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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So Sam knows that Jason was alive a one point??? I don't remember that, but I don't really remember who knows what in this storyline anymore and really don't care about any of the people.... a sign of a good story right?

Yes, Patrick told Sam that Robin left to save Jason. And told her that Robin told him Jason died.

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That is exactly what they are going to do. Ugh.  Robin better curse him out first.


From Nathan Varni's Facebook:

 Today was heartbreaking and totally untrue dialogue from Patrick about Robin. I don't understand why they have to decimate the memory of scrubs- a true supercouple. Sam can be with Patrick, but why make it like he never loved Robin?

Like · Reply · 13 mins


Nathan Varni We're not, keep watching it will all make sense in the next month


The only way it will all make sense is if Patrick isn't Patrick. (Or if he's under some Helena mind control.) 

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Carly actually called Jason to come running because she has a problem?  Like he doesn't have enough heavy shit on his plate to deal with?  She really expects him to just set all that aside and come running to dry her tears and fix things for her and Sonny?

Seriously. Carly and Sonny are the worst. He knew Ava mah-nipple-ated him into threatening her, but he found a way to make everything someone else's fault. In that much, Ava was 100 percent right. Sonny will start lashing out at everyone because he can't walk.

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That is exactly what they are going to do. Ugh. Robin better curse him out first.

I didn't want Robin to end up back with Patrick before this. Robin should break every one of his damn fingers, if he tries to touch her.

From Nathan Varni's Facebook:

Today was heartbreaking and totally untrue dialogue from Patrick about Robin. I don't understand why they have to decimate the memory of scrubs- a true supercouple. Sam can be with Patrick, but why make it like he never loved Robin?

Like · Reply · 13 mins


Nathan Varni We're not, keep watching it will all make sense in the next month

Someone many pages back described how the GH showrunners were channeling Sleepy Hollow season 2 PTB fuckery and I must say they were spot on.

Every bullshit move they make is followed by "have patience", "trust us", "it's part of a bigger story", "just wait" "hold on", etc. Sleepy Hollow bleed viewers and hasn't recovered.

Showrunners need people to watch but will shit on viewers who don't agree with their vision. Then they get pissy and petty when viewers stop watching, while begging them to have patience and to keep watching.

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Sonny is just too stupid to not have known Ava was setting him up to get him to explode and do exactly what he did.  But, what's new.  And, of course, he has to blame someone else - He's just so ….what's the word - oh, yeah, icky - 


Boy, Elisabeth is a whining whiner.  


Oh - and, Carly - give the guy a break for at least a few days to absorb the news of his identity before pleading that she needs him….oh, soap operas.  

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Oh - and, Carly - give the guy a break for at least a few days to absorb the news of his identity before pleading that she needs him….oh, soap operas.  


She gave him like 2 hours...what more do you people want from her???  ;)


I honestly can't with Sonny blaming Carly...Really? Even IF she went to the wedding first for no other reason but to stand up for Jake...HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE TRIAL WAS PUSHED UP??  It's not like she purposely ignored phone calls, she was in a fucking accident.   If she HADN'T gone to the church, she STILL WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN until she was told in person.  Seriously, wtf??  Ric take some seats. And I have no use for Carly usually, but today was a bunch of fuckery,  And she is on my good list atm for her "playing house" line yesterday.  


ETA: 12 does not mean the same as 2


ETA 2:   How the hell is Sam getting home?  Is she going to walk in the dark back to Patrick's??

Edited by mybabyaidan
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I agree it's a bunch of fuckery, but I really need to rant about a prolific soap trope:


Carly: "Sonny, I wasn't here because something amazing happened and I have to tell you about it and it's so unbelievable that you will be shocked when I tell you, so much so that you will never believe how amazing and shocking this thing I'm going to tell you is and you are just going to be stunned when I tell you this wonderful and unbelievable news that I need to tell you."

Bitch, just say: "JASON IS ALIVE!!!!!!"

rant over

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She gave him like 2 hours...what more do you people want from her???  ;)


I honestly can't with Sonny blaming Carly...Really? Even IF she went to the wedding first for no other reason but to stand up for Jake...HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE TRIAL WAS PUSHED UP??  It's not like she purposely ignored phone calls, she was in a fucking accident.   If she HADN'T gone to the church, she STILL WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN until she was told in person.  Seriously, wtf??  Ric take some seats. And I have no use for Carly usually, but today was a bunch of fuckery,  And she is on my good list atm for her "playing house" line yesterday.  


ETA: 12 does not mean the same as 2


ETA 2:   How the hell is Sam getting home?  Is she going to walk in the dark back to Patrick's??



I think that Robin's house (see what I did here) is just around the corner from Liz's.

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I'm not exactly sure what manner of fuckary aired today, but I know I didn't like any of it.


Patrick has dopey, sad, pathetic, stupid looking hair and his behaviour goes right along with it. He is a loser on all counts, and imo he has no one to blame but himself.  


Yes, Patrick, Sam may love you (snort) but she never loved you the way she loved Jason, not even close, and you knew that so why bring out the sad, kicked puppy dog act when you find her wishing so very hard she can get her real husband back and hoping that they can raise their kid together.


His mopey "woe is me", I'll throw a pity party if I goddamn want to, expression when he realized that she left was so ridiculous. How about you get on the horn to your own ex and find out what the hell actually happened at the clinic that led to these current developments. That is if you can get through to her kidnappers and whatnot. 


Sam drove the motorcycle to Jason and then walked home? Maybe she ordered an Uber drive to swing by and pick her up. But they really haven't had a scene together yet which to me is just more dumb-ass on top of everything else.


He can spend all that time with Carly, and then Liz, but when it comes to Sam, the woman he knew he was married to and had a child with there's a bike drop-off and ten second stares at each other before one or the other takes off, how riveting...


Sonny is truly his own worst enemy and when he torpedoes himself so spectacularly, even if it involves a win for Ava, it's still something to applaud. He is scum and filth and should never be anywhere near children, or adults, or other people, or helpless pets, or national landmarks, or airports, or sidewalks or islands. He should be locked up in a tiny little pen and left to rot.


Michael's tiny gaping fish mouth expression at finding out his "beloved uncle" has returned from the dead was not good. How about you do something useful and rush over and let your Grandma know what's going on before she has to read about it in Julian's paper the next day.


Calm Carly apparently has left the building and been replaced by Bat Shit Cray Cray (Forgotten) BFF Carly with Jason. I bet smiley Jake who appreciated Carly's support and friendship is wondering how the hell he as Jason ever had a life of his own (spoiler alert: you didn't) or how he managed to handle her in times of crisis and turmoil (double spoiler alert: you couldn't).


So they really were going to leave his last name as "Doe"? He was going to make Liz "Mrs. Doe"? Because that sounds real?


Liz is really digging that hole all the way to China at this point.


She is leaving no shit storm shown down untapped for when they all find out she knew and still wanted to marry him right after he was clued into the facts, still wanted him to forget about being with Sam and Danny, and still wanted him to "Daddy" her boys like nothing ever happened, yeah that's going to go over well I'm sure...if only I cared.


Kiki really needed to die in that crash. Thanks Captain Airhead, can you do nothing right? You're supposed to leave worthless trash on the side of the road where it belongs.

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Liez said the boys are confused - that is on your trash ass head. Pull your big girl panties up, you brought this on yourself. Liez is a terrible mother. 5 kids' lives are messed up, and every dragging and every slap coming your way is well deserved I hope Sam slap yo ass to sleep.


But look. No one is blaming Liez! Sam blamed and threatened Nik for possibly knowing. But I can't recall that anyone has turned to Liez yet and said "What about YOU, Honey Chile? Did you know?"


Jason even went home with her, instead of going off alone to think about all these disturbing events in his life.


On a lighter note, it's nice to see Carly's world turning upside down. First, she's in an accident and some rocks hit her. Then her Sugar Sonny blames her for his custody loss of Avery, telling her she wasn't there for him. Now if only Jason would turn a deaf ear to her entreaties for his help! "Sorry kiddo, solve your own problems with your man. I'm not that same Jason, and I'm not your rescuer any more....Grow up, Chica!"

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Showrunners need people to watch but will shit on viewers who don't agree with their vision. Then they get pissy and petty when viewers stop watching, while begging them to have patience and to keep watching.


Nathan Vani's mistake was really engaging at all.  There's no right answer when taking about a soap ship.

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That is exactly what they are going to do. Ugh. Robin better curse him out first.

From Nathan Varni's Facebook:

Today was heartbreaking and totally untrue dialogue from Patrick about Robin. I don't understand why they have to decimate the memory of scrubs- a true supercouple. Sam can be with Patrick, but why make it like he never loved Robin?

Like · Reply · 13 mins


Nathan Varni We're not, keep watching it will all make sense in the next month

Um. Unless "Patrick" is going to rip off a mask to reveal the face of someone with a penchant for terrible fucking haircuts? No, I do not think this is going to "make sense"

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I think that Robin's house (see what I did here) is just around the corner from Liz's.


Sam drove the motorcycle to Jason and then walked home? 

Elizabeth's house and the Scorpio-Drake house are in the same neighborhood, but we've never been told specifically how close together the houses are situated. I remember Liz let them know that house was available, at the time that Robin acknowledged they needed a house because her apartment did not have room for the baby. *Sigh* I hate that the friendship with those three that I used to enjoy, years ago, has also been destroyed with all this WTFery. 

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I agree it's a bunch of fuckery, but I really need to rant about a prolific soap trope:


Carly: "Sonny, I wasn't here because something amazing happened and I have to tell you about it and it's so unbelievable that you will be shocked when I tell you, so much so that you will never believe how amazing and shocking this thing I'm going to tell you is and you are just going to be stunned when I tell you this wonderful and unbelievable news that I need to tell you."

Bitch, just say: "JASON IS ALIVE!!!!!!"

rant over

This may be my favorite rant ever!

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Um. Unless "Patrick" is going to rip off a mask to reveal the face of someone with a penchant for terrible fucking haircuts? No, I do not think this is going to "make sense"

SERIOUSLY. He was going to go to bed in today's episode like.nothing.happened.

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Elizabeth's house and the Scorpio-Drake house are in the same neighborhood, but we've never been told specifically how close together the houses are situated.


I assume Liz walked to Patrick's the morning this happened...




Oh Liz, if you wanna score points with me, you better dig out those sunglasses and a shoe full of tequila.

Edited by TeeVee329
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He was going to go to bed in today's episode like.nothing.happened.

Speaking of Patrick's bedtime, what is up with their timeline?  Carly was trapped in the car all night, the wedding and custody hearing were after the breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, yet the bridge scenes were at night, and Carly, still at the courthouse, calls at bedtime at the Webber/Doe residence. 

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Speaking of Patrick's bedtime, what is up with their timeline? Carly was trapped in the car all night, the wedding and custody hearing were after the breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, yet the bridge scenes were at night, and Carly, still at the courthouse, calls at bedtime at the Webber/Doe residence.

Their timeline is all screwed up. I mean, yesterday on the show was Halloween. And today is Nov. 6.

I only know time based on if it's the best or worst day of Patrick's life.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Speaking of Patrick's bedtime, what is up with their timeline?  Carly was trapped in the car all night, the wedding and custody hearing were after the breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, yet the bridge scenes were at night, and Carly, still at the courthouse, calls at bedtime at the Webber/Doe residence.


And the custody trial was apparently in the late late afternoon or early evening? It wasn't "Night court" was it? LOL.


And seriously, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, followed by afternoon snacks of ice cream cones? When do Liez's children eat proper meals?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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The judge gave full custody to Ava, with supervised visits for Sonny an option in the future.

Welp, Ava's doomed. Hint to those still watching (all three of you): When TIIC tease that there will be "some movement in the story", watch for Ava to suddenly out of a clear blue sky think Sonny is greatest guy EVUH and give Avery back on a whim; or for Sonny to shoot her dead and skip off with little to no punishment whatsoever. That's how this shitshow rolls.

The only way left to salvage Patrick and scrubs is to have him die

The only good Patrick is a dead Patrick.

Edited by yowsah1
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Jesus, I hate Sonny, but why does AVA get custody? She's as bad as he is!!

If show wants me to root for disgusting Ava, making her the female Sonny (pays for about half an hour then it's all good) is NOT the right road.

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Did I hear correctly? Sonny LOST custody? Completely?


Yes, and it was GLORIOUS. It probably won't last for more than a day, so I'm going to relish it as long as I possibly can. Ava Fucking Jerome, bitches. *dances around the room* Congrats to my girl!


She gave him like 2 hours...what more do you people want from her???  ;)


I honestly can't with Sonny blaming Carly...Really? Even IF she went to the wedding first for no other reason but to stand up for Jake...HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE TRIAL WAS PUSHED UP??  It's not like she purposely ignored phone calls, she was in a fucking accident.   If she HADN'T gone to the church, she STILL WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN until she was told in person.  Seriously, wtf??  Ric take some seats. And I have no use for Carly usually, but today was a bunch of fuckery,  And she is on my good list atm for her "playing house" line yesterday.  


I am not sure why I'm being so magnanimous to Carly lately, probably the above but also the UCG of her falling and her BSC "JASON IS ALIVEEEEEEEEEE!" to Michael today.* But Sonny was such a dick to her, which I know isn't a surprise but still it was pretty gross. And again, I can't see how Morgan selling her out and siding with Drunken Mess Kiki over his own mother is supposed to endear me to him. I know it's Carly, but I was on her side. Morgan's a jackass.


My feelings on Patrick went from apathy to complete disgust. If he only spoke as a doctor, I could handle it, but he was yeah, a douche today. I was really glad to see Sam just up and leave his ass to go ride the motorcycle over to Jason. Really been loving Sam lately.


Hayden, I don't know what you're up to girl, but you better check your mind. Unless you're planning something so epically spectacular to bring Nik down, I'm not sure I can support you with this. But I applaud you giving him a case of blueballs.




* Michael's tiny gaping fish mouth expression at finding out his "beloved uncle" has returned from the dead was not good.


I laughed so hard. Between Carly's joyous over the moon ranting and this face of his, it was hilarious. CD, not trying very hard, are you?


Previews: Here is the apex of our Sweeps viewing, folks. Nina applying for Fashion Editor. I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath.

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As much as I hate Michael, he is the most viable person to raise Avery. What I really hate about Michael forgiving Sonny is the scales were put back on his eyes. Even after Lucky "forgave" Luke (though I actually think it was something that was between Luke and Laura), he never saw Luke the same way again. I know it was stupid of Scotty not to cross examine Kiki but to me I think Scott just saw this entire thing as a huge farce at this point: he points out all the violence surrounding Sonny and Michael says Sonny will make sure nothing bad will happen to Avery.

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Just watched. Underwhelmed. They had all the wicks lit for major fireworks and then it just fizzled.


Why not a big dramatic moment in the church? Why such a limp end to a year's worth of story?  Makes zero sense.  These people aren't writing like they're trying to keep the genre alive and the execs are not overseeing story like they want to keep their jobs.  They need fire and the big soapy moments that only daytime can do.


I wanted tears and anger and accusations and confusion and happiness and name calling and finger pointing and interrupting wedding vows and I-told-you-sos and maybe a bride on the ground in her wedding dress and someone being slapped with a bouquet and a few people being exposed and even more feeling superior.  Vindication, Robin showing up in the middle of it for a complete soup of crazy, and everyone's agendas and teams exposed.


Maybe all of that, maybe none of that but at least something that had a pulse.  This was a corpse. Bloodless. No passion. 


I wonder what Ron's version of this was because I just don't understand how this reveal is better.  Disappointing. All the way around. I did like Sam flipping her hair and taking off into the night while Liz looked out the window but that was 20 seconds in an hour long show.


if Varni was driving the direction of this because he's a frustrated writer than his punk-ass needs to go kick rocks.



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As much as I hate Michael, he is the most viable person to raise Avery. What I really hate about Michael forgiving Sonny is the scales were put back on his eyes. Even after Lucky "forgave" Luke (though I actually think it was something that was between Luke and Laura), he never saw Luke the same way again. I know it was stupid of Scotty not to cross examine Kiki but to me I think Scott just saw this entire thing as a huge farce at this point: he points out all the violence surrounding Sonny and Michael says Sonny will make sure nothing bad will happen to Avery.

speaking of scotty does this mean h got his million dollrs I'm sure he still wont move out of the metro court though lol

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Sonny losing custody would only make sense if it was to someone who's not as disgusting as he is.

That judge had no business awarding custody to sociopathic Ava. As I said before, she is now the female Sonny. Hopefully they kill each other before long.

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Why not a big dramatic moment in the church?

I thought a lot of things were weird about how they chose to do this reveal, but the weirdest part for me was that Sam was pretty much the ONLY one crying. So odd. And Patrick STILL not shedding a tear? So unlike him. I'm assuming JT knows the script is shit and has checked out.

Edited by HeatLifer
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But being serious here for a moment...what the hell does the Nina know about fashion anyway? Because she's rich? Because she's mentally unstable?


Unless Julian's magazine has a special section on how to pick the perfect saddle for your horse I don't see where this "passion" for such work is supposedly coming from.



She'd be lucky to get a job at the local 7 Eleven. She is aware that she did some pretty shitty things to Julian's daughter as well yes? Though I am sure Julian will conveniently forget about all that.



I noticed the tiny gaping fish mouth today too. I blame Jason. >:(




Jason should always get blamed for when things go wrong. 


"A flat tire again?? Dammit Jason!!"

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Sam drove the motorcycle to Jason and then walked home? Maybe she ordered an Uber drive to swing by and pick her up. But they really haven't had a scene together yet which to me is just more dumb-ass on top of everything else.


He can spend all that time with Carly, and then Liz, but when it comes to Sam, the woman he knew he was married to and had a child with there's a bike drop-off and ten second stares at each other before one or the other takes off, how riveting...



I actually really like this....Sam is actually giving him the space he wanted (and she knows he needed).  Carly has no idea what the word space means, and Liz is pretty close to chaining Jason up in her basement so he'll be with her forever....



 Daaaaaamn it....I knew I wanted to take tomorrow off for a reason!  

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I thought a lot of things were weird about how they chose to do this reveal, but the weirdest part for me was that Sam was pretty much the ONLY one crying. So odd. And Patrick STILL not shedding a tear? So unlike him. I'm assuming JT knows the script is shit and has checked out.


I agree. It was all so odd. None of the actors felt like they were present in the scene.

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I actually really like this....Sam is actually giving him the space he wanted (and she knows he needed).  Carly has no idea what the word space means, and Liz is pretty close to chaining Jason up in her basement so he'll be with her forever....




I just think there could have been a "moment" between he and Sam by now. It didn't need to drag on for a whole episode, nor would I have wanted it to, but a little something would have made sense to me.


I still think it's flat ass stupid that they gave him so many flashbacks for so long and so many of them were about Sam and those intimate moments between them but they've done nothing so far with that. I just find all of this tedious and drawn out for all the wrong reasons.


Also it didn't need to be Sam chasing after Jason. It might have been nice if it'd been the other way around. Perhaps have it that Sam went running out of the church utterly distraught and it triggered another key memory for Jason, causing him to chase after her, leaving a stricken Liz in his wake, and pouty Patrick. I'd have taken that over seeing Liz continue to mark her territory with "Jake" so desperately while he tries to please her.

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Who else there would cry though?  Carly did when she found out, and Liz...has known for 6 months. 



Michael might have, if he had been there and if Chad had mustered up the energy. 

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Who else there would cry though? Carly did when she found out, and Liz...has known for 6 months.

I actually think Liz should have had croc tears. It's odd that no one thinks Liz is acting off. Not caring at all about Sam? Not even making a show of it?

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But being serious here for a moment...what the hell does the Nina know about fashion anyway? Because she's rich? Because she's mentally unstable?


Unless Julian's magazine has a special section on how to pick the perfect saddle for your horse I don't see where this "passion" for such work is supposedly coming from.


She'd be lucky to get a job at the local 7 Eleven. She is aware that she did some pretty shitty things to Julian's daughter as well yes? Though I am sure Julian will conveniently forget about all that.


I also don't think Julian will have forgotten what Nina did to Ava/Avery.  She is (once again) insane if she thinks he'll hire her.


And wasn't MS' character on Y&R some kind of magazine editor?  News flash writers, this isn't Y&R!


This is all just so...WTF.


ETA...oh, and apparently in the previews, Franco has summoned Dr. O to the apartment?  Liesl, girl, take off your shoe and stab Franco in the nuts with it!

Edited by TeeVee329
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I also don't think Julian will have forgotten what Nina did to Ava/Avery.  She is (once again) insane if she thinks he'll hire her.


And wasn't MS' character on Y&R some kind of magazine editor?  News flash writers, this isn't Y&R!


This is all just so...WTF.


ETA...oh, and apparently in the previews, Franco has summoned Dr. O to the apartment?  Liesl, girl, take off your shoe and stab Franco in the nuts with it!



Oh come now, that whole "stealing her baby and leaving her for dead" business is so bye bye bygones!


The Nina just wants a chance to be normal...andddd I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. 


It's shocking the SERIAL KILLER didn't tag along to play her "cheerleader". Then I would have very much needed Julian to shoot them both squarely in the face.


I wonder if Billy and Michelle ever huddle together reading SOD and wonder if they can somehow return to Y&R before it's too late.


I need Franco stabbed in every body part where there are blood vessels so he can slowly bleed out and end the misery.

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But being serious here for a moment...what the hell does the Nina know about fashion anyway? Because she's rich? Because she's mentally unstable?


Unless Julian's magazine has a special section on how to pick the perfect saddle for your horse I don't see where this "passion" for such work is supposedly coming from.


She'll probably get the job so she can end up as Maxie's boss because why shouldn't Maxie's entire existence be about Nathan and his shitty, stupid family? 



She'd be lucky to get a job at the local 7 Eleven. She is aware that she did some pretty shitty things to Julian's daughter as well yes? Though I am sure Julian will conveniently forget about all that.


She also ripped his sister's baby out of her body and ran off to Canada with his niece and a SERIAL KILLER.  WE NEVER CARED needs to go. 

Edited by Oracle42
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Michael might have, if he had been there and if Chad had mustered up the energy. 

This is what has me confused. Michael and Sabrina were together at Elizabeth's house, watching her open up the shoes, etc. Then they were going to the wedding, all dressed up. Next thing I know, Michael is testifying in court for Sonny instead of sitting in a pew, watching his mom be apart of the drama...er.. being wedding a guest. Sabrina is no where to be found. Did I miss something?

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This is what has me confused. Michael and Sabrina were together at Elizabeth's house, watching her open up the shoes, etc. Then they were going to the wedding, all dressed up. Next thing I know, Michael is testifying in court for Sonny instead of sitting in a pew, watching his mom be apart of the drama...er.. being wedding a guest. Sabrina is no where to be found. Did I miss something?


IIRC, Michael got a phone call about the custody hearing and left.  And I think Sabrina joined the rest of Liz's diverse support team in taking the kids for ice cream.

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