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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Kim's advice to pregnant women


Or how about you just wear clothes that fit pregnant women instead of trying to jam yourself into too small regular clothes?

When people are referring to your weight gain and you go out in an outfit that resembles Orca.... Well the jokes, they write themselves.

We can only hope on his next visit home Kanye impregnates her again, we will have a Kim free year!!!!!

So she doesn't notice her feet are bulging out of the shoes making her feet looking hideous...


Anyone remember that picture of her walking on stiletto heels and the heel was actually bending!? Now that I think about it, I do not believe she was even pregnant in that picture.  I do not know, though, how in the world she wore those ankle high shoes while pregnant.  Her feet & ankles were so swollen, it made mine hurt to look at the pictures!


How in the world does she know that baby does not prefer prints or bright colors? I remember reading before the baby was even born that they were going to dress her in only neutral colors.  A baby will wear whatever you put on them.  For that idiot to say the baby has not liked bright colors or prints her whole life is crazy-a babies eyes are not even focused for the first 3 months!

Edited by alegtostandon
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Ugh, that Elle article renewed my revulsion toward her. She is so not self-aware. No one fucking cared that she was pregnant! People thought she was a moron for insisting on continuing to dress like a sexpot, now with more "stuffing!" She is so tied to being sexy and desirable that she makes herself look grossly uncomfortable and worthy of titters and laughter. Even her sisters are calling her on her BS. Of course, she claims she was joking about pregnant women hiding out:

I jokingly said pregnant woman should hide/stay in if they looked like I did lol. I said ask Kourt her tips bc she has the best preg style

7:55am - 12 Jul 14

I think what Kourtney says about an infants style was actually pretty spot on.  You can get tons of adorable outfits for your baby and then for some reason when you put some of them on him or her, it's just not...them.  It doesn't work.   But Kim and her whole "North doesn't like pink!" talk was ridiculous.  You and Kanye don't like pink and you don't dress her in pink, and that's why it looks strange to you.  It has nothing to do with her not liking pink. 


I can't wait for North to go shopping with her mom when she's about 4 years old and ask for a hot pink shirt with minnie mouse or Cinderella plastered all over the front. 

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I think what Kourtney says about an infants style was actually pretty spot on.  You can get tons of adorable outfits for your baby and then for some reason when you put some of them on him or her, it's just not...them.  It doesn't work.   But Kim and her whole "North doesn't like pink!" talk was ridiculous.  You and Kanye don't like pink and you don't dress her in pink, and that's why it looks strange to you.  It has nothing to do with her not liking pink. 


I can't wait for North to go shopping with her mom when she's about 4 years old and ask for a hot pink shirt with minnie mouse or Cinderella plastered all over the front. 

Good point, but Kim declared before North was even born that she wanted only neutrals. She was never going to dress her in prints or bright colors.

Loved the hooded sweater Penelope was wearing. I love too that Kourtney doesn't have her kids all dressed to kill all the time. Most of Mason's clothing looks like its off the rack.. stretch pants and plain shirts. nice and comfy and who cares if it gets dirty?

There isn't one member of the family who has more than average intelligence. In addition they have no intellectual curiosity, don't seem to read much more than 140 characters at a time, and seem happy being ignorant. Kris is shrewd and a manipulator, but not smart. Kim's living proof that beauty fades, dumb is forever.

I think Khloe has a brain hidden in there.   She has a decent sense of humor, and looks like a mensa member next to Kim the slack jawed yokel.   Seriously, that woman looks and acts too stupid to understand how to tie a shoe or flush a toilet.   

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I think Khloe has a brain hidden in there. She has a decent sense of humor, and looks like a mensa member next to Kim the slack jawed yokel. Seriously, that woman looks and acts too stupid to understand how to tie a shoe or flush a toilet.

In comparison to Kim, HoneyBooboo is Mensa material. Khloe married a man after knowing him 30 days. And was surprised when she found out that he wasn't all he appeared to be.

But as far as Kim is concerned, the image of her sitting there eating a banana (insert joke here) as she almost giddily recounts being accosted in first class for having a mixed race daughter and a sex tape with a BLACK guy, proves just how disconnected she is to the world. A normal person, realizing perhaps for the first time the difficulties her daughter might face in life, might be oh maybe a tad upset. Not our Kimmy.

And not a rant heard from dear old daddy? Doesn't he live for shit like that? His precious princess and daughter abused and abased? And nary a word. Like I said.. Never happened.

Edited by iwasish

I think what Kourtney says about an infants style was actually pretty spot on. You can get tons of adorable outfits for your baby and then for some reason when you put some of them on him or her, it's just not...them. It doesn't work. But Kim and her whole "North doesn't like pink!" talk was ridiculous. You and Kanye don't like pink and you don't dress her in pink, and that's why it looks strange to you. It has nothing to do with her not liking pink.

I can't wait for North to go shopping with her mom when she's about 4 years old and ask for a hot pink shirt with minnie mouse or Cinderella plastered all over the front.

I'd say Kanye doesn't like pink, and Kimmy just gets her opinions from him. She didn't have a problem with pink just a few years ago. Come to think of it, there are pictures of Kanye out there wearing pink polo shirts! Edited by DangerousMinds

Kim Kardashian talks the $200 million success of her new game: "I'm so excited!"



So it looks like Kim's new video game has been a big success. I wonder how much of that 200 million does she get? She probably does not get a big cut or share of the profits as I'm guessing the vast amount goes back into the company. But I'd like  to know her exact cut.

Edited by Nioclas

Kim Kardashian talks the $200 million success of her new game: "I'm so excited!"



So it looks like Kim's new video game has been a big success. I wonder how much of that 200 million does she get? She probably does not get a big cut or share of the profits as I'm guessing the vast amount goes back into the company. But I'd like  to know her exact cut.

The game is free.  How did it "make" 200 million? 

EDIT - read the tricky headline carefully.  It says "App Set to Earn $200 Million".  Which means it HASN'T earned that.  It's a prediction (based on expectations of people eventually buying extra paid content), and they can claim it without having to back it up with any proof.

Edited by Kromm
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I think what Kourtney says about an infants style was actually pretty spot on.  You can get tons of adorable outfits for your baby and then for some reason when you put some of them on him or her, it's just not...them.  It doesn't work.   But Kim and her whole "North doesn't like pink!" talk was ridiculous.  You and Kanye don't like pink and you don't dress her in pink, and that's why it looks strange to you.  It has nothing to do with her not liking pink. 


I can't wait for North to go shopping with her mom when she's about 4 years old and ask for a hot pink shirt with minnie mouse or Cinderella plastered all over the front. 

Yep! They are practically begging to have a clothing-rebellious child. I can just see a 14-year old North mouthing off to her parents, "Like, look, Yeezus, I am wearing a pink dress to the 8th grade dance! Haha! And mom and grandma, please don't hit on my boyfriend. It's grooooosssss!"

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So Kim wants to do a "selfie" book for Kanye ( in the previews). And proceeds to give us a million close up shots of her enormous ass. Way to keep that gift personal and special... only for his eyes!!


I guess this is like the special calendar she did for Reggie that Kris had published and delivered to all the local stores "in error".  


Her gift giving is just so original!!!

Edited by iwasish
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And self-centered.   Who does a whole book of just pictures of themselves.    Or even a calendar for that matter.   I would say she should do a memory book of photos of them together but then I realized they aren't together often enough to have that many pictures.

Give him a book so that in the future he can remember what her ass used to be like  and go out looking for one that isn't hanging down and touching the back of her knees.

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Ya know, you are right.   Kanye said he is with Kim because that is the one woman whose picture he wants to look at.   Not spend time with, not talk to or share life with, but just look at her picture.   ANd he apparently wants his own stuff, his own space and his own schedule.   A marriage made in heaven where the couple just gazes at the pictures of each other from different continents.   Hell they might make 50 years this way.

  • Love 5

I wonder if Kim (and Magic-Ass-Growing Khloe) are wearing this:




We know that they wear shapewear, they've never hid that.  So I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of what's going on with their butts.  Especially Khloe.  Her ass seems to defy the laws of gravity right now.  Remember those pictures of her shopping in the Hamptons?  She's got powernet ass.


Huh.  I have no idea if this belongs in the Kim or Khloe thread now.

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Whenever Kim is conspicuously absent from the daily online tabloids, I assume she's being nipped and tucked in a cave somewhere. Hell, she probably has the plastic surgeon set up shop at Casa PMK. Yesterday, she posted a pre-pregnancy pic and hashtagged #skinny days. I assume she's being lipoed as we speak and will emerge in a few days crediting Atkins and vigorours exercise for her weight loss.

  • Love 2

Whenever Kim is conspicuously absent from the daily online tabloids, I assume she's being nipped and tucked in a cave somewhere. Hell, she probably has the plastic surgeon set up shop at Casa PMK. Yesterday, she posted a pre-pregnancy pic and hashtagged #skinny days. I assume she's being lipoed as we speak and will emerge in a few days crediting Atkins and vigorours exercise for her weight loss.

She is in Mexico, relaxing, again, after all the hard work she's done. At Joe Francis's house. She has North with her, allegedly. Or it could be her beach towel. Kanye is MIA I think.

I wonder if Kim (and Magic-Ass-Growing Khloe) are wearing this:




We know that they wear shapewear, they've never hid that.  So I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of what's going on with their butts.  Especially Khloe.  Her ass seems to defy the laws of gravity right now.  Remember those pictures of her shopping in the Hamptons?  She's got powernet ass.


Huh.  I have no idea if this belongs in the Kim or Khloe thread now.

Any discussion of ass is apropos to either Kim or Khloe's thread.

I wonder if Kim (and Magic-Ass-Growing Khloe) are wearing this:




We know that they wear shapewear, they've never hid that.  So I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of what's going on with their butts.  Especially Khloe.  Her ass seems to defy the laws of gravity right now.  Remember those pictures of her shopping in the Hamptons?  She's got powernet ass.


Huh.  I have no idea if this belongs in the Kim or Khloe thread now.

That has to be the most uncomfortable piece of clothing ever created. I think you would have to be incredibly desperate to actually spend your day in that. Which means that I'm sure Khloe & Kim both wear it.

That has to be the most uncomfortable piece of clothing ever created. I think you would have to be incredibly desperate to actually spend your day in that. Which means that I'm sure Khloe & Kim both wear it.


I think Kim doubles up.


 I'd love to see a video of them trying to take them off after a day in the frigging California heat.


AAAAnd know I am reminded of the Emergency episode where the lady was having breathing problems because her girdle was too tight.   Johnny had to cut if off and it literally snapped off like a rubber band and hit him in the face.


Pity the poor person who has to cut Kim out of her spanx every day.    Of course, it also explains the sucked in cheeks, she is just gasping for air.


Oh and Kim was never what you call skinny.   She's always been a large sized girl.   Which is fine if she would just bloody admit it.

Edited by merylinkid
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AAAAnd know I am reminded of the Emergency episode where the lady was having breathing problems because her girdle was too tight.   Johnny had to cut if off and it literally snapped off like a rubber band and hit him in the face.


Pity the poor person who has to cut Kim out of her spanx every day.    Of course, it also explains the sucked in cheeks, she is just gasping for air.


Oh and Kim was never what you call skinny.   She's always been a large sized girl.   Which is fine if she would just bloody admit it.

I feel for the 3 or 4 people that have to stuff her into it  every morning. Imagine poor North in her crib listening to all that huffing puffing and swearing?

You know what is (extra) irritating about Kim? She's one of those people who gets smug when her life is going well. Right now, she's all smirky and, quite frankly, seems kinda giddy that Khloe's life is rough right now. And in the preview for Sunday's episode, she has "no sympathy" for Rob. Why should she? HER life is perfect!


But what's worse is that when her life *wasn't* going well and she found herself trapped in a marriage to Herman Munster (Chris H), she was miserable and, therefore, snapped at all of her sisters and was extremely nasty to them.


So, basically, she's horrible to her family when she's happy and when she's miserable -- just in different ways.


Advice to Kim: Don't be so smug. Kayne will impregnate a few women soon and won't understand why you're upset about it. He's more of a narcissist than you are.

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There's a preview up of Kim in Thailand crying the ugly cry( with newly inflated lips) because she's scared to do the zip line. The best is that she uses North as an excuse. "Now that she's a mother, why should she do things she doesn't want to do when she could be spending time with her daughter"   So then there's a clip of her posing in a see thru outfit and BRODY walks in and gets a look at her as he says "tits out" "ass out" . He runs and tells Brandon and Leah, Leah teases him about getting turned on and he says "Maybe half a chubby".

Just saw pics of Kim bathing topless and walking on the beach with her entire butt hanging out.


This isn't news.


We've all seen it before.  With urine.

She's getting more desperate for attention as time goes by. And it's going to be more and more difficult to look like a MILF as she gets older. Her body type is not one that tends to age well. Her ass will get wider and move further south. Her tits will elongate and start to resemble a tube sock with 10 bucks of quarters in the toe, and her face, as her mother probably told her.... will freeze that way.

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100% on this! It's how I feel about her. She "helps" Khloe by bringing the whole family over to pack up Khloes house and then makes snide remarks about how Lamer isn't coming back to pick up glasses.

Lately she's always in the background, mouth agape, tossing little snarky remarks at the others and pontificating about motherhood, and respect and responsibility, egging her mom into sticking her nose in other business and then sucking up to Kris.

I also think that from the clips of Bridy and Brandon/Leah that they don't like her all that much either.

Her comments about Lamar not coming back and Khloe having to move on, shows what a cold bitch she us. At least Khloe feels something about the demise of her marriage, ?Kim cut The Hump out of her life and moved on the next day. She'll do the same to Kanye.

Edited by iwasish
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I read this in an article this morning and immediately thought of Kim:


"The selfie is reprehensible," Chris O'Shea (a writer for Daily Lounge) wrote. "The worst selfie site is definitely Instagram. Take a look at the Most Popular pics sometime. Count how many are selfies. Then go ahead and worry about our society."  O'Shea went on to cite a study from the University of Birmingham that alleged that people who post selfies on sites like Facebook suffer from "decreased intimacy."



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I read this in an article this morning and immediately thought of Kim:




For all her talk of spending time with her daughter, she certainly has lots of time to sunbathe, hang with her friends,

primp, preen and take selfies. It's tiring trying maintain MILF status.

  • Love 2

Whenever Kim is conspicuously absent from the daily online tabloids, I assume she's being nipped and tucked in a cave somewhere. Hell, she probably has the plastic surgeon set up shop at Casa PMK. Yesterday, she posted a pre-pregnancy pic and hashtagged #skinny days. I assume she's being lipoed as we speak and will emerge in a few days crediting Atkins and vigorours exercise for her weight loss.

I wonder how Kanye feels about Kim and her family's obsession with plastic surgery, considering how painfully aware he is of the possible complications.

I wonder how Kanye feels about Kim and her family's obsession with plastic surgery, considering how painfully aware he is of the possible complications.

He thinks the Kardashians shit ice cream. He'll justify their behavior in his own mind and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a few procedures done to fix his ugly mug. After all he's with a MILF, shouldn't he strive for FILF status?

His mother had surgery despite being warned it wasn't healthy for her. I wonder who was picking up the tab for it?

  • Love 1

For all her talk of spending time with her daughter, she certainly has lots of time to sunbathe, hang with her friends,

primp, preen and take selfies. It's tiring trying maintain MILF status.

If she is truly doing all that sunbathing, she'll find herself back in her dermatologist's office very quickly. Unless she is fully covered with body makeup in the pictures, which I suspect she is. 

He thinks the Kardashians shit ice cream. He'll justify their behavior in his own mind and I wouldn't be surprised if he had a few procedures done to fix his ugly mug. After all he's with a MILF, shouldn't he strive for FILF status?

His mother had surgery despite being warned it wasn't healthy for her. I wonder who was picking up the tab for it?

Yes, unfortunately Kanye is featured on the cover of the next issue of GQ and he offers advice on "how to dress like a god." Spare us! Wearing holey jeans, grungy pleather pants and hoodies is apparently godlike now.

That has to be the most uncomfortable piece of clothing ever created. I think you would have to be incredibly desperate to actually spend your day in that. Which means that I'm sure Khloe & Kim both wear it.

LOL.    I was contemplating getting one,  but can't imagine getting out of it at the end of a 94 degree Florida day. 


The best moment ever that I laughed at for a good ten minutes tonight: Kim announces she is doing Vogue to her sisters and they are just like.. "..and?" And the fact that both Kris and Kim were upset that they didn't give a damn as if Kim was conquering something amazing by being on the cover. I laughed. And laughed.



That was funny - and then her later comment that Kanye is only the 5th male to appear on the cover of Vogue.  My, my, we are full of ourselves.

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Kim is so narcissistic that it fucking blows my mind. I, too, loved it when she got that lukewarm reaction to the Vogue cover. They know that it was BS and that somehow Kanye conned Wintour into doing that. In the issue that followed in the letters section there were some photos mocking their cover. In the month after that, there was one letter applauding the cover and two trashing it and the idea of having a reality star who got famous for dubious reasons on the cover of fashion's bible.   Her poor daughter. Is she going to teach her to constantly admire herself and prance around like a peacock? I think North is going to look at Kourtney and say THAT'S the kind of mum I want. 

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