia's story-watching is in my head, and I love it.

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Well...today happened.


Of course Mags hired Ava to seduce Silas, because Ron is never done pulling things straight out of his ass.


Finally Scott's putting on his D.A. cap, stop it Bobbie the man has a job to do so don't interfere.


Dante, you're certainly not the dumbest guy on canvas but seriously did Michael's "Mykill" face not register at all? I guess Chad has been watching some of the red headed stepchild's clips of old, the dead eyes are almost spot on.


It'd be nice if Julian had a set purpose, what a concept.


Kikaka racing around PC would have been far better if she'd gotten run over by a bus. Or if Heather had just picked her off, come on Heather there's so many more people to shoot in this town.


Carly and the SERIAL KILLER's scenes were as terrible as any they've ever had. Did she actually say she wanted Franco in her life because he reminded her of Jason...? He was the man's mortal, mentally unhinged enemy you fruitcake! And not even related to him and you knew that pretty damn early on into the relationship. Oh the stupid...how it burns...

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I'm far from being a Franco fan, but I've practiced suspension of disbelief enough through the years (especially with this show) to accept the tumor excuse. While I'll accept that fact that he's the tumor was the real serial killer, Franco is still capable of violence. At this point I don't think Franco gives two flying pigs about Michael. He's just a means to an end, with the end being to hurt Sonny and Carly. Yes, hearing the truth may initially hurt Michael. But the truth needed to come out. Sonny and Carly are the cheating, murderous, liars in this case. Franco may have enjoyed the drama of the reveal (as did I!), but Michael needed to hear the truth about his parents. Hopefully, this will be a game-changer, and Michael will be done with those two for good. (I want a pony, too.)

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Of course Mags hired Ava to seduce Silas, because Ron is never done pulling things straight out of his ass.


Right, that little nugget, which I assume is just another brick on the road to Kiki being revealed as Nina's coma!baby (NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!).

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Right, that little nugget, which I assume is just another brick on the road to Kiki being revealed as Nina's coma!baby (NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!).





There's so much happening on this show which makes me want to drink heavily. I will say I'll take Michelle's wide eyed look of bat shit crazy over all the line repeating and manic jazz handing. Or maybe I just prefer her standing still and not saying much.


Also has this makeup crew never heard of water proof mascara? Maura is going to go blind ffs.

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I don't think so. Franco is too sick. These kind of games and this kind of pain are what mean the most to him in life. Sooner or later, he would have told or made up a reason to tell. He was highstrung about Sonny and Carly before they fucked. Which is another reason the real Carly would never have gone near him or told him any of this.


Had Carly not cheated, I think he would have tried to find a way to keep her part of the secret, but he totally would have blown Sonny's secret to hell at some point. The main difference I can see is that he probably would have tried to do it in such a way that his hands remained clean, so Carly wouldn't get mad at him.  


There's so much happening on this show which makes me want to drink heavily. I will say I'll take Michelle's wide eyed look of bat shit crazy over all the line repeating and manic jazz handing. Or maybe I just prefer her standing still and not saying much.



Has she ever done such a thing?  I'm certain she doesn't know how. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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I hope Scott tells Bobbie to SFU and take a seat.  He needs to remind her of everything Sonny did to his daughter Karen.  Taking a vulnerable teenager who had been sexually abused getting her addicted to drugs, molesting her, and manipulated her into becoming a stripper in his club.  Scott also needs to remind Bobbie about Carly destroying her marriage to Tony and all the pain she caused Bobbie's family.  Carly has committed many crimes in Port Charles and it is time she pay the price. 

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I loved my other sonnyspawn today, aka Dante. Surprise surprise, I know. But I was glad he told Michael right out they were investigating Sonny. And despite Dante's reassurance that it might not be true they both obviously they thought it was. (Well, of course, Michael already knows for sure.) While I don't love it that Morgan has dropped his anger at Sonny like a hot potato, like I said the other day, at least it makes sense for him - he's young, he's vulnerable, he's needy for his parents' love. Dante's a man, one who had nothing but a mild friendship with Sonny before Sonny shot him in the friggin chest. It made no sense whatsoever, it never has, for Dante to cuddle up to Sonny after that.


Plus I liked how compassionate he sounded about Michael getting justice for AJ - I didn't like AJ, thought SK was a mediocre actor, but Dante's strong dislike of him never made any sense. He should have empathized with Michael wanting to get to know him, even if he wouldn't necessarily outright encourage him.


Back to Morgan, him kissing Sonny's ass is tragic, but it makes sense for the character. It'll only work for me though if they show that Sonny clearly doesn't care really if Morgan loves him now that Michael is quite lost to Sonny for the foreseeable future, so I have to wait to see how it plays out. If they show a Morgan who is willing to take whatever scraps Sonny gives out, I think that would be kinda fascinating to watch, if sad for Morgan. Kind of a la Carly and Jason now that I think about it.


It's pretty rich of Scott to want to shove Sonny's guilt in Dante's face when he let his serial killer son waltz off the boat. That said, I don't hold it against Scott because much like Sonny and Dante, it makes no sense for Scott to give a shit about Franco. Plus, I love Kin Shriner a whole lot.


Ugh, Carly was way too calm on the boat. There should have been quivering rage. It started to get a bit better when she started talking about Jason, but still. This was the time to start chewing the scenery.


Ugh, Kristen Alderson's panting on the docks. Heather is a big failboat for not at least knocking her out.


On a shallow note, wish they chose another wedding dress for Carly so I didn't have to watch her in that princess get-up for days.



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You'd think Franco being the one to tell would be a good thing b/c yes he did call a spade a spade to Michael. It wasn't pretty but I don't think his goal was to hurt Michael it was to destroy Carly. If any of those other ya-hoos had been the one to have to tell Michael the truth they would have "sugar coated" and in the end Michael probably would have apologized to Sonny and Carly b/c AJ dared to be his father. Just like Morgan ended up telling Sonny sorry for helping Ava. RME.


What Franco did was open Michael's eyes wide and Carly fell into the the trap by continuing to lie when the proof was staring in Michael's face. The only way to truely turn Michael on his parents was for him to see the bald truth as only Franco could deliver. Having to disown his parents is what hurt Michael and they did that to themselves Franco didn't do it.

Franco just admitted to Carly that his goal was to also hurt Michael.  Yeah, his target was ultimately Carly, but he also was there to hurt Michael so that in turn, it would hurt Carly.  Like I said, it's just like the rape.

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Dante, you're certainly not the dumbest guy on canvas but seriously did Michael's "Mykill" face not register at all? I guess Chad has been watching some of the red headed stepchild's clips of old, the dead eyes are almost spot on.


I think it did. He asked what was wrong and was looking at Michael


Press conference didn't start until 2:55 here, but I'm guessing I missed the last couple of minutes.  Annoying.  I hope those minutes didn't render my thoughts below irrelevant!


Heather in her scrubs practicing her "shooting stance" on the docks was more comedy gold for me.  I especially liked it because I think the writers *meant* for it to be funny, instead of the unintentional comedy they so often serve up.


I agree that Franco's glee was more at making Michael hate Carly, and Carly's suffering, than at Michael's pain.  I don't think he especially enjoyed hurting Michael, but he didn't care one way or the other; Michael is just a tool to Franco, and the only feeling of Michael's he has any interest in is anger, directed at Sonny and Carly. 

I could have done without the Franco/ Carly/ Bobbie follow-up scene, especially the Jason talk.  Give us more RageMichael, please.  I want a couple of entire episodes of nothing but Michael rampaging and angry truth-telling all over town. Loved loved loved Michael flashing back to all the times Sonny lied to him and betrayed him, letting it fuel his anger. 


Also could have done without the Sam/ Silas/ baby-cancer stuff, at least for today.  Why not just let the focus be on Michael, him yelling at Kiki, him storming in to the hospital to confront Sonny, him telling Dante *everything* so Dante can go arrest Sonny?  For a couple of days, at least - this news is a major life-changing event in Michael's life, and he was on for, what, 6 minutes of the show (note: I'm just guessing, I didn't time it or anything)?  And we all know Michael isn't going to shoot Sonny, so why bother setting that up?  Don't screw this up now, show!


I certainly think Michael is capable of shooting him in the groin or something, even if he's not gonna shoot Sonny deadskis. :(:(:(:(

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