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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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So everyone knows Liz is playing with her twin, and there's also the "Last Laugh" thing with someone getting the 7th call. What are the chances both of those things will make it into tonight's episode? 10 to 1, there won't be any footage whatsoever of anyone figuring out the twin twist. 


This Battle of the Block thing is ruining the show. All three weekly episodes are consumed by competitions, talks about nominations and replacement nominations and boring "ceremonies." There's no room left over for what's actually happening in the house aside from competitions. 

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I have the uncanny ability to tune into the feeds when it's wall to wall fish for hours. GRRR.


How are Lizulia  handling the fact that everyone "knows"? Are they still pretending to be one person for most of the house even though the entire house knows? That is SO weird. Julia confessed to Vanessa, did Vanessa let on she already knew is this one big DONT ASK DONT TELL thing? WHUT?! I wonder if they HAVE to continue to pretend they are one person or production will flip their shit? It seems like they could cut around it, given how different feeds v. show have always been. 

Edited by blixie
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This Battle of the Block thing is ruining the show. All three weekly episodes are consumed by competitions, talks about nominations and replacement nominations and boring "ceremonies." There's no room left over for what's actually happening in the house aside from competitions. 



100% agreed. 


There's no incentive to go after Clay, Jeff, or any of the kingpins because there's a good chance they'll save themselves with Battle of the Block because most of the BotB comps are physical in nature. Not to mention if both HoHs are in cahoots with each other they just tell the pawn to throw the game so the target stays on the block. It isn't fair to have your fate tied up in your block mate. Unless they change the BotB rules to: HoHs cannot speak to each about nominations (i.e. as soon as they win they have to nominate), the same four people (or three if one gets evicted) nominated the week before cannot be nominated initially (after veto is fair game), and EVERYONE gets to play for veto. 


It is so boring when you know that this week's nominations will be some combination of target/Steve and target/John with one of the two throwing the BotB so they can backdoor the real target. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

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I don't know if BOB is ruining the show actually. I think the show is probably enjoyable if you just watch the episodes. BOB is definitely ruining the game and the feeds though. I wish I could quit the feeds and just watch the episodes because I feel like I'd like the show a lot more that way.


Julia called James sexist so I of course now pledge my undying love to her. The twins are the only people left I actually like and am rooting for.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Yeah, I think that is spot on. I've said before that BotB is actually TV gold, as it gives them a meaningful competition each and every episode. That's huge for the TV show. So I think it works there. It just sucks a huuuuuuge chunk of strategy out of the game for us feed-followers. Besides sucking the huge chunk of strategy out of the game, it fundamentally alters how the game works, giving strong men a gigantic advantage in the game for...reasons? I have no idea why, besides AG's relative love for strong men. I sometimes wonder if she first came up with the idea for BotB when Frank was evicted in BB14, as she cried into her pillow filled with money, "Fraaaaaaaaaaaank! Why?!?!?"

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 5

So everyone knows Liz is playing with her twin, and there's also the "Last Laugh" thing with someone getting the 7th call. What are the chances both of those things will make it into tonight's episode? 10 to 1, there won't be any footage whatsoever of anyone figuring out the twin twist. 


Last Laugh definitely will, as it directly impacts the vote.

I doubt TPTB really want to reveal the twin twist's exposure this early in the game - but they may have to, to explain the strategy discussions and voting blocs.

This Battle of the Block thing is ruining the show. All three weekly episodes are consumed by competitions, talks about nominations and replacement nominations and boring "ceremonies." There's no room left over for what's actually happening in the house aside from competitions.

I agree, for one primary reason - it's a direct Production manipulation of nominations.

  • Before BotB, the best BB episodes were those in which two strong players were both on the Block at the same time; the strategy, the flips, and the fireworks that week were great. Some of the week's strategy maneuvers were truly awesome. It also moderated the floater factor, as strong players actively recruited weaker players to support them in such battles, current and future.
  • While BotB is in play, however, this almost never happens; if you're sharing an HoH, BotB is a total disincentive to nomination of strong players. Strong players stand a better chance of winning BotB, taking themselves off, and dethroning you in the process - with a bigger target on your back for nominating them in the first place. Best the audience can hope for is a repetitive wash of the same weak players, week after week, and no strong players leaving except through the back door. Floaters abound as a side-effect, as there's reduced incentive to align with specific alliances or strong players; they're not going to keep you off the block, and any pledges of allegiance born of the spectre of the backdoor are much more mercenary (therefore suspect) and short-term. Plus, BtoB discourages strong players from making strategic deals with weaker players; they don't want to be committed to the defense of someone virtually guaranteed to be riding The Seat at some point.
  • Love 6

BotB reminds me of the Redemption Island twist in Survivor (which I also hated with a passion). It's basically just episode filler that replaces time taken up by food challenges. But BotB in particular really affects gameplay. One thing I will say in its favor is the challenges aren't that easy to throw, and I believe (hope) that's by design. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, between the BotB and all the incomprehensible twists every week, it just too much. But this is just further proof that Grodner cares more about showmances and stupid things like the twin twist than actual gameplay.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 1

I don't know if BOB is ruining the show actually. I think the show is probably enjoyable if you just watch the episodes. BOB is definitely ruining the game and the feeds though. I wish I could quit the feeds and just watch the episodes because I feel like I'd like the show a lot more that way.

Julia called James sexist so I of course now pledge my undying love to her. The twins are the only people left I actually like

and am rooting for.

What about Steve and John? Edited by Sara2009
  • Love 3

What about Steve and John?


I mostly like them, but I can't root for them. Especially John's dumb ass. He's just kissing Shelli/Clay's ass.


Shelli's hair extensions are stained red from the first HOH challenge and she still wears them.


I've been wondering why her hair is red lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen



No wonder ClamShell isn't worried. Audrey says Liz is voting to keep Da, and Audrey always lies; therefore, Liz is voting to evict Da, which only further validates Liz as an ally to ClamShell.

Helluva job there, Audio. Keep cranking up that volume.


Hmm.  This tells me that Audrey likely plans another hinky vote and will try to blame it on the twins.  Not saying it will work, but I bet she tries that.


I LOVE that Jeff has been found out.  I haven't been able to stand that douche since the feeds started.  As others have said, I just can't believe of all the TAR people through the years who would have been fun to see, these two actually get the call.  It's mind blowing.

Edited by vb68

What in the world CAN they do?  There is NOTHING in that house- in between competitions there is zero stimulus for them.  I'd say it would be a great opportunity to learn to cook, but they don't  get cookbooks. They should get a board game closet or something.


Anything besides podcasts and sitting around bitching about how superior they are to everyone else who isn't their BFF. People like Britney and Dan used to come up with fun, silly ways to pass time. It's not that difficult. This group just seems very lethargic and some of them, like Jason and Meg, seem to think they're so much better than the rest that there isn't even much point in making an effort.

The ratings are almost identical this year to the last two.  Ever since BB started airing before July 4 (15th season), the pattern has been the same.  Season premier has 6.5 to 6.9 million viewers.  That number drops in following weeks, and hits a low around the July 4th holiday.  This year's low was a bit lower than in past years.  But that same night the women's world cup final in soccer aired, and swamped every show.  


Interested to see how the numbers pan out from here.  But so far, they haven't tanked at all IMO.   


They were lower this year. Tanked was too strong a word, but it seems like diminishing returns, especially in the 18-49 demo. They usually build up, but I keep wondering how much longer that can last with such poor casts and poor production and editing these last few seasons. Maybe this season will be an improvement, but this week was such a flatline on every level, with things that should have been huge, that it makes me question. I guess at least it can't go anywhere but up.

  • Love 2

Live TV viewership is down across the board as more people leave the pay TV model. And because of the format, Big Brother isn't really a good On Demand or DVR show.


Anyway, it's still crazy cheap for CBS to produce. Hopefully ratings tank enough where they fire Grodner. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 3

Hmm.  This tells me that Audrey likely plans another hinky vote and will try to blame it on the twins.  Not saying it will work, but I bet she tries that.


I LOVE that Jeff has been found out.  I haven't been able to stand that douche since the feeds started.  As others have said, I just can't believe of all the TAR people through the years who would have been fun to see, these two actually get the call.  It's mind blowing.



We don't now how many others turned down the offer. 

Shelli's hair extensions are stained red from the first HOH challenge and she still wears them.



They are probably not removable.  Some are attached to the hair itself.  

I think they'll downplay how much everyone else is convinced they're twins, and only show that Vanessa, Austin, Shelli, and Clay know for sure. Then they'll have everyone else exaggerate how surprised they are at the live reveal after week five.


That said, I think they should just show us what's actually happening, since it's pretty interesting the way it really is.

I don't think they see this as a failure, honestly. We saw a successful twin twist in season 5 - we've never seen what it would be like if they were exposed. Now that it has happened, I think the producers want to really explore that dynamic on the show. For once, they have something brand new that has never happened before. Besides, now that they're exposed it's going to have a pretty huge impact on the game, and there's no point in editing around that if the truth is just as interesting.


I think we'll see most of it on Sunday's show, though. Maybe some initial suspicion tonight, but they probably can't squeeze in Julia's confession, especially since it just happened last night.

  • Love 1

What us tptd and who is AG?


TPTB is The Powers That Be (i.e. the producers) and AG is Allison Grodner, the executive producer.


They finally put the live feeders only poll up. It's for what game you want the HGs to play, charades or truth or dare. Neither idiots! Also how sad that the HNs aren't getting any extra food this season.



Gross. Like on every level. And honestly Jeff is hideous. Why was he cast lol?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

There's been some complaining from the HGs that they're getting sick or have food poisoning. Do you think it could have something to do with the fact that the counters are covered in dishes and food and they spray Raid around to kill the ants without removing that stuff? Just a shot in the dark.


There comes a time every season on the live feeds that I wonder how some of these people function in their real lives outside the house. That moment came very early this summer.


That picture of Clay, Jeff, and James needs a caption like a sports photograph. Lower row: Douche (right), Douchier (left). Back row: Douchiest.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 10

Thus far I've been busy this summer and haven't had much time to watch the feeds or figure out any divisions in the house, but the few minutes I've seen have told me that Shelli has one of the worst cases of Early HOH BigHeaditis that I've ever seen.  I really hope that someone wins tonight who'll knock her down a peg.  It would be hi-larious if it is someone who could co-opt Clay, b/c while I hate him with the intensity of a thousand burning suns, I'd like to see a Shelli melt down over losing her toy. 

  • Love 6

Gross. Like on every level. And honestly Jeff is hideous. Why was he cast lol?


This type seems to be cast over and over. I don't know why the show has become dudebro central over the years. I think I'll blame the Brigade.


The only positive thing about Jeff is he has a nice ass, but it doesn't make up for the personality. And his head seems to shrink more on a daily basis. It's creepy.

They finally put the live feeders only poll up. It's for what game you want the HGs to play, charades or truth or dare. Neither idiots! Also how sad that the HNs aren't getting any extra food this season.


The thought of truth or dare with Jeff and James in there is horrifying. If they get this option and Jeff starts asking whoever of Juliz is in there if she's ever had sex with her twin, I hope a SWAT team breaks in with tear gas and truncheons.

  • Love 4

I'm hoping for Jeff. Or James. I hate myself for this, because she really is the worst, but I want Audrey to stick around. And I still like Jason, so I hope he's safe. And Steve, I hope Vanessa protects him, because I know Austin doesn't like him.

But ugh at turning on the feeds in time to see Shelli and Clay celebrating in the storage room. Had to turn them right back off, because I have had enough of those two to last me awhile.

  • Love 3

I think Vanessa will protect Steve because that would be a waste of an HOH when they have much bigger fish to get out of the house. So I hope this week will be an easy one with Jeff, James or Jason getting evicted. As long as they can keep convincing Audrey that she's part of their alliance I think she'll be fine to keep another week.

I knew I hated Jeff but I didn't know he was so hated in the house. LOL!!! It looks to be a good game week in the house. It could be either Audrey or Jeff going home. I was kind of hoping Jason would win just to mix up the house but I'll take what we got now.


He's not disliked as much as he got caught playing both sides and betraying someone (Austin) who, for whatever reason, was crazy about him. For him it was the worst time for Austin and Vanessa (who has been onto him for a while I think) to win HOH.


He's not disliked as much as he got caught playing both sides and betraying someone (Austin) who, for whatever reason, was crazy about him. For him it was the worst time for Austin and Vanessa (who has been onto him for a while I think) to win HOH.

Yep. Austin was totally snowed by Jeff until this morning. The way he's acting makes me think he's hurt on a personal level. Like he's mad because he wanted to be buddies. Bizarre.

Edited by Cutty
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