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"The View": Week of 07/20/15


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Dear Whoopi,   Here's some information published in today's NYTimes.  It's taken from a 10-year-old Bill Cosby deposition.  I know we weren't there and we don't know...but maybe Mr. Cosby does.


"The Times said Cosby talked about his philosophy of sex in the deposition, saying he tried to avoid sexual intercourse because he didn't want women falling in love with him.

The Times said: 'To him, he said, the act of sexual intercourse 'is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it's deeper than a playful situation.' As far as he and Ms. Constand went, he said, they were 'playing sex, we're playing, petting, we're playing.' '

The entertainer described his seduction strategy, saying he asked one woman about her father's cancer because he wanted to have sex with her, the Times reported.

He said he was good at reading nonverbal clues that showed a woman was consenting to sex, the Times said.

'I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them,' he said, according to the Times story."

  • Love 4

Yes, I will watch to see Jill Scott, who I like a lot.  I did not agree with her defense of Cosby, but I liked her reasoning -- that men of color have traditionally been railroaded by accusations of sex crimes in this country, and she wouldn't rush to judgment.  (I was on a jury where a fellow juror felt that same lack of rush to judgment when confronted with our case: an African-American man accused by a young girl of inappropriate sexual conduct. She finally was swayed over to voting guilty, but she brought up some very good points for the jury to debate, and ultimately refute via testimony, while we were in discussion.)  Whoopi's defense of Cosby seemed to be, I like him and shut up! Don't confuse me with facts!  I like that Jill Scott also felt loyalty to Cosby, but finally dealt with the facts and accepted proof he wasn't innocent of the accusations.


It's willful ignorance that makes me insane.

  • Love 13

The first subject was about Trump.... imagine that..... no new info just rehashing


Then they talk about the Democratic Presidential candidate being booed for saying that all lives matter...... Of course the hosts criticized him for his stance.... except for Nicholle who was mocking the people booing him.

What I found disgusting is none of them pointed out what #BlackLivesMatter stood for.... police violence..... excessive force..... with no consequences.... that was ignored by all the hosts.
When it comes to police brutality... with out accountability... all lives do matter.... because no matter the skin color of the victim..... police brutality is wrong... plain and simple

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RogerfromOhio, wonder how much cheering would be going on if it were THEIR jewelry...or cars, shoes, cash, credit cards, etc.  

Maybe that female thief should find out where they live..........obviously they wouldnt mind.... maybe she could leave her calling card so they would get a chuckle out of it

Or maybe another thief should rob them and pretend they are an 84 year old woman...... I was quite embarrassed for them

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Just one more thought about Whoopie's change of heart about Cosby...she has a pilot in the works and her daughter has a reality show planned. Seems to me that Whoopie's management team pointed out to her that alienating potential audiences doesn't bode well for either venture. I'm cynical enough to believe that this is the only reason she'd do the sit down with Dan Abrams.

  • Love 11

Here is a synopsis by CNN on what Martin O'Malley, the Democratic candidate said:


Several dozen demonstrators interrupted the former Maryland governor while he was speaking here at the Netroots Nation conference, a gathering of liberal activists, demanding that he address criminal justice and police brutality. When they shouted, "Black lives matter!" a rallying cry of protests that broke out after several black Americans were killed at the hands of police in recent months, O'Malley responded: "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter."


Why would anyone want to run for president if everything you say is parsed and ferreted out for extreme criticism? Maybe it was not the best thing for him to say, but  did it deserve all that negative attention?  I have to agree with Nicolle on her comment about this, a rarity for me. This is why as the election year grows closer, I'm going to try to avoid all media so I don't go crazy. (Wish me luck.)


If Michelle is supposed to be witty and funny, I haven't seen it yet.

Edited by Kenz
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Well, now Michelle is dead to me along with Raven.  Her comment about letting the 84-yr old thief out of jail because who would want to empty her bedpan was just plain offensive and hateful.  I already didn't find her very funny,  you know what I mean..


I do know what you mean! I haven't been watching since RO left and only watching a little now since Rosie P is going.


I've never heard of her before she was on this show and I think she will have lame jokes. I have no idea who they turned down to pick her. Gosh this show is just getting finished before it even starts next season.

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Just one more thought about Whoopie's change of heart about Cosby...she has a pilot in the works and her daughter has a reality show planned. Seems to me that Whoopie's management team pointed out to her that alienating potential audiences doesn't bode well for either venture. I'm cynical enough to believe that this is the only reason she'd do the sit down with Dan Abrams.

While I don't think it's the only reason, I have no doubt it was pointed out to her that her reputation on this, among other things, absolutely could affect future projects. Her daughter does have that BET/Centric reality show in development right now but the ABC sitcom pilot is dead already. ABC passed on the pilot even before this latest Whoopi brouhaha. I don't think the ABC brass gave her much of a choice on the Dan Abrams thing. They were in full damage control mode by that point and they told her she needed to get on board with it whether she liked it or not. I think her pathetic, condescending performance made it pretty clear she was not on board but doing the bare minimum to satisfy her bosses.

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TV ADDICT - WAS that a dress??  When I saw Whoops walk out initially today, with her arm around Nicholle, I just sighed & chalked up another fashion loss for the roll-outa-bed-&-show-up-for-"work" brigade.  To me, Whoopi looked like she was wearing an oversized nightshirt. As one of Whoopi's age peers, I really believe most of her clothing is just leftovers from 1980 - I'd applaud her frugality if only the clothes weren't so uniformly unattractive as to almost constitute a slap at the audience.  

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I guess the other co hosts missed the memo from WG that it was wear your pj's to work day!  I had the volume muted so I could take a phone call and looked up at the screen on occasion and noticed how much she just can't sit still!  She flails her arms in the air, pushes her glasses back, repositions herself in her chair, is pissed off and I want to cut off that persistent dread that hangs in her face on occasion.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Why would anyone want to run for president if everything you say is parsed and ferreted out for extreme criticism? Maybe it was not the best thing for him to say, but  did it deserve all that negative attention?  I have to agree with Nicolle on her comment about this, a rarity for me. This is why as the election year grows closer, I'm going to try to avoid all media so I don't go crazy. (Wish me luck.)


Yes it deserved the criticism and all the negative attention. Sure, white lives matter. They always have, it's simply a given, and the United States revolves around white people. Black lives should matter just as much and that's why what O'Malley and even Sanders were shouted down. They need to be proposing policies that will tackle the challenge of black people dying and being beaten by police at an alarming rate instead of cavalierly dismissing those who are trying to rectify the wrongs.

  • Love 16

Whoopi is so done with the show. Please, let her go. Maybe Leah would be a good replacement mod? I think she and Holly really got screwed over at The Talk, and I'd love to see her show them. 

I agree, that's a good call.  Leah Remini is a good fit for a panel/talk tv.  She's engaged, "alive," and funny.  This lump-of-death-of-a-show could use a little of her energy.

  • Love 7

Yes it deserved the criticism and all the negative attention. Sure, white lives matter. They always have, it's simply a given, and the United States revolves around white people. Black lives should matter just as much and that's why what O'Malley and even Sanders were shouted down. They need to be proposing policies that will tackle the challenge of black people dying and being beaten by police at an alarming rate instead of cavalierly dismissing those who are trying to rectify the wrongs.


My impression is the the #BlackLivesMatter movement is very clearly and somewhat loudly letting the Democratic candidates know that they can't take advantage and make assumptions about the movements vote, or efforts at registration or GOTV efforts this election cycle without the candidates specifically addressing their issues, and not under the larger umbrellas of economic, social and criminal justice for all.  They are done.  They want proposals and solutions that specifically answer the problems of African Americans.

The Whoopster:  Goddess of Gauche AND Duchess of Death!!!


New thread title time!

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Regarding my post about #BlackLivesMatter, I didn't mean to disregard the importance of the issue. I meant to point out that taking sound bites from the media doesn't always give a complete picture. This is from the New York Times today with a more complete article:


Mr. O’Malley repeatedly tried to answer the demonstrators, saying that, as president, he would advocate for civilian review boards and other measures to overhaul the criminal justice system.

“Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter,” he said as he prepared to exit, drawing loud boos from protesters.


He did try to respond with some policy suggestions, but that part was left out of the film clip. Bernie Sanders was booed too. They both didn't give the lengthy, detailed response that the protesters wanted, so they were booed. It doesn't mean that they aren't concerned about the issue. My worry is that we only get snippets of news, and that's not always fair. 

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 4

Ha! Did y'all just hear that? Whoopi said 'you know what I always say, that I don't care about what anybody tweets me and apparently that pisses a lot of people off .. but I don't care about that either'  So yeah, she totally got in shit for always saying that.  hee.

Yup, she threw some shade at us..She seems to still be angry about having to backtrack about Cosby...The whoopster's ego does not like criticisms or reprimands, only praises on how wonderful and great she is....

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It's laughable that Whoopie made a comment about being able to find what you want to know on the internet.  As uninformed as she pretended to be about Cosby and the statute of limitations, shouldn't she have gone to the internet to educate herself?  While trying to look like the smartest person in the room, she is just showing her ignorance.

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Regarding my post about #BlackLivesMatter, I didn't mean to disregard the importance of the issue. I meant to point out that taking sound bites from the media doesn't always give a complete picture. This is from the New York Times today with a more complete article:


Mr. O’Malley repeatedly tried to answer the demonstrators, saying that, as president, he would advocate for civilian review boards and other measures to overhaul the criminal justice system.

“Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter,” he said as he prepared to exit, drawing loud boos from protesters.


He did try to respond with some policy suggestions, but that part was left out of the film clip. Bernie Sanders was booed too. They both didn't give the lengthy, detailed response that the protesters wanted, so they were booed. It doesn't mean that they aren't concerned about the issue. My worry is that we only get snippets of news, and that's not always fair. 

Yeah our media is all about the sensationalism more than informing people with facts.

This is my take on the #BlackLivesMatter issue

The problem is police brutality..... and that goes on with all races...... It does seem to happen a lot with black victims.... but I wonder if that is because the press focuses on those times. That makes it a bigger social media issue.

I have shared clips of police brutality against other races on facebook and they dont get the same kind of commenting that clips with black victims get.

#BlackLivesMatter is a very strong movement to put police brutality in the forefront....... but to deny other victims as less than important actually reduces the importance of the movement.

Where the victims are important... all victims should have a voice.... the problem is police brutality.... and that should be the focus.

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It is a bit more complicated than that RogerfromOhio. All lives matter, no matter the color of the person's  skin. That  has never been the case for Black people, since the first slave ship arrived here with African slaves. Black men for the most part have been harassed, brutalized and even killed by officers since the time of the KKK, till now..Most Black men, if you speak to them will have some type of run-in with cops at some point in their lives..I am sure that even the first Black president would have some interesting stories about the police as a Black man. It is part of the reality of being Black in the USA. It is sad, but true. I will get off my soap box now..


Back to the view, Whoopie seems to be even more arrogant than before..She is not really sorry for defending that serial rapist..Her contempt for the audience is  still alive and kicking..I thought her interactions with Jill Scott was very interesting, in light of Jill's recent repudiation of Bill Cosby... Jill scott was wonderful, her segment was way too short..Jill is a very insightful person and I always love to hear about her trajectory in the business..They should have cut tepid topics in half, to give Jill more air time to grace us with her wonderful voice...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 10

Ha! Did y'all just hear that? Whoopi said 'you know what I always say, that I don't care about what anybody tweets me and apparently that pisses a lot of people off .. but I don't care about that either' So yeah, she totally got in shit for always saying that. hee.

So once again Whoopi displays utter contempt for the audience and people in general who dare to express "views" that differ from hers? Seriously, why does anyone still watch this show or this horrible woman?

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I like Raven, which is probably odd since I'm not her age demographic. But seriously, she needs to stop saying 'since I work in the industry....' or 'I know because working in this industry.....' Just cut it out. We get you're in show business. It's not like we saw you a month ago passing out Avon books at the bowling alley or anything. 

  • Love 12

I turned it on for a minute or so today. Just long enough to hear Whoopi saying she doesn't care. And see Raven with weird pink eye makeup, Rosie looking timid and like she'd like to hide under the table, Nicolle seeming the same as ever and the new person (Michelle?) who I don't know.   There just wasn't anyone there who I wanted to watch or hear speak.

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The election season is often called "the Silly Season" and now we can see why. I can't believe that I agreed with Nicole when she said, "Is this where we are?" A politician giving an empathetic speech about all lives mattering, and it's considered racist? I have to disclose that I met Martin O'Malley last month and spent some time talking to him about my #1 issue, Head Start. Another woman with me wanted to talk about child hunger. Many children of color are enrolled in Head Start, and many children in depressed areas need to have meals available at school for free. O'Malley had an answer for both our issues (having been Mayor of Baltimore) and if people had been actually listening to what he and Sanders were saying (Sanders' issue of income inequality is hugely important for the African American community) than they would see they don't need to hear "buzzwords" or hashtags to discuss their issues. 


I wonder if this show will survive the 2015-16 season? They seem to be adding panelists who are the least appealing to the most people. I'm not even sure who I'm watching for now. Nicole? I'll bet she has the highest IQ so I feel I should at least listen to her, even though she is "The Designated Republican." If they bring in Candace C Bure, that will be the death of the show. 

  • Love 4


I wonder if this show will survive the 2015-16 season? They seem to be adding panelists who are the least appealing to the most people. I'm not even sure who I'm watching for now. Nicole? I'll bet she has the highest IQ so I feel I should at least listen to her, even though she is "The Designated Republican." If they bring in Candace C Bure, that will be the death of the show. 

Weren't we saying that last year?  And the year before and the year before that?  LOL   This show will never die.  Candace may be the death of the show for you Foghorn, but for me Whoopi already killed it.  She stomped out all attempts to reboot this show, repelling all three new co-hosts, taking over every topic, etc. etc. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I feel the need to defend Raven's eye makeup today.  She mentioned she got her outfit at a flea market and then briefly mentioned (pantomimed?) her eye makeup was created to go with the ethnic design of the top.  I like all the "interesting" fashion that Raven brings...whether it's hair, clothing,shoes, make-up.  It's unique and fun and I think she presents it with a sense of fun.  If it's odd or bizarre...that's just fine with me  I don't have daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters to enjoy, so I'll give a little slice to Raven.

  • Love 5

I feel the need to defend Raven's eye makeup today.  She mentioned she got her outfit at a flea market and then briefly mentioned (pantomimed?) her eye makeup was created to go with the ethnic design of the top.  I like all the "interesting" fashion that Raven brings...whether it's hair, clothing,shoes, make-up.  It's unique and fun and I think she presents it with a sense of fun.  If it's odd or bizarre...that's just fine with me  I don't have daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters to enjoy, so I'll give a little slice to Raven.

Well, if you like Raven, you'd really love my Great, great Niece, lip, nose, eyebrow rings & all, complete with totally pierced ears!!!  Blech!!!

  • Love 1
Well, if you like Raven, you'd really love my Great, great Niece, lip, nose, eyebrow rings & all, complete with totally pierced ears!!!  Blech!!!



I think Raven's fashion style is different from "body modification."  As far as I can tell everything she does is temporary--and it entertains me.  I'm not a fan of facial tattoos or piercings.. 

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