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I don't understand why everyone here is so down on Ashley Wagner. She gave a stunning performance! And she is giving the interviewers exactly what they want - a story to go with the "Gracie Gold is a princess" meme.


Ashley's program is the best use of lyrics that I've seen. I also liked Joshua Farris's program on the men's side.

Glad to see this post after all the negative comments toward Ashley here.  I've enjoyed watching AW skate over the years and especially watching her pull herself up/together after major disappointments.  I also like that she doesn't come off as princessy and that she skates with power.  The facial expressive stuff is used to connect with the audience which she does and did very well last night. It's part of the presentation side of this sport.  If you've ever seen her interview with Jenny and Dave at The Skating Lesson, you'll see the real Ashley Wagner and she's certainly got a wonderful, funny, down to earth personality.  All that so-called boasting is what a lot of athletes do...but not that often by females. I also think Ashley handled very well the obvious contempt shown toward her by Gracie two years ago (when GG came back from 9th in the SP to 2nd overall & was angry that she didn't win) that was caught on camera backstage.  That was a sight I'll never forget. 

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My hatred for Ashley Wagner will never fade.  After she stole Mirai's spot, I can't even bear to look at her.  Egotistical, cocky, bleh.


She didn't steal Mirai's spot. The figure skating association decided who went to Sochi. And the reason the US team had that 3rd spot was due to Ashley's performance in the World's.

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After she stole Mirai's spot, I can't even bear to look at her.



Obviously it wasn't Ashley's decision to take the spot that Mirai had earned but I agree that this didn't necessarily help me in terms of wanting to root for Ashley. From what I saw I got the impression that Ashley felt very entitled to that spot even though she couldn't deliver when it counted. I was in Boston and seeing it happen live made it worse for some reason. Everyone knew what was going to happen before it even happened. (Re: Mirai getting dumped even though she'd had a better skate than Ashley.) The whispers weren't even whispers by the time we were leaving TD Garden. If that isn't some demoralizing stuff then I don't know what is.


Regarding the facial expressions being used to connect with the audience--I understand that and I understand that some people have a very positive response to it. For me personally it didn't work, but obviously stuff like this is down to personal taste. (For the record though I was a big fan of Krylova and Ovssianikov back in the day and talk about over the top facial expressions!) I'm not buying what she's selling but I get that she's appealing to other people and can understand that it's good for the sport to have a name again. If the choice is between Ashley and Gracie though I guess I would have preferred for the name to be Gracie since I've had a more positive response to her skating overall. That being said, I'd happily take Mirai over both of them if Mirai could just get herself together. 


Still, I think it's great that Ashley improved on her disastrous program at Nationals last year and I again applaud her for really making an effort with the two footing. I don't think that she'll place at worlds but I don't think it's out of the question as I thought after Nationals and the Olympics last year.

Edited by Avaleigh
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Ashley was fantastic last night. Some of the calls were iffy, but she lit up the arena and it's been a tough crowd all week. She deserved to win going away. I do roll my eyes when she talks about all her haters, but thinking that way is obviously working well for her psychologically. After all the head cases the last few years, I don't care how irritating her attitude is as long as it gets results. It's also very media savvy - the more contrast between her and Gracie they can create, the more attention their rivalry will get, and that will be good for everyone involved.

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My hatred for Ashley Wagner will never fade.  After she stole Mirai's spot, I can't even bear to look at her.  Egotistical, cocky, bleh.

I'm no Ashley fan, but IMO, she didn't steal anything. Mirai's performance at Nationals was a fluke more than anything, she followed that up with a 10th place finish at Four Continents without any top skaters being there. Mirai has never won a Grand Prix event, never been to the finals and hasn't been to Worlds since 2010.  I think it would have been unfair to leave Ashley off the team when she has more than proven that she can at least keep up with top skaters while Mirai has not.

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Not sure that it would have changed anything, but Mirai had the flu during 4cc last year. I understood why the fed made the decision that they did last year, but I do feel bad for Mirai. Under normal circumstances, what she did would have been enough to get her on the team (plus she was double snubbed by being left off the world team last year). That said, it wasn't Ashley's fault that the decision went the way it did, and at the time the whole debacle seemed to humble her a bit. Ashley and Mirai toured together last Spring, and they seem to have a pretty nice off ice relationship. Back to last night..the highlight for me was Karen Chen. It was great to see a real breakthrough performance. She is so tiny though...scared to get invested. As for the mens, I can appreciate Jason Brown, but I found his sp so hokey!

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My hatred for Ashley Wagner will never fade.  After she stole Mirai's spot, I can't even bear to look at her.  Egotistical, cocky, bleh.

I know it is unfair, but I feel the same way. Ashley Wagner did seem to have a sense of entitlement to the spot and I think that was totally unearned. Her sense of entitlement was also on display at the Olympics. She seemed to consider her shit to be ridiculously on point, despite the fact that much of her competition was obviously better. She came in 7th in the Olympics! That's better than I would do, but I don't think that's the standard. For the huge shit she and the powers that be took on Mirai, Wagner at least should have been in the top 5. Hell, Mirai finished just out of medal range at the 2010 Olympics; the other time Wagner choked right before an Olympics and screwed up Nationals. I also don't think Wagner addressing her "haters" is appropriate. Stay classy, girl. Telling people to "shut their mouths" because they've recognized that she is an accomplished choke artist seems a little silly. Winning the Nationals is excellent. She should be happy with that. But my mind will only change about her when she can do well in Nationals in an Olympics year. There seems to be something about the pressure from the Olympics that does her in.


I refuse to be drawn into this manufactured rivalry between Gracie Gold and Ashley Wagner. I can't figure out who is the Jan or Marcia in the situation, but I really don't care.


My heart broke for Mirai. I hope she can come back from this. I can't imagine how hard it must be to know you are not valued or respected by the overlords in you chosen field, pull yourself together to try to make a comeback, and then put in a bad performance.


I want to still hate on Jeremy Abbott, but now I feel bad that his father recently died. I'm going to hold off side-eying him for awhile. I do hate the hipster goatee he is rocking.

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In addition to the flu and the double snub of being left off of the World team, I can see how dealing with all of that would be demoralizing in nature. When you train and are told that all you need to do is skate your heart out and you'll earn your place, it has to sting when somebody tells you that it still isn't good enough. If they're only being judged by their past body of work then what was the point in Mirai competing at all? I can see how that would all be terribly frustrating. 


I didn't feel that the experience humbled Ashley at all. I actually thought it would be she seems entirely unchanged from my point of view. I felt like she thought the spot was her right based on her body of work that year. I felt like she was her loudest cheerleader when this was going on so I wasn't getting the humbled vibe from her. Not even a little bit. The faces she makes at her marks when she thinks she's done well while conveniently ignoring her mistakes just rubs me the wrong way.


Now if Ashley had been say third at Worlds in 2013 I think that would have made a difference to me. That would have suggested to me that she was a true contender for a medal at the Olympics but I never thought that she was a true contender. I thought Gracie easily had the best shot among the Americans at placing so with that in mind I didn't see the problem of the team being made up of Gracie, Polina, and Mirai. I guess I don't see Ashely as being wildly better than Mirai. Certainly not to the point where Mirai should have been made to suffer such an unfair humiliation. It seemed like the justification for choosing Mirai over Ashley was that she had a better chance at a medal and I'm just not seeing where she had a better chance at claiming a medal than Mirai. To me they were both unlikely to place so why not just go with the top three? Also, what made the committee under the impression that Ashley wouldn't have a similar meltdown at the Olympics? 


I wouldn't have expected Mirai to hold a grudge against Ashley--it isn't as though it was her decision. I'm glad to know that they get along.


Back to nationals--agreed that Karen Chen was a highlight and I look forward to seeing more of her. Of the next wave of girls she's the only one who really stood out for me whereas when I was watching Russian Nationals there were at least three new girls that I took notice of. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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Adam Rippon is wonderful, I had no idea!  Go Adam!


ETA:  Oh dear, looks like he is picking up some bad habits!  Did you see when Jason placed number one. the look on Adam's face?  Pissy face!

Edited by Brattinella
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Johnny or Tara said something to the effect of preferring Joshua Farris' more natural artistic approach to skating over Jason Brown's more choreographically affected one. The longer I watch this sport, the more I'm of a mind that IDGAF if a skater's artistry is a put on or what as long as they do whatever they're doing with conviction to the best of their ability. I was glad to see both guys lay it out neearly flawlessly. It would have been marevelous for Adam to have an upset win, but I'm still so happy he placed second and gets another trip to Worlds. He'll be the veteren of the U.S. men, won't he?


Is Jeremy going to officially reitre after this season? I'd be sad, because he's my sentimental fave, but it's got to be a grueling schedule he has to keep to train for these events and it doesn't get easier the older you are.

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Johnny or Tara said something to the effect of preferring Joshua Farris' more natural artistic approach to skating over Jason Brown's more choreographically affected one.


Jason needs a better choreographer … his moves are pretty cliched.  He's falling into the Todd Eldredge school of "windmill arm" choreography.  Josh reminded me of Daisuke Takahashi--an ability to feel the music and perform the technically difficult moves as well.  Me likee … 

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I'm over Ashley Wagner. I don't care for her skating, her lipstick or her attitude. Sure, she skated great but I wish she would have retired with Jeremy after Sochi.

I loved Johnny when he said Polina's music was awful. I really wish she'd work with a stylish on her hair and costumes. She needs to lose those ugly braids. She's 16 and dresses like she's 7.

I'm also getting tired of Jason Brown. His LP seemed like another version of Riverdance. Lose the ridiculous costumes and just skate. I thought he was way over scored and I would have had him behind Farris and Rippon.

Pairs is always boring to me but I like the team that won. It's doubtful the U.S. will see the podium anytime soon but they seem like they've got potential. Since they're engaged, I hope it means they won't split after Worlds.

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I like both Mirai and Ashley. I really wish Mirai could have stayed on her seemingly upward trajectory after the 2010 Olympics, but she definitely struggled between Vancouver and Sochi and figure skating seems to operate with the long-haul mentality-- if you screw up frequently, you will dig yourself into a hole that's hard to get out of (Mirai) and if you are consistent (not even that great) you get more leeway (Ashley). I'm glad Ashley skated lights out last night. Gracie's skating still leaves me a bit cold, even though she is a good skater. I personally just don't feel like she grabs me, whereas Ashley does.


You can definitely tell Polina is starting to fill out a little and I hope she can weather puberty because I think she has a lot of potential and has such beautiful long lines and gorgeous spins. On the shallow side: I totally agree about the braids-- they need to go. And Karen Chen is nothing to sneeze at either, though I tend to be wary of those small little sprites because you can't tell what's going to happen after a growth spurt. Ashley and Gracie definitely need to watch their backs.

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I agree with the above completely.  I like both Mirai and Ashley as well.  I just think Mirai is having a difficult time fully getting past all that she has been through, and hitting the boards in this competition was certainly not helpful.  I felt sad for her.  I did notice a lot of skaters close, as mentioned by other posters, so I wonder if there was something up with the rink size?  


I know the Olympics situation was hard last year and I was torn about it, but I also didn't blame them for sending Ashley, and I certainly don't now as she has continued to compete at a high level, and really brought it this year.  I haven't seen her skate like that in a long time.  I think her confidence in the interview is more about trying to build herself up from her own mental demons, and nothing about bragging about herself.  She knows she has struggled mentally to do well in competitions, and I think she is trying to change all of that.  


As for the men, I was completely baffled in the short program when Tara and Johnny thought Jeremy should have been first?  I didn't see near as much choreography or extra elements in his program as I did with Josh and Jason.  I felt the same way in the long....I just think Jeremy poses a lot, and does a lot of crossovers--I am just not seeing the artistry that Tara and Johnny were talking about.  He kind of reminds me of Brian Boitano's show skating....I like Brian, but I admit to being bored by his choreography.  


It was nice to see some change around in the men's comp, and to see some interesting routines by some of the men.  I wasn't excited about Adam's routine, but okay with his placement...it just didn't do much for me. 

Edited by alexa
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I love that Joshua Farris made the podium. I enjoy his skating more than Jason's. He reminds me a little of Paul Wylie back in the 80's - elegant, musical, classical. I hope he continues to improve and keeps moving up.

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If the USFS wants teen girls to be interested in skating, then Josh Farris is their man. What a cutie


I'm not a fan of Jason's long, or his short, to be honest. I feel they're a step back from last year and his long, from the choreography to the costume, makes him look very juniorish.


I'm disappointed in the dance results. I thought Hawayek/Baker should have placed above Hubbell/Donohue. Their FD is a mess and they always look so sloppy to me.

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If the USFS wants teen girls to be interested in skating, then Josh Farris is their man. What a cutie


Did you see him strumming his guitar and singing?  Like a young John Mayer without the ick factor.  



I thought Hawayek/Baker should have placed above Hubbell/Donohue. Their FD is a mess and they always look so sloppy to me.


Me too.  Ice Dancing is so full of politics so they have to wait their turn. (True all of FS is political, but Ice Dancing more so b/c it's even more subjective).

IMO, I would've put the Shibs (so elegant!) in 1st, C/B in 2nd and H/B in third.  H/B remind me of a young Virtue/Moir with their grace and chemistry.  H/D are a hot mess and remind me of the US version of Bobrova/Soliev of Russia.


There's a lot of dislike for Ashley on this board, but I'm thrilled for her.   I love her FS and so happy she skated so well, w/o two foots or URs.  Did she deserve her scores?  Inflated for sure, but she deserved the win with Gracie's small mistakes.  Also thrilled for her BFF Adam Rippon, a long time coming for him to deliver on his promise.  Silver is the best he could've hoped for with Jason being the anointed one this year.  I like Jason's skating and boy does he work hard, but I liked his programs last season better.


Karen Chen made a huge splash - I've followed her on the junior circuit and knew she could deliver and make the podium if clean.   Honorable mention to Mariah Bell being in sixth.  I've liked her programs for a while now, and she delivered here with her joyful skating and her elegance.  

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IMO, I would've put the Shibs (so elegant!) in 1st, C/B in 2nd and H/B in third.  H/B remind me of a young Virtue/Moir with their grace and chemistry.  H/D are a hot mess and remind me of the US version of Bobrova/Soliev of Russia.

I agree but I can't really argue with the top two in either order. Between the Shibs, C/B, and H/B, ice dancing was the best competition. I used to hate watching ice dancing in the 90s because it was all ridiculous costumes and drama. With these three teams, it was elegant and powerful and fun to watch.


I don't like Ashley, and I don't like Gracie. Neither one really has the it factor to be a star, and neither really seems competitive internationally. Let's scrap them both and start over with someone else.


I thought the pairs competition was dull. No one really grabs me and creates any excitement.


I agree with whoever said Jason is juvenile. I didn't care for his programs last year (and shallowly hate the hair) and don't like them this year either. I'd love a return of a Paul Wylie type skater.

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I love that Joshua Farris made the podium. I enjoy his skating more than Jason's. He reminds me a little of Paul Wylie back in the 80's - elegant, musical, classical. I hope he continues to improve and keeps moving up.


Paul Wylie has always been my favorite skater.

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I don't hate or fangirl for any of the current crop of skaters. I do have a soft spot for Mirai, so I felt terrible for her when she hit the boards. You could tell it really hurt her, probably mentally as much as physically. I also have to wonder about the rink size, since I also noticed a lot of close shaves.


I have to give Ashley major props for coming out and laying down a kick-ass performance.


I haven't seen the men's free-skate yet, because I went to the Skating Spectacular last night and had to leave home before the men's was televised. A few tidbits from that:

Jason Brown and Jeremy Abbott got the most crowd response when introduced. (JA was a "special invite" performer for the SS.) The applause for Ashley and Gracie both was a bit tepid.

Max Aaron was playing to the crowd like he was Phillippe Candeloro. Also, he needs to tone down the hair product.

The programs I enjoyed the most were by Alex Rippon, the Shibutanis and Karen Chen. The Junior dance champs did a two-couple routine with their training partners that was fun.

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I finally watched the men's performance, which should have been subtitled "The Adam Rippon" show.  WOW, did he ever skate beautifully, which such power and elegance.  I was sorry he didn't win, honestly.


Jason also did very well, but - his performances just don't really wow me.  He's very theatrical, and his skills are done beautifully.  I just liked Adam and Joshua better.  Their skating is more subtle, focusing more on using the elements to tell the story.


Speaking of Paul Wylie, Joshua reminded me a LOT of him yesterday, and not just because he also skated the Schindler's list.  He just seemed to have a lot of Paul's grace and - elegance of movement is the only way I can put it.  His lines were superb.


Ah, Jeremy. It might just be time for you to hang up the skates, my friend.  :(


I'm really excited about the future of the men's competition.  I hope they all do well at Worlds.  Honestly, if Adam skates that way and puts together a clean short program....  well, who knows?  (Yes, I'm probably dreaming, especially since he isn't national champion.  But I can hope!)

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Truly, the top three finishes in the mens event were just gorgeous--I was partinularly impressed by Adam Rippon--but man, if you ever doubted that Jeremy Abott was a headcase, that long program just cemented it.  Yes, he's dad's death is horribly tragic and I feel badly for him and his family, but that's not the reason he skated poorly.  He skated poorly because he's simply not a competitor--he never was.  He's 29 years old, and he's yet to master his nerves.  He should have hung up the skates after Worlds from last year when he still had some dignity.

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Speaking of Paul Wylie, Joshua reminded me a LOT of him yesterday, and not just because he also skated the Schindler's list.  He just seemed to have a lot of Paul's grace and - elegance of movement is the only way I can put it.  His lines were superb.



I was stunned by Joshua's SP.  His sublime skating skills, beautiful choreography and music were the perfect blend of athleticism and artistry (which is what figure skating is supposed to be).  And I'm one of the anti-lyrics people.  But the lyrics were subtle and didn't compete with the music nor distract from his skating. I really do wish he won the title. I agree with previous comments about JF being a nice reminder of the great Paul Wylie (just hope his nerves are stronger/steelier than Paul's!!)

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I'm disappointed in the dance results. I thought Hawayek/Baker should have placed above Hubbell/Donohue. Their FD is a mess and they always look so sloppy to me.


I agree! I thought Hawayek and Baker were simply charming, much more elegant and also more precise than Hubbell/Donohue.

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I agree! I thought Hawayek and Baker were simply charming, much more elegant and also more precise than Hubbell/Donohue.


I think Tanith said something during the dance portion about how Hubbell and Donohue's free program kind of loses the hip-hop-ish dance elements they wanted to incorporate and therefor feels unfinished. From what I've heard in commentary this season, they wanted to do an EVEN MORE MODERN take on Baz Luhrmann's version of The Great Gatsby, thus wanting to have hip-hop incluenced moves it. I applaud them for the creativity, if not the execution, because the sections where they have the really sharp arm/upper body movements work; unfortunately those parts don't account for a lot of the program and the rest of it is a snooze.

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The European Championships begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in Stockholm. Like Four Continents, the list of competitors is long, since every country can send up to three entries of skaters who have gotten the minimum qualifying scores in their discipline. To see the list of entries, go to:http://www.isuresults.com/events/fsevent00051597.htm Just click on the discipline to see the list of participants.

Icenetwork will live stream the competition from Europeans, and Universal Sports will show most of the events on tape delay.

NBC will show the Ladies and Men’s Final from Europeans but not until Saturday, Feb. 7.


Here is the live streaming schedule for Europeans on Icenetwork (ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN):

Wednesday, January 28

5:00 am - Men’s Short Program

11:55 am - Short Dance


Thursday, January 29

5:00 am - Ladies Short Program

12:30 pm - Free Dance


Friday, January 30

8:00 am - Pairs Short Program

12:00 noon - Men’s Free Skate


Saturday, January 31

6:00 am - Ladies Free Skate

Sunday, Feb. 1

4:30 am - Pairs Free Skate


Now, if you are like me and not willing to get up at the crack of dawn to watch the “not ready for prime time” skaters, you can see the last groups and other highlights on Universal Sports TV (it’s a weighted draw at Europeans with the highest ranked skaters drawing for positions in the last groups). 


The schedule for Universal Sports is below (again, ALL TIMES LISTED ARE EASTERN).


Wednesday, January 28

8:00-9:00 pm - Men’s Short Program

9:00-10:00 pm - Short Dance


Thursday, January 29

8:00-9:00 pm - Ladies Short Program

9:00-10:00 pm - Free Dance


Friday, January 30

8:00-9:00 pm - Pairs Short Program

Sunday, Feb. 1

5:00-6:00 pm - Pairs Free Skate


Also, don’t forget that NBC will be showing the Skating Spectacular from Greensboro on Saturday, January 31, from 2:30 - 4:00 pm.


Plenty of skating to watch this week, so warm up your computer, TV or DVR!

Edited by Good Queen Jane
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Please remind me? About which skater did Johnny say: "[skater] beat down the ice and ripped off its weave." I don't remember because I died when he said that, and dead folk have bad memories. 

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I don't understand why everyone here is so down on Ashley Wagner. She gave a stunning performance! And she is giving the interviewers exactly what they want - a story to go with the "Gracie Gold is a princess" meme.


Ashley's program is the best use of lyrics that I've seen. I also liked Joshua Farris's program on the men's side.


Yep.  She delivered when it counted--as she said she was going to do--and she is consistently gracious toward Gracie in interviews.  Love her!

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She didn't steal Mirai's spot. The figure skating association decided who went to Sochi. And the reason the US team had that 3rd spot was due to Ashley's performance in the World's.




For the life of me I don't get why FS fandom is so personally invested in their favorites.  (Oh my God, the respective Tara fans vs. Michelle fans were INSANE.  They made you hate figure skating.)  *Ashley* didn't steal anything.  She accepted an opportunity she was offered--due to her success in the sport.  In fact we wouldn't even have had that third spot had it not been for Ashley.  Blame the USFSA, if you must.  

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Sorry, folks, no one can change my mind regarding Ashley Wagner.  She was offered the opportunity and she COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE turned it down, and let the rightful winner take the slot.  Yeah she did great on her last skate, but her smug and arrogant attitude is offensive.

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Sorry, folks, no one can change my mind regarding Ashley Wagner.  She was offered the opportunity and she COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE turned it down, and let the rightful winner take the slot.  Yeah she did great on her last skate, but her smug and arrogant attitude is offensive.


No serious athlete would have turned down an opportunity to go to the Olympics.

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I finished up watching the men's free skate earlier this week and I have thoughts: first and foremost is that I really want Joshua Ferris to succeed. He seems like he might be "the complete package" in terms of jumping/choreography/artistry and not a mental basketcase ala Jeremy Abbott (who I think it a truly beautiful skater who is not at all cut out for competition). I still like Jason a lot, but I think he needs to be careful of not getting stuck in a rut and try to mature a little bit in terms of his programs and costumes.


While I am less enamored of Adam Rippon (similar to Gracie, his skating doesn't grab me and I don't feel a connection to him), he skated an awesome free skate and totally earned his spot on the podium. Good for him!

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Nice news about Kiira Korpi sneaking in there! Good for her. I was expecting her program to be a little bit better though so hopefully she really brings it for the long.


Elena and Liza are both on fire right now. Much as I'm tired of hearing it I have to admit that Liza has made Bolero work for her.

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Universal showed ladies short this morning. I understand why Elena is in first, but where the announcers saw 'embracing her youth', I saw 'looking rather like a junior'. Anna's program just seemed a little more mature in the battle of the 16 year olds.  And, man, I'm glad that Joshi Helgesson used 'Blackbird' for the short instead of the long because she went with such an awful cover of the song and I couldn't wait fori t to be over. It had me thinking of the point in a Grey's Anatomy episode where Meredith has to deliver a message to crying parents about how their kid only has a 20% chance of making it.

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I'm really annoyed at Universal Sports.  I subscribed to them so I could watch the good stuff, not the brief recaps.  I went online today hoping to watch a decent rundown of the ladies' free skates and all I see are a few brief videos, 5 minutes long or so, with the results clearly in the video titles.  I might as well cancel and just stay off media until NBC airs it.  Really annoying.


ETA: Uh, talking about Euros, that is.

Edited by CeeBeeGee
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Anna's program just seemed a little more mature in the battle of the 16 year olds.


For me personally I feel like there's something unfinished about Anna overall. I'm not sure what it is exactly but I feel like there's a fluidity with Elena that isn't as apparent as with Anna, plus I think that Elena's spins are a lot stronger. In general I feel like Elena has more energy and I feel like if Elena were playing The Firebird in a long that she would make it really exciting. With Anna at times I feel like there's a lack of enthusiasm when I compare her programs to Liza and Elena's. Those two really hit the notes in their music and Anna has seemed like she's had trouble with the choreography with her Firebird program--at this point in the season she should have it down IMO. I thought Anna's footwork section was a little sloppy in her long and that layback spin was just unfortunate. I also think that Anna should work on utilizing her facial expressions. Compared to the other two when it comes to facial expressions it seems like they're enjoying skating their programs more than Anna is. Whether true or not that's just how it looks so I feel like it's something that Anna should work on. 


Too bad about Kiira withdrawing. 


I haven't seen any of the men yet but wow, Javier won by a lot!! Good for him!

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I didn't realize how young Anna is so young.  I thought she was 18 or older because she seems so tall and lean.  Does anyone know enough about jump technique to tell me if the russian women (who can seriously jump) will be able to make it through puberty and still have the  jumps?  And the USA doesn't get to see the women's free program for another week?


Universal Sports/Icenetwork, I think your coverage has been more fluff and less substance and I wouldn't call myself an expert at all.  I expect more from you.  Also, would it kill you to have more women commentators?  


/end of rant.  

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Why did Kiira Korpi withdraw?


I think Cappellini and Lanotte's program has improved greatly, and I'm so glad they have new costumes. She should always wear red, black, or white, and he should always wear black (maybe with a touch of white).

Edited by honeywest
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I think this Nationals had a lot of very, very good performances and some very nice choreography.  I enjoyed at minimum the top 4 or 5 in each discipline--it's been some time since it was that exciting for me.  Having each title really be up for grabs (except perhaps for ice dancing) added a lot of excitement.


Jeff Buttle is really developing into a top notch choreographer--I sure hope he continues to work with Josh!  I re-watched some the ice dancing and was able to give Hawayek-Baker my full attention.  Good golly, their long dance was a revelation.  I think it might have been the best one of the event!  I loved their music, costumes, lifts, audience connection, and their wonderful connection with each other.  If he was only a bit taller!  I hope that doesn't limit them.


Andrew Torgashev, the 13 year old junior champion, is another one to watch.  He doesn't have a triple axel or quad at this young age, but he has lovely technique and presentation skills.  It is rather sobering to think of the toll that injuries take on these young athletes.  Nathan Chen, Karen Chen, Josh, Tarah Kayne--these are just a few that were mentioned as coming back from serious injuries.  What is required of elite athletes in this sport is truly astounding.

Edited by Tippi
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