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S17.E23: Episode 23

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And don't see what you don't wanna see. She was so sure she was going to send Vanessa out the door and pretty much the entire house went against her. If only she had stopped licking her chops long enough to realize she wasn't as slick as she thought she was...

And yet . . . she said in a confessional that she wasn't fully banking on it because she wasn't putting anything past Vanessa.  Confident about Vanessa's eviction, but not smug since she knew Vanessa could turn it around.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 1

Well, that wasn't so bad, after all!  I guess I can enjoy the occasional Fucking Fast-Forward, if it breaks in favor of my rooting interests.  First time since the Daniele/Big Jeff DE in S13, and even that left Rachel in a pickle.


I mean, I still don't think it actually qualifies as Big Brother, but my usual objection (nothing but comps, no time for strategy) might not have mattered so much this week.  (I'll explain later.) Although I'm still bored to death by the fact that this is nothing like a surprise to the HGs (as we saw this episode, they were strategizing about it even before Clay got tossed), so they might as well get rid of this tired and predictable stuff and come up with something new.  (BBCan has done three things along this line:  the "instant eviction", the "International rules" week [all HGs nominate, the public votes to evict] and an idea I had about a real "double eviction" [three nominees on the block, two go home…get out of my brain, BBCan!].  Any one of those would "shake up the house" in ways this endlessly pre-planned and pre-strategized non-excitement fails to do for me.)  Still, lots of relief at the result this week, so I'm good here.


Congratulations to Vanessa for escaping the eviction.  I rewatched 17.16 (the Week 5 Veto episode) before this one, and seeing Vanessa and Clelli being perfectly fine with selling the Austwins down the river to hook up with "Dark Moon" (which they were initially sincere about) reminded me that I'm not really rooting for her, but I'll take her over Shelli, and I'm glad she didn't get tossed out by the brainiacs of the ADC, who still don't know about Sixth Sense or Steve's loyalties, if I'm not mistaken.  And I'd forgotten that Vanessa was the one to invite Becky on the Outback reward, so ha-ha to Basic Becky's "Big Move" crashing and burning.  That's what you get for being an ingrate, ingrate.


Can't say quite as hearty a congratulations to Steve for his win, not only because of the muddled mess of what followed (I assume we'll find out on Sunday) but also because I was disappointed that his reaction to doing an initial vote count and deciding it was likely to be 4-4 with Becky breaking the tie to evict Vanessa wasn't "what can I do to help Vanessa get that 5th vote she needs?" but rather "Bye, Vanessa! Too bad, wish I could have done more!".  I mean, your relationship to her is stronger than your relationship with Jace was, I believe; she at least deserved a bit of effort before you put on the "oh, well" face you gave him in a similar circumstance. (It would have been difficult, but I don't think it was out of the realm of possibility for Steve to pull John over, for example.  He didn't even try.)


But Steve did keep everyone that I like safe with his HoH win, so that's good.  And the biggest fail in that Steve/Vanessa conversation goes to the subtitle crew, who put "your" where they should have put "you're" at one point.  Boo!


I will give James props for remembering that Shelli was the major threat to his game, contrary to what I wrote yesterday.  Good job, James.  Heck, I'll even say nice things about Meg:  while she's terrible about getting the pulse of the rest of the House, she can make logical deductions based on her assumptions.  She realized that Shelli had a smaller target field than Vanessa, since V might target Becky/John, where Shelli wasn't going to, and backed James's decision.  And her lipstick seemed slightly more subdued tonight, and went with her plum tube top.  


(Don't worry, though; I'll say some bad things about Meg later in the post.   No need for anyone's head to spin and explode.)


Wow, that didn't go how I expected, but I'm good with it. I wanted Becky out first, but I'm fine with Jackie out the door, I just didn't necessarily think it would be tonight! And I guess Steve didn't either, lol. He's toast.


Well, only if Becky wins HoH again, I'd think.  If there was a backdoor plan in place (there seems to be conflicting information in the thread) then James and Meg would be more likely to target John than Steve, even assuming they would be intent on revenge for Jackie, which isn't necessarily so.


(Aren't I being generous, allowing for the possibility of Meg winning HoH?  As I wrote, I'm in a good mood.)


 What is up with Liz's stank attitude when evicting Jackie?


Rewatching 17.16 reminded me that the way Week 5 was supposed to go (if Goddess Liz hadn't won BotB on her own) was that it was going to be Austin/Liz as the final nominees. Jackie's plan was for Liz to be on the block all week, against one of her closest allies, and who knows if maybe the house could have flipped and decided that getting rid of the twins in one stroke was the best idea, after all.  And Jackie tried to sabotage Liz's chances of saving herself and her sister by having James throw the comp.  I'd be pissed, too.


Beyond that, Jackie had never tried to establish any relationship with Liz (or Julia); the twins weren't in her alliance, so Jackie had no use for them, that's how Liz perceived it.  We saw in 17.12 (the Week 4 episode where Liz nominates Jackie) that Liz was annoyed at Jackie pressing her for guarantees; she went on at considerably greater length about this during her HoH dinner date with Austin on that night's BBAD episode.  I think of everyone left in the House, Liz believed Jackie to be the HG most likely to nominate her and her sister, so no wonder Liz was excited to evict her.


That might be the strangest DE I have ever watched. Steve seems to have picked noms out of the air (or to be less charitable his ass) and John was to afraid to veto because he had no clue who Steve would replace a nom with, despite the fact they seem to have conferred during the break. Either that or those two odd ducks have been working together since day one. If not....why not James - the more than completely, definite, positively, absolutely, indisputably clear leader of the ADC?


Well, I thought Steve was going for a Becky backdoor and John blocked it and was lying about it (no point in going "Haha, up yours, Steve! I'm keeping my Trainiac safe!", after all), but some say otherwise.  So we'll see, I guess.


And Steve could well have been grateful for James's role in saving Vanessa, whom Steve feels is useful for his game.  It's not as though he minded losing either of his nominees, so why not work to build something with James?


Meg's speech was laughable. "I have more game to play." This is a person who is upright for maybe 40 minutes a day. She's a lock for final 4.


Well, given how little game Meg has played so far, she's probably factually correct.  1 > 0, and all that.  But yeah.  And I wish I could say you're wrong about her going deep, but I don't think so.  (Although given how scared she looked on the block, there was a thrilling moment when I actually thought she might go tonight, however illogical that might be.  No such luck.)


Her speeches are so cringeworthy, though. (Could the next person that says "I've played an honest game" be automatically evicted for so doing? Thanks.)  I actually enjoyed Shelli's more, for fudge sake.  Ugh.  (See, I told you there'd be Meg-bashing!  Never fear, folks…much like Princess 'Pretty' Pawn herself, my Meg-bashing is here for the long haul. [sigh.])


He probably wanted to backdoor her, but John's Veto win all but ended those chances.


You wanted Becky to be the backdoor, but she's one of the few who'd go after the three-headed monster, genius.  If she's gone, no one else targets them.


Perhaps, but I haven't seen any indication that Steve is interested in targeting Austwins.  (At least not nearly this early. F7 at the soonest, I think.)  So that probably wasn't a consideration.


I'm not feeling sorry for Meg and Jackie, and I probably wouldn't have pitied anyone put up.  From memory, on DE nights, there's mad scrambling in the few minutes between HOH comp and nominations.  Those fools ran back in the living room, sat down, and started shooting the breeze.  Steve hovered, and not one person looked at him or even attempted to talk to him.  They treated like he was invisible.  They deserved what they got.  Every one of them acted entitled in that moment.


Well, Becky/Jackie/Meg ignored Steve all summer, why should that change just because he's HoH? (I'd guess everybody else knew that they weren't a target and was just staying out of the way. ) Be true to your (middle) school, bitches!  Can't be seen talking to the geek, now can we? We'd never get to sit at the cool table at lunch again!


This is why I wasn't as annoyed at the DE format as I usually am; I don't think the nominees or Becky would have made much of an effort to influence Steve, so I don't mind that this part of the week was skipped.  I suppose there might have been more of an effort to get John to use the P.O.V. (and I would have liked to have seen Steve's HoH room) but on the whole it seemed as though this might have been a pretty static week, so I don't mind its getting smooshed quite as much.


So, I'm glad to see the power shifting back to the remaining Sixth Sense/Steve side of the House, and I hope that the 2nd HoH keeps it going.   But even if it doesn't, at least the self-righteous eulogies will now be about how Steve did poor Jackie wrong, not how mean old Vanessa crucified po' widdle Jason.  So that will be a change, at least.  


And, hey, with Jackie in Jury, that's one less person left to give the damn eulogies, anyhow.  Sweet Cheezus…

  • Love 2

I had to laugh when the first thing out of Shelli's mouth was to wish Jason a happy birthday.  Way to remind everyone that Vanessa is the bad guy on the block..  LOL  I must say, I was completely blindsided that Vanessa managed to stay in the house.  I didn't think there was any way she was going to save herself.  I have zero understanding of what Steve's plan was in putting up Jackie and Meg.  WTH put up members of his own alliance?  Well, I guess they aren't really HIS alliance since he only talks to himself, but I thought his allegiance swung more towards Dark Moon than the Sixth Sense.  I think John was right last week when he said that Steve had this idea that the rest of the house saw him as this master player and had him in their sights.  Steve is just kind of "there" and I don't think anyone in the house even notices him, much less is targeting him. 


I cant figure out why no one is going after Austin and the twins.  If they knock Liz over to the jury house, I think Austin will be begging to be evicted the following week....or will be so mopey, he will be an easy target for the following week.  Either way, if Liz goes, they take out two players.  Hopefully, someone will realize that soon.

  • Love 1


From memory, on DE nights, there's mad scrambling in the few minutes between HOH comp and nominations.  Those fools ran back in the living room, sat down, and started shooting the breeze.


I kind of thought it was because they have been, as Julie said, anticipating the DE for weeks- so everyone had planned out what was going to happen. (Though clearly Steve messed up since he didn't get what he wanted...)  In years passed, they have seem surprised, and that scrambling was figuring out what to do.

Well, that was definitely an entertaining hour of television, even though I'm not exactly thrilled with either eviction. I was genuinely surprised several times and on the edge of my seat. And this was at 5:00 am, as I woke up early to watch the recorded episode (stupid Green Bay Packers!) before my kids got up.


Let's start with Shelli going home over Vanessa. Very shocked by this. I know they showed people talking about it, but they always do that. And it's usually a ruse. The idea is floated around, but not often acted on. I wish they had showed more about how this came to be. It looked like Vanessa told James a little bit about Becky and that sealed the deal? The odd thing, to me, was that Shelli didn't look remotely shocked, nor did we see some big blow up from Becky. Was everyone aware? I need to go ask in the feed vs. episode thread. 


But I'm just really not sure this was a good idea, for most everyone who was part of it. Vanessa, IMO, is much more dangerous in the house. Look at how she was able to pull herself out of trouble this time. She is smart and manipulative and will do it again and again. Shelli would have been an easier target going forward. Clay is gone, and she's not as close as the twin/Austin trio as Vanessa is. I can see why those three voted for Shelli, but the rest of them should have stuck with Vanessa. Going forward, James and them might have been able to get Shelli to work with them to take out that trio. Shelli was already kind of friendly with Becky. It's not unthinkable. Vanessa? Not so much. I think now that she dodged that bullet she might get pretty far. We'll see. 


I wasn't happy to see Jackie go. She is a little spitfire who's not interested in playing it safe. And it's one less person on "that side" of the house. I wasn't surprised Steve put those two up, though. But I was kind of guessing that he'd backdoor James after Veto. 


It was all just very odd, because we saw very little as far as conversations and strategy go for DE night. Everyone was behaving so passively. 

  • Love 1
I watch the feeds and this rivalry between Steve and Becky is a misconception. He does talk about going after her but will he do it? We got the answer to that. Either he doesn't want her out as badly or his connection with John is stronger than his desire to target Becky.


I really think that's it. Steve has said that John and Vanessa are his biggest allies in the house. And he knows how close John is with Becky, so I doubt he would want to anger John. I don't think DE night is the time to go after Becky, because your reign as HOH is so short. You have no time to be subtle or try and manipulate people - not that Steve would actually be good at either of those, haha. 

  • Love 1

Well, I look forward to Sunday's episode so we can find out exactly what the hell that shitshow was all about. Wow! I can't say I liked any of the results, but it certainly was a roller coaster ride! Of course, with the way the editors have been working this season, I don't really hold out much hope of getting the entire truth (that's what message boards like these are for) if it goes against their predetermined storylines.


As soon as the first couple people voted out Shelli, I knew we were in for yet another one of our popular unanimous votes. God, even when it's a double eviction, a unanimous vote just sucks the life out of things, doesn't it? I miss the days when the house would be divided and there was actually some drama as to who would be evicted. And tiebreakers! Remember tiebreakers? Ah, the good old days. Now, the house is divided up until eviction night at which point everyone agrees on who is going home and everyone goes along with it because "it's what the house wants." BORING.


Then, when Steve won HoH, I was nervous because on the air show we've never really seen him talk game with anybody. He says that John and Vanessa are his closest allies, and Becky is his "next target," but who was his first target? And have we ever seen him talking with Vanessa? So when he threw up Meg and Jackie, I was confused. I guess he was trying to side with the Sixth Sense side. Or he was trying to backdoor Becky, but John foiled that plan? The whole thing was just chaos.


Also, Liz is just gross with her bitchy attitude in the DR when she evicts someone, and Austin is just gross with his lecherous ways. I don't think Julia would be that bad if she actually got some screen time with other people, but we haven't seen that yet, so I don't know. At any rate, I don't understand why no one is putting up the twins and/or Austin. After Clellie, THAT'S the alliance to split up. These people are so stupid, Those three are going to coast to the end, aren't they? Oh God, we're gonna have to watch a final three of Austin horndogging it over Liz while Julia vomits repeatedly in the bathroom.

  • Love 4

Jackie looked lovely for her unexpected exit interview.  I'm sure she's glad she went the extra mile with tonight's dress and makeup choices.


So, that was kind of fun!  I liked everyone having spinning pinwheel eyes.  I didn't know why Becky was crying or why Liz was trying to hide bringing in her camera.  Steve seemed to be closing in on a psychotic break. 


Austin, dude.  You were taken aback when your comic book cover said you stink!  Make an effort.  Put on some fucking shoes.





  • Love 2

Boo! Did not like how the DE turned out! I enjoyed Jackie, she seems to be one of the only ones that saw through the BS.

A couple of random thoughts:

1. Don't you love it when the HG's mics are still turned on when they are cutting to commercial? James: Do we have time to go pee? Nice.

2. I would never, ever go on this show as an unnatural blonde. Liz and Julia's roots could be their own house guest.

Edited by lookattheflowers
  • Love 4

We replayed the part right before going to commercial before the votes for Meg & Jackie were done, we could not catch what was being said.  Was Steve asked why he put up Meg & Jackie & he said he thought they were targeting him?   Why was Becky so distraught with her face down in her hands, looking like she was crying?  I thought for sure Steve had said Becky was his target & John was suppose to have used the veto, guess I was wrong though. 


I am so sick of Austwins (I love this name!) just gliding through this whole thing.  This is like a summer vacation for them, no worries about being targeted, no trying to win comps.  Just lounge on the hammock and paw each other all day while Julia glares.  I cannot wait for either Austin & Liz to be put up together or the twins are.

  • Love 2

I suppose its easier for the other real players to keep clueless Meg around rather than wiser Jackie.  Sorry to see Jackie go, I thought she was playing pretty well and certainly had Vanessa's number.  Both evictions were a bit surprising, especially Vanessa's ability to flip the house when she seems to be such a basket case.  If she makes it to the end and says how its all an act, I will heartedly applaud.

  • Love 1

Quoting from the post above me:


especially Vanessa's ability to flip the house when she seems to be such a basket case.
  I think it was more Shelli's inability to sit quietly and let Vanessa go. Instead she flipped out on James about wearing Clay's shirt and got the target back on her.  I don't think Vanessa had much to do with the flip

I was really put off by both Liz and Julia when they voted to evict Jackie. Not that I'm a huge Jackie fan, but everyone else had the decency to look gobsmacked by the suddenness of it all, whereas the twins were smirking and posing for Julie like they were auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. They were just so smug and unaffected by it all it turned me off to both of them. I don't even care if they considered Jackie a threat and were relived to vote her out, their behavior was off-putting. Even Shelli would have had the decency to look regretful about voting out someone who was targeting her. I just thought the twins showed an utter lack of class.

  • Love 8

Yes. But Vanessa is the only person who likes Steve. And he loves serving her.

Oh damn. On first read I thought you'd said, "and he loves servicing her", and the mental image that popped to mind... oh damn.

But it's okay - the vision in my left eye has almost returned to normal. Almost.

Chenbot bringing up Shelli's age is pretty rich considering she's married to a sugar daddy 20 years her senior. Maybe next time you should proofread the cue cards.

Whatcha bet the odds are a CBS writer was cleaning out his/her desk under the watchful eye of Security bright and early this A.M.?

Why was Becky so distraught with her face down in her hands, looking like she was crying?

Jackie and JMac were BBecky's two closest allies in the game. When Jackie went out the door (which, judging from the pre-Vote pleas from the Block, was pretty much a foregone conclusion to everyone INCLUDING Jackie), half BBecky's support structure in the Game went out the door with her.

Edited by Nashville

So Steve -  the Superfan...the "Throw the Competition" King, uses his big chance to take out..Jackie. Oy.


He has no idea he's, at best, #4 in any alliance he's in. Nobody will want to take him to the final.

Why not?  He hasn't won much, hasn't really endeared himself to a lot of the HGs, not sure how persuasive a speaker he would be to win people over to vote for him, etc....I would think a lot of the HGs would want to be sitting next to him in the final two.


The best part of the episode for me was Steve just pacing at the end, holding his head and saying "okay Steven. That really just happened."

My favorite part (I don't know why....I'm just weird, I guess) was when Steve said something to the effect of, "I can't talk....I need a minute to collect myself," and while the rest of the HGs sat there with a WTF look on their faces, Meg kind of weakly said, "I don't know if you have a minute, Steve."


I would never, ever go on this show as an unnatural blonde. Liz and Julia's roots could be their own house guest.

It was very noticeable last night....especially in those sort of "overhead" shots of all of them sitting on the couch whenever Julie talks to them.

Edited by MMLEsq

Yeah, I think a lot of people forget the fact that Steve doesn't have any solid alliances, besides for Vanessa and maybe J-Mac. Jackie and Meg never talk to him, and he has this hatred for Becky (not sure why he didn't put her up....) but why should he service to what Jackie/James/Meg/Becky want with getting Vanessa out, when his only true ally IS Vanessa? I think the last thing he wanted to do was to win HOH, but I guess he stayed in there long enough for his other 'allies' Austin and John to make it through, then he tried throwing harder and it backfired. It seems like, for someone like Steve, the last thing he would want is to get into power on a DE night. 


Getting rid of Jackie wasn't a bad move. She has really been the only one riling up the other side of the house. If it wasn't for Jackie, the other side of James, Meg, Becky and even John wouldn't have been fighting so hard to get rid of Vanessa/Shelli/Clay. They'd probably still be picked off and used by Vanessa and Clelli. So it's a sucky move for the viewers, but a good move for Steve.


That being said, I want Jackie to come back in the house and bring Steve officially over to her side because I'd be totally happy with a Jackie/James/Steve final 3. I used to love Julia, but it seems like she doesn't do shit since coming into the house, so good riddance, girl. And now I'm over Vanessa (it just took me a week or so).

  • Love 1


Chenbot bringing up Shelli's age is pretty rich considering she's married to a sugar daddy 20 years her senior.


What really gets me is they will. NOT. LET. this Clelli thing go. Talk about beating a dead horse. We get it already, BB - this was your big Showmance for the season, but it's not Jeff and Jordan all over again. If this is what you think has been the main draw of the season you're really out of touch with your viewers. 


Asking Shelli if she loves Clay (and vice versa with Clay) was a new low, even for Julie.


They still have a "showmance" of sorts with Liz and Austin but Austin is not the pretty boy male model they want their Showmance leading man to be.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 1

I had some of the episode on mute, so maybe it was announced but is there ANY chance at all that the returnee will be decided by America's vote? So that we can get Jackie back and never ever have to adjust the color on our screens again to reduce the contrast between Shelli's orange orange skin and white white teeth?<br /><br />I am proud of John. I think it took balls to not use the veto.

It seems like, for someone like Steve, the last thing he would want is to get into power on a DE night. 


I don't know; I'm sure he'd hate to be in the position Becky found herself, with the chance somebody with a pre-planned agenda might win the speed HoH and he'd have no shot at changing things, but being the speed HoH doesn't seem too bad.  It's a way to eliminate a threat, build a resume, and then we're already on to the next week before people have time to remember/resent his reign.  Plus, the speed HoH gets his HoH basket during the upcoming week, so if Steve finds himself in trouble with the new HoH, he's got fresh treats to offer. :)


My favorite part (I don't know why....I'm just weird, I guess) was when Steve said something to the effect of, "I can't talk....I need a minute to collect myself," and while the rest of the HGs sat there with a WTF look on their faces, Meg kind of weakly said, "I don't know if you have a minute, Steve."


Somebody might need to explain to Dear, Dear Meg about this concept called "an expression".  Steve didn't literally need 60 seconds, I'm sure; he just wanted whatever time he could get.  Thanks for playing, Meg…oh wait, she's still here.  Sigh.


I was really put off by both Liz and Julia when they voted to evict Jackie. Not that I'm a huge Jackie fan, but everyone else had the decency to look gobsmacked by the suddenness of it all, whereas the twins were smirking and posing for Julie like they were auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. They were just so smug and unaffected by it all it turned me off to both of them. 


Questions of possibly-excessive glee aside, I'm not exactly sure why the twins should have faked being "gobsmacked".  It's not as though the DE was a surprise, they knew somebody would be leaving.  And they're clearly not going to miss Jackie, so why feign sadness?  Especially when she isn't even going to see it.  (Until September, at least. And they did hug her on the way out.)


In fact, because of the DE, they didn't even have to film any "Jackie, we've had our differences, but this is just for my game. Have fun in Jury," goodbye messages.  Even better from the "let's not fake sentiment" perspective, IMO.


I am so sick of Austwins (I love this name!) just gliding through this whole thing.  This is like a summer vacation for them, no worries about being targeted, no trying to win comps.  Just lounge on the hammock and paw each other all day while Julia glares. 


Well, Julia did come up with the "Austwins" name.  See, she has been doing something!


 I would never, ever go on this show as an unnatural blonde. Liz and Julia's roots could be their own house guest.


I love the twins, but I am surprised by this.  They're hardly the first bottle blondes to ever go on the show; did neither of them think to bring more color?  I guess not.  


Some might recall the old "which twin has the Toni?" hair color ads.  In this case, apparently neither.  


Those three are going to coast to the end, aren't they? Oh God, we're gonna have to watch a final three of Austin horndogging it over Liz while Julia vomits repeatedly in the bathroom.


Yes, but even if you're not pulling for a Nolan/Nolan finale the way I am, you might enjoy the thought of Austin potentially getting kicked out in third.  Either for the eviction speech Julia would give ("Keep away from my sissssterrrr!  And duuuude, learn to showerrrrr! You're soooooo grossuh!") or for the expression on his face if it's Liz who gives him the chop, followed by his lamely trying to tell Julie, "oh, no, I, uh, knew she wouldn't keep me over her sister.  I mean, I knew that all along. I have a Master's degree, you know." That thought definitely puts a smile on my face, any way.  But JMO.

Edited by DAngelus


Austin, dude.  You were taken aback when your comic book cover said you stink!  Make an effort.  Put on some fucking shoes.

Wouldn't wearing shoes more make it more likely that his feet would smell? He's a big guy, so he probably can't find comfortable shoes and goes barefoot as much as possible. I'm not as big as him, but big enough to sometimes have the same problem.

DAngelus Jackie and Shellie will still see the goodbye videos in Jury House.

Also you mentioned why don't the HG bring in hairdye. I think they aren't allowed to but this might not have always been the rule. I seem to recall Janelle dyeing her hair in Allstars. I think maybe she prevailed upon the Diary Room to give her the box. I actually think Evil Dick manic Panic-e his mop in the house too.

DAngelus Jackie and Shelli will still see the goodbye videos in Jury House.

Also you mentioned why don't the HG bring in hairdye. I think they aren't allowed to but this might not have always been the rule. I seem to recall Janelle dyeing her hair in Allstars. I think maybe she prevailed upon the Diary Room to give her the box. I actually think Evil Dick manic Panic-e his mop in the house too.


Well, I knew that Shelli would get to see hers (since the HGs already filmed ones for her and Vanessa leading up to last night's vote) but I thought the second evictee wouldn't, since they didn't have any pre-filmed.  I guess they can do them ex post facto, though.  They have to pack up Jackie's clothes for her, so they might as well film a video, too.


I didn't see Janelle dyeing her hair in All-Stars, but she certainly never had a roots issue such as this.  And I do know that Nakomis went fire-engine red when she was on the block that season, so she certainly had access to color.

Edited by DAngelus

Chenbot bringing up Shelli's age is pretty rich considering she's married to a sugar daddy 20 years her senior. Maybe next time you should proofread the cue cards.

But that's traditional, for a woman to marry an older, wealthy man. It's a little unusual for a woman to pair up with a much younger, poorer man (and it often does not end well). "Cougar" is a recent term, and it's not flattering.

It seemed obvious in Steve's THs, that he still hasn't received proper dental care. His speech was affected and his jaw seemed almost misaligned. I don't understand why they would expect John to treat Steve. First of all, he's not licensed in the state, second - he doesn't have proper equipment. I believe John said over a week ago that Steve needs antibiotics. If this is an abscess, it will only get worse, and is very painful. I have to believe it was part of why Steve seemed so rattled - beyond his typical social difficulties. Tooth pain is the worst.

  • Love 2

But that's traditional, for a woman to marry an older, wealthy man. It's a little unusual for a woman to pair up with a much younger, poorer man (and it often does not end well). "Cougar" is a recent term, and it's not flattering.


Yeah, I hate the term "Cougar", or in this case "Puma". Either way, its a double standard that I find irritating. It's almost as if people think less of a younger man who dates an older woman. Like "He could do better", as if "better" is younger, and they feel sorry for him, as if he "deserves" to "have" younger women instead. I just hate the idea that women are better younger and deteriorate with age.It's sexist and does a disservice to women of all ages. Good on Clay for seeing past the age difference. 


As far as the DE, I don't understand it. Maybe Steve only thought so far as to get out people who would leave behind the least allies in the house? I don't see any of the HGs being so angry that Jackie was evicted, that they now feel compelled to avenge her eviction and put Steve up. Ditto with Meg.  I believe (?) that Meg is closest to JMac, but they probably knew that Jackie was the one who would end up leaving. Also, JMac and Steve are close-ish, so maybe he figured JMac had bigger fish to fry?


Don't know what was up with Steve saying his balls were messed up during Veto. (Heh.) That was annoying if true, of course knowing Steve he probably just threw Veto.

  • Love 3
I love the twins, but I am surprised by this.  They're hardly the first bottle blondes to ever go on the show; did neither of them think to bring more color?  I guess not.  


Some might recall the old "which twin has the Toni?" hair color ads.  In this case, apparently neither. 


I was under the impression they couldn't bring such in with their personal effects, but they could request - and receive - it in an HoH basket.

SHE could do much better by dating a mature, experienced man with a career.

Yes but Shelli's probably already starting to run into mature, experienced men with a career who think she's too old. Many of them probably have their eyes on women in their twenties.


I don't get the puma vs. cougar distinction. A puma is another name for a cougar, mountain lion, or panther.

  • Love 1

About the hair dye: I THINK they can't dye their hair because it will mess up the continuity when they're editing the show.


Well, they have to be careful about it, but the editors do give them a bit of leeway about changing their styles.  Russell ran through a whole repertoire of mustache styles early in BB11 (including the "riverboat gambler" one that Jeff Alexander was so distracted by in his TWoP recaps) before just shaving it off, and Memphis had some on-again/off-again facial hair the year before.  This season, Clay has gone through a selection of hair styles, for that matter.  


I think you just have to get permission from the DR first.  Generally, they'll frown on radical changes, but even then there are exceptions (the fire-engine red suited both Nakomis's personality and her being on the block and endangered, for example).  And in most cases, such as the twins', color wouldn't be about change, it would be maintaining a previously-approved and marketed look.


After thinking about it, I remember Frankie and Joey bonding during ep 16.01 last year because he had brought pink color and she had brought blue, so there wasn't a prohibition on it last season, anyhow.  (He must have run out at some point, though, as the pink hair became less of a color and more of a crest as his dark roots came in with the passage of the weeks.)

Edited by DAngelus


I don't get the puma vs. cougar distinction. A puma is another name for a cougar, mountain lion, or panther.

Cougar has traditionally applied to women quite a bit older that Shelli, enough so that the double standard has a rationale. When it's an older man, it can be written off as having the practical purpose of procreation (Hugh Hefner wouldn't have three out of four of his kids if he had stuck with women his own age).

As I mentioned I remembered Dick dyeing his hair and he confirmed to me he did several x in the house. I also recall Janey and Nakomis and Rachel doing it.

But also Aaryn and Amanda having trouble getting dye and now the twins are roots city.

Maybe there's a pattern here.... on the planning of those HG or of BB trust or their laziness.

As I mentioned I remembered Dick dyeing his hair and he confirmed to me he did several x in the house. I also recall Janey and Nakomis and Rachel doing it.

But also Aaryn and Amanda having trouble getting dye and now the twins are roots city.

Maybe there's a pattern here.... on the planning of those HG or of BB trust or their laziness.


Maybe after Aaryn drank the nail polish remover, TPTB decided they couldn't trust the hammies with chemicals?  I mean, they still can't have real knives because Justin S. got drunk 14 years ago.  Vanessa hairspraying herself with the shower disinfectant this year isn't helping on that score.


Seems a bit of an over-reaction to me.  I don't really think there are any Darwin Award candidates in this cast, as much as I mock.

As I mentioned I remembered Dick dyeing his hair and he confirmed to me he did several x in the house. I also recall Janey and Nakomis and Rachel doing it.

But also Aaryn and Amanda having trouble getting dye and now the twins are roots city.

Maybe there's a pattern here.... on the planning of those HG or of BB trust or their laziness.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd formed several impressions over the years with regards to the HoH baskets:

  • Prior to entering the House (I'm guessing when they're sequestered), one of the "prep" things each HG will do is put together a LONG wish list of things to receive in their HoH basket/fridge.
  • TPTB keep that list on file for reference when assembling the goodie bundle for each successive HoH winner.
  • The only opportunity HGs get to revise their wish list is if/when they win HoH, to suggest replacement items for those taken off the wish list as their newly-received HoH baskets were assembled.
If (and that's a moderately big IF) my perception is an accurate representation of the HoH basket process - maybe back when their lists were originally assembled, the twins simply weren't thinking about ~2months down the road, when roots and hair coloring might become an issue...? And might Liz have the opportunity to request some now, as added revisions to her HoH wish list?

And no, I can't believe I'm devoting THIS much thought to this issue.

  • Love 1

As I mentioned I remembered Dick dyeing his hair and he confirmed to me he did several x in the house. I also recall Janey and Nakomis and Rachel doing it.

But also Aaryn and Amanda having trouble getting dye and now the twins are roots city.

Maybe there's a pattern here.... on the planning of those HG or of BB trust or their laziness.

When I saw Rachel with red dye on her roots, I thought "I would walk around that house with roots for a lonnnnng time before I'd let the whole nation see me with dye on my head."  Maybe that's how the twins feel.  Dye-soaked roots is universally unattractive and pretty personal, to me.  


Or maybe they don't do the DIY route.  I'm not sure I would with bleach/lightening.  That's more dicey than just covering your gray roots with dark brown or making your brown hair red or black, I think.

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