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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For real, Carly said "Jason is not some blank slate you get to write on." Isn't that exactly what Carly and Sonny did post the car accident?

I've been waiting for the opportunity for Monica (who?) to say to Carly, "You can't accept who he is now, you just want to force him to be who you remember."


Monica acknowledged that she'd been through this before with Jason, and just wanted the opportunity to learn who he is now, which was a nice nod to history. But if Monica had the chance to stick it to Carly and Sonny just a little bit, I would refrain from criticizing Sonny until Christmas. (he loves his kids you know)

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I don't give a shit how many times they make over Nina, it will always be putting lipstick on a pig.  This is the person who drugged and tortured a pregnant woman, ripped the baby out of her womb, and kidnapped the baby to go on the run with a serial killer.  There is no walking back from that.  Nina and Franco have got to go.


Also, as wrong as Liz is for lying and stealing a man's life, I absolutely hate that the screeching, shrieking banshee known as Carly gets to be right.

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Kill me like I'm a Quartermaine but I like Maxie and Nina together. Now if that make over had amounted to something and I could permanently banish the squick that "Maxie had sex with Franco" this storyline could go somewhere!

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Holy cow, I fucking hate Carly.  Her whole diatribe at Liz today - scolding Liz for never putting Jason first while she flat out admits that she wants back HER Jason, checking Liz for wading into Jason's relationship with Sam when Carly did that all the time, advising Liz to give him space when she called him for help with Sonny less than 24 hours after she knew who he was - was so rage inducing.  Fuck the fuck off, you snarling, hypocritical bitch.


In other news, Show, you can't have a character toss off a typical soap opera threat when they are a SERIAL KILLER, that does not work.

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Patrick (JT's) hair is getting dangerouly close to mullet territory.  It looked not too bad the other day but today it looks like he has hockey helmet head.  Are we supposed to be thinking "wow he just got out of surgery and took off his scrub cap that he has been sweating in for 6 hours".


I LOVED Maxie's dress.Nina's before dress looked like an ugly Christmas sweater, the after...........not sure what the hell that was supposed to be.


Other than that, and Carly saying things to Liz that we all have been saying for years, today was booooring.

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Jason was willing. I just loathe the holy thing that Carly and Jason's friendship has become. 

A thousand times this.  And I always feel like this "bestest of best friends" is seen through the prism of Carly's eyes.  SHE thinks they're some sort of soulmates, but so much of the time Steve Burton would play it like Carly was his penance for all his crimes.

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I wish I'd had a warning for that NotTodd!Franco-Nina kiss. I need brain bleach. Blech. Also: unmoved by the Nina makeover, show. Please stop trying to make her happen. And shut UP, Maxie.


Alexis' "the wicked witch is dead" happy dance was funny. Not sure I've ever heard her call Nikolas "nephew" before. Did I see a tear in his eyes when she said he's carrying on for Helena? I liked her saying only what Sam wants/thinks counts re: where she and Danny belong and with whom.


Liz telling Carly 'you loved Jason more than any man you were sleeping with"  and labeling that relationship twisted is the best line BH/Elizabeth has had in quite a while. LOL at Carly tearing up a little.  I have to enjoy Liz pushing back against Carly's attitude and demands. While some of what Carly said was true, I roll my eyes at her attitude that she and Jason are good for each other, him being with Liz + boys and not working as a hitman instead of being with his family and living with the danger he 'craves' makes him 'small.' Liz's weird chaste monage a trois line was funny (and accurate) too. So are these two women equally delusional now? Seems like it's a toss up. 


Too bad Sam didn't overhear Patrick telling Jason he's a distraction.who needs to get out of Sam's life. Jason's response was good. Maybe Jason will let Sam know? Anyway, SBu's Jason would have just glared or glowered, said a few words instead of articulating actual thoughts, and walked away.


 Laura looks beautiful. But I call b.s. at Sam wondering aloud to Laura if Liz knew who Jason was before Carly told him. Feeling a little surprised that Liz seems to sincerely give back the engagement ring because of his feeling of being trapped in a maze.


Loved Sam telling Patrick not to drag her mother into it, that if and when she's ready to divorce Jason she'll do it without manipulation from him. Ha! She should yell "hypocrite" and bare her teeth at him for getting testy/hostile as he demands to know why she's trying to delay getting a divorce when she claims to want to marry him. What a douchecanoe hypocrite. 

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I think it has been long enough since the showrunner switch to comment safely.



New looks, Everyone except JT has better hair and clothes.

More problems that seem like they could happen (except the Jackson mess that keeps dragging on and will keep aftershocking forever until zombies attack or something)

More fierce. Not just Val chewing into Lulu, but more characters fire back instead of taking it during a monologue.

Less camp.


The bad:


There is a lot of stuff going on per show, much less per week, which is good when i can watch with full attention. I know I shouldn't cry about this, but under Ron you could safely work with the show on.

Thought bubbles read by the actor off screen as the character face acts the thought. This isn't supposed to be a romcom

Edited by Happywatcher
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Well, she probably isn't now after what he did...

Ha. They're both in the wrong and in denial. Patrick is an arrogant douchebag who only cares about himself and Sam is fooling herself coming home the other day and claiming Patrick is #1 and Jason is her buddy! and "even if he had his memories, it wouldn't matter" but can't divorce him....

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Ha. They're both in the wrong and in denial. Patrick is an arrogant douchebag who only cares about himself and Sam is fooling herself coming home the other day and claiming Patrick is #1 and Jason is her buddy! and "even if he had his memories, it wouldn't matter" but can't divorce him....


Sam at least thinks she is doing this for the right reasons and doesn't want to hurt anyone. Patrick just wants to claim Sam for himself, Jason be damned

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Sam at least thinks she is doing this for the right reasons and doesn't want to hurt anyone. Patrick just wants to claim Sam for himself, Jason be damned

And if Patrick's POV about Jason was about ROBIN, he would make a whoooooole lotta sense. I'd understand his over the top craziness to keep Sam because Jason "took" Robin. But him being like this solely because of Sam makes him look like an idiot.

I want to understand what this means.

It means that Patrick's tactics may be obnoxious, but Sam should probably get that divorce first before she sleeps with Patrick and continues to live in that home....

Edited by HeatLifer
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And if Patrick's POV about Jason was about ROBIN, he would make a whoooooole lotta sense. I'd understand his over the top craziness to keep Sam because Jason "took" Robin. But him being like this solely because of Sam makes him look like an idiot.


More so than usual. Lol. But seriously, though, he is being almost just as manipulative and controlling as Liz, in that instance.

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More so than usual. Lol. But seriously, though, he is being almost just as manipulative and controlling as Liz, in that instance.

Yup. He's only been with Sam for LESS THAN A YEAR. His behavior makes NO SENSE.

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I don't understand why no one has talked to him about the last time he lost his memory or mentioned looking for Robin since she got it back for him last time.

This reminded me that Sam and Jason have had ONE fucking private conversation since the reveal. ONE. I think maybe it deserves a few more before ANYTHING is really decided. I mean, it's not like it's life altering news to know your dead hubby is alive or anything. One convo is a perfect amount to figure shit out. And that convo was raw with emotions. It's ridiculous that the bullshit with Helena stretching shit out lasted for what....2-3 days? But there isn't time to write some deep meaningful discussion about what these 2 people are feeling? For dogs sake, even Jason and Liz haven't had a real convo since the night of the wedding. It's ridiculous.

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This reminded me that Sam and Jason have had ONE fucking private conversation since the reveal. ONE. I think maybe it deserves a few more before ANYTHING is really decided. I mean, it's not like it's life altering news to know your dead hubby is alive or anything. One convo is a perfect amount to figure shit out. And that convo was raw with emotions. It's ridiculous that the bullshit with Helena stretching shit out lasted for what....2-3 days? But there isn't time to write some deep meaningful discussion about what these 2 people are feeling? For dogs sake, even Jason and Liz haven't had a real convo since the night of the wedding. It's ridiculous.


To be fair, Patrick and Liz are bound and determined not to let them have any private time.

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To be fair, Patrick and Liz are bound and determined not to let them have any private time.

Sam and Jason are adults. If they wanted to have alone time, they would. Patrick and Liz aren't holding them hostage.

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I hate Liz, but I agree with the above: If Sam and Jason want alone time, open their freaking grown-up mouths (assuming they are) and tell Patrick and Liz to let them be. They don't. Makes me think they get off on the drama of it all.


This whole thing is a year past its expiration date, anyway.

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Alexis is the only one who's having the proper response to Helena's "death."


I liked Maxie and Nina, too. Mostly because Maxie was finally doing something she's good at. I loved the stylist's crazy white fringe jacket.


Liz telling Carly 'you loved Jason more than any man you were sleeping with"  and labeling that relationship twisted is the best line BH/Elizabeth has had in quite a while.


I know. It's dead on. Jason always comes first with Carly. Even Michael sucks hind tit to him.


Alexis's "yeah...this is awk-ward" exit from Casa Drake was hilarious.


Does Crimson really have to fail for Julian to get a "hefty tax credit"? Can't he just close it and write it off?

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I think Snarly wants Jason to go back to his hitman ways and off Franco for her.

I mean, I want the same thing. Franco murder mystery FTW!!*

*AJ did it in self-defense and was going to let Sonny/Ava (don't care which!) take the blame in a hilarious reversal

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This reminded me that Sam and Jason have had ONE fucking private conversation since the reveal. ONE. I think maybe it deserves a few more before ANYTHING is really decided. I mean, it's not like it's life altering news to know your dead hubby is alive or anything. One convo is a perfect amount to figure shit out. And that convo was raw with emotions. It's ridiculous that the bullshit with Helena stretching shit out lasted for what....2-3 days? But there isn't time to write some deep meaningful discussion about what these 2 people are feeling? For dogs sake, even Jason and Liz haven't had a real convo since the night of the wedding. It's ridiculous.


That's exactly why I've been saying this whole thing makes no sense. They drag this shit out for a year and there's been like no real emotional payoff in my opinion. I watched Jason picking up Jake today from Sam and Patrick's and honestly, if a person wasn't watching regularly, you would think the big reveal of him really being Jason still hadn't happened yet. There is like ZERO emotional tension in these scenes between him and Sam.


I get it, he doesn't remember loving her and being married to her. And I'm not asking for immediate sexual tension when that wasn't there before the reveal but damn, some kind of emotional conflict or emotional tension or something. Remember her or not, this is the woman he's been friends with for how many months that he now knows was/is his wife, that he promised his life to her at some point AND they share a kid.  That alone should create some weirdness, confusion and emotional strain and awkwardness. And it's like nothing...nada. And I'm left wondering is this Billy Miller's interpretation or the writers?


And speaking of said son, I rolled my eyes very hard when he told Patrick he wasn't going anywhere because he and Sam share a child. My first reaction was "really, Danny counts? Because yesterday you were referring to him and Sam as loose ends you needed to tie up." Kelly Monaco is trying and I do feel like she's playing Sam as trying to respond to what Jason's giving her and because he's made it clear he's with Elizabeth and that's his life now, she's forcing herself to keep her head up around him. But I don't get any of that from Billy Miller's Jason. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Holy cow, I fucking hate Carly.  Her whole diatribe at Liz today - scolding Liz for never putting Jason first while she flat out admits that she wants back HER Jason, checking Liz for wading into Jason's relationship with Sam when Carly did that all the time, advising Liz to give him space when she called him for help with Sonny less than 24 hours after she knew who he was - was so rage inducing.  Fuck the fuck off, you snarling, hypocritical bitch.


Don't forget the part where she said Morgan would never shoot anyone with a gun. Um, what? Everytime she hears someone's dead or missing she thinks Morgan's responsible! Maybe she was just saving face in front of Franco.


Liz had a lot of good Carly zingers.


And what was that line about if Liz hadn't lied about Danny Jason would have known the truth when he died? Continuity fail, writers.


To the person who asked/mentioned it, yeah, Alexis has called Nikolas "nephew" sporadically.


I liked Maxie's dress, and Nina's pre-dress better. I almost expected her to throw a football when she was like "that woman would never steal a baby out of womb!" And why was she practically lunging when walking to Julian?


I see Franco brought his casual college ensemble today.


Why is Patrick so gung ho to marry Sam. 

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Don't forget the part where she said Morgan would never shoot anyone with a gun. Um, what? Everytime she hears someone's dead or missing she thinks Morgan's responsible!


Also...Morgan has already shot someone with a gun - Max.


And what was that line about if Liz hadn't lied about Danny Jason would have known the truth when he died? Continuity fail, writers.


Huh?  The truth about Danny being alive?  Jason knew that when he died.  The truth about Danny being Jason's and not Franco's?  Liz had nothing to do with that, that was Heather.

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Why is Patrick so gung ho to marry Sam.


To "win" against Jason, a man he has always hated. And if this show had any sort of good writing - which it doesn't - it could be out of the root cause of Robin "dying" for his worthless bitchass, which set the Captivity Follies in motion.


As of now, though, it's simple "poor, poor JaSam" as Liz goes nucking futs and Patrick is obliterated into mulch to keep Romeo and Juliet as the beleaguered victims.

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To "win" against Jason, a man he has always hated. And if this show had any sort of good writing - which it doesn't - it could be out of the root cause of Robin "dying" for his worthless bitchass, which set the Captivity Follies in motion.

As of now, though, it's simple "poor, poor JaSam" as Liz goes nucking futs and Patrick is obliterated into mulch to keep Romeo and Juliet as the beleaguered victims.

It's crazy how easy it would be to have Patrick make sense. And for the story to actually be somewhat...good.

But, no, let's have Patrick just be completely about Sam and all things Sam and he just loves Sam. Let's not use his 10-year history on the show, his history with Robin, his history with women, his history about how he lost his mom and his dad's reaction, his history creating new families at the drop of a hat...

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Liez still hasn't been exposed yet so I don't give a fuck about anything that happened. I also don't give a damn if Liez had some valid points about Carly. She's still a lying psychotic desperate bitch who tried to keep the man she's obsessed with away from his wife and son. Have a fucking seat. Can't wait for your stupid ass to be dragged. 


STFU Patrick. 


These stupid writers aren't going to kill of Serial Killer so what was the point of having Carly say Jason will kill him when he gets his memory back. 

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To "win" against Jason, a man he has always hated. And if this show had any sort of good writing - which it doesn't - it could be out of the root cause of Robin "dying" for his worthless bitchass, which set the Captivity Follies in motion.


As of now, though, it's simple "poor, poor JaSam" as Liz goes nucking futs and Patrick is obliterated into mulch to keep Romeo and Juliet as the beleaguered victims.



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Kelly Monaco is trying and I do feel like she's playing Sam as trying to respond to what Jason's giving her and because he's made it clear he's with Elizabeth and that's his life now, she's forcing herself to keep her head up around him. But I don't get any of that from Billy Miller's Jason.

I don't understand BM's choices here. I get that he's said that Jake is in love with Liz but for Jasus' sake! Add some frikkin nuance. He knows who he is even if he doesn't remember. He finally has the opportunity to play something other than affable dufus and this is what he's doing?

It feels like he's trying to protect "Jake's" image as a 'good guy'

Edited by Oracle42
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I don't understand BM's choices here


He could have had some great scenes today, with Sam, Liz, and/or Patrick. But it seemed like Jason is merely resigned to being with what he now knows his life to be (engaged to Liz). He doesn't seem happy or sad, just resigned. I'm getting nothing from this guy. Is that how it's supposed to be or is BM just an expressionless script reader who's nice to look at?

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Is that how it's supposed to be or is BM just an expressionless script reader who's nice to look at?


A few years ago Billy Miller played a bad guy who was pretending to be a good guy on Sarah Michelle Gellar's CW show.  He played that character much the same way as this one.  BM seems like a nice, charismatic guy but I don't think he has any more range that RoHo.

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BM was pretty good as a rapey guy on Justified. I think it's probably a combo of the writing, directing, and him being bored/confused by this story.


Oh, and Hells is SO not dead. She lives on in Alive Not Dead Jake. She shrunk herself down, had a minion return Jake to Cassadine Island, and is wearing one of those masks supplied by her buddy Faison.


This is the kind of content I come here for.


Liz sucks, but in the Liz vs. Carly war I have to give today to Liz. She had the best lines.


I feel like I had other stuff to say but really who cares?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Liz sucks, but in the Liz vs. Carly war I have to give today to Liz. She had the best lines.


The lines about Carly putting Jason first and the "weird menage-à-trois" they had with Sonny were the best, and total truth. Did Awesome Writer suddenly sneak in?


ETA: LOL, autocorrect "trois" to "trot." It fits either way!

Edited by dubbel zout
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I liked Maxie's dress, and Nina's pre-dress better. I almost expected her to throw a football when she was like "that woman would never steal a baby out of womb!" And why was she practically lunging when walking to Julian?

I think that was her "sexy/powerful businesswoman" walk.

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The lines about Carly putting Jason first and the "weird menage-à-trois" they had with Sonny were the best, and total truth. Did Awesome Writer suddenly sneak in?


Awesome Writer had to have snuck in for that because it was just too beautiful and perfect to have been written by any of the usual hacks.

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I feel like the women has been carrying this whole Jakeson storyline. Honestly, KM, LW, and RH are doing an amazing job. As the story moves along they are adding some nuances to their acting choices that goes with what they are giving regardless of if it makes sense or not. BM on the hand is just soo bland that I am constantly confused by him. 

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Carly's line about Liz climbing those stairs in a blackout was total trolling. But Liz gave better than she got. Carly also lost points for her total delusional judgement of Franco.


She had no problem blaming the tumor for all Franco's crimes against Jason when she was looking for a bed partner. She doesn't get to switch stories now. 

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Carly's line about Liz climbing those stairs in a blackout was total trolling. But Liz gave better than she got. Carly also lost points for her total delusional judgement of Franco.


She had no problem blaming the tumor for all Franco's crimes against Jason when she was looking for a bed partner. She doesn't get to switch stories now. 


If the show never mentioned Carly's near-marriage to Franco ever again I wouldn't mind it if, and only if, Carly never judged Franco again. She could politely remain silent while the rest of the town judged but she invited him into her bed, forced her entire family to accept him and then was too stupid to realize that a) telling him Sonny shot AJ wasn't a great idea and b) thought cheating on Franco (who she "had to marry" so he wouldn't tell about Sonny shooting AJ) wouldn't have any negative consequences. Carly has to carry this baggage forever. 

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Does Crimson really have to fail for Julian to get a "hefty tax credit"? Can't he just close it and write it off?

I would love it if Maxie used her money grubbing powers for good and told Julian that Kate would want Crimson to continue and he owes it to Kate because he made Kate he is the reason that Kate did and he is protecting Kate's murderer.

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