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On 8/24/2019 at 6:58 PM, howmanywords said:

I know Galen has his share of fans, but here I dont think you will find many disagreeing 😆God knows my Rafe hatred runs deep. It annoys me to no end we have lost some great actors and GG is still sucking the life out of the females he gets put in stories with.

They even tried to make him a leading hero when Stefano started gunning for him during  the Imposter Rafe saga and Bernadi debacle.  

Even that failed to elevate this character to the heroic status enjoyed by Steve ,Shane,John and Bo.

Because i found myself rooting for Stefano instead of Rafe.

Also the ommision of John and Roman during that whole "Search for Stefano in Prague " saga  was utter nonsense . Both characters have a massive history with Stefano and yet they were not part of the hunting party while Rafe took a prominent role during the hunt for stefano .

Rafe was okay at first but when they started shoving down our throats ,I began to loathe the character.

Edited by Rafael
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6 hours ago, Rafael said:

Most ladies say he is a good looking man. I just find it odd that a guy who is considered to be attractive has zero chemistry with the ladies he is paired with. 

His best pairings chemistry wise were with Nicole (friendship), and Kate (romantic). 

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1 hour ago, JBC344 said:

His best pairings chemistry wise were with Nicole (friendship), and Kate (romantic). 

He needs to play off someone who takes charge in a scene. AZ and LK have helped him in their scenes because they had to carry him with their talent.

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I thought he and Sal (Lani had a nice vibe.)  He's mostly not bringing much to my screen tho.

Here's one inspired by the anniversary party.  Even after all these years, I can't stop seeing John and Marlena as cheatin' hos.

There's no reason for such as it's such a soap staple and I've forgiven other couples under similar circumstances but for some reason the affair was so well set up and with amazing fallout that I can't let it go.

Edited by Irlandesa
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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

Here's one inspired by the anniversary party.  Even after all these years, I can't stop seeing John and Marlena as cheatin' hos.

I agree and I will add that I was always on Sami's side of why didn't see it as the fabulous love story everyone else did. Sure, she eventually needed to let go of all the anger and bitterness but when she was 15 at the time, she trusted them both, and once again her family was being ripped apart.

I wlll even add that for all their talk about love and connection, I always thought it was about sex between John and Marlena. It's why Marlena was initially attracted to John and convinced herself that he was Roman even though he was a different height than her husband. 

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 I strongly dislike John and Marlena as a pairing. (Always liked RoJohn. Doc? Ummm...) Guess that should be a UO. LOL! But the whole affair thing was screwed (pardon the pun!) from the get go because, prior to SORAS when casting Sweeney, John was the ONLY dad those kids knew. I remember the twins as little kids all confused when "Real" Roman showed up, etc.

So the whole impetus, Sami shattered but especially on behalf of Roman, really rang false with me. I mean, since she was aged, I know the new narrative was she knew her bio-dad. But when the screen showed me something much different only months prior, well...it just never worked for me. Ironically, I think it could have worked if "good" Carrie spiraled out, seeing it. She DID know her dad.

But, ironically, Carrie seemed to embrace John more as her dad than Roman for a time (and still remains close with John).

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52 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

So the whole impetus, Sami shattered but especially on behalf of Roman, really rang false with me. I mean, since she was aged, I know the new narrative was she knew her bio-dad. But when the screen showed me something much different only months prior, well...it just never worked for me. Ironically, I think it could have worked if "good" Carrie spiraled out, seeing it. She DID know her dad.

I agree with you wholeheartedly about Sami's supposed bond with Roman, she was barely 2 months old when he died.  She had bonded with John as her dad. Carrie did spiral out of control for a bit when she refused to forget her years with John as her dad all to appease Roman. Not to mention, Roman was a jerk back then in refusing to let her date Austin. Whereas, John was a so understanding and not judgmental.  Roman's years of captivity had weakened his bond with Carrie and Roman no longer had any influence over Carrie like John did.. Roman should have gone to the dark side after the affair and not Sami. It would have been an interesting angle for the show to explore.  

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2 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Roman should have gone to the dark side after the affair and not Sami. It would have been an interesting angle for the show to explore.  

That certainly would have made more sense than the later evil Alex North retcon garbage with Wayne Northrop!

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3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I thought he and Sal (Lani had a nice vibe.)  He's mostly not bringing much to my screen tho.

Here's one inspired by the anniversary party.  Even after all these years, I can't stop seeing John and Marlena as cheatin' hos.

There's no reason for such as it's such a soap staple and I've forgiven other couples under similar circumstances but for some reason the affair was so well set up and with amazing fallout that I can't let it go.

Sami is that you 😂

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I liked everything about John and Marlena’s affair storyline, because it made sense to me. A woman forced to let go of the man she thought was her husband, because her original husband came back from the dead....not because she stopped loving him. Then burying those feelings for a few years because it was the “right thing” to do. John’s speech to Marlena in her bedroom after the plane incident summed up my feelings. “We shared this house. We shared this bed. We shared our lives. But then he (Roman) comes back and suddenly it’s over....just like that! But it was never really over, was it?” Later, some writers tried to portray it as lust over love, but it was never written that way. It was written as Marlena loving two men, through no fault of her own. Marlena never rejoiced in the affair. She felt immensely guilty to the point of trying to fix John up with Kristen and rebuffing him numerous times.

I was fine that it was Sami and not Carrie who caught them. I didn’t mind her hatred of John and Marlena and her loyalty to Roman. AS just played the “bad girl” well. 

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

I love Brandon Barash, but I liked him from when he was on GH.  I think he has made Stefan more likable.

Is that really unpopular though I think most people have done a total 180 on Stefan because a few months ago many wanted him gone ASAP. That being said I do prefer him on GH because while he makes Stefan more watchable the character is still a dumpster fire to me because of that DID storyline which yes BB wasn't a part of.

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I don’t think Stefan was supposed to be a likable character during the DID story. That was some creepy music during that “love” story. 

Now they want people to root for him with Gabbi. 

I like both actors but do feel BB had an easier part to play.    I mean it’s gotta be easier to pretend to be attracted to a woman instead of a wig.   

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15 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

I see zero chemistry between Stefan and Gabi. Their make out scenes seem forced, and I don’t really like BB


Add me to that list!!

I liked the beginning of the story with Gabi coming up with the plot to marry Stefan and take it all but as soon as it started raining anvils with every character telling Gabi she would fall in love, I lost interest. I actually started FF through quite of few of their scenes. I can't help myself, I found it unsavory that she would fall for a guy that helped frame her for murder and sent her to prison. 

BB is a decent enough actor but he doesn't have the cojones to play a Dimera, which probably isn't saying much given how played out the Dimeras are as a family. 

I love Stacy H as Kristen DiMera/Susan Banks and I think she is as good as (if not better) than Eileen Davidson, however, Eileen has better chem with the dude that plays Brady. 

I don't care about Tony and Anna. AT. ALL.

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11 hours ago, tribeca said:

I don’t think Stefan was supposed to be a likable character during the DID story. That was some creepy music during that “love” story. 

Now they want people to root for him with Gabbi. 

I like both actors but do feel BB had an easier part to play.    I mean it’s gotta be easier to pretend to be attracted to a woman instead of a wig.   

I did considering how they had Abby and Chad be cool with him after the fact before they left. Only JJ and Brady acknowledged it as rape. Chloe etc seemed rather dismissive of it.

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On 8/28/2019 at 11:23 AM, islandgal140 said:

I love Stacy H as Kristen DiMera/Susan Banks and I think she is as good as (if not better) than Eileen Davidson

...in what universe?

I might be able to get behind people's enjoyment of Stacy if the material was anywhere near as nuanced has the stuff Eileen had. Or maybe it wasn't all that nuanced, and it was just that she made it more nuanced with her performance.

Stacy as Kristen is oily and snake-like. There's really no appeal to her Kristen. She acts like she's better than everyone and can get away with anything, but you kind of just want to watch her trip over her own feet and fall down a flight of stairs so you can laugh. You were always rooting for Eileen's Kristen to succeed in some ways (at least I was). This lady needs to take a seat.

And while I hate Stefan as a character and I typically hate recasts, I think BB saved Stefan for me because I couldn't have bared seeing the original actor, in all of his dark brooding intensity, feel up Gabi after permanently screwing up her entire life. BB seems like a kind of sweet guy, and I'm capable of watching their storyline play out because of it. I'm not saying they have crazy chemistry, but the actors make it work. Probably because I don't think of BB as Stefan. He's like a new character.

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Thanks to BB's interpretation, Stefan is not a sleazeball anymore. He's able to make the character's transition from a one dimensional villain to a redeemed character somewhat believable despite the poor writing. I can't imagine TC pulling it off.  Also, BB's more convincing than Paul Telfer in that department. I don't necessarily think PT's a bad actor but his robotic delivery lately in my opinion undermines this effort to make Xander a redeemed ex villain being in love with a woman. The contentious conversation between Sarah and Xander from last Thursday is an example. LG was doing her best to make it look like Sarah wasn't talk to a wall. Meanwhile PT stood there with expressionless eyes. Xander looked like a nobody and his portrayer's weak acting surfaced without the scoundrel facade to prop it up.

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Not to make excuses for him, but it is a pretty huge 180 turn for Xander to apologize about anything. Paul's never had to play that before...and I don't think it's at all clear what Xander sees in Sarah that brings out this vulnerable side in him. An actor needs to know why their character is doing things in order to sell it. Sometimes they can create an answer for themselves. Sometimes not.

It's also possible that Paul's strengths are in the confident swagger department. Not everyone can pull off every angle.

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That's why I brought Stefan as an example. His character isn't that different from Xander not to mention both are going through redemption. So I believe one's interpretation/abilities do play a role in this. Having said that I also believe writing plays a bigger part. This Thursday's episode is a great example. The way they are forcing Xander/Sarah down the throat is not helping. it's chemistry-killer. Both actors looked like they weren't convinced but was doing their best to go along with it. There's nothing between the two then boom he's hell bent on making her his? What the hell is this crap? Xander's turning into a mix of early Sarah/"Chloe-obsessed" Stefan/neutered Ted. Sarah is becoming a nympho/bed-hopper. This is ruining both characters.

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I think I'm in the minority here but I actually like what Lindsey Godfrey is doing as Sarah. Not all of it mind you. There's a little bit too much happening with her lips hanging open and her bangs covering her forehead, but I think the actress is really trying hard in all of her scenes and is largely succeeding to seem natural. She definitely isn't phoning it in and I have to give her kudos for that. Hopefully, if the show's writing style changes while she is still on contract, and we can get to see her be a little bit more calm and have gradual character growth, she could end up becoming a favourite.

But she definitely needs a few months without a love interest to get there.

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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

I think I'm in the minority here but I actually like what Lindsey Godfrey is doing as Sarah. Not all of it mind you. There's a little bit too much happening with her lips hanging open and her bangs covering her forehead, but I think the actress is really trying hard in all of her scenes and is largely succeeding to seem natural. She definitely isn't phoning it in and I have to give her kudos for that. Hopefully, if the show's writing style changes while she is still on contract, and we can get to see her be a little bit more calm and have gradual character growth, she could end up becoming a favourite.

But she definitely needs a few months without a love interest to get there.

Lindsey should have been cast as Stefanie Johnson, especially if they dyed her hair blonde and had her wear green eye contacts..

Edited by Pearson80
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3 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I think I'm in the minority here but I actually like what Lindsey Godfrey is doing as Sarah. Not all of it mind you. There's a little bit too much happening with her lips hanging open and her bangs covering her forehead, but I think the actress is really trying hard in all of her scenes and is largely succeeding to seem natural. She definitely isn't phoning it in and I have to give her kudos for that. Hopefully, if the show's writing style changes while she is still on contract, and we can get to see her be a little bit more calm and have gradual character growth, she could end up becoming a favourite.

But she definitely needs a few months without a love interest to get there.

Based on what I heard, it's not LG's choice to wear bangs. Her hair is curly in real life but for whatever reason the show's makeup department doesn't tolerate curly hair. So they change it when Sarah's on screen. Having said that, her hair looks fine lately. Perhaps the person who is in charge of the makeup department has a change of heart. 

Count me in as one who also appreciates LG's earnest interpretations of Sarah. The actress in my opinion successfully paints a picture of flawed but a spunky and kind-hearted woman. She fully deserves the credit for completing mission impossible - how to breathe life into "Nicole-obsessed" Eric lol. What also amazes me about Linsey is her spontaneity and naturalness, especially with older co-stars. She appeared very comfortable with Greg in those Sarah/Eric intimate scenes.

Absolutely, it's obviously in Sarah's best interest to take a break from relationship for a long while.

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On 9/6/2019 at 6:18 PM, DisneyBoy said:

I think I'm in the minority here but I actually like what Lindsey Godfrey is doing as Sarah.

Just guessing but I don't sense that is unpopular.  Sarah, as a character, is a bit unmoored but she's a decent soap actress.  She can do different emotions.  She has decent chemistry with her costars. 

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On 9/8/2019 at 4:37 AM, Irlandesa said:

Just guessing but I don't sense that is unpopular.  Sarah, as a character, is a bit unmoored but she's a decent soap actress.  She can do different emotions.  She has decent chemistry with her costars. 

Just too bad she was miscast.  She should have been Stephanie Johnson. With Joey in jail and Steve in jail at some point ,the time was ripe for Stephanie to return to Salem and support Kayla . 

Plus Stephanie could have also interacted with Theresa , with whom she grew up with . Infact Stephanie could have also supported Theresa during that Tate custody battle against Eve and Brady plus Stephanie would have also interacted with her cousin JJ ,who was supporting Theresa during that whole ordeal.

Plus Theresa would have had a female confidant she could cpnfide in regarding her stint as El Fideo's slave. 

Edited by Rafael
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On 9/8/2019 at 4:37 AM, Irlandesa said:

Just guessing but I don't sense that is unpopular.  Sarah, as a character, is a bit unmoored but she's a decent soap actress.  She can do different emotions.  She has decent chemistry with her costars. 

Problem with Lynsey playing Sarah is that it kinda makes Maggie look bad. 

Its like Maggie gave birth to Sarah  circa 1990 and promptly dumped her on Melissa Horton so Melissa can raise her . Afterall , it was stated clearly during the 90s that Sarah was staying with Melissa at Nashville. 

We all saw Sarah leaving Salem as a 17 year old in 1991  plus during that time we saw her growing up with Mickey and Maggie and being BFFs with Carrie during elementary and highschool . 

What is  also bizarre was how Lynsey's Sarah remembering Neil Curtis fondly and hardly mentioning Mickey . 

And also the writers seem to have forgotten that Maggie and Melanie had a conversation circa 2014 about Sarah Horton being pregnant and being a surrogate of one of her friends. 

what happened to that  ? 

Rex Brady could have easily returned to Salem engaged to Noelle Curtis ,Sarah's half sister . 

and they could have easily cast Chrishelle Hartley as Noelle  . I wouldnt mind that since jordan Ridgeway was so useless . I still feel Chrishelle should have been cast as Noelle in the first place.

Noelle could have been a doctor following in the footsteps of her dad ,Dr Neil Curtis . 

a Rex/Noelle/Eric love triangle would have far better than this present Sarah /Rex/Eric horror triangle. 

Edited by Rafael
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I just can't get worked up with Sarah's de-aging. I have said this before, Mike Horton went from doc in his 30s with Carrie Brady as a tween to a doc STILL in his 30s with Carrie suddenly his love interest.

I can see why Sarah as a character was tempting to resurrect: With the exception of her brief meltdown when she learned the truth about Neil (which in itself was a retcon - Evan Whyland was originally the daddy), Sarah was pretty much a blank slate, so writers could go any way.

And it's nice for Maggie to have a REAL kid of hers around, not some retconned grown up egg doctor saint in Dan. *vomit*

As for the whole 2014 surrogacy stuff, not many remember that, and even if people do, maybe it didn't take/there was a miscarriage or the friend went in another direction.

Linsey Godfrey seems likable even with all of the irregularities, and she gives Maggie a little more action and depth, so I'm happy to just go with it.

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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I just can't get worked up with Sarah's de-aging. I have said this before, Mike Horton went from doc in his 30s with Carrie Brady as a tween to a doc STILL in his 30s with Carrie suddenly his love interest.

I can see why Sarah as a character was tempting to resurrect: With the exception of her brief meltdown when she learned the truth about Neil (which in itself was a retcon - Evan Whyland was originally the daddy), Sarah was pretty much a blank slate, so writers could go any way.

And it's nice for Maggie to have a REAL kid of hers around, not some retconned grown up egg doctor saint in Dan. *vomit*

As for the whole 2014 surrogacy stuff, not many remember that, and even if people do, maybe it didn't take/their was a miscarriage or the friend went in another direction.

Linsey Godfrey seems likable even with all of the irregularities, and she gives Maggie a little more action and depth, so I'm happy to just go with it.

Andrew Donovan ,Alexander Kiriakis,Annie Peters,Victor Kiriakis II ,Joseph Kiriakis ,Charlie Jannings ,Dougie le Cleir and Spencer Olsen ..

These characters are blank slates because we last saw them as toddlers and babies and they had a zEro impact on Salem . Plus they grew up outside Salem and these characters were mentioned by name every once in a while but we never got any info regarding the  character's occupations or current positions in life.  So you can safely say they are blank slates.

Unfortunately ,Sarah is not a blank slate . The viewers saw her "grow " up onscreen . They saw her being raised by Mickey and Maggie plus they saw her growing up with Carrie . They also saw Sarah get hit by a car driven by Eve Donovan and also when she shockingly found out that Neil Curtis was her Bio daddy . 

I do agree when it comes to Mike Horton not being affected by time groundhog day style but I dont think his case is similar to that of Sarah .

Atleast Roark Critchlow was the peer of Michael T Weiss since they are roughly the same age . So there was abit of a continuity there regarding Mike's de -SORAS. 

Unlike Sarah ,who was 16-17 in 1991 and then they bring her back 26 years later played by an actress who was 29 years old when cast as Sarah. 

Melissa Archer should have been Sarah. They could have de-SORAS'd her abit and switch her year of birth from 1974 to 1976. Afterall Carrie's year of birth is 1974 while Sami and Eric's year of birth is 1977 . 

plus Melissa Archer was born in 1978 ,so the small de-SORAS would work.

Edited by Rafael
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3 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

And it's nice for Maggie to have a REAL kid of hers around, not some retconned grown up egg doctor saint in Dan. *vomit*

I absolutely despised/loathed Dr G0d Daniel .

Please,Dont  remind me of Summer Townsend as welll.

Instead of creating these two insipid characters ,they simply should have brought back Melissa and Sarah . 

I wish Staci Haiduk was cast as Melissa Horton. Kristen should have been left at the bottom of that fancy castle. 

Id rather have Dr Colin Murphy instead of Daniel. 

I still say that they should have killed Mickey Horton during the Melaswen adventures instead of Collin . 

Afterall. John Clarke,who played Mickey retired around that time and i think Mickey sacrificing himself to save Doug and Alice would have been a heroic sendoff for the character.  Atleast then MIckey would not be recast with John Ingle. I Still think John Ingle should have played Tommy Horton Jr . 

Atleast Colin Murphy being ssleazy and sleeping with his patients would have made sense since he was a sleazy douche who was engaged to Elizabeth Cox just so he could marry her for her family's wealth ,he recorded himself and Nicole doing the nasty and using that sex tape to blackmail plus he betrayed Bo and was paid by Larry Welch to kill Bo .

Colin Murphy being an anti-hero who owns his sleazines would have far better than watching G0d Daniel being worshipped all over Salem and being depicted he is G0d. 

We wouldnt have been subjected to Daniel being sleazy and still be depicted like he is a superhero. 

We woudnt have bee subjected to Daniel reducing other male characters such as Philip and Lucas to dust and we wouldnt  have been watching this character being Parker's father and stealing Victor and Maggie from Lucas . He ended up getting 3 kids while the likes of Mike Horton only have one kid. 

Daniel was simply a poor man's Bo Brady/Dr Tom Horton.

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11 hours ago, Rafael said:

I absolutely despised/loathed Dr G0d Daniel .

Plus, he shouldn't have even been able to exist.  The world's first test tube baby is NOW 41 years old.  Yet somehow, Maggie was saving eggs and having them stolen for a procedure that DIDN'T EVEN EXIST ten years (AT LEAST) earlier when Daniel was born.  I know they do a lot of weird sci-fi crap (with living masks, etc.) but if you are going to use real life historical events they should at least be real life.  No one was saving their eggs when Daniel was born.

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I don't think hating Daniel was unpopular I think liking him would be.

That being said Shawn Christian should've been cast as Mike Horton. He could've had most of the same storylines except for Dannifer which would've spared us all. 

Lucas/Mike could've fought over Chloe

Mike could've hooked up with Kate which would've wrecked Laura.

They could've even paired him with Nicole plus he would've actually had a place on this show because he is a legacy character.

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31 minutes ago, tribeca said:

I don’t hate Rafe.  I liked Jordan (hated her last appearance), Paige, Serena and Phillip.  

I don’t mind most days Marlena and johns cheesy love.  sometimes its just light and fun. 

I don’t hate Rafe either and like Phillip - well actually I loved JKJ’s Phillip. I miss him so much. But I’m hoping that’s not an unpopular opinion! 

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2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Plus, he shouldn't have even been able to exist.  The world's first test tube baby is NOW 41 years old.  Yet somehow, Maggie was saving eggs and having them stolen for a procedure that DIDN'T EVEN EXIST ten years (AT LEAST) earlier when Daniel was born.  I know they do a lot of weird sci-fi crap (with living masks, etc.) but if you are going to use real life historical events they should at least be real life.  No one was saving their eggs when Daniel was born.

Kristen had Theresa's fetus removed from her womb and implanted in her.  Is that a thing?

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3 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

On Days? Yes since Vivian did that to Kate with Phillip

The difference was that the embryos were not implanted in Kate. I don't remember if Vivian's womb was ready to receive them.  It was plausible that Vivian was taking fertility treatments to get her body ready for them.  Whereas, Kristen removing a fetus from Theresa should have resulted in an abortion.  

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15 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Kristen had Theresa's fetus removed from her womb and implanted in her.  Is that a thing?

11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

The difference was that the embryos were not implanted in Kate. I don't remember if Vivian's womb was ready to receive them.  It was plausible that Vivian was taking fertility treatments to get her body ready for them.  Whereas, Kristen removing a fetus from Theresa should have resulted in an abortion. 

I know it's weird but I'm willing to suspend belief if it's something impossible - Kristen stealing a fetus and implanting it was impossible but I went with it.  But when it is something that actually happened in the real world and they don't address it in any way - that is when I have a problem.  Maggie saving her eggs YEARS before anyone would even know how to do that is just stupid.  They didn't even have a throw away line about it being some experimental thing.  This is why I'm glad they are actually addressing the fact that Julie can not go on the national transplant list because she is over 70 - she could only get a directed donation (which, of course, we know will come from somewhere because since SSH is still alive they are NOT going to kill off Julie.)  This is a real thing.

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I am not sure this is unpopular but it feels like it might be since Jack and Jennifer are a popular couple. 

Imho them giving Dr. Rolf a lab for him to work on pet projects just for jack can regain his memory seems so selfish.  The show has shown how dangerous the doctor is   

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On 8/25/2019 at 4:25 AM, Rafael said:

Also the ommision of John and Roman during that whole "Search for Stefano in Prague " saga  was utter nonsense . Both characters have a massive history with Stefano and yet they were not part of the hunting party while Rafe took a prominent role during the hunt for stefano .

See, that was the end of it for me. I totally agree with you. I realize Drake wasn't filming because he was injured, but the episode didn't air until he was already healed and back on set. They were able to film everyone's scenes with Stefano out of sequence because the footage with Joe was filmed six months prior to the filming of the Prague story. So stuff was already being filmed out of sequence!

They could have just filmed scenes with John two weeks before the episode aired, and inserted them into the story. I'm not saying they had to cut Rafe out completely, because at least he had that nice beat with Austin at the masquerade, but John absolutely should have been involved. They could have shown him at his mother's house realizing Doc was in danger and racing overseas to get to her and then showing up at the last minute to arrest Stefano by the cafe where he was caught. That would have been what, three scenes?

But then they also didn't do a very good job of covering for the fact that Drake was injured rushing through that door to stop Orpheus from burning Marlena and Kayla to death. He passed through the door and then vanished completely from the rest of the episode and for months afterwards.

At least I could believe Roman was staying in Salem and not helping Marlena in Prague because Hope had broken out of prison and Roman was afraid his sister-in-law would get caught or shot or something. He was still commissioner at the time.

I don't particularly mind Rafe being involved with dullards like Jordan or Lani. I would rather have all the bad characters have storylines with each other than drag down the other dynamic characters.

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Read somewhere that there is a possibility that Jay Kenneth Johnson might return to reprise the role of Philip Kiriakis. 

I hope its true . 

They can also bring Belle back. 

Reunite Philip and Belle .

Jay and Martha Madison were pretty hot together. Martha had more chemistry with Jay than with Brandon Beemer . 

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I agree that Martha had more chemistry with JKJ's Phillip than she did with either Shawn. Honestly the only Shelle that had chemistry was Jason/Kirsten's version of the pairing.

That being said I don't want Phillip back not because I don't love the characters but this show has made me regret wanting my faves to return or still be on the show. At this point I'm glad when they exit stage left so I don't have to see them ruined.

I shudder what Ron would do to Phillip I hope its a short visit if true.

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I honestly Wouldnt mind if the role of Carrie Brady was recast. I would love to see Gina Tognoni cast as Carrie .

Would love to see Carrie step up and become the new matriach of the Brady's .

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perhaps they can alsO bring Patrick Muldoon back to reprise the role of Austin Reed. 

Yeah ,I know his 2nd stint was a disaster but i think that was mostly due to MarDar's writing .

Muldoon is a vastly superior actor compared to Austin Peck. 

Heard Austin has a job as a real estste agent. Doubt hed want to return fulltime .

Perhaps they could try to pair Austin with Hope . Austin  is merely 5 years younger than Hope. 

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Still think Johnny DiMera should have been revealed to be Lucas's son afterall during that Ejabby vs Nick Fallon saga when Nick was blackmailing Abby with photos of her feasting on EJ. 

Perhaps after Gabi killed Nick ,EJ would be like "good riddance to nick fallon " and when he opens his laptop To catchup on his email meassages ,he finds an email message from Nick fallon with a document attached to it. 

It contains the paternity DNA testing Nick carried out back in 2007 during the Brady /DiMera feud  .

Afterall Nick was the one who Performed the  DNA tests on Sami's feutus trying to determine whether or not either  Lucas or EJ Is the father of Sami's babies.

I think it would have somewhat minimised that whole "EJ raping Sami " debacle and made this couple extra viable without this event hanging over them . Plus Johnny is like the living /breathing reminder that the rape occured. We All know that TIIC made Johnny into EJ's son just to prop Up EJAMI . Just too bad Johnny was conceived in such a manner. Atleast both Sami and EJ were in consensUal heat when Sydney was conceived .

If TIIC wanted EJ to have a son ,they shouldnt have killed off Daniel Rafael Walker by having Nicole miscarry him . 

Edited by Rafael
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Ahhhhhhh, Deimos Kiriakis -the most unnecesary character ever.

Did House Kiriakis need another male member when the family was already a sausage festival filled to the brim with males such as Victor ,Justin  ,Philip and Justin's 4 sons and then they had other  relatives such as Brady ,Bo and Shawn . 

Instead of casting Vincent Irizarry as Deimos , they could have cast him aa Nicole's off-screen fiance . He was mentioned back in 2006 . This was 3 months after Arianne Zucker left the show . Lucas told Sami and Austin that during a business trip to LA ,he ran into Nicole and found that she was engaged to some actor and is ready to settle down .  This was a nod to Arianne's  engageMent to Kyle Lowder no doubt. 

Now Deimos used an alias , Robert Tasso ,when he first met Chloe . 

The show could have cast him as Robert Tasso , a washed up actor and musician /music producer ,whose career was ruined by drug addiction. .

What would bring him to Salem ? Thats easy , he would be one of the first signings of Philip's music label alongside Chloe .

Unbeknowst to Salem ,Robert and Nicole were engaged in 2006 and Nicole  broke off their engagement somewhere around 2007 when  Robert suffered from drug addiction. Dont forget that Nicole returned to Salem in 2008 . 

Also unbeknowst to Salem , Robert is one of he main contributors of Brady's drug addiction during Brady's marriege to Chloe. Brady and Chloe were staying in Austria that time. They could explain that Robert and Chloe were some of the selected musicians selected to do the sOundtrack of a movie . Afterall ,the show had us believe that Chloe was the next big thing in the opera world that time  .

Plus I noticed that Irizarry was a good pianist during that scene where Deimos kissed Nicole while he was playing the piano.

They could pOint out that Robert is a Skilled pianist. 

Anyway ,Robert's backstory  . They could have explained that circa 2007 ,he was In Austria for months  working on the movie's soundtrack while Nicole enjoys L.A while  waiting for her future hubby to return to Her.

Plus with Robert and Chloe working tOgether , robert would become aquainted with Brady And thats how Brady ended up becoming a drug addict .

I can see Robert courting Nicole again  ,even though she was mourning Daniel's death . 

Obviously Victor would hate Robert for getting Brady into drugs . Plus Irizarry and Jihn Aniston's hate filled scenes were a joy to watch. 

Edited by Rafael
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Always wished that Tony DiMera would turn out to be Princess Greta von Amberg's bio daddy. 

Not Stefano and definitely not John

Afterall ,Gina was Stefano's pawn so Gina regularly being in the same vicinity as Tony that time is not far fetched. 

They could have revealed this during the 50th anniversary celebrations when Greta pops in for a short visit.  Greta would reveal this info to John .

Edited by Rafael
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23 hours ago, Rafael said:

Always wished that Tony DiMera would turn out to be Princess Greta von Amberg's bio daddy. 

Not Stefano and definitely not John

Afterall ,Gina was Stefano's pawn so Gina regularly being in the same vicinity as Tony that time is not far fetched. 

They could have revealed this during the 50th anniversary celebrations when Greta pops in for a short visit.  Greta would reveal this info to John .

Now that you mentioned it, I wouldn't of minded Tony being Greta'a dad. Although we would have to reconcile what Stefano did to her as his unbeknownst granddaughter. 

I also wouldn't of minded John turning out to be her father back in the 90's. They always had a sweet relationship. 

Would love to see Greta return. Sarah is ok, but would much rather see Greta in the triangle with Eric and Nicole. 

Jack also needs his best friend back. 

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