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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It never made sense for Sonny to be Avery's father. Also, why does Carly care so much about Avery being away from Ava? She's like jumping in to be her mom more than her own children, which she's handed off to Jason or Jax. Ava isn't a Quartermaine. The only thing that makes sense is Morgan- her "weak child" is actually the father of Avery, so Carly must protect the child by switching the test and making Sonny, who Carly sees as "good and strong" the father. It rights Carly's wrong of not protecting Morgan from Ava in her mind and probably everything she sees wrong with Morgan.

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That Sam is even the one Helena cursed is too plot-plointy to even illicit an eyeroll.


Have Sam and Helena ever even shared a scene?  Once again, no matter who the writers are they push the character(s) du jour into story lines in which their presence makes zero sense.  



Avery needs to be removed.


Can't we keep Avery and remove Sonny?  

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Avery needs to be removed.

Eh once the Paternity Lie is dealt with and the fallout, I'm sure Avery will be "at school" or "a sleepover" till she's old enough to go to "boarding school " and be aged to a preteen in a few years. We're nearing not seeing her again for a bit. Unless Jason takes her. But then we may not see her either. Unless she and Danny are reading Jason and Sam bedtime stories.

*Another reason Morgan will be Avery's father- because they need another roadblock for MorKiki, SuperCouple of Now. Because they'll act like it's a totally new thing that Morgan is Avery's father and Kiki didn't know that, which will cause Kiki to feel the feels.

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Avery was unnecessary and shouldn't even exit. There's nothing entertaining abut baby stories on soaps anymore. Its better that they gave the baby to Sonny though because Morgan is too young to be tied down with a child when they have to give his character a worthwhile story. I don't know what is with soaps lately giving all the young character pointless babies and white picket house family aspirations instead of writing a decent story for them. 

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Matthew Buchanan was almost 10 years younger than Morgan when he was a father. *shrug* It's a soap, that's what happens. It bothers me way more that Cam is still perpetually 8 years old. FUCKING AGE ALREADY!

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Have Sam and Helena ever even shared a scene? 

Yes, but I'd say no more than once or twice before that deathbed moment. I know that years ago, Helena called Sam a little ninja to her face. Mostly she's just referenced Sam in conversation with Alexis, Jason or Nikolas. 

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Kelly Monaco looked pretty hot in her leather jacket. She's a tiny little thing, ain't she? It's nice to see Genie Francis but I wish she got out more. It's like she's being held hostage at Wyndermere. So, is Griffin Monroe Anna's son? If so, how, when, where, why? Finola Hughes has chemistry with every man on GH. She's amazing!

Edited by ByaNose
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I think that might be what they go for. Although I don't really know how keeping the baby's sex a secret foreshadows that but still!


Maybe there's one of each?  So, to be coy, they're not saying if she had a girl or boy? 


It never made sense for Sonny to be Avery's father. Also, why does Carly care so much about Avery being away from Ava? She's like jumping in to be her mom more than her own children, which she's handed off to Jason or Jax. Ava isn't a Quartermaine. The only thing that makes sense is Morgan- her "weak child" is actually the father of Avery, so Carly must protect the child by switching the test and making Sonny, who Carly sees as "good and strong" the father. It rights Carly's wrong of not protecting Morgan from Ava in her mind and probably everything she sees wrong with Morgan.


I could see her switching the paternity for two reasons.  1) She wanted Sonny to "need" her to help him with the baby, and, 2)she probably feared that if Morgan knew he was the father, he'd work his way back to Ava.  Come to think of it, that may be why she's so pro-Kiki.  She fears that, if Morgan wasn't with Kiki, he might end up back in Ava's bed. 

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Matthew Buchanan was almost 10 years younger than Morgan when he was a father. *shrug* It's a soap, that's what happens. It bothers me way more that Cam is still perpetually 8 years old. FUCKING AGE ALREADY!

And nothing good came out of making Matthew a father either. There's not much story for a young 20 something with a child on a soap. Save those baby stories for the 30 and up crowds and let the young people learn about themselves and have career aspirations and date alot of people and experience new things. Most people that age are not jumping to have kids so not sure why DAYS and GH think they need kids and to jump into getting married right away. 

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Avery was unnecessary and shouldn't even exit. There's nothing entertaining abut baby stories on soaps anymore. Its better that they gave the baby to Sonny though because Morgan is too young to be tied down with a child when they have to give his character a worthwhile story. I don't know what is with soaps lately giving all the young character pointless babies and white picket house family aspirations instead of writing a decent story for them. 


It would be one thing if Morgan was about anything at all - ever...but RC brought him on as a horny, brain-dead moron without any aspirations or interests other than screwing the nearest female and the only thing that's changed since then  is that they've given him a mental illness that they're using as an excuse for his general terribleness

Edited by Oracle42
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I'd argue that when Morgan thought he might be the father is when he was actually tolerable, showed growth and not acting like a bratty little snotnose jerk. He read up on how to be a good dad, he was supportive of Ava and helped take care of her. But I don't really care what happens anymore. This show is filth.

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Something that randomly just bugged me: Why are four main characters all needing new homes at the same time? I've honestly never seen that on any show...ever.

Yeah. Maybe Michael needs to just take care of them too and build this um building thing that could house people. It could be like a brownstone. That he fucking built a few years ago where he awesomely told Sonny off the first time. (Including the epic quote "Are you going to shoot me like you shot Dante?) Because Dante and Lulu can gtfo the Loft of IIllicit Cousin Sex, Morgan can take The Loft, and Michael can just expand and build more. Because wtf else is he doing? He's a rich, attractive, educated guy in his twenties. Please, get a life Michael. He can hire Jason to build stuff. I'm sure Jason can do that, as he can walk on water and do everything else. Hire TJ as an intern or assistant. Good God.

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Not really. Did he even graduate from high school? The coma SORAS messed up that time line a bit. And he's taken only a few classes at PCU. 


Given that Kristina is involved with her professor (ugh, how I hate that story, even as minimally shown as it is), I should probably be grateful Michael isn't in college. Jasus only knows what would happen.

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I hadn't noticed that they were keeping the baby's sex a secret but now that you guys have mentioned it, I can't get the horrifying idea that they might try an intersex story. And I. Just. Cannot.


This was honestly my first thought when they were being coy about the sex and it truly terrified me. I really hope it's just that she had twins, one Michael's and one Carlos'.


Maybe there's one of each?  So, to be coy, they're not saying if she had a girl or boy?


Because this was actually my second thought. One Latino baby boy/girl and one white baby girl/boy. I think that's probably what it's going to be.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This was honestly my first thought when they were being coy about the sex and it truly terrified me. I really hope it's just that she had twins, one Michael's and one Carlos'.



Because this was actually my second thought. One Latino baby boy/girl and one white baby girl/boy. I think that's probably what it's going to be.

Sabrina is latino so both hr children would be latino. Not one latino and one white child. Latino people come in all shades. Its not a race its a culture.

I'd argue that when Morgan thought he might be the father is when he was actually tolerable, showed growth and not acting like a bratty little snotnose jerk. He read up on how to be a good dad, he was supportive of Ava and helped take care of her. But I don't really care what happens anymore. This show is filth.

You can't learn to be a good father from reading a damn book so that alone was right there up there with the horrible writing for 20 somethings on soaps. Morgan still wasn't showing any signs of going back to school, getting an actually career,etc. 

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I hope it's not twins. If there must be another baby, I'd rather it be that one big giant baby that Michael was worried Sabrina was having. Let's see how Sonny works his baby magic on a 45 pound newborn.

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I hope it's not twins. If there must be another baby, I'd rather it be that one big giant baby that Michael was worried Sabrina was having. Let's see how Sonny works his baby magic on a 45 pound newborn.


That might be even funnier than KeMo trying to wrangle those giant babies that played Danny for a while.  

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I think that might be what they go for. Although I don't really know how keeping the baby's sex a secret foreshadows that but still!


At first I thought they would make it a conjoined twin set, or twins, but surely the obstetrician would have mentioned twins to Sabrina when they were talking about how big the baby was. When we saw the picture, that ruled out the conjoined twins, but not the hermaphrodite child (who would need some kind of surgery to be either a girl or boy I suppose). Sabrina could be lying about the picture--maybe it is not a pic of her baby. I personally root for a demon baby with glowing eyes, but the picture (if a real one) didn't show that.


i have heard of a situation in real life when twins were born when not expected because one of them was consistently positioned behind the other, and apparently their hearts were beating in sync or the weaker twin's was not very audible.

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You can't learn to be a good father from reading a damn book so that alone was right there up there with the horrible writing for 20 somethings on soaps. Morgan still wasn't showing any signs of going back to school, getting an actually career,etc. 


Morgan's a fail of a character no matter what they write for him. He should have jumped. And I'm pissed that Michael didn't push him. Bastard.

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Let's come together as a board. What if the one twin swallowed the other twin in the womb, creating a weird birthmark, which made for a giant baby that needed corrective surgery? That's probably what freaked Carlos out. Sabrina gave birth to a giant baby with the limb of its sibling that it absorbed attrached to it. Now, please, can Sonny work his magic on that?

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Something that randomly just bugged me: Why are four main characters all needing new homes at the same time? I've honestly never seen that on any show...ever.


I was thinking it was just so they could swap places/sets to save money.   Musical homes!

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I was thinking it was just so they could swap places/sets to save money. Musical homes!

I think all the characters should move into one home together and the viewers can vote 1 off each week until the cast is cut by at least 10. You're welcome, world.

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I think all the characters should move into one home together and the viewers can vote 1 off each week until the cast is cut by at least 10. You're welcome, world.


This is a fantastic idea. Someone tweet Frank('s intern)!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think all the characters should move into one home together and the viewers can vote 1 off each week until the cast is cut by at least 10. You're welcome, world.


I think you meant at least 20. And that's being generous. 

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Let's come together as a board. What if the one twin swallowed the other twin in the womb, creating a weird birthmark, which made for a giant baby that needed corrective surgery? That's probably what freaked Carlos out. Sabrina gave birth to a giant baby with the limb of its sibling that it absorbed attrached to it. Now, please, can Sonny work his magic on that?

I am both amused and horrified by this scenario.

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I am both amused and horrified by this scenario.

You're welcome.

I think all the characters should move into one home together and the viewers can vote 1 off each week until the cast is cut by at least 10. You're welcome, world.

Do they go to Sonny's Island and receive a dress and a bottle of wine? Or do they die via death chosen by Soap Twitter? #SpectacularSpring? #FallinlovewithGH?
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Let's come together as a board. What if the one twin swallowed the other twin in the womb, creating a weird birthmark, which made for a giant baby that needed corrective surgery?


I like this idea. Plus the twins should have different fathers. Michael's baby is the one that swallowed Carlos's baby because obviously the grandchild of A.J. Quartermaine will eat anything it sees.

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I like this idea. Plus the twins should have different fathers. Michael's baby is the one that swallowed Carlos's baby because obviously the grandchild of A.J. Quartermaine will eat anything it sees.

Lol. And Michael will name it Michael "Sonny" Corinthos III. Or IV. Micheala for a girl.

Either way, the baby will have gorgeous hair. Carlos has great hair. The Q's have great hair. Sabrina has great hair. It's the Corinthos clan that has bad hair.

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Forcing myself to watch the GH episodes that I've avoided so I can hallelujah with you guys for soap superstar Michael Easton's return. A few observations :

- still don't care about Sonny's struggles with claustrophobia, but LW makes me have the feels. Still like shut up Morgan. The answer to "Who is Morgan Corinthos? " an asshole.

- Ava's hair looks like crap. And I hate Julexis.

- Andre is pretty. Andre is love.

- Where is Curtis?

- I hate every story Liz has been in that I think I like whatever is Roger Howarth and Liz.

- Damn, Dante, back at it with the bad hair!

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I agree that Jason Q was boring, which is why SBu was happy when JQ took a header into a tree.  I think the reason that the writers are distancing themselves from making BM Jason Morgan is because he is not credible at all as a mob enforcer.  I'm sorry, but he's not intimidating or imposing.  When Jason use to walk into a room, people took notice.  He looked dangerous.  Jakeson looks like a wannabe to me, and frankly, I don't think BM is comfortable in the stoic, powerful role.  He likes the talky, jokey, schtick he did on Y&R, and so i guess if the writers make him Jason Quartrmaine 2.0, BM can incorporate more of his Billy Abbott personality.  Eh, whatever.  For me, Jason Morgan is still dead.  He died on the pier, and this guy is a plant by Helena that will ultimately be revealed when BM finally leaves the show.  He strikes me as a guy who has his eye on prime time rather than fully devoted to GH.  That's how he comes across in his scenes anyway.



Lol, well I don't want to be insulting women (since I am one), and I consider us the stronger sex most of the time.  I actually thought the opposite.  Sonny is the emotional character that constantly needs attention whereas Jason was the person who needed very little.  


We ARE the stronger sex. *John Black voice* That's a fact.

And I get what you are saying about Sonny being the needy one. I can't argue that. Sonny is also the one who always tossed the loving, doe eyed looks at Jason, while Jason almost never did at him. So I guess you're right, Sonny was the girl. I stand corrected.

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Sooo....Helena isn't dead? Because she had that painting made of the teacup to imply she knew that Nik poisoned her?


And Liz needs to stop pretending she cares about what happened to Jake on Cassidine Island. She had her chance to ask Helena about it face to face when they were on Cassidine Island and she chose Jason and The Secret instead.

Edited by LexieLily
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Nathan is married to "Claudette." He's also apparently willing to form a future with Maxie KNOWING he's still tied to this "Claudette" person, and is saying that Maxie will never know. What am I missing here? I know Maxie said she didn't want to know but him being married is a big issue for obvious reasons. I'm not even sure why he wasn't more forthcoming about this to begin with.

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Helena's will reading was some soapy fun and it's always great to see Constance Towers look fabulous and throwing out barbs.  And her various gifts - the Jake storybook, Lulu's envelope, Laura's key - could lead to some more soapy fun, but could just as likely wither stupidly on the vine.


NLG did a nice job, I thought, with Alexis' reaction to getting the knife Helena used to kill her mother.  I also liked the touch of Helena admitting that she had grown a teeny bit fond of Alexis and that's why she never did the same to her.  


So in "death", as in life, Helena forgoed targeting Kristina and Molly, with lamely junking them in on Sam's "inheritance".  What a wasted opportunity.  


And Helena clearly did something with the Lulu/Stavros embryo.  Ew.


Rebecca Budig looked completely out of place today.  And Rebecca Budig the actress needs to dial back on the nonstop smug smirking.


I love Scotty, but his hair looked hideola today.

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Maxie: You and Lulu are going to be just as happy as Nathan and I are.


Alright, I'm sticking Scott Sickles in the "he really is that bad and/or lazy" category, just as I was easing up on him. Horrible.

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Wow...I expected Helena's will to be hateful, and for her to have some final tricks up her sleeve...but what she did to Alexis, Sam, and Liz was just cruel .


Helena leaving Sam, Kristina, and Molly one cent to split was terrible, I think Sam should have walked out right then and there without turning back. I get that Helena and Alexis have issues, but as far as we know, Helena has never interacted with Kristina/Molly, and she's had very few scenes with Sam. So it felt like an odd choice on the writers part to have Helena go out of her way to be hateful to Alexis's kids.


The gift that Alexis got was even more awful. The anger and frustration that Alexis had was well played by Nancy. I seriously felt so bad for Alexis when she picked up the knife. 


The gift that Liz got rubbed me the wrong way too. Helena literally left her a chronicle of her son's years in captivity. That's gotta be heartbreaking, even if Liz wanted to know the truth about Jake's time with Helena. My opinion of Liz is not too great right now, but I definitely felt for her today. 


Regarding Helena's decision to leave Nikolas with nothing....I'm pretty indifferent. Although it felt weird that she wouldn't have left Spencer anything.


Lulu's gift was obviously in regards to that embryo/possible baby. But I'm trying to think of how any empty envelope embodies that, lol. 


Laura's gift was the only thing mysterious, but I guess we'll see her take off to figure it out.

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What's the point of giving Liez a letter detailing DNAJ's "adventure" when she obviously doesn't give a damn about what happened to him on the island. 


Oh wow, another person is secretly married. These writers sure are creative. 

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Helena leaving Sam, Kristina, and Molly one cent to split was terrible, I think Sam should have walked out right then and there without turning back. I get that Helena and Alexis have issues, but as far as we know, Helena has never interacted with Kristina/Molly, and she's had very few scenes with Sam. So it felt like an odd choice on the writers part to have Helena go out of her way to be hateful to Alexis's kids.


I don't think it was odd. Helena was evil. She probably went out of her way to be mean to kittens, and it wasn't much effort on her part to throw one last insult at Alexis' kids.

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As insults go, the penny thing was lame. Someone Sam barely knows and doesn't care about told her she was worth less than a cent; I don't really see her crying herself to sleep over that.


The dagger was pretty effective, but since I don't care about Alexis, I think she should use it to cut her awful hair.


Lulu's empty envelope is supposed to symbolize her empty uterus, I guess. So she'll be grateful later when she learns she can give birth to Nik's brother/nephew.


Jake's Adventure; whatever. Liz didn't care enough to ask about it when she had the chance, and did she seriously think Helena was leaving her money? Ha. Liz. When did she get so dumb?


Laura's key? No idea. It only makes sense if Helena has Luke locked away someplace, but if TG is truly done with the show, it can't be that. And the same with Nik's painting since it only makes sense if Helena's still alive.


Meanwhile, Nathan is married to a French Poodle? Is that what's happening?


Dr. Hair Gel's middle name is Fitzhugh, which means something to Anna. Does that mean anything to us? I don't remember anyone with that name.

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Dr. Hair Gel's middle name is Fitzhugh, which means something to Anna. Does that mean anything to us? I don't remember anyone with that name.


I'm betting it's Duke's mother's maiden name or something like that.


I'm hoping after much wah-wahing over it the embryo stuff is a fake out.


More Dante/Maxie please.


I can't believe Helena allowed herself to simply be described as "the old woman". Not even "the amazing old woman"?


What was Hayden wearing?


lol at this:



Edited by ulkis
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More Dante/Maxie please.


Yes. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes.


The Griffin actor was probably at his best today with KSt. He seemed much more relaxed with her than he normally does.


I liked Liz today. BH's face at the beginning of Helena's video, I forget exactly what Helena said, was so hilarious. And her saying she had to go to the hospital to be close to a psychiatrist or whatever was hilarious, too.


Shit, that Stavros/Lulu embryo/baby is SO out there. I just hope TPTB decide to never actually get to telling that story.


NLG did a great job in this ep.


I hate that I'm intrigued by the Laura thing because I know it'll be shit, but whatever.


I always assumed Helena was actually alive but I think it's all but confirmed now with the tea painting.


Overall I thought this was actually a pretty entertaining episode.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Could the empty envelope mean that Hells destroyed the Starvlu embryo?


I figured the empty envelope was symbolic of Lulu's empty womb, too.



I am curious about the tea in the painting, though, if it's supposed to mean that she knows Nik poisoned her. We saw her "die", so does that mean she didn't die, had the painting done, and then died? (or didn't)  And, BTW, did anyone else think that painting  looked . . . odd -- like one of her eyes was way too big? 


Knowing Helena, nothing is probably as it seems. Although I'd check the date of that penny before I threw it away: it just might be a rare one, or the date on it could be the secret key to nuJason's amnesia . . . 

Edited by rur
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I hope the devil slaps Helena for that lame ass will reading.


If Helena knew Nik was poisoning her why did she just let it happen? And in her own twisted way I would think she would be proud that Nik finally became a "true Cassadine" and killed her.

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