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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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It's happened before, but why do people not know how to bid in FJ? If you have enough money to overtake your opponent, and you get it right and they get it wrong, you should win. Likewise, someone in the lead going in should never lose if he or she is correct which has occurred also. 


So, why did Frankie only bid $2000? Frankie should presume that Joyce would protect against Frankie betting it all, which Joyce did. If Frankie answered correctly and Joyce got it wrong, Joyce still wins 11599 to 11200. Frankie had to bet at least $2400. Could someone explain what happens in that time between the category and the clue reveal when the players are deciding what to bet? Do you get a calculator or some paper to do the math? 

No calculator, but you do get paper and a bit of time to do the math. I'm guessing some people, such as myself, are simply lousy at math and too nervous to wager strategically.

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I felt for Rob on the foliage-foilage situation. Yes, he did pronounce it incorrectly....but, with that word, I wonder if it's one of those miscues that could be blamed on regional dialect. Is it like Realtor vs. Real-uh-tor and nuclear vs. nuke-yoo-lur? 

Foliage v foilage is the same as nu-cle-ar v nuc-ular, not regional pronunciations, just flat out wrong.  Realtor is a different case.


I did think of Marge Simpson when he said that.

I figured it would be when George Washington was elected but I went way too early, guessing 1777.  I didn't realize they didn't choose a president until so much later.


I had the right president, too, but guessed too late, 1791 vs 1789.

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As if anyone has not seen "The Blind Side," or at least doesn't know that it's about a left tackle.


I haven't seen it and had no idea that it was about a left tackle.  It is, however, the only recent movie even tangentally related to football which has been nominated for an Oscar, so it was one of those "so simple that can't really be the right answer, can't it?" answers.

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Alex was downright insulting in his opening remarks, pointedly saying Joyce had a very low score the previous day, and how he hoped the categories played to the contestants strengths.  His remarks usually don't bother me, but this really did.  I'm glad Joyce did very well.  Alex can eat his words but he'll probably say something about "she liked the categories."

  • Love 4

Alex was downright insulting in his opening remarks, pointedly saying Joyce had a very low score the previous day, and how he hoped the categories played to the contestants strengths.  His remarks usually don't bother me, but this really did.  I'm glad Joyce did very well.  Alex can eat his words but he'll probably say something about "she liked the categories."


Yeah, ever since the ToC Alex has been a bit condescending and "head-patting" about some of the new champs. "He seems very shy and quiet but he's actually good at this game" comes to mind, too.

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Alex was downright insulting in his opening remarks, pointedly saying Joyce had a very low score the previous day, and how he hoped the categories played to the contestants strengths.  His remarks usually don't bother me, but this really did.  I'm glad Joyce did very well.  Alex can eat his words but he'll probably say something about "she liked the categories."

His remarks at the beginning of the show are often very insulting (and even stupid).  Even if you didn't see yesterday's game, it's pretty obvious what happened if the champ has a low score going into day two.  I find his remarks inane and unnecessary.

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His remarks at the beginning of the show are often very insulting (and even stupid).  Even if you didn't see yesterday's game, it's pretty obvious what happened if the champ has a low score going into day two.  I find his remarks inane and unnecessary.

I'd have more sympathy for the champ if Monday's game hadn't completely blown.

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Maybe I live in a hole, or maybe it's my hatred of football movies, but if I had ever heard of The Blind Side, any and all information related to its existence was immediately discarded and forgotten - I can't even recall a movie with that name existing.


If a movie is a sports movie, its fate is sealed as far as I'm concerned.  I wouldn't go to it even if I were paid.


It was hilarious when Frankie blurted out, "Where is Peru?" in a category called What "IA" Country.  The Sutter's Fort video category was so annoying that I didn't mind only three clues being answered.

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On the one baseball clue they got to I knew it was the Georgia Peach but hadn't quite got to Ty Cobb.  Wish they had completed that category.



How did "Korea" not get BMS?

I wondered about that too - I think it should have been.


I forgot about Kosovo and went with Macedonia for FJ - I think a very similar question (possibly even another FJ) was used fairly recently and I forgot about Kosovo then too.

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All three contestants today acted like deer in the headlights half the time. Brad didn't say hund-reeeeed. I was glad the Muppet woman didn't win, she bugged me for some reason. I can't imagine that Joyce is an actress since she acts terrified.

I was disappointed they didn't get to the rest of the clues in the Uniform category. It looked interesting.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I can't imagine that Joyce is an actress since she acts terrified.


What better actress to be in a horror movie?  Joyce has won three games, two more games would tentatively ensure her a place in ToC.  If she's this nervous during regular Jeopardy, the only way for her to get through ToC would be to take copious dosages of xanax.

Edited by pandora spocks
  • Love 6

If anything that "What is Korea ?" answer by Brad really needed BMS even moreso than that "What is Tennessee Horse ?" answer.  Yet the judges let the first one slide by, and ruled the 2nd incorrect.  


Her first response was just "Tennessee" though--nothing about an animal at all.  So the BMS was definitely needed there, and then she clearly had no idea of the answer, which is a specific breed of horse, Tennessee Walker would be fine, but Tennessee Horse isn't a thing.

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Need more info. Jeopardy was preempted here.

To the best of my recollection: The female challenger's story was about how much she loves the Muppets, so much that her sister had puppets made to look like her and her husband for their wedding, and they did the Kermit and Piggy wedding from The Muppets Take Manhattan, and Alex asked if they still have them (yes).

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No Jeopardy for me today due to the situation in San Bernardino. I wish it came on a different channel where I live. It's always getting preempted whenever anything happens.


I wish Jeopardy came on an independent station where I live.  It's obvious that a lot of local network affiliates would rather air local news or corny local talk shows from 5:00 am until prime time anyway.  It's time to start airing Jeopardy on stations that will actually air it and not preempt it everytime the mayor farts or something.

Edited by junemeatcleaver
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I wish Jeopardy came on an independent station where I live.  It's obvious that a lot of local network affiliates would rather air local news or corny local talk shows from 5:00 am until prime time anyway.  It's time to start airing Jeopardy on stations that will actually air it and not preempt it everytime the mayor farts or something.

I feel your pain. It's bad that whenever something happens the world I immediately know Jeopardy isn't going to air. Instead I'll get 30 minutes of someone telling me they don't know anything more than they knew before.

What's worse is that my local affiliate can't even be bothered to respond to questions about possibly re-airing. I must be the only person in my city who watches regularly.

  • Love 4

Come to Atlanta!  Our NBC affiliate (channel 11) airs J!, but when there's breaking news, they move the regular programming over to their sister station, channel 36.  I turned on the TV a bit early, saw the "news" and switched over to 36 to see the end of Wheel.  When the Andy Griffith show came on at 7:30, I knew the news coverage was over & turned back to 11 to see Alex reading the categories.


Perhaps they do that to make up for having to live in the same geographical region as Laurrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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I can't find the exact language again right now, but the clue actually struck me as possibly referring to the pre-separation time.  Although why AT would then say "South Korea" I can't explain.

Yesterday's game isn't up at J! Archive yet unfortunately.  I did think maybe whatever the clue was asking about was preseparation as well.

  • Love 1

Come to Atlanta!  Our NBC affiliate (channel 11) airs J!, but when there's breaking news, they move the regular programming over to their sister station, channel 36.  I turned on the TV a bit early, saw the "news" and switched over to 36 to see the end of Wheel.  When the Andy Griffith show came on at 7:30, I knew the news coverage was over & turned back to 11 to see Alex reading the categories.


Perhaps they do that to make up for having to live in the same geographical region as Laurrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Since I record it, that probably wouldn't have helped. I don't usually find out until much later that it didn't air.

I watched The Chase instead to get my trivia fix.

  • Love 1

Really ?  An entire category untouched in the Jeopardy round.  Really ? 


That Instagram/What is Facebook ? clue was a $400 clue at best, not a $2000 clue.  For the Teen Tournament.


Those were the most unimpressive totals at the end of DJ I've seen in a long while.


Joyce was panicking when asked to BMS about that Hot Tub Time Machine clue.  Kind of glad she's gone.


Did Jarrett really say bubble wrap?


He really did.  Which is really odd considering the answer to the clue was "What is Stovetop stuffing ?"

  • Love 5

That was the saddest game I've ever seen. Or is it ever saw? My grammar aint so good and I know bad grammar annoys the hell out of some people on the forums.

At one point i was thinking "they have to do better in Double Jeopardy" but nope.

Does anyone know the lowest amount anyone has gone into FJ with?

Well, it's better than the game where two of the contestants didn't even make it to FJ...


Also please don't post about the day's game until after 7pm EST. That was the time that was set so that people can avoid any spoilers, since the game airs at a variety of times.


I wonder if they would have accepted "Doe a deer" for FJ today. I knew the song immediately, but couldn't remember what its actual name was :P

  • Love 3


I wonder if they would have accepted "Doe a deer" for FJ today. I knew the song immediately, but couldn't remember what its actual name was :P

That's what I came up with too; I hope they would have accepted it


I wouldn't be surprised if that game set a record fot TS's.  I didn't get all of them but I got more than the contestants did. 


When Joyce and the guy in the middle were both in the red I hoped they would stay there and not get to play FJ.  It was pretty close.  The bubble wrap answer for Stove Top Stuffing was totally ridiculous; I also thought Joyce's guess of noble gases for salt producing elements was pretty far off (but maybe it wasn't, chemistry isn't a strong suit for me).


Congrats to Kelly on her win - she seems like a great person.

  • Love 3

What a bunch of underwhelming players! I'm not even going to list the 12 (that's right - 12!) TS I got and I even missed a couple. FJ was an instaget.

Also please don't post about the day's game until after 7pm EST. That was the time that was set so that people can avoid any spoilers, since the game airs at a variety of times.


I wonder if they would have accepted "Doe a deer" for FJ today. I knew the song immediately, but couldn't remember what its actual name was :P

Thanks for reminding people about the time. ;-)

They should have accepted Doe a Deer since they accepted Song of Ice and Fire. It's Fire and Ice.

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