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Wasn't that right before Ramona insisted on leaving ASAP, coincidentally flying to a perfectly timed party in the Hamptons thrown by Molly Sims? I don't doubt that Ramona's childhood trauma, but I always found that episode especially hilarious.

I believe so, and thank you for saying that because i was just trying to remember whether it was Sonja or Ramona who left for another party. Or maybe both did? RH trips are always fraught with unpredictability! 

  • Love 2

Wasn't that right before Ramona insisted on leaving ASAP, coincidentally flying to a perfectly timed party in the Hamptons thrown by Molly Sims? I don't doubt that Ramona's childhood trauma, but I always found that episode especially hilarious.

I did too lol.

I know we met Ramona's sister during the battle of the brunch, but I wish they would have shown her a little more. I would really like to know if the crazy runs in the family or is all Ramona.

Omg, Lu with her eggs, lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

I believe so, and thank you for saying that because i was just trying to remember whether it was Sonja or Ramona who left for another party. Or maybe both did? RH trips are always fraught with unpredictability! 

I believe only Ramona left. Sonja was a little miffed about that, but spoke in defense of Ramona when the other ladies insinuated that Ramona left because of the party. It was such a bizarre episode. Sorry to get so off-topic, but I am so wowed by Ramona's selfishness at times.

  • Love 8

I thought Ramona left for the party (and left Sonja in the dust) in order to try to catch Mario cheating.  Ramona had it all planned out before ever getting there, including her friend with the plane.  He didn't just swing by at a moment's notice to get Ramona after her fake meltdown in the woods.  I've always hated Ramona, but my loathing for her last season grew by leaps and bounds every time she opened her mouth to lie, including minimizing her glass/oar attack on Kristin

  • Love 9

I thought Ramona left for the party (and left Sonja in the dust) in order to try to catch Mario cheating.  Ramona had it all planned out before ever getting there, including her friend with the plane.  He didn't just swing by at a moment's notice to get Ramona after her fake meltdown in the woods.  I've always hated Ramona, but my loathing for her last season grew by leaps and bounds every time she opened her mouth to lie, including minimizing her glass/oar attack on Kristin

She was beyond awful but I did a WTF and laugh at the air conditioner being delivered. One just one mind you. (although I did think that both the conditioner and the plane were set-up in advance) 

  • Love 4


She threw Bethenny under the bus to Sonja. Lmfaoooo. Ramona told Sonja that Bethenny said, Sonja is an alcoholic; but told Bethenny prior she feared Sonja was self medicating!

And those dry crocodile tears about Mario.

I can't!


She pulled the same shit with the countess when she was relaying a conversation to Dorinda her and Luann had about John. 


I think in a year or 2 Mario and Ramona will be back together. I think deep down that is what she wants. She just needs Mario to get it out of his system or at least stop publicly embarrassing her. 


Another WTF moment for me that hasn't been mentioned: Bethenny thinking she got through in any small way to Sonja. I mean what?!?! How? What makes her even think that? She really took that only you can help Sonja Obi Wan Kenobi shit the girls were telling her to heart. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 8

I heard it as   "scrambled eggs a la HW's brains"

or not ..... :)

Ooooh yes....Eggs a la Kelly B

Gummy Bears not included - 50 cents extra.

When Kelly orders them herself, she's a nickel short....


Ba dum dum

SOL on the nicknames.

Sonja:  All these women are like a bad pimple , they keep coming back.

All the HW's = Bad Pimples  (on a banana boat)  lol



I forgot to add...the Banana Boat...Luanne's latest statement necklace idea

  • Love 2

As cuckoo as Sonja is, she wasn't wrong about the way B came at her. Who would respond well to someone screaming STFU over and over again? Of course Sexy J had to ruin it by talking about B's lack of education and manners.   And Dorinda wasn't wrong about the scorecard these ladies keep either. Of course she's a pot stirrer too. 


I think the only true friendship on this show is Heather and Carole, and they get along so well because Carole never feels the need to take control or order people around, and lets Heather do what comes naturally to her and makes her feel best. I actually like both of them when they're together. 


Ramona throwing Bethenny under the bus, unaware that B was paddleboarding right up to that conversation, was hilarious and oh so Ramona. 

I kept thinking this was staged...and wondering how many times they made them shoot the scene.

I pictured a camerman saying okay action!...start paddling B....and Bethenny saying.....I can't keep doing this, if you make me do it one more time, I will be Sobbing! Sobbing! on this paddle board.

  • Love 4

I would love to hear someone with this type of backgroundarrow-10x10.png do an analysis on Ramona. I have always thought that she could have benefitted from some serious therapy. 


The thing that was interesting, and sad, was that when Beth was telling Sonja that the other girls were talking about her issues with alcohol, Sonja was saying something like "who? not Ramona".  She seemed sure that Ramona would not play a part in something like this. Boy, is she ever going to be let down when she sees all of the footage. It is one thing for the others to talk about what they have seen (and it is clear this is not a "kim richards" type of situation, where they some of the ones getting involved had seen just an issue or two.  These gals have seen more than enough to have a clear opinion), they are not really her friends. Ramona is someone who she considers a friend and she is right in the middle of all of this. So funny, because I think that really Ramona is just more than happy to have Sonja and her drinking issues be at the center of the drama. It wasn't that long ago that Ramona and her love for Pinot was at the heart of the debate. If memory serves, she was extremely angry that others were talking about this.  When asked by Andy at the reunion if any of them thought that Ramona had a drinking "problem", they all said that they did not think she did. Now she is leading the charge that Sonja does. There is just not enough roomarrow-10x10.png on this page for me to list all of the reasons I detest Ramona. 

I think Ramona encompasses many personality disorders starting with, screw loose, liar, liar pants on fire, entitled, boorish and opposed to listening. One thing that is making me nuts-Ramona and Mario barely made it to the 20 year mark before filing for divorce.  They were together for a couple years before hand and I really don't count the post filing years as being together.  Enough with the 27 years.


What she did to Bethenny was uncool and I don;t understand why Bethenny didn't go off on her.


Her father was an executive, who according to Ramona mistreated her mother.  He financed her first business venture and she paid him back as agreed with interest.  Apparently, this upbringing developed in her a fear of wooded hikes and ground dirt. Treated by attending a Molly Simms party and unlimited too tight, satin dresses.. 


I think Ramona is incredibly shallow and has been allowed to just go after whatever pretty shiny object caught her eye.  I think she and Mario made sound business decisions together, raised a daughter with plenty of attention and took care of Mario's  mother in their home for much of their marriage.  Mario grounded her and I think at the same time indulged her.  First scene of Ramona Season 1 is Mario getting up with the kid and making breakfast for her so Ramona could sleep.  Through out the series we have heard the kid say she gets left at home while mom and dad go out. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be married to her and I think old Mario stuck around for the kid.  I think Mario enjoyed the girls' trips more than Ramona.  


It is not surprising to me that Ramona steals clothing,shoes whatever she wants from the other ladies.  I still the think the room thing is more of a device for drama than anything serious.  What we cause me to vote her off the island are the dramatic "stress" moments she suffers when she isn't getting sufficient attention.  My first impression of her was dislike and over the years she had less asshole moments but now she is just intolerable.  Maybe NY needs to whittle things down to five or so.  I think if her marriage to Mario is important she is going to have to forego the show and peddle more Pinot Grigio.   

  • Love 9

Wasn't that right before Ramona insisted on leaving ASAP, coincidentally flying to a perfectly timed party in the Hamptons thrown by Molly Sims? I don't doubt that Ramona's childhood trauma, but I always found that episode especially hilarious.

I'll never get the sight of Carole out of my head. She was sporting a baby doll dress, cowboy boots, and pigtails. It was my first WTF moment with Carole's style. And she wore that to go hiking in the woods.

  • Love 4

No problem here either. Should the nanny have the best room in the villa? (The majority of) these women are wealthy and have nannies and bring them on trips. I prefer their honesty and off the cuff remarks.

I definitely see your point, but I guess, given her past treatment of the guest at the restaurant who she assumed was an employee, the bartender at Brunchgate (even though I thought she was hilarious-- her delivery while Ramona was freaking out) and the lawyer who she thought was homeless, it made me uncomfortable.
  • Love 5
I have to believe that Ramona got a great many traits from her unpleasant father.



She seemed to have a fleeting moment of self-awareness last season when she said just that. She was talking about her impulse to throw a wineglass at Kristen. Sonja freaked out, started crying and said "no! don't you go there, Singer!" which is a shame, because I think Ramona really need to go there.


I also find it interesting that for all the comments she's made about her mother putting up with her father's abuse, she'd be willing to go back to a man who made a fool of her and didn't play nice during the divorce proceedings.


And on a related note, I would LOVE to see that Berkshires woods scene re-cut in a Blair Witch Project kind of way.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 4
Well THAT was interesting! I look forward to determining what lead up to it!

Ok Ramona really needs to cut that shit out. Always making it seem like OTHER people's disagreements gets her bowels tied up in knots. Bitch can dish it out though!

  • Love 4

I'll never get the sight of Carole out of my head. She was sporting a baby doll dress, cowboy boots, and pigtails. It was my first WTF moment with Carole's style. And she wore that to go hiking in the woods.

Yet it was still somehow better than the antique walking gown she wore to hike in Montana.  Some may consider her quirky, but I suspect it's more a case of,  "LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • Love 7

I usually like Ramona (or, at least, she doesn't bother me that much), but she totally stirred that pot!!  I couldn't believe when she told Sonja that Bethenny said Sonja was an alcoholic....weren't they all saying that Sonja had a drinking problem?  I don't recall Bethenny actually using the word "alcoholic", but Ramona came pretty close, by saying "anyone who has an addiction....." when they were at Park Side.


I also got a "methinks she doth protest too much" from Sonja - she really took offense.  

  • Love 18

Oh, Heather.......  What is wrong with you????? 

I feel bad for Dorinda.  She's not used to the drama and stress of HW and now she's losing it and getting snippy and crying. 

LOL, Poor Heather, all she said was that she thought the others were already at the restaurant, turned around and greeted them and Dorinda heard something so far from the truth it was comical! IMO, Dorinda has been sipping whatever Ramona and Sonja guzzle! LOL


What the HELL is Kristen wearing around her neck....the Jolly Green Giant's bike chain and lock???  That necklace is more ridiculous than any of the ones that Luann wears....

She seems to have the same taste in jewelry that Alex had! LOL

  • Love 12

What happened? Like, seriously. The Heather-Dorinda...thing...came out of left field. I'm glad it was squashed quickly, but what was with Dorinda resorting to the cry? It felt, I dunno, manipulative?

IMO, she has been listening too much to Sonja, Ramona and Bethenny when it comes to Heather even though they have known each other for years, I also suspect booze had an impact on Dorinda that night! LOL

  • Love 11

My head is spinning. So much fighting and making up. I actually lost count of who fought with who and who made up with who. The part I enjoyed the most was watching the fun the women had on the boat.

I loved the Countless being topless on the beach.

And Sonja exercising in the wedges and long lariat necklace.

Speaking of fashion, we had a huge lock and chain around Kristens neck, Did she buy that at a garage sale from a chain gang?

More fighting and probably making up next week, yee ha!

  • Love 8

IMO, she has been listening too much to Sonja, Ramona and Bethenny when it comes to Heather even though they have known each other for years, I also suspect booze had an impact on Dorinda that night! LOL


I wondered if she'd pre-gamed before the dinner because that was so out of left field. 


Ramona forever and ever is ridiculous. She quite fancies herself smart. In business, she is (I assume), but I couldn't imagine trying to have a conversation with her. She's all about trying out these terms she's unfamiliar with solely because she thinks they make her sound smart. Carole for the win in giving the words Ramona was looking for (not "post trauma syndrome," hon; "post traumatic stress disorder"). Which leads me to yet another quiet Carole moment when she added that she suffered from it after Anthony died. I can't even begin to imagine. I'm 35 now, and she was 36* when she became a widow. That's heavy.


*Edited for a correction: Wikipedia says that Carole was still 35 when Anthony died. He died 10 days before her 36th birthday.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 19

What happened? Like, seriously. The Heather-Dorinda...thing...came out of left field. I'm glad it was squashed quickly, but what was with Dorinda resorting to the cry? It felt, I dunno, manipulative?

Beth's blog is up and she said she was standing right there and it completely came out of nowhere. She said Dorinda seemed to think she was being ignored. She actually said the deal scared Heather - who Beth said is one tough bitch - a bit. She also seemed surprised to see Dorinda distancing herself from the "Sonja is a drunk" deal and being judgmental about the other girls. She was surprised to see Dorinda take on the role of Sonja's protector, and said something like "we will see how that works out", which makes me think Dorinda will soon change her tune regarding Sonja.

I think this marks the turning point in the Heather/Beth saga. They will no doubt bicker, but I think they are moving towards a friendship. Beth's tone towards her has changed completely in her blog.

  • Love 17

The boat trip was the best thing about this episode. How dare they get Ramona wet!!

SonJa & Ramona are both just a HOT mess.

I wish I could skin Lu and wear her as this years Gucci. Her body is amazing!

Carole & Kristin just kind of faded into the background except for Bethenny giving props to Kristin for the water dump!

Heather is damned if she does an damned if she doesn't interact. Same with Dorinda.

Edited by mbaywife123
  • Love 10

Beth's blog is up and she said she was standing right there and it completely came out of nowhere. She said Dorinda seemed to think she was being ignored. She actually said the deal scared Heather - who Beth said is one tough bitch - a bit. She also seemed surprised to see Dorinda distancing herself from the "Sonja is a drunk" deal and being judgmental about the other girls. She was surprised to see Dorinda take on the role of Sonja's protector, and said something like "we will see how that works out", which makes me think Dorinda will soon change her tune regarding Sonja.

I think this marks the turning point in the Heather/Beth saga. They will no doubt bicker, but I think they are moving towards a friendship. Beth's tone towards her has changed completely in her blog.


Bethenny even mentioned that in one of her talking heads...."Heather and I are now friends"....Bethenny even made an effort (well, for Bethenny, that is) with Kristen.


BTW - where was Kristen when everyone else was getting ripped a new asshole by Sonja?  And after - when they started the "non-Sonja talk swear jar"?  I know she showed up later, but I didn't see her during the rest of it.  Or~~is she really so non-relevant that I didn't notice her??   

  • Love 7

The boat trip was the best thing about this episode. How dare they get Ramona wet!!

SonJa & Ramona are both just a HOT mess.

I wish I could skin Lu and wear her as this years Gucci. Her body is amazing!

Carole & Kristin just kind of faded into the background except for Bethenny giving props to Kristin for the water dump!

Heather is damned if she does an damned if she doesn't interact. Same with Dorinda.


Sonja is this season's Kelly Bensimon, apparently.


Island life (well, any other island other than Manhattan) really doesn't sit well with some of these ladies, does it??  

  • Love 6

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