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Season 8 Spoilers, First Look Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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Yep, I caught the First Look last night too.  Thought it odd that Cynthia was having such a hard time articulating how she felt about her "bestie" situation.  She is a doofus!  Think maybe it was so dark cause they were down there in the fall or winter maybe?

 Oh yeah, Cynthia started to cry about it!


The seafood looked BOMB though.

It looked a little scary with them choosing which fish to cook, but it did look good afterward.

When I searched his page it didn't show any asking for questions part!

It's still there. Which FB page did you go to? He has 2 of them, go to the one with the most followers, it is at the top of his posts. I tried to "copy" it but it would not allow it.


ETA link.... https://www.facebook.com/andycohen?fref=ts&ref=br_tf

Edited by WireWrap

No there's even rumors all over twitter for weeks Kenya is pregnant. She's even playing coy when asked.

If she is i can understand keeping quiet until her 3rd or 4th month especially given her age.

I love Kenya, but to be fair, she plays coy with just about everything.  But you're right, she would be smart to keep it under wraps if she was pregnant.  Keep it under wraps and stay out of the spotlight to decrease stress!

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Kenya was in rare form during this sneak peak with her "i don't really care if there are rumors about your husband being gay or  if you have trouble paying your taxes." Lol!  It was like she just decided she was gonna reveal everything her Kim Fields research yielded her.  I love that she almost made Nene choke when she said that.  Despite all that, I had to agree with her when she pointed out that all the other ladies, particularly Nene and Phaedra, were also saying things about Chris, and they were being particularly hypocritical with all their pearl clutching.

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With the exception of her acting all coy and innocent about her involvement in the "Chrissy" sheninigans, Phaedra was just everything in the sneak peak. Although it seemed way over the top and extra for a simple meal at the hotel, loved her outfit and hat. It was a lot of look but somehow she has the certain 'it' to pull it off.  More that and less fishnet coverups please! My favorite was her Kenya impersonation ending with her twirling and yelling security. LOL! 


That lunch/breakfast, whatever it was, smacked of production intervention and the ladies schooling Kim on how to keep her peach and ratchet up the drama. Nothing more. I thought Kim handled herself like a mature person and paid all those bitches dust the night before but we can't have that on Bravo now can we?


Unless, Bravo isn't showing me the footage of Chris being zesty, I don't get the whole Chris is sassy and delicate stuff. He never read to me as particularly effeminate or anything - not that all gay man fit that stereotype but the way the ladies were talking you think he was acting like Harvey Fierstein and I just don't see it. He isn't in the ladies business like Peter the perpetual peach reacher but he does engage in conversation with his wife about the goings but she prompts that for the most part. He is less "sassy" to me than Greg or Peter. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I 800% don't care if Tootie's husband is gay. Yawn. When I'm watching I think: Please ladies, find some other issue to be snarky/gossipy about.

I think Phaedra looked like The Cat in the Hat in her brunch outfit.

I'm liking Nene this season, but damn, she and Phaedra sure are thirsty for someone to be mean to Kenya. I don't think it's all production-invoked, I think Nene and Phaedra really don't like Kenya and would love to make it unpleasant enough for her to quit.

Edited by Silo
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I 800% don't care if Tootie's husband is gay. Yawn. When I'm watching I think: Please ladies, find some other issue to be snarky/gossipy about.

I think Phaedra looked like The Cat in the Hat in her brunch outfit.

I'm liking Nene this season, but damn, she and Phaedra sure are thirsty for someone to be mean to Kenya. I don't think it's all production-invoked, I think Nene and Phaedra really don't like Kenya and would love to make it unpleasant enough for her to quit.

I think they both have another thing coming if thats the goal.  Kenya has been hated for a long time and has shown no interest in quitting the show.  Nene left first, and wasn't she the one that said it was because of "all the negativity" or whatever.   I don't see Kenya quitting the show for that.  Although, if she is actually pregnant, I hope she does leave.  She would never in her life forgive herself if something happened to her child because she was stressed out.  And I like her on the show, but its not worth the health of your child to stay on this show.  

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At last, another "first look"!

Nice to see Kandi's having a baby boy, but watching Mama Joyce attempts at being nice with Todd reminded me of Sheldon Cooper attempting to smile.

Was Phaedra's visitor someone famous, a national ambulance-chaser, perhaps?

Kim was a lot more professional about Kenya than I could be!

That voice over lady sounded like voice over from Hey Mon and hard to understand. All the women were doing their best Cher impersonations with the hair flipping and pursed lips. I didn't like Cynthia's hair period the color, length, lank waves, and limp. The concept was weird like a Wizard of Oz idea.

I think NeNe wasn't in it because she's too much of a star and Sheree because she won't do anything for free. Even when fans ask her for a picture or autograph she asks for $5.

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I have to remind myself that the previews are never what the real show is, as witnessed with what was supposed to be a massive fight on BH that didn't happen. Kim looked great with that hair! She should wear that more often and get rid of the big fuzzball. NeNe looked very sleek in her jumpsuit. I think Phaedra may take a lot of heat from Todd and Kandi, from the looks of it, but if Kandi truly wants to maintain a friendship she will dial it back a notch or two.

ooooh.  And Todd?  Getting Phae all. the. way. together. and selling tickets for it?   I see I'm going to have to stop off at Garrett's for the Chicago Blend, this is gonna be special. 

Todd ain't playing no games!  His clip made me laugh heartily.  You can't talk mess about other people's husbands when yours is in the slammer!  And CooksDelight, I'm pretty sure that Kandi is over maintaining that friendship with Phaedra.  She was the only one trying out of the two of them, but Phae has said some pretty nasty things in her talking heads that I don't think Kandi will let go of so easily.

  • Love 7

Todd ain't playing no games!  His clip made me laugh heartily.  You can't talk mess about other people's husbands when yours is in the slammer!  And CooksDelight, I'm pretty sure that Kandi is over maintaining that friendship with Phaedra.  She was the only one trying out of the two of them, but Phae has said some pretty nasty things in her talking heads that I don't think Kandi will let go of so easily.

I'm already going to call that the read of the night, because that is  READ!  Much better than any of Phaedra's sorry, wrote-on-an-index-card, practiced-in-front-of-the-mirror reads

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And how come Kim didn't get her reunion stylist during the season?  She looked so nice at the reunion, and so terrible during the season.


Matt = man in my book.  "you asked a question, she gave you an answer, its time to move on."  "I don't care if you were talking to Kenya, I am talking to you, drop it." To me, this is how men handle things.  Gregg is sort of like this, but then he starts pontificating and engaging in nonsensical ramblings.  And if Chris has that reputation, such that it can be Google'd than I don't see how Kenya was the first person saying it.  Does it matter that he is gay?  Not particularly, but he probably should have google'd himself before Kim got on the show.  

  • Love 4


Ya'll know I'm no Kenya fan but dammit I AM HERE for a dude who says (to another dude) be advised that you will not be permitted to address my woman like that in my presence.   That boy's gone make me stop staring at him for all the wrong reasons.

Ha! I must say that I like Matt. He doesn't play games, it seems. I don't care for Kenya a good 99.9% of the time, but Matt seems serious about her. Here's hoping they make it.


:whistles: Todd went straight Bronx on Phaedra with the quickness. She had it coming, though. I hope he still isn't waiting on her final payment. Might have to take her to court if she hasn't paid up, yet.

  • Love 6

And how come Kim didn't get her reunion stylist during the season?  She looked so nice at the reunion, and so terrible during the season.


Matt = man in my book.  "you asked a question, she gave you an answer, its time to move on."  "I don't care if you were talking to Kenya, I am talking to you, drop it." To me, this is how men handle things.  Gregg is sort of like this, but then he starts pontificating and engaging in nonsensical ramblings.  And if Chris has that reputation, such that it can be Google'd than I don't see how Kenya was the first person saying it.  Does it matter that he is gay?  Not particularly, but he probably should have google'd himself before Kim got on the show.  


Girl I think that's her Dancing With The Stars stylist.  In interview/promos for the new DWTS season, her look is all the way together and kind of what we knew she could do all along.   Maybe it simply takes more day to day maintenance and we know she is not doing that every morning.


Somebody said it might've just been easier to work out some payment plan with the IRS.  Agreed.  Neither she nor Chris is bout this life and/or how this group gets down.


Ha! I must say that I like Matt. He doesn't play games, it seems. I don't care for Kenya a good 99.9% of the time, but Matt seems serious about her. Here's hoping they make it.


:whistles: Todd went straight Bronx on Phaedra with the quickness. She had it coming, though. I hope he still isn't waiting on her final payment. Might have to take her to court if she hasn't paid up, yet.


Things of beauty, those.   He never even gave her the chance to open her mouth, just stepped in where a man should, saying man things.  I love that he also gets there without raising his voice or becoming animated.  I'm letting you know.....as a matter of fact....that you don't have the option of speaking to her like that.   I'm not mad at Kenya, that thing there is a pannydropper.   


Gullll?  Straight Kara-tay chop to the thoak.  I am fully anticipating her head to snap back.   This shouldn't fill me with such glee but I'm feeling Petty Murphy today.  lol.


Wait though, ya'll forgot to speak on Nene telling Porsha not to ever put her hands on anybody.  Lmao!  Nene.  ok, geaux! 

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