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I liked that, too, MrWhyt.  It ran the risk of overuse, but I think the show managed to get the balance right.  I loved the delicate-looking script on the "I'm so sorry" and the ever-increasing number of roses.  Also, I got such a kick out of Trevor calling out his appendix.


How does one launder a dress covered in lights?  Inquiring minds...

  • Love 4

I had never heard of Idris Elba before, but Trevor's total mancrush/enthrallment with Idris's work made me go right away and start to binge-watch Luther. What an amazing show. It so reminded me of one of my all-time favorites from back in the day, Helen Mirren's Prime Suspect. Squeee.

Luther is an awesome intro but Stringer Bell on The Wire is everything. Random aside Aziz Ansari starting out his first Paley Center event for Parks and Rec in a British accent is gold! He didn't realize how many of the people on the Wire were British until their first Paley Center interview. I might be biased because Amy Poehler losing her s hit on a bit never fails to crack me up. Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2

Luther movie! Luther movie!  Coming to BBCA soon!


Sorry about that.


I thought the aside apologies were done just right.  And the funny thing was Trevor did them for the most part without desolving into giggles and dimple glitter like he usually does (don't get me wrong, I actually don't mind him going to giggles so often simply because to me it seems he is still giddy that he is sitting in that chair doing that job -- Jon Stewart still had those giggles right up to his retirement.  So the day the giggles completely disappear is a bad indeed for me)

  • Love 3
Luther is an awesome intro but Stringer Bell on The Wire is everything.


I see you Stringer Bell and raise you Vaughan Rice on Ultraviolet. That's where I first saw him. 


Wow, that was a really scathing take down of Cruz, though not incorrect. I'm a little sick of the actual media not really challenging these people on the patent garbage that comes out of these people's mouths. The roommate was something else. The RNC must be in near despair between Cruz and Trump, though they probably would prefer Cruz.


That video footage is gold. 

  • Love 2

I loved his asides to apologize


I liked that, too, MrWhyt.  It ran the risk of overuse, but I think the show managed to get the balance right.  I loved the delicate-looking script on the "I'm so sorry" and the ever-increasing number of roses.  Also, I got such a kick out of Trevor calling out his appendix.


Also loved the apology to Gambino: "I'm Very F#@%#$^#$ing Sorry" or similar.


I had never heard of Idris Elba before, but Trevor's total mancrush/enthrallment with Idris's work made me go right away and start to binge-watch Luther.  What an amazing show.  It so reminded me of one of my all-time favorites from back in the day, Helen Mirren's Prime Suspect.  Squeee.  


Luther is an awesome intro but Stringer Bell on The Wire is everything.

There's been talk about hiring Elba as the next Bond.  This needs to happen. Yesterday.

  • Love 1

I wonder what Cruz did to his college roommate.


Also, why do the Repubs hate Cruz so much? I enjoyed Trevor's glee, but I don't know what's behind all the Cruz hatred from his party-mates, because to me his politics looks pretty much in line with theirs. So it has to be his personality? I kind of wanted to know more about the specifics.


I wonder if the show will do a special feature on each of the remaining Republican hopefuls. I am awed by how horrible they all are, and honestly have no idea who they will choose or how they will get there, and it's starting to freak me out a little. I mean, is there not one single passing-as-sane person left in the entire party, they could run? Are we really going to see Hillary vs ClownCarSurvivor next fall? Did anyone see Bullworth (the movie)? This is weirder than that, and that was nuts.


I like that Trevor is not afraid to basically squee over male celebrities.

  • Love 4

I wish this was more like Bullworth. He was speaking the truth about everything because he thought he had nothing left to lose. I don't know what the hell these guys are doing. I can't even call it talking points, because they're bad at that too. The performance of some of them to the Republican Jewish group they were talking to in the last few days looked embarrassing.

  • Love 2

Yeah, but isn't Craig leaving because of his choice? He could continue it if he wanted to.

Craig has complained about doing Bond but he has one more movie on his contract and you can bet he isn't going to get out of it easily. As much as i love Elba and want to see the next Bond be not a white guy, Idris isn't going to be the next one. As mentioned before it's timing, Craig has done 4 Bonds over 9 years, who knows when the 5th movie will be done. Elba is only 4 years younger than Craig, he's already older than Craig was when Casino Royale was filmed. The producers will go for a younger actor that they can get some mileage out of.

Edited by MrWhyt

I just like to say: YAY, Trevor asked Idris Elba if he would be the next James Bond, like I hoped he would! And WAAAA for not being interested in the role. I sad. :(


Loved how Trevor took down the vile obnoxious Ted Cruz and his scheme of becoming president. Looking and listening to his family, one gets the sense they wouldn't want anything to do with him if he weren't family - except for his father, who is stark raving mad. Cruz's ex-roommate in college spoke eloquently about the type of person he is that everybody needs to take heed of.


Sorry Lindsey Graham (not), but you lost it by tripping on your own exit. Of course you had no chance to ever become the nominee, much less president, so you should just quit while you're behind.

  • Love 3

What I don't get is why Cruz's campaign put all that footage out there unedited. How hard is it to edit out the kid saying he can't think of anything nice to say about his uncle, for example, or the part where Cruz is told to hug his mom again? I mean they can't prevent people from manipulating the videos for hilarious ends, a la McConnelling, but this stuff didn't need to be manipulated. 

  • Love 2
Looking and listening to his family, one gets the sense they wouldn't want anything to do with him if he weren't family - except for his father, who is stark raving mad.


I got the sense that his family didn't want anything to do with him.  The teenagers were acting like they'd only agreed to be part of it because their parents forced them/promised them something in return.  "What am I supposed to say? Something like that?"  Hell, even his wife looked like she had all the sincerity of someone saying something as a condition of a ransom.   Also, what the hell was with the absolute non-existence of anything resembling personal space in all of those segments?  Was Cruz brutally pinching those people throughout?  He was practically sitting on top of every last single one of the people he appeared in a segment with to a degree that did not appear natural.  


He was creepy levels of close to all the people in those segments.   I kept expecting his wife to end her statement with "Bless his heart" (Southern code for "fuck you, but only figuratively, since....ew.") . 


I didn't think anything could naturally be creepier than Ted Cruz giving his condom talk, because god fucking knows women shouldn't have dominion over their own bodies.  And he has two daughter.  Good grief, those poor, poor girls.  Have fun at your purity balls, kids.  Ugh. 


Trevor Noah's been doing an admirable job with all of this, but the Cruz Camp just lobbed him a wonderful softball.  Boo Radley incarnate in the background was just the best thing ever.  

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 4

Ok, I think the point was that this was raw, unedited, as is footage shot this way and dumped in raw form to get around the rules requiring SuperPACS to NOT coordinate with the object of their affections...  And TN said they had not yet gone through all the footage.


As to his college experience, he went to Princeton and yes, was pretty much disliked.   Josh Marshall, the editor and publisher of TalkingPointsMemo, was one of his classmates, as was his then-future wife.  He discussed his and others' memories here.

  • Love 3

The thought of someone in the background of the Ted Cruz shoots coughing "Bullshit!  Bullshit!" made me laugh so much.  All that footage was too perfect; I think the "I'm Ted Cruz, and I approve this message" run-throughs were my favorite.  Also, that quote from Cruz's college roommate was made of win - "Even if he shared all of my political beliefs, I'd only hate him 1% less"?  Ha! - and Trevor's Pepe le Pew comparison was great.

  • Love 6
The teenagers were acting like they'd only agreed to be part of it because their parents forced them/promised them something in return.  "What am I supposed to say? Something like that?"


When you're dealing with teenagers, what do they know about what's going on? It's a double edged sword, so to video them uncensored, you're going to get that. So don't use kids as a means to your end. Not for nothing, if someone asked that of me at 15, I'd be like, "what? I have 20 activities and 8 hours of homework in the next 2 days. I don't have time for this. Yeah, he taught me to not miss the bowl."


The most telling thing is the college roommate. That's when you're on your own for the first time and kind of just thrown in with other people randomly. College roommates don't have to be BFFs, but that level of vitriol? You know there's something to it. 

Cruz's face looks like a penis. You've all thought it at one time or another. 

  • Love 4

Also, that quote from Cruz's college roommate was made of win - "Even if he shared all of my political beliefs, I'd only hate him 1% less"?  


This dude clearly has stories, and I want to hear every one of them. I had roommates in college I didn't like, but I never hated any of them. I can't imagine what must have happened between them for him to still hate TC. 

  • Love 7
I wonder if the show will do a special feature on each of the remaining Republican hopefuls. I am awed by how horrible they all are, and honestly have no idea who they will choose or how they will get there, and it's starting to freak me out a little. I mean, is there not one single passing-as-sane person left in the entire party, they could run?


I'm a Democrat simply observing from the sidelines, but I have to believe that, as clumsy as his campaign has been, the Republicans are going to default to Jeb in the end. How could they, in all seriousness, nominate any of the other candidates? If we go through a wormhole and it is Trump, I will laugh and laugh.*




* Because I still have some confidence in American voters and there is just no way that Hillary wouldn't crush his idiocy.

* Because I still have some confidence in American voters and there is just no way that Hillary wouldn't crush his idiocy.

And there's a "real" Democrat who isn't even a Democrat who could still challenge Hillary.  Feel the Bern.  Lol.  Or wouldn't a Clinton/Warren ticket be fun?  At least someone on the ticket who isn't a Third Way/DLC acolyte in bed with the big banks.  Yeah, I took too many hallucinogens today.  

I think Trump vs Sanders would be a pretty close race, honestly. They both have polarizing opinions and I'd expect zero crossover from the true believers of either party. The independents would be the deciders, and who knows. Bernie's socialist platform vs Trump's caveman policies ...

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 2
Ok, I think the point was that this was raw, unedited, as is footage shot this way and dumped in raw form to get around the rules requiring SuperPACS to NOT coordinate with the object of their affections...  And TN said they had not yet gone through all the footage.


I don't think I missed the point of that, but it is still remarkable that they showed absolutely no discretion in what they dumped out there.  None.  The "one more hug" thing was actually the one that gobsmacked me as being out there at all.  Don't dump the footage anywhere if a candidate you're interested in promoting is made to look bad in it.  What makes Cruz looks so damned bad -- and the man is truly a Bad Actor in that secondary "he's a piece of crap" meaning sort of way, he is a giant turd on the playing field of life with a streak misogyny as his animating force in much of what he does -- is how he adopts some kind of doe-eyed sentimentality towards his family on cue and repeatedly. 


It really wasn't that there were multiple takes and having to prompt fourteen-year-olds to think of some way to say their exceptionally creepy, woman-hating Uncle has inspired them to anything other than horror.  That part is pretty natural.  Coughing boy really needed a lozenge or some Mucinex, or possibly to be in a less toxic location, but that is the stuff of shoots, as are multiple takes.  


I think I know why Ted Cruz's Princeton roommate hated him so much; he has all of the emotional sincerity of Kaa in the Jungle in the Book. 


I got the whole "there be SuperPACs upon these seas, blowing a foul wind and raining bullshit" point, I just was astonished that apparently they didn't bother to look at the footage either.  "I'm Ted Cruz...and even my SuperPAC takes such a dim view of me that this is the shit they dumped out there to promote me.  At least they left out the pet cemetery I created and filled as a child.  Don't forget to vote!" 

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 2

We really need someone with a strong enough stomach to dive through the law on this, but it is my understanding that it had to be the complete raw footage to observe the legal "truth" that the Cruz people had no influence on this video that they didn't pay for.  The "PACs are people too" decision of the Supremes is something the beneficiaries of that ruling very very much do not want to screw around with.


There is also a small chance that this particular PAC is some sort of subversive GOP establishment oriented body that hates Cruz (as many establishment GOP apparently really do hate Cruz).

There is also a small chance that this particular PAC is some sort of subversive GOP establishment oriented body that hates Cruz (as many establishment GOP apparently really do hate Cruz).


I'm really torn on what to hope for on that one.  It would be kind of a wish fulfillment for me if it was actually a subversive establishment.  By the same token, that actually makes the SuperPAC problem worse in some ways.  Just because it's being done to a candidate I personally cannot stand on any level and on the opposite of my political leanings doesn't actually mean that SuperPAC sabotage would be desirable. 


When the "corporations are people too" thing was passed into law there was a home address that busted that was the officially listed address over 200 corporations.  Some of those listed corporations were being run by people in jail in Eastern Europe (mostly Russian and Ukrainian mobsters).   What a terrifying thing to allow to influence our political process.  


I know Colbert really took on the SuperPAC conundrum (understatement of the degree of horror, that's for sure) and I'd love it if this most recent piece by TDS under Trevor Noah is an indication that they are picking up that torch.  Someone needs to carry that torch, the SuperPAC problem is burning all sides of the political spectrum. 

  • Love 3
I'm a Democrat simply observing from the sidelines, but I have to believe that, as clumsy as his campaign has been, the Republicans are going to default to Jeb in the end.


It amazes me that Bush has been so terribly unprepared. Defending the decision to go into Iraq, "he kept us safe". His team must be chugging maalox. I mean, all he has to do is not be crazy, don't even bother going after the others, and let them take each other out. The debates should be no-lose for him. And he still is screwing up. 

  • Love 6
the Republicans are going to default to Jeb in the end.


I don't think so, based on what I'm seeing. Republican primary voters haaaate Jeb(!), however much the donor class (and perhaps more moderate general-election republicans) want him.  Even with all his pac spending on ads (some $30 million so far, utterly swamping the money spent by all his rivals combined), his poll numbers keep dropping.  But you know?  Maybe when voters start casting ballots, it might look differently. My partisan self will be delighted if Trump gets the nod; there's no way he'll beat either Hillary or Bernie in the general -- the numbers just prohibit it.


I think the point was that this was raw, unedited, as is footage shot this way and dumped in raw form to get around the rules requiring SuperPACS to NOT coordinate with the object of their affections.


But remember when Mitch McConnell did all those super creepy slow-smile vids? At least they were curated. The lack of curation in the Cruz footage is just weird.

Edited by attica
  • Love 1

I don't think so, based on what I'm seeing. Republican primary voters haaaate Jeb(!), however much the donor class (and perhaps more moderate general-election republicans) want him.

Based on the Republicans I know/am related to, the support falls roughly into 2 camps: (1) moderates/old school GOP'ers for Rubio or Kasich (2) rabid Fox News viewers/tea partiers for Trump or Cruz. So I agree -- nobody likes Jeb!


I'm really curious who the guest is going to be on Monday's show because it's still TBA. Frequently in the Jon Stewart era, that would be an indicator of a really big guest like Barack Obama or Bill Clinton. I will be a little disappointed now if it ultimately turns out to be just an actor plugging a movie.

  • Love 3

I'm just getting caught up on episodes.


Idris and Trevor on the same screen was WAY more pretty than I was prepared for. Not just the physical loveliness but the accents. Lordy the accents. I may have to write some of that Daily Show slash fiction that John Oliver found so disturbing.

Edited by marceline
  • Love 8

As excited as I was to see Stew Beef again, I was saddened to see three quarters of the first responders panel unable to attend or passed away. I'm glad Jon returned to do that one himself. And I was really glad that Trevor got out of his way for that little bit. Trevor's good and I think I like him more than most, but it was really a moment for Jon.

  • Love 5

Personally, I wish Jon would be invited back each and every night to rant about this until the Zadroga bill gets passed.


That Mitch McConnell is one piece of work.  It's bad enough that he is stonewalling this thing, but to use it as a bargaining chip for some oil bill is truly heartless.  How many people have to die before this idiot decides to bring it up for a vote?  He is truly heartless.  Maybe that's being too generous.  I guess he only cares about sick people in his own state (you know, who vote for him and stuff).  What a truly vile human being.   Maybe that's too generous as well.


I don't how those people sleep at night when they play politics with people's lives like that.  Truly heinous.

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