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S31: Abi-Maria Gomes


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I don't know, the only reason I never applied is that I know I wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting picked.  Don't they ask for bikini pictures?


Sorry about the Denise thing.  I was just going by what I read here and I thought she was the source of "no one will play with her."  Must have got that confused.  Senility being another reason they wouldn't pick me.

IMO anyone who would pass up a chance to play Survivor and have a chance to win a million dollars because they might have to spend time with an annoying person is incomprehensible.  I've worked with people far worse than Abi day in day out for years for minimum wage.  If Denise is saying this, I think she's even more full of herself than I suspected.  It's not like Abi's a racist, or threatening to beat someone with her own prosthetic leg, or saying she doesn't "have time," to play with a deaf girl.

Doesn't that apply to, like, all of us who have never applied and never wanted to apply?

To be fair, I'd be less concerned about having to play with someone like Abi (though I wouldn't enjoy that very much either) and more concerned about being stuck with an actual sociopath, like Ben Browning or someone dangerously unstable like Brandon Hantz.

I am going to trust the folks who played with her and found the experience to be so miserable that they would not want to do it again. And the reactions of those people. Denise went off on Abi. Hell, this season alone we saw Shirin and Peih Gee go off on Abi. Tasha is workign really hard to keep her mouth shut.


The game is stressful enough. Playing with someone as needy and demanding as Abi would suck hard. She might be better then J'Tia and Brandon and Russell but not by much.

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I don't know how I'd stack up Abi against J'Tia or the Hantzes.  J'Tia seemed like she was friendly enough, just surprisingly incompetent.  She had a bad moment dumping out the rice, but I don't remember her being vicious.


Russell was a jerk, but I think you didn't have to worry about his feelings.  He had his game plan set up and was an arrogant little troll about it. But I can imagine him having a friendly chat around the camp when nothing particularly game-related was happening (i.e., he already had his pockets stuffed full of idols.)  I was never sure what to make of Brandon. He seemed to not walk in the same world as the rest of us, but if you were friendly to him (and didn't make him feel evil in his loins because you were too pretty), he would follow you around like my dog when she can't see what I have in my hand.


I don't know that any of them would be as stressful to be around as Abi as she's depicted on the show.  The one I'm more inclined to compare her to is Na'Onka, but I haven't sat through Nicaragua since it aired. Some of Na'Onka's evil may have faded in my memory over time.

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Sometimes the crazy you know is easier to deal with than the unknown nutjob.

Oh, that reminds me -- Republican debate tonight :)


I understand RC's point because while she would at least know what Survivor Abi is bringing, what Abi is bringing is far worse than average Survivor crazies. While Abi at her Abi-est may not be the worst we've ever seen, statistically speaking it's worse than you'd get from a random draw. 

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It's been years since I've seen Na'Onka so that might be softening my memory of her, but I would say Abi is much worse than she was. Na'Onka either liked you or she didn't, but at least you knew where you stood. And if she liked you, she'd be nice to you. Abi seems to have no feelings about people that don't relate to her perception of how they're treating her at that exact moment. If you're kissing her ass, she still won't care about you, but at least while she's talking to you about herself, she's not plotting against you. The instant she thinks you've done something to cross her (maybe Woo said hi to you and you didn't immediately slap him in the face) then all her passive-aggressive and a fair amount of her aggressive-aggressive bullshit comes out. Being around Abi is like trying to cross a minefield and not get blown to bits.

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It's been years since I've seen Na'Onka so that might be softening my memory of her, but I would say Abi is much worse than she was.
I agree with that. Na'Onka seemed more malicious, but that made her more manageable. Get her to like you or get her out. If she liked you, she was fine and pleasant to deal with. Abi, by contrast, is often not malicious, but she takes such offense at everything that she's impossible to play with. She also cannot be relied on. 

NaOnka turned on Brenda pretty fast, though she was her best friend and ally out there.  Very different from Abi, but still I don't think you could rely on her, either.  Abi, at the very least, never quit, and in her own unique way, was playing hard till the end.


I'm so very glad Abi is still playing her Second Chances Abi game (which is, indeed, quite different from her Philippines game, in terms of alliances and voting), and showed not one instant of loyalty or affection towards her erstwhile Angkor teammates.

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I'm so very glad Abi is still playing her Second Chances Abi game (which is, indeed, quite different from her Philippines game, in terms of alliances and voting), and showed not one instant of loyalty or affection towards her erstwhile Angkor teammates.


Yes, I'm loving this. I'm just embracing Abi at this point. I really hope we get to see her be the reason Andrew and/or Tasha go, just for the LOLs.

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My main problem with Abi is I feel deceived in voting for her, like a politician that makes a promise, and you vote for them based on that, then they do the exact opposite. But yeah, now I'm viewing Abi as human natural disaster, playing with her is like living in tornado alley, they just have to adjust their game to this force of nature that can ruin everything in an instant with no warning. 

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Abi never reads anything online written about her, but she would love the tornado and ass talk. LOL!!



Speaking of ass talk... Abi's got the best booty out there on the island. Say what you will about her personality, that butt is undeniable.  


Straight woman, here.  I just appreciate a nice butt when I see one.

  • Love 4

It's been years since I've seen Na'Onka so that might be softening my memory of her, but I would say Abi is much worse than she was. Na'Onka either liked you or she didn't, but at least you knew where you stood. And if she liked you, she'd be nice to you. Abi seems to have no feelings about people that don't relate to her perception of how they're treating her at that exact moment. If you're kissing her ass, she still won't care about you, but at least while she's talking to you about herself, she's not plotting against you. The instant she thinks you've done something to cross her (maybe Woo said hi to you and you didn't immediately slap him in the face) then all her passive-aggressive and a fair amount of her aggressive-aggressive bullshit comes out. Being around Abi is like trying to cross a minefield and not get blown to bits.

I just watched Na'Onka's season earlier this year and I can see the Abi similarities, but also agree that Abi would be worse overall. Na'Onka was a straight up asshole to a lot of people but got along quite well with others on a consistent basis. 


Abi just seems like an irritant and the sort of person you can't have an reasonable expectations about. I actually prefer someone who's a complete jerk all the time because I can make myself numb to it from expectation, but someone who's a jackass out of nowhere is more irritating because of the surprise factor. 

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Now that it's an individual game, it seems like she really i trying to change up her game. Even her, "at least you made the jury" comment didn't come across as jerky, I think he's complained about being voted out right before jury on his first season several times, I think she might have actually been trying to comfort him.

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Now that it's an individual game, it seems like she really i trying to change up her game. Even her, "at least you made the jury" comment didn't come across as jerky, I think he's complained about being voted out right before jury on his first season several times, I think she might have actually been trying to comfort him.

I don't by that she has changed her game. Kass has said in her interviews that Abi, Kass, Ciera, and Kelley were ignored as soon as the merge happened. If people are not talking to Abi or worried about Abi, then there is no reason to show Abi.


Abi had isolated herself from day one. Spencer and Kelly Wigglesworth had no reason to work with Abi. Kelly was in a different alliance and Abi flipped on her alliance with Spencer. Spencer was only left in the game because Shirin tried to flip the vote and get out Jeff V. Abi flipped on Andrew with the Woo vote which would upset Andrew and Tasha. Abi did not have an alliance with Jeremy, Stephen, Kimmi, Keith or Joe and they had no reason to try and work with her.


Abi was front and center when her drama was leading to people being voted out. She is a strategic non-entity at this point so we are not seeing her. Just like we don't see Kelly or Keith. There are too many people who have a role in the game to follow. Kelley and Ciera were targets because the larger alliance was worried that they might make some type of move. No one was worried about Abi because no one trusts Abi. Keith got his fun shot today and Kelly got some air time because of the challenge being her redemption. (eye roll)


Abi will go far in the game at this point only because she is easy to vote out and is no threat whatsoever.


I have been enjoying Abi free episodes and watching people actually play instead of dealing with her temper tantrums.

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Also, there was this exchange earlier in the episode.


Stephen "I am kind of having a down day today"

Abi: "get over it"




I was rolling over that. And then she called him "Debbie Downer" and I lost it again.


The Abi bomb is so wonderful to watch when it's directed at players I hate. 


Bingo! I love her again because she's with people I like and focusing her wrath on people I hate.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oh, I know, I've been an organ donor as long as I can remember. I wish it was a mandatory sort of thing.

Mandatory? You mean you want the State to own our bodies and all the parts? Voluntary organ donation is great, but making mandatory would be outrageous.

Not only become an organ donor but make sure your loved ones know that you are one and that you want your organs donated. Families can sometimes stop the process.

In the US there are very specific protocols that are suppose to be followed and people are placed on waiting lists. People on the transplant list die all too frequently. But the same process does not exist in other countries. There is no reason to doubt Abi's comments. If she said that happened, it happened. I think she might have been able to handle it more smoothly, perhaps saying she understood because her family had been in a similar position. Her response was a bit abrupt and felt unfeeling but she is a bit more blunt as a person and I doubt that she was trying to take anything away from Woo she just does not have a delicate touch.

Edited to add CD: It cannot be a mandatory thing because there are religions that would object to the process. I believe that the Catholic Church was opposed to the idea for a while but I might be remembering that wrong. Reading on this now and the sites I am reading are confusing as all hell and gone. It seems like the Catholic Church is ok with donations while alive but worried about the ethics of donations at the time of death. Apparently part of the issue is when is someone actually dead. Medical science says brain death but that is not what the Catholic Church sees as death because the body can continue to function in some circumstances when parts of the brain are dead. Until the body has ceased to function on its own, organs cannot be donated and at that time, as I understand it, many organs have been harmed and are not usable transplants.

Any way, that was al ong way of saying they can't mandate it for religious reasons with the one example I was raised with.

Religion aside, a person's body and its parts belong to that person, not to the State. I have no religious objection to organ donation but making mandatory in unconscionable.

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If you are Abi having a down day the entire world must come to a stand still and comfort you. If they don't then they are not your frien, not loyal and are dead to you and must be voted out. That happens to include when you are consistently picking fights with people in your own alliance and they finally get pissed enough to tell you off.


If anyone else is having a bad day, just get over it.


I loved the shot at Andrew because I think Andrew is an ass and you know all he was talking about was making it to the merge. But it means Abi doesn't have a shot at his vote. Granted, Abi didn't have a shot at his vote after he flipped on Andrew and voted out Woo but that is another story.


Did Abi actually think she had a chance to win the game when she was on the beach? I ask because I really want to know. She flipped on every alliance she was in. She threw more then a few tantrums. She was taunting people at tribal. To Woo "Don't write Abi" and this week to Andrew.


I honestly want to know. Because I am starting to see Abi as having Dan levels of delusion. Dan had it in his head how he was going to be edited and was shocked with how he was edited. He complained that the editors didn't show him crying over the love of his wife, they didn't show him being funny, they didn't show him juggling enough. All they showed was his awful moments and even those they took out of context. Never mind that there were a good number of awful moments and they were not really out of context.


I get that Production decides that they are going to highlight certain elements of a persons personality and make a character out of that person. That means that they leave some different elements behind. But I don't buy that Abi/Dan type edits are picking on the only awful moments that they have and showing us all of those moments. I tend to think that they are leaving far more of those moments on the cutting room floor and picking only the best of/most usable awful moments.


That said, what player actually thinks that taunting people and gloating is a good way to win? Abi was grinning when she told Shirin that it was Shirin or Spencer on the second vote. Flat out gleeful. She is mocking Stephen and Andrew when they have merged and those folks are going to have a say in who wins the game.


The only conclusion I can draw is that she knows she cannot win and so she feels fine taunting them.The only other option is that she is Dan/Russel level of deluded and thinks that she can win even when she is taunting people and behaving as awfully as she is.

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The only conclusion I can draw is that she knows she cannot win and so she feels fine taunting them.
At this point, I think she's just trying to take pot shots at the vultures whenever she can. 


What I'm wondering is whether the (relatively) calmer, gentler Abi we're seeing is the result of editing or an actual change. I'm wondering if the certainty of being at the bottom is actually calming for her. When she was at the top, she was so touchy and paranoid about losing her position in the game. But now she has no position to lose. Maybe that's actually an emotionally easier place for her to be. 

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