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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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16 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Jimmy Lee Holt should have some kids out there, along with AJ and Ned.  We're supposed to believe that AJ and Ned don't have some missing kids from previous relationships.  Nope.  Emily should have taken a medical course in Europe and the role recast after a few years.

I agree.  And I hated NL as Emily.  There's no way a rock star business man and young alcoholic businessman didn't have a few flings here and there.  Also, Emily became a Dr too soon.  It's like you blink and she's a Dr on staff.  If I took more naps then, she'd have been CoS.  Also, still not believing Nik wouldn't raise Spencer thinking Emily was his mom.  

We're really supposed to believe that AJ only produced one kid, as did Med?  That's more unbelievable than Sonny having all the kids at age 75.  Or Edward having a zombie child.  (What is a half human/half zombie kid?)

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24 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Also, still not believing Nik wouldn't raise Spencer thinking Emily was his mom.  

Why? SWSNBN is dead anyway, so why not tell Spencer the truth? And given how many people know his parentage, it's highly unlikely he wouldn't find out eventually. The coverup is always worse than the crime.

Plus, Lesley and Laura are the main maternal figures in Spencer's life, not whomever Nik is banging at the moment.

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What the fuck was that Scrooged nonsense with Tracy! I'm livid. Her big send off scene was populated with Diane, Scotty, Sonny and Nathan?! She doesn't even know half those people! Far cry from TG's intervention or send off. I guess TG didn't feel like catching a flight. That disappoints me (unless he has a valid reason.) A lot of people showed up for him, where is the love and respect here. And the whole point was to turn her from a "bad" person into a "good" person who sees that turning over her $23 million painting to some annoying emo stranger with a Great Lash problem who's situation has not even been vetted yet is the right thing to do?! GAAH! I like to think they will still save it, but it seems FUBAR!!

I did enjoy the flashbacks, but for those of us with imperfect memories I would have appreciated more context. Most of the time I couldn't remember who she was talking to or what it was about. 

Edited by TVbitch
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JE's last air date is this coming Friday, May 5.

ETA: I forgot to mention that I had to laugh at Dillon's "Woo, Ned's the man!" reaction when Ned swooped in with the extended visa. I guess Dillon wasn't around for most of Ned's gatekeeping/CEO'ing? Because Ned is the man, and what he did isn't OOC for him at all. He basically called in a favor. (And the fact that it gave Lauren, of all people, the chance to be self-righteous is a point against that, IMO. Shut up, Lauren.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

There's no way a rock star business man and young alcoholic businessman didn't have a few flings here and there.  

I figured TPTB wanted Ned to only have kids within a legit relationship/marriage - not a ONS - since he's supposed to be the one respectable, in contrast to AJ and Jason. And now, same for Jason (so-called respectable since he's become a husband and devoted father).  I don't think of Jake as a ONS baby because Jason had dated Liz previously, and they had an on-again, off-again friendship and attraction over the years. I still consider Michael to be a ONS baby because there was no love or mutual respect between AJ and Carly, before or after Michael's conception. Carly has flat-out said she went looking for Jason that night, and AJ was basically just a substitute in the moment.

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Spencer was a baby when Emily died so it's not like he had a strong connection to her. And she wasn't his mother!  Nike lying that she was would've been crazy and made no sense.

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Jake is 100% a ONS baby. Jason/Liz were not together and they ultimately never got together romantically after the fact. Jason readily walked away from Jake and never looked back.  Jake is now about 10 and only now is Jason making a half hearted attempted at being a father to him. Most of the kids on the show are, unfortunately, ONS babies.

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4 hours ago, Vella said:

Jake is 100% a ONS baby. Jason/Liz were not together and they ultimately never got together romantically after the fact. Jason readily walked away from Jake and never looked back.  Jake is now about 10 and only now is Jason making a half hearted attempted at being a father to him. Most of the kids on the show are, unfortunately, ONS babies.

They were not in a public relationship, no - but they friends and dates before Jake, were intimate again when Jake was a baby and said "ILY", romantically, to each other. To me, a ONS baby is where there is at best a mutual brief attraction, but no love or even growing feelings from either party involved. Jason and Liz did decide they weren't going to have a long-term committed relationship, but I don't agree that Jason "readily walked way from Jake and never looked back." I'm no fan of SBu's Jason, but I know that's not what I saw in either SBu or Becky H.'s acting. I remember Liz snapping that at him after Luke ran over Jake, because Jason asked her to give Josslyn Jake's kidney when she hadn't even had time to let it sink in that Jake was declared brain dead.  So, I'll agree to disagree with you. :)

I do agree Jason is half-hearted now with Jake. I wonder does Jason really want to be an involved father to Jake, or does he mostly just want Franco to stay away from Jake forever.

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12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I wonder does Jason really want to be an involved father to Jake, or does he mostly just want Franco to stay away from Jake forever.

Both. I think if it were mostly about Franco, he'd be ragging on Elizabeth a lot more.

Edited by dubbel zout
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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 5:59 PM, Ambrosefolly said:

I don't even think recasting is even necessary, especially for Brooklyn.

Always a pet peeve of mine, but it's "Brook Lynn."  Not "Brooklyn."

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Why? SWSNBN is dead anyway, so why not tell Spencer the truth? And given how many people know his parentage, it's highly unlikely he wouldn't find out eventually. The coverup is always worse than the crime.

Plus, Lesley and Laura are the main maternal figures in Spencer's life, not whomever Nik is banging at the moment.

Because there was a weird period where he was very depressed over her death.  And SWSNBN is well... Sonny' s sister.  Ick.  We could have had a better story:(  Also, nik stealing ELQ would have been way soapier. And Sonny would have no nephew.  One less child Corinthos.  At least in actions/name.  Till Sonny revealed all to Spencer.  

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23 hours ago, In2You said:

But why create other kids when you have viable ones already created? You still have to cast a new actor anyway. No need to create long lost children. Maya is doctor which this show definitely needs. Brooklyn has history with Dillon, Lulu, Dante, and Maxie.


I wasn't saying not to use Maya or Brook Lynne, I was saying the actresses weren't terrible, especially Adrianne Leon and beyond that from that they can give Edward descendants vie the children he already has.

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

They were not in a public relationship, no - but they friends and dates before Jake, were intimate again when Jake was a baby and said "ILY", romantically, to each other. To me, a ONS baby is where there is at best a mutual brief attraction, but no love or even growing feelings from either party involved. Jason and Liz did decide they weren't going to have a long-term committed relationship, but I don't agree that Jason "readily walked way from Jake and never looked back."

Sonny and Alexis were long time friends and were mutually attracted to each other, but Kristina's a ONS baby.   Liz/Jason had been apart for years by the time she clambered up those 17 flights and ultimately their private whatever died with a whimper  and that was it, after Jason decided he'd rather kill people for a living than be a father to a kid he didn't have to steal. They were both reeling from their own relationships blowing up, they were not committed to each other or vowing to make a life together. Liz had just caught Lucky with Maxie. Jason saw Sam/Ric together.  Extraordinary circumstances led to that out of the blue hookup. Which unfortunately led to Jake. Classic call sign of a ONS baby.

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1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I wasn't saying not to use Maya or Brook Lynne, I was saying the actresses weren't terrible, especially Adrianne Leon and beyond that from that they can give Edward descendants vie the children he already has.

I don't think Adrianna is in the business any more. She was on social media for awhile and she had a family and got really quiet  and stopped posting. And Annie has had some success since she left GH for primetime. She was recently on Empire and she's in that new Tupac biopic. 

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You know, Show, the treatment of Jax's situation and Samira's situation by ICE is one thing, but if you're going to give us an afterlife where Sonny judges you because he's a saint, the proper protocol is to ask someone to hold your beer.

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On 4/28/2017 at 0:32 PM, ulkis said:

Those things happened because of a stroke of a pen, though, and not from anything sensibly progressing from the characterization or the plot.

You know, I'm not so sure about Sonny anymore. I think Carly thrives on it. I think Sonny thrives on his own crap - but within the relationship? I think he doesn't want to lie or get into fights anymore. I think he just wants Carly to shut up and accept him (which, at this point when it comes to his relationship with Carly, honestly, is not unreasonable of Sonny), which is why he lied about Nelle, because even though Carly would have probably forgiven him for it, she would have definitely thrown a fit for a couple of days, and Sonny just didn't feel like dealing with it.

I don't know if I found his reaction to Carly sleeping with Jax to make much sense to his character at this point. Would he really care that much? If I fanwank it, I think Sonny was more pissed off that Carly didn't immediately act contrite instead of the actual sleeping with Jax.

imo That was another reason I didn't buy this latest Sonny/Carly redux. Carly's still full of energy and Sonny just looks tired.



Recalling the limo sex with Sonny when she was married to Jax, between the three of them it should almost be just a shoulder shrugger.  Sonny knows he already slept with Carly in a context where it was cheating on Jax.  

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So Anna didn't seem to recognize Nathan, the biggest on-screen hint yet that she's not Anna/probably Alex.  Also, Anna/Alex seemed to appreciate her eyeful of shirtless Nathan.  Perhaps she should seduce him while Maxie's gone just for kicks.

Never did I think I'd see the day I'd be thrilled that a character WASN'T a Quartermaine.  That said, what was the fuckin' point of all this Samira shit then?

This Jake story is so boring and stupid.  FREE CAMERON AND AIDEN!

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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

This Jake story is so boring and stupid.  FREE CAMERON AND AIDEN!

Sam and Jason made a point to discuss the stalker business from last year, when Jake invented a stalker to get Jason to stay with him and Liz and not go back to Sam. Where Jake lived with Jason in that house every day and saw the picture of Old Jason on the mantle whenever he went in the living room and there was never any reaction. Now all of a sudden he is terrified of Old Jason. Riiight.

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I'm not even mad that everything Samira related was fake, because I loved Ned having his big Hercule Poirot moment where he explained how he figured it all out. Yeah, the entire story was dumb and pointless, but I could apply that same statement to the show as a whole, so whatever. I was entertained, that's all that matters to me.

"Why don't you want to go to the mountains with us, Jake?" Because being trapped in a remote area with Franco sounds like a Dateline episode waiting to happen? I don't know where they're taking this chimera stuff, but Jake looked kind of sinister when smiling at his drawing. Making Jake more devious would raise my interest by at least 50%.

They will use any opportunity to get Nathan's shirt off. My acknowledgment of this is not a complaint, BTW. 

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1 minute ago, Vera said:

Are they really going to try and connect whatever is going on with notAnna, Charlotte and Jake?! 

Why not? It can't be more nonsensical than it already is.

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I can't get over how much Tracy's painting looks like Nelle. LOL. They perhaps, inadvertently, emphasized it when they went from one scene with the Quartermaines and the camera zoning in on the painting, to the very next scene with Nelle getting off of an elevator at Crimson. LOL.

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LOL at Lauren with her "acquisition fever" idea. I love how everyone basically rolled their eyes and moved on. And her outrage at Larry was a bit rich. You pushed a wheelchair, lady. You were hardly a part in any of this.

12 minutes ago, Linny said:

I'm not even mad that everything Samira related was fake, because I loved Ned having his big Hercule Poirot moment where he explained how he figured it all out.

I liked Ned having his moment, but I HATED that all of this, ultimately, was about Lord Larry's greed. As usual, a woman isn't the focus of her own story. What a pathetic end to an idiotic story. Like watching a balloon deflate or a fish flopping on the pier. A giant clunk. And sorry, but Oliver Muirhead doesn't have Hugo Napier's essential, necessary loucheness. His Larry is kind of a weaselly doofus, where HN's was more of a raffish scoundrel.

Way to totally rewrite the Jakeson time line, Shelly and Jean. That doesn't mean it makes sense.

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Yeah, I though the show was going to use this "month-long story" to properly set up the reason for Tracy's leaving town.  Not so much.

Edited by TeeVee329
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42 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

I can't get over how much Tracy's painting looks like Nelle. LOL. They perhaps, inadvertently, emphasized it when they went from one scene with the Quartermaines and the camera zoning in on the painting, to the very next scene with Nelle getting off of an elevator at Crimson. LOL.

That's cause it's her great-niece! *soapy gasp*

ulkis has made me a total convert to the Nelle as Michael's sister idea

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14 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

That's cause it's her great-niece! *soapy gasp*

ulkis has made me a total convert to the Nelle as Michael's sister idea

YES! I am definitely thinking now that Nelle is a Quartermaine! AJ's daughter specifically. I don't think that she's Carly's kid though. Perhaps AJ fathered her with some woman during his "presumed dead" years?

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Someone should tell Franco when you're an ex-serial killer, asking someone to go on vacation far away into the woods sounds a little different than it would coming from someone else.

56 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

And her outrage at Larry was a bit rich. You pushed a wheelchair, lady. You were hardly a part in any of this.

Seriously. No one asked for her help.

Good thing no one else works at Crimson, otherwise Nathan would have looked ridiculous strolling in in his tank top. Well, I guess he could have been a model or something.

Are they making Nina a nutbag again or is that just Michelle Stafford's spin on the dialogue?

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56 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

And sorry, but Oliver Muirhead doesn't have Hugo Napier's essential, necessary loucheness. His Larry is kind of a weaselly doofus, where HN's was more of a raffish scoundrel.

This story was never going to be good, but man, recasting Larry really ruined any chance it had of being at least somewhat entertaining.

I am flabbergasted at how this Samira shit ended. How dreadfully boring, pointless, and stupid. Poor Tracy/JE.

I am still vaguely interested in what exactly is happening with Anna/Alex and also in the Jake thing tbh. I don't even know why. It's all so stupid. And yet, I wanna know what's up with the chimera stuff. Sigh.

I liked the Nina/Nathan scenes. Sue me, I find them cute! 

The Anna Alex/Valentin scenes kinda got me today because Valentin wasn't crying. Those two do have chem imo, but it's usually ruined by JPS' weird acting/crying and the utter stupidity of the whole thing.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Are they making Nina a nutbag again or is that just Michelle Stafford's spin on the dialogue?

It might be both, but I think it's MS. I hope. I don't need to see Nina lose it over yet another dude. 

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4 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Why did Nelle lie to Nina about Valentin and Anna?

Maybe she's actually working for Valentin? Or plans to extract some sort of favor from him?

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The continuous rewrites with the Jason story is one of the most ridiculous and unnecessary things that has ever happened on GH. Instead of moving the fuck on from the mess, here we are in year 3, still trying to make fetch happen. And, once again, it screws with Robin's story, too. I've had enough. Best Drama, though. Sure.

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2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

That's cause it's her great-niece! *soapy gasp*

ulkis has made me a total convert to the Nelle as Michael's sister idea


1 hour ago, Syndicate said:

YES! I am definitely thinking now that Nelle is a Quartermaine! AJ's daughter specifically. I don't think that she's Carly's kid though. Perhaps AJ fathered her with some woman during his "presumed dead" years?

No, because this would mean that the writers could actually cobble together a coherent and interesting soap opera story line. This would've been a great story, I would've liked to see Nelle go after both Sonny & Carly for what they did to AJ; but alas, we get another ridiculous letdown instead. For me, with this "romance" between her and Michael, if they make them siblings, I think I might just puke.  

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Have they ever even kissed? I think it would be fairly easy to transition this into a desire to get to know Michael so she could figure out how he could forgive their father's murderer

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I am flabbergasted at how this Samira shit ended. How dreadfully boring, pointless, and stupid

Tracey reads the DNA results, says Edward's not the daddy but she'll still give away the painting.  Ned says, no.  Come back from commercial and Ned's given Samira an envelope of money and ushering her out the front door.  And I'm all, "wuh?  Did I just miss something?".  I actually rewound to see if I had gone too far coming back from commercial, but nope, that's how fast it went down.  

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Although they've done nothing to deserve it, I've decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they realized the Samira actress was terrible and actually decided to rewrite the ending instead of pulling another Franco 

Edited by Oracle42
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