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S01.E06: The Good Man

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The thing that really bothered me: Why did they shoot Liza in the face? I mean, the back of the head would work, and Chris wouldn't have had to see his mother with a hole in the middle of her forehead. And hey, Travis, how about throwing your shirt over the corpse to give her a little dignity, or comforting your son when he gets to the beach. What a D-Bag.


It was the best episode of the season, and I'll likely give season 2 a shot.

  • Love 5

Andy shooting Ophelia made sense.., if you want to really torture a person, you harm that whom he loves the most. And some residual anger for betraying him was bonus


I think it also occurred to him that she'd been using him since the beginning.  Since he apparently survived, I guess he'll be really pumped up to help other nice families in the future.  Another great addition to the apocalypse, courtesy of the Salazars.

  • Love 1

Again, we get to see just how EVIL the military is. They steal the SUV so they can get the hell out of the facility before the zombies eat everyone, time is of the essence! But of course there's always time for attempted rape and a good ole 3 on 1 beatdown of a teenager.

Like I said a while back - I can see it now:

HS ROTC Kids: <stomp>

Kirkman: Aww, c'mon, guys! That was my good d20!!!

Why were there so many zombies in the kitchen area of the facility? Did they all die of food poisoning?

No surprise there. You ever eat hospital food?

  • Love 5

The thing that really bothered me: Why did they shoot Liza in the face? I mean, the back of the head would work, and Chris wouldn't have had to see his mother with a hole in the middle of her forehead.

Two words: exit wound.

The pistol Liza was shot with looked to be a Beretta M9 - a 9mm which is currently the U. S. Army's standard issue sidearm.

A jacketed hollow point 9mm round makes a little bitty hole going in, and a great big hole coming out.

Probably better for Chris to see Momma with a small hole in her forehead, than to see her with half her face gone.

But hey, maybe that's just me.... ;)

  • Love 10

I'm really disappointed in this show. I don't mind the slow burn or the lack of zombie attacks, but I was hoping with this reboot we'd get some answers about the virus. They could have easily added a scientist into the mix, talking about where the virus came from. Or added some people from a different country to give us information on whether they are having an epidemic. Now we just have another less-attractive (not just physically) cast hiding from zombies.

  • Love 5

I thought it was a great season finale. I really like this show and am glad that it isn't like TWD. I wouldn't want same, same. I knew that Liza would be the first one to go since she was a fan favorite, so I wasn't surprised at all. Can't wait to see what they do with it next season.

On a side note, It seems the obvious solution if you don't like this show is to not watch it. I don't understand why so many people would watch something that they hate and then spend the extra time to come here and post about it. What's up with that?

  • Love 5

These people are awful, just awful. Rick's scene from S1E1 where he shoots the crawling walker lady after apologizing to her had 150% more emotional impact than 6 episodes of this show.

I know that they can't (or won't) reveal the cause of the ZA but they could have at least shown more of the downfall. After all, that's how this was advertised, that it takes place during the time Rick is in his coma on WD.

I heard someone on Twitter say that they saw a big splash occur in the ocean scene at the end, anyone else?

It's hilarious that my biggest OMG Wow moment came on Talking Dead when they said the actor who plays Nick also played Tom Riddle on Harry Potter.

  • Love 7

This show has so many big problems and I agree with everyone above that the entire cast is just completely unlikeable in an almost astonishingly complete way. They aren't even fun to hate watch.


But beyond that I think the problems started from the beginning with the writers unable to come up with a time frame for when all this is happening. In the first few episodes our family is set up in the position of the canary in the coal mine, they are figuring out there is a problem before most people, thanks to the junkie kid's encounter in the drug house. The writers show us neighbors setting up bouncy houses and planning birthday parties, cops and EMTs leaning over dead bodies and being completely surprised when they re-animate. That's fine, there is definitely a story value in seeing this happen and being the first to know, the first to connect the dots. But if that is story you are going to tell then the family should serve as a warning cry. People who are trying to convince the school officials or neighbors or local law enforcement that something bad is happening. Instead the writers isolated their families. No one tries to find out more or communicate with people who might have key information other than Tobias. They deliberately don't tell people, who they know, that danger is coming. They take time playing board games instead of going online to research news stories, watch TV or even listen to the radio.  I keep thinking of the scenes in Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows when the 3 kids are going about their mission while the radio is broadcasting news reports. If for budget reasons or story telling choices the production didn't want to "show" the fall of civilization than having radio reports go from standard bored news reports about who the LA Raiders are drafting to a rise in unexplained deaths to the news that the governor has called the national guard to help the LAPD control riots to eventual dead air would have been the way to up the suspense.


Half way through the series the writers apparently changed their mind about our family being the first to know and decided that the military, which operates like a large train in that it takes a while to get an operation like what would be needed to get rolling, and expect us to believe that twenty feet tall fencing and mechanically locking gates in enough quantity to encircle several random neighborhoods (that don't appear to have any strategic value like water/sewage plants, electrical power stations or even large stores) was available to roll out at a moments notice. That military logistics like feeding and providing water for all these people happened in 9 days, that the rules of engagement and cages for keeping questionable survivors were all figured out in that amount of time. Which again, there is story value in having the government come in an try to control certain areas. if that is the story you want to tell than we need to be much further along in this than we started out in. I can believe the military command structure would start to fall apart and soldiers would start to leave their posts due to battle fatigue and the eventual running out of supplies but none of that was shown. As of last episode food delivery was still making it through, the area surrounding the safezone was cleared, command and control at the base was still operating. But apparently, somewhere else, they decided, "screw it, let L.A. fall and also don't drop a bomb from one of our planes on the giant stadium that we know is filled with re-animated corpses because I'm sure they won't get out." 


In the end, because the writers couldn't decide they half-assed their way into a half of column A and half of column E story that was neither satisfying or exciting. That my overwhelming response to the finale was, "yeah, whatever."

  • Love 14

I'm still waiting to hear the downside of this set of circumstances.



  Strand's clothes would probably get dirty.


So, the group leaves the 2 youngest members behind with no weapons and minimal instruction. "If we don't come back, leave." Um, so how long should they wait? An hour, 2, 3?? Could you narrow it down a bit? Remember a big ka-boom is arriving a 0900 to blow up the facility.



  In fact, they were specifically told 30 minutes.  Whether they would have obeyed, we'll never know.

I spent the entire season wishing death on everyone BUT Daniel, because he was about business.  Leave it to the finale to make me add him to my list.


Lets say that ALL the soldiers were assholes and deserved someone leading 2K walkers to them, fine.  BUT ultimately it is going to be a problem for any innocent people trying to survive going forward, including themselves.  I don't even know how to play chess, but it seems like someone could have thought two or three moves ahead with that one.  You're going to let out 2K undead to save your wife?  And two others?  My brain hurts.


ALSO, I thought it was a bitch move when they all caravanned out of their neighborhood without so much as a "hey, do you mind closing the gate behind us?"  I know, I know, no one faced certain bullet wounds when the soldiers took your junkie son, but... Oh, I forgot - Maddy cut a hole in that gate a couple weeks ago, anyway.


How long were they in military compound, anyway?  When the doctor was calling for evac they said they would be there at 02:15 hours - depending on the season sunrise is usually no later than 7 AM.  I'll give them 6 AM to be generous... so they were in there for four hours and the kids were still chilling in the garage?  Weren't they supposed to leave after 30 minutes?  




The ONLY redeeming thing that Maddy did all season (for me) was to start grabbing meds as Liza was trying to talk the doctor in to leaving.  I can appreciate that!

Edited by VLove
  • Love 4

    In fact, they were specifically told 30 minutes.  Whether they would have obeyed, we'll never know.

It was dark when they went in and well after sun-up when they came out.  I doubt they did a pre-dawn raid so they were probably there for hours.  I love how they parked the SUV in the middle of the garage in the most conspicuous place instead of in a parking spot next to another car to try to hide it.  No wonder the military creeps made a bee-line for them.  Nice how it was just the two teens and no adult with them, not that Travis would have been useful.


They deliberately don't tell people, who they know, that danger is coming. They take time playing board games instead of going online to research news stories, watch TV or even listen to the radio.  I keep thinking of the scenes in Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows when the 3 kids are going about their mission while the radio is broadcasting news reports.


No kidding.  I remember nuclear holocaust films, like Threads, there were background news reports of escalating hostilities and the families featured talked about what was going on, and this was in the early 80's so no internet.  It was a good balance of getting to know the characters and their relationships and tensions and knowing what was going on in the outside world.  Plus we got to see the POV of government workers that had to escape to an underground bunker and the result of that decision.  That small film on a shoestring budget told a much better story than this POS.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 3
and what's up with Madison giving liza the whole RBF (well that's the only face she has) about how Travis wouldn't survive shooting her, and when Liza told her the same words back bitch just handed that gun right over to Travis.


Ha! I know. I was like - What did Liza JUST tell you? \


I just couldn't get into that scene. Maybe if they'd had Chris  down there? But there has been zero connection or emotion shown between Travis and Liza, so him being so moved with killing her just fell entirely flat with me. And Madison, well, she's the definition of flat. So....



So, the group leaves the 2 youngest members behind with no weapons and minimal instruction. "If we don't come back, leave." Um, so how long should they wait? An hour, 2, 3?? Could you narrow it down a bit? Remember a big ka-boom is arriving a 0900 to blow up the facility.


It drove me crazy that they left those kids without weapons!!! I get it, they may not have access to any guns, but damn....you don't have any shovels laying around? A bat? Knives? A tire iron? Damn, break a toilet lid off....something.

  • Love 5

I was expecting a shot of a cruise ship crawling with zombies.

Then I realized that would be redundant.

No fair - made me spit up my coffee!  Funny stuff...



ALSO, I thought it was a bitch move when they all caravanned out of their neighborhood without so much as a "hey, do you mind closing the gate behind us?"  I know, I know, no one faced certain bullet wounds when the soldiers took your junkie son, but... Oh, I forgot - Maddy cut a hole in that gate a couple weeks ago, anyway.


Word to that - My wife said the same thing - "Nice, don't tell the family with kids about the fact that they are defenseless and THEN leave the gates wide open for the nice family to face a horrible death"...  Nice.


She wouldn't forewarn them of danger because the family with little kids wouldn't interfere with armed soldiers who were arresting her heroin addicted son who has already broken into several homes?  It was at this moment I hated them all beyond description.  It is going to be really really hard to spend anymore time with this shitty family especially now that Liza is dead...

  • Love 6

Last night dinner wasn't ready until 8:00 and I didn't care. My boyfriend thought maybe I had cloned myself and or had taken some type of drug that alters my reality. I think he's still in shock. I send out a mass text to family and friends telling them nothing is an emergency between 8:00 and 9:15 on Sundays. My daughter said "what if someone dies" My reply "they will still be dead at 9:16" I'm that serious about my zombies. But this crapfest?! On my "get to it when I get to it" DVR list


Also I was hoping Liza would shoot Madison on GP before her death.

  • Love 6
At first I thought it was a smart move, then I started wondering if she was just grabbing stuff to enable her junkie son.


That was where my mind went to. I was yelling at the TV - "Don't just take the methadone and hydrocodone! Grab everything! Everything!"


If hating this show is wrong, I don't want to be right.


Right? Half the shows I watch are for the snark. I love hate watching! Didn't really want to with this, though...

  • Love 1

If hating this show is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Obviously, you did not partake of the television excellence that was Wandering Pines or Dig this past year. If you had, you probably would see that this show far surpassed those. ;)


Its not all bad news though. I would NEVER have watched a zombie show. Not in my preferred topics. But having seen this, I may start to watch TWD from the beginning because of the comments here. So it may have turned (oh oh!) some people into new viewers. Seriously. I never really watched Breaking Bad (too close to home -worked in addictions), but Better Call Saul is such a wonder, that it makes me want to go back and rewatch that too. See, this show has some positives! If there is a season 2, I am sure that I will watch. Still learning about Zombies. 

  • Love 4

Ha ha ha ha. Gave me a good laugh. Thanks!


Good, I'm glad you took that in the spirit it was meant.  I was laughing when I typed it.  :)


Seriously, I stuck with this show to the end since 1.  It was only six episodes.  2.  I kept hoping it would get better.  3.  I love, love, love TWD, even when I'm mad at it. 


But, this has gone past hate-watching.  It was such a huge disappointment.

Obviously, you did not partake of the television excellence that was Wandering Pines or Dig this past year. If you had, you probably would see that this show far surpassed those. ;)


Its not all bad news though. I would NEVER have watched a zombie show. Not in my preferred topics. But having seen this, I may start to watch TWD from the beginning because of the comments here. So it may have turned (oh oh!) some people into new viewers. Seriously. I never really watched Breaking Bad (too close to home -worked in addictions), but Better Call Saul is such a wonder, that it makes me want to go back and rewatch that too. See, this show has some positives! If there is a season 2, I am sure that I will watch. Still learning about Zombies. 


No.  I did watch Wandering Pines, and it was pretty g-damn terrible. lol   I downloaded all the books on Kindle and read them in one weekend, so I would know what happened, and quit the show. 


The books being a trilogy was ridiculous because they were written.  Written like this.  In fragments.  Some short.  Some much longer fragments.  Except every one was its own paragraph.   Like when you write a paper.  In school.  And it has to be five pages.  Five. Pages.

Anyway, I simply must INSIST you fire up your Netflix and get started on TWD.  ASAP, girl!  The pilot is one of the best things ever put on television.

  • Love 3

The long pan out to an ocean full of .... nothing sums up this show better than probably anything else ever could.  Hey, here's an interesting image.  There might be something there you'll want to see if you just stick with it.   Oh wait, no there isn't.  But made you look.


That honestly smacked more to me of "hey - remember that cool tracking shot of the lone zombie against the fields of Atlanta? Let's do something like that, but West Coasterly."


Which is really funny, considering how the franchise booted Darabont.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 3

I think there is a fundamental difference between "hate watch" and "hate not watching"


I hate watch shows that are somehow connected to something I love (zombies) or another show I am interested in. Like a person you hate but they are close to your very dearest friend so you "hate hang" with them for the sake of what you truly love. Here The Walking Dead is my BFF and FWD is Kimmy Gibbler whom I hate.They are a package deal. If I want to hang with TWD I have to watch FWD in case something happens that connects them.


I hate Breaking Bad so I didn't watch. No connection; no pull; no draw. Not even for the snark.


This has been a lesson on "hate watch" I'm headed "East" to the "desert" See you next Sunday

Edited by Boofish
  • Love 7

The long pan out to an ocean full of .... nothing sums up this show better than probably anything else ever could.  Hey, here's an interesting image.  There might be something there you'll want to see if you just stick with it.   Oh wait, no there isn't.  But made you look.


THIS.  Best comment on the thread!

I think Salazar is evil.  No way would I be on a fucking yacht with him. 

Right?  Hey, we can't trust the military, let's let them get eaten by zombies.  Hey, screw this doctor, who has time for her?  But by all means, let's make sure we stay hooked with this third world war criminal who prides himself in NOT doing the right thing. What could go wrong?

  • Love 8

I'm sure Maddy was grabbing stuff for her son only.   She's not been shown to care about anyone else, up to and including her boyfriend and daughter.  Nick and his addiction are her world.


I started watching this show because I love the Mother Ship, and wanted to see what would happen in a huge city, full of zombies and scared people.  Not only have we seen less zombies than we did on Original Flavor during the first season, we've not seen much of the city either.  They could have done wonderful things with alley ways and deserted high rises.  Instead, we spent most of the season chillin' in suburbia, listening to coyotes howl.  Sheesh.


I'm sure I'll hate watch this next season.  I'm determined to watch either Maddy and/or Travis die, if the gods be so kind.

  • Love 6

 I'm headed "East" to the "desert" See you next Sunday


 I think this may be my new euphemism for going nowhere and my plans not making any sense.  It should work since the nearest desert is probably a good thousand miles from me in the opposite direction.


Edited to add: I feel like there should be a special gold star award for making a Kimmy Gibbler reference relevant to this mess.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 4

Anyway, I simply must INSIST you fire up your Netflix and get started on TWD.  ASAP, girl!  The pilot is one of the best things ever put on television.

Ok, I will have to watch it!  I actually pay for Netflix monthly and never watch anything, so I will give it a go! I have turned, just don't shoot me in the head! You should try watching Dig. It was good, really! 

  • Love 2

I heard someone on Twitter say that they saw a big splash occur in the ocean scene at the end, anyone else?



Maybe horror genres wires are getting crossed? Isn't that theory associated with the end of the movie Cloverfield?


I did think that boat looked a bit fake bobbing in the water. Oh, and I hoped that Strand wouldn't bring all those no account scrubs on his deluxe luxury yacht. 


I wouldn't say I hated the show. I don't believe in hate watching. I just felt like it was an opportunity squandered in the worst possible way so I am bitter about it. It was touted as one thing - what happened while Rick was in a coma - and it was not that. Not at all. 

  • Love 2

Ok, I will have to watch it!  I actually pay for Netflix monthly and never watch anything, so I will give it a go! I have turned, just don't shoot me in the head! You should try watching Dig. It was good, really! 


Imma rewatch it myself, starting now, in an attempt to forget this stupid spinoff ever happened.  Even the first five minutes is iconic.


You know where to find me when you have to talk about it.  haha.

  • Love 2

Daniel Salazar is responsible for the apocalypse. He opened that door


And Travis was totally on board with the plan, mere moments after insisting that the soldier not be killed for humanitarian reasons. Because, you know, unleashing a zombie hoard onto the streets will not result in any bloodshed of innocents or anything like that. Gotta love that consistency in character development... after all as Kirkman and Erickson will surely profess, this show is about the characters, not zombies!

  • Love 6

I can't believe they let all those zombies walk  free! It wasn't just a shitty thing to do, it was completely insane and stupid. They had no way to be sure that the zombies wouldn't get to Lisa and Nick before they could be "rescued". In fact, they  got Lisa killed!  Unbelievable. And before  that, they left their neighbours to die, children included, because "omg, they didn't help us when the soldiers were trying to take Whatshername and  Nick to a hospital". (Because for  all they  knew, that's what happened). Why should I care about those assholes? Answer: I  don't. 

  • Love 4

I think there is a fundamental difference between "hate watch" and "hate not watching"


I hate watch shows that are somehow connected to something I love (zombies) or another show I am interested in. Like a person you hate but they are close to your very dearest friend so you "hate hang" with them for the sake of what you truly love. Here The Walking Dead is my BFF and FWD is Kimmy Gibbler whom I hate.They are a package deal. If I want to hang with TWD I have to watch FWD in case something happens that connects them.



Ha ha ha. Kimmy Gibbler. 


Thanks, Boofish. I know my question seemed kinda snarky but that wasn't my intent. Hate watching is all over the place and a lot of fun sometimes, but it seems the negative comment with this show are more brutal than usual and I wanted to know why. I bet your answer pretty much sums it up for a lot of people. I totally get it now.


Seriously, I stuck with this show to the end since 1.  It was only six episodes.  2.  I kept hoping it would get better.  3.  I love, love, love TWD, even when I'm mad at it. 



TWD Creators do have a knack for forcing you to hold on when you don't want to...or even if you don't want to want to. 

  • Love 1

I, for one, am wondering if the "Love A" inscription on the cufflinks was significant (if I'm remembering that correctly). Hmmm.... Andrea? (I can't think of any other TWD "A" names at the moment).

As for Liz asking for a bullet to the head before she's even sick, I think if I knew I was going to turn into something that would potentially involve my killing (and eating) my child, I'd be sure to get it taken care of too, before things got taken out of my hands.

I don't know why Strand needed Nick, except maybe for the backup of someone with a healthy dose of his own self interest?

The whole yacht thing makes me think of two things; the WWZ zombies that walked along the ocean floor, surprising people when they suddenly came traipsing out of the surf, and Dawn of the Dead (2004) where they decided their best bet was to head for a secluded island via a yacht, only to be overcome by zombies as soon as they landed.

All in all, I'm in. As a fan of horror, sci-fi and fantasy, this show, for all its faults, is unfortunately about as good as it gets (the original TWD and GOT aside). I'll watch until I completely lose interest like I did on the last few seasons of AHS, but hopefully it won't get that bad.

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 2

I, for one, am wondering if the "Love A" inscription on the cufflinks was significant (if I'm remembering that correctly). Hmmm.... Andrea? (I can't think of any other TWD "A" names at the moment).

As for Liz asking for a bullet to the head before she's even sick, I think if I knew I was going to turn into something that would potentially involve my killing (and eating) my child, I'd be sure to get it taken care of too, before things got taken out of my hands.

I don't know why Strand needed Nick, except maybe for the backup of someone with a healthy dose of his own self interest?

The whole yacht thing makes me think of two things; the WWZ zombies that walked along the ocean floor, surprising people when they suddenly came traipsing out of the surf, and Dawn of the Dead (2004) where they decided their best bet was to head for a secluded island via a yacht, only to be overcome by zombies as soon as they landed.

All in all, I'm in. As a fan of horror, sci-fi and fantasy, this show, for all its faults, is unfortunately about as good as it gets (the original TWD and GOT aside). I'll watch until I completely lose interest like I did on the last few seasons of AHS, but hopefully it won't get that bad.


I think Strand mentioned that Abigail is the name of the yacht, so maybe it is named after somebody significant that gave him the cuff links.


I guess I am in the 1% minority on this board that actually enjoyed the show. When I first heard about the spinoff, I couldn't care less. I decided to try it out, based on the casting. I watched the show with my sister, and we both got really in to it. When I came hear to catch the discussions, I was surprised at how much derision it has received. I understand a lot of the points being made, but I guess I put blinders on and got hooked on this show.

  • Love 4

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