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S05.E31: Chaos at Nationals

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The girls prepare to compete at Nationals and feel pressure to remain undefeated. Unfortunately, Abby opens her new studio the day before the competition, which leaves the girls with little time to get ready.

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Nice sportsmanship that they are teaching these girls. We didn't win first, so let's walk out.


How many times are Ava and Jeanette going to get "revenge"? This is pathetic; give another kid a solo for a change. I hated her costuming. She looked naked! 


I'm surprised the other moms didn't complain more about Ava getting the solo again.  I mean, they shouldn't be surprised, but I am sure they are there because they want their own kid to dance as well.

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The walkout was ridiculous, but I did feel that if this isn't another of those staged results shows, ALDC was robbed. I thought their group dance portraying the aftermath of a tragedy in a hospital waiting room was exceptional.


I agree Ava's costume did her no favors, and as appalled as I've been about Abby's remarks about her, I have to admit there is something odd about the way she moves. I agree, too, that it's time the other girls get a chance instead of her always having the lead in this overextended "revenge" theme.

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Production may move on now that Ava beat Maddie - but revenge has been the theme for the last 5 yrs - whether from the Candy Apples, BDA, MDA, or ALDC. Kalani and Mac also had solos at Nationals and I'm wondering if Kalani didn't take first in the teen division.


Again - the show is choppy on Lifetime so I watched the group dances on youtube. I haven't watched the individual yet - so won't comment on them for now. I really liked the Moving Target dance much better than the Waiting Room. If I had not known the premise of the Waiting Room - I probably wouldn't have gotten it at all. I may have missed some things as I had other things going on - but I thought the premise was girls in a hospital waiting room. It threw me seeing Nia in scrubs ( doctor or nurse? ) especially with blood so evenly spread on both sides of the shirt. Being in the medical field and working in trauma - it wasn't realistic. I'm assuming that Jojo and Kendal were suppose to be patients waiting as Jojo had blood on her neck and Kendall a mark on her cheek - but again not realistic. Unlike the last text or Amber Alert - I just didn't get it at all. Both the other dances had a message - this was too confusing. And Maddie running off at the end like she was going to throw up - not needed. Now the youtubers loved it - but I felt Moving Target had much better choreography and story.


Abby leaving like that and taking the kids with her - stupid. I'm not going to pay a dance teacher big bucks to have her pull my kids out before awards are finished because she's having a hissy fit. Not everyone can win all of the time - get over it.


Also there was an extra clip ( again in less I missed it ) of Holly and Jesslyn before the studio's Grand Opening. Seems there were banners of everyone but Nia and Jojo on the walls. Abby is a piece of work and I wouldn't miss her fat arse at all.

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I have a hard time calling Abby classless when I think the whole thing is staged. Did I hear wrong or did Melissa say Maddie is the most famous 12 year old in America? Does anyone outside of people watch the show even know her? She is great dancer and I know she has made appearances on other shows and the Cia video but that doesn't make you a big name.

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I kept waiting for the BDA moms to object to Ava once again getting the solo. Sadly, not a peep. Jeanette really rubs me the wrong way by constantly obsessing over beating ALDC. We get it - she hurt your feelings & was mean to your kid. Had she never seen the show before walking on - what did she expect? And btw, those moms on her team - yikes! What a motley looking crew!

With that bun on top of her head, Ava looks just like Olive Oyl from the old Popeye cartoons. The outfit she wore during the group dance was the most flattering I've seen on her yet. She should always wear black with long sleeves, I guess.

If Nia was suppose to be a doctor or nurse, why would she have been sitting out in the waiting room with the others? I thought ALDC group costumes stunk this week.

IMO, Kalani gets more beautiful by the week.

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What the heck was that episode last night?  What a laugh.  I personally enjoyed the choreography and subject of the BDA dance much better than the ALDC's dance.  They are more synchronized, and it really represents a "united group" dance so much better than when Abby has all her dancers doing something different (based on each of their skill sets) independently.  It comes across as a 6 ring circus - you cannot watch one dancer without thinking you're missing something from another dancer.  Can we be done with the stupid faked revenge tactic now?  Enough already.  What a message Jeannette is giving to Ava and her students: let's hold onto hostility about someone for years and years and not let and go and move forward.  


It the results were staged, and Abby and Melissa and others were all instructed to act disgusted, I think some of them may have been truly acting, but not Melissa.  I am a proud Mother of two teen dancers.  I love and support them, but know their weaknesses as well as their strengths.  I know they are not going to win each and every time.  Melissa lives with a warped view of her children, especially Maddie.  It's very unhealthy to say the least. 

And what was going on with Abby heckling the judges and announcer?  Oh my gawd - for real? 


What disgusts me the most is that I am helping to steer this train wreck by watching it and helping their ratings.  I think I am DONE, I hope I am DONE, please let me be DONE!!


ETA: Corrected grammar!

Edited by Maccagirl
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I think there was more to them leaving last night then what actually aired -- I forget where I read this, but apparently the awards were completely messed up - people who weren't in duets were getting awards for duets (I think Kalani got one even though she was only in a solo), things were in the wrong category, etc.  


I've had enough of Jeanette and Ava.  Seriously, go away.  Jeanette is so unlikable that I actually root for Abby.  They must have some deal where Jeanette agreed to do this if Ava always gets the solos -- I think the other girl on that team, Tessa, is a better dancer then Ava.  

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I just think Ava looks odd because she doesn't really have a good shape. Just lanky and straight up an down. Not sure how old she is but maybe that will change down the road. I much prefer a body like Kalani for dance. Just seems more graceful imo. The revenge tactic I've always thought was fake.

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I laughed out loud at that statement from Melissa. Oh please, plenty of 12 year olds who are much more well known than Maddie. 

I did just that and unfortunately in a way Melissa is right - one of the top google results is about Maddie Ziegler well known 12 year old. I'm sure that's where Melissa gets her info from and doesn't realize just switching around the words brings up many other 12 year olds who are well known and not one mention of Maddie. Melissa does not appear to have a high IQ or intelligence.

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Ava's costume for her solo looked obscene on her body. I know it actually covered everything, but in some ways it was worse than Maddie's for the Sia videos-in that, it was obvious there was a body stocking. Ava's seaweed covered just enough to make her seem more nude than she was. Not appropriate for a 12? Yr old, IMO.

Nia's dance looked good, and the skip would have had more impact if they didn't cut dances on the show anyway. I honestly didn't realize anything was cut out until Nia was talking to JoJo.

Maddie's dance, eh, nothing special. All of her dances choreographed by Abby/Gianna are interchangeable. Yes, she's good at doing it-she's dome the same dance in 3/4 of the episodes for the entire run of the show!

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While I find Ava awkward and way too limby I'm glad she beat Maddie. I don't even think Ava was better this time but still so pleased to have Maddie lose. (and by default Melissa - I guess I'm most happy Melissa lost)


And as jealous as Jill has been towards Nia vs. Kendall musically, I'm glad she had Nia's back for getting a solo.


And once again I can reiterate enough I am glad Melissa (Maddie) lost.

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Jeanette isn't doing anything different than stupid Abby does. Compete, jealousy... but Jeanette's girls were lovely. The ALDC girls were ok. They deserved a place, but not first place. Serious poor sportsmanship, leaving the stage like that.

I'm glad Nia got 2nd. Her costume was horrible. Just awful.

I'm so tired of Maddie.

I caught the scenes from the reunion and Abby says something like of you are going to go out, go out on top. That's so laughable. This has been their worst season. Abby looked like a crazy woman and has been missing so much. Yeah sure Abby, that's going out on top all right. Idiot

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melissa is quite the modest one about maddie's career. IMO all of maddie's dances over the years has been the exact same dance with the exact same face. give her something different to do. In fact, give them all something different to do. All of mackenzies dances are the circle cartwheels and same flips that shes been doing since the show started. Why does abby keep giving her gymnastic routines when this is dance? same with nia. she gives her solos that are not made to actually win a comepetition, and then blames her when she doesnt win. maybe if you give her the same solo that maddie would get, she would actually have a better chance of winning competitions. 


How abby acted the way she did and then had the girls leave was hopefully staged. If not, they should be banned from all competitions from now on because that's just disgusting. all shes doing is teaching them the way to be a sore loser. As much at this show is a guilty pleasure and i watch every week, i really do hope it gets taken off the air soon. abby nor do any of these moms deserve any more money from this show. I used to like melissa the best out of any of the moms because she would always get blamed for maddie getting treated special when any of the moms would be thrilled for abby to treat their daughter the same way. But now i cant stand the woman and she could give a crap less about her other daughter. she's like " EVEN mackenzie beat ava" as if she couldnt believe mackenzie had it in her

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I just watched the solos and have to agree that I did not like Ava's costume. I don't particularly like watching her dance because of the long limbs but did enjoy her winning. I think in dance as well as sports like ice skating that we usually see average or small stature individuals and when we see someone with longer limbs - it just seems out of place. I know I felt that way with skater Debi Thomas as she was so tall next to all the other Olympic contestants. The same can be said for some of the guys. Out of all the dancers - Abby had to see something in her to have her on the team. As long as she is confident in herself, I wish her well.


I just watched some of the other clips from years past - Chloe beating Maddie at Nationals, Chloe getting the video part ect.. and tho Maddie is surprised - she doesn't appear to have the what the heck - I'm Maddie attitude. Watching Melissa in those clips tho is really disgusting because you can just tell she's choking on her own words when she says it means nothing to her or Maddie. The show probably would still be enjoyable had the Maddie / Chloe rivalry stayed friendly.

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Jeanette is as big a clown as Abby and Cathy.  Her obsession with getting revenge on Abby and her making it her primary motivation tool is obscene.  My daughter's high school band director always said that his primary responsibility was to teach his students "lessons of life" because their success in scholastic music and later in the adult world would flow from what they learned.  What kind of lesson is Jeanette teaching her girls, that vengeance should be your primary goal?  It's frightening and incredibly inappropriate.  Even if it is staged and scripted by Collins why would any teacher agree to be portrayed this way?  I agree with many that Ava's costume was bizarre and terribly unflattering.  Even doing the same old, same old Maddie out danced Ava but it was refreshing to see her get beat and BDC sweep. The look on Melissa's ugly mugg was priceless when Maddie's second place was announced.  The woman is a walking definition of classless and delusional.  I did think that the BDC's group routine was very good and whatever they used to make sure that the target prop stuck to the costumes worked like a charm. The walkout had to be staged.  Another scripted moment in another phony competition?  I can't imagine that such behavior would not result in serious repercussions for Abby and the ALDC in regard to them not being allowed to participate in many events.  If the dance school world is anything like the Middle and High School band world, word gets around about certain programs and there are consequences for bad behavior by the students or the director and instructors.

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During the group dance, there was a point that Kalani walked across the chairs to a ticking song that I thought was super until she came to the end. It was like they didn't know how to end that and transition so it just looked so weird.

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But now i cant stand the woman and she could give a crap less about her other daughter. she's like " EVEN mackenzie beat ava" as if she couldnt believe mackenzie had it in her


So glad someone else noticed this and pointed it out.  It stung a little when I heard it.  Melissa simply does not get it.  The way she speaks about Maddie vs. Mackenzie is so different.  When it is brought to her attention by the other Moms, in a helpful way, she shrugs and gets all defensive.  I do not get it or her at all.  Perhaps I should be thankful for that; it means we think, react and behave as polar opposites. 

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Ratings are in: 1.399 M viewers and a .5 rating.  Rats there was improvement.


I loathed Ava's costume.  Her figure really should be considered in costume design.  I found the Abby group dance to be boring and just typically Abby.  It seemed even too young for the girls or something they would have done in season one or two.  I'm ready for it to end. 

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I think Ava's actually a lovely dancer, she's just so long and lanky that things look awkward. I don't intend for this to be mean, but she really does look a bit like a praying mantis right now. I assume she'll outgrow that and fill out a bit - she can't be more than 12 right, to be in the same category as Maddie? It would be better if they choreographed for her in a way that didn't emphasize the angularity of her arms in a lyrical dance - or have her dance in a more modern style where she can put those angles to use. I thought she was very effective in the group number.



Maddie's dance, eh, nothing special. All of her dances choreographed by Abby/Gianna are interchangeable. Yes, she's good at doing it-she's dome the same dance in 3/4 of the episodes for the entire run of the show!


Agreed, they've even found a way to plan for her to fall out of her turns - she never even tries to step out of them anymore.

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Watched this. The costuming on the Abby group didn't make sense to me. Why would a doctor (or whatever Nia was supposed to be) in bloody scrubs be sitting out there w/ the family and friends? - theyd be in working on the patient! Why were some people dressed up, some dressed down and some bloody and some not? And Maddie's overly dramatic crying scene at the end looked cheesy and just not as authentic as previous dances where she had to act out similar emotions. I'm just glad that dance didn't win cause I didn't think it was that good.

Re: Jeannettes team, what's interesting to me is how the other dancers are all better than Ava, yet they keep featuring Ava and giving her the solos - now that's a dose of real life reality for dancers around the same age as the dance studio owner's kid for ya! The favoritism is even more blatant than the Maddie Abby situation IMO. Ava really isn't a bad dancer, but those other girls are clearly a lot better - all of them. I'm still glad she beat Maddie though.

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I honestly think production was aiming for Ava to be the new Chloe. Ava, for all intents and purposes, has not done anything wrong---her mom has, not her and yet Ava has been torn apart by Abby. Much like Chloe. The difference is that while I feel bad for Ava, I was connected to Chloe since she has endured this mess since Season 1. 


I also found it odd that they didn't show the other 2 solo's from the ALDC. 

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Since the dancers on Jeanette's team all audition for the spot and were picked by Collins - I think that they are just thrilled to be on National TV and getting paid for doing what they loved to do. None are actually from Cathy's or Jeanette's studios - just as Kalani is still a member of her Arizona dance studio and a faux member of the ALDC.


Had they shown the other two solos - it wouldn't have made the impact production wanted. Production wanted to show - that Nia - the underdog could place at Nationals. To show Kalani's routine and see her coming in 1st place would not have the impact. I don't know if anyone has the results  but either they've featured too many MacKenzie winning moments or she didn't do as well.


Maddie is a great little tapper - which is her favorite type of dance and tho we've seen her do a couple of tap routines - lyrical is where it's at in the competition world right now. It's bad for us as they could mix things up a bit and don't since the competitions are fake.

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Well, that was ugly.  Of course, I continue to believe that most of this is fake but I'll play along.   I agree that Ava's costume was horrific and looked terrible on her but I did enjoy her dance in spite of her gangliness.  She looks like a helicopter when she dances.  Maddie seems to do the same old dance every time.  I'd love to see her do more tap and it would be interesting to see Abby challenge her with a dance she can't phone in.  Never happen.  


Costumes.  Wow.  So much awfulness.  What was that get-up they put on Nia?  She looked like a 45 year old who just got out of the bath.  In spite of it, I thought the dance was lovely and have seen a lot of improvement in Nia's confidence this season.  Go Nia!  


I absolutely hated the ALDC group dance.  Probably because I'm sick of Abby creating these crisis dances that portray life at it's worst.  The funny part was the stereotypical costuming:

Best costume: Maddie...check

Worst costume: Nia...check

Facial blood:  JoJo...check

Costumed as a 4 year old: Mackenzie...check

Excessive facial histrionics: Maddie...check

Blah and Blah: Kendall and Kalani...check


As to the walkout, Melissa started it by saying, "We have to walk out."  Way to be mature ladies.  Huge props to Jessalyn and Holly for staying.


Best part of the entire hour: Melissa's face when Maddie was announced as 2nd.  Hahahahahahahaha.


What I've learned this season: It cleansed my negative impression of JoJo and her mom going in (based on AUDC).  I like them both a lot and wish JoJo the best in her career.  She's a little spitfire.

Edited by limecoke
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I did just that and unfortunately in a way Melissa is right - one of the top google results is about Maddie Ziegler well known 12 year old. I'm sure that's where Melissa gets her info from and doesn't realize just switching around the words brings up many other 12 year olds who are well known and not one mention of Maddie. Melissa does not appear to have a high IQ or intelligence.

Well known? Most of the population have no clue who Maddie is? It's not like Maddie is a world wide sensation

Why is Abby bitching at a fake competition. That nationals wasn't real anyway. And there is more than one. Maddie isn't the best dancer ever. Aldc isn't that great. There are plenty of people who can best them. And you can't have everything. Melissa please shutup. And the kenzie Melissa show. Wtf?

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The funny part was the stereotypical costuming:

Best costume: Maddie...check

Worst costume: Nia...check

Facial blood: JoJo...check

Costumed as a 4 year old: Mackenzie...check

Excessive facial histrionics: Maddie...check

Blah and Blah: Kendall and Kalani...check


LOL!!! This is so funny and 100% true!

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Well known? Most of the population have no clue who Maddie is? It's not like Maddie is a world wide sensation

Why is Abby bitching at a fake competition. That nationals wasn't real anyway. And there is more than one. Maddie isn't the best dancer ever. Aldc isn't that great. There are plenty of people who can best them. And you can't have everything. Melissa please shutup. And the kenzie Melissa show. Wtf?

Dark when I googled and now I don't remember the sequence of words - an article came up about the well known 12 yr old Maddie Ziegler. I agree that most of the world don't know who she is - my point was that due to 1 article - had Melissa searched that way or seen the article - her belief that Maddie is well known is only solidified in her mind. I love my mom to death - but if she hears something or reads something - to her it's gospel - despite me telling her otherwise - some people are very naive in that respect.

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In Melissa's mind Maddie is the new Abigail Breslin, Dakota Fanning or Olsen twin or something.


Ava still not filled out and with a tendency to hunch her shoulders is difficult to watch sometimes and that costume just put the icing on that cake.  She did look better in the group dance.  Does anyone have a bead on where she lands nationally as a dancer or is she all "Dance Moms shenanigans"?  Don't even get me started about the horrible sportsmanship and revenge nonsense being modeled by the adults on this show.


Nia's costume was an abomination.


Out of the hundred or so competitions I went to over the years, I've never witnessed any behavior like we saw.  Generally, once awards start everyone stays on stage until the end, one or two might sneak away into the wings if they have other places they need to get to but you never see a group get up and leave all at once.  Rude!

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The show edited so much that the reactions don't make much sense. Mackenzie got 4th place but won Highest overall for solos. Kalani did a solo and placed 1st for duets/trios. The group got 2nd but won the best in studio award. I think Collins was all over this competition in a way that is more than their normal interference. I really think that there will possibly be some sweeping changes next season and so they had to have a "dramatic" end to the competition year. 

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The show edited so much that the reactions don't make much sense. Mackenzie got 4th place but won Highest overall for solos. Kalani did a solo and placed 1st for duets/trios. The group got 2nd but won the best in studio award. I think Collins was all over this competition in a way that is more than their normal interference. I really think that there will possibly be some sweeping changes next season and so they had to have a "dramatic" end to the competition year. 


That's illogical. unless it was for title.  I know I'd read the stuff about that and Kalani's solo being adjudicated in the duets/trios.  It does sound like it was a mess, but these are fake competitions run by Collins so who was the manipulator?  And for what affect?

Edited by NextIteration
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In Melissa's mind Maddie is the new Abigail Breslin, Dakota Fanning or Olsen twin or something.


Maybe not so much the Olsens but maybe El Fanning, Dakota's younger sister.  So let's see, Abigail Breslin was nominated for an Oscar when she was 10 years old and is an accomplished actress. Yup, Maddie is definitely in the same conversation as her alright.  The sad thing is that even though you're being facetious, Melissa is probably delusional enough to actually have thoughts similar to this.  Of course that fact that Kenzie appears to be much more comfortable and natural when she acts would never cross Melissa's itsy bitsy mind, would it?

Edited by cali1981
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Outside of the money, given her "wondrous" ALDC experience and with Kira's new baby on the way, can anyone think of any sane reason that Kalani would return next season (if there is one, that is).  Speaking of Kalani, if you search for her on YouTube, you get the sense that in almost every legitimate competition that she enters she either places in the top tier or wins.  The kid's got a very impressive track record. She  needs to get off the phony ALDC fame train and back to some serious training.

Edited by cali1981
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I actually think the whole group is going to be reworked as the girls are not going to be able to qualify for the Junior Division. Kalani: Born:  September 23rd, 2000
Age:  14,   Nia: Born:  June 20, 2001    Age:  14   Maddie:  Born:  September 30, 2002  Age:  12   Kendall:  Born:  December 9, 2002   Age:  12   JoJo:  Born:  May 19, 2003  Age:  12   MacKenzie:  Born:  June 4, 2004   Age:  11  Dance Moms has been on the air for 4 years now - with Maddie and Kendall approaching 13 yrs old - they're going to have to bring in some younger girls and get rid of Nia and Kalani unless these "new" girls are really young like the original girls were when they started.

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I agree that Ava's costume was horrific and looked terrible on her but I did enjoy her dance in spite of her gangliness.  She looks like a helicopter when she dances.  


What was that get-up they put on Nia?  She looked like a 45 year old who just got out of the bath.  


These two comments made me laugh out loud hahaha!!


As for this episode, I thought the waiting room dance was much more captivation than the Moving Target one, however it was a little sloppy.  Nia's costume was beyond horrific, but that's nothing new.  Nia having a bad costume is a card that's been played over and over so many times now that it's just not even interesting anymore.  Maddie's solo I found surprisingly boring, as well as her costume.  We've seen the same thing every time shes' performed. Yawn.  Maybe that's why she was second.


As for thoughts about next season, if Holly and Nia as well as Kira and Kalani don't pack up and go somewhere they'll get proper training, then they most be more money hungry and stupid than I ever thought.


You're right about the age categories, Tessa, but did anyone else see the call for auditions for new dancers for Season 6?  



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But to audition - you need to be enrolled in their bootie camp? or am I reading that wrong? and how much is the bootie camp?  Personally I was astounded at the amount of money they want just for a meet and greet. And was Abby's LA Grand Opening free or was there a cost as I noticed when the kids were taking a class - I at least saw Maddie in the front - figured that had to cost some poor parent a day's wages at least.

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If you read the last two lines as one sentence, it says they are looking for dancers that have what it takes to train under Abby.....but having what it takes doesn't have to mean they'll actually get to do it.


I may be over-analyzing.

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The only kids I can think of who "have what it takes to train and compete under the direction of Abby Lee Miller" are those who have been treated with disrespect and cruelty for most of their lives.  I won't even go into what kind of parent it takes.

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Re Maddie most famous 12 yo. Did anyone see the Target back-to-school ad last night?  First face you see is Maddie!  Didn't recognize any of the other kids, but Maddie wasn't dancing from what I could tell (there were two other girls dancing).


Maddie's certainly being pimped out everywhere.  I sure hope she's putting money away for her inevitable rainy days....

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I didn't see Maddie (only because I really wasn't paying attention at the beginning), but I stopped by to say I could have sworn I saw Asia roughly halfway through the commercial I caught.

I think we're talking about the same ad: it clearly was "dance" themed activity vs another that seems to be younger kids with backpacks.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I was so glad to see Asia again. I know others didn't care for her - but I always liked her and wish her well. I was surprised that Mac wasn't in the ad. Off to Little Women LA - lots of drama there - ALDC has gone stale!

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