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Bethy is cool in a lot of ways, I just prefer someone who is not as ....not sure how to describe the feeling I get from her.... too high energy for me. High stress.



I thought it was pretty funny that she barked at Ramona "you're manic!" when the same thing could be said about her. When she gets in that "smokey eye, updo, and Gstaad! SMOKEY EYE, UPDO, AND GSTAAD!" mode, it's hard to take.

  • Love 8

Prince Philip. The Duke of Edinburgh, just dropped the F Bomb at a public event. If it's good enough for the almost King Of England, than it's good enough for me.

Wait, What? Hold the presses! How DARE he say that word in Europe! LuAnn and Dorinda must be furious at him! I wonder if they will go scold him for daring to use that word in Europe as Europeans DO NOT use the F bomb! LOL

  • Love 9
I thought it was pretty funny that she barked at Ramona "you're manic!" when the same thing could be said about her. When she gets in that "smokey eye, updo, and Gstaad! SMOKEY EYE, UPDO, AND GSTAAD!" mode, it's hard to take.


And that she had to repeat how Moaner was manic 50 billion times, made her seem even more manic.  When is Bethenny NOT manic?  Just when ya think Bethenny is self-aware, er, she isn't.

Looks like Dorinda finally calmed down on Twitter & she hasn't been tweeting 8 billion times a second, like a lunatic.  She still hasn't answered why she's such a sloppy drunk that she doesn't wipe her mouth & what the hell that crumb was doing on her mouth for what looked like an eternity.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

There are actually several TH's where Bethenny talked about her shifting attitude towards Heather, where she is wearing the electric blue top, the pink/black top and a coral v neck top. Plus, she discusses this in T&C while getting a massage with Heather and they were very friendly on Bethenny's last night of the trip (and Heather even got a text!!). I don't think the idea that 'they' went back to change things so that Bethenny is friendlier to Heather holds any water, it seems that what actually happened is that Bethenny actually did warm to Heather during the season.

Before the new TH's, there'll be scenes where it seems she's okay and getting along with Heather only for her to state the opposite in her THs. So yeah, those scenes of them seemingly getting along happened but going by her earlier TH's, before she realized the nastiness wasn't working in her favor, Bethenny just humors Heather.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 5

Prince Philip,The Duke of Edinburgh, just dropped the F Bomb at a public event. If it's good enough for the almost King Of England, than it's good enough for me.

If I was on Twitter I would send a tweet to Lu and let her know that it is apparently fine for her to let Victoria go to Europe and drop the f bomb. Seems like something she should know. 

  • Love 11

And that she had to repeat how Moaner was manic 50 billion times, made her seem even more manic.  When is Bethenny NOT manic?  Just when ya think Bethenny is self-aware, er, she isn't.

Looks like Dorinda finally calmed down on Twitter & she hasn't been tweeting 8 billion times a second, like a lunatic.  She still hasn't answered why she's such a sloppy drunk that she doesn't wipe her mouth & what the hell that crumb was doing on her mouth for what looked like an eternity.

I haven't decided if Bethenny offered to make lunch so (a) she could wander around in her bikini (b) make production life easier by keeping them all under one roof © start something and have a reason to rant.  I agree with Ramona, Bethenny was the manic one running out of the kitchen when Sonja and Ramona approached and started in on Ramona-once in the great light for the bikini shots.  Bethenny has a fabuous body and if I had her body I would wear a bikini to church, if I went with some regularlity.  The others had not heard her say to Ramona and Sonja to go into town and then she was ordering them into town, and then she complaining about having to cook. The dumb twit  volunteers and then whines about having to cook for everyone while on vacation.  Aftershe decided to "light up" Heather, I was kind of hoping someone would just bump her into the pool but she had a mic pack on.  First Ramona, then Heather it would have been the perfect time to invoke a STFU, Bethenny was far more obnoxious and nonsensical than Sonja.    

  • Love 5

*I know TH can be thrown in late, but I think this seasons don't feel like they've been added just to help the overall storyline but rather to help Betheny look good.

I agree even from a really shallow standpoint. Bethenny looked rough in her THs from the first 1/4 of the season. She looked really haggard and her hair was really disheveled. And I don't think we've seen a single TH from that session in a long while. I actually think it started with a slippery slope. The reshot some of the THs where Bethenny looked like she'd just sobered up after having drunken pirate sex and then when they realized that their million dollar investment was coming off like a shrill judgmental humorless cow, they shot some THs to do some damage control.

  • Love 12

Damn, how butthurt were LuAnn and Dorinda that Heather got on a better foot with Beth (and Sonja)? *cue Ramona's "Jealousy, jealousy!"*


She might be "uncool" in the next episode, but Heather was anything but in this one. (Of course, my fave part was her bare butt. Thanks, Bravo!)


If cooking a meal for a group is the last thing you want to do while on vacation, then don't offer to cook a meal for a group while you're on vacation.


Among other things, I guess Beth fancies herself as some kind of comedian, too? I thought it was kind of shitty of her to single out Sonja and mock her in front of the other ladies. How many more times does she need to point out Sonja's flaws? Bitch needs a new shtick.


Lu's daughter did it I think in S4. She was basically caught on camera using the "n" word and rolling what looked to be a joint.

Wow...and LuAnn has the ovaries to be making preconceived notions about the behavior of somebody else's child? COW.



Ah, Heather's first reunion, and when I started crushin'. Thanks for posting the pics!


Sorry for this mini rant lol, but in what world is Beth's ass better than John Legend's... Lol.

Really, and Bieber's and Heather's for that matter, because at least they actually have some ass.


  • Love 7

I would gag if someone cooked food for me while wearing a bikini. My husband loved to make pancakes and he would wear his boxers, that's all. I went in to the boys room and said singsongy Daddy's making pancakes! Middle son, the blunt one, not to be confused by the baby boy blabber mouth, or the older never will forgive me for having two more sons son, deadpanned (at the ripe old age of 9) Has he got a shirt on? Cause if he doesn't I'm not eating any he fixes until he puts a shirt on. So I told hubby and he faked hurt feelings and said fine and went and put a shirt on. All that to say, Ewwwww bikini cooking!


edited because I was dropping my D's. Holla!

Bless you.  I wrote about this early on.  It is just not cool and I get Bethenny has a great body.

According to an interview Andy has up on Bravo, Lu came prepared and was on fire at the reunion.

In this article from Stoopid HW's, they say the following:

- Lu goes after Ramona in a big way - like she had been waiting to say the things she did for years.

- They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter. This is something I had thought she might have up her sleeve. When Lu was doing all of her loony tweeting at the beginning of the season Aviva started jumping in with things like "you guys will finally see the truth".

It is so hard to watch Lu now and understand where all this is coming from.


From a few pages ago but when did stoopidHWs go private? Damn, I loved lurking over there....

  • Love 4

Funny about the whole fake stuff. Especially in Heathers case. This was an issue before anyone even knew her so how can someone determine if they are fake?


And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Heather's father die immediately prior to filming her first season?  I imagine she did have a big fake smile plastered on her face, just as most of us do in the work place when we're grieving a loved one.


I hesitate to nitpick on Heather's body cuz I think she's in terrific shape, but it just shows how unforgiving the camera can be.  Er, I did notice some unflattering backfat on Heather.  I wouldn't have noticed or cared, but there ain't none of that on Kristen or Bethenny or Carole.  I didn't notice cellulite on any of 'em, but I wasn't looking closely.  Still think they all looked very good -- ALL of 'em -- in whatever swimwear they wore.  I kinda liked Moaner's one piece black number.  It's just that Moaner's posture is so darn weird.  She's trying so hard to jut her chest out -- I'm guessing cuz of the boob job.  But it makes her gut jut out too.  So I think her posture was making that black one piece look not so great, when it actually was a very nice swimsuit & very age appropriate & flattering for her body.


I do think all of the women have pretty fabulous bodies.  I did not notice Heather's back fat, but I did notice her flat tummy when she laid down on the bed and threw her arms above her head.  I don't think dressing in a sexy or provocative manner is Heather's thing, but I think she has a strong healthy body.  I've long supported the belief that Bethenny exhibits disordered eating, but I can't deny that her selfies doing yoga show she's fit and strong.  That does not, however, preclude an eating disorder.  But when contrasted with Carole, who seems too weak to even sit upright and support that giant head half the time, Bethenny is strong and energetic.  I also thought Ramona and Sonja looked better in their bathing suits than most here, and I've long had the belief that Sonja looks like she's had a tummy tuck (maybe post-partum), at some point.


I thought it was Heather that called Beth a KIA.


In any event, I think they're both Know It Alls.  Maybe the viewers thought being a KIA is a positive thing and that's why Heather ranked so high.  I know that's how Heather would spin it.  So would Beth if the percentages would have been reversed.


I hate to admit it, but I tend to be a know it all.  And it may be hypocritical, but I don't enjoy the trait in others.  So I can see why Heather and Bethenny are often guilty of the same thing, yet complain about it in each other.  The problem with being a KIA, is your friends and co-workers often reinforce the tendency.  When you act like you KIA, people really start to believe it.  One day at work, I was listening to co-workers discuss someone's broken marriage, and child custody fight.  At one point, one of my co-workers looked at me and asked, "Is that true?".  As I was an unmarried non-parent, and a nurse rather than an attorney, I simply snarked, "Well I know I'm smart, but I don't know everything!"


Prince Philip,The Duke of Edinburgh, just dropped the F Bomb at a public event. If it's good enough for the almost King Of England, than it's good enough for me.


The dude's 94 and scary as hell.  I bet he gets away with a lot of things we peons don't.

  • Love 8

Sincerely Yours I think Heather's way of being overly interested and invested comes across as insincere and just having an agenda and in all honesty it is true. The agenda is to make friends. I, not for one minute, think that Heather lures you in with a fake persona and then chomps your head off for fun. I think she comes in with her cheerleader, sorority girl mentality of we are gonna be the best of friends and actually means it until well it doesn't work out that way but I think that's what she likes to start out with and then mold it from there.



I agree. That's why it grated when, at the beginning of the season, Beth was all, "Who is she?! Why is she talking to me?!" ** panic attack **   I was like, "Um, first of all it's her job, and also she's a civilized adult and not totally fucking feral like you are."


Didn't Heather's father die immediately prior to filming her first season?  I imagine she did have a big fake smile plastered on her face



I forgot about that. How awful.


I agree even from a really shallow standpoint. Bethenny looked rough in her THs from the first 1/4 of the season. She looked really haggard and her hair was really disheveled. And I don't think we've seen a single TH from that session in a long while.



That's true! I remember people making comments about her hair in the early THs.


Lastly, I heard nearly all of them use the f-word in this episode alone, including in THs where they have time to choose their words carefully. They all curse.

  • Love 9


They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter.

Wait, what?  What, what, what, what, what?  That means Veevs was right all along?  Does that mean Satan Andy is gonna bring her back?  Nooooooooooo!  Please, nooooooooooo.  Me likes writer Carole -- and most definitely NOT Carrie Bradshaw Carole or Samantha Jones Carole or Ariana Grande Carole.  Yeah, I'd rather see Carole lick donuts & say she hates America at the reunion than find out she had a ghostwriter.  Hey, Lu, fuck off -- seriously, fuck off.  Uh-oh, Kristen just made an O face.  What's up with those O faces anyway?  Is she exercising for those endless icky BJ's she has to give Joshie-poo the dickhead.  Ew.


I'm having a hard time believing this if only because all eight of the women went out to dinner after the reunion, and while it's not unheard of for some to go off and do that -- Kyle and Lisa V did after the RHOBH reunion -- all eight going would imply some kind of sense of getting along or camaraderie. I can't reconcile a Carole agreeing to go to dinner with LuAnn hours after trying to bring back GhostwriterGate with the one who was angry and riled up with Aviva all last season for the same offense. I'll be happy to be proven wrong when the reunion airs.

  • Love 2

Re: B. as a KIA, I'm not particularly a fan of hers, but she's had considerable success (SG) and failure (marriage and talk show) and I would think picked up a lot of life experience along the way.  It seems like all these HWs have side businesses going but SG is the only one I've ever seen IRL or saw an advertisement for.   Point being, I'd give anything she had to say a lot of consideration, especially if it had to do with building a business/marketing/branding, renovating/decorating a living space, cooking, or even show business - she may not know it all, but IMO she probably knows more than most of the other HWs.


That said, Ramona apparently doesn't hold the same opinion - maybe old news, but I read a plug for her book disguised as an article in this week's People magazine, and she's calling it Life On The Ramona Coaster (available on Amazon!), which B. disapproved of in this ep because she didn't think enough people would know what it meant.


Last thought on B. - she's pretty opinionated, doesn't have any problem saying what she's thinking, and seems defensive/argumentative when someone disagrees with her (although it's all likely amplified for the cameras); I think to a degree all that comes off as KIA behavior, whether or not she means for it to be.

Edited by Lone Wolf
  • Love 1
Ramona fights dirty. She has no finesse. She doesn't throw shade, she just immediately goes for the soft underbelly.

I totally agree.  I don't know if Ramona does that out of a lack of filter/boundaries or if she just doesn't give a fuck.

When Ramona was "apologizing" to Carol, I think she was trying to say that she was sorry but she's now single and has to get herself out there in the dating pool.  Her comment to Carol re: Carol and Adam was her saying that Carol's in a relationship, so she (Ramona) bulldozing in and monopolizing the owner should be no big deal.


That being said, when Ramona said "You're fucking some 28 year old", I thought (hoped?) Carol was going to reply "Yeah, and? So is Mario."

  • Love 12

I'm having a hard time believing this if only because all eight of the women went out to dinner after the reunion, and while it's not unheard of for some to go off and do that -- Kyle and Lisa V did after the RHOBH reunion -- all eight going would imply some kind of sense of getting along or camaraderie. I can't reconcile a Carole agreeing to go to dinner with LuAnn hours after trying to bring back GhostwriterGate with the one who was angry and riled up with Aviva all last season for the same offense. I'll be happy to be proven wrong when the reunion airs.

The ghostwriter business was a joke from a recap.

I totally agree.  I don't know if Ramona does that out of a lack of filter/boundaries or if she just doesn't give a fuck.

When Ramona was "apologizing" to Carol, I think she was trying to say that she was sorry but she's now single and has to get herself out there in the dating pool.  Her comment to Carol re: Carol and Adam was her saying that Carol's in a relationship, so she (Ramona) bulldozing in and monopolizing the owner should be no big deal.


That being said, when Ramona said "You're fucking some 28 year old", I thought (hoped?) Carol was going to reply "Yeah, and? So is Mario."

Perfect response.

Available July 28th -- http://www.amazon.com/Life-Ramona-Coaster-Singer/dp/1618688766  So the book was written and Miss Know It All Bethenny was a bit wrong.

  • Love 2

And nobody asked Moaner if she was gonna use a ghostwriter?  Btw, did Lu ever admit to having a ghostwriter?  And what about Bethenny?  Did she have a ghostwriter for those 9 books -- notice she just had to mention that it was 9?  Surprised Satan Andy didn't let her plug the names of each & every one of those 9 books -- or at the very least, the latest one.

  • Love 2

The ghostwriter business was a joke from a recap.

Perfect response.

Available July 28th -- http://www.amazon.com/Life-Ramona-Coaster-Singer/dp/1618688766  So the book was written and Miss Know It All Bethenny was a bit wrong.

I am actually going to put that into my wish list for possible future purchase!  I wonder if it will be honest because I'd like to see what makes her tick. <--- does anyone else feel like expressions you say out loud don't really "work" on the page?  

  • Love 2

TBH, I can't imagine Bethenny had 9 books worth of information and experiences that I would want to read. Unless she is writing a romance/sci fi/mystery series a la Game of Thrones, Dune, Outlander, or Stephanie Plum.... I have no interest.  The latest one is a head-scratcher. Since I don't suck at relationships.... I can't imagine I'd want to read one about someone who does. Additionally, Ramona is such an offensive person, I feel like the time I've seen her on tv is enough to know about the RamonaCoaster.  


I've never read Carole's books either. Heather hasn't written a book but I'd would read a magazine article around the length of say... a Rolling Stones feature or Sunday Times feature about the Yummie Tummie - Spanx fight.  

  • Love 5

And nobody asked Moaner if she was gonna use a ghostwriter?  Btw, did Lu ever admit to having a ghostwriter?  And what about Bethenny?  Did she have a ghostwriter for those 9 books -- notice she just had to mention that it was 9?  Surprised Satan Andy didn't let her plug the names of each & every one of those 9 books -- or at the very least, the latest one.

Bethenny has not written any of her books she has an author write them for her, Eve Adamson. Bethenny's books for the most part are a big grab for whatever is popular at the time. For Example her children's book did not make the NYTimes Best Sellers' list. Her most recent one did-under the relationships category. Bethenny is established and she will always make the list based on pre-sales. LuAnn used Dianne Reverand and I must admit it was quite an effort to find that acknowledgement but I do remember seeing the woman on the show. I can't tell if Ramona is giving a co-author credit. She would be foolish not to with this group. This is a woman who can't write a blog.

I can't imagine there would be anything remotely interesting about Ramona's upbringing.

  • Love 4

I love Ramona!

She cracks me up.

She is Reality TV Platinum.


I don't know why the other ladies don't call her out. They have said things but have not really pushed the issue.

Ramona will say or do something rude & mean...and then when pushed she will turn around and say I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt and then compliment the other person's looks or their attire...and then it's done??!!?? How does she get away with this behavior for 7 seasons?


She is the





She has started the drama in so many situations. When Bethenny & Heather had the KIA tiff...Ramona pulls Bethenny aside and brings up Heather's personality. Notice how she situates Bethenny so that it is closer to the water and the other ladies will hear if they want to go for a swim. This way when Heather goes in that direction...Ramona was hoping for more drama. It didn't work...but it has worked for her in the past...i.e. Dorinda/Luanne caviar dinner...Kristen/Dorinda Sammich Gate


In fact, it was Ramona that started the fight at the dinner table by blaming Heather for her own cursing saying that she picked up that bad habit from Heather. Twitchy Turtle...I don't see you walking around saying hey mama or holla which Heather says more often.

Then Ramona walked away - that was some loooooong bathroom break and Dorinda & Luanne kept it going.

  • Love 5

I haven't decided if Bethenny offered to make lunch so (a) she could wander around in her bikini (b) make production life easier by keeping them all under one roof © start something and have a reason to rant.  I agree with Ramona, Bethenny was the manic one running out of the kitchen when Sonja and Ramona approached and started in on Ramona-once in the great light for the bikini shots.  Bethenny has a fabuous body and if I had her body I would wear a bikini to church, if I went with some regularlity.  The others had not heard her say to Ramona and Sonja to go into town and then she was ordering them into town, and then she complaining about having to cook. The dumb twit  volunteers and then whines about having to cook for everyone while on vacation.  Aftershe decided to "light up" Heather, I was kind of hoping someone would just bump her into the pool but she had a mic pack on.  First Ramona, then Heather it would have been the perfect time to invoke a STFU, Bethenny was far more obnoxious and nonsensical than Sonja.    


I'll throw in another reason: Cause she's a "chef" not a "cook." I think she works very hard to dispel Kelly Bensimon's comment so we all recall that yes, she is a chef.

  • Love 2

The Heather Fuckfest fight


Heather should have did what Ramona did...walked away and took a long bathroom break or go to the bar and have a drink in peace.

She was not the wrong party in this situation but she was trying to be logical with 2 drunk ho-bags (I also think there were some pharmaceutical elements involved)


Heather (and she is not the only HW) suffers from I Have To Have The Last Word-itus - so muttering under her breath when Dorinda walked away...brought the fight back to the forefront.


What I've observed with Dorinda is that she has 2 triggers...Hannah & John. She is what Cesar Milan describes as going into the Red Zone - wouldn't it have been a hoot if he was around to pshhhh...nudge with the leg in the torso move on her to snap her out of it? Actually, he would be good for all of them....make them exercise and give them physical activities to expel their negative energy before an event.


There are some things about the Hannah storyline that don't make sense. She is the same age as Avery. Dorinda's late husband passed away in 2011. Dorinda said Hannah was taking time off from school to deal with his death. So did she take time off from High School? I'm calling BS. I think Hannah is a wannabe actress/model. I think Dorinda and Hannah made a conscious effort to make sure Hannah did not curse on camera as they wanted her to come across in a certain way on screen. I believe Heather when she said Hannah curses all of the time - unfortunately Dorinda heard this and went into the Red Zone.


As for the worm/mystery food crumb on Dorinda....this is the new "friend of HW" for next season




  • Love 5

Am I the only one that got the impression from Sonja's talk w/her ex-husband ("let me go") that her footed the payout for her (or whatever was needed after she sold her properties?).  The impression I got was she was telling him she can't get serious with anyone else until she gets this payout out of her way (translation:  I'm going to continue to be a thorn on your side) so he was like fuck it, to get her out of my life I'm paying this and then cut the ties.

"I hesitate to nitpick on Heather's body cuz I think she's in terrific shape, but it just shows how unforgiving the camera can be.  Er, I did notice some unflattering backfat on Heather.  It's just that Moaner's posture is so darn weird.  She's trying so hard to jut her chest out -- I'm guessing cuz of the boob job.  But it makes her gut jut out too.  So I think her posture was making that black one piece look not so great, when it actually was a very nice swimsuit & very age appropriate & flattering for her body."


Ekkk, I hate to sound shallow...you didn't crikey, really, but thats the first thing I noticed on her, too. Her back looked like it was sliding off her body! Ive noticed Moaner has the most ridiculous bathing suit posture and poses, too. Its as if we might notice something off with her body if she just stood like a normal person...she looks fine.

Speaking of Carole's "great ass" -- I think it's gone from 1st to worst. Now that we've seen Bethenny's and Heather's, plus the rest of the ladies' butts in their bikinis, Carole has nothing special to brag about. Actually, of all the HoWives, she does indeed seem to be the least in shape, most lethargic and unmotivated, etc. Put down the bong and perk up, Radzi!

The HWs need to ban the monokini.

None of them have the body to pull it off.


Teresa from NJ was the first with her red one and the poor thing looked like a hot dog with a smear of ketchup.

The only thing I can say positive about Ramona's was that it was black. Thank goodness she didn't go with her signature yellow or she would have been a hot dog with a smear of mustard


I did laugh when Sonja said I thought we were done with the macrame dresses.

I was hoping Ramona would take a pinot grigio infused nap and she got sunburned in that gig...can you imagine the crazy tan lines she would have had?


  • Love 4
Actually, of all the HoWives, she does indeed seem to be the least in shape, most lethargic and unmotivated, etc. Put down the bong and perk up, Radzi!


And very, very quietly (at least to me) the one in the best shape is Bethenny.  I expected to see the usual eating disorder body -- with bones & ribs sticking out all over.  Nuh-uh.  Check out her belly & her arms & her legs  Toned, toned, toned.  She's gotta be working out.  But this is very untypical of Bethenny, that she says absolutely nothing about it.  Guess some topics with Bethenny are a complete secret -- er, like her boyfriend.  We ever gonna hear bout him?  Ever?


I think of Heather as having an athletic, sorta tomboyish body.  I think she looks good, even with the bit of backfat.  But why is Carole slouching all the time?  Is it the hooch?  Sheesh, I wonder if she got a bunch of good stuff down there & just wanted to use it all up.  So maybe she was stoned outta her mind for 4 days.  Sounds like that's a typical day for her anyway.  Maybe thats her appeal to Chef Shaggy?

Hey, anyone know -- do chicks still flirt by saying "Oh, you workout!"  Or is Moaner stuck in 1987?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

I couldn´t understand a single sentence out of Dorinda´s mouth while she was yelling and crying and foaming at the dinner table (what kind of nut would do that, it goes way beyond all the hard to understand, falling around and even mean drunks that I´ve met in my life). This annoyed me even more than the food crumbs. She humiliated her mother and herself whit that behavior alright, no help needed from anyone else.

  • Love 5

Hannah & Avery aren't the same age. H is ~25 while Av is ~ 19.


Then this is another lie perpetuated by Bravo and the HWs

I know at the beginning of this season...Dorinda came on as Ramona's long time friend...their children went to the same school that's how they allegedly met.


So 4 years ago - Hannah should have graduated college...but she is taking time off from school for the past 2 years to deal with her grief over the loss of her step father. Sounds more like...she has no job, mom supports her, she's an UES beach bum....but they want to show her in a different light

  • Love 2

That's not true. Hannah is only 21. She and Avery were one grade apart in school. 


My daughter and Hannah attended their freshman year of college together. Hannah attended Johns Hopkins University and was an art history major but dropped out after freshman year. If she had stayed in school, she would be a senior this fall while Avery will be a junior. The show was correct. 

  • Love 2

I couldn´t understand a single sentence out of Dorinda´s mouth while she was yelling and crying and foaming at the dinner table (what kind of nut would do that, it goes way beyond all the hard to understand, falling around and even mean drunks that I´ve met in my life). This annoyed me even more than the food crumbs. She humiliated her mother and herself whit that behavior alright, no help needed from anyone else.

Try Closed Captioning, there is something about Heather having a lovely mother and Dorinda and Heather being pure people.  So even if translated from drunkenese it is still nonsensical.

  • Love 1

Sweet Park Avenue Pooches, Dorinda was drunk. I haven't seen someone that hammered since maybe sophomore year of college. Nothing says elegance like being so pissed that you don't know you're wearing your food as lip art. Methinks Dorinda needs a refresher course at the Upper East Side Ladies Academy for Elegant Imbibery. Take the Countess with you, Do. Although I would like to know what they were mixing with their martinis, just for safety's sake.

Ramona is so fucking envious of the fact that Carole's fucking a 28-year-old I can smell it through the cable wires. I think Ramona is generally eaten up with envy, hence all the shit- stirring. (I think Luann does it for sport and camera time.) I wonder how many copies that memoir will sell. Maybe if it came with a macrame cover....

  • Love 9

I want to know what Dorinda meant by them being "pure people"! That comment was/is bizarre IMO.  LOL

I think she meant she and Heather came from similar beginnings in the Berkshires and they weren't raised by parents who were jaded.  Just honest hardworking types with good hearts and good family values.  I hope that is what she meant.  I am sure it will be discussed at the Reunion.

Luanne is a hypocrite (the majority of the HWs are)

When she has some item to hock she becomes the Countess.

She was not born into nobility - she married it...and her ex - is he really a count or did he buy his title like the Von Asshole guy that married Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Her first few seasons...she used the Countess as her schtick and storyline for the show.

She used it again for her songs.

She used it again for her manners and etiquette book Class With The Countess.

She made some sort of bank with all of these endeavors.

This year it's her clothing line with EVine called The Countess Collection


Suddenly she has amnesia and doesn't use the word fuck.


Think back to 2 seasons ago. Luanne threw a Coat Drive during Christmas and all of the ladies attended. In her talking head shot she talks about this band she found that was awesome and different. Anyone remember the song they segued into after the HWs sang Jingle Bells? The band was called The Stumblebums - the lead singer had a megaphone...and he sang their song I Wanna


The lyrics were "I Wanna Fuck You In The Ass"

Couldn't find the clip from that episode but will try to post The Stumblebums




I find the crap they each pull amusing and entertaining and love snarking about them.

  • Love 4
That's not true. Hannah is only 21. She and Avery were one grade apart in school.

My daughter and Hannah attended their freshman year of college together. Hannah attended Johns Hopkins University and was an art history major but dropped out after freshman year. If she had stayed in school, she would be a senior this fall while Avery will be a junior. The show was correct.


Thanks for sharing.  My impression of her, other than the severe eyebrows & lipstick, is she seems like a very bright girl.  Dorinda is doing her no favors by funding her doing nothing with her life.  Still wonder if she was the one responsible for Dorinda going so crazy with Twitter.

  • Love 1

Just a thought


Going back to Caviar Gate....Dorinda was upset as Ramona told her off camera some negative things Luanne said about John.


Who's to say that The Noodle didn't pull this stunt again before the Roaming Worm Gate Dinner.

I can see Ramona pulling Dorinda aside at their pad in T&C...Heather was talking trash about your daughter and her observations of her when she spent all that time with you over the summer in the Berkshires. Dorinda would have been upset and not sure whether or not to believe it like she did with Luanne.


So at dinner, when Heather said Hannah curses all the time...Dorinda said to herself OMG it's true and flew immediately into the Red Zone


The Twitchy Turtle is slick

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I think she meant she and Heather came from similar beginnings in the Berkshires and they weren't raised by parents who were jaded.  Just honest hardworking types with good hearts and good family values.  I hope that is what she meant.  I am sure it will be discussed at the Reunion.

I don't know what she meant but I am not so sure it is referring to her childhood in the Berkshires either. For someone that claims to be from humble beginnings, she has a very arrogant way about her that is finally coming to the surface IMO.

  • Love 3

And very, very quietly (at least to me) the one in the best shape is Bethenny.  I expected to see the usual eating disorder body -- with bones & ribs sticking out all over.  Nuh-uh.  Check out her belly & her arms & her legs  Toned, toned, toned.  She's gotta be working out.  But this is very untypical of Bethenny, that she says absolutely nothing about it.  Guess some topics with Bethenny are a complete secret -- er, like her boyfriend.  We ever gonna hear bout him?  Ever?


I think of Heather as having an athletic, sorta tomboyish body.  I think she looks good, even with the bit of backfat.  But why is Carole slouching all the time?  Is it the hooch?  Sheesh, I wonder if she got a bunch of good stuff down there & just wanted to use it all up.  So maybe she was stoned outta her mind for 4 days.  Sounds like that's a typical day for her anyway.  Maybe thats her appeal to Chef Shaggy?

Hey, anyone know -- do chicks still flirt by saying "Oh, you workout!"  Or is Moaner stuck in 1987?


It's always annoyed me when people pile on Bethenny about being anorexic. As you point out, while she's thin, she's obviously very healthy and very fit.  She's not carrying any flesh or fat she doesn't need, but she's also obviously not starving herself.  It's kind of a sad day when simply being perfectly fit isn't good enough.

  • Love 3

But it wasn't about the guy. It wasn't about what he did, didn't do, or should have done. They don't know him, don't care about him, and will never see him again. It's not about how this random guy could have included the others into the conversation, or could have come over to the table. He is meaningless here. It is about Ramona. It is about the way that she acted to her friends. If I go to a club with a girlfriend, and she ends up leaving me alone and hanging with a guy all night long, I don't blame the guy. I blame my friend. This situation is not exactly the same because no one was left alone, but the analogy sticks. Ramona was the one who did the rude thing. 


And they are all much better friends to Ramona than she has ever been to any one of them. I think this is their point. She always treats everyone like shit and at some point folks just get tired of it. 


The funny thing is that I completely expected this to be a redemption season for Ramona. She looked like such a giant jackass last year, and then had a horrible showing at the reunion. I expected that with her divorce she would make a much more sympathetic character.  Leave it to Ramona to screw up what should have been a slam dunk season by being herself. 

She can't help it.  She's a total narcissist by nature, and the only thing worse than a narcissist is one with self-esteem issues.  Talk about hell on wheels!   She's selfish, rude, immature, disrespectful and lacking in any class whatsoever.  


She really had me thinking I that my opinion of her might shift a little for a minute or two there.  NOPE! 

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