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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I was disappointed in the CVE/Shelly (Chelly?) team here, because they had an opportunity to buck a trend in an interesting way.

Looks like they doubled down.  Now, Jason is involved in just about every plot and in the near future will be saving the feeble womenfolk of Port Charles - Carly, Anna, and Maxie.

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Nelle could have played this so much better if she just said that she tripped and fell.  That could be believable, and she still could have said there was no blanket, thus making Carly seem unhinged.  But by outright accusing her of pushing her, her entire story and little plot falls apart.

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On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 6:03 PM, MarciNJ said:

coming out of lurker mode to comment on Kim McC's hideous dress, but I see that has been well covered

The worst thing about the dress was not the material or the style or that KMc has gained weight, it was that the dress made her waddle. which is pretty bad considering the pregnant lady wasn't even waddling! So it was very bad on the costume department.

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meant to ask, above, WTF was the point of the llama?  Did someone lose a bet?  Will we see it again tomorrow?  What a waste of air time, that could be given to RF!S....

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Robert must have had a great airplane ✈️ ride. He was able to escape a jail cell and still make it time for Valentine to just finish his song. Very impressive.

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IMO the bad thing about KMc's dress was its short cap sleeves; they are not flattering on most people;  I was cringing for her because I would never wear short sleeves; I avoid them like the plague; its either sleeveless or 3/4 or long but short sleeves, especially on a gown, always seem to hit at the worst part of the arm.

Poor Kim; I really felt for her...

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2 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I liked the song that Valentin sang to Nina. Was humming it all day.

I loved it, too!  I have been searching for other versions of it because I hadn't heard it before.  I found it by The Magnetic Fields and also by Peter Gabriel and I have to say, I like James Patrick Stuart's version the best by far. 

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13 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

meant to ask, above, WTF was the point of the llama?  Did someone lose a bet?  Will we see it again tomorrow?  What a waste of air time, that could be given to RF!S....

Who/what do you think got RF!S out of his jail cell?

Yes, yes, Sonny, it's so hard being in the same room as Ava, breathing the same air, watching her eat crackers like she owns the Nurses' Ball.....

On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 6:03 PM, MarciNJ said:

Olay "commercial" wasn't too bad -

Olay commercial was the best bit of dialogue in the past few weeks, because it never mentioned Franco AND it had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Sonny/Carly, plus, "Commercial" was never used to denote Ava's complicity in Morgan's death.

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On ‎5‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 4:15 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Why Anna would want Dr. Michael Easton when Cassadine-decking Robert is right there is beyond me.

AaaaannnnnnnnnnndSonnyandJasondefeatValentinin..... Wait?!? Someone else is allowed to instantly defeat an uber-baddie?!? And it's Robert Fucking! Scorpio?? STOP THE PRESSES!!

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I just want a huuuuuuuuge hug between Robert and Robin, on the level of 2012 GH: Scorpios Intrigue Edition. After Robert wipes the floor with Valentin, of course.

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, I'm sure it will be Jason who ultimately prevails, but I'm going to enjoy RF!S's victory while it lasts.

Same here. Hey, if we've had to accept the wormholes where Mooby and the rest of the other characters can travel between Port Charles and wherever, I have NO PROBLEM with Robert!FUCKING!Scorpio! arriving in time to cold cock Weaselly Valentin.

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Valentine is singing again?  His voice is fine, but no. Please stop. There is no way in hell that Mikkos would've disinherited Stavros in favor of a stuttering, hunchbacked lounge-singer stalker. He might've disinherited Stavros in favor of the man that terrified Helena, but not this loser.

I would uncomplainingly tolerate another 3 years of FV if Guza was allowed to write for Franco, Nina and "Valentin" for one day.

Edited by Oracle42
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16 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I just want a huuuuuuuuge hug between Robert and Robin, on the level of 2012 GH: Scorpios Intrigue Edition. After Robert wipes the floor with Valentin, of course.

I'm looking forward to that too, I don't have think their visits have overlapped in quite a while now.

I do hope Robin flees town before LWB/FS is exposed, I don't want to see any "heartwarming" sibling moments, yuck.

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13 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I do hope Robin flees town before LWB/FS is exposed, I don't want to see any "heartwarming" sibling moments, yuck.

Ditto. Because knowing Robin as we do, she totally will. BLECH.

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I'm just hoping we are spared from Nina screeching about Robert punching Valentine and how he, like everyone else is wrong about her precious hubby. At least she apparently won't be present for the birth of Maxie's baby.  I can only imagine how annoying she would be there.

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57 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I do hope Robin flees town before LWB/FS is exposed, I don't want to see any "heartwarming" sibling moments, yuck.

Even if she does, they'll probably shares scenes eventually given KMc visits often. Their introduction was brief, but they had nice chemistry together. Can't wait to see more scenes between them.

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Shut the fuck up, Bobbie.  You stan for your bitch daughter and her murdering mobster husband, Scotty can clap for whoever he wants to.

And our first Baby Swap 2018 contestant is a boy!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Maybe I missed it but why wasn't the baby in Maxie's room with her?  

I liked Ava's number even though everybody else seemed scandalized by it.  

Max Gail is seriously giving master classes in acting here.  There are a ton of people who need to pay attention to that man.  

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10 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Maybe I missed it but why wasn't the baby in Maxie's room with her?  

Not sure if anyone said it, but I assume because the baby's slightly premature so he's in the NICU?

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10 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Max Gail is seriously giving master classes in acting here.  There are a ton of people who need to pay attention to that man.  

His performance has been very touching and I felt myself tear up when he forgot his lines.

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It was incredibly hard watching Mike falter in confusion during his performance, the actor did a great job there. Sonny's surprisingly gracious response was really nicely done. I'm even going to give Sonny props for not taking Ava's bait after her big "fuck all y'all" number. Mark this date, I'll probably never be so complimentary of Sonny again.

Maxie's super speedy delivery was naturally timed perfectly for Peter's rendezvous with Anna. The Peter/Maxie stuff is BY FAR more enjoyable than Henrik having mommy issues and an axe to grind. It'd be nice if now that the truth's emerging we could consolidate and reconcile the sort of split personalities of Peter/Henrik, because I don't think the warmth we see from Peter towards Maxie matches up with the cold-hearted persona of Henrik.

So did Liz and Franco fall off the face of the planet after the red carpet or what? I guess they weren't needed since they're not involved with Henrik/Anna or Mike/Sonny or any of the other threads woven throughout the Nurses' Ball, but it's kind of a glaring absence to omit Liz from the nurses' performances.

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Was that really MW singing? Sounded odd.




Good grief.

Max Gail. 

Max F! Gail!

MB on stage singing with him was really cool.

This has been some good Show lately.

Edited by seasons
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Robert led Valentin off in handcuffs.  After beating him up.  cheers

"Dad, are you okay?  You look terrible." "I'm good, love, I'll fill you in later."  Robert F! Scorpio for the win!  Can we have more of the Scorpios please?  As Scorpios, not as Sad Sack Anna.

Max Gail is just killing it in the role.   Nice of the show to play for a full band for his song, to highlight the difference between what's in his head and what's real.

Can someone explain to me why Ava needs Sonny's permission to do the song she wants to do? Olay was the ball's sponsor*, not Sonny.  How did the dancers learn the moves with zero rehearsal?

Every time the show went to Jason/Sam/Spinelli my blood pressure went up.  STFU Jason.  You know you would cut Anna out in a second if it benefited you . Also I hate  Bobbi sooooo much now. this is what the show has brought me to.

I like the Henrik/Maxie scenes. Maxie yelling at Peter was hysterical. I hope they don't turn her into a one note when she finds out who he is.

* How is this a ball?  There is no dancing among the sponsors. Every charity ball  I've ever heard of was focussed around the dancing because Ball. It's more like an amateur cabaret.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

What happened with Robert???

Robert handcuffed Valentin on stage.  Dante was all, "the hell?".  Robert said he was under the authority of the WSB and led Valentin out to the lobby where he parked his butt in a chair and demanded answers.  Valentin said Anna's falling into a trap.  Robin came out to check on Robert, he asked where Anna was, she said Mom got a text and headed out.  Valentin admitted to Robert that he knew who Henrik was as Nina overhears and gets pissed at Valentin.  Nina asks if Nathan would be alive if Val had told everyone who Henrik was, but he says no.  He does not tell her that Peter is Henrik.  

Robert drags Valentin away in handcuffs.  

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Robert led Valentin off in handcuffs.  After beating him up.  cheers

"Dad, are you okay?  You look terrible." "I'm good, love, I'll fill you in later."  Robert F! Scorpio for the win!  Can we have more of the Scorpios

Thanks for this! And totes agree with this!

2 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Robert drags Valentin away in handcuffs.  

? ? ? ? to my Ears!!!!

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In other news, these scenes of Dr. Bensch perving on Kiki and her crying by herself or on Griffin's shoulder are getting very repetitive.  Either move this story into a different gear or stop it already.

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Just now, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, these scenes of Dr. Bensch perving on Kiki and her crying by herself or on Griffin's shoulder are getting very repetitive.  Either move this story into a different gear or stop it already.

That scene was so weird.  I get that the plot point was to have Ava witness another tender moment between Griffin and Kiki but what the hell?  Griffin knows Bensch is being a letch, he witnessed at the hospital once even though Kiki downplayed it at the time.  This time he finds Letch in her room while she's half naked and doesn't question the "I got lost on my way to the men's room" excuse.  Then Ava, doesn't question why her daughter is crying, to the point where Griffin is consoling her.  Oy

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I like the slow-moving of the Bensch stuff because it's realistic.  I hate them using it for Ava's insecurities though.

I also dislike Lucy publicly crapping on Ava ('the less you know about her the better') while introducing Ava who has agreed to perform at her ball.

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I like the slow-moving of the Bensch stuff because it's realistic.  I hate them using it for Ava's insecurities though.

But that's all the story seems to be now, the Griffin/Ava part.

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I echo the kudos to Max Gail above. That was heartbreaking.

If Maxie's baby dies or is involved in some zany switcheroo, I'm going to be quite angry, Show.

I guess we're never finding out what was up with Random Llama.

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

How did the dancers learn the moves with zero rehearsal?

LOL. That's nearly every act. Sometimes we get a completely different song from what was planned, but somehow the musicians and any backup singers/dancer know just how to support it.

1 minute ago, Mnemosyne said:

If Maxie's baby dies or is involved in some zany switcheroo, I'm going to be quite angry, Show.

It's a boy, so that isn't as likely as if Maxie had had a girl child. The tock is likely

the mother of the Who's? baby, leading Nelle to steal Maxie's son to give to them. Or something along those lines. I can't see the show tocking Sonny's precious son's baby boy.

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32 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Robert led Valentin off in handcuffs.  After beating him up.  cheers

"Dad, are you okay?  You look terrible." "I'm good, love, I'll fill you in later."  Robert F! Scorpio for the win!  Can we have more of the Scorpios please?  As Scorpios, not as Sad Sack Anna.

Max Gail is just killing it in the role.   Nice of the show to play for a full band for his song, to highlight the difference between what's in his head and what's real.

Can someone explain to me why Ava needs Sonny's permission to do the song she wants to do? Olay was the ball's sponsor*, not Sonny.  How did the dancers learn the moves with zero rehearsal?

Every time the show went to Jason/Sam/Spinelli my blood pressure went up.  STFU Jason.  You know you would cut Anna out in a second if it benefited you . Also I hate  Bobbi sooooo much now. this is what the show has brought me to.

I like the Henrik/Maxie scenes. Maxie yelling at Peter was hysterical. I hope they don't turn her into a one note when she finds out who he is.

* How is this a ball?  There is no dancing among the sponsors. Every charity ball  I've ever heard of was focussed around the dancing because Ball. It's more like an amateur cabaret.

I wonder if they are going to have the baby get seriously ill because he wa born so early in a field and Peter is going to save him with a blood transfusion or some other thing only he can provide as a familial match. Then Maxie will have the conflict of blaming him for Nathan and being grateful to him for Nathan Junior (come on, we all know the baby will be banned Nathan).

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26 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I also dislike Lucy publicly crapping on Ava ('the less you know about her the better') while introducing Ava who has agreed to perform at her ball.

Such bullshit.  As if Lucy's resume is squeaky clean.  Not to mention she fawns all over the likes of Sonny, so she can fuck right off with her judgments.

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First time ever I have liked MB, Max Gail is the best if he can do that!!!!   

sorry no spoilers below, I just don't know how to delete the spoiler bar




Edited by Blackie
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44 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I wonder if they are going to have the baby get seriously ill because he wa born so early in a field and Peter is going to save him with a blood transfusion or some other thing only he can provide as a familial match. Then Maxie will have the conflict of blaming him for Nathan and being grateful to him for Nathan Junior (come on, we all know the baby will be banned Nathan).

That would be nice and soapy.  I'd prefer that to a baby switcheroo.  It would also continue the "Is Henrik good or bad?" theme.

Maybe they will name him Nathan James  Mac and Nina can continue with calling him "J". (blech)

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That doesn't stop me. Sonny and Carly are complete assholes, and the only reason they refuse to kill them is because they're long time characters. I have nothing against MB or LW, I just honest to God, hate their characters and always have since I started watching in 2005.

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5 minutes ago, LillyB said:

I have to restrain myself from saying anything nasty about Sonny because he was so good to Mike.

One small moment of humanity and kindness doesn't erase decades of Sonny's shitty behavior for me.

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Now that Valentin has done ballads by Billy Joel and Peter Gabriel, I wonder what he has in store for the 2019 Nurses' Ball, if he's still around. Michael Bolton? Phil Collins? Sting? I'm picturing a lonely hunchback watching VH1 in the late '80s and early '90s.  memorizing lyrics, dreaming up little music-video scenarios with himself and Anna.  

As much as I rag on it, I guess the NB isn't as bad as it could be. The musical talent is usually...passable. Very few of the performers could get by as singers (the long-gone Ricky Martin did, obviously) but most of them can carry a tune well enough for something in which singing is a small part of the package. So, they're actors, in other words.  

Someone of GH past who really did sing well was Big Kristina, Jaime Ray Newman. It was her bad luck that her brief time on the show began just after the NB was put on ice for more than ten years.  

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So wait a minute now. Did I miss something through my fast forwarding?  Did Robin give her speech? Isn't that one of the most important parts of the Nurses Ball? WTF?

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I don't know if the use of "ball" for a non-dance gala goes way back or if the producers were just inspired by the famous Secret Policemen's Ball benefit shows in the U.K. But either way, GH is not being weird -- this time -- with using this term. I don't think even the early Nurse's Ball on GH were anything but variety shows. 

I was amused by Robert getting to Port Charles so fast, too. But come to think of it -- do we know for sure the cell was overseas? After all, Valentine himself came back in time for the ball. Maybe he just had Robert dumped somewhere in Wyndemere.  I guess RF!S will tell Robin or Anna when the dust settles.

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36 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

What was Ava's performance about exactly? I missed it.

She sang "You don't own me".  It was sort of an FU to Sonny.  I thought Maura did a great job and I'm one of the people who doesn't like the NB's singing since it feels unatural.  

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