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My favorite scene in this episode was The Noodle getting dunked with water.


It would have been more perfect if after the water was poured, the other ladies sent javelin floaty noodles at her.


There's been some debate as to what has The Noodle done to her boobs (I don't really care) but this might explain why her clothes of late do not fit her properly. Her clothes may be what she had in her closet pre-whatever she did to her boobs. I've never had any procedure done to my boobs, but from experience..my tops do not fit the same with weight gain, weight loss, Auntie Flo.


As awful as my Twitchy Turtle has been to the other HW's - she still cracks me up. They all crack me up except for O face.

During that scene.....while the women are getting the ice bucket ready and deciding the water to ice ratio, someone says (approx.) not too much ice it, will hurt her and Bethenny says something like....no they'll (ice cubes) just bouncy off her boobies.

So it's not just the viewers noticing the True Renewal of Ramona.

  • Love 9

Sonja in her wedgies while the other HW's were on the yacht.


Those were Sonja Blowie Bends


This is how you prep for future blowies so that you don't get a black and blue mark on your knees or a run in your stockings.


The weights she had are a temp replacement for balancing the drink in your hand and keeping it from spilling while you bend for the blowie.






  • Love 3

Did anyone else find it odd that Heather was asking for marriage advice from Ramona? She was talking about how she and Jonathan fight over the same things all the time. Is there another RH divorce looming?

I don't think I'd ask for marriage advice from any of these ladies. What helpful advice could they offer? BJs make your azzhat husband less intolerable?

I did find it a little odd.

But maybe it wasn't advice and more like where did it go wrong? kind of question. Heather was saying they fight over the same argument (I can relate).

Ramona always made her marriage seem perfect, (we knew better) so maybe Heather was asking how does a marriage go from ordinary fights to what Ramona's is in now?

I thought Ramona was very open and real in that moment with Heather.

Saying all that the conversation was odd because we had hints about Mario's roaming eye for years. Beth said as much while talking with Kristen. Beth said she admired that they were married so long even with a couple affairs. I'm sure Ramona love seeing that.

I think Heather was just trying to have a conversation with Ramona. I know people think Heather is nosy, but I think she is genuinely interested in other people.

I agree I would never ask any of these women for marriage advice.

I want to stick up for Beth regarding lunch. I'd be beyond annoyed if entitled Ramona wanted to change plans last minute. Beth was prepping lunch, all the ladies knew it. Even if Beth did ask the night before "hey how about I make lunch for us? , they agreed. I just find Ramona so rude.

If Ramona and Sonja had gone by themselves that probably wouldn't have irked Beth as much. They were trying to get everyone to go, telling Beth to stop what she was doing, as if it was insignificant.

Sorry for rambling, on a long car trip to Michigan to spend the 4th with family.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 14

Sonja in her wedgies while the other HW's were on the yacht.


Those were Sonja Blowie Bends


This is how you prep for future blowies so that you don't get a black and blue mark on your knees or a run in your stockings.


The weights she had are a temp replacement for balancing the drink in your hand and keeping it from spilling while you bend for the blowie.



No need if she starts dating reallllly tall men or shorter men who have a stepstool handy.  Or so I have read.  lol


I think Sonja has missed her calling.  I see a whole book series of

Boozy Broads Guide to ________


Boozy Broads Guide to Boozing

Boozy Broads Guide to Blowies 

Boozy Broads Guide to Getting Home

Boozy Broads Guide to Dating Cubs



Pickles, Pickes, where are you,  bring me one of those computers so I can start writing, Pickles!


Just noticed how much she has in common with Brandikins lol

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 2
Bethenny goes into the kitchen and kind of takes it on herself to whip up a meal. There is just no way to say it isn't anything but a nice gesture and this is twice now Bethenny has kind of hijacked the crew for a meal she has prepared. I think it is sweet but I also think these women should not be forced to choose between going out to lunch and offending Bethenny and her salad for lunch or missing out on going into town and enjoying a place that was recommended the night before.

It was stated that they had all agreed the night before that Bethenny was making lunch, which was why Bethenny was so pissed off that Ramona just suddenly decided, the next day, after Bethenny has already spent time preparing the meal, that she wanted to go out for lunch instead. I would've been pissed, too.

  • Love 7
On Twitter she mentions Heather going after her mother (Dorinda's mother). What did I miss?

When Dorinda was swearing at the restaurant, I think Heather said something like, "Your mother must be so proud." It's certainly not something I would consider "going after" Dorinda's mother, but it is kind of rich coming from the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.

Dorinda simply misheard whatever Heather said ... BFD. I sure wouldn't have expected her of all people to be the one to go from zero to sixty over one perceived slight.

That whole thing seemed very odd. It made me wonder if it was edited in such a way that the bits that would have made what we saw make sense were left out. Dorinda doesn't strike me as psychotic, so it seemed incredibly odd that she'd go nuts over basically nothing.

  • Love 5

When Dorinda was swearing at the restaurant, I think Heather said something like, "Your mother must be so proud." It's certainly not something I would consider "going after" Dorinda's mother, but it is kind of rich coming from the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.That whole thing seemed very odd. It made me wonder if it was edited in such a way that the bits that would have made what we saw make sense were left out. Dorinda doesn't strike me as psychotic, so it seemed incredibly odd that she'd go nuts over basically nothing.

If you checkout the first looks thread you will see that Heather' s comment #yourmotherwouldbesoproud makes perfect sense.

  • Love 6

When Dorinda was swearing at the restaurant, I think Heather said something like, "Your mother must be so proud." It's certainly not something I would consider "going after" Dorinda's mother, but it is kind of rich coming from the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.

That whole thing seemed very odd. It made me wonder if it was edited in such a way that the bits that would have made what we saw make sense were left out. Dorinda doesn't strike me as psychotic, so it seemed incredibly odd that she'd go nuts over basically nothing.



I wondered why the tears and overreaction from Dorinda but Bethy and Lu (and, i think, Carole) have said it was odd and they were present.


It would be interesting knowing the cocktail of drinks, prescriptions, etc these women take.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 7

I am guessing Ramona's breast implants are round vs teardrop shaped. I worked (1st assisted) a plastic surgeon for 13 years and it's amazing how far implants have evolved. Here is a link that explains the difference for the desired look. Personally I think teardrop shaped would have looked more natural on her but they don't provide as much of a cleavage.


On the beach when Ramona was telling Sonja that some of their friends said she has a major drinking problem, I was perplexed by Sonjas reply of "definitely not Luann". Why did she rule out Lu so fast? Does she think Luann is more loyal to her?

Bethany claims to have confronted Sonja about her drinking problem "in private, to her face". I'm thinking yea, 1,230,00 people (give or take) viewing is not private.

Of all the women on RHONY, Luann sure can emulate the Jackie O look. (and she knows it)

The Club Med diving guy sure was hot. Yum. (The younger guy)

I think I am going to order a version of Ramona's yellow groovy girl dress to wear in Key West for Halloween, for the disco party.

Has anyone noticed how Sonja looks so animated when she is looking at her cell phone? (When the ladies returned from the yacht) She did the same thing when she was sorta being ignored by Bethany and ? I think Dorinda at Georgetown Cupcakes.

Going commando is suppose to be a secret only shared by a whisper to your bf, husband or bff. Saying it on national TV is like our own mother admitting she has given blow jobs. It's something you assume most women have done but don't want to envision the details.

Edited by Abby2197
  • Love 6

When Dorinda was swearing at the restaurant, I think Heather said something like, "Your mother must be so proud." It's certainly not something I would consider "going after" Dorinda's mother, but it is kind of rich coming from the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.

That whole thing seemed very odd. It made me wonder if it was edited in such a way that the bits that would have made what we saw make sense were left out. Dorinda doesn't strike me as psychotic, so it seemed incredibly odd that she'd go nuts over basically nothing.

Maybe she was referring to the entire scenario when she said that. Meaning drunk, slurring and cursing out your friends. My mother cringes when she hears me curse but she'd be mortified seeing me going off on someone while in a drunken stupor.

I don't think any of Heather's "motherfuckers" have been dropped while she's been out of her mind and sloppy. Not that one is right and one is wrong, but they are kinda different.

  • Love 4

When Dorinda was swearing at the restaurant, I think Heather said something like, "Your mother must be so proud." It's certainly not something I would consider "going after" Dorinda's mother, but it is kind of rich coming from the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.

That whole thing seemed very odd. It made me wonder if it was edited in such a way that the bits that would have made what we saw make sense were left out. Dorinda doesn't strike me as psychotic, so it seemed incredibly odd that she'd go nuts over basically nothing.

Watch the preview first, listen to what Dorinda and LuAnn say to/accuse Heather of, then you will understand why Heather made the comment and why it was appropriate! LOL

  • Love 5

Great episode, with lots of laughable moments. The whole beach scene/Sonja blowout was gold.


Also, over Pride weekend I walked by a group of about 12 gays and they all randomly yelled at each other, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITHOUT DORINDA?!" God bless this show.

Too funny. If Sonja marketed to the masses, she might could make a few bucks by putting that on a tee.


Wow, the booze really did go straight to Sonja's ass. Still, she looks much better from behind in a bikini than Beth; I feared that masseuse would cut her hands on all those jutting bones.


Also on the Countess she shut up tout de suite in English and in French when Sonja threatened to spill Luanns past antics!

She sure did! I also found it interesting how, when Sonja said she could tell tales on them all and stormed off, Heather was right on her heels, and then dropped a hundy to put it out there that Sonja said she had a threesome with her and John (which felt somewhat like a preemptive strike, to me).


I can believe Sonja has been with another woman's man, but I call bullshit on Beth saying that "all" the HWs have said that Sonja has tried to get with their men (not flirting), because no way would none of them have confronted Sonja, and Bravo not be there to record it. Ramona stirs the shit but good, but Beth seems to have a thing for embellishing.


The world is supposed to stop and take note when Beth is melting down, but Sonja makes one mention of her financial stress in the heat of an argument, and she's told it's not about her, and that everybody has troubles?  The hypocrisy, it astounds.


 I felt like I was watching the world's worst double audition for The Young and the Tearless (more tearless than young). Two women desperately fake-crying and speaking lines out of one of those Roy Lichtenstein parodies of the old romance comic strips.  The only good part is you get to sit there and laugh your head off at somebody else's "pain," guilt-free.

Awesome, and exactly! Both of them are so melodramatic. I laughed throughout that scene, rewound it, and then laughed even harder the second time.


Dorinda looked like damn idiot for trying to pick a fight with Heather over literally nothing. Is she really that thirsty?



...the woman who has no trouble at all whipping out a few "motherfuckers" in public when aggravated.

Really? I only remember her saying it that one time.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 4

I loved seeing Bethanny so light-hearted and giggly on the yacht over the ice bucket caper. "No one goes against the family!" She seemed young and funny and her smile 100% genuine. More of that for all of them would be nice. I also don't get Dorinda's apparent split pesonality -- she's always been a broad, but I was surprised to see her fly off the handle like that. On the other hand, lots of sun and sea air plus a martini or two and I ought not to judge, lol.

  • Love 9

it's difficult for me to believe that Ramona has spent twenty years moving in polite society. The woman has no grace at all. She can't dress herself or walk in her shoes. Her manners are atrocious. And as a human being she has almost no redeeming qualities. I realize that last might not be a requirement for dining out on the upper east side, but I thought the others were. I'd always thought that there was a real friendship between Ramona and Sonja but Sonja's just another chip for Ramona to trade in this season.

I'd thought that Heather was getting an unforgiving edit, but they're really socking it to Moaner on this vacation, with the weird exertions in hooker slides, the high-end Michael Kors stuck in her butt crack, and her pot-stirring on display. Ramona, the new boobs are fab and I'll take the name of your surgeon, but the rest is ugly, girl. Even worse than being Bethenny's henchman.

  • Love 8

I loved seeing Bethanny so light-hearted and giggly on the yacht over the ice bucket caper. "No one goes against the family!" She seemed young and funny and her smile 100% genuine. More of that for all of them would be nice. I also don't get Dorinda's apparent split pesonality -- she's always been a broad, but I was surprised to see her fly off the handle like that. On the other hand, lots of sun and sea air plus a martini or two and I ought not to judge, lol.

IMO, THIS is the real Dorinda and that explains her out of control nasty tweets about Heather and Carole. She is off the charts ugly on twitter and is showing who she really is. Funny that Kristen said in her TH that Dorinda has done this before a couple of times, the  newbie "mask" is falling away and the real "bitch" mask is starting to reveal itself! LOL  JMO

  • Love 5

"Also, over Pride weekend I walked by a group of about 12 gays and they all randomly yelled at each other, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITHOUT DORINDA?!" God bless this show."


I don't get this. : ((I hope Dorinda is one and done --- I just don't like her. She seems mean.

When the ladies were at cougar central, they run into John and Sonja drunkenly screams that in John's face.

  • Love 5

Dorinda's blog is up. Yeah, she's declared war on Heather. Interestingly, the "teams" going into the reunion seem to be Luann, Dorinda and Sonja firmly aligned; Carole and Heather on the opposing side; Kristen besties with Heather and Carole but I've noticed both Luann and Dorinda are tweeting nice things to Kristen; and Bethenny being recruited by the Luann/Dorinda team but playing her cards a bit close to the vest. I'm thinking Ramona will go whichever way Bethenny does.

Dorinda is a puzzle to me, she is so vicious to Heather, on blogs and Twitter, but seems reasonable in other respects. Her anti-Heather blog was clearly written after reading Heather's, and not only does she twist the events of the night, she twists what Heather wrote. Is this all really to get airtime? I actually think it's more about wanting to be in the cool girls' clique. She's posting pictures of her having brunch with Bethenny, she's oozing over Bethenny in her blogs, she's cuddling up to all the old school girls. She thinks the OG is the place to be, and she's trying to earn her way in.

Interesting, of all people, the alpha OG, Bethenny doesn't seem to be playing that game (yet). I haven't seen her cuddle up to anyone other than Carole, and even in her feud with Heather, unlike Dorinda, Bethenny has said that there is no real good reason for disliking Heather other than finding her annoying, and has owned that she herself is a bitch. Fair enough. And they seem to be trying a bit. Will be interesting to see what happens at the reunion.

The one I do have side-eye for this season is Ramona. Last year, when Heather was the alpha female, Ramona was very deferential to her. Even at the reunion, she told Kristen that "Heather and me are the important ones in the group." Now that Bethenny is back, and didn't like Heather at first, Ramona dropped Heather right quick, and is cuddling up to Bethenny like a dog in a thunderstorm. She thinks she's being smart - Ramona remembers Season 3, the smartest play she ever made was backing Bethenny in the Jill-Bethenny feud. It was her most popular season, because she was Bethenny's friend; now The B is Back to save RHONY and Ramona is gonna make damn sure she's on the right team. She flat out said to Luann, "You don't matter," when she was apologizing to Bethenny, because hey, Luann lost her apple last year, there's no reason to be on Luann's good side.

In my personal opinion there are four people on the show who are not playing games like this: Heather, Carole, Kristen and Bethenny, interestingly enough. (Sonja is kind of in her own world, having her own private breakdown, but Sonja is the original "pecking order" housewife.). Kristen is boring, no doubt, and Heather and Bethenny seem to have a legit personality clash, but I still wish the four of them would come together at the reunion. They're the core of a show I would watch. Mostly because I hate cliques and I think that's what the other four are up to.

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 15

Well, low and behold, Dorinda posted her blog already, only 3 days late this week! LOL She claims what we saw of them going into the restaurant was only a "snippet" of what really happened. I know we saw her yell to Heather only, even though Carole, Ramona and Bethenny were astride/with Heather at the time and she only got pissed/nasty to Heather, not the other 3 but she only calls Heather out! She also mentioned that she got flack about this, so I suspect she has been reading sites like this one as well as some tweets directly to her. Funny, she doesn't address the fact that Kristen and Bethenny did not support her in this idiot fight SHE started in their blogs.

Oh, and she says that Heather gets worse and we will "see" it for ourselves. LOL I swear, she is taking deflection/lying lessons from LuAnn with her blogs and on twitter! LOL

  • Love 9

From Dorinda's blog:


I know that some of the viewers think I overreacted as we were walking into the restaurant, but remember you only see snippets of what’s going on. Let me set the record straight: I simply was excited to see the girls and walk into the restaurant with them. I think Heather's reaction was—as it often is—harsh and condescending. Maybe she was so happy to finally have a moment with Bethenny that she was feeling a little too cocky. In my world, we still get excited to see our girlfriends and even walking into an event with them is a fun thing. I guess that was not the case here.


I was surprised by her dismissive response. Heather can be very apathetic sometimes, and for someone who cares SO much about SO much, I was surprised she was so indifferent and couldn’t just wait up. This actually could have been a happy moment for me, but as you saw, it wasn’t. Was it silly of me to get hurt? Probably. I just didn’t expect her to be so disinterested and blow me off like that. I expected different, I guess. I will agree with this, though—Heather is right about one thing: this is and was a LAME fight and not even worth talking about anymore. Believe me, if I did overreact, then I apologize, but I was actually hurt. Her calling me out for overreacting is strange, if not ironic and downright hypocritical.


Heather Thomson has cornered the market on overreacting, and just watch—she will continue to do so for the rest of the season. And not just with me, but with everyone. In her mind, her opinion is the final word and the only “word” that makes sense. Quite frankly, it’s gotten tiresome. No, exhausting.

And a couple other things before I finish…


Heather states that she thinks I was drinking before the dinner, which is false. We hadn't even sat down yet. This was just another deflection, and you do that enough to Sonja, don’t now try it with me. Back that sh-- up and back it up quick! Quite frankly, Heather and I have only known each other for a short while and only in the Berkshires and mainly at my pool. So maybe she was on her best behavior when she was my guest, I don’t know. I have no problem admitting my flaws and have no problem apologizing for them. And, what sets me apart, I don’t require anything from anyone in response or in return. Having the last word doesn’t matter to me, because I’d rather say something meaningful than say something cheap.


Wow.  Dorinda is trying so hard to spin.  She was excited to see the girls?  How long was the ride to the restaurant?  You just spent the last two days together.  And Dorinda was surprised at Heather's 'dismissive' response.  Geez Dorinda, what did you want?  But then she goes on to say that, "I have no problem admitting my flaws and have no problem apologizing for them. And, what sets me apart, I don’t require anything from anyone in response or in return."  It almost sounds like you wanted a banner like Aviva did when she arrived in St. Barth's (ok I'm exagerating but she's being ridiculous).


Earlier in her blog she states that Sonja was being besieged by the girls.  After reading her blogs this season, Dorinda sure likes to embellish and exaggerate.  And not admit she was talking about Sonja's drinking problem as well.  I liked her the first few episodes but my opinion of her has been a downward trend and next week doesn't look any better with the preview of the dinner that she was so excited about seeing the girls beforehand and so upset they didn't wait for her - still don't understand why it's only Heather who gets blamed.  Beth was right beside her along with Carole and I don't remember who else.

  • Love 12

Dorinda seems like her frustration is growing with Heather. Who knows why, but they obviously aren't clicking and Heather trying to take over everything I think is wearing her out. Maybe I'm projecting. I think Heather is very competitive and can see her ignoring Dorinda and trying to get as much time with Bethenny as possible. Yeah, they were all together, who knows, but Dorinda seemed very upset and I don't think she is really that good at expressing herself. (Especially when drunk, lol).


I'm also with Dorinda that I don't get why everyone keeps trying to tell her to get help. She seems fine to me. She gets too drunk, but somehow she doesn't get hungover, so good for her. Once her daughter is 18 she will have pretty much nothing, so I see why she's trying to live it up as much as possible. 

  • Love 4

Dorinda seems like her frustration is growing with Heather. Who knows why, but they obviously aren't clicking and Heather trying to take over everything I think is wearing her out. Maybe I'm projecting. I think Heather is very competitive and can see her ignoring Dorinda and trying to get as much time with Bethenny as possible. Yeah, they were all together, who knows, but Dorinda seemed very upset and I don't think she is really that good at expressing herself. (Especially when drunk, lol).

I'm also with Dorinda that I don't get why everyone keeps trying to tell her to get help. She seems fine to me. She gets too drunk, but somehow she doesn't get hungover, so good for her. Once her daughter is 18 she will have pretty much nothing, so I see why she's trying to live it up as much as possible.

Heather has done nothing to take over the vacation and has been low-key the only thing we have seen her do is handout yummy gift bags to the women and the only reason the villa isn't swimming in pinot and skinny girl booze is baggage weight allowances or customs.

Dorinda has talked as much shit about Sonja' s drinking the only difference is that most of the other women say it to her face and their issue seems to be that she drinks, acts inappropriately but most importantly to them DOESN'T REMEMBER THE NEXT DAY!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 14


Also, over Pride weekend I walked by a group of about 12 gays and they all randomly yelled at each other, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITHOUT DORINDA?!" God bless this show.

Too funny. If Sonja marketed to the masses, she might could make a few bucks by putting that on a tee.


She's been beat to the punch:




And, yes, I am buying one, even though Dorinda is upsetting me lately.

  • Love 1

I don't know what Dorinda's problem is but waiting several days before posting her blog has me side eying her. Sorry, she can't rationalize that reaction. She was acting as though she were drunk/high and was yelling about nothing. Also, wtf with her behavior on Twitter.

Then I remember. She is *Ramona's* friend... It all makes sense now.

And lol at Ramona practically dry humping Beth to curry favor with her when they seldom spoke after Beth left RHNY.

Ramona was supportive of Bethenny when she left RHONYC, she was at the wedding, she was on her show and her talk show.  There are  5 million things I dislike about Ramona but her lack of attention to Bethenny isn't one of them.


I will say this the posting of blogs is not always up to the RH.  In this case three days late is far better than Sonja and Ramona who rarely blog. In Sonja case the blog goes on forever, Ramona's have zero content to them so she could have written the same blog for the entire season.  I read Dorinda's Twitter time line she has been a busy lady during Gay Pride week.  She made me laugh talking about being like everyone else and looking for Caitlyn Jenner during the Gay Pride events.  I just can't write Dorinda out yet but if she goes too far in defending Ramona she end up being the Apologizer sidekick Irrational.


She was also at the wrap party for Million Dollar Listing NYC, and making Donald Trump jokes,  supporting Kristen's endeavors and headed to the Berkshires to see James Taylor today.  So as bitchy as I can be about blogs getting the blog out three days after the show ran is not terrible to me.   Sonja seems to have time to write blogs for her own website and talk about Phuket--where she traveled with "her closet girlfriends and daughter," who knows when she went but the photos are exquisite.  http://sonjamorganonline.sonjaproductions.com/sonja-home/sonja-home-2/?utm_content=bufferf2866&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Am I the only one who thinks she means closest girlfriends.


Apparently, Ramona is doing a seated dinner for 60 in the Hamptons so she can't blog.  Carole won't finish her book so she doesn't blog or answer questions, she just gets on Twitter, much like Dorinda. 

  • Love 1

Ramona was supportive of Bethenny when she left RHONYC, she was at the wedding, she was on her show and her talk show.  There are  5 million things I dislike about Ramona but her lack of attention to Bethenny isn't one of them.


I will say this the posting of blogs is not always up to the RH.  In this case three days late is far better than Sonja and Ramona who rarely blog. In Sonja case the blog goes on forever, Ramona's have zero content to them so she could have written the same blog for the entire season.  I read Dorinda's Twitter time line she has been a busy lady during Gay Pride week.  She made me laugh talking about being like everyone else and looking for Caitlyn Jenner during the Gay Pride events.  I just can't write Dorinda out yet but if she goes too far in defending Ramona she end up being the Apologizer sidekick Irrational.


She was also at the wrap party for Million Dollar Listing NYC, and making Donald Trump jokes,  supporting Kristen's endeavors and headed to the Berkshires to see James Taylor today.  So as bitchy as I can be about blogs getting the blog out three days after the show ran is not terrible to me.   Sonja seems to have time to write blogs for her own website and talk about Phuket--where she traveled with "her closet girlfriends and daughter," who knows when she went but the photos are exquisite.  http://sonjamorganonline.sonjaproductions.com/sonja-home/sonja-home-2/?utm_content=bufferf2866&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Am I the only one who thinks she means closest girlfriends.


Apparently, Ramona is doing a seated dinner for 60 in the Hamptons so she can't blog.  Carole won't finish her book so she doesn't blog or answer questions, she just gets on Twitter, much like Dorinda. 

Did you notice she spelled her website wrong in her online blog: sonjamoranonline.com.  I wonder who paid for the trip.  I also thought I was looking at a version of the Skinnygirl logo.

  • Love 4

Sonja seems to have time to write blogs for her own website and talk about Phuket--where she traveled with "her closet girlfriends and daughter," who knows when she went but the photos are exquisite. http://sonjamorganonline.sonjaproductions.com/sonja-home/sonja-home-2/?utm_content=bufferf2866&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Am I the only one who thinks she means closest friends?

Oh Lord, her intern spelled Sonja's name wrong when typing the blog name. Well, unless we had 2 Presidents named "Moran." Untentionally funny though.

They also edit very badly: "view from the room where "I stays with her friend from France." Well, they capitalized France, but otherwise that sentence is a mess!

Someone else posted an article about Sonja re whether she graduated from college. In it they say she had a 6 year engagement to a French or Italian count (I think it was), and how she traveled extensively with him, he bought her gifts all the time, etc. Seems to have been in the 1980's. Now, no one has a 6 year engagement. Sonja also says she ended the relationship because he didn't work and was supported an an overbearing mother. Code for have was his side piece while Mommy looked for a suitable wife for him. I don't recall having heard about this before. Maybe Sonja counts her time as his mistress (putting the best connotation on it) as part of her "education."

Back to the episode - I thought Bethenny had every reason to be pissed about the change of lunch plans. Now let's remember that Romonja were probably too drunk to remember the plans, but basic social skills say have lunch at the house and then go out to town for shopping or whatever. I can certainly understand not wanting to be constantly around the same people all the time, but heck it was a 4 day trip, not a trip up the Nile (which is in Egypt in case you a re reading this Ramonja!)

I actually wondered if they had been splitting up meals, LuAnn for breakfast andBethenny lunch.

I would feel more sorry for Ramona for her breakdown over the end of her marriage if: (1) she didn't have breakdowns over everything, (2) there were actual tears, and (3) I didn't think she would take him back in a heartbeat, thus showing her "women must be strong and independent" was just talk. But I doubt it will happen, it seems to me Mario stayed until their daughter was out of the house, then bolted. Did he intend to leave for that specific woman, or did he just get lazy about covering his tracks? Who knows.

Next week looks like fun....Dorinda can try to explain away things but "so drunk you are slurring your words" is tough. LuAnn looked to be just a drink or 2 behind her, the vacant look of "I'm too drunk to concentrate" was there. Now, I am not totally against their complaint about Heather's language. Parents are often hypocritical about that stuff, curse around the adults but not children. And LuAnn and Dorinda's kids are adults now, different from Heather's. But time and place ladies!

[edited to add] I see Breezy beat me to the typo mention.

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 3

Ramona was supportive of Bethenny when she left RHONYC, she was at the wedding, she was on her show and her talk show.  There are  5 million things I dislike about Ramona but her lack of attention to Bethenny isn't one of them.


I will say this the posting of blogs is not always up to the RH.  In this case three days late is far better than Sonja and Ramona who rarely blog. In Sonja case the blog goes on forever, Ramona's have zero content to them so she could have written the same blog for the entire season.  I read Dorinda's Twitter time line she has been a busy lady during Gay Pride week.  She made me laugh talking about being like everyone else and looking for Caitlyn Jenner during the Gay Pride events.  I just can't write Dorinda out yet but if she goes too far in defending Ramona she end up being the Apologizer sidekick Irrational.


She was also at the wrap party for Million Dollar Listing NYC, and making Donald Trump jokes,  supporting Kristen's endeavors and headed to the Berkshires to see James Taylor today.  So as bitchy as I can be about blogs getting the blog out three days after the show ran is not terrible to me.   Sonja seems to have time to write blogs for her own website and talk about Phuket--where she traveled with "her closet girlfriends and daughter," who knows when she went but the photos are exquisite.  http://sonjamorganonline.sonjaproductions.com/sonja-home/sonja-home-2/?utm_content=bufferf2866&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Am I the only one who thinks she means closest girlfriends.


Apparently, Ramona is doing a seated dinner for 60 in the Hamptons so she can't blog.  Carole won't finish her book so she doesn't blog or answer questions, she just gets on Twitter, much like Dorinda. 

Ramona was at the wedding as were several of the then NY HWs and although Ramona was on Bethenny's spinoff, it was only 2-3 times and only during the first 1 season(wedding). I believe Ramona was on Bethenny's talk show 2 times and both women acknowledged that they did not keep in contact with each other at all. At most, they were co-workers with a "friendly" relationship but they were not and have never been "friends. Also, Ramona is smart, she knows how close Bethenny and Andy are and, IMO, cozied up to Bethenny because she knew it would please Andy AND Bethenny's fan base.


I do believe that Dorinda waits to see how the viewers are reacting to each episode before she writes her blogs. She even says that she got questioned about her reaction to Heather on last weeks episode. IMO, her blogs and twitter nonsense is beginning to read like LuAnn's do but LuAnn knows to spin it without waiting to see which way the viewers comments go because she has been on the show from the beginning, Dorinda is still learning how to make others look guilty, thereby minimizing her own nasty/crazy behavior.


That Sonja is not even bothering to write a blog speaks volumes, she knows she can not defend her drinking/behavior on the show. Ramona knows how to spin it but IMO, she could care less about what anyone thinks. LOL


  • Love 4

Dorinda seems like her frustration is growing with Heather. Who knows why, but they obviously aren't clicking and Heather trying to take over everything I think is wearing her out. Maybe I'm projecting. I think Heather is very competitive and can see her ignoring Dorinda and trying to get as much time with Bethenny as possible. Yeah, they were all together, who knows, but Dorinda seemed very upset and I don't think she is really that good at expressing herself. (Especially when drunk, lol).


I'm also with Dorinda that I don't get why everyone keeps trying to tell her to get help. She seems fine to me. She gets too drunk, but somehow she doesn't get hungover, so good for her. Once her daughter is 18 she will have pretty much nothing, so I see why she's trying to live it up as much as possible. 

I have yet to see Heather try to take anything over on this vacation. Thus far, if there would be anger at anyone for trying to put their own needs above the rest of the group, I would imagine that anger would be aimed at Ramona. She wants the room she wants when she wants it, she wants for people to get to the dinner table when she wants for them to come to the table (same with Lu), and she wants to have the lunch she wants where she wants to have it.  I will start taking Dorinda seriously when she calls out any of Ramona's behavior as vigorously as she does Heather's, which she does not. 


Which brings me to Dorinda's blog. Honestly, the gal has got to be loony. I didn't think that was the case, but I just have to wonder at this point. At the very least, she now has zero credibility with me. She spends almost half of her blog talking about the tremendous sin of Heather's. The sin of walking into a restaurant without her. She said she was hurt and this hurt was entirely Heather's fault. 5 months later she is still talking about it like Heather slapped her face and called her a c*nt. 


On the other hand, this is what she has to say about Ramona:


"As you saw, Bethenny and Ramona had a heart-to-heart and though it was a little Girl Interrupted meets Terms Of Endearment. It was pretty amazing. Both Bethenny and Ramona are so different in so many ways, but they get each other. They accept each other’s pros and cons and understand where the cons come from. Does that make sense? I think it comes through in that moment. They’ve had their history, but at the end of the day, they have a significant amount of common ground between them. I think they find comfort in that. I know that’s how my friendship with Ramona is—it truly is comforting for me, too. They’re both going through some pretty heavy stuff, and it’s nice to see the true support they provide for one another. This made ME cry, and I wasn't even there. I’ve said this a thousand times for nearly 50 years…friendship and support is what we ALL need."


How interesting that she doesn't include the fact that Ramona would very shortly stab Beth in the back. Zero mention of this fact and zero judgment of Ramona for what she did. Does she not think that what Ramona did to Beth (and even to Sonja in talking about her behind her back all the time) was far worse than Heather walking into a restaurant without her? If she doesn't think that, then she truly is delusional, which would make sense since she seems to be firmly on the side of Sonja and Ramona. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 15

Oh Lord, her intern spelled Sonja's name wrong when typing the blog name. Well, unless we had 2 Presidents named "Moran." Untentionally funny though.

They also edit very badly: "view from the room where "I stays with her friend from France." Well, they capitalized France, but otherwise that sentence is a mess!

Back to the episode - I thought Bethenny had every reason to be pissed about the change of lunch plans. Now let's remember that Romonja were probably too drunk to remember the plans, but basic social skills say have lunch at the house and then go out to town for shopping or whatever. I can certainly understand not wanting to be constantly around the same people all the time, but heck it was a 4 day trip, not a trip up the Nile (which is in Egypt in case you a re reading this Ramonja!)


This is one where I am going to have reserve judgment until the other weigh in on their blogs.  It seems to me there are ways of extending the invitation-"I am up for making lunch tomorrow for anyone who is interested,"  or "we all agree I am making lunch tomorrow," depending on what the consensus of the RH is regarding the absolute in the group's understanding of what was agreed to.  I also think there may have been some alcohol involved.  Although I delight in seeing Ramona get her ass chewed out, I can't imagine Bethenny thinks that would mean lunch is at the house is really that much of an option for everyone anymore.  Worse than the tension it causes by all calling someone out and screaming out them is having the Apologizer crawling around looking for a sympathetic lap after the havoc she has created.

I actually wondered if they had been splitting up meals, LuAnn for breakfast andBethenny lunch.


I originally read this "They had been spitting up meals.  I feel like one of Sonja's proofreaders.

I would feel more sorry for Ramona for her breakdown over the end of her marriage if: (1) she didn't have breakdowns over everything, (2) there were actual tears, and (3) I didn't think she would take him back in a heartbeat, thus showing her "women must be strong and independent" was just talk. But I doubt it will happen, it seems to me Mario stayed until their daughter was out of the house, then bolted. Did he intend to leave for that specific woman, or did he just get lazy about covering his tracks? Who knows.


I think what bothered me is Ramona after being told by her husband she essentially has to be the center of attention does not get it extends to other relationships as well.  Mario seemed to have a super-sized ego but Ramona is just over the top from her Ramona Blue, to her Ramona Wine to her Ramona gets first choice of everything. When I saw the pictures of their apartment and I use the term "their" loosely, Ramona had a master bedroom that no man could get an erection in.  It was her room, nothing in it for Mario. I do think Mario had tired of Ramona long ago and did wait for the daughter to go to college.  He picked crazy and crazy wasn't about to be ignored for his affair.

Next week looks like fun....Dorinda can try to explain away things but "so drunk you are slurring your words" is tough. LuAnn looked to be just a drink or 2 behind her, the vacant look of "I'm too drunk to concentrate" was there. Now, I am not totally against their complaint about Heather's language. Parents are often hypocritical about that stuff, curse around the adults but not children. And LuAnn and Dorinda's kids are adults now, different from Heather's. But time and place ladies!


Dorinda is usually fairly honest so I expect her to fall on her sword over her drunkenness.  I know people don't like her on Twitter but she and Carole have been pretty informative this year with their info during their twitter spats with various castmembers.  I personally love it when they any of them gets Twitterhea.    There is an certain arrogance, in varying degrees that exists with a few of them (Sonja, LuAnn, Ramona, Dorinda) about the experiences they have been able to give their children.  I don't think there is really any exception except Bethenny that all the extras in life came as a result of who these woman married not their vast accomplishments in life.  So I view this as Your Mama Drama.  Heather has been very open about her meager beginnings in the 'hood, although it seems it was a nice Berkshires neighborhood and not Jenny from the 'hood type thing.

I am thinking Dorinda isn't normally a heavy drinker.  I had to laugh at Sonja on WWHL when Sonja, in reference to LuAnn drinking said, "she has a wooden leg,"  I am thinking she meant hollow leg.  All in all I think it would be a good idea if these women stopped pointing fingers at each other over their drinking and just let the viewers decide who is drunk and who isn't.  This drinking talk is getting a little old.



Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2

Ramona was at the wedding as were several of the then NY HWs and although Ramona was on Bethenny's spinoff, it was only 2-3 times and only during the first 1 season(wedding). I believe Ramona was on Bethenny's talk show 2 times and both women acknowledged that they did not keep in contact with each other at all. At most, they were co-workers with a "friendly" relationship but they were not and have never been "friends. Also, Ramona is smart, she knows how close Bethenny and Andy are and, IMO, cozied up to Bethenny because she knew it would please Andy AND Bethenny's fan base.


I do believe that Dorinda waits to see how the viewers are reacting to each episode before she writes her blogs. She even says that she got questioned about her reaction to Heather on last weeks episode. IMO, her blogs and twitter nonsense is beginning to read like LuAnn's do but LuAnn knows to spin it without waiting to see which way the viewers comments go because she has been on the show from the beginning, Dorinda is still learning how to make others look guilty, thereby minimizing her own nasty/crazy behavior.


That Sonja is not even bothering to write a blog speaks volumes, she knows she can not defend her drinking/behavior on the show. Ramona knows how to spin it but IMO, she could care less about what anyone thinks. LOL


Alex and Ramona were the only RH at Bethenny's wedding or any other Bethenny spin off.  Obviously Kelly and Jill would not be invited or appear and Bethanny had called LuAnn a snake and she did not know  really know Sonja or Jen Gilbert. 


I think this is one of the reasons that Ramona contends (and most likely incorrectly) that Bethenny doesn't have any real girlfriends.  By the end of Alex's living in NY she and Bethenny had fallen out.   Alex did reveal though that she and Ramona were not paid for any of their appearances on Bethenny's spin off.  So were they friends or supporters?  Since Alex, Jill, Kelly never made an appearance on Bethenny's talk show I would say Ramona did her best to support Bethenny.  Alex appeared in one more episode than Ramona on Bethenny's spin - off.  I can't imagine having Ramona as a friend off season or even on the show but why would Bethenny want to have Ramona around her or her child?  Bethenny and Carole I could totally see..

  • Love 1



But I did like Moaner getting the bucket of water & ice dumped on her.  Man, that blood-curdling scream she let out made me jump.  And it only deepens the mystery of why she's sooooo terrified of getting her hair wet.  Is it merely cuz the natural texture of her hair is something she prefers not to be publicly seen?  Or is she using Rogaine & is her hair thinning & she doesn't want it to be seen wet, when it would be more obvious to notice?  Hmmmm. What are you hiding from us, Moaner?  Beware, Moaner -- Satan Andy has a definite (evil) talent for fishing out secrets.


The texture of her hair is really different now.  If you look at the flashbacks of her vow renewal with Mario, you can see how different it is.  I wonder if she has a weave, possibly due to thinning, and that's why she doesn't want to get her hair wet.  I never see her with a tight pontail either, it's always put up very loosely.

  • Love 3

Dorinda cracks me up! When Ramona and Sonja come down for breakfast and can't figure out the coffee, she says, "They're fumbling around the kitchen as if they've never seen it. Like it's an art installation." (Ramona even calls herself and Sonja "dumb and dumber".)


Dorinda also looks beautiful in the TH where she says that. She's in a black dress and her eye makeup is different than the way she usually does it, really makes her lovely eyes look amazing.


Bethenny at the dinner also had a good one. When they're passing around food and sampling she says, "I've been eating non-stop since I got here, as if I'm starving. Like I'm going to the chair or something."

  • Love 6
I have yet to see Heather try to take anything over on this vacation. Thus far, if there would be anger at anyone for trying to put their own needs above the rest of the group, I would imagine that anger would be aimed at Ramona. She wants the room she wants when she wants it, she wants for people to get to the dinner table when she wants for them to come to the table (same with Lu), and she wants to have the lunch she wants where she wants to have it.  I will start taking Dorinda seriously when she calls out any of Ramona's behavior as vigorously as she does Heather's, which she does not.


The thing is, Dorinda LIKES Ramona, and they are good friends. Ramona has been a source of support for Dorinda over the years. However, Heather is new to Dorinda so they don't have a relationship status. I think that when you know someone well, and they are a friend, you get them and know where they are coming from. But Dorinda and Heather aren't friends. When someone you don't like is rude to you or to others, you are much less forgiving than when it comes from a good friend. It's just the way it is. 


Brandi was the same way, whining about she gets yelled at for doing the same thing others do. But Brandi failed to realize that no one liked her. And she wasn't doing anything nice and being a friend to compensate or make people be forgiving. 


I don't really like Heather and I haven't seen anything that warm or anything that makes me think I would get along with her. Ramona on the other hand seems really fun and quirky, and she just resonates with me. It's probably just a chemistry thing why we like some characters and don't like others. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4

I have a hobby that involves a certain number of weekends away from home, and going out to dinner with people - occasionally in pairs, but often in groups of 4-10.

If I have been in your company all day, and will be in your company all day tomorrow, and we are about to spend 2 hours sitting at the same dinner table, I give not a hoot who precedes me into the restaurant dining room.  Nab that table, order my drink for me, and get the bread basket delivered so it's there when I sit my butt down. Hell, order some hot apps while you're at it!


THAT's a friend.

  • Love 18

The thing is, Dorinda LIKES Ramona, and they are good friends. Ramona has been a source of support for Dorinda over the years. However, Heather is new to Dorinda so they don't have a relationship status. I think that when you know someone well, and they are a friend, you get them and know where they are coming from. But Dorinda and Heather aren't friends. When someone you don't like is rude to you or to others, you are much less forgiving than when it comes from a good friend. It's just the way it is. 


Brandi was the same way, whining about she gets yelled at for doing the same thing others do. But Brandi failed to realize that no one liked her. And she wasn't doing anything nice and being a friend to compensate or make people be forgiving. 


I don't really like Heather and I haven't seen anything that warm or anything that makes me think I would get along with her. Ramona on the other hand seems really fun and quirky, and she just resonates with me. It's probably just a chemistry thing why we like some characters and don't like others. 

Actually, Heather was at Dorinda's vacation home well before Ramona ever saw it, even according to Dorinda, Heather spent many a day at Dorinda's Berkshire home with her family and Hannah/John. Heather had more interaction with Dorinda/John/Hannah that Ramona had before filming began. In fact, Ramona has never been to Dorinda's NYC apartment nor has Dorinda ever stepped foot into either of Ramona's homes before filming began. They were/are "friendly", not friends, IMO they run in the same social circle but contrary to what they would have us believe, they were never tight/supportive, pal around friends. The same applies to LuAnn/Dorinda.

  • Love 6

I wonder how much the whole "walking in together" is a reference to something related to production. I seem to recall Alex or Sonja explaining that the person who enters a room first is essentially entering the "scene" first, and that it creates the sense that that person/s is the "star" of the scene. I seem to remember Sonja being annoyed on a previous trip because Luann cut in front of her to enter a restaurant first.

  • Love 4

Actually, Heather was at Dorinda's vacation home well before Ramona ever saw it, even according to Dorinda, Heather spent many a day at Dorinda's Berkshire home with her family and Hannah/John. Heather had more interaction with Dorinda/John/Hannah that Ramona had before filming began. In fact, Ramona has never been to Dorinda's NYC apartment nor has Dorinda ever stepped foot into either of Ramona's homes before filming began. They were/are "friendly", not friends, IMO they run in the same social circle but contrary to what they would have us believe, they were never tight/supportive, pal around friends. The same applies to LuAnn/Dorinda.


IIRC Ramona had never been to Dorinda's Bershire house either.  The weekend of Dorinda's birthday, Ramona commented on the house as though it was her first visit.  I don't remember exactly what she said but she said something about it.

  • Love 3
Actually, Heather was at Dorinda's vacation home well before Ramona ever saw it, even according to Dorinda, Heather spent many a day at Dorinda's Berkshire home with her family and Hannah/John. Heather had more interaction with Dorinda/John/Hannah that Ramona had before filming began. In fact, Ramona has never been to Dorinda's NYC apartment nor has Dorinda ever stepped foot into either of Ramona's homes before filming began. They were/are "friendly", not friends, IMO they run in the same social circle but contrary to what they would have us believe, they were never tight/supportive, pal around friends. The same applies to LuAnn/Dorinda.



This is from Dorinda's blog this week:

Heather and I have only known each other for a short while and only in the Berkshires and mainly at my pool. So maybe she was on her best behavior when she was my guest, I don’t know.


And this is from Dorinda's blog last week:

In fairness, I love love love LOVE Ramona, and she’s been an incredible friend to me. After all we've been through, I practically consider her my sister. She has been there for me through good times and bad, (and boy, there have been many bad times), and I will always be there for her.


And this was from her blog from a few weeks ago:


I think Ramona handled this one beautifully and I am very proud of how she’s juggling it all. Honestly. So proud, I’m actually impressed. Well done, Mona!!!! Remember everybody, I’ve known Ramona for a long time and, though her delivery is not always the best, her intentions for me and her friends have always been the best.



SO SUCK IT! Just kidding. :)


This is from Dorinda's blog this week:

Heather and I have only known each other for a short while and only in the Berkshires and mainly at my pool. So maybe she was on her best behavior when she was my guest, I don’t know.


And this is from Dorinda's blog last week:

In fairness, I love love love LOVE Ramona, and she’s been an incredible friend to me. After all we've been through, I practically consider her my sister. She has been there for me through good times and bad, (and boy, there have been many bad times), and I will always be there for her.


And this was from her blog from a few weeks ago:


I think Ramona handled this one beautifully and I am very proud of how she’s juggling it all. Honestly. So proud, I’m actually impressed. Well done, Mona!!!! Remember everybody, I’ve known Ramona for a long time and, though her delivery is not always the best, her intentions for me and her friends have always been the best.



SO SUCK IT! Just kidding. :)

Both Dorinda and Ramona have said that they were never at each others homes or vacation homes in the beginning of the season. Dorinda was never, ever at Ramona's apartment nor her Vacation home before filming began and visa versa. Remember how hurt/insulted Sonja was because Ramona gave Dorinda "her" bedroom in the Hamptons vacation home because it was her first visit there? LOL  Before filming began they were no more than social friends, not real, get together for dinner at each others homes type of friends. Again, to me that means they were friendly but not "friends".


ETA, how good of a friend could either Dorinda or Sonja be with Ramona, they had never met each other until filming began. If either of them were really that close to Ramona, they would have met each other before at the events Ramona hosts and they had not.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

Bethenny said the ladies agreed the day before that she'd prepare lunch for them so I think she had a legitimate reason for being annoyed. She didn't just take it upon herself that afternoon to make a meal for everyone. Knowing what the plan was, it was rude of Ramona to come in as Bethenny was making lunch to suggest a restaurant. If they didn't want to eat in, they should have said so beforehand. Given how outspoken and tacky Ramona is, I'm surprised she didn't nip it in the bud when it first came up. Whether Bethenny offered or was asked, IMO, is not really relevant. The ladies agreed to her meal, even if it was just a salad.

Was it really going to be just a salad, though? They chop these scenes up so much, I find it hard to take in all the scenery. While she was working on what appeared to be a salad, how do we know that was the only thing that was going to be served? I guess we'll see in the next episode how it plays out.

Is it really a thing of etiquette to not walk into a restaurant separately from the rest of your crowd? I gathered from the comments here that this is what got Dorinda all bent out of shape. If so, that is so ridiculous ! That whole scene was just so weird, but I got a kick out of B being on the sidelines and just relishing the fact that she wasn't the one involved in the conflict. I also loved B's dress and thought she looked amazing at that dinner.

  • Love 2
ETA, how good of a friend could either Dorinda or Sonja be with Ramona, they had never met each other until filming began. If either of them were really that close to Ramona, they would have met each other before at the events Ramona hosts and they had not.



Ramona got Dorinda on the show. They have known each other for many many years. I don't understand where the confusion is. Ramona has a ton of good friends that we don't see on the show. They all do. 

Both Dorinda and Ramona have said that they were never at each others homes or vacation homes in the beginning of the season. Dorinda was never, ever at Ramona's apartment nor her Vacation home before filming began and visa versa. Remember how hurt/insulted Sonja was because Ramona gave Dorinda "her" bedroom in the Hamptons vacation home because it was her first visit there? LOL  Before filming began they were no more than social friends, not real, get together for dinner at each others homes type of friends. Again, to me that means they were friendly but not "friends".


ETA, how good of a friend could either Dorinda or Sonja be with Ramona, they had never met each other until filming began. If either of them were really that close to Ramona, they would have met each other before at the events Ramona hosts and they had not.

I am getting the impression from Ramona that her UES friends all meet at various restaurants and the like and rarely in each others' homes.  I question if Ramona can even cook or do much more than make reservations or order room service-and never with a please or a thank you.   I wonder if the Countess ever had Sonja or Dorinda to any of her homes before filming?.  It seems different to me but maybe it is a NY thing?   I just don't see Ramona as the type to have girlfriends over to her home because she was so busy with Mario and his mother and her daughter  all those years so her girlfriend time was probably limited to gym and social gatherings. 


I think Sonja and Ramona have conceded their good times were before either married.  So many years ago.   The Countess just acknowledged knowing Sonja socially.

  • Love 1

Was it really going to be just a salad, though? They chop these scenes up so much, I find it hard to take in all the scenery. While she was working on what appeared to be a salad, how do we know that was the only thing that was going to be served? I guess we'll see in the next episode how it plays out.

Is it really a thing of etiquette to not walk into a restaurant separately from the rest of your crowd? I gathered from the comments here that this is what got Dorinda all bent out of shape. If so, that is so ridiculous ! That whole scene was just so weird, but I got a kick out of B being on the sidelines and just relishing the fact that she wasn't the one involved in the conflict. I also loved B's dress and thought she looked amazing at that dinner.

Bethenny mentioned sautéing mushrooms, so I think there was more planned for lunch than just a salad.

  • Love 4

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