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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I looked up the new champ, and he is a writer for Madam Secretary

Interesting! Jeopardy has strict-sounding eligibility rules (but with a vague "may") (bold mine):


You may not be eligible to play on Jeopardy! if you are employed by, related to, or within the last five years known anyone who works for Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Sony Pictures Television Inc., Quadra Productions, Inc., CBS Television Distribution, Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy! prize suppliers, or any TV station (including advertisers and related radio stations) broadcasting Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy!


I quit watching Mad Men years ago, but she was Moira, Ted Chaugh's secretary.

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It was Alex who said it was a cameo, not the contestant....


The original Jeopardy! let them keep what they earned (back when a couple of thousand dollars was a huge haul). They changed the rule (don't know exactly when) because they want contestants to go all out to win in FJ instead of playing it safe and betting low in order to keep their money.


20 years ago (yikes!), second and third  place won prizes, not cash at all, and of course the prizes are taxed.

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Interesting! Jeopardy has strict-sounding eligibility rules (but with a vague "may") (bold mine):



You may not be eligible to play on Jeopardy! if you are employed by, related to, or within the last five years known anyone who works for Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Sony Pictures Television Inc., Quadra Productions, Inc., CBS Television Distribution, Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy! prize suppliers, or any TV station (including advertisers and related radio stations) broadcasting Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy!


I'm not sure if CBS Television Distribution is involved with Madam Secretary; it's certainly the network's main distributor, so probably.  But it wouldn't be his employer -- his employer should be the show's production company.

Edited by Bastet
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Re: Alex's pronunciation of Vermont


I think that's because the answer was: Who were the Green Mountain Boys?


The contestant missed it and Alex was trying to emphasize that you could reason it out from the origin of the state name.  Vermont = Green Mountain in French.


I don't usually like when he does accents but this seemed a reasonable time to do one.

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I missed the last couple of eps, so I was glad to finally get a new ep to watch. The returning champ kind of bugged me with how slow she picked categories. I need to google Moira from Mad Men to remind myself what she looks like.


I'm terrible with State capitals. I guessed Hartford. I don't know if that's a capital OR even if that's a signer, but it sounds good to me.


There were a couple of TSs I got. Theodore Dreiser... something else. I can't remember now.

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They could put the Clue Crew in front of a green screen and we'd never know the difference. Okay, we might KNOW the difference, but I promise nobody would give a shit.

Honestly I think sometimes they do because I swear I can see the outlines in some setups. Otherwise they must be using some harsh lighting on crappy video.

The highlights of the past few eps for me have been Kelly's Grandpa and the shrieking penguin. I still haven't recovered from that awesome TOC.

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I was confused why Alex made sure to stress he said Constitution and not Declaration of Independence because I've never been more sure of FJ in my life and didn't see why it mattered, until Trevor said Jefferson City. And then I was confused all over again and then sad, because for some reason, knowing that James Madison is the Father of the Constitution has stuck with me since eleventh grade, which I was a sophomore in 1990, but obviously that is not common knowledge any more.


I'm sure I knew that once, but since the Constitutional Convention wasn't particularly interesting to me, I've obviously forgotten.  I said Jefferson City even though I was fairly sure that Jefferson had nothing to do with the Constitution.  I forgot about Madison, Wisconsin.  I used to be able to name all the state capitals once, but no more, I guess.  (BTW, Trebek, there are 50 state capitals.  Jeez, I don't usually snark on Alex, but still . . .)

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I did get a laugh out of "Canon" for "Missal" (sounds like something that can be fired in wartime) ... that was not entirely stupid.

I also said canon.


Got FJ right away - I have always heard it as Cavalier King Charles spaniel but apparently King Charles was enough.


I had to look up "puppygate" at the Hugo awards but fortunately it did not involve real puppies.


I thought all contestants were very good and I would have been pleased with any one of them winning.

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I liked the Hamilton category, though at first I worried the board wouldn't clear because some of the singing clues felt long. It was bittersweet to see clips since I was recently told it's sold out until June and even then the only available seats are obstructed view. 


I cracked up at "dead hunchback" too, and also at FJ because my cousin had one and I LOATHED that dog.

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I'll admit I may have wet myself a little bit when I saw Lin-Manuel Miranda was going to do clues from Hamilton.  They were all pretty easy, but it was great to see the mini-clips, and to hear Miranda singing, especially some of the other characters' lines.


EGOT-ists was a fun category also, even though none of them pronounced it that way.

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I probably would've ruled all three contestants' FJ answers as wrong, because it was my understanding that Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the actual name of the breed (and it pretty much is in the US).  However, further research has indicated that there is also just the King Charles Spaniel, which is a smaller and older breed found mainly in the British Isles.  So Jeopardy is educational!  Even if inadvertantly.

As someone who has seen the musical Hamilton a few times and loved it, I enjoyed Lin-Manuel Miranda giving the clues.


I loved the "dead hunchback" answer. It cracked me up.

It was interesting, but it took up too much time.  Fortunately the contestants managed to get through all the clues anyway, but I'd have been pissed if they hadn't cleared the board.

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My issue with the Hamilton category was how LONG the clues were, and he was really taking his time with them. A lot of them were sung, and they weren't just tiny snippets, it went on and on. I liked the category fine, and the musical seems amazing, but when it takes forever for video clues I just feel kind of anxious, like "we gotta clear the board, move it along!!"

  • Love 10

My issue with the Hamilton category was how LONG the clues were, and he was really taking his time with them. A lot of them were sung, and they weren't just tiny snippets, it went on and on. I liked the category fine, and the musical seems amazing, but when it takes forever for video clues I just feel kind of anxious, like "we gotta clear the board, move it along!!"

Totally agree! Hate any clues that take half of J. to read. However, after hearing some snippets of music, I now must see the show! And I just heard it's coming to Chicago--eventually!!

  • Love 5

What, you're not familiar with the famous tale of the Pied Piper of Hamburg? You probably never heard of the Berlin Town Musicians, either.


I got to Potter but thought she died earlier than that. At first I thought maybe whoever wrote National Velvet or Black Beauty or My Friend Flicka or Mr. Ed...I was sure it was horse-related! But ended with Potter because it was the only actual name I could think of.

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Alex was lucky he won (I'm glad he did) since he kept buzzing in and then didn't know the answer.

For three days in a row, they've shown someone's picture, which is a pet peeve of mine. And no one knew Ava Gardner? That's truly sad.

Don't ask me how I knew The Hoboken Four. It was before my time.

FJ was an instaget. Since when was Agatha Christie known as a big animal lover?

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I don't know anything about Agatha Christie's possible love of animals but in the time allotted she was the only Brit author I could think of. And then when Alex's answer was revealed I was like duh.

Alex almost screwed himself out of a runaway, he's lucky he knew the last answer.

It bugged me because I thought he said "A Train" but since you had to complete the book title it should have been "The Train" but maybe I misheard.

  • Love 3

I don't know anything about Agatha Christie's possible love of animals but in the time allotted she was the only Brit author I could think of. And then when Alex's answer was revealed I was like duh.

Alex almost screwed himself out of a runaway, he's lucky he knew the last answer.

It bugged me because I thought he said "A Train" but since you had to complete the book title it should have been "The Train" but maybe I misheard.

Yes, Agatha Christie coming up twice was puzzling.


The "Girl on the Train" clue just asked for "this mode of transportation," so as long as the contestant said "train" I guess it was correct.


And, on a shallow note--


Shannon's hair was a thing of beauty. It looked like she had blue highlights at the bottom.

Donnie looked too old to be calling himself Donnie.

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Alex almost screwed himself out of a runaway, he's lucky he knew the last answer.

I was worried for him but he pulled it out.  I thought it was a very good game despite ending up as a runaway.


Instaget FJ for me.  I assumed Agatha Christie was the only English woman author they could think of.


I don't think there were too many TS's; I got Hamelin and Ava Gardner.  I did laugh at Hamburg.


Shannon has the most gorgeous hair!


ETA:  I was still typing when GreekGeek and Roaster posted about Shannon's hair:)

Edited by Trey

For three days in a row, they've shown someone's picture, which is a pet peeve of mine. And no one knew Ava Gardner? That's truly sad.


Even worse -- they showed a map of South America with Uruguay highlighted and asked the contestants to name the country.  Come on, that was kids tournament level of easy.


Though I was secretly hoping they might pull a John Oliver-style country on the map switcheroo.  :)



Coincidentally, Uruguay is the first country in that John Oliver geography supercut.


Shannon's hair was a thing of beauty. It looked like she had blue highlights at the bottom.


It really did -- though I thought it looked more green than blue, maybe it was just my TV.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I immediately said Ava Gardner and then, "Oh, they're probably too young."


Shannon's hair was a thing of beauty. It looked like she had blue highlights at the bottom.


I'm pretty sure it was subtly dyed blue in the lower half. Really pretty. The black with blue reminds me of comics where a black haired character seems to have blue highlights. Obviously it's just an artist's rendering because those character's hair (like Superman and Veronica) were pure black.

  • Love 5
And no one knew Ava Gardner? That's truly sad.

I couldn't believe it. Amazing they can know stuff like a 14 letter word for ear wax but not one of the most famous American celebrities, WITH the picture.


Don't ask me how I knew The Hoboken Four. It was before my time. 

I guessed it because I knew it was Hoboken and since it was a quartet... Surprised the contestants didn't make the same connection. I thought most people knew Frank really isn't from New York, New York.

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I'm working on week two of missing the show, and still behind on clues, but the archive is up through yesterday, so I'll confine my commentary to that one.


Wrist (for the carpal bone) took three contestants to answer, when carpal tunnel syndrome became well known 15 years ago?


The Khyber Pass (connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan) as a $1600 clue?


A picture of Rita Moreno in DJ?


Sir John Gielgud didn't surprise me as a TS, though it wanted to.


I didn't know the dog breed for FJ.  I love me some mutts, and there are thus maybe a dozen breeds I can identify by sight, and fewer by description.  Nevertheless, King Charles Something came to me, yet I couldn't come up with the Something.

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I guessed it because I knew it was Hoboken and since it was a quartet...

Exactly what I did.  And I only knew Nelson Riddle because I had just watched the Sinatra birthday concert that aired on Sunday.


Man, I don't know which Alex T. likes more:  hearing himself speak, or hearing himself speak French.  He got a lot of the latter today.

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Don't ask me how I knew The Hoboken Four. It was before my time


Frank Sinatra was my dad's all time favorite singer ever, so I know more about him than I ever wanted to, including that he was from Hoboken, NJ, hence the Hoboken Four.  I am, however, deeply ashamed that I did not get Nelson Riddle when I should have; I would never have heard the end of that from Dad were he still alive.

I thought the French speaking countries category was way too easy.


It was, and yet I still managed to miss Canada.  D'oh!

I think Shannon's hair was so black that it looked purple.  At first I thought it was blue but then decided it was raven black.  Whatever color, it was gorgeous.  Oddly enough, I have no complaints about the current champ.

Agree about Shannon's hair.  Reminds me of Cher's back in the day.


I don't mind the current champ.  Seems like a nice guy with no particularly annoying quirks.  But I'm ready for a new one because I'm fickle and easily bored, I guess.  It's not him, it's me.

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