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I know they're satirizing American prejudices, but it still bothers me when correspondents treat members of marginalized communities demeaningly in the field pieces.  Ronny acting so brusque toward and wary of that imam made me uncomfortable.


Other than that (IMO) misfire, I thought it was a good show.  I loved the fly-to-the-stars/get-to-Akron-in-one-piece comparison between Bernie and Hilary, and I got a kick out of Trevor succumbing to Justin Trudeau's charms - cuddling with baby pandas just isn't playing fair (it also made me smile when Padma Lakshmi assured Trevor that she had a crush on him, too.)  At this point, gross offensiveness and blatant hypocrisy are obviously par for the course for Trump, but I thought the show did a good job with his social-Darwinism comments on the poor.  And the saddest thing, as Trevor pointed out, is that widely publicizing these derogatory remarks toward the people who now make up a big chunk of his base wouldn't make any difference in his support.  Even though they always cover Trump stories well and I wouldn't want them to let up, thinking about him gives me such a sick feeling.  *shudder*

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...I loved the fly-to-the-stars/get-to-Akron-in-one-piece comparison between Bernie and Hilary...


That made me snort-laugh. Oh, Hillary. I am going to vote for you, but bless your heart. Not a politician my ass.


Ya know, I've actually made my peace with Trump as the eventual nominee, because I truly believe both Cruz and Rubio are far worse.

  • Love 5

Nice surprise to see Trevor talking about our Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. I would have like it even better if he had started it by saying President Obama welcomed someone from Canada named Justin and they put up a picture of Justin Bieber and Trevor went "NO!", then they put up a picture of Justin Timberlake and he'd go "Oh com on, he's not even from Canada!", then they finally put up Trudeau's picture and he's say "that's better." (that's just the Jon in me talking)


As for people loving Trudeau, well not to worry. We have our own little Trudeau Derangement Syndrome that's been going on for years. Most of it has been coming the right, led by Sun Media - aka, the World's Worst News Media Corporation™ - and its flagship paper, the Toronto Sun - aka, the World's Worst Newspaper™. It's not at the level of Obama Derangement Syndrome, but enough to make you wonder if we Canadians are as nice and pleasant as you think we are.



Fun fact re: Trudeau's boxing opponent Senator Patrick Brazeau (BTW an appointed, not elected, political office) he was later suspended from senate over inappropriate expense claims and is now the manager of a strip club. So Trevor was close with the bouncer guess.


Another less than fun fact: That POS Brazeau is a wife beater. Glad to see Trudeau hand him his ass in that boxing match.


I too liked Ronnie's piece about the three interfaith leaders getting together. Especially at the end when he held the door open for them as they walked into a bar. Perfect metaphor. Hopefully we'll see Ronnie get called more.


After the shit that just went down at the Drumph rallies, Hoo-Boy! Monday can't come soon enough.

  • Love 5

Another less than fun fact: That POS Brazeau is a wife beater. Glad to see Trudeau hand him his ass in that boxing match.

Good point, I had blocked some of the details of his suspension from my memory. Honestly, my favourite thing about that match is that there exist promo photos of our Prime Minister in boxing shorts flashing his Haida ink.

Edited by dusang
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Ronny proved to be very quick on his feet in his segment. It was definitely my favorite of his so far.


Jordan's piece with the kids was one of his worst. It was obvious that those children were fed some of the stuff they said toward the end, but not in a funny way. Also, I'm not sure what the point of the piece was supposed to be, but how can you do a whole segment on having a president that looks like you and never even mention gender? This was the third or fourth time lately I've thought they really needed to run a segment by a woman before airing it.

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I found Ronny's piece okay.  But that is a bit of faint praise when one of the best parts about it was still him not bringing that "father" bit into it.  It still lacked the punch I felt it needed.  The naysayer convert wasn't explored enough as to what exactly was the real fury against the center. 


Padma seems at times to be stoned on Top Chef or be overly nasty and even shrill of late in her judgements.  So it was nice to see her express herself with clarity and some insight I thought put a nice and different spin than just the limited aspect I see of her on the show.  She also seemed to simply be enjoying herself and that comes through with a guest and raises the level of my own enjoyment.  For a celebrity interview and even with the little editing out to a more concise interview, it was a pretty decent one.  Trevor is getting better and seems to get to some questions I find were worth staying around for instead of skipping to the Moment of Zen.  It gives me hope his interview with Melissa on Monday will be good. 

  • Love 1

Trevor is getting better and seems to get to some questions I find were worth staying around for instead of skipping to the Moment of Zen.  It gives me hope his interview with Melissa on Monday will be good. 

I thought it was so exciting that Trevor had the first big interview with MHP, but now "The View" has been touting Monday morning's show as her "first television interview since leaving the cable network." I'm sure Trevor's will be better, but I'm a little sad for his sake that he didn't manage to score an exclusive!

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I thought the Trump rally segment was excellent.  It touched on so much - the idea that these fights and brutality could be a glimpse into what a Trump presidency would be like, Trump's bogus claims that he's all about peace and love vs. complaining that no one wants to hurt each other anymore (I agree with Trevor - WTF?), the protesters playing into Trump's false narrative (and I loved the remark about a group of young people with different ethnicities/religions/gender identities working together was exactly the "enemy" Trump was talking about,) Sanders supporters claiming they turned the place into a Sanders rally, Ben Carson and the "two Trumps" endorsement, and Trump's Jekyll-and-Hyde response to that comment.  I think Trevor and the show have done a great job of handling the really tough balancing act that is covering Trump.  Yes, it's a comedy show and there's plenty of insanity to be mined here, but there's a lot about this that's no laughing matter, and the show recognizes that.  I appreciated Trevor getting so serious for a few minutes as he discussed this story.


After the first segment, the Kanye/Kim piece was a letdown.  I was mostly good on the Kanye front, but when they moved onto Kim and were talking about female nudity, I couldn't stop wishing for a female voice in the story.  Not that two men can't have an enlightened, intelligent conversation about women's bodies, but I don't think this one got all the way there.  (I did like that Neal Brennan's official designation was "Trevor's friend."  That made me smile.)

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It's an interesting dilemma. It is playing into Trump's hand to be the top story in the media, so maybe they should dial it down. However, he has ignited a scary movement that needs to be exposed and argued against. It's like putting Hitler's speeches and rallies on page 10. 


Loved seeing the two clips of Trump together, one of him saying there are two Donald Trumps, the other saying there's one. And that led to Trevor's great line, "I do hope there are two Donald Trumps, because that way he can go fuck himself."

  • Love 4

They could not be more wrong about the Kardashian pic, and there is no way that woman should be anywhere near a conversation about women and equality. The woman is a post modern con artist and part of a organized criminal family. For one, the picture posted was like a year old. For the other, she's had cosmetic surgery. So yeah, an imperfect Amy Schumer posing nude is a completely different thing. KK is free to post all the nudes she wants, but call it what it is. It's a directed and deliberate move to market herself because she brings absolutely nothing else to the table. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 2

They could not be more wrong about the Kardashian pic, and there is no way that woman should be anywhere near a conversation about women and equality. The woman is a post modern con artist and part of a organized criminal family. For one, the picture posted was like a year old. For the other, she's had cosmetic surgery. So yeah, an imperfect Amy Schumer posing nude is a completely different thing. KK is free to post all the nudes she wants, but call it what it is. It's a directed and deliberate move to market herself because she brings absolutely nothing else to the table. 


As I saw it put on Fb "When did vacuous vanity become female empowerment?"

  • Love 1

Those gaffes Hillary is making are unbelievable, esp the AIDS one. There isn't a good excuse for that, not like the Bernie one where she didn't remember something from 20 years ago (though she should have checked before saying that). The only thing I can come up with is that she was confusing Nancy Reagan's advocacy for stem cell research with AIDS.


Trump has to pay for that guy's legal fees since he said he would pay for anyone's legal fees who punched a protestor. A Confederacy of Punches made me chuckle.


The author makes such sensible arguments. I liked him.

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It's ridiculous that college players don't get *any* benefits, especially given how much revenue they pull into the universities. The point about the Mizzou football team was good, but I don't think just random protests are going to accomplish anything. The Northwestern team a while ago tried to unionize, and I think that's the route to go. Because then you have a legal argument about unfair labor practices, etc. I think that's going to take a long long time to develop and face a ton of hurdles though.

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John Oliver did an excellent story on the NCAA last year - it's an issue I really didn't know anything about, and he laid it out beautifully.  It's awful that these athletes make their colleges such obscene amounts of money while not earning anything and being so poorly treated themselves.


"This Should Be Easy" was crazy.  WTH, Hilary?  Re: the Reagan/HIV gaffe, I loved Trevor's theory that she spent the whole ride to the funeral going, "Don't bring up AIDS, don't bring up AIDS..."  Also liked the line saying conservatives blame Hilary for Benghazi like an Italian waiter pushes parmesan.


Good follow-up on the story about the Trump rallies.  Those clips of the Trump supporters attacking protesters were really unsettling - violence and mob psychology are a BAD combination and can spiral out of control so quickly.  They still managed to find some humor, though.  Trevor's line about Trump paying the legal fees himself instead of making Mexico pay for them just killed me, and the "No Habla Español" stamped across the screen at the end of Jordan and Roy's second lawyer ad was great.

  • Love 2
Good follow-up on the story about the Trump rallies.  Those clips of the Trump supporters attacking protesters were really unsettling - violence and mob psychology are a BAD combination and can spiral out of control so quickly.  They still managed to find some humor, though.  Trevor's line about Trump paying the legal fees himself instead of making Mexico pay for them just killed me, and the "No Habla Español" stamped across the screen at the end of Jordan and Roy's second lawyer ad was great.



Won't those supporters be surprised when they find out that Trump has backed out of promising legal aid to them. It's funny in a sad way how that law firm bit can work both sides of the fence to profit and not too far from reality.

That whole Hillary segment fell very flat to me. They need to get some women writers or some people with a lesser Bernie bias. Even the audience didn't like it. There was very tepid applause when he was done.

I didn't detect a Bernie bias. I'm a Hillary supporter, but those gaffes of hers are indefensible. If the audience didn't like it, that's probably because they are Hillary fans and don't know what to say about these errors of hers.

  • Love 3

I didn't detect a Bernie bias. I'm a Hillary supporter, but those gaffes of hers are indefensible. If the audience didn't like it, that's probably because they are Hillary fans and don't know what to say about these errors of hers.


I took it more that yes they are bad gaffes but in the larger picture are not the worst thing to be going after when Trump is the bigger problem in the end.

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The Daily Show audience has always been uncomfortable whenever TDS has turned its scrutiny on the antics of the Left.  My heart bleeds like none other, but I appreciate the Daily Show's occasional attempts at even-handedness, despite the discomfort I tend to feel during the segments.  Means they're doing a good job.


The Trump piece was very well done, especially with the lawyer ads.  Savage, actually.  Sometimes, I wonder if there's even more edge now at times.


I think Trevor interviews folks better when it's people like the NCAA rights guy as opposed to celebrities.  Either he doesn't fanboy over meeting lesser-known writers, or he believes them to be more intelligent and less in need of an ego stroke.  Not sure which it is yet.  It was a very interesting interview!

  • Love 4

Unless we want to talk about Trump all the time and nothing BUT Trump, I think it's totally fair to point out the foibles of other candidates.


The AIDS gaffe especially has been reverberating throughout the Democratic base, and for TDS to ignore it would probably attract the criticism that they're not willing to ever criticize a Democrat no matter what. I thought the treatment was far less condemnatory that it could have been (and has been elsewhere); Trevor seemed to be almost feeling sorry for her, rather than being enraged like so many others.


They make fun of Bernie, too, but as far as I know he hasn't said anything particularly shocking in the past 24 hours. He got raked over the coals for his "white people don't know what it's like to be poor and live in the ghetto" comment a while back; I don't think anyone is giving him a pass particularly.


Hillary has to be able to laugh at herself when she goofs, and take the heat when she does something stupid. The relatively mild disappointment of Trevor's bit is nothing compared to what you have to take as the actual President. I actually thought the audience was shocked-- you can't really applaud or cheer for a gaffe, so a subdued reaction is probably the best you can hope for when you point out the disappointing moments of someone most of the audience is probably expecting and/or hoping will actually win.

  • Love 1

I do think it had to be brought up. It was egregious. But yeah, she walked back from it nearly immediately. However, I don't think the show has any obligation to be "fair" or whatever. They aren't journalists. 


I don't think anyone has suggested they have to be fair or are journalists or that it shouldn't have been brought up.  I'm just saying IMO why I think the joke didn't land on the AIDS gaffe. I thought the audience did find the Bernie thing and 'Tim' to be amusing.  Just saying I think the issue with the audience was the specific joke vs a bias for/against Hillary or Bernie.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I think the Hillary piece suffered only from the contrast to all things Trump at present.  Sure, those are bad gaffes.  The AIDS one is mortifying, whereas the Libya quote is more about not anticipating the way in which her words would be used against her.  Failing to be prescient isn't really much of a gaffe.  Sticking your entire foot, following it up with an ankle and proceeding to the shinbone when it comes to "really stuck your foot in your mouth there, didn't you?"  on the "Nancy Reagan started a conversation about AIDS" (only if the conversation she was referring to was "What the fuck is wrong with the Reagans pretending AIDS doesn't exist, what do you think?"  "Yeah, fucked up" would that be accurate).  The "Right, Tim" thing also has to do with failing to word things correctly "New jobs in clean energy fields" instead of "pack for the poor house, Coal Miners of the world! Wooooooo!  Bread lines!"   


It still pales in comparison to the flat-out terrifying shit of a presidential candidate talking about ripping whistles out of people's mouths and punching them in the face...and openly longing for the days of yore, when you could hurt people physically with impunity.  So on the one hand you have "set the motherfucker on fire" (oh my JESUS, what the fuck??!??) contrasted with "I just said the wrong thing, in one instance, by kind of a lot...."  and "where was Bernie Sanders!"  vs.  "maybe we'll kill him (and Trump will pay my legal fees!)" .  


One is an "ah shit, shouldn't we have an intern or four working REALLY hard to look up things like this?" because it really isn't like she's going to remember every moment from such a long political career (but that still sucked, Hillary, he was RIGHT there, you said his name) .  The other is "Uh...what?  You want people who disagree with you to be beaten and maybe worse...? Go run for something in Russia, would you?  You'll fit in better there."  


Plus, when one is the only likely alternative to the other, who has started to promise riots if he doesn't get the nomination, I'll take the gaffer by ....a lot.  A lot, a lot.  


I'm assuming that's where the audience landed also.  


I just didn't enjoy Brennan's piece at all.  Almost none of the jokes landed with me at all, and by the time he's talking about Kim Kardashian other women taking off their clothes and being declared a person, then trying to hide behind the "I don't know....a person?"  Yeah, that's how it should be, but the reason Kim Kardashian gets so much attention for capitalizing on her willingness to be ass-naked for the world at no provocation and almost no invitation is that she's leaning into that whole "Oh women as a collection of alluring and tantalizing body parts, first, foremost, final and last!"  and the other women named are deliberately leaning away from it and trying to make a point....it just didn't work for me.  


He's right, it should just be people, but it's not at present and pretending otherwise is just playing dumb.  


I did get a kick out of Jordan and ....I can't remember his name right now! Sorry! ....law firm.  I don't know, it was just the right level of stupid, yet funny, for me.  

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 1

I was more generally commenting than being directly specific. I didn't really notice whether the joke fell flat with the audience or not. I didn't think it was intended to be a joke or go for laughs. Generally, again, over the years there's been discussion of whether they should send up republicans/democrats with equal content. When you've got one side with riots, screwing up because you've probably been up 20 hours/day doesn't call for equal time to me. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 3

Does Trump truly have 666 delegates now?  I mean, we could call his hair the Mark of the Beast, right?

Yeah, this explains his weird hairstyle. Now we know what it's covering up.


Loved the line about Trump not causing racism, islamophobia, or violence, but he has put his name on them like he does everything else.


Trump saying there are going to be riots if he doesn't become the nominee is him telling his supporters to riot if he doesn't get the nomination. Plain and simple.


I FF'd thru the musical performances, but I did listen to the guy talk with Trevor. He has a good sense of humor. (Trevor obviously didn't know the vampire movie Cage had been in.)


Hey, I got my Drumpf hat yesterday!

  • Love 5

Trevor fake jump-roping (and tossing his "jump rope" off to the side when he was finished) at the start of the episode amused me way more than it should have.  It was so goofy and fun.

Loved the line about Trump not causing racism, islamophobia, or violence, but he has put his name on them like he does everything else.


Trump saying there are going to be riots if he doesn't become the nominee is him telling his supporters to riot if he doesn't get the nomination. Plain and simple.

Cosign both of these points.  I liked that Trevor returned to the idea of the Republicans "banking on chaos"/a contested convention, pointing out that it can't be as simple as ousting Trump and being done with it.  My hopes for having anyone else as the Republican nominee are getting slimmer by the day.


"Corpse-ass motherfucker" cracked me up so hard.  Loved it when Trevor brought it up a second time.

  • Love 3

About the Hillary AIDS thing, I actually think it's possible that a lot of people under 35 have no idea what the history of the Reagans re: AIDS even is. So, this even coming up probably enlightened a lot of people to an issue they're not aware of. It's not like that gets talked about much, and when I mentioned what Hillary said to a friend of mine, she looked at me with a totally blank look. I had to explain why what she said was wrong. I really think there are people who simply aren't aware of any of that, so maybe slamming Hillary for what she said (even if she deserved it, and she did) doesn't really hit with a certain demographic who isn't aware of much of anything that went on during the actual Reagan presidency.

  • Love 4

Loved the segment on Merrick Garland (you know, in a really frustrated "WTF, Mitch McConnell?!" way.)  It's all just so gobsmackingly stupid and obstructive.  I mean, "honoring the Biden rule?"  Lindsey Graham saying he wouldn't vote for himself if Obama nominated him, just because it was Obama who did it?  No one apparently knowing what a lame duck is?  Give me a break.  On a lighter note, I loved Trevor pointing out that the Republican Party doesn't care what Biden has to say on anything else, as well as his squeeing over how adorable Merrick Garland was.


While Roy and Hasan's banter was entertaining, I thought the "Third Month Mania" thing was annoying.  With everything happening in the news, it felt like a waste of a segment.  (That said, my favorite line in it was Roy's "They're probably thinking it" when Hasan noted that a baby had never called him a "colored fellow.")


I thought Theo James was a really fun guest (probably helped that they talked about Allegiant as little as possible.)  I really laughed at Theo James being so used to women screaming wherever he goes that he can't distinguish them anymore, along with Trevor as a kid with his friends pretending to be gibberish-speaking cowboys

  • Love 4

  No one apparently knowing what a lame duck is?  

I need Trevor and every single anyone in the media to be calling this out every freakin' day. It's driving me crazy!


Not to mention all these non-existent rules that keep getting cited, even in the longer-advance versions, spoke about the summer and fall before a new term. Not almost a full year! So now a presidential term really only counts for three years? It's ridiculous, and frankly since this "election season" started on November 7, 2012, where in the world are they going to draw the line as "the throes of the election" anyway? The damn thing is still 8 months away and we've all been sick of it for a year already.

  • Love 4

I need Trevor and every single anyone in the media to be calling this out every freakin' day. It's driving me crazy!


Not to mention all these non-existent rules that keep getting cited, even in the longer-advance versions, spoke about the summer and fall before a new term. Not almost a full year! So now a presidential term really only counts for three years? It's ridiculous, and frankly since this "election season" started on November 7, 2012, where in the world are they going to draw the line as "the throes of the election" anyway? The damn thing is still 8 months away and we've all been sick of it for a year already.


And their new thing is that this campaign season is particularly volatile.  Well, gee, who made it that way?  It's just like how they blame President Obama for their obstructionism.  How they're not getting called out on this stuff is beyond me.  "We're going to create a situation, then we're going to blame that situation for us not doing our job, then we'll tell you it's all the President's fault."  I'm disappointed that their approval rating is still in double digits.  it should be zero, unless they're polling the GOP members of Congress.  

  • Love 6

Yeah, I was battling with losing my will to live during that entire segment with Jordan being greenscreened in behind Mitch McConnell.  Nothing to do with Jordan, it's just such a purposeful disruption and derailing of the democratic process.  It's nakedly political and not pretending to be anything else, it's a perversion of justice and the most galling thing in all of that (aside from ALL OF THAT) is that they also prove themselves incapable of learning from their own damned mistakes.  


Every two to four years the GOP acts like they have a severe closed-head-injury resulting in selective amnesia:  Lying down on the floor in the middle of the senate, drumming your heels and screaming that you won't do your fucking jobs in your elected positions, you rat-fucking-bastards, because you don't like this president on top of every other, asinine thing, it is why you have an asshole bully, stirring up Brown Shirts as a front-runner in your party, you morons. 


Gawd almighty.  Fuck pretending not to know what a lame-duck-president actually is, that's maddening, but not even the core issue.  Gods and monsters, mammals and avians, apparently all we really need to do to get rid of that brain trust is to hand them each a fork in a room lined with outlets and say "Obama doesn't want you to stick this in there!" and have someone manning the GFI reset button in between them all shuffling forward, babbling about process and founding fathers and Fuck Obama, as they stick the fork into their jolting doom.  Bunch of jackass toddlers that they are.  


Also, I could live forty lifetimes and be thrilled to never see Jon's Mitch-McConnell-turtle voice.  It's predictable and a pace murderer.  It was about the only thing I was glad to see go with Jon, to be honest.  


I don't watch the Divergent movies and I'm really quite glad, that clip looked plain old-fashioned awful, due largely to the weirdly sexualized, vamping of the young woman in it.  


I'm not actually as cranky as I seem, by the way, I just almost couldn't believe the "....and come December, when we've lost another one, we'll talk about how we've learned and need to appeal to minorities and women and..." GOP navel-gazing, lint-picking assholeathon as they try to figure out why everyone apparently hates them. 


I have a few guess, you turd burgers.  


ETA:  Also, I usually adhere pretty closely to the whole Godwin's Law thing for the whole "internet arguments become pretty pointless the moment someone reaches for the hyperbolic comparison to the Nazis and Hitler" ....but you have a woman with a German accent, giving Nazi salute, and another unwashed, ignorant fool doing the same thing while telling someone to "go to fucking Auschwitz" and there's no way to avoid the comparison when people other than the participants of a discussion are acting like Nazis.  


Much has been made of that creature sticking one for the landing being "Born in West Berlin in 1946" and you know, I have a fucking guess as to what her parents were up to throughout the war.  Holy shit. 

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 4
I mean, "honoring the Biden rule?"


Which is even more obfuscation. Biden proposed the "rule" and then said, "but if the president nominates someone, we have to hold hearings and then vote." 


As Jon said back in December, and Trevor brilliantly illustrated tonight, Mitch McConnell doesn't give a shit about anything other than politics.


No, it's actually even worse imo. Politics is talking about what kind of nominee you would vote for or not and trying to get some influence on the president's decision beforehand. Which is kind of what Obama did. Saying "we're not going to do anything at all so don't bother nominating someone" before the president even says anything about it, is just obstructing the constitutional process. 

  • Love 2

My husband thought the March Madness brackets were actively offensive ("who do you feel more sorry for, cancer patients or victims of sex abuse?") while I merely thought they were unfunny.


I do wonder why people aren't being more vocal about the whole "the American people made their voice heard in 2012" thing.  I've heard a few of the late night comedians including Trevor say it, but very little from politicians themselves.


I suppose short term, it's okay if Garland isn't confirmed for a while.  5-4 liberal victories will still be 5-3 victories.  and 5-4 liberal losses will now be 4-4 ties which let the lower court's decision stand, which would still be a liberal victory about half of the time.  It'd be a bigger deal if it was a liberal justice that needed replacing, and there's the whole principle of government, but I'm personally okay with Republicans taking damage from their tantrum until they cave.

I do wonder why people aren't being more vocal about the whole "the American people made their voice heard in 2012" thing.  I've heard a few of the late night comedians including Trevor say it, but very little from politicians themselves.

President Obama did, in an interview with NPR's Nina Totenberg (granted it may not be the most widely listened to news program, but anyway).


Why President Obama Picked The 'Only White Guy' On His Shortlist


No reference to his having been elected twice, but the point is the same.

Obama professed to be puzzled by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell's assertion that the Senate should let the American people decide, as part of the election, who gets to fill this Supreme Court seat.


"In fact, the American people did decide, back in 2012 when they elected me president of the United States," he said.


  • Love 2

I keep wanting Obama to knock Mitch on his back and spin him around until Mitch vomits.


I don't think "Third Month Mania" can match what Larry Wilmore did on TNS last year. Having teams hooked up to dares made the tournament a little more intriguing for folks who wouldn't care about basketball otherwise. And Larry wound up dressed in a onesie, which was funny.

  • Love 1

President Obama did, in an interview with NPR's Nina Totenberg (granted it may not be the most widely listened to news program, but anyway).


Why President Obama Picked The 'Only White Guy' On His Shortlist



Thanks for the link. That was a good interview. This is the comment of his that I liked most, that the Supreme Court needs to not be an extension of politics.



"It is my belief that now more than ever his voice would serve the court well, would help to burnish the sense that the Supreme Court is above politics and not just an extension of politics," said Obama, adding that Garland has the kind of calm voice that would end up "increasing the American people's confidence in our justice system."

ETA:  Also, I usually adhere pretty closely to the whole Godwin's Law thing for the whole "internet arguments become pretty pointless the moment someone reaches for the hyperbolic comparison to the Nazis and Hitler" ....but you have a woman with a German accent, giving Nazi salute, and another unwashed, ignorant fool doing the same thing while telling someone to "go to fucking Auschwitz" and there's no way to avoid the comparison when people other than the participants of a discussion are acting like Nazis. 


Much has been made of that creature sticking one for the landing being "Born in West Berlin in 1946" and you know, I have a fucking guess as to what her parents were up to throughout the war.  Holy shit.


Hey her parents died in a concentration camp.... They fell off a guard tower.... Joan Rivers RIP

Edited by crowsworks
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