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S06.E13: Season 6 Finale Special - Check Up With Dr. Drew, Part 1

Tara Ariano
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Wonder if Kail realized going to court that she would possibly get less money?

Or maybe as speculated it was just for a story line.

Kail was likely told she wouldn't get more and Jo could ASK for more visitation time and it would be granted. The only reason Jo has so much less time is because of that distance they once had. Not anymore. I called it when I posted more than once that if Kail had pursued this court matter, we would have heard about it by now. We hadn't, and now we know why. She dropped it, just as I speculated. Kail seemed to try to shut the conversation down. When Javi was asked about it, he too didn't seem to want to discuss it anymore. I suppose they didn't want to admit they found out they couldn't get anymore from Jo, and Jo could garner more visitation time. Oh no, Javi and Kail weren't about to have that happen! Javi can take his spineless ass and sit the hell down with his talk about how they are struggling. Says the guy with the new Mercedes Benz, two houses, bodies covered up in tattoos, vacations, lip injections (Kail, not Javi), all those scarves and whatnot.


Again, I called it! Well, at least another member called it and I posted in agreement with them - Jo is in school!. I knew there was something missing from that whole story line. A little bit of info omitted can make all the difference. It seems it is alright for Kail to go to school but, Jo can't better his life.  Kail and Jo are bettering their lives and that makes all the difference in the world for Isaac and the newest baby. While Drew slams Jo for going to school, Jenelle gets praised and back-up from him while Barb gets blasted for speaking the truth. I want to do a Kail and shake the hell out of Drew's head. That don't make no sense!


Javi, you are a bitch, plain and simple. Hiding behind your "culture" instead of being forthright about your insecurities. Javi citing his culture reminds me of those people who cite the bible when using it to shame gays. They pick and choose what part of their religion they will use to shame others but, don't apply their religion to their own lives. Javi picks and chooses what part of his culture he will use when he needs a defense.

  • Love 19
Javi just said he wakes up at 4 in the morning "to make it at his game by 5". In the morning?!?! The fuck is that!!?!


That's Javi's usual brand of BS. No child's soccer game starts at 5 am. He just loves trying to make himself out to be the uber devoted dad, while Jo is a hapless loser who only impregnated Kail. 


Wait, Adam's gym trainer job really exists? :)


I'll believe it when I see it. I think Adumb hangs out at the gym, offers unsolicited advice to people, and thinks that constitutes as a job. 


Little kid soccer must be hardcore in Delaware.


I guess so. Judging by Kail's sideline antics, you'd think she wagered $10,000 on the game. 

  • Love 8

Javi is so deluded.  Obviously you were jealous of who Kail was talking to and you felt insecure, and no, Isaac did not appear to "love" soccer.  Seemed more like indifference at best!  Also, is it normal for a five-year-old to have life insurance?  I'm not a parent, so maybe that's typical, but I've never heard of that.

I wasn't sure if he just threw that out there by mistake or if he was just trying to make himself seem like such an adult for having life insurance. Is life insurance required for people and their family members who are in the air force, like Javi?


ETA: Not sure what is going on but, my device is screwy here.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 1

I will say that Kail looked pretty last night. But, honestly, pretty much all of these girls look pretty dolled up. Most people can look much better with the right make up/dress. It's the day to day/regular look that matters to me. Javi is not waking up to the visual we saw last night in the morning. Also, those tattoos are still gross.

  • Love 4

Jo may or may nor have an income and he told Drew school doesn't take up much of his time and yet he's missed some important [to Issac] stuff.  Whatever the reason, it doesn't look good when Kail and Javi have full schedules and still manage to make it to Issac's events.  Besides, Jo doesn't look that great to me - he certainly doesn't look happy.  Maybe getting a job isn't such a bad idea.  

Kail did defend Jo [sHOCKER!]  when she told Drew that Jo had just barely moved to the area, he was getting settled in, and had other things going on when Drew asked about Jo having missed his son's ceremony and game. Jo mentioned miscommunication as a reason for the incorrect time for the game which Kail didn't deny or try to spin to make it seem Jo is lying, another SHOCKER! Jo saying school doesn't take up most of his time sounded to me that he was saying he is not in school full-time but, that doesn't mean he doesn't have homework or study time.


I think Jo has a lot on his plate right now (the time of filming of the reunion) and if he didn't look happy, it is likely from having to deal with Kail and Javi's madness and legal threats for a couple of months. The guy couldn't just move into town and get settled in, get Vee settled in, and start school without those drama mamas in his face. They also filmed the show in Los Angeles. He and Vee likely were out and about town, enjoying the sites like everyone else on the show. Perhaps he was tired?



Whatever the reason, it doesn't look good when Kail and Javi have full schedules and still manage to make it to Issac's events.

Considering they have Isaac in their care about 80 percent of the time, no, it doesn't make sense for them to miss any of Isaac's events. They are the primary caretakers and have been for quite some time. It is normal to them. It hasn't been that way for Jo who lived 6 hours away, not to mention, that was Isaac's first ceremony. It isn't as if he has graduated more than once and Jo should know that is something that would be coming up with the school year coming to a close. As for the game, I guess it has been forgotten that Jo and Vee did attend Isaac's soccer game. That wasn't the only game they attended. I am sure Javi and Kail would have mentioned that on camera if that was the case. Jo missing the last game was just a miscommunication of time. It happens. Parents aren't always on top of schedules or they forget the time.




Well, Kail does have an income; she's a principle on this show, she's selling books and fragrances and has a spouse working full time.  She's taking a full load and raising two kids that seem to be thriving.

Right, which makes no sense for Javi to claim they are struggling and definitely makes no sense for them to want more support from Jo and not think he is entitled to more visitation. They are from from struggling. If they are struggling, it is because of their foolishness and not keeping on a budget.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 11

Jenelle is so pathetic. I'd feel sorry for her if she were at all likeable. I don't know if she really has borderline personality or what, but she certainly acts like it regarding her relationships. It was kind of sickening how she was going on about how she and Nathan abuse each other, and then stormed off the stage and ranted about him, then ten minutes later she's sitting arm in arm with him on the couch like he's her lifeline. Blech. And fuck her for putting down Barb for working at Walmart. What has she done with her life, while Barb has been raising her child for her and saved him from being taken away by the state years ago which is what surely would have happened if Jenelle had been "responsible" for him? Girl can bite me. And what the hell was Nathan wearing? I guffawed at the juxtaposition of Jenelle all dolled up and Nathan looking like he had no idea he was supposed to appear on TV today and they just pulled him in off the street.


I don't know what the deal is with Jo and his no-job situation, but if he's meeting his child support obligations then who cares? And really, almost none of these people work, Dr. Stupid. (Yeah, I'm going with it.) Why is he all up in Jo's face about it? If he was struggling to make his payments and was in delinquency or something, then yes, berate him for not actually trying to get money. But he's paying. Kail and Isaac get their money, and everything's good, and everyone's cool, so who cares? I do agree with the side-eye about Jo's excuse about not having time for Isaac if he had a 9-5 job - he only has Isaac on the weekends! It's not going to affect his time with him at all! But whatever. I'm sure he has his reasons for not wanting to go get a regular daily job, but that was a dumb one to throw out there. As for his missing Isaac's events, just let it go at a miscommunication issue. I appreciate that Kail tried to defend him (!) with his having just moved to Dover and getting settled and everything is all busy and crazy, but then again, Jo is not working all day so he has more than enough time to fit these things into his schedule, whereas Javi correctly pointed out (!) that he himself works full-time and Kail goes to school full-time and they still managed to be at Isaac's events, so ... yeah. The only real excuse Jo has is that he simply had the wrong time, which is perfectly fine for an excuse so I don't know why they kept beating the situation into the ground.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 5


I do agree with the side-eye about Jo's excuse about not having time for Isaac if he had a 9-5 job

Jo doesn't say much to fill in the gaps but, from what I gathered, Jo is in school, he needs his study time, and other than his scheduled visitation with Isaac on the weekends, he now has time during the week to see Isaac, something he couldn't do before until he moved closer to his son. Now that he has the opportunity to see Isaac during the week, he wants to be able to enjoy those moments while he can. He can do that right now because he doesn't have a job that interferes with his time during the week. As long as Kail is receiving her child support in a timely fashion, and as long as she agrees to allow Jo to see Isaac outside of the set visitation, I am not getting what the problem is here.  I'd rather see Isaac spend time with his dad than any of Javi's relatives.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7

Yeah, I don't get why Dr. Stupid was harping on it. Everyone is taking care of their responsibilities, everyone is getting what they want/need, so who cares what anyone is doing with their time? If Jo is paying child support and meeting his obligations on time, then what difference does it make if he has an actual job job? But the whole "I can't see Isaac if I have a 9 to 5 job" excuse is a pretty silly explanation for the lack of a job, because the majority of the time he's not going to be seeing Isaac between the hours of 9 to 5 anyway. Isaac is in school for most of those hours. But he can still take Isaac to school in the morning, as he's been doing, and hang out with him in the late afternoon/evening before taking him back to Kail's, as he's been doing, even if he works during the day - just like almost every other parent on earth. If Jo doesn't want to get a job right now, I'd much prefer the reasoning be that he's busy with school and can't find the hours (although his being in school was curiously never brought up until the reunion and he didn't say how full or not his class hours were), and/or he and Vee are still trying to get settled and adjusted. At least that would make sense.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 3

Maybe I watch too much Judge Judy, but I do give a side eye when adults who don't work say they are in school. While I don't want to defend Kail, she did say she is taking a full load. Between that and taking care of 2 kids and  a husband in the military, her plate is full. I'd love to know what Jo is doing school wise. Is he FT? On shows like Judge Judy, "I'm in school" is typically code for I don't have a job. It usually then come sout that they took one class last year and they are getting ready to think about maybe applying to go back to school. I'm not saying Jo is in this category, but rather than responding with "why do I need a job?", a full time student would say right out, I'm in school full time. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 9
I'd rather see Isaac spend time with his dad than any of Javi's relatives.

I agree with this. They do seem like nice people and they seem to have accepted Isaac into their family and treat him like well, however, I've always been really wary of Kail's desire to completely shut out Jo and his family (who helped her raise Isaac, btw) when she met Javi and moved away. She was all about making Javi Isaac's new dad. A part of me really believes that this is what drove Jo to move closer to Isaac. He knows what kind of person Kail is and I admire the fact that he made that decision, even though it brought some financial issues along with it. I have no doubt that Jo will work it all out and do what is best for his kids. I do admit that I was relieved to hear that he is at least in school and that he's caught up on what he owes Kail.

  • Love 9

Jenelle was nothing new. Same shit, different reason. She doesn't give a crap about what Babs does for her and Jace. She says that she understands that Jace would be in foster care, if Babs hadn't stepped in, but I doubt she does.  She's never going to change. How dare she bash what Babs does, and act like she got an MD? I fear for the people whose lives will be put in Jenelle's hands.



Kail is a bitch.

  • Love 8

Yeah, I don't get why Dr. Stupid was harping on it. Everyone is taking care of their responsibilities, everyone is getting what they want/need, so who cares what anyone is doing with their time? If Jo is paying child support and meeting his obligations on time, then what difference does it make if he has an actual job job? But the whole "I can't see Isaac if I have a 9 to 5 job" excuse is a pretty silly explanation for the lack of a job, because the majority of the time he's not going to be seeing Isaac between the hours of 9 to 5 anyway. He can still take Isaac to school in the morning and hang out with him in the late afternoon/evening before dropping him back with Kail even if he works during the day - just like almost every other parent on earth.

I might be alone in my thinking but, I don't see Jo using it as an excuse. He is no Jenelle or Nipples who have no jobs.  Jo will see Isaac during the day because it is summer. This was filmed in June. Isaac is not in school. Jo can spend the summer with Isaac seeing him throughout the week rather than having him for the six week visitation that he is entitled to. It makes no sense for Isaac to be with Jo for six weeks straight only to have to return him back to Kail, something she and Jo agreed was hard on all of them. I think it is a smart idea and so happy that Kail is being reasonable with this schedule and allowing visits to be sprinkled throughout the week with Jo being able to take Isaac out to the park, or having him over at his house to swim and hang out.



While I don't want to defend Kail, she did say she is taking a full load. Between that and taking care of 2 kids and  a husband in the military, her plate is full.

It is, and she chose to have that schedule. If it weren't for Javi and his countless relatives, I think Kail would have bashed her head through the wall by now because she wouldn't have been able to do all of that on her own.  She wouldn't be able to be in school full-time and have a home to take care of if not for the free babysitting she has at her disposal. She has it made. Javi is home by 5 p.m. from working at his air force job,  and he then takes over so she can then do her homework or put fish sticks in the microwave. All Jo is asking is for him to be able to enjoy this extra time he has for the summer.  He likely won't have this chance again. I am reminded of when I quit this one job. I waited a year before I took on another job because I wanted to be able to spend time with my kids, take them to school, volunteer at their school and just have those moments that I know I wouldn't have again once I returned to work.


ETA: Damn you! My damn device is fucking with me.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 9
I fear for the people whose lives will be put in Jenelle's hands.


Especially if they don't stop shaking.



Jo will see Isaac during the day because it is summer. This was filmed in June. Isaac is not in school. Jo can spend the summer with Isaac seeing him throughout the week rather than having him for the six week visitation that he is entitled to. It makes no sense for Isaac to be with Jo for six weeks straight only to have to return him back to Kail, something she and Jo agreed was hard on all of them


I know Isaac wasn't in school at the time this was being discussed, and if Jo and Kail were still planning to do their six weeks on/six weeks off thing, then Jo choosing not to work for the time being actually would make sense since he would have Isaac full time, every day, all day. But they're not doing that this year. Isaac is still living with Kail full-time, staying with Jo on the weekends for their nine overnights a month with Jo now having the option to see Isaac during the week whenever they agree on it, just as they were during the latter part of the school year after Jo moved down. With Isaac out of school for the summer, there's the added option of Jo getting to spend a full day with him on a weekday here and there, but I'm not feeling the possibility of those occasional days as a reason to purposely not get a job at all. If money were actually an issue, and I'm not buying that it really is because this whole storyline seems mostly manufactured for the show, and he's concerned about the time he gets to spend with Isaac, he could just get a part-time job and arrange to spend his occasional weekdays with Isaac on his off-days, because he wasn't going to have him all day long every day anyway. But I doubt it's really an issue.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 3
That's Javi's usual brand of BS. No child's soccer game starts at 5 am. He just loves trying to make himself out to be the uber devoted dad, while Jo is a hapless loser who only impregnated Kail.


As someone else further above mentioned what he meant was he gets up early to go to work for an earlier than normal person's shift so he can get off work in time to go to the games  Not that he is trying to go to the game at 5am.... he is trying to be off work well before 5pm to go to the game.

  • Love 4
I waited a year before I took on another job because I wanted to be able to spend time with my kids, take them to school, volunteer at their school and just have those moments that I know I wouldn't have again once I returned to work.

My best friend is doing this now for her kids. She is also working on her PhD as well. She quit a job that she loved because she realized that her kids weren't able to do certain activities because of her schedule. Mind you, her husband also doesn't work so, but he wasn't as willing to make sure the kids could do their activities, help with homework, etc so she made the decision to take on that role. They are financially able to do this though. When the kids are older and she's completed her PhD, she will return to work.


I would be more willing to get on Jo if he wasn't taking care of his responsibilities when it came to Isaac. Frankly, I don't care if Jo works or not, as long as he takes care of Isaac and the new baby, and his bills are gettting paid.

Edited by MitaJo
  • Love 7

he could just get a part-time job and arrange to spend his occasional weekdays with Isaac on his off-days, because he wasn't going to have him all day long every day anyway. But I doubt it's really an issue.

I agree. I don't think it is an issue. All parties are getting what they want. Unless Jo feels the need to get a part-time job, that is his choice to make, not Kail or Javi or even Dr. Drewchebag. Isaac's needs are being met in more ways than one and Kail admitted Jo is handling his child support. That poking and prodding was so unnecessary and not sure what the point of all that was for except to stretch out camera time.


I think the focus should have been more on why Javi is such a bitch and why is it Kail has Javi's password for his phone but, he still doesn't have hers.


As for Javi making sure he is at the soccer games, well, he has to be. He IS the coach.

  • Love 9
Javi is home by 5 p.m. from playing air force


Here's the thing about that. Being in the military means that you really can't say no. So if the AF decides he needs to go to Texas to train starting Monday, he has to go. You don't get to turn down assignments. I realize that many private employers don't make it easy to say no or negotiate, but at the end of the day, if you don't like it, you can walk away. You can't do that in the military. Maybe Javi has more flexibility than others in his job, but being in the military is not playing at a job.  

  • Love 6

That's Javi's usual brand of BS. No child's soccer game starts at 5 am. He just loves trying to make himself out to be the uber devoted dad, while Jo is a hapless loser who only impregnated Kail. 





I think he meant 5PM. Has to get up early for work and stuff. 


Even at that I call BS. I played soccer through college. The only levels where I had games during the work week were in college and high school. 


5 year old don't have soccer games during the work week days. They have them on the weekends. Maybe he meant practice, but as the coach he gets to set that time and if he was dumb enough to set it at 5PM that's on him. I can't see any of the parents being happy with 5PM practice. It makes it hard on everyone. When I coached my kid's team we did them at 6 or 7 so the parents and kids had time to wind down from work/school and eat dinner. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 3
Maybe I watch too much Judge Judy, but I do give a side eye when adults who don't work say they are in school. While I don't want to defend Kail, she did say she is taking a full load. Between that and taking care of 2 kids and  a husband in the military, her plate is full. I'd love to know what Jo is doing school wise. Is he FT? On shows like Judge Judy, "I'm in school" is typically code for I don't have a job. It usually then come sout that they took one class last year and they are getting ready to think about maybe applying to go back to school. I'm not saying Jo is in this category, but rather than responding with "why do I need a job?", a full time student would say right out, I'm in school full time.


Jo did say he was in school, but that it didn't take up all of his time. He admitted he doesn't have Isaac full time either. I think he was basically saying that he simply chooses not to work right now because he doesn't have to. He didn't elaborate on how - MTV money? Savings? Parents helping out? But I don't think he was trying to make excuses. I do hope his schooling is giving him something that will help when the Teen Mom gravy train runs out, but as long as he's meeting his obligations, I don't have a problem with him not working. 


I think he meant 5PM. Has to get up early for work and stuff.

Even at that I call BS. I played soccer through college. The only levels where I had games during the work week were in college and high school.

5 year old don't have soccer games during the work weeks. They have them on the weekends. Maybe he meant practice, but at the coach he get to set that time and if he was dumb enough to set it at 5PM that's on him. I can't see any of the parents being happy with 5PM practice. It makes it hard on everyone. When I coached my kid's team we did them at 6 or 7 so the parents and kids had time to wind down from work/school and eat dinner.


I suppose it's possible he meant that, but he wasn't very clear if so. 


And yes, it still sounds hinky. My son played soccer for the Y for several years. Pre-school aged children didn't even have separate practices. We met Saturday morning for 1 hour - 1/2 hour practice, 1/2 hour game. It was very casual. It wasn't until he was 6/first grade level that there was a choice between playing on a more serious team, with one weeknight practice or continuing the Saturday routine. 


I realize that just because they both played for the Y, that doesn't necessarily mean exact same set-up. But I wouldn't be surprised if it were. I stand by my claim that Javi likes to boast and brag. He's the superior "dad" who busts his butt and can do no wrong. (Nevermind HE has the benefit of Karl lurking in the shadows, ready to throttle his head if he screws up.) And Jo is just a loser who can't get it together. 

  • Love 3


Maybe I watch too much Judge Judy, but I do give a side eye when adults who don't work say they are in school. While I don't want to defend Kail, she did say she is taking a full load. Between that and taking care of 2 kids and  a husband in the military, her plate is full. I'd love to know what Jo is doing school wise.

Yeah, same. I got a master's degree whilst working FT and interning 15hrs per week as a single mother with 100% sole physical custody. And I finished on a fast-track. While sure, I wouldn't have worked if I didn't have to, as a parent I had a responsibility to support my child in addition to any other endeavors in which I chose to partake. Jo may be paying child support based on some crappy salary he may have had in PA (and Kail and he agreed that he was behind for a while, so he wasn't even consistent), but I think the point is that he has a responsibility to support Isaac and that means having a job that pays enough to contribute significantly to your child's life. Kail has him most of the time and she covers most of his expenses, so yes, Jo as a non-custodial parent does need to bear his portion. It's hard to know how costly it is to raise a kid unless you've done it and the expense is astronomical. Just because Kail drives a nice car and takes vacations doesn't mean Jo is excused from providing a FAIR portion of what Isaac's costs are. Kail should not have to put 100% of her finances toward Isaac's child rearing AND have Isaac most of the time because Jo doesn't want to work. That's like saying Kail must never have anything for herself as long as she has a child if she's requesting child support. Yet Jo can pay some crappy amount, yet not work and have a whole other family, home, etc. How is that fair?


It's incredibly frustrating to deal with someone like Jo, who may be a great dad but ultimately uses his kid as an excuse not to work when he has him just a few days per month. Been there, done that. Now, I do think that Jo is one of the better dads, and he does get it but has a lazy side.  


Re: the cultural issues Javi discussed, my experienced is that this is a very genuine factor in relationships. We bring our experience with us wherever we go, and Javi's expectations are probably very much the product of his raising. Now, one does have to compromise with his partner and there is a difference between being culturally informed and just plain controlling, and I do think he's extremely insecure. Whatever, who cares.


Re: Drew's being harder on Jo than the likes of Nathan, I think Drew probably knows that Jo has more potential and therefore holds him to a higher standard. Nathan is maybe one of the scariest, abusive manipulators I've ever seen, and I'm a psychotherapist. I really don't like to say that about people, but he is absolutely sick and Jenelle really should stay as far away from him as she can. Both of them have severe personality disorders, both are abusive, and both have WAY too much time on their hands. Scary formula.



  • Love 12

Call me cynical, but I think the "Jo is a student" story was cooked up for the reunion show as a smokescreen for his "Untaxed Income" career as a rapper, MC, or whatever he's doing for money.  He and Kail probably came to a meeting of the minds and decided it was in both of their best interests to keep their financial arrangement between themselves rather than involve the court.  His being a student was never mentioned before, and suddenly Kail is "OK" with his child support even though Javi parroted her that it "doesn't put a dent" in Isaac's expenses (i.e., private school).  They are all very cagey when it comes to the source of Jo's income, which is enough to cover house payments and the probable lease on a late-model BMW.  Whatever he does for his money, it seems to be a cash business and nobody ever comes out and says exactly what it is. 

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 6

ITA that Kail decided not to go to court because she talked to a lawyer and discovered her wanting more money from Jo could very well backfire and wind up with her getting a whole lot less child support and Jo getting equal custody. Kail and Big Poopi need to live within their means and stop fronting like they're movie  stars or something.


I wasn't as disgusted by Sad Panda during Jenelle's segment as I thought I would be. He did point out that the chaos she calls life isn't good for Jace and said it wouldn't be good for him to have to live in it. And, he said a couple times how lucky Jace is to have Babs in his life. Two points for Sad Panda. He also pointed out to Jenelle that her psycho obsession with Nipples was effecting her ability to perform at whatever clinic had the misfortune to have her there doing clinicals.


I was as disgusted by Jenelle as I thought I would be, she sure didn't disappoint there. The obligatory crying was there, but of course, it wasn't over her kids. It was over Nipples not wanting her. Both of them clamming up when questioned about physical abuse didn't surprise me. Those two deserve each other and I hope the Roll isn't there when one of them winds up almost killing the other or one of them does kill the other one. Her eye rolling at Barb saying how negatively being with Jenelle effects Jace made me want to slap her even harder than usual. Bitch has no clue how Jace behaves after being forced to listen to those two fight and then badger him about living with them. Barb's the one who has to deal with it for a week after he comes home. Nice to hear Nipples confirm that the Roll lays in his bed while Jenelle is having one of her shaking, fetal position, poor me anxiety attacks when Nipples won't see her. No wonder the poor, little guy's sheet is filthy. He lays in his crib 99% of the time. Guess Jenelle is too shaken up over Nipples to slog her skank ass to the laundry room and get a clean sheet for the kid. Her ranting about Barb when she storms out the second time made me more mad than her making fun of Barb's job. Saying Babs doesn't deserve anyone's love, support or respect made my blood boil.


Can't wait for Miranda to call out the Pill Princess of Possum Holler next week and have Delta Dawn go Jerry Springer. Sure hope they don't edit that part out. What the hell is with Leah having a 'safe word'? Isn't that something folks into S & M have to tell their partner to stop? You could hear someone (probably Jabba the Dawn) yelling 'monkey' in the audience. So, the princess can just yell 'monkey!!' when someone says something she doesn't want to hear and the conversation is supposed to stop? My kids put their fingers in their ears when they little and didn't want to hear what I was saying...................but they were 3 or 4 years old.

  • Love 13

Nathan is maybe one of the scariest, abusive manipulators I've ever seen, and I'm a psychotherapist. I really don't like to say that about people, but he is absolutely sick and Jenelle really should stay as far away from him as she can. Both of them have severe personality disorders, both are abusive, and both have WAY too much time on their hands. Scary formula.

Will you elaborate? I'd love to hear a psychotherapist's thoughts and observations about these people.

Does anyone else notice that Jenelle and Nathan always wrestle for her phone? They have no trust. Why should they? They've both cheated.

Has Jenelle cheated? I thought she hadn't touched another man's skin for two years...

  • Love 8

Javi is so deluded.  Obviously you were jealous of who Kail was talking to and you felt insecure, and no, Isaac did not appear to "love" soccer.  Seemed more like indifference at best!  Also, is it normal for a five-year-old to have life insurance?  I'm not a parent, so maybe that's typical, but I've never heard of that.

After my son was born last winter (and we signed up for some coupon/rewards programs for baby products), I started getting inundated with offers in the mail for life insurance for the baby. Some of them you can cash in when they are 18 for college expenses. Some are sold just on "What if the worst thing ever happened and you had to bury your child? On top of all the pain that would cause, would you have the money for a funeral and burial?" questions, which can be pretty scary thoughts to new parents (well, any parents; but since I know two people who lost their babies to SIDS, I thought this was scary but also effective for selling life insurance). We ended up getting a small policy (like $10k) for our baby that can be cashed in to help pay for college when he turns 18. It costs like $50 twice a year or something. I know when I was a child, my parents had a small life insurance policy on me through my dad's military benefits somehow (my dad is retired Army).

  • Love 4

Kail did defend Jo [sHOCKER!]  when she told Drew that Jo had just barely moved to the area, he was getting settled in, and had other things going on when Drew asked about Jo having missed his son's ceremony and game. Jo mentioned miscommunication as a reason for the incorrect time for the game which Kail didn't deny or try to spin to make it seem Jo is lying, another SHOCKER! Jo saying school doesn't take up most of his time sounded to me that he was saying he is not in school full-time but, that doesn't mean he doesn't have homework or study time.


I think Jo has a lot on his plate right now (the time of filming of the reunion) and if he didn't look happy, it is likely from having to deal with Kail and Javi's madness and legal threats for a couple of months. The guy couldn't just move into town and get settled in, get Vee settled in, and start school without those drama mamas in his face. They also filmed the show in Los Angeles. He and Vee likely were out and about town, enjoying the sites like everyone else on the show. Perhaps he was tired?


Considering they have Isaac in their care about 80 percent of the time, no, it doesn't make sense for them to miss any of Isaac's events. They are the primary caretakers and have been for quite some time. It is normal to them. It hasn't been that way for Jo who lived 6 hours away, not to mention, that was Isaac's first ceremony. It isn't as if he has graduated more than once and Jo should know that is something that would be coming up with the school year coming to a close. As for the game, I guess it has been forgotten that Jo and Vee did attend Isaac's soccer game. That wasn't the only game they attended. I am sure Javi and Kail would have mentioned that on camera if that was the case. Jo missing the last game was just a miscommunication of time. It happens. Parents aren't always on top of schedules or they forget the time.



Right, which makes no sense for Javi to claim they are struggling and definitely makes no sense for them to want more support from Jo and not think he is entitled to more visitation. They are from from struggling. If they are struggling, it is because of their foolishness and not keeping on a budget.

Just wanted to throw in that Kail is showing off a pic of some remodeling going on today at her home.  She's struggling y'all!

  • Love 10
Re: the cultural issues Javi discussed, my experienced is that this is a very genuine factor in relationships. We bring our experience with us wherever we go, and Javi's expectations are probably very much the product of his raising. Now, one does have to compromise with his partner and there is a difference between being culturally informed and just plain controlling, and I do think he's extremely insecure. Whatever, who cares.


Agreed. I think what Javi was getting at was - how he was raised, the men of the house know what's going on. You don't do stuff behind their backs. Kail told Javi about Jo's visit after the fact. Was it a big deal? No. Does Kail have to meet with the father of her child to discuss things? Sure. But she could have given him a head's up. I think Kail not only likes to stoke Javi's insecurity for validation, but I think she also likes to meet with Jo alone, and hope things get a bit flirty. That all being said, Javi is still massively insecure and immature. 


Has Jenelle cheated? I thought she hadn't touched another man's skin for two years...


That may be true, but I think both of them "talk" to other people. That's why the constant fights over the phone. I think they may chat up people secretly via social media/text whatever. A lot of people don't view that as cheating, I know, but still....

  • Love 2

I don't care if Jo works or not as long as his able-bodied self isn't on public assistance.  Jo could be using his time to remodel the new he house which Kail inferred was a fixer-upper.  He could be going to school but I doubt it.  He seems to be depressed--weight gain, limited facial expression, monotone voice, etc.


I was waiting for one of Nathan's balls to drop out of his shorts.  I hate how schleppy these guys dress.

Edited by MerryMary
  • Love 8

I think he meant 5PM. Has to get up early for work and stuff. 


Even at that I call BS. I played soccer through college. The only levels where I had games during the work week were in college and high school. 


5 year old don't have soccer games during the work week days. They have them on the weekends. Maybe he meant practice, but as the coach he gets to set that time and if he was dumb enough to set it at 5PM that's on him. I can't see any of the parents being happy with 5PM practice. It makes it hard on everyone. When I coached my kid's team we did them at 6 or 7 so the parents and kids had time to wind down from work/school and eat dinner. 


Sadly, 5 year olds do have soccer games and practices during the week.  And yes, at 5:00pm.  My son plays and my husband leaves work early two days a week to get home to take him.  There are also Saturday games. 

After my son was born last winter (and we signed up for some coupon/rewards programs for baby products), I started getting inundated with offers in the mail for life insurance for the baby. Some of them you can cash in when they are 18 for college expenses. Some are sold just on "What if the worst thing ever happened and you had to bury your child? On top of all the pain that would cause, would you have the money for a funeral and burial?" questions, which can be pretty scary thoughts to new parents (well, any parents; but since I know two people who lost their babies to SIDS, I thought this was scary but also effective for selling life insurance). We ended up getting a small policy (like $10k) for our baby that can be cashed in to help pay for college when he turns 18. It costs like $50 twice a year or something. I know when I was a child, my parents had a small life insurance policy on me through my dad's military benefits somehow (my dad is retired Army).


My work offers life insurance for both of my kids ($25,000 each) and for about $2.00 a month, it is worth it.  Expect the best and plan for the worst.



. What the hell is with Leah having a 'safe word'? Isn't that something folks into S & M have to tell their partner to stop? You could hear someone (probably Jabba the Dawn) yelling 'monkey' in the audience.


Wait what is this monkey business all about??

  • Love 4


Wait what is this monkey business all about??

Apparently, Leah has a 'safe word' and it's monkey. Corey is starting to say something she doesn't want to hear or doesn't want to talk about she says 'monkey!' to get Corey to stop talking. And, you can hear someone yelling 'monkey' from the audience, probably Dawn. If we find out MTV gave her control over what could and could not be talked about, I might have to fly back to WV just to tell her she's a fucking moron to her face. I have kin back there I can stay with - LOL!

  • Love 9

Man, fuck that. The moms on teen mom get to live off of MTV money and go to school but if the dads do it, their deadbeats? Even if they are still paying their child support? Fuck outta here. I will also not understand being so concerned about whether or not a 4/5 year old plays a sport. Damn, its not that serious and Issac does not care.

^^^ Co-sign all of this x 100. Can someone please get Kail's tattoo artist to make this her next tattoo? Then she can just look at her arm/back (via a mirror)/whatever body part and be reminded of it.


Foghorn Roidhorn didn't even deny it when Barb accused him of choking Jenelle during her pregnancy, just "and she doesn't hit me?"

I laughed out loud at "foghorn leghorn." But yeah....no denial from Nathan that he choked her when she was pregnant with his son (and I don't doubt that Jenelle hits Nathan, too....). #justlikethenotebook #soulmates
  • Love 8
Apparently, Leah has a 'safe word' and it's monkey. Corey is starting to say something she doesn't want to hear or doesn't want to talk about she says 'monkey!' to get Corey to stop talking. And, you can hear someone yelling 'monkey' from the audience, probably Dawn. If we find out MTV gave her control over what could and could not be talked about, I might have to fly back to WV just to tell her she's a fucking moron to her face. I have kin back there I can stay with - LOL!


What in the ever loving.....?? I cannot WAIT for next week - to see the entire Messer clan shrieking "monkey". What a pack of freaking morons they are. 

  • Love 5

^^^ Co-sign all of this x 100. Can someone please get Kail's tattoo artist to make this her next tattoo? Then she can just look at her arm/back (via a mirror)/whatever body part and be reminded of it.

   I laughed out loud at "foghorn leghorn." But yeah....no denial from Nathan that he choked her when she was pregnant with his son (and I don't doubt that Jenelle hits Nathan, too....). #justlikethenotebook #soulmates

When Sad Panda asked them again about if things were still physical, neither one of them would make eye contact or answer him. They just looked down at their hands. Those assholes deserve each other. #truelove4evah

  • Love 3
I think what Javi was getting at was - how he was raised, the men of the house know what's going on. You don't do stuff behind their backs. Kail told Javi about Jo's visit after the fact. Was it a big deal? No. Does Kail have to meet with the father of her child to discuss things? Sure. But she could have given him a head's up.

I can understand the cultural aspect but Javi could learn a little something about communication. He could have calmly explained himself and ask her if she could just let him know ahead of time. Instead, he started making demands and telling her what she was and was not to do. I don't blame her for saying "no" because first of all she is not a child and he shouldn't be talking to her like one. And yes, I do think she likes to make Javi jealous, but he could really just stop acting like a crazy dictator about things and don't give her the reaction that she wants. She'll get the hint eventually that her games don't work on him.

  • Love 5

Agreed. I think what Javi was getting at was - how he was raised, the men of the house know what's going on. You don't do stuff behind their backs. Kail told Javi about Jo's visit after the fact. Was it a big deal? No. Does Kail have to meet with the father of her child to discuss things? Sure. But she could have given him a head's up. I think Kail not only likes to stoke Javi's insecurity for validation, but I think she also likes to meet with Jo alone, and hope things get a bit flirty. That all being said, Javi is still massively insecure and immature. 

But, Jo called her during the middle of the day and asked if he could drop by. Javi was at work. Kail couldn't give Javi the heads up because the head wasn't home to ask.


There will be times when Javi just cannot control the situation. He may be out of town or deployed and then what? Jo can never stop by Isaac's home? Javi can go suck a lemon with his culture excuse. I think the guys in Javi's life are ragging on him about Kail and her male school mates and possibly Jo being the ex. Guys do that sort of thing to one another sometimes. It didn't help that Javi's wife was threatening him with divorce every other day and Jo moving closer to them. Lastly, Javi never told Kail it was his culture growing up when that situation happened.  He was dictating orders to her about not having Jo there. He never said any male, strictly Jo. He was talking down to her and made a demand. That is so not the way to go about it. Javi had to play down that whole situation and suddenly came up with the whole "culture" bullshit.


Here's the thing about that. Being in the military means that you really can't say no. So if the AF decides he needs to go to Texas to train starting Monday, he has to go. You don't get to turn down assignments. I realize that many private employers don't make it easy to say no or negotiate, but at the end of the day, if you don't like it, you can walk away. You can't do that in the military. Maybe Javi has more flexibility than others in his job, but being in the military is not playing at a job.  

Not sure why my device inserted that word. I hate it!! I have had to edit my posts and it is irritating. It is changing up words here. I certainly didn't mean to post he is playing air force. I meant to post, "working at his air force job".  I rarely use my device for this board and now I remember why.  As for the rest of that sentence, I was remembering Javi's statement, or was it Kail's? One of them mentioned him being home by 5 p.m.  Not sure what you mean there with the military work and flexibility. I have no clue. Javi is the one who makes his job sound like a 9-5, not me. :-)

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

I will say that Kail looked pretty last night. But, honestly, pretty much all of these girls look pretty dolled up. Most people can look much better with the right make up/dress. It's the day to day/regular look that matters to me. Javi is not waking up to the visual we saw last night in the morning. Also, those tattoos are still gross.

I think Kail is genuinely a pretty girl minus the ugly tats, sometimes less-than-flattering boxy fashion choices, and scowl on her face that's there 90% of the time. She really is a pretty girl with a beautiful face and gorgeous hair.

Jenelle looked soooo tiny in this reunion. She looked so much thinner than she looked all season. I hope she's not back on heroin or some other drug (okay, we know she's never stopped smoking weed and I have my suspicions that she's been on methadone since quitting heroin, but you know what I mean).

I had to laugh at Javi saying his mom and sister talked him into working it out with Kail and how part of it was his fault. I pictured them sitting Javi down and saying something along the lines of "Javi, you see how Kail treats Jo, right? Do you want to be treated like that? Do you want some other guy and his family coming in and playing daddy & family to Lincoln? Do you want to have to try to pay for your Mercedes, Miley tickets, tattoos, etc on your paycheck alone and not her TM/book money?"

(I also kind of wonder if the people "renting" Kail & Javi's first Delaware house are actually his mom, sisters, and/or other family members.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 11

What in the ever loving.....?? I cannot WAIT for next week - to see the entire Messer clan shrieking "monkey". What a pack of freaking morons they are. 

Pack of freaking morons, indeed! Since MTV seems to have agreed to not mention her cheating  and to pussyfoot around her addiction, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're letting her use this ridiculous 'safe word' bullshit to keep from having to answer any tough questions. Or,  she'll claim it's a technique she learned in therapynotrehab to keep her horrible anxiety from getting out of control. 


Guess what, Leah? YOU made the choice to be on my TV every week for big bucks. YOU made the choice to put your white trash lifestyle under a microscope. People are free to comment on what you chose to do for money and there's no amount of denial or ridiculous safe words that will erase what YOU chose to let the world see for $$$. If you don't like it, get off my TV and go be a decent mother to your girlses without the pillses or new dickses every week.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 11

Speaking as someone who has suffered from panic attacks in the past, I find it interesting that Janelle can choose the times when she has attacks. Part of the cycle of panic disorder is the fear of having an attack whenever, so that just feeds into it the disorder. Yet how she manages to wait until the Roll goes to bed  to have an attack is downright amazing. 

After Jenelle described how she goes into her room, curls up into a ball and cries, Drew asked her, "Who is taking care of Kaiser when this happens?"  I swear the look on face seemed like she had no idea what Drew was asking, as in "Who?"   Then she tossed out that Kaiser is either in daycare or sleeping [and by sleeping I think she meant lying in his crib, giving himself his own bottle]  because he never sees her like that.   Unfortunately, I think it's the reverse: she doesn't see Kaiser when she's like that.  


Nathan is maybe one of the scariest, abusive manipulators I've ever seen, and I'm a psychotherapist. I really don't like to say that about people, but he is absolutely sick and Jenelle really should stay as far away from him as she can. Both of them have severe personality disorders, both are abusive, and both have WAY too much time on their hands. Scary formula.

I'm not a doctor, but I agree about Nathan.  I honestly fear for Jenelle's safety in this relationship.  I'm afraid he is going to kill her one day and the thing is, I think Jenelle is probably smart enough to know that deep inside too.   Barb certainly knows it.  Those two could not even keep it together for a one day taping of this show.    Again, I'm not an expert  but that level of domestic violence rarely gets better. 

  • Love 9

I think Kail is genuinely a pretty girl minus the ugly tats, sometimes less-than-flattering boxy fashion choices, and scowl on her face that's there 90% of the time. She really is a pretty girl with a beautiful face and gorgeous hair.

Jenelle looked soooo tiny in this reunion. She looked so much thinner than she looked all season. I hope she's not back on heroin or some other drug (okay, we know she's never stopped smoking weed and I have my suspicions that she's been on methadone since quitting heroin, but you know what I mean).

I had to laugh at Javi saying his mom and sister talked him into working it out with Kail and how part of it was his fault. I pictured them sitting Javi down and saying something along the lines of "Javi, you see how Kail treats Jo, right? Do you want to be treated like that? Do you want some other guy and his family coming in and playing daddy & family to Lincoln? Do you want to have to try to pay for your Mercedes, Miley tickets, tattoos, etc on your paycheck alone and not her TM/book money?"

(I also kind of wonder if the people "renting" Kail & Javi's first Delaware house are actually his mom, sisters, and/or other family members.)

I also think Kail is a very pretty girl when she smiles and I'd kill for her hair. 


Jenelle is tiny. The dress she chose to wear could have been kind of cute if it was a little longer and if the cut out in front didn't scream BOOBS!!!. Less is more, Jenelle! I liked the print but found my eyes kept going to the orange bolt ons that were so front and center. The only one who didn't look like an orange from tan in a can was Babs. I suspect Jenelle has a big, fat prescription for xanax or klonopin that she uses along with da weed for her *cough* anxiety.

  • Love 11

Important take-homes from this episode:

Medical assistants save lives.

Much like dramastically, Nathan has butchered "to a T" into "like a T" (as in, "you played the victim like a T")

If there were strippers on "The Jetsons", they would wear dresses like Jenelle's.

But, but, but.....don't medical assistants have to actually, you know, have jobs to work their lifesaving miracles? LOL! I can totally see a Jetsons style stripper bar with Jenelle inspired uniforms!

  • Love 5

Important take-homes from this episode:

Much like dramastically, Nathan has butchered "to a T" into "like a T" (as in, "you played the victim like a T")


LOL, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't realize he meant to say "to a T". I was actually trying to figure out what word the "T" stood for in "victim like a T".

  • Love 4

How convenient for Jenelle. She purposely times her panic attacks to coincide with Kaiser's daycare and sleep schedule. I didn't realize a person in such an unstable state could control onsets of attacks. Silly me, I thought they just happened whenever.


This bugs the shit out of me. For years now, you hear people on TV claiming to have "panic attacks" or "anxiety attacks" as a way to get out of something they don't want to do, or as an excuse for basically being an asshole. My sister has panic attacks. I've seen panic attacks. People having an honest-to-god real panic attack GO TO THE ER CUZ THEY THINK THEY'RE HAVING A HEART ATTACK. They don't sit on a couch in front of TV cameras with dead eyes and a blank face whining about how mean someone is to them. Real anxiety disorder is a crippling problem for many people, and it is an insult to their struggles to wave the term around whenever you feel the least bit uncomfortable. Everybody has moments of fear, pain, anxiety, frustration. Most of us get over it. We get past it. Without drugs, without drama. Your boss at work is not going to allow you to go home for the day if you claim to be having a panic attack cuz your co-worker dissed you. Apparently Janelle thinks that if she claims to be having a panic attack, everybody's supposed to step back and give her her way in all things so as to not upset her more. Like the world owes it to her. What a crock. Who gave her this idea? I'm looking at you, Drew Pinsky. 

  • Love 19

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