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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Levi is an agent of Fluke/Eckert/Victor. I remember somebody spec'ed that after he dimed Maxie out to the judge and I didn't buy it, but now I do.


Nothing can ever not be interconnected on this show. No one can ever just be a random malcontent. We're gonna have to endure super-scary villain henchman Levi too.

Edited by jsbt
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Forget about the sloppy rewrite that makes Victor the big bad in the car crash.

Forget about the Selma Diamond name, which rips off the "Night Court" 80's sitcom actress' name.  (Stuck in the 80's much, Ron?)

Forget about Snarly reminiscing about the bullet o' love (and the mention of Hot!Alcazar)

Forget about Alexis (with principles!) giving Julian one for the road.

What I need to know is...Did Carly forget her pants today?

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What I need to know is...Did Carly forget her pants today?


No kidding!  When she turned and walked away from Sonny and headed back toward the hospital door, that thing she was wearing rode waaay high up on the side and I thought, "Woman, you ain't at the beach -- why the hell are you wearing a coverup?"

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2) If Jason is not just merely dead, but truly, most sincerely dead and TPTB have managed to fool everyone with fake hires and faux leaks, then I'll go for at least a week saying only nice things about what I see onscreen.


That would be too awesome for words... and a great swerve too.  What would be even better is if an egg opened up and it turned out that a revived A.J. was inside it.


I get it Ron. Patrick now thinks Jason is "dead", so it's okay if he moves on with Sam. When Jason comes back alive & well, it will be Robin's fault. If she hadn't lied to keep Patrick, Sam & her family safe, then Patrick would've kept his penis away from Sam. He would find someone else for his penis.


It's never Patrick's fault when he sticks his penis in someone not his wife, is it?  It wasn't his fault when he stuck it in Britt ("She seduced me!"), it wasn't his fault when he stuck it in Sabrina ("I was peer-pressured into it!"), then lied to and used her to boot, and it won't be his fault when he sticks it in Sam ("I wouldn't have done it if Robin hadn't spurned me!").  Patrick's consistent refusal to take responsibility for a single damn thing he does is a major reason he comes off as such an unmitigated asshole.


The unfortunate reality is that TPTB believe KA is a star.  Why exactly is beyond me.  I frankly dont completely buy the whole 'Cartini raised her' argument.


I don't really buy it either.  KA's character Starr had been a major character on the OLTL canvas for years before Cartini took over, and she was (IIRC) well into her teens when they showed up.  So it's not like she grew up from a mere sprog under their fond guidance.

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Frank and Ron had both been at OLTL for years, since well before Kristen was hired at the age of like 7. They have been there from Day 1. And IIRC Frank (and Brian Frons) credited Kristen and the Starr character with OLTL's gains in youth demos. I believe the whole teen pregnancy story for Starr was thought up by FV and Frons during the 2008 writer's strike.

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I don't mind that she's attracted to dangerous men. I mind that she continually wants them to stop being dangerous when it's obvious it will never happen.​


I love Alexis, and I sure as hell love Alexis when she's with semi-naked Julian, but this is what pisses me off about her.  She gets involved with these men knowing who and what they are, and then somehow who/ what they are is a deal breaker?  Could be interesting, if the show explored that internal contradiction and let us see her struggling with why she falls for men that have some issue that, in her mind, will prevent her from ever really being *with* them.  I mean - there is so much potential stuff to mine there!  But, alas, this show gave up actually delving in to characters and their motivations a long time ago, and so instead we get "Yes! No! Yes! No!".  It's sad.

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Lillybee, I thought of you when Sonny got "Mickey's sister" to sign off. Enjoy your trip to the barge.


Between this and the Return of S&C, I wonder if Robin had revived the Sonnycentric writers of the Guza era.


I'm undecided if Victor and Fluke are just two ships that passed in the night or are part of a new Legion of Doom. Either one can lie just to have "oh, look at this terrible accident....".


Victor not knowing where Nina is .... um, er.... how she ties in.... my  brain hurts.... need more coffee....


They better make Rosalie as the Top Big Bad. That is all.

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Finally caught one episode of the show this week, and it was yesterday's. Some of my thoughts...


Victor being behind Patrick and Sabrina's car accident seems a little silly. Like, Victor comes from a long line of villains, is head of the WSB, etc., and yet part of  his master plan was pushing this wimpy teenager into causing a crash? It's just so pedestrian. Helena is probably spinning in her ice pod. 


I don't hate Robin's hair, but I think I'd like it cut as more of a bob. As it is now, it's a little too flat looking. 


And revisiting Sonny and Carly? Oy. 

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We're gonna have to endure super-scary villain henchman Levi too.


So he's going to meditate people to death?


They better make Rosalie as the Top Big Bad.


Didn't we think she was Mickey's daughter? Seeing as how she's in PC and a regular visitor to GH, why didn't she know her father is brain-dead? I'd have liked to see Morgan's reaction to her showing up rather than that fake we got.


And if Rosalie isn't related to Mickey, does that mean she's Bill Eckert's daughter? She has some connection to Evil.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm undecided if Victor and Fluke are just two ships that passed in the night or are part of a new Legion of Doom.


This is a sorry excuse for a Legion of Doom. Getting some raggedy stupid kid to run people off the road is something common folk do, not terrorists like Victor. The only reason why Fake Luke hasn't been discovered yet is because everyone else in town has been rendered brain dead. Dr. O pathetically begs some homeless looking man to love her and helps her stupid worthless daughter in her pedestrian rivalry with lowly stank Liz. And Stavros got himself frozen because he's stupid.

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Good. Franco steal the damn flash drive, play it over the intercom, and let's all shove Sonny in a cell.

I ship Franco/Nina.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm on the same ship. Nothing would make me happier than Sonny in a cell and Carly without a man and those two together would definitely be able to make that happen. I just pretend Franco isn't that Franco and I like him so much more; he actually makes The Nina more tolerable, at least for me. 

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So he's going to meditate people to death?



Didn't we think she was Mickey's daughter? Seeing as how she's in PC and a regular visitor to GH, why didn't she know her father is brain-dead? I'd have liked to see Morgan's reaction to her showing up rather than that fake we got.


And if Rosalie isn't related to Mickey, does that mean she's Bill Eckert's daughter? She has some connection to Evil.

We saw Rosalie on the phone talking to her father.  Felt like it was going to be Mickey especially after his shooting.


When Patrick and Sam were at the bar (Ryan's?) didn't the barkeep look like Rosalie?

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I feel like the writers sat down and tried to make an organ donation story as low-stakes as possible. Few among us really care about Alice, no one ever cared about Mickey. All anyone can really say at the end of it is, "...good for her?"

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I don't exactly ship Nina and Franco, but I enjoy the idea that it will make Carly crazy. Anything that gives her a little karma is always good. For so long there were no female characters who could get the better of Carly in any real way, and now that we have MW and MSt around, maybe that will finally change.

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Frank and Ron had both been at OLTL for years, since well before Kristen was hired at the age of like 7. They have been there from Day 1. And IIRC Frank (and Brian Frons) credited Kristen and the Starr character with OLTL's gains in youth demos. I believe the whole teen pregnancy story for Starr was thought up by FV and Frons during the 2008 writer's strike.


Is that why TIIC  think Spencer can do the same. What 6,7,8 year olds mother would allow their kids to watch the dreck this show has become. The filthy language in the afternoon, everyone's in bed with someone .the mob rules. The murders win no matter what? MY grandchildren are this age and the show is turned OFF the minute they come in to my house and their mother who was a GH fan YEEAARRS ago doesn't watch it. As a matter of fact I don't know anyone who watches the show but me. And I don't watch it very often anymore. Woops have to go find my head ,flew off from shaking it at this show.

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Last night Serial Drama, today Despair in the Afternoon has hilarious things to say about this week's episodes:




A sample:


I rarely find myself saying this about Carly, but girl? Have some self respect.

(Then I remember that self-respect in this instance involves sticking with Franco, the serial killer who once threatened to kidnap the daughter she’s now forcing to co-habitate with him. And I want to punch myself in the face.)

Edited by TeeVee329
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I thought the Julian/Alexis scenes yesterday were pretty good - he gave it to her mostly straight. And they do have great chemistry and NLG, who finally wasn't doing her flustered librarian act, was really on point. She's too old to keep repeating this pattern. They should just go full speed ahead with those two; Alexis wants to be his woman, his mob wife. I still think he's doomed, but in the meantime do something substantive with the characters.


Sonny and Carly - you hear a lot of stories about who did or didn't want that with LW in the role and it's all a mishmash of different allegations. They have always had an easy chemistry but it's hard to picture them together again. Even if Sarah Brown came back I wouldn't be interested ever again. I hate them together as they are now, but God, putting them next to Franco/Carly is like asking me to choose between a firing squad and a pen full of hungry wolverines.


The whole Quartermaine lovefest starring Morgan and Kiki front and center with the few surviving Qs hangin' in the back made me want to vomit. As did Big Alice's super-treacly recitation of how she can go watch over the eight thousand dead Quartermaines in Heaven. Oh, my fucking God. Morgan said "Dominator" at least half a dozen times in an hour and I am so tired of him right now.

Edited by jsbt
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Previews...again, Sonny, why do you think telling the truth about the Ava situation is going to make things a-okay with Morgan?


Well, to be fair, Morgan's morality is pretty elastic so maybe he thinks "I wasn't sleeping with her, just threatening to kill her repeatedly" will soften him up.


God, putting them next to Franco/Carly is like asking me to choose between a firing squad and a pen of hungry wolverines.



Which one is which? Because I will leap into the pen if they represent Carly/Franco. I will say "fire away sirs" if they are Carly/Franco.


I just really, really hate Franco.

Edited by ulkis
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Previews...again, Sonny, why do you think telling the truth about the Ava situation is going to make things a-okay with Morgan?


Sadly, he is probably right.  Surely anyone could understand that he has a Dog-given right to kill Ava. She killed theloveofhislife!  Ava is such a bad girl for forcing him to screw her so she might be pregnant with HIS child. How dare she want to stay alive! Almost as bad as her brother, using Danny as a shield.  Now if it were only Morgan's child, he could go ahead and off her, he'd be doing it as a GOOD DAD.

*the previous was written in sarcasm font*

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Well, to be fair, Morgan's morality is pretty elastic so maybe he thinks "I wasn't sleeping with her, just threatening to kill her repeatedly" will soften him up.



Which one is which? Because I will leap into the pen if they represent Carly/Franco. I will say "fire away sirs" if they are Carly/Franco.


I just really, really hate Franco.


Franco is the hungry wolverines, obviously. And I agree.



oops, got my metaphors mixed up. :facepalm: I meant I will face the firing squad if they are Sonny/Carly, as opposed to leaping in the pen that is Franco/Carly. or something. Whatever. I choose Sonny/Carly. Thanks Ron, for driving me to this. God, Carly/Johnny is starting to be a thing that I miss.

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Does anybody out there think Tracy is NOT going to take credit, at least to Alice, for getting the heart?  That is a trite but given assumption. 

So glad this story is about over.  Now, can we conclude a couple of others so NEW stories can be developed?  And, I do not mean more Sonny shit, another visit to Bobbi/Scotty/Lucy garbage, or more melodrama with Molly or Kiki.


The show has talent, why doesn't it use it in entertaining ways?  Pit Nina against Ava. Wrench Carly away from Franco. Either get rid of Britt or throw her at Morgan. Turn the brownstone into a brothel or a meth lab or rest home or something other than a venue for Morgan and Kiki to prance around half naked in. Let Olivia jump Ned's bones or let Ned get back with Alexis who needs some stability in her life. Give Sam something to actually do so she can't talk everything to death. Somebody shoot Sonny. Give Carly a real problem to tackle.  SOMEBODY PLEASE, PLEASE TELL MICHAEL THAT SONNY KILLED AJ.

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I feel bad for MB's wife. He looks to be the WORST kisser in the history of kissing. Yuck.


At least if you had some smootch on your face he'd be sure to clean it off for you.....too much? ya that's all I got.

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I feel bad for MB's wife. He looks to be the WORST kisser in the history of kissing. Yuck.

He might be one of those actors who has a very specific style of stage kissing, as it were. It makes sense for Sonny to inhale a woman's face, IMO. He's thinking he's giving her the best gift ever.

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Trying to stay positive heading into the weekend, so i'll just say that I think Felicia looked banging in that dress, I loved the Mac/Nathan, Felicia/Maxie and Mac/Maxie scenes, and I liked Morgan's shirt.  


More Robin on Monday!!!

Edited by Tiger
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Does Ron realize when everyone gets insta-married on the show there are absolutely no stakes? What do I care if Maxie marries Levi? It's hardly binding. So stupid. 


I need Felicia to never say the word "Lulu" again. She really mangled that one.


Not gonna lie, I think Morgan and Carly are/were kinda sweet. And I liked those scenes cause he finally talked about why he was focusing on Alice so much, because he can't do anything about the baby situation. I didn't even hate his scenes at the end with Sonny. But I still did hate Sonny. Blaming the woman for luring him in with her vagina. Badgering the person he's wronged to forgive him. Someone needs to teach him the damn concept of giving people time.


I liked Ava's exasperated, now get out! to Carly, heh.


I'm annoyed that they finally busted out the Haunted Star set after over a year for stupid Maxie's stupid wedding and not something where we see Lulu do something non-embryo related.


Trying to stay positive heading into the weekend, so i'll just say that I think Felicia looked banging in that dress, I loved the Mac/Nathan scenes, and I liked Morgan's shirt.



Heh, I was the opposite. I can't take Mac blaming everyone but Maxie for her stupidity anymore.

Edited by ulkis
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Good god I cared none at all about anything today. I guess they finally decided if Ava is meant to be pregnant it's time to slap on that fake belly. And either Laura is just that tall or Maura is just that short.


Lula and her goddamn baby rabies make me wish someone would put her to sleep.


Levi's facial region scares me for reasons I still find rather perplexing.

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I don't like Nina, but I loved her non-reaction about Sonny. I wanted to vomit today when Sonny was speechifying to Morgan about how Ava had made him do some horrible things.  No Sonny, you do horrible things because you're a horrible person. I find it very hard to believe that self-proclaimed fashionista such as Maxie would wear that hideous shapeless sack of a wedding dress.  Levi is so smarmy when he's in front of Mac and Felicia.  I hope when it all hits the fan that Detective Abs gets to throat stomp him.  

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This was such a damn Thursday episode.

The promo guy lied! This week we were supposed to get Levi vs Special Kitty, The Hand of Borg, Moar Robin, and Moar Tony DiMera. I mean, Victor Cassadine. And I'm quite certain the Franco flash drive stealing or Nina wheeling this plot along.

But we got more Levi is so great, Sonny defending his shit parenting, and Morgan losing cool points.

And please, stand your ground, Ava. When you get an intruder, shoot. You've killed for less.

Since we are all apologizing, I'm sorry there's not a Hallmark card for I'm Sorry I Banged Your Girl, Son.

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Levi's facial region scares me for reasons I still find rather perplexing.


Well frankly Levi scares me in general, but it is the eyes his eyes remind me of that scary killing Chuckie doll.

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Wow, Carly, that was actually a decent imitation of a mother who gives a shit about her son.  Of course, she should have had this conversation with Morgan the minute Ava revealed she was pregnant.


What a self-serving load of crap Sonny was trying to shovel onto Morgan.  "I'm going to tell you the whole truth, but only the parts that make Ava look awful and me look awesome.  And then we're cool, am I right?".  Shut UP, mobster.

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Apparently all it took was one kiss from Sonny to get Carly to find her full-steam-ahead-do-this-now-because-I-want-it attitude and tell Ava to get an amniocentisis. 

But apparently, it's part of the Jerome genetic makeup to be able to look at the Corinthi as if they're just annoying little mosquitos that will soon go away. I've got to admit that I kind of loved Ava's unflappability.

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Funniest part about today was Ava's bodyguard not correcting Ava when she called Carly a "he".   Ava needs a new bodyguard.


Oh Sonny, are we calling it a trap now?  I thought referring to a vagina like that went out a long time ago.  Evil diabolical Ava using her woman parts to trick you. 

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I have to interrupt everyone to say that I just read the last five pages and was nearly crying from laughing so hard at the rage, disgust and hate that the show produces in its viewers.  I mean, it's so awful, and we just keep watching, and I don't really know why (because it is so fucking bad) and I...just can't. But obviously I can.  Thank you all for about twenty minutes of solid, teary-eyed giggles.  


Ron, spend some more time at 4chan, you got the meaning of IT'S A TRAP backwards.

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Nina advising others on unhealthy, co-dependent relationships is more than a little rich. I cannot stand this insta-friendship with her and Franco.


A friendship I do like, however, is Mac and Nathan. Awww Mac, one day, your daughter might actually have a boyfriend/husband who doesn't make you want to rip your hair out. You've earned this, buddy!


Lulu's back and talking about babies. Must be any day that ends in -y.

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I have to interrupt everyone to say that I just read the last five pages and was nearly crying from laughing so hard at the rage, disgust and hate that the show produces in its viewers.  I mean, it's so awful, and we just keep watching, and I don't really know why (because it is so fucking bad) and I...just can't. But obviously I can.  Thank you all for about twenty minutes of solid, teary-eyed giggles.  


Ron, spend some more time at 4chan, you got the meaning of IT'S A TRAP backwards.


I like some of the show. The rest I'm interested in to see how far it can sink/when is someone finally gonna put a stop to Franco.

Edited by ulkis
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Well frankly Levi scares me in general, but it is the eyes his eyes remind me of that scary killing Chuckie doll.




Oh that's right! The way they bulge and seem to pulsate with the cray crazy. In fact his whole face I think resembles the Chuckie doll, including that awful hair do. In the previews that face he's making...it's a good thing I wasn't eating.


Felicia, you don't try and make up for being an absentee mother by going along with your daughter's shit idea to get married to a jackhole like Levi.

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I love Sonny trying to explain the tryst to Morgan and being like, "there are parts of this I can't explain, but she tricked me."


DUDE. The part you're not explaining is that you killed your other son's father. That doesn't make the story less morally reprehensible.

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Today's episode was so BORING. I had to turn it off half way through. From what little I saw Maxie`s dress was ugly and surprise surprise Lulu was talking about babies. ZZZZZZZ


What I don't get about Lulu having full on blown baby rabies now is that Ron understood that this was something she felt reluctant about. When she first thought she was pregnant Maxie was going on and on about it and she wasn't enthusiastic and then when the positive pregnancy test came she was still very nervous. And somewhere along the line Ron decided it was too hard to do layers with both Lulu and Maxie and just decided to have them want to be mothers no full stops no doubts about it.

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Oh that's right! The way they bulge and seem to pulsate with the cray crazy. In fact his whole face I think resembles the Chuckie doll, including that awful hair do. In the previews that face he's making...it's a good thing I wasn't eating.

Felicia, you don't try and make up for being an absentee mother by going along with your daughter's shit idea to get married to a jackhole like Levi.

Sadly that's exactly what she is doing. The only time Felicia has made sense in regards to Maxie since being back was the carrying Lulu's baby being against it the medical part that Ron ignored till he wanted drama

Felicia came back pimping Spin as the greatest thing ever which tells you about her taste.

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