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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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That girl who plays Kaka is an amazing actress. I hope she wins an award or a scholarship or something. 


Wake me up in another six weeks when when Brad kills himself after walking in on Lucas having sex with another man. 

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Yup. In particular, Frons had his fingers in OLTL killing off John Brotherton's Jared and throwing Natalie back at John, all because his romance with Marty was a deadly dull dud.

Is that what happened? That asshole! That was one of RC's best pairings. I loved Natalie/Jared

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Well at least the new writers won't be confined with Ron's "plan"... We all know he never knows who the killer is when he first writes these stories.

My money is on Johnny's guys having tipped off Ric or Donna Mills that Silas was gonna confess, blowing their plan.

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Well at least the new writers won't be confined with Ron's "plan"... We all know he never knows who the killer is when he first writes these stories.


I think the emphasis on this being a "month-long murder mystery" in the promo probably means this is Ron's start to finish.


Not that it would stop the new writers from retconning parts of it, I suppose.

Edited by TeeVee329
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If Silas's apartment is described as a luxury one, I don't think that I want to see a slummy one in PC.

Yeah, the walls look like they have fire damage.  And the couch post Morgan/Kiki needs to be burned.  Do Morgan/Kiki have a couple name?  MorKi?  Kigan?



That girl who plays Kaka is an amazing actress. I hope she wins an award

I smell Emmy!

Edited by ciarra
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I think the emphasis on this being a "month-long murder mystery" in the promo probably means this is Ron's start to finish.


Not that it would stop the new writers from retconning parts of it, I suppose.

In all honestly, I think they say it's a month-long murder mystery because they want the audience to know that they won't have to wait until Halloween or Thanksgiving or Christmas or 2016 to find out who the killer is. They know we're weary of never-ending storylines like *cough* Jason reveal *cough*.


It comes across to me as very "No, no, seriously, you can watch.  We're not going to screw you over with 1,000 plot twists that go on for months and months."


Except that they forgot that too many of us don't give 2 fucks about any of the suspects. We're not worried, by and large, that one of our favorites is going to turn out to be the killer.  First of all, the suspects are mainly dud characters (special shout out to the die hard Ava fans who see life for her after the wig is tossed away).  Second of all, the writers haven't demonstrated to us that killers go away.  So far they don't. 


I kinda half expect an ending where they say:


Police officer:  "[insert name] is the killer.  Case is solved.  Well,  let's all go to lunch.


The killer: You aren't going to arrest me?


Police officer:  Well, that would mean a lot of paperwork.  Look, don't do it again, ok?  And I'll let you off with a warning.  You good with that, Dante?


Dante:  I didn't mean to sleep with Valerie.  It just happened.  Wait, what? Yeah, yeah, that sounds good to me.

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The murder mystery should have been "Who killed Hayden?" She wakes up from coma, has a spat with Sam and Jakeson, and a visit from Nik and Liz. Maybe Ric, too, because I hate that he's stuck in Nina hell. And maybe she tells Patrick about Jason. Then BAM, she's dead. So many suspects.

I don't even CARE about Hayden, but that's far more interesting than Silas and Kiki, Morgan, Ava, Fran----sorry, I nearly fell asleep.

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Yeah, the walls look like they have fire damage.  And the couch post Morgan/Kiki needs to be burned.  Do Morgan/Kiki have a couple name?  MorKi?  Kigan?


That reminds me of this UCG moment:


Lucas: weren't you spending every night at Kiki's place.


No Lucas, that was Kiki's dad's place.*


*I don't know if anyone knows, but he got murdered.


So much UCG today.

The murder mystery should have been "Who killed Hayden?" She wakes up from coma, has a spat with Sam and Jakeson, and a visit from Nik and Liz. Maybe Ric, too, because I hate that he's stuck in Nina hell. And maybe she tells Patrick about Jason. Then BAM, she's dead. So many suspects.

I don't even CARE about Hayden, but that's far more interesting than Silas and Kiki, Morgan, Ava, Fran----sorry, I nearly fell asleep.


Franco and Sonny are by far the best candidates for a murder mystery. Man, a who-killed-Sonny mystery would be amazing in the right hands.

Edited by ulkis
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Franco and Sonny are by far the best candidates for a murder mystery. Man, a who-killed-Sonny mystery would be amazing in the right hands.


Yeah, but a Sonny murder mystery is too much to hope for. I might actually tune in to watch Sonny get killed off... (if Carly and Jason go with him) but I may as well expect Skittles to fall from actual rainbows.


Franco however... someone has got to come to their senses and pull the plug on him. Soon.

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And then there were moments like Carly reacting to Silas' death, her being all, "That poor man!" instead of being all, "Who?"


Don't be silly! of course she would know who raised the sweetest girl in the world!

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I had the misfortune to walk by a TV where this show was on just in time to hear Carly call Ava a cold-blooded murderer for shooting poor, unarmed Connie.  And she said it totally unironically, as if she isn't about to marry for the fifth time (?) the man who murdered an equally unarmed AJ.  I just can't anymore with this show.  I know that Ron's writing had it's problems, but there was less of this Sonny-propping under his regime.   

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I had the misfortune to walk by a TV where this show was on just in time to hear Carly call Ava a cold-blooded murderer for shooting poor, unarmed Connie.  And she said it totally unironically, as if she isn't about to marry for the fifth time (?) the man who murdered an equally unarmed AJ.  I just can't anymore with this show.  I know that Ron's writing had it's problems, but there was less of this Sonny-propping under his regime.   


This is still his writing on-screen.

Edited by ulkis
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Franco and Sonny are by far the best candidates for a murder mystery. Man, a who-killed-Sonny mystery would be amazing in the right hands.

My mind won't even go there bc it will never happen. I just can't believe Ron has a freaking murder mystery centered around Silas when the ratings are what they are.

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At least Silas is still dead, though Lucy might want to throw some holy water on him, just to be sure.

I've got to sit through one month of the majority of the characters talking about Silas. Sigh. He should have just left.

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I'm definitely not looking forward to watching Kiki grieve, especially if she points it in Michael's direction, which you know she will.  "I know I defended him when he did terrible stuff to you and your family, but now he's done something terrible to me, Kiki!".

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm definitely not looking forward to watching Kiki grieve, especially if she points it in Michael's direction, which you know she will.

Ugh. And I'm also not in the mood for Sam grieving about another one of her ~lost loves~ You know it'll turn into another Jason story.

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It's always all about Sonny. Silas Clay, a famous oncologist, is MURDERED and screen time is frittered away recording every moment of Sonny's angst (and the town's comments, even on the TV news) that one of his coffee shipments was impeded/lost/hijacked/gone missing. I would have thought it was comic relief, but no one laughed.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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And then there were moments like Carly reacting to Silas' death, her being all, "That poor man!" instead of being all, "Who?

I hope Carly would know who Silas is considering she just saw him about JOsslyn's FIVE! year cancer remission results

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Poor ME lying on the floor for days while all that screeching was going on. I can only imagine he got in his car and blasted the fuck out of there. No time for goodbyes. Poor RoHo watching him go and praying he's next.

I don't know who plays Kiki but I feel sorry for her. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her the truth. She needs to get a college education and find a new career. It borders on cruel to let her continue.

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Poor ME lying on the floor for days while all that screeching was going on. I can only imagine he got in his car and blasted the fuck out of there. No time for goodbyes. Poor RoHo watching him go and praying he's next.

I don't know who plays Kiki but I feel sorry for her. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her the truth. She needs to get a college education and find a new career. It borders on cruel to let her continue.


I have a hard time believing that if RoHo went to Frank and said "please let me out of my contract", Frank would refuse. But who knows.

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I don't know who plays Kiki but I feel sorry for her. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her the truth. She needs to get a college education and find a new career.

What's weird is that there a small moments of not terrible followed by moments of wtf.  I found she did well at first when she was all 'dude let me put my shit in the apartment first'.  Then went all screamy weird, then when she pulled back and realized that Franco knew before he walked in and insisted on knowing what was in the bag, I saw another moment of decent.  Than she went all weird again.  


Also, it took me five minutes to remember that Dante was comforting her because she's his brother's girlfriend.  This show is terrible at remembering those familial connections that I forget too.  

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Yeah, the walls look like they have fire damage.  And the couch post Morgan/Kiki needs to be burned.  Do Morgan/Kiki have a couple name?  MorKi?  Kigan?


I smell Emmy!


Someone, I think @DollEyes but I could be wrong, calls them "The Bimbo Twins".  Even though this doesn't follow of the rules of 'ship monikers, I think it's perfect.

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I hope Carly would know who Silas is considering she just saw him about JOsslyn's FIVE! year cancer remission results


Carly: Some doctor gave me Joss' results.  He wasn't Sonny or Jason or Michael - or even Morgan - so I auto deleted him from memory.

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I'm sorry I had to turn it off halfway into it. Who in their right mind thought EH could pull this off? My god that was possibly the worst acting I have seen in a long time. I am embarrassed for the poor girl.

Please tell me it gets better.



It was so, so bad.  I don't know when I've seen worse acting.

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I've got to sit through one month of the majority of the characters talking about Silas. Sigh. He should have just left.


This is what I'm saying. Silas isn't Franco, Dr. O, Madeline, Ava, etc. A murder story is wasted on him. Motherfucker could've just left town. Now we have to sit here for a month and watch Kiki's crying ass and Ava's worthless ass act obnoxiously suspicious and pretend like she gave a damn about Silas. 


This is hilarious. 

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To quote the late, lamented Happy Endings: You shut your dirty whore mouth, Dandesun. That clip is a CLASSIC.


All the stars for that clip, TeeVee329. I never get tired of hearing Greg say "A brain is not a foot" and making the most awkward hallway run ever.

Edited by dubbel zout
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So the past week to two weeks in hour time has only been 18-24 hours in PC time?

Ugh, we still don't know Brad's secret? Ron really knows how to drag shit out. I'D be surprised if Brad was actually married to a guy. My money is on some girl.

ETA: Thanks for posting the flail. I needed the laugh.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I miss Eddie Alderson on my tv :(



I'll always be mad GH got an Alderson and it wasn't Eddie, as Morgan.


"I AM THAT MONSTER" will always be the best, worst, thing I've ever seen.  Ever.

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I think his long lost sister Calliope Clay is coming to town.  She's supposed to be a ukele-playing sword swallower in the Circus who had Sonny's baby years and years ago, before he became a mob kingpin, when he was still playing the organ grinder's monkey.  It's supposed to be a very touching, emotional tour de force, showing Sonny emotional carny side.  But Easton can't play the part yet.

He has to wait until Ava is done using the Wig.  


Show's budget only allows for one.  


But it should be worth waiting for.  Calliope Clay, coming to Port Charles with a vengence - and a ukele.


I won't lie.  I would take Calliope Clay over about a half dozen characters currently on my screen. 

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Ugh, Cameron Mathison was fucking awful. I'll take wooden (Nathan) and dull as dirt (Dillon) over bulging eyed rage!monkey any day. Ryan ruined the last years of AMC for me.



JFC Ryan almost punched Greenlee in the face and she still considered him the love of her life. *forever bitter about Leo/Greenlee*


Why couldn't we get "who killed Franco" story instead. 


YES to you both, a thousand times YES.


And is uncontrollable laughter what Show was going for when Kiki had her EXPLOSIVE verbal diarrhea meltdown today?  I give Easton credit for not breaking up in laughter as he laid on the floor.  I know that I was laughing harder than I have since Michael ruined Carly and Franco's marriage and give his parents the burn.


But yep, nothing will beat Ryass Lavery, Lord of the Douche for worst acting ever.  He really was THAT MONSTER,  just not in a way his blockhead could understand.

He's like Morgan without the charm.  And how sad is that.

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Wow, you guys weren't kidding. That was...abysmal. I never thought KA's OMG! Oh my, oh my Gawd! reaction to finding Ava and Morgan in bed together could be topped in a worse way, but damn. Hayley Erin made that look like Meryl Streep.The screeching, the caterwauling, just no. Poor Dante (and ME). And people out on other boards and on Twitter actually praising her? Shut up, please.


Hah, Carly you are so hilarious. Don't pretend like you're not about to slime yourself all over a cold-blooded murderer for the 5th time.


Maybe the reason Morgan was so cold about it was that

word is he's getting a bi-polar storyline

. Lord help us.

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Wow, you guys weren't kidding. That was...abysmal. I never thought KA's OMG! Oh my, oh my Gawd! reaction to finding Ava and Morgan in bed together could be topped in a worse way, but damn. Hayley Erin made that look like Meryl Streep.The screeching, the caterwauling, just no. Poor Dante (and ME). And people out on other boards and on Twitter actually praising her? Shut up, please.


And she never stopped with the high-pitched screech.  Man, she really could wake the dead.  


I can only wonder at the different type of awfulness we'd have seen with Alderson.  It would have been bad, very bad, but probably not as loud.

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