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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Considering this whole mess started because of the last time Dante suspiciously eyed up a room Lulu had been staying in, you'd think he'd want to not long jump to conclusions so quickly.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I loved Liz's scenes today!


I'm so glad that she's not begging Jason to be with her again, and that she knows its over between them.



Am I supposed to assume tha Jake got brainwashed, so he is incapable of understanding that Jason and Liz are no longer together, so he can't stay overnight and that they can't be a family? Becuase that's the only thing that makes sense. He's nine, not four.

I think this show is attempting to show that Jake has some sort of abandonment issues after being kidnapped and kept from his family. 

Edited by MissE
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Considering this whole mess started because of the last time Dante suspiciously eyed up a room Lulu had been staying in, you'd think he'd want to not long jump to conclusions so quickly.


Well, this is the new Dante we are talking about and he has proven to be stupider than most people on the show which saying a lot. 

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RoHo looks ridiculous.


How the fuck is raggedy ass Dante going to walk his raggedy ass onto the motherfucking Haunted Star and start questioning Lulu about what she's doing and then get mad when he once again jumps to conclusions and assumes she's fucking someone else. Lulu should have thrown him overboard. Stupid bastard.


The kid who plays Dead Now Alive Jake is awful. They need to recast. Or just kill off the Jiz spawn again. I support the latter option.


Liez is such a piece of trash so I'm not surprised that Ms. I'd-do-it-all-over-again is all apologetic with Jason and remorseless with everyone else. She always pulls the sweet and innocent good girl card when she's with men. 


The Sam/Spin/Ellie scenes were the only thing that interested me.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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So after viewers had to watch almost a year of Jason being lied to and manipulated by Liz, the new year they have to look forward to him being duped some more, this time by a kid? Yeah...


How is he being duped? Jake has legitimate issues, and was scared today. He wasn't making anything up to dupe Jason into staying.

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I had been doing some new year bill paying and was listening only for the first part of the show. I looked up in time to see Ninnco getting ready to do the deed. (My eyes! My eyes!) (shudder) I saw nothing remotely appealing about shirtless RoHo. (double shudder and a gag reflex)


I agree w/ everyone else about douche Dante. Let's see. Val told him earlier today (in PC time) that she was stepping away, so now he need a bedwarmer.  And is jumping to conclusions from a pair of eyeglasses. Sheesh, writers, couldn't you at least have him say something like "These smell like aftershave?" to indicate there might be a reason for him to react the way he did? But, on the other hand, if his look upset Lulu that much, she could have gone after him. So, fie on both of them.

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How is he being duped? Jake has legitimate issues, and was scared today. He wasn't making anything up to dupe Jason into staying.


Legitimate issues...that the writers are using as an obvious crutch.


I think there's a good story to tell with what happened to Jake during his "dead" years, but if the focus is going to be Liz/Jason reconnecting over it or

more Franco propping

, then they can just forget it.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Legitimate issues...that the writers are using as an obvious crutch.


I think there's a good story to tell with what happened to Jake during his "dead" years, but if the focus is going to be Liz/Jason reconnecting over it or

more Franco propping

, then they can just forget it.

Well yeah, I'd prefer that this story just be about Liz and Jake, and not involve Jason or


, but unfortunately, this show is incapable of writing that.

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And is jumping to conclusions from a pair of eyeglasses

Dillon was wearing the exact same 2016 glasses at the Rib, so I'm sure Dante thinks Dillon was there with Lulu, which is what pissed him off.  And yes, Dante, maybe your new year's resolution should be to stop jumping to conclusions.  


Oh, and the writers need to realize that Lulu is not to blame in any of this and stop making it seem as though they want people to beleive that she is.


Oh, and I want  a pony.


And a year's supply of chocolate covered almonds.  

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Aren't the 2 new writers women or did I get that confused?  The way they are writing this Lulu/Dante mess is making me seriously doubt that.  This POS cheated on Lulu, and has been DATING the woman he banged for the past few weeks...WHY is LULU the one that is getting shit on here?  Really?  She could bang Johnny right in front of Dante and I would STILL be on Lulu's side.  And I could give a crap about either of them for the most part.  But Dante gets to act all hurt and indignant because he found glasses on a bed?  Seriously?  Fuck you Dante.


All this. And "I am the police" when she threatens to call the cops? Way to sound creepy and threatening! Sadly at this point I'm almost just glad he at least had a reaction instead of just shrugging indifferently. Also Lulu just needs to sleep with Johnny because Dante is going to pitch a fit anyway when he finds out she was harboring Johnny, might as well actually do the crime if she's gonna have to pay for it.


Why can't awful-actor-please-recast Jake just sleep at Jason's?


I liked that Ellie pointed out Sam may not fall back in love with Jason and not that Jason might not fall back in love with her.


Why did Nina and Franco get the shaky serial killer camera film? It's not inappropriate but I don't think the show wants me to think that. Also, with that hair, all Franco needs is a pair of tiny glasses and one of Julian's turtlenecks and he'd fit right in a Sprockets skit.


Please soap gods, let this be the last of anyone asking Morgan about his pills. Please.

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Shrug. I just want his tell all book. Do it, Roger.



I'd read it, if he did, because RoHo actually seems like a genuinely nice guy. NLG with her tell all, would simply call out every other person except herself. Boring.  And yeah I guess the POV of someone too nice to call divas out for being divas, would be boring to read too, but I'd take reading RoHo's pov over NLG's any day of the week.

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or does undead Jake have an overactive imagination?

I think he's figured out a way to get Mom and Dad in the same room and play on Dad's sympathies.  He didn't spend 4 years with Helena without learning something about manipulation and string pulling.  



Also Lulu just needs to sleep with Johnny

THIS.  Because Johnny is way too hot for no one to sleep with.  Especially if I have to sit through a Frina sex scene and disgusting schmoopyness.  


Although I do wonder how wierd it must be for Emme to be making out with Brandon when she and Kirsten are such good friends.  



Why did Nina and Franco get the shaky serial killer camera film?

Kiki and Morgan had it on the pier as well.  



Please soap gods, let this be the last of anyone asking Morgan about his pills

Ah come on.  You know you want to hear at least three more times!!

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Although I do wonder how wierd it must be for Emme to be making out with Brandon when she and Kirsten are such good friends.


I doubt it's any weirder than usual. A lot of them are probably good friends with the significant other of their on-screen love interest. Laura Wright I think is pals with Maurice's wife, Bradford and Brandon are pals, etc etc. On NCIS: LA, in real life, the actress is married to her on-screen love interest's brother, so she is having on-camera make out sessions with her brother-in-law. And her husband is a stunt double for his brother on the show too. Now that, I often wonder how awkward is that situation, heh. 

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the actress is married to her on-screen love interest's brother, so she is having on-camera make out sessions with her brother-in-law.

Eeeewwww!!!!!!!  That's all kinds of wrong!

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jumping to conclusions from a pair of eyeglasses.

 And the boat was full of drunken partyers celebrating New Year's Eve-- but finding a pair of glasses in a stateroom means Lulu is up to something. Dante has become as incompetent as the rest of the PCPD.



the actress is married to her on-screen love interest's brother, so she is having on-camera make out sessions with her brother-in-law.

I always thought  the thirtysomething set must have been the weirdest (aging myself here, I know). Ken Olin would be directing his wife (Patricia Wettig) in love scenes with other actors. Seriously icky.

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 And the boat was full of drunken partyers celebrating New Year's Eve-- but finding a pair of glasses in a stateroom means Lulu is up to something. Dante has become as incompetent as the rest of the PCPD.


Hell, why couldn't the novelty glasses have been Lulu's?  It's not like they're for boys only.


Shut up, Dante.

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I think he was supposed to be taking in her hair too, not that that is rock solid evidence either. Hair! Messed up at a New Years party! Never!


I always thought  the thirtysomething set must have been the weirdest (aging myself here, I know). Ken Olin would be directing his wife (Patricia Wettig) in love scenes with other actors. Seriously icky.


Ooooh, that definitely trumps everything.

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If some person is supposedly peeking through the window why doesn't Liez call the cops?

She did.  They came, looked around, didn't see anyone and said they'd file the report.


She called Jason because Jake insisted he wanted his father (manipulating the divorced parents 101)

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perkie is right. Someone needs to sleep with Johnny.  I volunteer as tribute.


Go for it. I don't think BB is all that, TBH.   Someone on one of the boards used to call him Chipmunk or something like it, I can't remember. Now when I see him, it's all I think about.

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She did.  They came, looked around, didn't see anyone and said they'd file the report.


She called Jason because Jake insisted he wanted his father (manipulating the divorced parents 101)


Ugh. Dead Now Alive Jake is so annoying. It would make more sense for him to be begging to see Helena and whatever goon(s) raised him for four years 

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So after viewers had to watch almost a year of Jason being lied to and manipulated by Liz, the new year they have to look forward to him being duped some more, this time by a kid? Yeah...


It'll be a ratings bonanza! Only, not really.

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It'll be a ratings bonanza! Only, not really.

Is anything on the show bumping the ratings? Certainly not the "Franco reinitiates Nina into the art of love" or "Sonny's such a good mobster, look at those leg tingles!".

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Not that I have any interest in seeing Lucas marry that loser, but is that shit with Brad and that girl ever going to be resolved or no?


I don't think so, for which I am thankful. I wouldn't mind Brad popping up but Rosalie can continue to not keep popping up randomly every 3 months.

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I unfortunately looked up a few times during the love scene ...

LMAO! I also accidentally looked up and it was legitimately traumatizing.


What a pile of horse shit.



All this. And "I am the police" when she threatens to call the cops? Way to sound creepy and threatening!


That line was so odd. It seriously came off super threatening.


He didn't spend 4 years with Helena without learning something about manipulation and string pulling.


He was rasied by Helena and his mother is Liz, like this kid definitely has manipulation in his bones.


Someone needs to sleep with Johnny.  I volunteer as tribute.

Get in line!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If Jake really isn't dead, shouldn't someone dig up the grave that Liz and Lucky buried him in and attempt to id the remains there? i am surprised that Snarly didn't insist on it because she did have questions about whose kidney was transplanted into Joss.

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perkie is right. Someone needs to sleep with Johnny.  I volunteer as tribute.

No no, I suggested it, I get first dibs!



but Rosalie can continue to not keep popping up randomly every 3 months.

Just because it needed to be said again.  Although I think if I had a choice between her or NIna, I'd pick Rosalie.



And "I am the police" when she threatens to call the cops? Way to sound creepy and threatening!

I think DZ was going for joking but it didn't quite come across that way.  

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I think I recall seeing a spoiler somewhere concerning the Lucas/Brad/Rosalie situation.  It stated that we'd get some sort of an answer and/or closure on that story early this year.  Since I believe that the actors playing Brad and Rosalie are already long gone, written out sometime during the switch in writers, we will get a flimsy explanation somehow, stating that Brad and Rosalie hooked up again and left town together because they miraculously discovered that they had genuine unresolved feelings for each other beyond just the "marriage of convenience."

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There are a lot of books in the Nina/Franco/Kiki apartment, which I find suspicious since I'm not convinced any of them can read.


I think Nina can read, I just dunno if she ever finishes a book because she probably repeats every sentence 5 freaking times.

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I think there's a home intruder on the loose in PC, no one knows yet because the cops are Dante and Nathan, who had targeted Liz's house but of course Jake scared him away upon seeing him from a distance. I don't even feel a little bad about saying that. Happy 2016!

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I'd read it, if he did, because RoHo actually seems like a genuinely nice guy. NLG with her tell all, would simply call out every other person except herself. Boring. And yeah I guess the POV of someone too nice to call divas out for being divas, would be boring to read too, but I'd take reading RoHo's pov over NLG's any day of the week.

I know. The man has worked with many people that he'd speak about in a respectful, interesting, and refreshing manner. He's also been involved with many amazing soap milestones and stories. Not to mention, we don't know his POV. That alone is intriguing.

Anyway, I think this art therapy story is being done because RoHo and RH are probably the two (besides Mo) that bring out the best in kids. RoHo and BH can generally pull great performances out of anyone. If Creeper Jake doesn't improve after a few months, then they might imo recast him. They should just take Emma leaving as an opportunity to SORAS Cam, Emma, Joss, and Spencer to 15/16 yr olds for summer. If they like Spencer kid so much, let him be recast Aiden. Just send Jake away for a year to boarding school till he's an angsty 17 year old.

Edited by Grrpants09
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Kiki:  I don't know what all these things are that my Dad left behind here.  There are shelves full of them.  


She was putting liquor bottles behind them after she'd been living there for about a week, so she clearly thinks they're some kind of storage device. 

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Kiki:  I don't know what all these things are that my Dad left behind here.  There are shelves full of them.

Kiki:  And there are no pictures in them.  How can anyone understand what's happening without pictures?

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Oh thank GOD this show answered my prayers for the New Year!


I was just DYING to find out if the Nina and the SERIAL KILLER would finally make the business and become a "real" couple with "real" feelings and "real" shitty camera work to tie it all together!




...and now I feel the need to throw up again just as I did when I watched that nasty shit live.


I really should sue this show for mental anguish, I just cannot understand why the things that happen happen.


I am supposed to give two diddly dipshits that a SERIAL KILLER/RAPIST/MONSTER/PSYCHOPATH is going to have this new, better than ever, soul mate "romance" with a woman who has the mental and emotional maturity of a fifteen year old...? What fuckary.


That's all I kept saying today after every scene, what fuckary is this?


Spinelli would lick Jason's bootstraps if told to and the level of disgust that brings up in me...I can't put into words, at least not ones that aren't expletives.


The kid actor playing "Should Still Very Much Be Dead Now" Jake is agonizing to watch, imo.


I wonder if he has ever had any acting work since they killed off baby Jake, because in all honesty he seems to just want to be left alone. I hate to think about the kid actors who are truly forced to act because their parents push it on them, but this kid is a prime candidate for that circumstance from what I've seen of him.


If Captain Moron's "mental illness" doesn't end up with either his death or the death of one of his slaggard relatives, and Kiki can be in that bunch, then I see no point to this. And if Byron really believes this acting stint is going to get him an Emmy too...heh, keep dreaming kid.

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