BitterApple September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) I have mixed feelings about Germy. While I think Leah was mostly to blame for the marriage going south I think it's a little unfair for him to not acknowledge his own responsibility. It wasn't just Leah who jumped into a marriage and baby too quickly, he was fully on board as well and IIRC he was the one pushing her to get pregnant. Regarding Jenelle, how totally unconvincing was her "I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world" statement about Kaiser? The flat eyes and emotionless delivery pretty much summed up how she truly feels. Chelsea, I hope you and Cole get married and stay together forever because you are setting your child up for a huge let down if things don't work out. Edited September 18, 2015 by BitterApple 13 Link to comment
lasandi September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 As far as Jo goes, this is not like him. Something must have gone down that TPTB are neglecting to show, IMO. Perhaps he feels that with Javi pushing for court to handle the support issue, that he is doomed money wise and with another baby on the way. Vee doesn't seem so happy and maybe she has one foot out the door. When Jo pulled up in that parking lot his face was super serious, like nobody better F with me or ask me anything, and nobody did. LOL. Maybe he learned that Kail is moving after his efforts to be closer to his son. Correct me, if I am wrong..,,.if Jo applied for shared custody and they both have him an equal amount of time, would Jo still have to pay child support? I would think not but I don't know the law. 8 Link to comment
ClassyCourtHeels September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 2:48 PM, Abmis said: My first thought was the Isaac didn't want to go to the soccer game because he can't handle Kail's constant yelling. He didn't look upset about missing the game. I figured he had cried to Jo that he didn't want to go but was scared that Kail and Javi would be mad at him, so Jo pretended it was his fault they missed it to get Isaac off the hook. I'm not sure what to think about the preschool graduation though. Did we actually get Jo's side? I can't remember. He may have had to work and couldn't get out of it. Although apparently he doesnt work according the Kail. Speaking of Javi really still in the Air Force? I mean he is around all the damn time. Aren't they supposed to be deployed at some point? Or does he just work at the base as a mechanic or something? 7 Link to comment
alexa September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Quote So I'm not sure what to think. I've long had Jo's back. But Kail is right - he DID move there to be closer to Isaac, to be able to attend these things. And then he doesn't, because of tension? I mean, that sounds awfully immature and petty. And, did I miss something? The discussion at the park never got THAT heated. Why is there now suddenly all this tension? I just really hope they can get past this, because of Isaac. I know a lot of people think pre-school graduations are stupid, but I bet Isaac was excited about it and would have liked to have his dad there. I feel confused too, as it doesn't sound like Jo. He should know the game and graduation were important to him, and it isn't like he doesn't know his dad is close obviously he could jump to the conclusion that he didn't want to go if he doesn't show up for an event. And based on how little Jo cared about being late for the game (which is sad that Isaac was with him and he was the responsible parent at that moment), I don't really believe he did his part to know the time of the game. I do think that Kail is the type to remind him, and she said she texted the picture of the time or whatever. I don't like Kail, but she is anal about these things so I do actually believe her. If Jo was really just misunderstanding the time, he would have felt really bad for Isaac missing the game--and clearly he wasn't. 2 Link to comment
ClassyCourtHeels September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 2:59 PM, lasandi said: As far as Jo goes, this is not like him. Something must have gone down that TPTB are neglecting to show, IMO. Perhaps he feels that with Javi pushing for court to handle the support issue, that he is doomed money wise and with another baby on the way. Vee doesn't seem so happy and maybe she has one foot out the door. When Jo pulled up in that parking lot his face was super serious, like nobody better F with me or ask me anything, and nobody did. LOL. Maybe he learned that Kail is moving after his efforts to be closer to his son. Correct me, if I am wrong..,,.if Jo applied for shared custody and they both have him an equal amount of time, would Jo still have to pay child support? I would think not but I don't know the law. I would think based on Kails mtv income that there would be two situations if 50-50 came about. 1. No one pays support 2. Kail would have to pay Jo due to the income being unbalanced thanks to MTV. The lolz would be amazing if that grifter would have to pay. I'd pay good money to see that scene. 10 Link to comment
monagatuna September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I thought Jo seemed really sad about letting Isaac down when he dropped him off. He didn't offer excuses or complain to Kailyn that she told him the wrong time. He just seemed disappointed in himself. I agree that it's out of character for him to act like that--he's certainly not shy about pushing Fail's buttons--and he did seem genuinely bummed about the turn of events. My guess is it was just an innocent mistake and he's beating himself up about it. I did a little rough math last night--I think we determined Mama Dawn was about 39? She had Leah when she was 16 and Leah is 23 now, right? When I told my boyfriend that she was under (or about) 40, he was shocked. That's only about three years older than me, and I look closer to Leah's age (not to say that I look 23...but neither does Leah). He's lived a pretty sheltered, privileged life, and doesn't know what "rode hard and put away wet" looks like. Divorce definitely agrees with Germy. The lines in his face were so relaxed I imagine divorcing Leah has the same effect as Botox. She must be exhausting to be around. No wonder Mama Dawn looks so haggard. She did seem happier and more relaxed during the Skype. I hope she gets the help she needs. If she comes through this OK, those kids of hers may just stand a chance. IF Mama Dawn stops enabling her. 8 Link to comment
Ljohnson1987 September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) Kail: Kail acts like Javi does so much for Isaac. I am not saying that he probably does’t do a lot, but Kail acts like she and Javi do it all, and Jo contributes nothing to Isaac’s daily needs. I don’t believe that. Kai just needs to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around her. Chelsea: Chelsea and Cole are adorable! I feel bad for Aubree. Why does Chelsea give a rat’s ass that Adam wasn’t there on Father’s Day, when it seems like he’s never there when Aubree is anyway? The card for Cole felt forced. They’re (Chelsea and Randy), are really pushing Aubree to accept Cole as her dad. They’re not even engaged. Leah: When is Leah going to admit that she has a drug problem, and not anxiety and depression? Maybe she’d be more willing to get help, if she was actually truthful about what the problem is.Aleeah seems like a brat. She was acting out for attention. Leah needs to learn how to discipline her girlses. When did Corey and Germy become buddy buddy? It’s nice to see, for the sake of their kids. Jenelle: Listen to your lawyer, who is leaps and bounds more intelligent than you are! You don’t need Nathan in your life. I love how Jenelle blames everything on everyone else. It’s not Nathan’s fault that Jenelle chose to stalk he and his new girlfriend. She chose to do that. Jenelle will never get anywhere, until she starts taking responsibility for her own actions. Nathan and Jenelle care more about the gym than they do about Kai. That poor kid. Only made to try and save his idiot parents’ unsalvageable relationship. Jenelle's lawyer should know that MTV gets her out of situations. They should really stop doing that. Maybe then, she'd learn something. Edited September 18, 2015 by Ljohnson1987 4 Link to comment
MerryMary September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 3:09 AM, cheatincheetos said: Jenelle: "He's not gonna fuckin play me, dude." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... If they are only "hooking up" why does she seem to think she's entitled to exclusivity with him? Showing up like Andy Capp's angry wife with a rolling pin. SMH...can't wait for the day that she accidentally barges in on Nathan dressed as the 'poolboy' doing a porn shoot for one of the less picky studios, complete with screaming, shoving the female (male?) porn costar in the pool, trashing the cameras... Is there a Golden Quill award for snark? The Andy Capp comment wins. Brilliant comparison. There was a blind item about one of the Teen Moms who isn't named Farrah signing an agreement to make a sex tape but it was cancelled because the Teen Mom tested positive for an STD. I have to go with Jennelle for the win. I don't know why Chelsea has to cut down Adam, he does a good enough job of that on his own. To make Aubrey feel better, she should be emphasizing how much Adam's parents love Aubrey and how glad they are to see her. 5 Link to comment
charmed1 September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 1:52 PM, TM2 said: Yeah I think it is also unlike Jo as far as I've seen him. He doesn't seem like someone who would just not go for such a reason. Maybe Vee is indeed giving him a hard time about it or something else is going on we are not aware off. Well apparently (so says Kail) MTV is pushing these convo's about Jo since she wants to show off her school accomplishments. She's so narcissistic and dense. How are you motivating young moms to finish or stay in school when your experience is so unlike theirs? They're not getting paid thousands of dollars and rolling around in Benzes and buying big new houses at the drop of the hat. How about encouraging young women to practice safe sex? Let's start there. 11 Link to comment
njmama September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I love that they needed subtitles during the Jermy/Corey convo otherwise I would have no idea what was said. Yes, Leah you are in REHAB! REPEAT, REHAB! What a relief someone finally said it. Is it wrong that I now find Jermy a little attractive now that he's not with Leah? Something about her is just very gross to me. Nails bitten down to the nub and just looks like she smells. 9 Link to comment
beesknees September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) On 9/18/2015 at 2:59 PM, lasandi said: As far as Jo goes, this is not like him. Something must have gone down that TPTB are neglecting to show, IMO. Perhaps he feels that with Javi pushing for court to handle the support issue, that he is doomed money wise and with another baby on the way. Vee doesn't seem so happy and maybe she has one foot out the door. When Jo pulled up in that parking lot his face was super serious, like nobody better F with me or ask me anything, and nobody did. LOL. Maybe he learned that Kail is moving after his efforts to be closer to his son. Correct me, if I am wrong..,,.if Jo applied for shared custody and they both have him an equal amount of time, would Jo still have to pay child support? I would think not but I don't know the law. JMHO (only drawing from my own personal experience when I was going through my own divorce) the answer would be no, Jo would be paying no monthly child support (or contributing a monthly portion (i.e. - splitting monthly medical or dental costs for Isaac). I feel if Kail and Jo had Isaac equally (50-50% of the week) very little money (if anything) would go to Kailyn. Other posters weigh in, of course. Edited September 18, 2015 by beesknees 2 Link to comment
MollyZee September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) I know the voiceovers are scripted and then edited into the final cut, but I was gritting my teeth SO. HARD. when Jenelle vo'd that she needed "moral support" (paraphrasing) so she went to meet Barb for lunch. Cut to the yogurt shop where Jenelle is sitting sullenly with her arms crossed, not wanting to hear any of the kind/supportive things Barb is saying and instead gazes defensively into space while poor Jace attempts to tunnel his way out of there in the background. She is such a sociopath, she possesses zero emotions. Sure she squeezes those Tamra-tears out when she needs to, but even that effort is largely wasted because: SHE HAS NO FEELINGS. That cross-eyed, big-headed, dinner roll baby doesn't stand a chance. Corey needs to lose the chew. Ugh I can barely stand to watch his scenes because of the mound under his lower lip! Regional or not, visually it is just plain ICK and he probably has the breath of a geriatric dog as a result. *blergh* Chelsea is being a total #trytoohard and she's scaring the piss out of Cole. That half startled smirk and side-hug he gave her when she presented him with the "Father's Day" picture was telling. While it's possible Javi busted up Karl's phone, I am equally (if not more) willing to believe that she went KAIL-SMASH on it for any number of other reasons. Let's remember this is Ursula the Sea Witch we are talking about, and we know it doesn't take much to send her over the edge. FREE ISAAC. Edited September 24, 2015 by MollyZee 9 Link to comment
Lemons September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 12:26 PM, ghoulina said: I mean, Aubrey straight up said she doesn't like her dad having so many girlfriends because Chelsea says it's bad. I am pretty sure Aubree would figure it out on her own. The fact that Adam has "so many" girlfriends and that it's "bad" is a Chelsea obsession, not Aubrey's. Adam is a single guy in his 20's. He can date multiple girls. As long as he's not passing off these girls as new mommies for Aubrey, who cares. If MTV had been too subtle about Chelsea manipulating Aubrey's opinions of her father, they really hit it over the head this week. Chelsea even finally said it - she wished Adam would "go away" now that she has a new boyfriend and father for Aubrey. So mature. 14 Link to comment
Primetimer September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 After yet another domestic violence incident, Jenelle is back in her lawyer's office and showing America her butt bruise. (Not at the same time.) Read the story 2 Link to comment
MitaJo September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I defended Jo last week then this week he pisses me off. Dude, go to the little graduation thing! Who cares if there's tension between you, Kail/Javi? There's always been tension between you all. I was almost willing to cut him some slack on missing the game, but when you think the game is at 6, why are you still at home at 5:45? Unless that was an editing trick or you live across the street (which obviously you don't since you got there after the game was over), you really should have had Isaac there early. Was he planning on walking in the door at 6 on the dot?? You're killing me Jo! Don't make me side with that trick-a$$ baby-mama of yours. Jenelle should channel that emotion she has over losing the men in her life and use it to focus on her children. Better yet, use that emotion to push yourself to be a better person, a better mother so that you can love and care for your children the way they deserve. She freaking lives for that type of drama in her relationships. It's like she doesn't think it's real unless they're fighting and arguing or something. Watching her with her lawyer, barely even present in the discussion just made me so mad. I can't stand her. It is amazing to see how different the twins are when they're not with Leah. It was so obvious that at Leah's home, there is nothing but chaos, even when she isn't there! Delta Dawn couldn't even get the girls to calm down. Yet at Cory's house, they're mostly getting along, and when they aren't, Cory calmly puts them in check. No yelling, no hysterics, nothing. And YES to someone finally saying what we all knew anyway. Leah has a pill problem and she sure as hell isn't in therapy. Every single time I heard her say therapy I rolled my eyes. I'd rather she just say facility or clinic or something. "Therapy" is just a joke at this point and the joke is no longer funny. I have to agree with those who felt that Chelsea was wrong for that conversation with Aubree. I can't stand Adumb, never have, never will, but you chose to sleep with the jerk and you had a child with him. It made me uncomfortable to watch that. And for the love of GOD, please stop trying to push Cole as the new dad on that child. I don't care if Aubree did start talking about it first, re-direct that line of talk. I don't even know why this surprises me though, because Chelsea life is a series of inappropriateness. Her parents are way to involved in her sex life. I couldn't even imagine having the type of talks she has about hooking up with guys and moving a guy in and spending the night with my mom and I'm 42! Then again, I'm also a prude, but still. Another thing, I bet you if I found out my child's father was out of town on Father's Day, I would have taken her back home with me. Why did she even leave her with Adam's parents? They don't get visitation. That weekend at Randy's cabin could have included Aubree, because I also don't believe that it was Randy, Cole and Chelsea there by themselves. 11 Link to comment
grumpypanda September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Did anyone else notice that Lincoln was playing next to a lit candle in one scene? Anyway, Jenelle continues to be her pathetic and desperate self. I normally don't find verbal abuse funny but I cracked up when Nipps told Jenelle that she wasn't special. I guarantee the only reason Nipps is still pressing his boner up against her is because she's giving him money. How else does he pay for his gym time? I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Jeremy strangely attractive in the episode. I wasn't even mad at him for wearing jeans to court. Another episode with Leah's family purposely getting the girls upset. For the most part kids have an out of sight out of mind mentality. That video chat was strictly to stroke martyr Leah's massive ego. I have a feeling that the girls are going to spend a lot of their lives sitting around grandma Dawn's house waiting for mama to get more good at the doctors. Mama sick a lot. 11 Link to comment
woodscommaelle September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Chelsea: "Why do you think that's bad?"Aubree: "You said it was bad." Enough! Said! God I hated Chelsea this week more than the three others COMBINED, including Dawn and Nathan. That is some tough shit to top! 19 Link to comment
BitterApple September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 6:00 PM, grumpypanda said: Did anyone else notice that Lincoln was playing next to a lit candle in one scene? Anyway, Jenelle continues to be her pathetic and desperate self. I normally don't find verbal abuse funny but I cracked up when Nipps told Jenelle that she wasn't special. I guarantee the only reason Nipps is still pressing his boner up against her is because she's giving him money. How else does he pay for his gym time? I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Jeremy strangely attractive in the episode. I wasn't even mad at him for wearing jeans to court. Another episode with Leah's family purposely getting the girls upset. For the most part kids have an out of sight out of mind mentality. That video chat was strictly to stroke martyr Leah's massive ego. I have a feeling that the girls are going to spend a lot of their lives sitting around grandma Dawn's house waiting for mama to get more good at the doctors. Mama sick a lot. Agree 100% with every part of your post. Lincoln playing near the candle freaked me out, I was just waiting for him to stick his hand in there out of curiosity. It's amazing how dumb Jenelle is when it comes to men considering all the experience she has bed hopping. Nathan is fucking with her head with all the gaslighting. He's keeping Jenelle on the back burner in case his new relationship goes south. He's not dumb enough to completely cut off his sugar mama. Jeremy looks like Cory's cleaner, hotter younger brother. Divorce suits him. I'm also not surprised the Messers managed to create a total clusterfuck with that phone call when the girls appeared to be doing fine beforehand. Just please give the girlseseses to Cory and Miranda and let them have a shot in hell at turning out normally. 8 Link to comment
woodscommaelle September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Hulk Kail is funny as shit, but I will say I liked her segment with Mr. Chelli. When she smiles, like genuinely smiles, I like her. I think she has a heart somewhere under those scarves. In my mind there's hope for her, whereas with Jenelle? There is no hope. 8 Link to comment
monagatuna September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 6:00 PM, grumpypanda said: I'm glad I'm not the only one that found Jeremy strangely attractive in the episode. I wasn't even mad at him for wearing jeans to court. . I remember thinking when they met that Leah was playing way out of her league. I remember recently--during the bacon incident thinking how gross and unattractive (both in looks and personality) he'd gotten. He's bounced back to his former self. I just hope it rubs off on little Addy--she's going to need someone strong in her corner. 6 Link to comment
Chicken Wing September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Quote Hulk Kail is funny as shit, but I will say I liked her segment with Mr. Chelli. When she smiles, like genuinely smiles, I like her. I agree, Hulkina always looks very pretty when she smiles, like, really smiles. Unfortunately she almost never does. 5 Link to comment
Baarbera September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Did anyone hear Aleeah say "I'm not changing no diapers". What do you bet, she's changed Addy's? Also, did you see Vee crying at the end? 13 Link to comment
lezlers September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 3:07 PM, alexa said: I feel confused too, as it doesn't sound like Jo. He should know the game and graduation were important to him, and it isn't like he doesn't know his dad is close obviously he could jump to the conclusion that he didn't want to go if he doesn't show up for an event. And based on how little Jo cared about being late for the game (which is sad that Isaac was with him and he was the responsible parent at that moment), I don't really believe he did his part to know the time of the game. I do think that Kail is the type to remind him, and she said she texted the picture of the time or whatever. I don't like Kail, but she is anal about these things so I do actually believe her. If Jo was really just misunderstanding the time, he would have felt really bad for Isaac missing the game--and clearly he wasn't. I also thought it was telling that when Javi was obviously going to start talking shit in the car on the way home, Kail told him to be quiet. She really did feel bad for Issac, I can't see her being behind it. As much as people love to hate on Kail on this forum, not everything she does has some nefarious purpose. People seem to be going to great lengths to avoid holding Jo accountable for what happened and I find it odd. There was no excuse for missing the preschool graduation, not sure how ANYONE can try to blame that one on Kail, no matter how hated as she is. 8 Link to comment
poopchute September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Someone who has experience with speech development might know this, but is it harmful to always use a ridiculous baby voice and fake lisp when speaking in front of/to your child? I would assume children imitate the speech they hear at home so I'm wondering why Chelsea insists on using that disgusting voice all the time. She really seems mentally ill. 6 Link to comment
ebkitty September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 1:22 PM, FlowerofCarnage said: Evertime I see this, it drives me into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject? Yes, Kail, changed the subject so fast, I died laughing at her. She did it again when Sterling started on about how Javi and Jo need to get along, and Javi needs to learn his place, Kailie cut that off fast, she doesn't want anyone to get a long. There's a lot Kail is hiding from her public, she really thinks she is all that, lol, she is so insecure, her Javier will never last, I feel bad for the kids. 5 Link to comment
Trampolina September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I'm not sure whether Jo would still pay if they were to get 50/50 custody. In Washington I've never even heard of a man getting 50/50 custody through the courts as the courts here see the mother as the ultimate in parenting no matter what. My husband and I spent $30,000 just to get 40% custody of my step daughter and we still pay $500 a month, half of activities, and medical and dental insurance. Also, I know it sounds weak for Jo to say there's too much tension for him to attend the pre school graduation but sometimes it's hard on the kid to have both parents at an activity because the kid is torn of who to hug first and if the other parent is going to feel bad, etc. We always ask our step daughter what she wants and what makes her feel comfortable. For instance, she prefers not to have both parents at karate tournaments because she needs to be calm in order to do her best. It really sucks when two parents can't get along but in my husband's case, his ex went as far as having him falsely arrested during the nasty year long custody battle and once things like that happen, it's very hard to ever be able to trust again or even be cordial. I know Cole isn't Aubree's step dad but even though it's soon, he appears to be more of a father figure than Adam. I always appreciate recognition from my step daughter because I may only be a step mother, but I'm the one that works with her on reading and math, takes her to festivals and horseback riding, teaches her hygiene and sets up sleep overs with her school friends while her mom swills wine and feeds her McNuggets in her room. As far as Chelsea talking negatively about Adam and feeding her info, I agree it's detrimental to Aubree but I know how hard it is to hold back. We are forced to ask questions to make sure my step daughter isn't being neglected at home and it's hugely frustrating to find out that there isn't any fruit or vegetables in the home and that she didn't get even one new item of school clothing (even though child support was paid one week before school started) but bio mom still manages to smoke, drink, and provide a home for her loser boyfriend. But as everyone says, Aubree will figure these things out on her own just as our 10 year old is starting to see her mom for what she is. 3 Link to comment
BitterApple September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 7:04 PM, lezlers said: I also thought it was telling that when Javi was obviously going to start talking shit in the car on the way home, Kail told him to be quiet. She really did feel bad for Issac, I can't see her being behind it. As much as people love to hate on Kail on this forum, not everything she does has some nefarious purpose. People seem to be going to great lengths to avoid holding Jo accountable for what happened and I find it odd. There was no excuse for missing the preschool graduation, not sure how ANYONE can try to blame that one on Kail, no matter how hated as she is. I agree. As loathsome as Kail can be, she had a right to be pissed when Jo missed the soccer game and graduation. I was a little annoyed that Jo didn't apologize for the game screw-up because it's not like Kail was being manipulative and told him the wrong time on purpose. He forgot and seemed to make little effort to get Isaac there as quickly as possible. On 9/18/2015 at 7:09 PM, poopchute said: Someone who has experience with speech development might know this, but is it harmful to always use a ridiculous baby voice and fake lisp when speaking in front of/to your child? I would assume children imitate the speech they hear at home so I'm wondering why Chelsea insists on using that disgusting voice all the time. She really seems mentally ill. I think Aubree at five has double the IQ points of 23 year-old Chelsea, so she'll probably be okay. 4 Link to comment
ghoulina September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Quote She's so narcissistic and dense. How are you motivating young moms to finish or stay in school when your experience is so unlike theirs? They're not getting paid thousands of dollars and rolling around in Benzes and buying big new houses at the drop of the hat. How about encouraging young women to practice safe sex? Let's start there. It's great if Kail is back in school, but I agree she is not a good role model. Yes, she does have more money and opportunities than most other single moms. And while she may be pursuing her dream again, she's also squandering a lot of that money on new homes, vehicles, trashy tattoos, and a lifetime supply of scarves. She has cheated on, lied to, and physically assaulted her significant others. She has been harsh on people who love her and at times tried to alienate her son from his father. She is no role model! 7 Link to comment
vmcd88 September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Call me old old school but I dont think Aubree should be moving Cole in without at least an engagement. I wish Chelsea would stop trying to force the "isnt Cole a better daddy than your daddy" issue. Whoever upthread who said Mama Dawn is 39 has got to be joking. I'd say she's looks at least 55 pushing towards 60. I know it's wrong but I find Nathan and Jenelle's arguments hilarious. It's like watching dumb and dumber. Kail and Javi are what I like to call nice nasty. Nice to your face, nasty behind your back. Jo seemed like he was trying to get along with the both of them and at every turn Kail/Javi are looking for a reason to just be nasty. I did wonder if Jo was trying to get back at Kail by not coming to the soccer on time or the preschool graduation. If Kail can take Jo to court for more child support, why cant Jo take Kail to court to get more time with his son? It seems like Jo is at the mercy of Kail/Javi's moods. Leah...she's just a mess. I dont get why MTV just doesnt say she had a drug problem. 7 Link to comment
monagatuna September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 7:58 PM, vmcd88 said: Call me old old school but I dont think Aubree should be moving Cole in without at least an engagement. I wish Chelsea would stop trying to force the "isnt Cole a better daddy than your daddy" issue. Whoever upthread who said Mama Dawn is 39 has got to be joking. I'd say she's looks at least 55 pushing towards 60. I know it's wrong but I find Nathan and Jenelle's arguments hilarious. It's like watching dumb and dumber. Kail and Javi are what I like to call nice nasty. Nice to your face, nasty behind your back. Jo seemed like he was trying to get along with the both of them and at every turn Kail/Javi are looking for a reason to just be nasty. I did wonder if Jo was trying to get back at Kail by not coming to the soccer on time or the preschool graduation. If Kail can take Jo to court for more child support, why cant Jo take Kail to court to get more time with his son? It seems like Jo is at the mercy of Kail/Javi's moods. Leah...she's just a mess. I dont get why MTV just doesnt say she had a drug problem. Yep, indeed she is 39-40: 16 years old, pregnant in 1992 with Leah. That would make her born in 1975-6. So right around 40. A bunch of the comments are "holy crap, I'm 45/60/1087 and I look younger than her!" Also, the first comment is from someone who knows her fairly well...wish I could have a conversation with that lady! 4 Link to comment
BitterApple September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I wonder if Dawn was a big boozer or pill popper herself. I'm 37 and she looks like she could be my mother. Even accounting for rough living, she still looks old as hell. 5 Link to comment
Mkay September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) On 9/18/2015 at 7:58 PM, vmcd88 said: Call me old old school but I dont think Aubree should be moving Cole in without at least an engagement. I wish Chelsea would stop trying to force the "isnt Cole a better daddy than your daddy" issue. Whoever upthread who said Mama Dawn is 39 has got to be joking. I'd say she's looks at least 55 pushing towards 60. I know it's wrong but I find Nathan and Jenelle's arguments hilarious. It's like watching dumb and dumber. Kail and Javi are what I like to call nice nasty. Nice to your face, nasty behind your back. Jo seemed like he was trying to get along with the both of them and at every turn Kail/Javi are looking for a reason to just be nasty. I did wonder if Jo was trying to get back at Kail by not coming to the soccer on time or the preschool graduation. If Kail can take Jo to court for more child support, why cant Jo take Kail to court to get more time with his son? It seems like Jo is at the mercy of Kail/Javi's moods. Leah...she's just a mess. I dont get why MTV just doesnt say she had a drug problem. Intelius states delta dawn spears is 40. Edited September 19, 2015 by Mkay 2 Link to comment
monagatuna September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 8:16 PM, BitterApple said: I wonder if Dawn was a big boozer or pill popper herself. I'm 37 and she looks like she could be my mother. Even accounting for rough living, she still looks old as hell. Yep, my mom is 60 next month (I'm 36) and they look like they could have gone to high school together. AND my mom has lived most of her life in that same region as Dawn too, so it's not the Appalachian air or anything. Delta Dawn has definitely done some stuff. Don't know what, but my guess is cigarettes and a whole lot of booze and baby-making. Possibly all at the same time; wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was a bunch of FAS in their family tree.* *NOT knocking women who take a little tipple during pregnancy, we all know a glass of wine here and there, especially during later stages, will generally not harm the fetus. But I get the feeling Mama Dawn is the kind of person who likes to overdo things a little. Just a hunch. ;-) 7 Link to comment
MitaJo September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) On 9/18/2015 at 8:08 PM, monagatuna said: Yep, indeed she is 39-40: 16 years old, pregnant in 1992 with Leah. That would make her born in 1975-6. So right around 40. A bunch of the comments are "holy crap, I'm 45/60/1087 and I look younger than her!" Also, the first comment is from someone who knows her fairly well...wish I could have a conversation with that lady! I am DYING at those pictures of Dawn. She looks old even at 16 years old. No wonder we don't believe she's 39. Edited September 18, 2015 by MitaJo 3 Link to comment
ghoulina September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Ewww, why did I have to click on that link and be subjected to a picture of sweaty Yoda Lee??? 4 Link to comment
Tatum September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 8:08 PM, monagatuna said: Yep, indeed she is 39-40: 16 years old, pregnant in 1992 with Leah. That would make her born in 1975-6. So right around 40. A bunch of the comments are "holy crap, I'm 45/60/1087 and I look younger than her!" Also, the first comment is from someone who knows her fairly well...wish I could have a conversation with that lady! Wow so Dawn was 34 when she became a grandma. My best friend just had her first child at 34. Weird to think about that. Let's cross our fingers Dawn makes it at least to 55 before becoming a great grandma. I loved how Jenelle and her friend were rolling their eyes at Nathan's promise to give his address to Jenelle after he was sure she wouldn't stalk him, like he had such an out of control ego, and yet this episode she calls him nonstop and shows up at the gym when he wont take her calls. Naturally it never occurred to Jenelle to drive to Barbara's house when she was wailing about not being able to see Jace last month. While I agree with everyone that Chelsea manipulating Aubree with regards to Adam/Cole is not okay, in her minimal defense, I'm wondering if she suspects that in the not so distant future, Adam will completely give up on any pretense of wanting to be a father to Aubree and Chelsea is trying to preemptively soften the blow. It would be hard knowing you've saddled your child with a deadbeat who will probably break her heart many times. Also sad was the diner scene where Corey tells Jeremy that he lives in fear every day of getting a phone call that one of the kids has been hurt-or worse- because mommy made a boo boo. I can't imagine living like that. 3 Link to comment
Grandma Saracen September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Highlights: - "because I'm the baby" bib at Jenelle's - the twins had clean hair! - corey & jeremy, of course - more pug camera time - aubree once again just barely humoring her mom, and getting a little say about when she didn't want to be on camera 3 Link to comment
Maharincess September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) I don't ever want to defend Karl, but the lit candle could have been flameless. I have some flameless candles that look exactly like the real thing when they're turned on. Edited September 18, 2015 by Maharincess 3 Link to comment
lovesnark September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 If it was anyone other than Jenelle, I would think Nipples playing her was awful. But, I don't. They are each so ridiculously immature, I find her wailing over him hilarious. The only loser in this situation is the Roll........and the people on the road while she's wailing, talking, texting and driving. Since we know she was arrested again for going apeshit when Nipples brought his new squeeze with him to exchange the Roll, I wonder if she'll actually have to do a little time when the latest felony DV goes to court? She's got to be livid at Nipples' DV charges being dropped and the state going ahead and pressing charges against her. The editing monkeys really outdid themselves with Leah's segments. When the kids are yokel granny's house, it's total chaos. Corey and Miranda's place, their hair is combed, they're fully dressed and acting like little girls, not feral children. Jeremy and Corey getting together was made of awesome. Corey has had suspicions for a long time and was made out to be the bad guy for wanting to find out what the hell was going on. It's great the Jermy can verify all the shit that's been going on and they can agree on wanting to make sure their kids are safe. I loved Corey saying it was going to take a lot longer than 30 days for Leah to get her shit together. 30 days in treatment is just the tip of the iceberg and the person's brain is just starting to be able to function normally again. It's my belief that this is the biggest reason treatment centers have such a low rate of success. It's not the facility's fault, the whole standard of care needs to be overhauled. It's my opinion that a minimum of six months of supervised living with accountability factors like routine UA's, having to have a job of some sort and ongoing counseling is the only way most addicts/alcoholics will have a chance of succeeding. Rant over! I also wish Chelsea would stop the Adam talk with Aubree. When Aubree said she didn't get to see or talk to him on Father's Day, I wish Chelsea would have just said 'that's too bad' and let it go. I get it. Adam is an asshole who will disappoint Aubree over and over. Chelsea has a new guy in her life and feels like she's finally going to have the family she's wanted ever since she got pregnant. But, no amount of wishing Adam would just go away will make it happen and she should just let things develop with Cole organically instead of acting like she bought a box of Instant Dad at Costco. 11 Link to comment
this-one-is-mine September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Chelsea was awful this week for those questions to Aubree. And for acting like her boyfriend of less than a year is somehow their savior. "Do you wish your Dad were around more?"..."Well, at least you have Cole!" How about "Aubree, you always have your Mommy." 12 Link to comment
fetching September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 (edited) On 9/18/2015 at 3:20 AM, FlowerofCarnage said: I can completely understand Jo not wanting to be around She-Hulk and Labia Lips.... Someone needs to gift this to Javi and Kail. Edited September 18, 2015 by fetching 1 Link to comment
cheatincheetos September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 12:48 PM, ghoulina said: Then she says something about his ex and he flips on her and storms out. Also, he brought his side piece over to pick up Kaiser. He knows Jenelle. Why do that, unless it was to provoke her? When he went into that high, cracking voice "WHY WOULD I WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?" she should have slapped him in the face with a stack of 100 dollar bills. On 9/18/2015 at 8:32 PM, Mkay said: Intelius states delta dawn spears is 40. Can you find Leah's grandma Sandy? 2 Link to comment
cheatincheetos September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 5:00 PM, PreviouslyTV said: After yet another domestic violence incident, Jenelle is back in her lawyer's office and showing America her butt bruise. (Not at the same time.) Her voice gives me an ear bruise. 4 Link to comment
MrsSmartyPants September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 2:48 PM, Abmis said: My first thought was the Isaac didn't want to go to the soccer game because he can't handle Kail's constant yelling. He didn't look upset about missing the game. I figured he had cried to Jo that he didn't want to go but was scared that Kail and Javi would be mad at him, so Jo pretended it was his fault they missed it to get Isaac off the hook. I'm not sure what to think about the preschool graduation though. Interesting point. On 9/18/2015 at 9:22 PM, fetching said: Someone needs to gift this to Javi and Kail. Is it chenille? Because you know, Kail only sits on the finest of fabrics. 1 Link to comment
MissMel September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 7:09 PM, poopchute said: Someone who has experience with speech development might know this, but is it harmful to always use a ridiculous baby voice and fake lisp when speaking in front of/to your child? I would assume children imitate the speech they hear at home so I'm wondering why Chelsea insists on using that disgusting voice all the time. She really seems mentally ill. I don't think anyone is ill but yes. Speaking to your children in actual words, not baby talk, is much more convenient for them. Kids are only kids for a short time. They are adults a lot longer. Speak clearly, early. It helps with reading and spelling, as well. 5 Link to comment
cheatincheetos September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 9:43 PM, MrsSmartyPants said: Interesting point. Is it chenille? Because you know, Kail only sits on the finest of fabrics. Or Javi's lips. 1 Link to comment
SnarkKitty September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 Jeremy all but put air quotes around "prescription pill addiction." Link to comment
MsSilverSpecs September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I'm going to second with Corey and say that Leah needs more then 30 days. I'm a recovering addict and I have been doing outpatient for over a year now. 30 days is nothing..a year is when your finally out of early recovery. Too bad Leah doesn't even acknowledge she is an addict. 9 Link to comment
lezlers September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 I've heard 30 day rehab referred to as "spin dry." It's enough to get you clean, but not nearly enough to keep you that way. Considering she won't even admit she HAS a problem, she is far, far away from recovery. 8 Link to comment
Darknight September 18, 2015 Share September 18, 2015 On 9/18/2015 at 10:32 PM, MsSilverSpecs said: I'm going to second with Corey and say that Leah needs more then 30 days. I'm a recovering addict and I have been doing outpatient for over a year now. 30 days is nothing..a year is when your finally out of early recovery. Too bad Leah doesn't even acknowledge she is an addict. She's in rehab for anxiety and depression. She's a fool to believe this. 2 Link to comment
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