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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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I sometimes watch old episodes of CSI late at night when there's nothing else on. I had CSI NY on in the background last night & thought I caught a familiar name in the credits, then thought nah, I must have been mistaken, but no, there she was. This is the promo for the episode, Kim shows up around the 40 second mark. I'm amazed she didn't win an Emmy, LOL.

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As if I couldn't love Tim Gunn more -- watch the video at the bottom -- his facial expressions are priceless!! 


This is what someone whose fashion taste is considered impeccable thinks about Kim and Kanye . . . 



Editing to add this . . . his opinion on the nude look dress Kimmers and J-Lo wore to the Met Gala . . .

'The nude illusion has to be done properly, and that means not with vulgarity. And basically I felt as though we were seeing women who just stepped out of the bath, and it was incomprehensible.'





“There are large issues [with the Kardashians] for me, such as why? Why? But when it comes to fashion, I say to people all the time ‘If you want guidance in fashion, just consider this: If a Kardashian is wearing it, don’t.’ I think it’s vulgar."

Edited by SailorGirl
  • Love 13

I'm glad he called out Beyonce for her dress as well. Sure Kim's and JLos weren't exactly classy but Beys was the most revealing..yet that week of the gala just like with everything Beyonce she got her ass royally kissed. A couple of weeks ago she had her tits hanging almost completely out. God forbid someone call the Queen trashy so good for Tim Gunn.

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I'm glad he called out Beyonce for her dress as well. Sure Kim's and JLos weren't exactly classy but Beys was the most revealing..yet that week of the gala just like with everything Beyonce she got her ass royally kissed. A couple of weeks ago she had her tits hanging almost completely out. God forbid someone call the Queen trashy so good for Tim Gunn.

I agree. Beyonce is no better but always gets a pass for some reason. She's dumb as a box of rocks and can barely speak in interviews yet people always come down on Kim and act like Beyonce is the Second Coming. She's just as much of a famewhore stunt queen as the Kardashians.

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Understandably Beyonce will overall be more respected than Kim..but when it comes to clothing and Beyonce can walk around half naked or wears a dress more revealing than Kim I don't think she should garner any more respect than her or be praised for her fashion. If Kim is going to be called vulgar for wearing a sheer dress than Beyonce should as well. Clothing wise IMO all bets are off and has nothing to do with actual talent

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She photoshops her double chin and stray hairs, but leaves Kanye in all his pudgy faced glory!!! I wonder if she even sees anyone other than herself in these pictures?

Kim has been obsessed with posting pre-baby body pictures lately. She even blamed North for uploading a decade old picture to her Instagram. I'm not a fan of Kim, nor do I wish bad on her, but I seriously think she's losing it. Her obsession with her looks, plastic surgery and being the hot, sexy vamp is going way beyond typical Hollywood narcissism. I really think she has some sort of mental disorder and being married to Kanye has only made it worse.

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Kim has been obsessed with posting pre-baby body pictures lately. She even blamed North for uploading a decade old picture to her Instagram. I'm not a fan of Kim, nor do I wish bad on her, but I seriously think she's losing it. Her obsession with her looks, plastic surgery and being the hot, sexy vamp is going way beyond typical Hollywood narcissism. I really think she has some sort of mental disorder and being married to Kanye has only made it worse.

I bet she dumps the new baby with the nanny and is in the gym within a few week of delivery. Be prepared for a bunch of "breaking the internet" pics  if and when she gets herself back in decent shape. Right now the only thing she can control is her face and that's become a frozen mask. She shows no emotion over anything because she's afraid of getting a wrinkle.

  • Love 4

Kim has been obsessed with posting pre-baby body pictures lately. She even blamed North for uploading a decade old picture to her Instagram. I'm not a fan of Kim, nor do I wish bad on her, but I seriously think she's losing it. Her obsession with her looks, plastic surgery and being the hot, sexy vamp is going way beyond typical Hollywood narcissism. I really think she has some sort of mental disorder and being married to Kanye has only made it worse.


How can that be possible?

The sad thing is while Kim is posting these pictures and obsessing over her body I look at these old pictures and just think "why the hell did you ruin your face"? I'm not going to fault her for feeling down about her pregnancy weight but all these pictures do is remind people of how gorgeous she once was before she froze her face up.

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She claimed North was playing with her phone and accidentally posted the picture to Instagram. Yes, toddler North scrolled through Kim's ten thousand selfies, picked one where Kim was her thinnest and uploaded it to her mother's social media.

North knows which side her bread is buttered on, at this point, she can't even cross the street by herself, she needs Kim :-)

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North knows which side her bread is buttered on, at this point, she can't even cross the street by herself, she needs Kim :-)

Lulz! If North wants to keep herself flush in Frozen gear, she better play the game, right? "Yes, mommy you're totally the same size you were when you were 22! Pregnancy hasn't changed you at all!"

  • Love 6

I bet she dumps the new baby with the nanny and is in the gym within a few week of delivery. Be prepared for a bunch of "breaking the internet" pics  if and when she gets herself back in decent shape. Right now the only thing she can control is her face and that's become a frozen mask. She shows no emotion over anything because she's afraid of getting a wrinkle.


The sad thing is while Kim is posting these pictures and obsessing over her body I look at these old pictures and just think "why the hell did you ruin your face"? I'm not going to fault her for feeling down about her pregnancy weight but all these pictures do is remind people of how gorgeous she once was before she froze her face up.

I try to to fall on the side of "your body, your choice", but I honestly think it's sad how all of the constant body work and facial tweaking by the adults is going to affect the kids, both girls and boys. No way is it healthy and we see it starting so much younger with Kylie. I absolutely blame Kris. Haven't Khloe and Kim especially talked about how Kris urged them to get this or that thing about themselves altered from the time they were only 12 or 13? It's like all the Kardashian girls were coached in body dysmorphia.

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Not only that but North sees her mother spending a couple hours everyday getting her hair and makeup done. And listening to endless discussions amongst the women in her family discuss their looks and weight. The endless selfies, the cellphones that monopolize their attention regardless of where or what they are doing. I wonder how far away her cellphone is when Kim is supposedly doting on her.

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Kim Kardashian is being brutally honest about the struggles of pregnancy.


"I just don't think pregnancy and me really agree with each other" ...




"It's my reality and I've always been super honest," Kim revealed. "You know, last time I gained 50 and I delivered around this time, you know, week wise into my pregnancy. And so I'm 52 pounds up and I still have, what six weeks to go? So I'm definitely a little nervous, but I'm enjoying it. I've started to eat whatever I want. I know my bounce back game is [strong]. I enjoy the process, the challenge of getting back, so I'm not worried about the afterword."



What about all her bullshit about diabetes and pre-eclampsia and her near death experience delivering North, the possible hysterectomy and other crap about her delivery?  She should just admit that she's stuffing her face and enjoying it while she can.


Now she's quoted as saying she can only have 2 kids because her husband demands so much of her time and she has to given equal time to all of them.


She needs to keep track of her lies so she doesn't contradict one with another.

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I hope Kim's doctors are being "brutally honest" with her about the health risks to her and her baby if she seriously intends to eat whatever she wants for the next six weeks without regard to ongoing weight gain or nutrition. She should stop bragging about her post-pregnancy "bounce back game" and focus more on making sensible lifestyle choices for herself and her unborn child at this time.

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Kim Kardashian Talks ''Anxiety'' From Her Pregnancy Complications: ''I Worry So Much'' About My ''High-Risk Delivery''


"Every medical issue that you could probably have I feel like I get and I worry so much about it," Kim told E! News exclusively the other day. "This pregnancy I have a little bit more anxiety just because I know what's to come and it's really inevitable some of the issues that I'm going to have. You know, I have a high-risk delivery and all of that gives me such anxiety."



All I see is her eating nonstop in every episode. I doubt the doctors are thrilled with her gaining 52 pounds if she's such a high risk. I doubt she's at any more risk than any other woman. But pregnancy is the only story line she has now so she's milking it. Kanye is only appearing in select scenes and North isn't interesting enough on camera. I think Penelope has more charisma, even more than Mason. So Kim is stuck stirring up shit as best she can.

  • Love 4

All I see is her eating nonstop in every episode. I doubt the doctors are thrilled with her gaining 52 pounds if she's such a high risk. I doubt she's at any more risk than any other woman. But pregnancy is the only story line she has now so she's milking it. Kanye is only appearing in select scenes and North isn't interesting enough on camera. I think Penelope has more charisma, even more than Mason. So Kim is stuck stirring up shit as best she can.

The only thing I've ever really have a memory of from Kim on the show is her bitchy moments. Last night's moment when she talked about how she and North look at stars and North asked about her cousins stars and Kim was all, "I said there's only a North star!" and then she laughed. Thinking this was cute? Or something. I don't get it. And then I remember her comments to Khloe when they were packing up her house and Khloe said something about items being Lamers so she didn't know what to do with them and Kim was all, "well hate to break it to you, but he isn't coming back for them.." like, those are the Kim moments I remember. 

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