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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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KMc does play up the history well. Granted, she's the original & has been playing since was a kid but she never phones it in. I was even hoping she would have a scene with Storms but I'm not sure their filming dates matched up. I like the guy playing Curtis but then it was ruined that he has a scene with Stafford tomorrow. Can't she just leave...like.....yesterday?!

I got the impression that Hayden is just playing Nicholas. Especially, after hearing that he was responsible for shooting her. I'm thinking she's 90% playing him & 5% in love with him & 5% wanting to jump his bones. Of course, I could be totally wrong on all counts.

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I am of the opinion that the only reason Kim has put up with all she has, and has continued to return to this awful show, is because of her history with it and her love for her fellow vet actors she grew up around, and also the "family" Robin created with Patrick and Emma.


Kim: So...what's Robin up to now? I was thinking that maybe I could film some scenes involving  her and Maxie and then maybe Mac and Felicia too because-


Writers: Oh they aren't important to Robin, they're just her family, who cares? Now, just try to contain your shock and surprise...she's been kidnapped!


Kim: ...again?


Writers: What do you mean 'again'? She hasn't been kidnapped in forever!


Kim: You mean since the last time I was here...?


Writers: No, Robin was being held "hostage", which is totally different. Now hurry and put on your scrubs, we need to film you holding a beaker and looking sad.


Kim: Can't I at least get some real clothes to wear?


Writers; Wardrobe is on a tight budget, why try and find clothes that fit you when you can just wear the scrubs that'll stretch to fit?


Kim: 'Stretch to fit'...what? Are you calling me fat?


Writers: Noooooo...it's not as if you're a tubby blob like Sean was or anything that extreme. Now scrub up!

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Robin, you left Jason and went to Paris because you betrayed Jason by telling AJ that he was Michael's father, a truth that wasn't yours to tell.  I've hated you from that day to this for that fundamental bedrock reason.  And you leave it out of the history?  It's the thing that broke you and Jason up for good.  Not Sonny's life or the danger or any of that bat guano.  My head exploded because I couldn't believe how "honest" Robin could be so selectively deceptive in her version of events.  



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LOL.  The way they had NuJason referring to Spinelli as a sweet guy in yesterday's episode made me wonder if they shouldn't just be a damn couple.  KillerJason as played by Steve Burton would never have said that, I don't think.


That's been Spinelli's wet dream since they met!

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A safe face to wear in Hollywood and other highly political environments.


JJ has known Tony and Genie since he was 11 years old. They are like his second family. It may seem like an odd friendship, but sometimes some of the best friendships are, even if we don't understand them. All it proves is that Tony was good as a surrogate dad to JJ, in spite of whatever ego he may otherwise have with TPTB. Not to mention the fact that JJ is a devout Christian, and Tony, I think, is an atheist like Luke.


It's possible there are people on GH who have hid their true feelings about Tony to keep their jobs, but it's pretty clear JJ isn't one of them. Maybe I'm just too nice a person or something, but I like that two very different people have a special bond, one that began when JJ was still a child.

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FYI to anyone looking forward to seeing JT on Y&R - that show is hot elephant shit just like GH. Good luck.

Bwah. Well, yeah, that show ain't award-winning either. Although I do think it's better than GH. But, hey, JT's character on GH was making risotto and writing emo country songs. I feel like I'll like his new character options better.

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So Jason knows all about how Robin saved him and all she sacrificed, but the writers wouldn't let Sam acknowledge it? Trash. Pure trash.


I was very happy that Sam didn't thank Robin for saving Jason. Robin didn't lift a finger for Sam. Robin saved Jason for herself and because Jason is her friend as evidenced by the tongue bath she gave him on the bridge. And Robin's hug for Liz after learning what she did reinforced that. No thank you. 

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I was very happy that Sam didn't thank Robin for saving Jason. Robin didn't lift a finger for Sam. Robin saved Jason for herself and because Jason is her friend as evidenced by the tongue bath she gave him on the bridge. And Robin's hug for Liz after learning what she did reinforced that. No thank you.

Well, there's actual dialogue that Robin said she wanted to bring Jason back for Sam and Danny (followed by Patrick not giving a crap about them), when she met Danny for the first time, she was sad that Jason would never know his son. Also, when Robin and Jason escaped the clinic, she told him about his son and wanted him to reunite with Sam. The show can ignore this now, but it happened on-screen.

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Everytime someone reveals they hate Robin for revealing AJ is Michael's father, I'm that Goffrey from GoT meme. Gasp.



If you're a diehard Jason fan, I can understand the hate. I don't agree with it, but I get it. I don't hate Robin for any reason, I'm just bored by her, so I have no stake in the issue. But I can get the idea that it really wasn't her truth to tell, but sometimes in life, when everyone around you is a coward, you have to step up and do what no one else will do simply because it's RIGHT and no other reason. Thing is, memory is hazy but my recollection is that Robin and Carly were at each other's throats, which is the main thing that prompted Robin to tell. So it's like she at least partly told to be spiteful and vindictive, and I get the hate for that. As I myself said a few days ago, had all four of them(Robin, Carly, Jason and Sonny) all been of one accord, there's a good chance Robin would have never told.

What I'm sad about with JT leaving-the ONLY thing I'm sad about-is that Ashton wasn't right, and Patrick was never Tracy's boy toy. I wouldn't even have cared about that. I just always wanted them to interact more.

Ah, well. If wishes were horses.

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Bwah. Well, yeah, that show ain't award-winning either. Although I do think it's better than GH. But, hey, JT's character on GH was making risotto and writing emo country songs. I feel like I'll like his new character options better.


Sure, if by better you mean awful in a different kind of way. And JT will be the third actor to play this character since BM left. We'll see how long he lasts. 

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Sure, if by better you mean awful in a different kind of way. And JT will be the third actor to play this character since BM left. We'll see how long he lasts.

Oh, it's bad. But the quality is like, 1,000x better than GH. In terms of acting, sets, dialogue, length of scenes, etc.

And you're talking to someone who thinks BM should have never left Y&R. I loved him in that role. I'm curious to see JT do something different. We'll see.

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Everytime someone reveals they hate Robin for revealing AJ is Michael's father, I'm that Goffrey from GoT meme. Gasp.

Derp?  I are confused.  


Normally I'm not this much of a dumb shit.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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Well, there's actual dialogue that Robin said she wanted to bring Jason back for Sam and Danny (followed by Patrick not giving a crap about them), when she met Danny for the first time, she was sad that Jason would never know his son. Also, when Robin and Jason escaped the clinic, she told him about his son and wanted him to reunite with Sam. The show can ignore this now, but it happened on-screen.

All of that is true but she never bothered to tell Sam that her husband was alive. Most/all of this recent terribleness could've been avoided if she'd done so - and Sam had a right to know

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All of that is true but she never bothered to tell Sam that her husband was alive. Most/all of this recent terribleness could've been avoided if she'd done so - and Sam had a right to know

She couldn't tell anyone. She was being threatened. With harm to her family and death to Jason. She broke down and told Patrick and Victor knew and came back and threatened her.

Anyway, I really don't want to even talk about this subject anymore, lol. I'm gonna let y'all be free of me regarding this because this entire story is trash and was retconned and the show doesn't even remember what happened, nor do they care.

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All of that is true but she never bothered to tell Sam that her husband was alive. Most/all of this recent terribleness could've been avoided if she'd done so - and Sam had a right to know

Because Sam just has to be everyone's victim right? Everyone did Sam wrong, and was working to keep Jason from her?


Or maybe Robin's life was in danger, and she couldn't tell anyone that Jason was alive. When exactly could she have told Sam that Jason was alive?

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Thing is, memory is hazy but my recollection is that Robin and Carly were at each other's throats, which is the main thing that prompted Robin to tell. So it's like she at least partly told to be spiteful and vindictive, and I get the hate for that.



That is exactly what happened. I didn't hate Robin for telling the truth because much as I shipped Jason and Carly then (yeah sue me, I was totally here for Steve Burton and Sara Brown but then Steve lost a neck and stopped trying and Brown left so that went away quickly), I did think it was unfair and wrong of them to keep A.J. from his own child. That said, what I disliked about Robin then was her bullshit in trying to insist that she told the truth because A.J. deserved to know and she cared so much. 


No, she told because she hated Carly (for good reason mind you) and figured doing so would get Carly out of her and Jason's life. I remember that episode clearly to this day. She and Carly were at it again and Carly, being Carly, was vicious and hit way below the belt. I think she made some comment about Jason never being happy and committed to Robin since they couldn't even have "real" sex together due to Robin's HIV. And she brought up the fact that that's exactly why she and Jason first started hooking up. It was pretty mean and Robin immediately went to A.J.. and told him the truth. 


So I get it and I wasn't mad at the girl. I just hated her bullshit innocent act after that she just did it because A.J. had a right to know. Robin had no problem keeping the truth from A.J. and continuing Jason's lie, especially when Carly was still gone because of her post-partum depression after Michael was born. She was more than happy and willing to play house with Jason and Michael. It's when Carly came back, then was dead set on having Jason and things between them became constantly nasty that she decided A.J. deserved to know the truth.  

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I am so close to having a rage blackout when Michael said that he couldn't forgive Kiki for lying to him but HE DID forgive Snarly, Morgan and Scummy for lying about Sonny murdering AJ.

Because the "Sonny murdering AJ" storyline is now a dropped story point.  Did you see how fast the writers reversed course with Michael and Sonny and how Michael now never mentions AJ?  Do I wish the new writers had kept the "Sonny shot AJ" storyline alive?  Hell yes, but they have pretty much erased it.  Have you noticed that Monica talks nicely with Carly?  Did you notice that the writers had Monica mention to Ava that she had a part in Aj's death (but not Sonny)?  I actually was happy to hear someone rightfully blame Ava for her part in AJ's death, but Sonny's part in it is being whitewashed.  My guess is that the new writers hate that RC did it in the first place.  People can rage all they want about the Sonny/AJ storyline (which was the only decent story RC ever wrote), but it is not going to get face time on GH.  So I've moved on from it.  


I had no problem with Michael being angry with Sabrina because she was going to allow Michael to live the lie of being a father to a child that wasn't his, and no matter how she spins it, it was wrong.  Michael will not be written to react to the death of AJ anytime in the near future - or ever.  So if that's what people are hoping for, good luck.

Edited by Bishop
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Yeah, Robin got swept away with the fantasy of her and Jason and Michael. It was very human of her, this girl who thought that this family life was something she could never have, to indulge. It wasn't right but it was understandable. It was just as understandable that when Carly returned and shit all over that fantasy that Robin woke up and realized it.


Her telling AJ was done for myriad reasons and not all of them were altruistic. Frankly, it just made me like Robin more. For all the people who, at that time certainly, called her boring and Miss Perfect and too good to be interesting... to have her make these decisions that were not borne out of pure goodness... that there was selfishness and vindictiveness in there as much as, yes, telling AJ because he deserved to know (and recall, he wasn't exactly thanking her for keeping quiet as long as she did.) It made Robin more interesting and fleshed out to me. She was a person with more than one facet.


I will never be bothered by Robin telling. Carly thought she could just bully Robin all she wanted. Carly was a fucking moron. "Gee, I'll antagonize the person who doesn't owe me shit and who knows my secret! This is a brilliant idea!" Carly basically cries about Robin telling the truth the way a bully cries when they torment someone and they finally get punched for it. Meanwhile, Jason was becoming more of a holier-than-thou snot than Robin could ever hope to be.

Edited by Dandesun
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Because Sam just has to be everyone's victim right? Everyone did Sam wrong, and was working to keep Jason from her?

Or maybe Robin's life was in danger, and she couldn't tell anyone that Jason was alive. When exactly could she have told Sam that Jason was alive?

Before she told Patrick ideally. It's not about Sam being a "victim", just Sam being the man's wife.

I believe that Robin's motives were absolutely altruistic and based on her love/long-standing relationship with Jason. I also think the way she went about this was incredibly foolish - that she didn't tell her parents, at the very least was mind-boggling

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Heatlifer, 'holier-than-thou snot' was a term I often saw used for Robin back in the day. Hell, I still see people claiming she's so much more holier than thou... these days, in particular, I find it laughable.


There is no one more holier-than-thou on this show than Jason Morgan. Guza turned him into that much to the show's detriment.

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Heatlifer, 'holier-than-thou snot' was a term I often saw used for Robin back in the day. Hell, I still see people claiming she's so much more holier than thou... these days, in particular, I find it laughable.

There is no one more holier-than-thou on this show than Jason Morgan. Guza turned him into that much to the show's detriment.

Oh, you don't have to tell me. If any character thought they were always right and better and smug as shit, it was Jason. Sonny/Jason/Carly epitomized it, actually.

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Robin, you left Jason and went to Paris because you betrayed Jason by telling AJ that he was Michael's father, a truth that wasn't yours to tell.  I've hated you from that day to this for that fundamental bedrock reason.  And you leave it out of the history?  It's the thing that broke you and Jason up for good.  Not Sonny's life or the danger or any of that bat guano.  My head exploded because I couldn't believe how "honest" Robin could be so selectively deceptive in her version of events.  



Jake/Jason didn't want his history. bad enough he was a killer for Sonny. You want Robin to tell him he stole his,brothersson. allowed Carly to help him destroy, Bobbie ,Tony,Robin , AJ the Q's were demonized by Sonny. Borg believed them. Robin told to keep carly from having control of Jason through Michael. Robin went right to Jason and told him what she had done. Carly got exactly what she deserved.
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Robin ended things with Jason before that fight with Carly so it wasn't like she told in hopes of keeping a hold of Jason.  They were through.  She was on her way out of town and Carly had to get one more dig in.  I have always said that it was not as black and white as either side made it out to be.  Robin was never comfortable with the secret and always thought AJ should know.  At the same time she was willing to keep it.  With all of that background I think she told both to spite and because she never liked keeping it.  

Edited by camussie
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Before she told Patrick ideally. It's not about Sam being a "victim", just Sam being the man's wife.

I believe that Robin's motives were absolutely altruistic and based on her love/long-standing relationship with Jason. I also think the way she went about this was incredibly foolish - that she didn't tell her parents, at the very least was mind-boggling

Except ONSCREEN, Robin said multiple times that she did this for Jason, Sam and Danny. Robin isn't love with Jason, and hasn't been in a long time. 


And when would she have told Sam or her parents? Her life was being threatened along with her family's. She wasn't just on vacation, keeping Jason from everyone. She was being held hostage. 


Not to mention, that at the end of the day, Robin doesn't owe Sam shit.

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I think everyone has good points, and one mark of a compelling story is that people talk and debate about it almost two decades afterward.

I think Robin was uncomfortable keeping the truth from AJ, but I also think she told in the end, NOT because of that discomfort, but as revenge.

Again-when people's motives aren't always clear-or when there are multiple motives and not just one reason for doing something-that's what makes the stories AND the characters interesting.


I love it when you can't always figure a character out, and when there is no cut and dried simple truth. It happens so rarely on this show these days, and it's one reason why I am still holding out some hope that there's more to this Paul thing than him being some mob thug. I like to think there's always more to most characters than meets the eye, whether they are a favorite or not.

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Years ago, I was a Clark and Lois Smallville shipper. Before they really started, they had Lana and Clark breakup due to some stupid magical thing and not because it was really over. I remember being pissed and just flat out wanting Lois away from Clark. So, I understand what it is like to have your couple end up together but really not end up together. You know! 

Anyways, I never once blamed Lana. I put the blame out on the writers and on Clark. He is the one who needed it to end cleanly and not because of some stupid other thing that forced him/her.


However, majority here has been blaming Samtrick when they should rightfully blame those idiot writers and Patrick. He was the one in relationship with Robin not Sam. If he is making it seem like Robin is second choice than that is on him.


People were like why didn't Sam thank Robin or say something? I ask those people these questions:

Why didn't she really give it Liz, Laura, or Nik? Why didn't she look for her husband's remains when Patrick told her Jason was once saved by Robin? Why didn't Sam an investigator look more into the details regarding Jason? Why didn't Sam do anything during this reveal besides cry about Jason being alive?

Simple, this would mean Sam is actually part of the Jason storyline instead of being on the sidelines. It is all about Liz and how she has suffered. 

Another person said why did Sam drop the gift earlier?  She tried when she ran into Liz at the hospital and found out Patrick left the country. She thought since she has a keys she would drop it at his house now since she got busy that night. 


Honestly, Scrubs being rushed is no ones fault but the writers not another couples or characters. The writers. 


Why?  KeMo asked to work with JT and she got her wish, so BH was paired up with BM, IMO.

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I totally thought Kristina and Michael were going to kiss.


Dante is so alone that he goes over to Sonny and Carly's. Ha.


I loved Sam and Jason. Of course they cut it off at the non kiss. 


Add Kristina to the list of peeps lickings Jason's ass. 

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I'm wondering if HeatLifer was underwhelmed by the proposal(s), because I certainly was. Where's the emotion?? Of course Patrick initiates sex to "prove" to Robin their reunion is real. Robin, naturally, looked afraid/nervous at the first bedroom kiss - not joyful. IMO, the love scene just came off as awkward, not two people overwhelmed by the love they feel for each other.  


I actually enjoyed a moment of NotTodd!Franco - Curtis calling him a punk ass, and pointing out the recognizable habits of a criminal. Ha.


Kristina amused me, but Sam falling into Jason was so contrived. Kinda nice to see Dante looking somewhat alive, and Michael and Dante acting like brothers having a little fun.


I figured Lulu would end up making out with Johnny at midnight. 


UGH at the focus on Sonny, his leg, and their joy. Of course that's the focus on the end.  Also, disappointed that Morgan didn't get shot on the pier for being stupid.

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I was underwhelmed by the proposal because Robin initiated it.  It would have worked much better if Patrick bought the perpetual calendar and said all the things Robin did.  He is the one who needs to be making the big gestures here because he is the one who was just engaged to someone else.  I have no doubts that Robin wanted her life back with Patrick.  Patrick's feelings were the ones in question so Patrick needed to make the big gesture.  Like the first time he said I love.  Flowers,  music playing outside her window.  Etc.

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First: really? Emma at a sleepover just when she's got her mom back? Though I did smile at hearing Patrick saying she was bragging about how grandma and grandpa were super spies! Hee.


Ugh, did they have to fade to Cujo and midgety moobster during Patrick and Robin's love scene?


And yeah, forget emotion, okay, let's not, but also, where was the passion?  I will give Robin a pass, because it's been two years (again with that number!) since she was held and kissed and loved by Patrick, and considering how they imploded, I can understand a certain shyness, awkwardness. And not to sound mysogynistic or anything, but since it was Patrick who had the loss of faith, who ignored all the red flags and believed Robin to abadon him and Emma, he should shown her how much he's missed her and loves and for fuck's sake, show her with some fiery kisses! The last time was much more emotional, because they both knew they were saying goodbye, with threats hanging over Robin's head.  After all, like camussie said, he's the one that needs to prove his love. Robin's was never in question.


Oh, and I just have to express my glee, that Jason has NOT had any memories or flashes of Cujo.  I don't know why I thought he would have mentioned that he met Robin tonight. But I'm glad he didn't, because that would have started Cujo on how dare Robin track him down to hook her claws into him and manipulate him.


I take my small pleasures where I can.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Oh, and I just have to express my glee, that Jason has NOT had any memories or flashes of Cujo.  I don't know why I thought he would have mentioned that he met Robin tonight. But I'm glad, because that would have started Cujo on how dare Robin track him down to hook her claws into him and manipulate him.


I hadn't even thought of that! I don't think he's had any of Sonny either. Just Liz, Sam and Robin.

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I actually enjoyed a moment of NotTodd!Franco - Curtis calling him a punk ass, and pointing out the recognizable habits of a criminal. Ha.


UGH at the focus on Sonny, his leg, and their joy. Of course that's the focus on the end.  Also, disappointed that Morgan didn't get shot on the pier for being stupid.


Not gonna lie...Curtis may now be my favorite character.


And seriously, UGH at Sonny boo hooing about not being able to dance with his wife and getting a NYE "miracle".  BOOOO.

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I'm wondering if HeatLifer was underwhelmed by the proposal(s), because I certainly was.

I'll just say this. For something that the writers clearly don't care about, for something that was filmed in 2 days with JT's parents and wife looking on and after he came back from a European trip, for a story that was so convoluted and messy and shitty, for a pairing that has been trashed for over a year and beyond, for actors who were the only ones who wanted this ending...

I enjoyed it, actually. They've been engaged and married a bazillion times. I don't need more bawling and monologues, especially when, like I said, the writers don't care to give them depth or to talk about what she went through. They just don't care.

I thought the love scene was well done. Patrick actually opened his mouth for once. It was super sweet and emotional. I wasn't expecting clothes being ripped off and like, heavy breathing. It was their first time together in nearly 2 years.

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I thought the love scene was well done. Patrick actually opened his mouth for once. It was super sweet and emotional. I wasn't expecting clothes being ripped off and like, heavy breathing. It was their first time together in nearly 2 years.


It was, but I liked the one in 2013 better; and there are different levels of passion; I certainly wasn't expecting or wanting Patrick to rip off Robin's shirt, but I did want something...more from him. And honestly? He's an actor. He should be able to put in the effort, even if his parents and wife are there watching. Other times, the entire crew is watching, it's not as if love scenes are filmed in private or isolation.


But that's the extent of my complaining.  Today.


And maybe it's my residual high from watching the Robin and Jason scenes yesterday, but Jason and Sam seemed...awkward with each other today in their scenes. Or that they looked like they were trying to hard to be flirty. Does that make sense?

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I hadn't even thought of that! I don't think he's had any of Sonny either. Just Liz, Sam and Robin.


Nope. Jason had a memory of Sonny after he went to talk to Sonny after the reveal that he was really Jason.

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It was, but I liked the one in 2013 better; and there are different levels of passion; I certainly wasn't expecting or wanting Patrick to rip off Robin's shirt, but I did want something...more from him. And honestly? He's an actor. He should be able to put in the effort, even if his parents and wife are there watching. Other times, the entire crew is watching, it's not as if love scenes are filmed in private or isolation.


But that's the extent of my complaining.  Today.


And maybe it's my residual high from watching the Robin and Jason scenes yesterday, but Jason and Sam seemed...awkward with each other today in their scenes. Or that they looked like they were trying to hard to be flirty. Does that make sense?

To me Jason and Sam was just so contrived and forced. Jason went from having no feelings for her, other than friendship to basically almost kissing her overnight. Its happening way to fast considering that Jason wanted to spend his life with Liz a few weeks ago, and this week, Sam was talking about how much she loved Patrick and their little family. 



Nope. Jason had a memory of Sonny after he went to talk to Sonny after the reveal that he was really Jason.

Oh ok. I blocked those scenes out because I found them so disgusting.

Edited by MissE
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It was, but I liked the one in 2013 better; and there are different levels of passion; I certainly wasn't expecting or wanting Patrick to rip off Robin's shirt, but I did want something...more from him. And honestly? He's an actor. He should be able to put in the effort, even if his parents and wife are there watching. Other times, the entire crew is watching, it's not as if love scenes are filmed in private or isolation.

Oh, I get you. But I still think he was fine. I mean, there's always room for improvement with anything, but it's his last day. It's like when it's the last week of school and you're just like, "OK! Let's do this!"

When I watched it, I just remember thinking it was a lovely scene. The song was sweet. The way they looked at each other was sweet.

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Johnny and Lulu... and, why the hell not? Val and Dillon. That leaves Dante to stand around wondering what the hell happened.


Poor Ensign got rejected, again.


Johnny and Lulu had better follow through and he'd better knock her up with miracle twins. but seriously, it was a good kiss. There is chemistry. And Johnny slinking away when Curtis mentioned the most wanted list was hilarious. And Curtis ragging on Franco just to rag on him was great.


For something rushed as fuck, Robin and Patrick were nice. And for once I'll give the composer a compliment and say the music cue for when they got up off the couch was nice.


I thought Darby was Sam for a split second. Weird. Also why would bi-polar make Morgan want to help out Sonny instead of being with Darby? I don't get it. Or is this a sign he's saving himself for Kiki. Oh well, I don't care either way.


Michael and Dante acting like brothers having a little fun.



I thought the final smile between them was probably Dominic and Chad, that was cute.

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I hope Dante walks in on Lulu riding Johnny. 


Curtis should have shot Franco because Helena. 


Given the circumstances, I think Sam and Jason are appropriately awkward and uneasy around each other. I appreciate that Sam isn't sniffing his cum stained underwear and begging him to be with her and he isn't given her false hope to make her feel better. 

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