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S10.E11: A Psychic Surprise

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I wonder often (too often)...and I don't watch these "housewives" shows enough, WHY would anyone want to be on the show unless she/he needs more attention than the average person.  Attention--good and bad--from people they'll never know.  At least it makes for good TV because these people are certainly not the norm.

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I'd pick Brookes over Meghan McNasty any day.



Ouch!  Not me.  I think Brooks' history shows that he has cost countless women (maybe their children) thousands of dollars and many heartaches.  Wonder how he's doing on his child support.    

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Ouch!  Not me.  I think Brooks' history shows that he has cost countless women (maybe their children) thousands of dollars and many heartaches.  Wonder how he's doing on his child support.    


Yeah I think some people might not know - or may be forgetting - what a cad the "real" Brooks is.  He more or less abandoned his kids for the "fame" and "fortune" that comes along with filming for the RHoOC.  Oooops, sorry, I mean "true love."

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Editing monkeys at work again. Shannon did tell Vicky it was about Brooks' cancer, according to Vicky and Meghan's blogs. Which would explain more of the blowup and anger.

 Meghan would have no way of knowing what transpired between Shannon and VIcki.  Vicki's blog is unclear when she learned of it.  My guess after she left the producers told her what it was and she reacted by texting Meghan.   Perhaps there was an unfilmed moment? 

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I guess I missed the part where Tamra held a gun to his head and manipulated a set of marionette strings.

He's a big boy. He should own up to what he said on camera.


This is true. But I do feel there was something else he said that was sort of glossed over. He mentioned, when the whole "I don't see it" thing was first brought up, that sometimes his not seeing anything doesn't mean the person in question isn't sick - it could mean that the people around this person don't believe it. And THAT'S what he's picking up on. But I noticed none of the girls even paid attention to that part, they immediately glommed onto the "it's not there" thing and ran with it. But, of course, Scott could have reiterated himself if he wanted, and he didn't. So yea....

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I've attended a lot of group exercise classes in my day, and no....most people do not look like that!  She's a special kind of spaz.  I find it slightly endearing though.


She was really something else, and I thought it was delightful, and I don't mean that in a mean way.


I took a tap dancing class in college (if Meghan can take bowling in high school...) and one of the main tips was the idea that your weight was on one foot or the other, and a lot of things naturally flowed from that.  Like if your weight is on your right foot and the choreography calls for a toe tap, then it's your left foot that's going to be in a position to tap. 


Shannon's lunges made me think she's never heard this.  It was like she was throwing her entire body weight around and hoping it landed somewhere kind of stable.



Co sign on this. Going to Dr Internet is usually a bad idea. Last year I thought I had cancer twice and my dh had it once based on what I read online. Turned out I had a virus  and dh had a hernia. 


I came up with a motto for the internet many moons ago after an early consultation with Dr. I.  The internet: it giveth information, and taketh away peace of mind.



 I definitely don't think [brooks'] use of "had" vs. "have" is any indicator whatsoever of him faking.  Anyone who's been through it knows it can get confusing. 


Plus Books has always had an odd way of talking, to my ear.  He speaks really slowly, and I wonder if he isn't very articulate in general.  It seems like more than just a southerner talking slow. I can see someone who's not articulate, and who's talking about his current disease and someone else's past disease, fumbling on a "had" vs. "has," especially if there's a "he" mixed in there.


That said, I don't trust the guy.

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I do believe Brooks mispronounced Resveratrol as "Reserve - atrol." and Heather did the same.  Brooks I can understand, but I thought Heather was the highly educated East Coast Ms. Fancy Pants.  Perhaps because it is related to red wine and not "Champs," she was not familiar with it.



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I don't know - I'm kind of on the fence with the Beadors and their daughters.  I think that Shannon is a very hands-on Mom with her girls, and for the most part, up until this one scene, the girls seemed like typical, normal tweens/teens (isn't their older daughter 12 - 13 yrs. old?).  


Until this scene, the girls were definitely more respectful than a lot of other housewives' children we've seen (Guidice girls, Keough kids, and the Dubrow kids, who I think are ALL extremely bratty, especially Collette, imo).  


My thoughts on this scene is that the girls knew ahead of time that they were going to be reprimanded while filming and were kind of playing it up for the cameras and the sake of filming.  I didn't see anything wrong with choice of consequence (writing a letter of apology to the homeowners) - I would have probably taken it one step further, and driven the girls to the house to have them hand deliver it, but, I'm thinking that in the Orange County bubble-universe, that consequence was probably very harsh compared to their friends, who may have not had any consequence at all.  In fact, several posters here didn't think that the t-p'ing of the house was that big a deal, so I'm thinking that some of the parents of the other girls involved are probably of the same mind.


The way the girls spoke to Shannon and David was, imo, more than likely (hopefully) amped up because they were filming.  Shannon and David looked embarrassed at the fact that the girls were talking back, and the comments were totally out of hand, but, what were Shannon and David to do?   They had already agreed to film this scene, which they should NOT have done, but they made the best of what they had to do.  I'm pretty sure that the twins got a pretty intense talking to, or further punishment for the disrespect.  


Unfortunately, you cannot predict how kids are going to act on camera.  As a parent, you may think you know your kids, but unpredictability goes along with the territory.  It appeared to me that the girls displayed, for lack of a better description, some "camera-balls", and knew they were going to get away with it at that time. Most kids their age do not think past the next ten minutes, so they don't realize what their subsequent consequences will be.


I also can totally understand the mortification of the 10-year old girl and their outrage at the letter-writing.  They are starting to notice boys, and apparently, the boy who's house it was must be something special at school, so they really didn't want to have to embarass themselves in front of him.


Of course, 10 year old girls should NOT be noticing boys, but, unfortunately, grade school crushes have always been around, and it does happen.  Nothing we, as adults and parents, can do to change that.  


At their age, I wouldn't dared to ever talk back or complain to my parents.  Had I done it in front of anyone else, much less camera, I would've been grounded for months.  Unless the producers told them to react that way and David and Shannon told them it was okay, I think this is just a glimpse at the way the children behave and how lax discipline is in their house.


I'm also surprised that there were others who viewed TP'ing a house as no big deal.  It's a pain in the ass and it's extremely disrespectful.  It IS vandalism.  It should be dealt with harshly.

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What he is probably doing is taking notes on his consultations with his Doctors.  Chemo makes you foggy and messes with your memory.  The Dr. talks cover a lot of things and it can be very overwhelming.  If you do not have an advocate going with you it is a good idea to write everything down that is said so you can review it later.  This binder/notebook is not the same as actual medical records which you do have to formally request because of HIPPA laws are not easy to just call up.  So there is no discrepancy between having notes and not having your medical records.  


Also when you are sick everyone and their brother wants to give you advice and has an amazing Dr that you should see, I totally do not fault Brooks at all for not pursuing every lead.  I think Shannon should back off.  Look I don't like Brooks, he is a cheesy con, and for the most part I like Shannon, but she was super phony here.  She was too

excited about having something to throw Megan under the bus with.  


When I took care of my mama then later my daddy. I had notebooks on each of them. When an emergency happened or when the nurse came for her 2-3 week visit I could show them her list of meds and dosages, list of allergies, her history,  her daily vitals of her sugars, BP, temps, the times of her shots and IV's, nutrition, and any notable event that happened. Anything a Dr. or specialist told me went into those books. Photos of her as well. I did the same with my father.


When the paramedics would come to the house or at the ER with an unfamiliar Dr. It was easier to hand them the current notebook. They could then flip to their history, meds, allergies, day to day vitals so I didn't have to think of those things in the heat of the moment.


Brooks even his advocate when/if he has one should be taking notes.




Edited by Giselle
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Totally THIS.  I had NHL Stage 1  in my eye in 2013.  They managed to dig it all out (they think) in surgery and then it just involves checkups to make sure it's not coming back.  If so, radiation for now, maybe chemo down the line.  Everyone has an opinion-who to see, where to go, what to do, what not to do, etc.  It's overwhelming enough having to go through every test under the sun to make sure there's not cancer anywhere else in your body.  For me, there aren't enough hours in the day to go and see and do everything everyone thinks I should.

I also am not begrudging him a couple of drinks on his bday.  I really don't think he's made it all up.  I tend to lean toward the exaggeration side.  I definitely don't think his use of "had" vs. "have" is any indicator whatsoever of him faking.  Anyone who's been through it knows it can get confusing. 


I think he has and had cancer but as you said he may be exaggerating a bit. As far as him mis-stating what he was trying to say, mixing up had and have, we've all done it, I'm sure Tamrat, Fancy pants, and Skelator have done it also.

Edited by Giselle
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........ Andy has no soul. I agree with PP that he seems to be getting skeevier and skeevier over the years (been watching since season 1).


In another life, if given the unfortunate opportunity, I wouldn't want to know this man. Even if we traveled in the same circles I would want him around me as little as possible and only exchange polite greetings when absolutely necessary.

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She was really something else, and I thought it was delightful, and I don't mean that in a mean way.


I took a tap dancing class in college (if Meghan can take bowling in high school...) and one of the main tips was the idea that your weight was on one foot or the other, and a lot of things naturally flowed from that.  Like if your weight is on your right foot and the choreography calls for a toe tap, then it's your left foot that's going to be in a position to tap. 


Shannon's lunges made me think she's never heard this.  It was like she was throwing her entire body weight around and hoping it landed somewhere kind of stable.




I came up with a motto for the internet many moons ago after an early consultation with Dr. I.  The internet: it giveth information, and taketh away peace of mind.




Plus Books has always had an odd way of talking, to my ear.  He speaks really slowly, and I wonder if he isn't very articulate in general.  It seems like more than just a southerner talking slow. I can see someone who's not articulate, and who's talking about his current disease and someone else's past disease, fumbling on a "had" vs. "has," especially if there's a "he" mixed in there.


That said, I don't trust the guy.

I can't help but wonder if Brooks is measuring his words, in order to keep his lies straight and not say the wrong thing.

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I'm also surprised that there were others who viewed TP'ing a house as no big deal.  It's a pain in the ass and it's extremely disrespectful.  It IS vandalism.  It should be dealt with harshly.


Did anybody else call it "wrapping a house" when they were kids?


I don't see anything wrong with it.  How else are you supposed to show a boy you like him? 


Now, egging a house?  That's vandalism.  But I don't think wrapping it is, unless you also spray it down with water because that shit will NEVER come out of the trees once it gets wet.



I can't help but wonder if Brooks is measuring his words, in order to keep his lies straight and not say the wrong thing.


Hmm...I noted that he's always talked this way.  Which apparently is a timeline that corresponds to his deceit, so you may have something there.

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I'm also surprised that there were others who viewed TP'ing a house as no big deal.  It's a pain in the ass and it's extremely disrespectful.  It IS vandalism.  It should be dealt with harshly.



In our area it is definitely not considered vandalism.  In many high schools, it's considered a high honor to have your home TP'd.   It happens to a winning football player, a homecoming queen, class officer, or just popularity.  Sometimes the "culprits" even come back the next day and clean up the area.  Grab the paper or hose it down; it's so easy.  We're in the desert southwest, so there are sometimes complaints when the toilet paper "decorates" various cactus and arid plants.   My boys would have been THRILLED as teens/pre-teens to come out to a TP'd front yard.  I would have appreciated the gesture too.  


I have never heard of the police being involved--which would happen if it's vandalism.  Also, ten-year-old girls should NOT have to be humiliated by writing a letter to the parents of a cute or popular boy.  I agree with the child who stated her parents didn't know what it was like to be ten.  Ten today is not the same as ten in 1974.

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If I dumped out my trash on your lawn is it still funny?  Harmless prank?  I guess I just don't view TP'ing a house as being some silly, harmless prank.  It's disrespectful and if it rains, it's pretty messy to clean up.  I wouldn't want my kid doing it.

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In our area it is definitely not considered vandalism. In many high schools, it's considered a high honor to have your home TP'd. It happens to a winning football player, a homecoming queen, class officer, or just popularity. Sometimes the "culprits" even come back the next day and clean up the area. Grab the paper or hose it down; it's so easy. We're in the desert southwest, so there are sometimes complaints when the toilet paper "decorates" various cactus and arid plants. My boys would have been THRILLED as teens/pre-teens to come out to a TP'd front yard. I would have appreciated the gesture too.

I have never heard of the police being involved--which would happen if it's vandalism. Also, ten-year-old girls should NOT have to be humiliated by writing a letter to the parents of a cute or popular boy. I agree with the child who stated her parents didn't know what it was like to be ten. Ten today is not the same as ten in 1974.

Different strokes for different folks. Happened to me, wasn't pleased. Up early, got rid of the paper towels before dawn. No satisfaction for the culprits!

My ten year old girls were in bed at night; not in the street. One child is on crutches as a result of this! Could have been worse. Do NOT get this at all!

Edited by SFoster21
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Several pages later, I just have to say, "YES!" to this.


I admit. This year, without too much Terry, has made me like Heather. I used to cringe at even the sight of Heather. Disliked her intensely. But I've been realizing this year that it isn't her that I can't stand, it's Terry. He is the status climber in that partnership. My dime-store analysis: I think Heather was caught up in a lot of Terry's B.S.for years, and blow-back from the show made her realize just how snobby she actually comes across -- and I think she actually took stock and changed. Now, would I Iurve for her to admit this? Yes. But I'll take it, even if she doesn't.

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I see T.P.ing as a nuisance, certainly not some sort of "honor", but I suppose some communities are different. Still, I wouldn't allow or condone my kids doing it and would be angry if other parents temporarily in charge of my kids allowed them out or encouraged it.

Edited by RedHawk
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        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.


        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.


        PSA-I can relate, the only person Kegal exercises helped were Kegal's wife.

You can say that again!  And again!  LOL

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Up early, got rid of the paper towels before dawn



I've never known of paper towels being used..The clean-up is probably easier but the effect can't be as grand.


If I dumped out my trash on your lawn is it still funny?  Harmless prank?  I guess I just don't view TP'ing a house as being some silly, harmless prank.  It's disrespectful and if it rains, it's pretty messy to clean up.



If you are an adult who dumps trash on my lawn, it is definitely not a "harmless prank."  You are sending me a message.  If I don't understand, I'll get to the bottom of it and you will probably clean up your trash.  These were little girls doing something to (probably) get the attention of a little boy--something that could go on occasionally in their neighborhood.  It's truly NOT disrespectful in my area (Phoenix). I assume if it is considered vandalism or disrespectful in various areas, parents and most kids know it--and know the consequences.


My son won a 5th/6th grade science fair when he was in fifth grade (a normal public school) by comparing the various brands (sizes, prices, amount) of toilet paper and selecting the most efficient brand to TP a house.. Had it been considered vandalism, he could not have chosen that topic and certainly wouldn't have won.  He had never been TP-ing at that time, but we did have a football star on our cul de sac and his house received that honor more than once.  All the kids in the neighborhood were impressed.


I should add that ten years old is pretty young to be out TP-ing.  Maybe they just went a house or two away from the "sleepover."

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At their age, I wouldn't dared to ever talk back or complain to my parents.  Had I done it in front of anyone else, much less camera, I would've been grounded for months.  Unless the producers told them to react that way and David and Shannon told them it was okay, I think this is just a glimpse at the way the children behave and how lax discipline is in their house.


I'm also surprised that there were others who viewed TP'ing a house as no big deal.  It's a pain in the ass and it's extremely disrespectful.  It IS vandalism.  It should be dealt with harshly.


    I agree with you but want to add doing a good TPing job is hard work! You need a bit of muscle to properly throw that roll up into trees, not mention a good aim. If genetics has anything to do with it, based on Shannon's performance during he fitness class, I dont see this. They probably wrapped  a roll around a bush twice and ran like crazy, giggling and laughing until they couldn't breath. Not condoning the behavior, I imagine it was something really easy to clean. I would make my daughter apologize too. I still wonder if they snuck out, I don't see anybody doing this in the middle o the day. I am not sure I would let my 10 year old and her friends walk around the neighborhood at night unsupervised. That is what concerns me most.

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My first thought was that Shannon's producer "encouraged" her before Brook's birthday dinner. I imagined something along the lines of, "You signed a contract, you are obligated to bring this up tonight, we need to film this specific scene, if not you will be held in breach, etc. etc. Not to mention, you are being a bad friend to Vicki if you don't tell her what was said." But perhaps I have a BIG imagination. I'm just judging by how anxious and tearful she was the entire time. I think that she's scared of being off the show, scared of losing Vicki's friendship, scared of being alone. Perhaps she imagines if she were cut, then David would leave her for good, she would lose contact w/ Vicki, etc. etc. I don't know- rampant speculation, but she acted like a person who felt forced to do something that she didn't want to do.


If this is the case or not, (and it very well may not be) I felt bad. This was very much a "shoot the messenger" situation. Vicki reacted very strangely. I wonder if Shannon sent Vicki a heads up text before dinner, and Vicki knew what was coming and left. Vicki probably has more power and say in her storylines than Shannon, and was pissed off that Shannon was going to bring it up on camera that evening.


And Tamra is the QUEEN shit-stirrer. Dear God. My partner doesn't see it and it drives me crazy! She thinks she's sly, but to those of us that have seen her antics- she's clear as water. Ridiculous that she pretends to take offense to being called a shit stirrer when that is her main personality trait/function on the show.


Add one that doesn't like Shannon and David bringing their kids on the show. They (well Shannon at least) got what she deserved for that. Bringing ten year old girls on a reality show to discipline them while your marriage is struggling in front of them? Not good parenting there.

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I thought it was a little off that Meghan got the blame for the fake cancer accusation. It was a collaborative effort that took off with encouragement by the psychic. It's obvious that Meghan is going to take said blame and run with it, though. I will give girlfriend credit, she is not afraid to hit things head on.

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In another life, if given the unfortunate opportunity, I wouldn't want to know this man. Even if we traveled in the same circles I would want him around me as little as possible and only exchange polite greetings when absolutely necessary.

Satan Andy "made his bones" on that travesty of a reality show "Being Bobby Brown". Even if you never saw any of it (some of this show is on youtube) we know how THAT ended. 

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Rolling houses (that's what it's called down here in the South where I live) is common and no big deal around here.  I can't count the number of times my house was rolled when my now-grown daughter was in middle/high school.  It's a total hassle but the kids all did it to each other, and if I woke up and saw it, I'd go get her out of bed and get her to clean it up.  I never really minded that.  What I DID mine was when someone threw thousands of q tips into my holly bushes.  Oh, and the maxi pad adhesive that I never totally got off the back window of my SUV.


She was a cheerleader and they even forked her tumbling coach's yard.  They made signs with nice sayings on paper plates and attached them to the forks.  Guess they weren't too worried about him knowing who did it!  They did go back and clean up his yard though. 

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Ouch!  Not me.  I think Brooks' history shows that he has cost countless women (maybe their children) thousands of dollars and many heartaches.  Wonder how he's doing on his child support.    

Oh believe me, Brooks skeeves me out big time. Don't trust him, don't believe a word he says, I think he's using Vicki and probably doesn't have cancer. All that being said, and seriously, it took me forever to type the words that I'd take Brooks over Megan, I even had to take a shower after I wrote that, but, I guess I went to the extreme because my hatred for Megan, as my Mom used to say, falls under the category of "heaping hunks of hot hate".


Ewww, just rereading what I wrote, almost kinda sticking up for that skeevebag, made me want to hurl.  Brooksie, that was your one and only pass from me, and you only got it because Megan makes me ill. Now pay your child support and go away. And stop making me say kinda nice things about you, it's not in my nature to defend the indefensible.

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She was really something else, and I thought it was delightful, and I don't mean that in a mean way.


I took a tap dancing class in college (if Meghan can take bowling in high school...) and one of the main tips was the idea that your weight was on one foot or the other, and a lot of things naturally flowed from that.  Like if your weight is on your right foot and the choreography calls for a toe tap, then it's your left foot that's going to be in a position to tap.



Ahh so I just read Shannon's blog and she says she has "balance issues." So that may account for her severely awkward form in the butt class. And another malady to add to the list!

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I agree with you but want to add doing a good TPing job is hard work! You need a bit of muscle to properly throw that roll up into trees, not mention a good aim. If genetics has anything to do with it, based on Shannon's performance during he fitness class, I dont see this. They probably wrapped a roll around a bush twice and ran like crazy, giggling and laughing until they couldn't breath. Not condoning the behavior, I imagine it was something really easy to clean. I would make my daughter apologize too. I still wonder if they snuck out, I don't see anybody doing this in the middle o the day. I am not sure I would let my 10 year old and her friends walk around the neighborhood at night unsupervised. That is what concerns me most.

One of them is on crutches! They said she jumped a wall! How is this even arguably all right?

I guess in the South and Southwest, there's a dearth of recreation. To me, this stuff is "wedge" to burning crosses. If that makes me mean or judgmental, so be it.

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Ahh so I just read Shannon's blog and she says she has "balance issues." So that may account for her severely awkward form in the butt class. And another malady to add to the list!


So does everybody else when they have half a liter of Grey Goose in them.

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Didn't the OC Housewives TP Jenna's house late one night?     


Yes.  They showed a flashback of it in the episode where Shannon first tells the ladies about the TP incident while they are at the pizza place in Moorea (sp?)

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Regarding Brooks, I think it really doesn't matter if he actually has cancer at this point. I think he could publish his medical records and people would still say he is faking it. They would claim that he forged them or somehow falsified them. He could give his doctor permission to publicly state the status of his illness and treatments and people would accuse him of paying the guy off to lie. There is really nothing he can do that is going to make a certain group of people believe he is sick, so I get why he doesn't engage in the conversations/interrogations about his condition and treatment. 

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Yes.  They showed a flashback of it in the episode where Shannon first tells the ladies about the TP incident while they are at the pizza place in Moorea (sp?)



I'lll assume there was a similar uproar on these boards about the vandalism.

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TPing isn't a regional thing isolated to the South or to sports minded individuals. I grew up on the west coast and when I was a kid my house was TPed and I also TPed a few times. The first time I TPed my mom and dad split the situation and I was punished (extra chores) for sneaking out at night (I was12) without an older chaperone (we should have taken my friend's 2 older  brothers) but as far as the TPing they understood it was a harmless kids prank and said go over there and help clean up. They had already cleaned up so I baked them some cookies. The parents were cool about it, they always were. We all viewed TPing as a harmless prank, which is what it is, it is not a stepping stone to cross burning or goose stepping with an arm raised. I would think that would be bullying, fighting and vandalism which can be/are crimes.





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Since half the board sees TPing as no biggie and the other half thinks the twins' punishment was way too light, I think Shannon & David struck a reasonable middle ground with the letter-writing consequence.

TPing in and of itself doesn't really bother me -- IME, there isn't ill will behind the action, but I will concede that it's a hassle to clean up. I do, however, notice that all the examples of TPing given in this thread mention middle and high school. These girls are 10, which is usually 4th or 5th grade, right? I do have a problem with them being out unsupervised late at night.

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Regarding Brooks, I think it really doesn't matter if he actually has cancer at this point. I think he could publish his medical records and people would still say he is faking it. They would claim that he forged them or somehow falsified them. He could give his doctor permission to publicly state the status of his illness and treatments and people would accuse him of paying the guy off to lie. There is really nothing he can do that is going to make a certain group of people believe he is sick, so I get why he doesn't engage in the conversations/interrogations about his condition and treatment. 



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TPing isn't a regional thing isolated to the South or to sports minded individuals. I grew up on the west coast and when I was a kid my house was TPed and I also TPed a few times. The first time I TPed my mom and dad split the situation and I was punished (extra chores) for sneaking out at night (I was12) without an older chaperone (we should have taken my friend's 2 older brothers) but as far as the TPing they understood it was a harmless kids prank and said go over there and help clean up. They had already cleaned up so I baked them some cookies. The parents were cool about it, they always were. We all viewed TPing as a harmless prank, which is what it is, it is not a stepping stone to cross burning or goose stepping with an arm raised. I would think that would be bullying, fighting and vandalism which can be/are crimes.

Maybe a bridge too far. Sore spot. Truly sorry.
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In our area it is definitely not considered vandalism. In many high schools, it's considered a high honor to have your home TP'd. It happens to a winning football player, a homecoming queen, class officer, or just popularity. Sometimes the "culprits" even come back the next day and clean up the area. Grab the paper or hose it down; it's so easy. We're in the desert southwest, so there are sometimes complaints when the toilet paper "decorates" various cactus and arid plants. My boys would have been THRILLED as teens/pre-teens to come out to a TP'd front yard. I would have appreciated the gesture too.

I have never heard of the police being involved--which would happen if it's vandalism. Also, ten-year-old girls should NOT have to be humiliated by writing a letter to the parents of a cute or popular boy. I agree with the child who stated her parents didn't know what it was like to be ten. Ten today is not the same as ten in 1974.

Interesting the differences from state to state and town to town, eh? The only TP'ing in these parts happen on Halloween or usually to people's homes kids do NOT like...and sometimes that includes eggs. It's very rare here, and I'm glad for that. I would liken it to vandalism but agree with those who think it's more child's play then egging houses. It was pretty clear it was not considered acceptable by my parents or my husband and I, when our kids were young. There's a fine line between practical jokes and vandalism when toilet paper is concerned.

We do play practical jokes on neighbors, like "planting" pink flamingos on front lawns from known neighbor to known neighbor, maybe TP'ing one bush qualifies in the game? I wouldn't do it but I would not be mad about it. If I need a ladder to get it down? I'd be mad. Not cool.

I do think writing an apology note is a good plan and maybe have them offer to help them do yard work?

I tp'd. No biggee. But I was in high school. Not a 10 or 11 year old. That is simply too young to be out doing this type of thing.

Agree. Their ages and the fact they were out in the middle of the night unsupervised is the scary part. Edited by IKnowRight
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I tp'd. No biggee. But I was in high school. Not a 10 or 11 year old. That is simply too young to be out doing this type of thing. 


Same.  We also egged houses and pulled other ridiculous pranks on "Devil's Night." (the night before Halloween--this was a big thing in western PA when I grew up!) But I was at least 15/16 and my mom knew what I was doing.  It was all harmless fun done in the early evening. 


I'lll assume there was a similar uproar on these boards about the vandalism.



Well it was several years back that this actually happened so I don't think this particular board existed. I don't remember there being a huge uproar on the other board when it happened though.  There really is a vast different between grown women playing a prank on another one ... and a 10 year old sneaking out in the middle of the night without their parent's knowledge.  

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When they did it to Jeana it was being pure mean.  They had intentionally excluded her from an event and then TP'd her yard.  That was the year Vicki and Tamra backstabbed Jeana in real life over salary demands.  I say bring Jeana back and get rid of some of the old wood.

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TPing in and of itself doesn't really bother me -- IME, there isn't ill will behind the action, but I will concede that it's a hassle to clean up. I do, however, notice that all the examples of TPing given in this thread mention middle and high school. These girls are 10, which is usually 4th or 5th grade, right? I do have a problem with them being out unsupervised late at night.


That's really how I fall on the issue. The TPing itself, while I wouldn't encourage it, is pretty silly and fairly harmless. But I would flip my lid if my children had sneaked out of someone's house and were running around unsupervised. Not cool. I'd be fine with the letter, as far as addressing the people they TP'd. But I'd also ground them from seeing their friends for a few weeks, as punishment for leaving the house.

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