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Thank you! 

I just wanted ONE thing outta this story. ONE. For all three of the disposable interns gone. And they couldn't even give us THAT.

If anything, if Maya is back, it'll mean Xander will likely get more story alongside his cousin. If they aren't doing the "long-lost son from when Maya was assumed male at birth" story that I'm almost positive Jacob Young pitched and was modified to this Brit cousin crap, then I don't want it at all.

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

I hate this crap.  Brooke should tell her "You want him, great, he's your problem now!"

In 20 years of watching, I think only Bridget has ever been allowed to be 100 percent done with men. She torched Deacon's shit and never looked back and when Aunt Katie got up the duff, she gave both her and Nick what for and tossed the ring at them.

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23 hours ago, ByTor said:

@Anna Yolei, that's not seen often on soaps, so that was very refreshing!  

Yep, and even the one time Bridget did cheat and Nick wouldn't even give her a chance after all the BS he'd pulled, she at least got one line to say AYFKMWTS. Not even Brad Bell was so tone deaf to make her the villain of that particular story.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Someone will surely post the official spoilers but until then I've read elsewhere that Thomas and Zoe are going to be a thing. Or at least it sounds like it. He might be using her to try to make Hope jealous or pull some other scheme. But if not, I don't exactly hate the idea. They'd make a striking couple, IMO.

So long as Flo is the spoiler between them and stays the fuck away from dumbass Wyatt and Sally (who deserves better than him, but good f'ing luck with that), I can dig it.

Or, I could if I had any intension of watching any of their scenes. I'm beyond pissed that all of them are still sticking around past their very short expiry date but if they can all be in scenes in isolation from the rest of the cast, that would be great.

Which begs the question: what's next for the other dum-dums? I don't believe for a moment that Bell will let the Triangle of Dumb lay still for any length of time and clearly, no other love interest is being brought in for Steffy any time soon. Molly Night was the first action she'd had since her stallion ride in 2017.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Spoilers from Twitter:

Monday 10/14:

The Logans are shocked when they find out Flo is Katie’s donor. Brooke accuses Shauna of using it as a way to get her back in the family. Because DUH!!!

Tuesday 10/15:

Wyatt goes to Flo’s to thank her. Of course he fucking does.

Wednesday 10/16:

Shauna tells Ridge she kissed him while he was passed out. Of course she fucking does and he will lap that up like a kid with an ice cream cone.

Thursday 10/17:

Steffy is frank with Liam when he secretly brings Beth to visit her. What is this secretly BS?

Friday 10/18:

Hope and Steffy argue about the pain of losing Beth and Liam. NOOOOO! NOOOO! MORE!!! TRIANGLE!!! OF!!! DOOM!!! EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Spoilers for the week of October 21:

Hope pushes Liam to tell Steffy that Hope is his future. Thomas tells Zoe that she is the inspiration behind his design.

Please to be reading my aforementioned feelings about resurrecting the ToD. But I could be down with Thomas and Zoe. 

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On 10/10/2019 at 5:52 AM, CountryGirl said:

Thursday 10/17:

Steffy is frank with Liam when he secretly brings Beth to visit her. What is this secretly BS?

On 10/10/2019 at 5:52 AM, CountryGirl said:

Friday 10/18:

Hope and Steffy argue about the pain of losing Beth and Liam. NOOOOO! NOOOO! MORE!!! TRIANGLE!!! OF!!! DOOM!!! EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Ah shit, here we go again 🙄

This might be the most forced conflict they've ever given these three stooges. I could've bought Hope being pushy about him standing up to Steffy ages ago, but he's very clearly made his choice. Why are they doing this?

1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

I hate Thomas and hate Zoe so have no interest in them having airtime and love or happiness. 

Same here.

Here's another pairing to surpass Ridge and Bridget as a match made in Viewer Hell.

  • Love 7

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers for the week of October 21

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Monday October 21:

Steffy gets the upper hand in her argument with Hope.

Zoe learns from Thomas how she fits into his big plans for the future.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday October 22:

Hope wants Liam to agree to give Douglas a proper home with them and Beth.

Upon learning what Brooke and Hope are up to, Thomas heads immediately to Brooke’s house.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday October 23:

Hope explains to Thomas why she should raise Douglas.

Working to get Steffy to forgive her brother, Ridge promises Douglas will stay with Thomas.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Thursday October 24:

Wyatt learns that Quinn asked Bill to meddle in his engagement to Sally.

Ridge is stunned to hear that it was Brooke’s plan to coerce Thomas into giving up his son.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Friday October 25:

Ridge squares off with Brooke, Hope and Liam over Douglas.

Thomas and Douglas share an emotional moment as Thomas vows to be the father the boy deserves.

Also coming up on Bold and Beautiful this week:

Hope wants to ensure Steffy knows Liam’s future is with her.

Zoe inspires Thomas’ designs.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Thursday October 31:

Eric and Quinn host a Halloween party at which Shauna takes the opportunity to reminisce with Ridge about their kiss. Also, Hope attends the party, despite Liam and Brooke’s opposition, and tries to get Thomas to sign paperwork giving her joint custody of Douglas.

Liam takes Beth to spend Halloween night with Steffy and Kelly.

– Candace Young

  • Love 3

Thomas and Douglas share an emotional moment as Thomas vows to be the father the boy deserves.

Tommy already had his big, emotional reconciliation with Douglas. Then he turned around and started verbally abusing the child again. How many do-overs does Thomas get? Meanwhile, Douglas is getting trained to tolerate Tom's instability. Ugh.


Liam takes Beth to spend Halloween night with Steffy and Kelly.

Is Kelly not allowed to leave the Cliff House? Why does Liam always have to go there to see her? And I remain surprised Hope is okay with Beth ever being out of her sight.

  • Love 4

Oh, cry me a river of crocodile tears out of your cat-wing eyes, Hauxdi. Hope has been sympathetic. Whine. Whine. Whine. Poor ME ME ME!!!

I don't understand the sneaking around either. Hope has let Beth stay with Wally and didn't somebody else (Amelia?) take Beth and Douglas somewhere? I don't think Hope would have minded. Especially, as public enemies #1 & #2 are Flo and Shauna right now ...

... but looks like that is that is all about to change as a shark obviously smells fake Halloween blood in the water. There was absolutely NOTHING about what Liam said or his in his facial expressions or body language that gave the slightest indication that he was interested in reuniting with that slattern. NOTHING.

So, I guess that's Brooke's Taytot spidey senses were on high alert yesterday when she out-of-the-blue started pushing Hope to get Liam to remarry her. Can that even happen right now? I thought that Thomas is refusing to sign the annulment papers, so aren't he and Hope still "married?" 

I am disgusted at the artificial ploy to kick the ToD back into high gear and using Beth to do so. I would actually rather watch Brooke and Shauna fight over Ridge. At least that doesn't use children as bargaining chips. So now we're basically back to three triangles and I guess a fourth one coming with the Maya/Carter/Rick spumour.  I'd ask if Brad Bell was capable of writing anything else but we all know the answer to that. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think Justin Torkildsen.  I am in the minority, but I kind of liked Kyle Lowder. His Rick seemed to have the balls and rugged looks to stand up to Sludge and Bill. 

Justin Torkildsen was my first Rick, which was why KL was such a glaring depature for me, even more so than the Mulletor and Sludge. Once Rick was allowed to tone the entitlement and Ridge hate down from 11 to a 6 and got a haircut, the character was much improved...and by then, the show decided to get rid of him and recast with Jacob Young, whom I never warmed up to in seven years on the show. He reminded me of Commander Data and I had no clue why Carowhine pursued him the way she did.

Now KL!Rick? Yeah, I can see that. He was entirely wasted on the Marone twins who were ten years waaaaay too young and they should've had him going after Taylor from the beginning. Imagine her having that late-in-life baby with Brooke as Grandma?! 🤣

At any rate, if that sprumor is true, I wonder why they're revisiting that Maya/Carter thing now, years after the fact. It's not like there was any there there the first go around, when he was Maya's rebound.

  • Love 2

I think Hope's visit to Steffy is going to set off a lot of things Hope didn't intend to.  I bet Ridge convinces Steffy to let Thomas and Douglas move in with her.  Ridge and Brooke will really be on the outs which means it's going to be Shana's turn with one of the show's waffles.  Hope will continue to be insecure about her relationship with Liam with Brooke hounding Hope to end her marriage to Thomas and marry Liam ASAP.  However, Hope's insecurities will annoy Liam, and he'll add to the problem by spending more and more time with Steffy and Kelly.

Why can't there be just one new SL that doesn't involve a god damn triangle?

  • Love 3
On 10/19/2019 at 3:55 PM, TigerLynx said:

Hope will continue to be insecure about her relationship with Liam with Brooke hounding Hope to end her marriage to Thomas and marry Liam ASAP.  However, Hope's insecurities will annoy Liam, and he'll add to the problem by spending more and more time with Steffy and Kelly.

And this is why we can't have nice things. And now, we get the triangle without anyone calling Liam out on this continued waffle crap, because really who's here to do it? Wyatt usually does it, but his credibility is shot to hell now. Thomas is right but I'd rather hear Quinn give Liam love advice and if she never talks to him again it'll be too soon. Bill has been MIA in all of this and largely supportive of Lope this time, but there's a lot of bad blood that kinda kills it there, too. Brooke is obsessed with getting Lope married ASAP as though rushing down the aisle the last ten times solved any of her problems. Ridge...I don't even know, even for him, this has been pretty rank by tossing Steffy under the bus.

Either Liam gets back with Steffy or we get a curve ball of him ending up with Sally after Wyatt tosses her for Vegas Con Artist Barbie like the absolute fool that he is.  I'm not entirely convinced the latter would be a step up for Sally and I'll regret typing this if it did come to pass and she goes full crazy like Ivy did but I'd tolerate that more than another round of the ToD.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Probably just in time to break up Sally wedding with that fuckboi.

Halloween spoilers make me think a case of mistaken identity will reoccur with Thomas wearing a mask Liam had to make out with Hope or Shauna will wear to smooch Ridge. 

Also why is Liam continuing to sneak Beth to Steffy’s? It doesn’t have to be nearly this complicated. 

I high key hope the ghost machine is found on Halloween in Brooke’s pad in Thomas’ shit or Douglas room so finally people realize the extent of his malice and abuse. Besides intentionally terrifying his young son who was getting over a trauma, he threatened to abandon him more than once (who was dealing w the death of his mother) and waved his arms in his face aggressively while doing so, to the point once the tot screamed in terror “please Daddy don’t hurt me.” Disgusting.  

  • Love 2

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for the week of October 28:

Monday October 28:

Eric learns from Ridge that Brooke’s history with Stephanie is repeating itself with Thomas and Brooke. Okay, the Stephanie comparison is pure horseshit. Come back when Brooke tries to strangle someone or orchestrates their rape. 

Ridge finds Shauna asleep in his bed, which leads to comedy then passion. Well, they got the comedy part right.

Tuesday October 29:

Shauna is surprised by Ridge’s response in regard to her question about their current sleeping arrangement.

Hope lets Brooke in on her plan to use Thomas’ love for her to get Douglas away from him.

Wednesday October 30:

Quinn strolls down memory lane after Shauna confides her kiss with Ridge. So, should we expect a Quinn/Ridge/Shauna triangle now. As if all the ladies would be after him. I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.

Though Brooke tells Ridge how much she misses him, things turn bad when she brings up Thomas. What's to miss, Brooke?

Thursday October 31:

Eric and Quinn host a Halloween party at which Shauna takes the opportunity to reminisce with Ridge about their kiss. Also, Hope attends the party, despite Liam and Brooke’s opposition, and tries to get Thomas to sign paperwork giving her joint custody of Douglas.


WTF are Ridge and Thomas wearing?

Liam takes Beth to spend Halloween night with Steffy and Kelly. Ridiculous. 

Friday November 1:

Steffy and Liam gush over their daughters and their forever bond. Gag!

Thomas and Douglas put Hope in a bind with questions about their future together.

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for the week of November 4:

Friday November 8:

Someone dies. Probably no one of any importance. I'm LOL'ing at the speculation that it's Brooke.

Bold and Beautiful SOD November Sweeps:

After Brooke hears Ridge side with Thomas, she forces him to choose between his son and his wife, which leads him to make a painful decision.

Ridge leaves Brooke and brings Thomas and Douglas to live with Eric and Quinn.

Shauna is there for Ridge, and Thomas couldn’t be happier, especially since Brooke is in so much pain.

Hope is determined to use Thomas’ love for her to get Douglas, but Liam isn’t on board with her plan to spend time with Thomas.

Liam and Brooke fear for Hope’s safety, but she’s not the only one in danger.

So November is basically going to be the suck.

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These spoilers sound unentertaining and misogynistic.

The writing is beyond tone death at this point. Fans everywhere were clamoring for everyone in the Beth scheme, including Thomas, be be punished to the fullest extent and most people wanted the focus off Liam/Hope/Beth as A story into a business based and more light or glamorous one. What a trolling asshole. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f291dcd72e5ecae6b7fd5

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Halloween spoilers make me think a case of mistaken identity will reoccur with Thomas wearing a mask Liam had to make out with Hope or Shauna will wear to smooch Ridge

You mean AGAIN?!

You'd think masquerade parties would be banned after the Possé boink shit! 👀

But I don't trust Bell not to recycle any storyline.

3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Friday November 8:

Someone dies. Probably no one of any importance. I'm LOL'ing at the speculation that it's Brooke.

I know this show has kept mum on some huge stories in the past, but no way would they do Brooke like that.

That said, how many people on this show count as "no one of any importance" on a cast I can count with all my fingers? Zoe? Zander? Loading Dock Guy? Charlie? God, I hope it *is* him so that his salary can go towards recasting Jack Marone or Little Eric or something. 

Still, on a show that's never been particularly slasher-happy, two deaths in one calendar year (on top of the Beth story) is...something. not a good something, but an accomplishment nonetheless. Maybe Maria Bell *is* ghostwriting the show after all.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Friday November 8:

Someone dies. Probably no one of any importance. I'm LOL'ing at the speculation that it's Brooke.

FWIW I did see this on another site: Katrina Bowden posted shots of herself on Instagram at the airport heading to Australia to shoot a film for more than six weeks. She's confirmed she’s off the soap for now and working on another project.


I hope you're wrong, but I don't trust Bell's writing and especially not when he had Scott Clifton doing damage control ahead of Molly Night.

The more I see of this, the more I wonder if Susan Flannery was actually going to quit after the Andy rape story w/ Brooke. She'd had fibromyalgia before that and had it after, yet never took that much time off the show before or since. It's come out that she was rightfully livid about that story and Stephanie's role in it.

5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Nope, she won't die, she's returning


Oh...thanks for the update BYTOR. Figured they wouldn't actually "off" their latest redeemed "angel" so quickly 😞  (and most likely the third leg of yet another triangle.)

Maybe someone needs to inform Bell that there are other shapes in geometry than just triangles.🤔

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On 10/24/2019 at 9:09 AM, ByTor said:

It looks like Thomas is a fireman and Ridge is...ummm...a hockey player for Forrester Creations?

Thorsten Kaye is a big hockey fan. Years ago, the Zendall fans gifted him a jersey from his favorite team and he showed it off on an episode of AMC to thank them. This weird "FC" jersey might be a similar thing.

WTF to every spoiler about Steffy/Liam/Hope/Thomas. I thought JMW had pushed for Steffy to be out of the ToD.

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