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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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1. Bryan already sings Mo's praises and has spent most of his time on GH imitating his acting style

2.More still has had more sympathetic writing than alot of other characters.

3. Bryan is still pretty much a newbie having only been on this show for 2 years he has no rights to be saying his story should be written a certain way. And he's been doing it for awhile. I remember the campaigns to have a story with his real life gf when she was on the show.


New UO(s) - Don't care about Bryan Craig's antics on Twitter, don't hold them against him, and don't mind that he's open about thinking he deserves a better storyline.


Among the multitude of things that are wrong with Present Day!GH, at the top of my list is that not enough people bts come right out and say, "This is crap and I want something better." Sure, every now and then a semi-dilettante like Jason Thompson comes along, but Thompson's way of reacting to bad storylines or storylines he doesn't like is to go dead behind the eyes, to say his lines while looking as if he;d rather be having a root canal without novocaine. And then there's RoHo, whose rep for getting bored and going completely off the reservation acting-wise is well-known. Geary and Benard.....well....you know.


Yes, BC is still a relative newbie to the acting business, but at the same time he isn't wrong. Most of the writing is terrible, and I don't think that he has to have been an actor for ages and ages like Tony Geary has before he's "allowed" to say so. I'm sure that the cast and crew enjoys working together and whatnot, and that's great, but the writing.........isn't. There's no measure of longevity there to rule out someone saying something about it.

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Its not an actors job to speak out about the writing(and that goes for all series not just soaps).They're the tools to bring the writing to life and at the end of the day if they arent satisfied they can always use the outs in their contract to leave.

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Among the multitude of things that are wrong with Present Day!GH, at the top of my list is that not enough people bts come right out and say, "This is crap and I want something better." Sure, every now and then a semi-dilettante like Jason Thompson comes along, but Thompson's way of reacting to bad storylines or storylines he doesn't like is to go dead behind the eyes, to say his lines while looking as if he;d rather be having a root canal without novocaine. And then there's RoHo, whose rep for getting bored and going completely off the reservation acting-wise is well-known. Geary and Benard.....well....you know.


BC could express his displeasure with the writing for his character without making comments on twitter. How about going to Ron and having a conversation in private? And Ron is petty as hell so I don't fault anyone for not criticizing the show in pubic. I'm sure they like being employed. 

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Its not an actors job to speak out about the writing(and that goes for all series not just soaps).They're the tools to bring the writing to life and at the end of the day if they arent satisfied they can always use the outs in their contract to leave.


I'm sure this is less unpopular, but its the flipside of the Bryan Craig issue, so here goes.


I find it much more breathtakingly idioticKerleyQ that Ron both sees no problem in engaging in pissbaby tantrums on Twitter when people criticize the writing, and then blocking them (at the least) when they refuse to recognize his "genius". Silencing the critics, even momentarily, doesn't mean that the crap he's churning out isn't crap,and while maybe BC could have been more circumspect, I don't see how it isn't Ron's job to write something that might actually not utterly suck. Regardless, I find Bryan's remarks much less problematic than Ron's, because Ron's insistence that he's good at his job and that anyone who doesn't agree is just wrong and stupid and wrong is the behavior of a two-year-old, and he's literally twice Bryan's age, forty-six to his twenty-three.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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No one is saying Bryan's actions are worse than Ron's. I think most of us agree Ron can't write and his twitter antics are childish. That still doesnt excuse Bryan's actions. He's accountable for his own.

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No one is saying Bryan's actions are worse than Ron's. I think most of us agree Ron can't write and his twitter antics are childish. That still doesnt excuse Bryan's actions. He's accountable for his own.


Yeah, I agree, kinda, except I don't really think there's anything to excuse with Bryan's actions. There is nothing wrong with saying the writing sucks/he wants more airtime. It's just that he's going about it like the bumbling fratboy he is, which, hey, vastly amuses me, so I don't mind.

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I think he's an idiot to air this stuff in public, but it's his choice. And vastly amusing, as ulkis pointed out. I just don't want to hear him whining when he goes too far and ABC cans his immature ass.


ETA: Ugh, "too."

Edited by dubbel zout
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No one is saying Bryan's actions are worse than Ron's. I think most of us agree Ron can't write and his twitter antics are childish. That still doesnt excuse Bryan's actions. He's accountable for his own.


Fair enough. The point I was trying to make, probably not very well, is that I don't think it works both ways. If it isn't Bryan's place to criticize, even though he's one of the people who has to act out the crap that Ron writes and take the blame if he doesn't rise above the shitty material and turn in a good performance, then maybe it isn't the place of the people who engage with Ron on Twitter either. Nathan Varni isn't trying to discourage the Twitterverse from commenting Bryan, after all.

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I think Bryan Craig has potential to be a great actor. I could see him eventually on a CW/ABC Family show as a boyfriend from the "wrong side of the tracks" that viewers (a certain base) swoon over. I think he's got some kinks and bad influences in his life that needs to evaluate. The twitter bs isn't something that'll follow him if he gets better influences in his life. It's no drug, sex tape, or shoplifting or DUI scandal. But I do think KT is a mediocre actress with a desperate taste for fame. I think Britt needs to be recast.

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When faced with a choice between Britt or Nina, I would choose option C: Death's sweet release.


I think Bryan Craig has a lot of raw talent, but he already has bad habits onscreen and he behaves a lot like Morgan offscreen. I generally don't give a shit about the latter as long as they're doing good work on-camera, but the character seems increasingly informed by Craig himself. I think he could go far on the show, but right now I just need to see Morgan humbled, humiliated and then humbled again. And then made to repeatedly apologize to his brother. AFAIC there's nothing Michael's ever done to him that warrants how this fuckstick acts. But I think Morgan would be in his element being the mobster's spoiled, monied second son, running a club or something.

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I like Nina and I care about what happens to her. I'm constantly ready to punch my monitor every time I see "WE NEVER CARED." Any of you ever think there might be people who actually do care?

Speak only for yourselves and not for everyone, please.

Edited by OnceSane
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I like Nina and I care about what happens to her. I'm constantly ready to punch my monitor every time I see "WE NEVER CARED." Any of you ever think there might be people who actually do care?

Speak only for yourselves and not for everyone, please.

I don't think anyone thinks they are speaking for everyone - it's a joke. I get that it's a hard joke to like when you actually do care about the character though, I think most of us have been there at one time or another, when a character they like is being bashed.

Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
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Tell you what, when referring to WENEVERCARED, you can include me in the we.


And me.  So now if anyone says "We never cared" it will mean at least the three of us. 

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Eh, I don't exactly hate Nina. I hate Franco so her just being in his orbit makes me skip her stuff. But I think she can be slightly entertaining. I don't love or hate her really, she's just...there.

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Nina came on the scene scheming and acting crazy to get stupid Silas and then she forced Ava to give birth. Her only two companions are a serial killer and now Ric, two fellow unstable people. She has no job, no real aspirations, her newbie family is worthless. I don't hate Nina but Ron has gone out of his way to prevent the character from being liked or at least tolerated my most of the audience. She never had a chance. 

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If Ron tried a little harder to integrate Nina into the canvas, I might care about her. But he's got her off in her Franco bubble, and Franco adds nothing to the show, either. Both of them have done nothing to make me interested in them.


It's hard to care about anyone when they're all chess pieces for Ron to move around to make his plot points. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm entirely biased against her, and I'll never like her or forgive her after what she did to Ava. You mess with my fave, you mess with me. (Hopefully not though, MSt is practically a foot taller than me.)


Now for some really UO's:


1. I still don't care about AJ (fat or otherwise). Don't care that he died, don't miss him, don't need him to come back.

2. I could care less about the hospital. Never watched or cared for Grey's Anatomy. And while I don't want the mob to be the primary focus, I'd rather it be a cop based soap or just more like his other show. I know it's in the name, and this was what the show used to be. That's probably why I never started watching it way back when (although I did watch a little bit back when Stone/Robin were around). 

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I like Nina and I care about what happens to her. I'm constantly ready to punch my monitor every time I see "WE NEVER CARED." Any of you ever think there might be people who actually do care?

Speak only for yourselves and not for everyone, please.


Thank you for this! I actually don't really care about Nina all that much, but the WE NEVER CARED joke isn't all that funny because it does seem like people are actually insinuating that the entire collective GH audience never cared and that's annoying and inaccurate. It doesn't really matter how many cutesy polls are done of the Previously.tv forums, posting something like WE NEVER CARED isn't about some board collective and people really should just speak for themselves. If you don't care about the character then say I NEVER CARED. There's no reason to drag everyone else into it.



1. I still don't care about AJ (fat or otherwise). Don't care that he died, don't miss him, don't need him to come back.


I partially agree with this. I never cared for SK's AJ and don't miss him at all. And the fat jokes never really bothered me.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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Thank you for this! I actually don't really care about Nina all that much, but the WE NEVER CARED joke isn't all that funny because it does seem like people are actually insinuating that the entire collective GH audience never cared and that's annoying and inaccurate. It doesn't really matter how many cutesy polls are done of the Previously.tv forums, posting something like WE NEVER CARED isn't about some board collective and people really should just speak for themselves. If you don't care about the character then say I NEVER CARED. There's no reason to drag everyone else into it..

We are The Borg; resistance is futile!

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Hayley Erin is hot and it takes twice as long to get through an episode she's on because I keep rewinding her scenes. I don't care if Kiki doesn't add anything to the show as long as she looks good not doing it. There, I said it and not taking it back.

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I think the actress Hayley Erin is attractive, but the character Kiki Jerome is ugly as sin.

Keeks' shit personality aside, her hair and skin look awful. HE's hair and skin in her Twitter pics look good, so I don't know what the hell the GH team does to her to make her look so bad.

Actually, I can't think of a single person that doesn't look better on social media than they do on TFGH.

Edited by Tiger
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If Ron tried a little harder to integrate Nina into the canvas, I might care about her. But he's got her off in her Franco bubble, and Franco adds nothing to the show, either. Both of them have done nothing to make me interested in them.


It's hard to care about anyone when they're all chess pieces for Ron to move around to make his plot points. 



Thank you for this! I actually don't really care about Nina all that much, but the WE NEVER CARED joke isn't all that funny because it does seem like people are actually insinuating that the entire collective GH audience never cared and that's annoying and inaccurate. It doesn't really matter how many cutesy polls are done of the Previously.tv forums, posting something like WE NEVER CARED isn't about some board collective and people really should just speak for themselves. If you don't care about the character then say I NEVER CARED. There's no reason to drag everyone else into it.


Make it eight.


And here's why I'm squarely on board with the WE NEVER CARED meme:  Because the introduction of Nina was with all this fanfare, and they had the audacity to have a 20 second or so promo with Nina, in which she says, "I'm baaaack!" as though she had been a popular character played by a popular actress on this show and had returned.  We never had the chance to miss her because she never. existed. heretofore.  So that is why I have no problem adopting the We Never Cared nickname.

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And here's why I'm squarely on board with the WE NEVER CARED meme:  Because the introduction of Nina was with all this fanfare, and they had the audacity to have a 20 second or so promo with Nina, in which she says, "I'm baaaack!" as though she had been a popular character played by a popular actress on this show and had returned.  We never had the chance to miss her because she never. existed. heretofore.  So that is why I have no problem adopting the We Never Cared nickname.

Then by all means, be on board with it.  I'm not, nor will I ever be.  If I feel like I'm being forced to be on board with something, then that's going to drive me away from it even faster.  All there is to it.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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My unpopular opinion? I liked Anna and Luke's burgeoning romance back in 2012. I thought it actually spoke to their personalities, as I had known them.  Luke saw in Anna someone he could have some adventure with and he respected her and that made him want to be a better person.  He went through those phases a lot. Anna's always had horrible taste in men. :P  I kid, partially. What I do mean is that she likes challenges and challenging men.  A Mr. Nice kinda guy, like Buzz, couldn't hold her interest at all.


But I had the benefit of not watching the show between 2000 and 2012.  So the Luke I knew between 1978 and 1984 and again between 1993 and 1999 was a very different man than the current and more long-standing audience has seen.  And I happen to like and respect both actors tremendously. That helped.


I had always wanted a dance scene between Anna and Luke, or even Bill. Since both were Broadway-trained dancers.  But alas, despite all the cross-overs and potential, it was never meant to be.

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I was really psyched about the idea of a Luke and Anna fling back when Guza's old crew wrote the show. I thought they had the quick wit and skills to make that work. The version of the pairing that emerged onscreen in '12 was pretty saccharine and forced, and turned my stomach.

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I think the actress Hayley Erin is attractive, but the character Kiki Jerome is ugly as sin.

Keeks' shit personality aside, her hair and skin look awful. HE's hair and skin in her Twitter pics look good, so I don't know what the hell the GH team does to her to make her look so bad.

Actually, I can't think of a single person that doesn't look better on social media than they do on TFGH.

GH's cheap ass makeup artists and the ugly wardrobes tend to have people looking less attractive.

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Valerie looks great in pics on the web and on old clips, but looks terrible on GH. What is wrong with the stylists and makeup people?

My UO today is that I like NuDillon.

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My UO today is that I like NuDillon.


Same here. I like him a lot so far actually.


And I agree about BS. She looks stunning in the pics I've seen of her, but she just looks strange in a not interesting way on GH. These poor actors being made to look like shit!

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I think a lot of why people look terrible is the bad lighting. Soaps simply don't have the time to do more than light the scene in an overall fashion, and now that we have HD, the lack of nuance there is more obvious.


I can't remember who it was, but some soap actor once said that when people saw him/her in public, the most common comment was, "You look so young in real life!" It was because the lighting was so unforgiving.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I have a few other unpopular opinion:


I, for one, am GLAD, that Jax and Alexis never got romantically involved. I know Nancy Lee Grahn wanted it, but, for me, it was so refreshing to see how a man and a woman, who could love each other, and not have the typical sexual tension, unrequited, or marriage of convenience, leads to love kind of thing happening.


I really, really love their friendship, and that the friendship and love is still there in spite of all the fuckery that successive writing regimes have accomplished.


And I'm also glad NOTHING ever happened with Robin and Jagger on NSII. That almost kiss squicked me out bad enough. UGH.


Hated the recast of Leo on NSII. I much preferred the older? younger? Raines, who played Leo as this suave, sophisticated, hot doctor with no baggage. Instead in, NSII, we get a whiny, jealous, man-boy. 

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And I'm also glad NOTHING ever happened with Robin and Jagger on NSII. That almost kiss squicked me out bad enough. UGH.





OMG, they almost kissed? That's like some sort of pseudo-incest* right there! Poor Stone probably rolled over in his grave.


*I know, there are siblings who have the same lovers on soaps all the time. But the circumstances surrounding those two make it seem especially creepy to me.

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OMG, they almost kissed? That's like some sort of pseudo-incest* right there! Poor Stone probably rolled over in his grave.


*I know, there are siblings who have the same lovers on soaps all the time. But the circumstances surrounding those two make it seem especially creepy to me.



Yes, they almost kissed. Patrick was acting all assy and jealous...Robert was in a coma? I think, with his cancer...Robin is pregnant, they were sitting on either the couch or the end of the bed...talk led to talk about Stone (not Jagger's son, Stone, but his brother)...they leaned toward each other, closer...closer, and then thankfully, my brain has bleached out who pulled away, but not the entire scene itself.



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Yes, they almost kissed. Patrick was acting all assy and jealous...Robert was in a coma? I think, with his cancer...Robin is pregnant, they were sitting on either the couch or the end of the bed...talk led to talk about Stone (not Jagger's son, Stone, but his brother)...they leaned toward each other, closer...closer, and then thankfully, my brain has bleached out who pulled away, but not the entire scene itself.




I realize this is NS 2 and not GH, but I got Patrick being assy on that, a bit. Robin did tell Patrick she was going to deplete her entire savings account for Jagger and Stone, Jr. (I forget why.) But considering they were together by then, if not married, and told him without any input, I did get why he was on edge there.


Oddly, though, ASJ and JT had a decent frenemy vibe going on that.

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