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On an Island of One: Unpopular Opinions of Survivor

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If we had an Unpopular Opinions thread

Well, we do now!  Was thinking about one for a while, but here it is.


Put any opinion on Survivor, its seasons, its casts, and even its castaways here . . . if it goes against the grain of general thoughts of the fans, not just fans here.

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Way too much was made of the Shirin/Will confrontation last season.  Shiriin manipulated it, first to draw more attention to herself during the game; and afterwards to get herself back on the show in season 31. 

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I think Earl would have beaten Yau Man had they both made the finals together.


I liked Jacquie from Gabon (though disliked that season as much as most people) and think she should get a second chance to play.


I find that Cochran and Natalie White played nearly the exact same game and am still puzzled as to how the former gets much more praise than the latter for it.


As great of a social player as Todd was, I don't get the hype over his strategic game or even his jury performance, where he gave mostly vague generalities of his supposed strategy.


I liked Sherri from Caramoan, Kass and Danielle DiLorenzo.


I would have rather seen one of the beauties from Cagayan (especially Alexis or Morgan) get a second chance to play over Woo or even Tasha.

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Cochran ranks as one of my top 5 most overrated players ever.  Never liked him, and think he got extremely lucky during Caramoan.  He deserved the win over Dawn and Sherri, but I don't consider that saying much.  Of course, anyone that ever comes on and wants to be called by their last name or some other stupid nickname they give themselves always irks me (same goes for Culpepper).  Other winners I find overrated:  Tina and Ethan.  Both are likable enough, but both also had lucky circumstances getting to the end.  I never saw much of what Ethan did in that game other than just be in the majority alliance and be sitting against Kim, a big coattail rider.  I also fail to see what Tina did that was so special other than be less of a backstabber than Colby, but really, the only ones he really back stabbed was Jerri, Amber, and Mitchell.  Kucha was outnumbered at the merge once Jeff got voted off, so they were going to get picked off.


I don't believe Dreamz is a horrible human being for backing out of his deal with Yau-Man over Cargate.  It's the game.  Yau-Man made a nice gesture and took a gamble.  It was like Mike pulling the auction stunt this season.  Frankly, all these years/seasons later, Dreamz is someone I wouldn't mind seeing back for a second go round, just to see how he has changed/improved his game.  Another Fiji moment I disagree with people on is Michelle.  I see it everywhere that she deserves a second chance because of the circumstances of her TC.  Yet the same thing basically happened to Jenny Guzon during Cook Islands the season before, and no one seems to bring that up.  Michelle's a sweetie, but if we're going by people getting a second chance that was screwed by circumstances of the game, she'd probably be towards the bottom for me.


During Caramoan, I was rooting for the 3 Amigos.  I've always wanted to see Reynold and Eddie return, but that season was so full of drama and meanness that I doubt we will ever see any of the "fans" back.  I mean, it's the only season that will probably ever have to come up with an excuse as to why half the cast is sitting in the audience and not onstage.


Guatemala ranks as one of my top 12 favorite seasons.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Outside of T-Bird, I hated the older group on Samburu  in Africa.   The younger group was more interesting, particularly Silas and Brandon.


I would love Silas to play again.

Edited by vb68
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I always felt the younger Samburus got a raw deal simply because they were the young half of the age division in their tribe.  The older half was just as guilty as making a divide as they were.  I remember hearing, and maybe he actually said it, that Probst didn't like the younger Samburu's and I will always believe that tribe swap was thrown in to prevent the last two remaining "elders" (as Teresa said they preferred to be called) from getting voted off.  I don't believe the swap would have been introduced that season if the elders had the upper hand.  Loved Silas, Lindsey, Kim, though I was neutral on Brandon at the time.  Every episode I changed my mind how I felt about the guy, but he was good for a laugh.  I just hated that he was so stubborn about voting with Frank and possibly turning the tide for the remaining Samburus.  I liked Clarence that season.  I wish the other Samburus at the merge had voted with him and T-Bird and ousted Lex.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I didn't like China. Thought Todd was very overrated and always thought James was a jerk. Didn't warm to Courtney until her second season. This was Amanda's best season out of her three, but still it's kinda understandable why she never won, there's a coldness to her. She doesn't seem to connect to people outside of her circle. 


And obviously when talking about bad twists, "steal two warriors," so you can throw the challenges and vote them off is about as bad as it gets. Pouring one out for Aaron right now. Really Cook Islands, Fiji, and China had three examples of random ass twists that seem to exist for the sole purpose of screwing someone over. I'm glad they dropped that. 

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I also think Brandon paved the way for people like  Rob Cesternino.  He tried to flip the votes so his side could have the advantage, but he gave them too much credit, and they turned on him.  He was definitely ahead of his time in terms of game style.  Africa would have been a more interesting season if he had gotten the upper hand.




 that Probst didn't like the younger Samburu's


I absolutely believe that, and it was reflected in the editing.  As you said the older people were just as at fault for the divide and were equally immature.  I think they even targeted the younger crowd first.   i also think t-Bird and Frank were stupid to throw that challenge after the swap.  They got revenge but lost whatever chance they had to control the game. 

Edited by vb68
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I also think Brandon paved the way for people like  Rob Cesternino.  He tried to flip the votes so his side could have the advantage, but he gave them too much credit, and they turned on him.  He was definitely ahead of his time in terms of game style.  Africa would have been a more interesting season if he had gotten the upper hand.





I absolutely believe that, and it was reflected in the editing.  As you said the older people were just as at fault for the divide and were equally immature.  I think they even targeted the younger crowd first.   i also think t-Bird and Frank were stupid to throw that challenge after the swap.  They got revenge but lost whatever chance they had to control the game. 


It was obvious they were setting Silas up with that, the way that tree mail was worded.  What I really hated was Teresa getting Kim to sign to Kelly from the sidelines to vote for Lindsey.  Silas probably would have swallowed his pride and voted along with Teresa and Frank if it meant getting himself further in the game. Those 2 were all about revenge.  I didn't see what the younger Samburus did as being spiteful before the swap.  They had an alliance and gained the upper hand.  Carl might have been more of an asset than Frank, but getting rid of Linda didn't really do much other than bring the crazy.  I hate producer interference.  I'm not against introducing twists, but not when it's blatantly obvious they are only introducing them to save/sabotage certain people (this season with the joint immunities, right when Shirin and Mike were on the verge of going?  Didn't work out for Shirin but it very well might have). 


Something else I'm over with this show: the whole Q&A session with the jury at the final 2/3.  I will never believe a juror who said their mind isn't made up and they will be listening to how everyone answers the questions.  That is, if there are questions asked, and not a lot of grand standing and expecting the final 3 to grovel because you felt screwed over.  The questions have gotten to the point where I equate them to being like the whole 'I want world peace' answer at a beauty pageant.  I'd rather just the final 2/3 come in, state their case, and have the jurors go vote.  If they aren't even going to do opening/closing statements anymore, then just do away with the juror questions as well.

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I found Shane Powers unwatchable.  I don't care how many people think he's great TV or hilarious or whatever. If I wanted to watch someone be mean-spirited and unhinged, I'd turn on The 700 Club.

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I loved Brian Heidik. 


Not him personally, obviously he is detestable, but I loved watching him play.  In fact I think it was Brian that made me a Survivor fan.  I'd watched sporadically before that and didn't really get all that involved.  But I found his cold-blooded, Machiavellian playing to be so fascinating that after that I was hooked.

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Was never a big fan of Earl, Yau-Man or Penner

Have to agree with Earl and Yau-Man.  I felt bad for Penner in The Cook islands because that tribe after the merge was over the top nasty to him, and he seemed to really take it on the chin.  But he's come back twice since then and yeah I don't think either his strategic or social game is nearly as strong as he believes.


With apologies to Rob C., if I think about it, the best player to never win in my mind is Cirie.   She really has the mind for it.  That 3-2-1 vote to get rid of Courtney that she orchestrated down to the small print  in Panama  was  like a master class in survivor strategy.  And that's something I hold against JT and the other heroes who voted her out.  I can understand seeing her as threat, but really she's such an asset if she's with you.  There's no doubt in my mind that she would have shut that letter to Russell down.   Plus I would have given anything to see her play with Sandra.

Edited by vb68
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Rob C and Cirie had a lot of respect for each other the one time she did his podcast. Cirie said Rob was the one player she felt played most similiAr to her and Rob said Cirie is better than him because she was able to play similiAr game to him and he was only able to do it once.

Edited by choclatechip45
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With apologies to Rob C., if I think about it, the best player to never win in my mind is Cirie.   She really has the mind for it.  That 3-2-1 vote to get rid of Courtney that she orchestrated down to the small print  in Panama  was  like a master class in survivor strategy.  And that's something I hold against JT and the other heroes who voted her out.  I can understand seeing her as threat, but really she's such an asset if she's with you.  There's no doubt in my mind that she would have shut that letter to Russell down.   Plus I would have given anything to see her play with Sandra.


This times a thousand.  I think Cirie played better than both Aras and Parvati and had she made it to the end I think she should have won both of those seasons.


Which leads me to not thinking that Parvati is as great as everyone thinks she is.  People talk about  her great social game but to me she always came across as smug and overly cruel.  Like how she threated Penner during her first season or the amount of glee she had during her second season in destroying others.  The funny thing is I think she played her best season in H vs. V.


I was a fan of Lex.  No really details as to why but I just was a fan of him.

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Which leads me to not thinking that Parvati is as great as everyone thinks she is.  People talk about  her great social game but to me she always came across as smug and overly cruel.  Like how she threated Penner during her first season or the amount of glee she had during her second season in destroying others.  The funny thing is I think she played her best season in H vs. V.

I agree that Parvati is not the all-time Survivor great that many consider her.  She's a very good player (I'd say top ten all time, maybe top 6-7 amongst the winners) but let's be clear, she won a half-veterans/half-newcomers season.  As we've seen time and time again, the returning players have such a huge edge in this scenario that it's hard to call those wins any more impressive than someone winning in their first try.  (Even in the seasons where it's just 2-3 returning players, at least one of them always makes the FTC.)


Parvati was nothing special in her first season, to the point that many were scratching her heads when she was announced to be returning in FvF.  She played a good season to win FvF, and then made it to the end of S20....yet tying herself so closely to Russell ruined her game.  When Russell was threatening to oust Danielle at F7, Parvati should've promised Jerri a firm final three slot and then rode the all-female alliance to the end.  Or, at F4, Parvati should've teamed with Jerri to force a 2-2 tie, trusting that either she or Jerri could've beaten Sandra (who was a lock to win a jury vote) in a fire-making challenge.

Edited by Trick Question
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I just watched Survivor Cagayan for the first time and I didn't hate Kass. I'd read so much about her and how awful she was and I kept waiting to get to the horrible stuff and I never really saw it. 


I don't think I would like her as a person to know in real life, but I liked that she basically did her thing and didn't let anyone bully her into voting with them. With a strong personality like Tony's, who also has the cop/authority figure thing that puts him in a position to steamroll people, and I liked that there was a woman there who wasn't going to be intimidated by that. Plus, from a viewer standpoint, I'd rather see someone make moves that might not make sense for themselves, but make good tv. The other alternative is someone like Sierra from this past season, who technically made the right moves for herself (and had she been able to pull out a win in the last couple immunities, might have won the game), but was dull as dirt to watch. 



This was Amanda's best season out of her three, but still it's kinda understandable why she never won, there's a coldness to her. She doesn't seem to connect to people outside of her circle.

Agreed on the coldness or slight disconnect to people who aren't super close to her. 


This where I feel Parvati had it all over her in Micronesia, despite agreeing with the posters above that Parvati is a bit overrated. Parvati's greatest move in that season that can't be in any way attributed to Cirie's steering hand was pulling Natalie and Alexis in as her flavor-of-the-week BFFs when the tribe swap separated her from Amanda. Amanda could never have pulled that off due to that aloofness and Cirie could probably have pulled them in in a manner similar to how she bonded with Danielle on her first season, but Parvati's approach really worked in that particular situation. 



Which leads me to not thinking that Parvati is as great as everyone thinks she is.  People talk about  her great social game but to me she always came across as smug and overly cruel.  Like how she threated Penner during her first season or the amount of glee she had during her second season in destroying others.  The funny thing is I think she played her best season in H vs. V.

I think Parvati has immense capability as a social player, but she doesn't always maximize it for whatever reason. Her Micronesia play was her best social game, but in that case, she probably benefitted from being separated from the clique she formed with Amanda/Ozzy/James in the beginning. Her social game seems to suffer when she gets in super-tight with a couple of people, a lot of her meanness and cutting people down came from the times that she was sitting comfortably in a group.



With apologies to Rob C., if I think about it, the best player to never win in my mind is Cirie.   She really has the mind for it.  That 3-2-1 vote to get rid of Courtney that she orchestrated down to the small print  in Panama  was  like a master class in survivor strategy.  And that's something I hold against JT and the other heroes who voted her out.  I can understand seeing her as threat, but really she's such an asset if she's with you.  There's no doubt in my mind that she would have shut that letter to Russell down.   Plus I would have given anything to see her play with Sandra.

It probably doesn't even count as an unpopular opinion to agree with this one, but yeah. Cirie's mental grasp of the game and who represented a threat was impressive and she never seemed to let emotion get in the way of making moves. 


Rob C's Amazon game is always clouded for me by his 'living his dream of getting close to hot girls' attitude. Did he keep Heidi and Jenna around purely because he felt he could beat them or was it at least partially down to his status as a nerdy guy IRL and he was taking his shot at the cool kids table? 

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I think both Spencer and Tasha are overrated. I also think their bitterness over Kass's flip is ridiculous. She had no obligation to help them get further in the game. I don't think they were going to take her to the end, and I think she got much further than she would have otherwise. Tony and Trish went overboard attacking Kass. I think they were bigger villains than she was. She may be abrasive, but they were as abusive as Will.

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Here's a couple I'm coming up with off the top of my head:


Yul's win was a total fluke, not genius.  Parvati would probably have won that season absent the various ridiculous twists.  I probably would have voted for Ozzy.


Exile Island rules!


Stephenie was not that bad in Guatemala.  I don't mean gameplay--I just mean she wasn't so annoying/hateful as most people seem to think.


I'm not sure why people say Amanda saved Todd from being stupid but I remember she dissuaded him from voting out James earlier and I think that's nuts!  He was an enormous challenge threat, a lock to win at FTC, and had 2 idols!  Vote him out ASAP!


But here's my number one most important Survivor unpopular opinion:


It's OK to cry.  It's OK to cry at the loved one visit.  It's OK to cry when you're voted out.  It's OK to cry when it's pouring rain and you can't sleep.  It's OK to cry when you're alone on Exile.  It's OK to cry for no special reason in the middle of your talking head.  It's OK to cry at any time, for any reason.

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Older women are not "coattail riders." Tina, Kim J., Lisa W., Missy. There are many ways to play, y'all.

Philippines' Denise. For all of Kass' failings, she was not a coattail rider either.

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Kimber, I am with you but my natural response to frustration is to cry. I don't know why that is, and I have gotten better at controlling it, but I cry when frustrated. I can easily see how a game like Survivor would lead to tears. lack of sleep, food, and the comfort of a known support group is mentally and emotionally exhausting. I can see how stabbing people in the back would cause people to struggle.


I think Lisa and Dawn get a raw deal because of that. I think they both played the game knowing that you need to be cold blooded and be able to blindside and backstab but that is so far from their real selves that they could not do it in a manner that was cut throat enough. People went after them because they cried while doing what they did. It seems to me like I would have a hard time stabbing someone in the back. I could see where it is a great game move but I can still cry about it. Instead that is seen as a weakness.


I get it, the allies of the person  you just kicked out of the game are pissed and they know that their game is in jeopardy and they blame  you and you are the one crying? But I also understand where the tears would come from.

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I don't believe being an older women makes you a coattail rider.  However, in the case of Kim J, I fully believe she was.  If she hadn't won those 2 immunities she was gone (and she can probably thank production a little for screwing up the answer to that one question which led to Tom getting voted off).  She was just a vote that Lex/Tom/Ethan had.  Frankly, I don't think Ethan has much to crow about in regards to his game.  They got lucky that Samburu was outnumbered at the merge and anytime someone from Boran flipped (Clarence, Kelly), not enough Samburus flipped with them.

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I don't believe being an older women makes you a coattail rider.  However, in the case of Kim J, I fully believe she was.

Being an older woman definitely doesn't make you a coattail rider.  But being an older woman (or any demographic, really) who does nothing to further her game and just floats along while keeping the status quo while absolutely knowing she could be vulnerable to a vote-off?  That absolutely does.  Kim J., as mentioned above, certainly falls into that category.  Also, probably more egregious than she, Denise from China, Shambo from Samoa, and Trish from Cagayan (only because it was clear as day she should've looked at other options after seeing Tony's unpredicatable paranoia result in at least two of her allies getting booted before the other alliance was gone).

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I don't know if I'd call Trish a coat tail rider, in a lot of respects she seemed to holding the majority alliance together in Cagayan. But I do agree that she should have made a move against Tony, especially since most of his moves, targeting LJ and Jefra, were moves against her. 



I'm not sure why people say Amanda saved Todd from being stupid but I remember she dissuaded him from voting out James earlier and I think that's nuts!  He was an enormous challenge threat, a lock to win at FTC, and had 2 idols!  Vote him out ASAP!


I haven't done a rewatch in awhile but what I remember from that season that Amanda had to clean up Todd's messes, in particular, Todd's big need to get Jean-Robert out, which allowed Peih-Gee to slip back into the game. Amanda had to win the immunities to keep Peih-Gee and Denise out of the F3. Then obviously she flopped and allowed Todd to claim credit for everything at FTC.

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But here's my number one most important Survivor unpopular opinion:


It's OK to cry.  It's OK to cry at the loved one visit.  It's OK to cry when you're voted out.  It's OK to cry when it's pouring rain and you can't sleep.  It's OK to cry when you're alone on Exile.  It's OK to cry for no special reason in the middle of your talking head.  It's OK to cry at any time, for any reason.


I have no doubt that as much I enjoy Survivor and as psyched as I would to actually play, there would definitely be a moment (very early on) that would make me think, "oh geez, this is harsh" and I'd start weeping.  Dunno if it'd be weather, or lack of sleep, or monotony, or things not going my way in the game, but yeah, I'd definitely crack.


On the flip side of players being punished or looked down on for crying, I think Sophie's crying about being perceived as cold may have clinched her the game.  It showed the jury her more human side and created a bit more sympathy for her, otherwise the "she's a jerk" narrative would've taken over.  (Of course, it's also very possible that she had the game clinched anyway going up against the completely non-respected Albert and the living joke that is Coach.)

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Totally.  I mean I cry all the time anyway, so I would certainly be bawling early and often.  I often think that the Survivor I'd be most like is Sugar, half crying all the time, half laughing at how ridiculous it all is.  (But I would probably not run the game as hard as she did, even though I would surely be just as much of a goat.)


I should say that, while it's true that crying a lot comes back to bite some people in the game itself ('older women' especially) I think mostly the players are pretty understanding about it.  It was the reaction of the TV audience I was thinking of.  Very occasionally tears humanize someone (I guess Tyson cried in BvW at some point, endearingly?) but the general reaction seems to be "I used to like her, then she cried, so the hell with her."  I remember Andrea getting this treatment when she was worried she would be voted out (but wasn't because she scrambled intelligently after Eddie was so dumb as to spill the beans).  I remember Chelsea getting this treatment when the weather was hard, after she won people's hearts for catching chickens barehanded.  Actually weather-based misery and the crying it produces is especially annoying to people for some reason, second only to loved-one-visit crying on the audience shitlist.  People want everyone to be Woo, I guess, and I get it, but I mean, I've never sat in a tropical storm with no real shelter, unable to sleep, for three days.  I don't know if I could take it.  It's not something I can possibly judge.

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I thought Colleen was an asshole and was glad to see her go


From Borneo? (Is there any other Colleen?) Because, jeez, yes.


... I've never sat in a tropical storm with no real shelter, unable to sleep, for three days. I don't know if I could take it. It's not something I can possibly judge.


This too.

Maybe I'm about to contradict myself because I agree with both Mh12016 and KimberStormer. I thought Colleen was an asshole, and yet, I haven't ever been unable to sleep or eat, so I can't judge (Colleen's legs were horrific--I'd be an asshole if I had scabs like that). I do believe I can say that older women aren't just coattail riders, either.

We're being fed a story. We all know that, but often forget it. We see 16 hours out of possibly 4,500+ (assuming five cameras and at least 39 days). What do we not see? What deals were made? Who talked to who? I'll bet you Kim J. and Sierra were wheeling and dealing. CBS doesn't hire weak, stupid, or passive people to be on their shows. (It does hire assholes! *Cough*DAN*Cough*)


I'd love to see Survivor with a frontrunner who was less sympathetic to the athletic brawny male types. Since that's the edit we often get.


We could get 3-4 seasons of TV out of each season of game (yeah, they'd end the same). 

Edited by cherrypj
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On coattail-riding: I get why players might resent it ("I stuck my neck out to keep my alliance in the game and now I'm on the chopping block, while the ally who benefited from my big moves skates on by!"), and I get that it's not riveting television for the audience, but I don't think it's an illegitimate or unfair strategy. If you can convince someone else to do all the heavy-lifting to keep you in the game and then beat them down the line, I say go for it. For every Natalie White,* there are 20 Natalie Tenerellis, so it's not like it's a strategy that's guaranteed to pay off, anyway.


* Who may or may not have actually ridden coattails, but I don't really want to debate that here.

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Cochran ranks as one of my top 5 most overrated players ever.  Never liked him, and think he got extremely lucky during Caramoan.

I honestly think Cochran's only 'winning' attribute is his absolute commitment to being behind Probst in a human centipede.  His 'revenge of the nerd' edit got on my tits, like instantly.

Edited by henripootel
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Hey it only took him four times to win it!

I (and others) believe it took a bit more than just times at bat.  He's pretty charming on tv (opinions on this vary) but he's unquestionably bad at Survivor.  


An excellent illustration, however, of the power of being on Jeffy's speed dial.  Recently rewatched the 'with Boston Rob literally carrying his family on his back' clip.  Ugh.  Have you no shame, Mr. Probst?

Edited by henripootel
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I (and others) believe it took a bit more than just times at bat.  He's pretty charming on tv (opinions on this vary) but he's unquestionably bad at Survivor.

I like Boston Rob, I agree I don't think he's the greatest player. I do think he's one of the most entertaining people they've put on the show.

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I do think he's one of the most entertaining people they've put on the show.

Here's an unpopular opinion for you - I kinda enjoy Russell's seasons.  He's just ... so bad at Survivor.  He got these edits which suggest that he's some sort of manipulative mastermind while it's pretty obvious that nobody believes a word he says, and have trouble hiding their distaste for his presence.  Say what you want about him, I prefer him to a cast of people I can't tell apart.


While we're at it, I kinda enjoy Secret Agent Phil.  I think he's playing a parody of himself but he's just so odd.  But not boring.

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Here's an unpopular opinion for you - I kinda enjoy Russell's seasons.  He's just ... so bad at Survivor.  He got these edits which suggest that he's some sort of manipulative mastermind while it's pretty obvious that nobody believes a word he says, and have trouble hiding their distaste for his presence.  Say what you want about him, I prefer him to a cast of people I can't tell apart.

Oh, I enjoy Russell's seasons as a whole since the punchline always ends up with Russell humiliated on the losing end, unable to see where he could've gone wrong.  What I didn't enjoy about Samoa was how Russell got 90% of the screentime at the expense of some other players who seemed pretty interesting.  Natalie for one, it was pretty ridiculous that we saw so little of the actual winner's game.  Dave Ball was a comic riot, I would've loved to have seen more of him.  Monica being asked back for the fan ballot indicates that she has some fans at CBS and perhaps they regret sidelining her for 'the Russell Show.'  I have no complaints about S20, it may be my very favourite Survivor season.

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I think HvV is an interesting season strategically, but such a bummer to watch; no one in it seem to enjoy being there, there is no joy in the show at all, except for Russell's joy at being a shitty person.

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I like Jenn but would prefer to see Hali over her in a future season.


I found Jaclyn from San Juan Del Sur underrated, thought she had good instincts for the game, and would love to see her play without Jon.


I thought that some of the fans from Caramoan were underrated and would love to see Matt, Allie, and especially Michael and Laura return.


I would love to see Twila come back.


I don't understand Probst's aversion to having anyone return from Guatemala. Even Stephenie on Heroes vs. Villains was billed as being from Palau.


I liked Sylvia from Fiji and thought that she was screwed from the get-go.

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I'm not sure why people say Amanda saved Todd from being stupid but I remember she dissuaded him from voting out James earlier and I think that's nuts!  He was an enormous challenge threat, a lock to win at FTC, and had 2 idols!  Vote him out ASAP!


James was a challenge threat?  That's news to me, he did poorly in individual challenges.  And James had zero understanding of how Survivor is played, he would have misplayed things if he had 5 idols in his bag.  He's probably good to have around camp, he'll vote the way you tell him (because he doesn't understand strategy) so he's a good guy to keep around for a while.

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He's probably good to have around camp

He was a Tribe  Cancer in H vs V and just full on nasty at camp.  The heroes went on something of a win streak after he left , and I think it had to do with morale as much as anything.


Don't know if this an unpopular opinion, but I never liked him.  There's no there there.  I think he's probably the weakest of the people who have played three times.


And his friend Amanda is right behind him 

Edited by vb68
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There's no there there.  I think he's probably the weakest of the people who have played three times.

And his friend Amanda is right behind him

Have to agree.  Both splendid physical specimens but not much more. 

I think HvV is an interesting season strategically, but such a bummer to watch


Rewatching it now and couldn't agree more.  The incessant 'hero / villain' prattle just highlights for me what whores these players are, and how scripted they can make it sound by (I'm sure) asking leading questions for THs.  Always makes me wonder what I'm really seeing.

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