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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I never thought I would ever root for fuckin' Sam to beat down Liz like she once did with Jennifer Bransford's Carly in that bar fight, but yes, that is where I am at.

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Joking aside (mostly), I think the real reason is that Kiki is basically Morgan's only friend and confidant. Other than Big Alice. Fuck you, Alice!


OTOH, maybe that's why they introduced the super-awkward/casual intimate Dillon/Morgan scenes. It's a run-up to their buzzed jerk-off/blowie sesh. I'm dead serious, a storyline about Red Dot Sale Dillon and Morgan having confused gay hook-ups would be more contemporary and more interesting than at least 70% of what's currently on this show.

I've only "watched" the last two days, but I'm definitely down for "MorOn".

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That's pretty much where I'm at with Liz and her crazy eyes.


I would be totally fine with the new writers wiping out everything right after AJ was shot. He can be in a coma but I need Michael's beautiful Sonny hatred. It was literally the only bright spot in the past 18 months - so of course Ron ruined it

Edited by Oracle42
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  The dismissals by Liz (and Nikolas) that the Q's are, like, totally over his death are bogus.  Would Liz ever have gotten over Jake's death?



And I guess I'm fine with Monica being excited about meeting the grandson she never knew about until after he was dead.  And if Liz wanted more control over the situation, maybe she should have called Monica instead of stopping over at Nik's to talk about Rebecca Budig.

A) I agree with you, and no.

B) Liz went to Wyndemere because she had a slim hope of telling Lucky that Jake got a clean bill of health, after Lucky had told her he was going there. Or did I miss another chat about Hayden? I don't think Elizabeth was under obligation to call Monica. But I don't recall any dialogue that she's told Grams, or sister Sarah, or brother Steven (I'm assuming he's still in prison?) either. 


The fact that Liz wants Jason to raise Jake with her, to me, negates the idea that, because Jason isn't Jake's legal father, he and his whole family's relation to Jake doesn't count. If Liz wants Jason to be the kid's father 


I don't think either one have to be mature or enough or understand biology to be introduced as brothers. Like I said plenty of kids in real life and on soaps have half and step siblings. I don't think Molly had to be mature enough or understand exactly how adult things work to understand that Kristina was her sister, even though they had different fathers. Emma didn't need a masters in biology to be able to comprehend the several different half siblings she's been preparing for the last couple of years. There's a way to explain adult things to kids without their needing to understand every aspect of it.



 Sam resented Jake at one time, but she's more then since grown beyond that and I don't think it's necessary for her to bring up resenting him, when talking about wanting him to bond with his brother.



Why is grandson in quotes? He is her grandson. Her referencing that isn't some slight against Lucky. I think she's aware that Lucky is Jake's legal father, but Jason is still his biological father. So, I don't see why everyone is beholden to talk about Lucky, Who knows maybe Monica would leave little Jake alone 


I think it's a little unfair to try and make some contest of which mother's grief actually counts. 


Maybe Monica wanted to avoid the confusion of calling him Jake with big Jake in the room 

A) Yes, Liz wants him to raise her son with her -as Jake Doe (while only she knows they are biological father and son). Jake Doe doesn't have a family.

B) Molly and Kristina had their mom and each had a father, not two, all were alive, and they knew their parents. There was no "bio parent v. parent who's raising you" issues to discern. Emma understands that if her Daddy - her only father - has a child with a woman, that child would be her brother or sister. Also simple. 

C) Yes, Sam's grown, but with the way she's talking it's like she either doesn't take her past sins re: Jake seriously or has chosen to forget how serious that was. It just makes me personally roll my eyes that she's happy about a kid she once wished would disappear ... now that she has her own mini-Jason and misses Jason.

D) It's in quotes because she said it repeatedly. I didn't say everyone is beholden to Lucky. But Lucky just told little Jake days ago in front of Luke and Laura, "I'm your father,"  and Elizabeth repeated it like 48 hours ago. And the fact is, Lucky raised Jake from birth 'til the night Luke ran the kid down. Jason was not actively a parent in Jake's life, so Monica saying Jake is of few words "like his father" annoyed me. Being a quiet person is not automatically a genetic trait. That, to me, dismissed Lucky as Jake's father.

E) I meant that a mother losing a toddler (inherently a close relationship) is totally different than a mother losing an adult son with whom there is a distant, sometimes almost non-existent relationship - by his own choice. Monica's grief over time about losing Jason has been magnified due to brutal losses of the children who actually treated her like a treasured mother. Hell, Emily was killed because someone wanted to strike out at Jason. Sonny killed AJ because he hated him and didn't want to share Michael - the son of AJ who Jason handed over to Sonny. That's why I hate that Monica is fawning over memories of "good man" Jason and a kid who was not being raised by said "good man."

F) In my opinion, that's not the way LC played the scenes. And that situation isn't limited to "Big" or "Little". I have a cousin who got the same name as her mother, my aunt. Some would say " Young __" to differentiate if there was any confusion about my cousin v. aunt. Or they could say "Jake Martin."

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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B) Liz went to Wyndemere because she had a slim hope of telling Lucky that Jake got a clean bill of health, after Lucky had told her he was going there. Or did I miss another chat about Hayden?


Maybe I'm misremembering - weren't there scenes between Liz and Nikolas about Rebecca Budig after Patrick told her she was improving or something?  Maybe they were a different day?

Edited by TeeVee329
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C) Yes, Sam's grown, but with the way she's talking it's like she either doesn't take her past sins re: Jake seriously or has chosen to forget how serious that was. It just makes me personally roll my eyes that she's happy about a kid she once wished would disappear ... now that she has her own mini-Jason and misses Jason.

Like Liz is taking seriously the fact the she was going to let Sam think her baby was dead because she wanted to sleep with Sam's husband? Or is currently letting Sam think her husband is dead because she still wants to sleep with him?

Bitch can take allllll the seats. Her ass is crazy. She's doing crazy shit for crazy reasons and I refuse to pretend she's even remotely sane when she's been rocking non-stop crazy eyes for the past two months

Edited by Oracle42
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I mean, Monica and Sam are flawed people, but I don't see what any of that have to do with the crazy fucking shit Liz is doing because she wants to keep Jason all to herself and away from anyone, including his mother, his wife and his other kid.

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I mean, Monica and Sam are flawed people, but I don't see what any of that have to do with the crazy fucking shit Liz is doing because she wants to keep Jason all to herself and away from anyone, including his mother, his wife and his other kid.

Monica and Sam's flaws don't matter to the show right now, anyway. It just doesn't matter, unfortunately or fortunately. Liz=Crazy, Sam=Good is all that's being showcased.

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It's not like Liz doesn't have valid reasons to be very angry with Jason. He told her he loved her and then he gassed on for months about Teh Danger so they separated. Then he turned around and reunited with Sam, married her and was planning to raise a child with someone who caused her pain. He led her on when Sam left him because of Danny and walked away from her when he thought he could get his wife back. She should be angry with him.

Instead she's inhabiting this creepy rapey fantasy world that is Heather Webber levels of crazy and calling it love

Edited by Oracle42
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Yes, Sam's grown, but with the way she's talking it's like she either doesn't take her past sins re: Jake seriously or has chosen to forget how serious that was. It just makes me personally roll my eyes that she's happy about a kid she once wished would disappear ... now that she has her own mini-Jason and misses Jason.


What is the proper reaction for Sam to have? Just because she wanted Dead Now Alive Jake to go away doesn't mean she was relieved when he died. If she's anything less than happy about that brat being alive she'll be seen as a monster. 



Monica and Sam's flaws don't matter to the show right now, anyway. It just doesn't matter, unfortunately or fortunately. Liz=Crazy, Sam=Good is all that's being showcased.


Sam could be the devil reincarnated and Liez would still be batshit crazy. 


Morgan and Ava are trash.

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Sam could be the devil reincarnated and Liez would still be batshit crazy.

Of course Liz would still be cray. I'm just saying this show doesn't like showing layers or complexities for the most part. It's "X is good" and "Y is bad!"

Edited by HeatLifer
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I am well aware of the past jokes in regard to Ethan and Luke and whatnot, but it also does not allow for accusing the actor of impropriety with co-stars when there has been absolutely nothing to substantiate it.


Geary is real; Luke is not.


So let's stop with the accusations, please.

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Q.  In yesterday's episode, Sam stated that DNA testing was done due to Danny going missing.  Wasn't the DNA testing performed because Jason (the consumate hitman who couldn't protect his wife on their honeymoon) wanted nothing to do with Sam when he thought that she was pregnant by Franco?



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Do Samtrick ever get out of bed? 

That how the writers try and convince us they are a viable couple.  Sure Sam drones on about her beloved hit man, but see they have sex after!

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What more could you possibly want? They are in bed together! Having implied sex! That means they love each other.

Look, it's not like they're Franco and Nina. RC doesn't have time to give Sam/Pat scenes with conversations where they develop their relationship.

He does the same thing with Maxie and the Tree

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Liz (and by that I mean BH at this point) is the only reason I keep up with/watch this show.  However she is behaving like a crazy loon and deserves basically any ramifications she receives mainly from Monica and Sam.  Honestly, the thing I hate most about this story though is not that Liz is behaving crazy, but rather that Sam will be totally righteous in going off on her.  It makes me angry because I hate Sam, but she is definitely the innocent party here.  I wish the writers could have been slightly more creative and made this  less one sided rather than Liz is completely bad, Sam is completely good.  It's no fun for me as a viewer to be unable to even fanwank any motivation for Liz other than pure pathetic selfishness.  I mean seriously, what is Liz's defense? Jason always picked Sam and not her? So stupid and lazy. 

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I am well aware of the past jokes in regard to Ethan and Luke and whatnot, but it also does not allow for accusing the actor of impropriety with co-stars when there has been absolutely nothing to substantiate it.


Geary is real; Luke is not.


So let's stop with the accusations, please.

I try to avoid mixing the actors and their characters. I fail with Jordan, because her actress also was in Haven playing a character I hated. Not fair, but there it is.


There are times it makes sense to blame an actor. I think JT the actor, playing Patrick, tanked his scenes with TeCa playing Sabrina last year.


The worst hate I have seen is on Twitter against the actress who plays Val, Brytni, the last three weeks. She pops a lot in my feed now, and to Twitter's credit the 'You are evil, I hate you' ones go down quick. Not okay with that kind of hate.

Edited by Happyshooter
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The very first scenes of the new writers should be Robin waking up in her high rise Paris condo from a nightmare. Replay of Jason plopping into the harbor. Gets a reminder, newspaper clip or news segment ? that it wasn't a nightmare after all.


Back in Port Charles we see Sonny in his brand new suit jumping into Jason's watery grave to search for fish food Jason.


It'll solve so many issues.

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I try to avoid mixing the actors and their characters. I fail with Jordan, because her actress also was in Haven playing a character I hated. Not fair, but there it is.


There are times it makes sense to blame an actor. I think JT the actor, playing Patrick, tanked his scenes with TeCa playing Sabrina last year.


The worst hate I have seen is on Twitter against the actress who plays Val, Brytni, the last three weeks. She pops a lot in my feed now, and to Twitter's credit the 'You are evil, I hate you' ones go down quick. Not okay with that kind of hate.


Happyshooter, there was a post that had an extreme, ridiculous insinuation against Tony Geary that has been deleted. That's why the mod wrote that post. Nothing to do with what anyone else wrote.

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Q. In yesterday's episode, Sam stated that DNA testing was done due to Danny going missing. Wasn't the DNA testing performed because Jason (the consumate hitman who couldn't protect his wife on their honeymoon) wanted nothing to do with Sam when he thought that she was pregnant by Franco?

I think she's talking about the tests that Jason had done to prove that Danny was her son and that Tea's baby was the one that died.

But he's also had two paternity tests and cancer screenings

Edited by Oracle42
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The worst hate I have seen is on Twitter against the actress who plays Val, Brytni

Well, I'm totally meh on the character of Val, but I could easily hate the actress for spelling her name so ridiculously.

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Well, I'm totally meh on the character of Val, but I could easily hate the actress for spelling her name so ridiculously.


To be fair, it is probably her parents' fault, heh.

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Maybe I'm misremembering - weren't there scenes between Liz and Nikolas about Rebecca Budig after Patrick told her she was improving or something?  Maybe they were a different day?

Yeah - she's only been to Wyndemere once since Lucky brought Jake back to her; Jake was with her. Liz, Laura, and Nikolas had a scene (with the kid in the background). I remember that Liz and Nikolas have discussed RB's character, but not with Laura there - so I guess that took place hours or days before the kid returned...really no clue in GH time. 

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Like Liz is taking seriously the fact the she was going to let Sam think her baby was dead because she wanted to sleep with Sam's husband? Or is currently letting Sam think her husband is dead because she still wants to sleep with him?

Bitch can take allllll the seats. Her ass is crazy. She's doing crazy shit for crazy reasons and I refuse to pretend she's even remotely sane when she's been rocking non-stop crazy eyes for the past two months

The situations are not the same. Liz was not an accessory to newborn Danny being stolen from Sam, nor did she pay anyone to do so (in comparison to the men who Sam paid to aim guns at two children and scare them//their mother.) Sam never confessed; she got caught and then yelled and made excuses essentially blaming Jason and Liz for her actions. Liz lying about the test for 24 hours was awful, but she broke down and confessed (I think in tears) to Jason and explained why. I simply hate that Sam remembers the awful thing Liz did re: Danny while using words that absolutely minimize her own heinous deeds. But HeatLifer is totally right that the storyline currently dictates Sam is good, Liz is crazy to prop JaSam as the beloved Supercouple being kept apart. If lots of characters get thrown under the bus to prop Jasus and the Jasam awesomeness, so be it.  


There is no excuse for Liz and Nikolas keeping this secret. A combination of terrible situations (beginning with her shitty parents) over the years as well as her own poor choices and the consequences of them have brought her to this very low/sick point in her life. It is sick to see, no doubt. I just hate to read that people think Monica and Liz should tear Liz apart (no mention of Nik) when their own family member knew about Jason first, told Liz while lying to them - all for financial benefit. Yeah, Nikolas told Liz he'd keep the secret. Not because he's her friend; a true friend would see she was desperate, crazy, self-destructive - very clearly in need of help from mental health professionals. He did it because he's always had contempt for Jason Morgan (not that I blame him there) and because he wants to guarantee his scheme to gain financially through ELQ works. So, he chooses his words carefully in speaking to Lucky and then Laura to do his best to manipulate them into keeping their mouths shut. Elizabeth wasn't even present at those times.

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Liz didn't just lie about the tests. She switched them and then cried about it so Jason wouldn't be mad at her. Liz switching the tests gave Heather time to kidnap Danny, the kid nearly died and Liz only ever confessed and apologized to Jason.

And I haven't seen anybody talk about not wanting Nik to pay - I'm MUCH more interested in Sam going after Nik because I think that was a personal betrayal and because Liz is so pathetic right now that I'm just grossed out by her. But Liz doesn't get to shift blame for her choices and her actions onto Nik especially when he told her the truth so she could avoid this whole situation and she chose it - knowingly, crazy ass eyes wide open and she chooses it again every day.

I hope they both get ripped for their vile, individual choices

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I thought there was a scene where Liz apologized and confessed to Sam? I know they at least talked about it.

Liz apologized for making Sam think Jason was moving on with her (Liz), not for falsifying the maternity test results. The one time Sam brought it up (which was after Liz came to the PH--I think to complain about Sam being mean to Jakeson), Liz countered with what Sam had done when Jake was a baby. No apology took place as I recall.
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A) I agree with you, and no.

B) Liz went to Wyndemere because she had a slim hope of telling Lucky that Jake got a clean bill of health, after Lucky had told her he was going there. Or did I miss another chat about Hayden? I don't think Elizabeth was under obligation to call Monica. But I don't recall any dialogue that she's told Grams, or sister Sarah, or brother Steven (I'm assuming he's still in prison?) either. 


A) Yes, Liz wants him to raise her son with her -as Jake Doe (while only she knows they are biological father and son). Jake Doe doesn't have a family.

B) Molly and Kristina had their mom and each had a father, not two, all were alive, and they knew their parents. There was no "bio parent v. parent who's raising you" issues to discern. Emma understands that if her Daddy - her only father - has a child with a woman, that child would be her brother or sister. Also simple. 

C) Yes, Sam's grown, but with the way she's talking it's like she either doesn't take her past sins re: Jake seriously or has chosen to forget how serious that was. It just makes me personally roll my eyes that she's happy about a kid she once wished would disappear ... now that she has her own mini-Jason and misses Jason.

D) It's in quotes because she said it repeatedly. I didn't say everyone is beholden to Lucky. But Lucky just told little Jake days ago in front of Luke and Laura, "I'm your father,"  and Elizabeth repeated it like 48 hours ago. And the fact is, Lucky raised Jake from birth 'til the night Luke ran the kid down. Jason was not actively a parent in Jake's life, so Monica saying Jake is of few words "like his father" annoyed me. Being a quiet person is not automatically a genetic trait. That, to me, dismissed Lucky as Jake's father.

E) I meant that a mother losing a toddler (inherently a close relationship) is totally different than a mother losing an adult son with whom there is a distant, sometimes almost non-existent relationship - by his own choice. Monica's grief over time about losing Jason has been magnified due to brutal losses of the children who actually treated her like a treasured mother. Hell, Emily was killed because someone wanted to strike out at Jason. Sonny killed AJ because he hated him and didn't want to share Michael - the son of AJ who Jason handed over to Sonny. That's why I hate that Monica is fawning over memories of "good man" Jason and a kid who was not being raised by said "good man."

F) In my opinion, that's not the way LC played the scenes. And that situation isn't limited to "Big" or "Little". I have a cousin who got the same name as her mother, my aunt. Some would say " Young __" to differentiate if there was any confusion about my cousin v. aunt. Or they could say "Jake Martin."


A) That really is like trying to split hairs. Liz knows full well that Jake is Jason and wants him to raise little Jake with her. And I'm 100% positive even if Jason regained his memories and choose to be in the mob, she'd still want to raise  resurrected Jake with him because she didn't care one bit when Jake was working for Julian. Liz wants her cake and eat it, too. Sure, she'll tell Jake that Lucky is his father, but she also wants his biodad Jason to be in his life. Since she wants that, then she doesn't get to cut little Jake's other family out of his life.


B) That's not completely true about Kristina. She did technically have two dads when Alexis was married to Ric. She even called him DaddyRic. Somehow her little mind wasn't blown away by having two dads anymore than Jake's would be. And revealing to Danny that Jake is his brother shouldn't confuse him too much, since he doesn't have two dads either.


C) I'm seriously not grasping how you think Sam should be responding to little Jake. So, because at one time she resented the kid she has to bring that up all the time and, what, pretend that she isn't fine with him presently. She has no animosity towards the kid now. She was fine with Jake long before she had her own little Jason. She got over her Jake issues a long time ago.


D) It doesn't dismiss Lucky as Jake's father to point out a trait you think he might have gotten from his biological father. 


E) The pain of losing a toddler versus losing a grown son may be different, but grief is grief, it doesn't diminish the pain Monica felt. It doesn't matter that their relationship wasn't what it had been. He was still her son and she loved him. In fact her pain might be even greater because she never got a chance to regain that bond with Jason that she had for many, many years and now she thinks she won't ever get that chance to reconnect with him again - and never will if Liz and her lies succeed. Monica's pain over Jason may be magnified because she's lost all of her other children, but even if Jason is the only kid she lost she would still be mourning him because he was her child and she loved him.

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Liz apologized for making Sam think Jason was moving on with her (Liz), not for falsifying the maternity test results. The one time Sam brought it up (which was after Liz came to the PH--I think to complain about Sam being mean to Jakeson), Liz countered with what Sam had done when Jake was a baby. No apology took place as I recall.


Ahh ok.  I thought there was some scene (I think at the Lakehouse, is that right?) after the paternity switch.  That must have been it.  Thanks!

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Liz didn't just lie about the tests. She switched them and then cried about it so Jason wouldn't be mad at her. Liz switching the tests gave Heather time to kidnap Danny, the kid nearly died and Liz only ever confessed and apologized to Jason.

And I haven't seen anybody talk about not wanting Nik to pay - I'm MUCH more interested in Sam going after Nik because I think that was a personal betrayal and because Liz is so pathetic right now that I'm just grossed out by her. But Liz doesn't get to shift blame for her choices and her actions onto Nik especially when he told her the truth so she could avoid this whole situation and she chose it - knowingly, crazy ass eyes wide open and she chooses it again every day.

I hope they both get ripped for their vile, individual choices

I said lie to cover everything - I think lying is implied in switching tests.  Liz hasn't shifted blame for choices/actions (this time so far). Had Nikolas done the right thing, even well after he knew the truth (say, ask to speak to Sam and/or Monica privately as soon as Carly outed Ric and Hayden's secret during the Nurse's Ball), Liz wouldn't have had the opportunity to do any of what's she done so far; in the immediate aftermath, Jakeson was confronting Hayden, not running straight to Liz to makeout. Nikolas running after Liz at that moment was the wrong choice. (She was crying and angry, but it's not like she was suicidal and needed an immediate intervention.) Liz tearfully begging Nik to keep the secret was a great excuse for him to hide behind to justify his greed for ELQ. Elizabeth's choices are terrible, but could not have happened without Nik being an accessory to her mental instability/self-destruction. 


tallyrand - I think you are correct.

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Liz apologized for making Sam think Jason was moving on with her (Liz), not for falsifying the maternity test results. The one time Sam brought it up (which was after Liz came to the PH--I think to complain about Sam being mean to Jakeson), Liz countered with what Sam had done when Jake was a baby. No apology took place as I recall.


No she has never apologized to Sam for it. She expressed regret to Monica but she never apologized to Sam. Sam found this out offscreen, and I would still love an explanation about how she found out and who told her.

The lake house stuff was only about the john Mcbain lie and the shit she pulled at the bachelorette party when she made sure Sam overheard her lying her ass off to lulu about Jason and her.

Liz and Sam are basically cool with each other.

Until a plot point calls for them to not be.

I agree that Nikolas should get read the riot act too, but let's be real here. He's not the one fucking Jason and lying about it. Both Nik and Liz are lying liars, But I think if we HAD to score one worse over the other...it's the one emotionally manipulating and sharing Jason's bed. But that's just me.

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I wonder if Ava confesses the truth to Morgan tomorrow? Otherwise I don't know why he is so intense about getting Silas not to talk.


Laura cracked me up. She's all "I would have done things with Lucky and Nikolas. Very. Differently. I wish I had told. The truth" and meanwhile Liz is all noooooooooooooo. I'm gonna be SO mad if they don't bring Laura back after Genie's break and that that actor decides he's not quite done with the show after all. And Liz has totally met her bitchface match.


The party wig was baaad today.


No words for Franco and Nina. #$%$&%^&*


Tyler looks so hot.

Edited by ulkis
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I agree that Nikolas should get read the riot act too, but let's be real here. He's not the one fucking Jason and lying about it. Both Nik and Liz are lying liars, But I think if we HAD to score one worse over the other...it's the one emotionally manipulating and sharing Jason's bed. But that's just me.


No, but he's letting it happen. He could put a stop to it. And Liz looks like she's in crazyville. Nikolas has been emotionally manipulating her, Lucky, his mom, Sam, Jason, everyone. Nikolas is letting his long time friend immerse herself in what is going to end up disastrously for her even if the truth doesn't come out because his brat has gotta have 4 ponies instead of 3.

Laura is acting like a troll, though. How is that entertaining? She's acting all self-righteous and KEEPING the secret. Like, sit down.


I think she wants Liz to be the one to fess up though and not just spring it on her.

Oh, and this:


Ava: If you ever loved me, don't do this.


Silas: If I ever loved you (pause) I don't anymore!


It came across like the writer thought that comeback equaled that of,  "I don't give a damn!" Not exaaactlyyyy.

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I think she wants Liz to be the one to fess up though and not just spring it on her.

This isn't a high school lesson, though! This is a huge secret. Laura is a damn adult and should let Jakeson and Sam know the truth. I hate how this is making Laura look like a teenager, dropping hints and "looks" to Liz to torture her into telling the truth. This is worse than Nik. You're going to keep the secret but be annoying at the same time? Stop.

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Laura cracked me up.


Ditto.  I also liked her shading on Jake(son).  "So you have flashes of memory and stuff?  And you really don't care who you used to be?  You really don't want to put in any effort into finding out who you were?  Reeaaallllllyyy?"


But on the flip side, we had Franco YET AGAIN make a "funny" about his murderous ways (and his stabbing of Heather happened after the brain tumor went bye bye), but then give Donna Mills grief about her crimes.  Shut.  Up.

Edited by TeeVee329
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This isn't a high school lesson, though! This is a huge secret. Laura is a damn adult and should let Jakeson and Sam know the truth. I hate how this is making Laura look like a teenager, dropping hints and "looks" to Liz to torture her into telling the truth. This is worse than Nik. You're going to keep the secret but be annoying at the same time? Stop.



I'll respond in the Liz section.

Ditto.  I also liked her shading on Jake(son).  "So you have flashes of memory and stuff?  And you really don't care who you used to be?  Reeaaallllllyyy?"


But on the flip side, we had Franco YET AGAIN make a "funny" about his murderous ways (and his stabbing of Heather happened after the brain tumor went bye bye), but gives Donna Mills grief about her crimes.  Shut.  Up.


He's gotta go! He's gotta!

Edited by ulkis
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