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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Yeah, I think Vanessa is still a decent enough player, but I think we have seen enough to see that her erratic behavior at times this season wasn't some seventh-level strategy ("I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know but you don't know that I KNOW that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know") but just, you know, erratic behavior. 


Of course players have won the whole game with erratic behavior before, and hell, I could still see Vanessa winning the whole thing (win POV this week, win HOH next week and see what happens next), so I really don't mean this as much of a knock on her. She's still played a fine game. But in Big Brother, at least, she has certainly been no next level strategic mastermind here. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I hate that they're bringing back a juror. Hate it even more that Julie basically told the HGs about it.

The only returner who lasted even a little while was Judd and that was only because Elissa won that first HOH and wouldn't put him up despite the entire house wanting it. It's just a wasted week.


Amy made it to the final four in season three so she lasted pretty long upon returning to the house.

  • Love 3

I'm still a fan of Vanessa's game, though I recognize she's made some obvious mistakes and she may have dug herself quite a hole.

I honestly think Vanessa has been very loyal to her group.  She hasn't always told the truth, but she's made sure her Sixth Sense group has stayed together.  She's gone out of her way to save Austin and make the best of situations that either Austin or Shelli/Clay got themselves into.  So, when she says she's loyal - I agree with her.


I'm sick of Jackie's constant bashing of Vanessa...it's kind of obsessive.  This is a game after all.  

And why are those three always isolating themselves?  No matter what the configuration of their group they always seem to isolate themselves - either now in the Have Not room, or when Jason was around in the smoking area.

I'm glad James suggested they talk about other stuff - their personal stories, etc.

  • Love 2

Vanessa's latest plans include informing Johnny Mac that Becky is closer to JJM, that he's low on her priority list.


Next up.

She's going to intimidate Becky into remomming Johnny Mac after POV.

Can the people who think this chic has any sense explain these to me? I am too simple to piece it together.

  • Love 2

Can the people who think this chic has any sense explain these to me? I am too simple to piece it together.


Isn't she just trying to protect her and her people? It's the Anyone But One of Us strategy.

I'm sorry she hasn't yet realized her power of persuasion isn't very powerful anymore - that's where she's losing it.  That and her frustration that people aren't thinking about the game like she does.

But, whatever her strategy, the goal is to keep herself in a large group..  She knows if she can keep her Sixth Sense alliance together that she's protected and they have numbers.

  • Love 3

I was highly entertained watching the twins discuss every show they watch on TLC.  I especially love when Steve asked if there were any learning shows on TLC, and the twins were shocked that TLC meant the learning channel.   Best part was Austin was out of shot the whole time.  Johnny Mac still looks depressed.

  • Love 6

I'm still a fan of Vanessa's game, though I recognize she's made some obvious mistakes and she may have dug herself quite a hole.

I honestly think Vanessa has been very loyal to her group. She hasn't always told the truth, but she's made sure her Sixth Sense group has stayed together. She's gone out of her way to save Austin and make the best of situations that either Austin or Shelli/Clay got themselves into. So, when she says she's loyal - I agree with her.

I'm sick of Jackie's constant bashing of Vanessa...it's kind of obsessive. This is a game after all.

And why are those three always isolating themselves? No matter what the configuration of their group they always seem to isolate themselves - either now in the Have Not room, or when Jason was around in the smoking area.

I'm glad James suggested they talk about other stuff - their personal stories, etc.

I agree with everything!!

I was just on Twitter talking about this same thing. Vanessa might be a little frantic but the stuff Jackie keeps saying about her is a bit out of line. I could be mistaken but I haven't heard Vanessa personally attack anyone. Jackie just hasn't stopped. Your right it is bordering on obsession.

I said the EXACT same thing about James, Jackie and Meg as well. The reason you ended up in the position you are in is because you isolated yourselves and you are still doing it. They complain that The Sixth Sense get their way, and it's not fair, and what are they going to do this week to mess it up. Maybe it's because they are hustling. I don't want any of those 3 to win.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I think this is one of the reasons I don't like Becky.  Per Jokers:


    Steve: Who buys clothes at Abercrombie?

    Becky: Only the good-looking people.


    Becky talking about the Abercrombie lifestyle.

    Steve: Lifestyle? Don't people shop just for the product? Becky: No


This is exactly what I referred to a while back about one source of the Becky/Steve friction. 

Becky is all about superficial image, while Steve is barely conscious he has an image.


Watching the video of the fight yesterday makes me want Vanessa to just go.


Yeah, V has firmly joined the ranks of the HGs I'm going hot-and-cold on this season. 

Watching that video I caught myself saying, "Time to cue the waterworks!!!"

I mean - just SO transparent.



ETA: Joker's quotes

Edited by Nashville
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I listened to that Vanessa meltdown with Clay and JMac and all I could think was, V, have you been hitting the aderol too hard? All the speedy talk and her brain racing around. Clay was kind of awesome though. Never thought I would say that. Does Vanessa really think that pummeling people with the same questions over and over gets to the truth? She must be a joy to live with. That and her constant sniffling and long faced puppy dog eyes.

Really sick of her despite thinking she is smart and really playing the game to win. I don't hate her as much as I did Frankie and the racist/misogynists the year before.

  • Love 5

How long has Jackie been wearing the armor? It's seems like forever but Vanessa has been out of her jester costume for most of the week. What gives?

Jackie has to wear it for a whole week.  She got it last Saturday, so tomorrow should be when she can finally take it off.  Vanessa only needed to wear hers for twenty-four hours.

The weirdest thing about Jackie is that all of this really personal shit she's spewing is because Vanessa screwed her on an obviously BS 8-person alliance. Nobody starts an EIGHT PERSON ALLIANCE when there's thirteen people left in the game, Jackie! It was clearly bullshit right from the jump. 


I love how Jackie has had Vanessa's number for quite a while now, because I always love it when people see through overly bogus stuff like Vanessa's "I'm solo dolo" game. But yeah, tone it down a bit there, Jackie. 

  • Love 3

I'm watching a conversation between Steve and Johnny Mac and it's blowing my mind! Aren't these two supposed to be masterminds of the game? This is like a "Who's on First?" routine. There's so much miscommunication and repeating of wrong information! I haven't been paying enough attention to these two...I had a whole different view of them.

  • Love 3

I think if Vanessa ends up on the block against any of her allies I don't think she would throw them under the bus. I think she will concede defeat. She said to Shelli earlier in passing that she doesn't really need the money, so she wouldn't throw her under the bus if she ended up on the block with her. I do believe that.

  • Love 5

Johnny Mac is playing Steve like a little mouse but Steve is not completely dumb.

The story John is selling is this;

1. Blah blah the 8 person meeting agreement upstaired to put up the reminder of Shay along with Steve and JMac. A meeting that was spear headed by Vanessa. TRUTH

2. Vanessa came downstairs and covered her ass to Shelli and Johnny but telling them about the meeting but leaving out the gate at that were named - TRUTH

3. Johnny suspected something else went on at that meeting. Becky comfirmed. A little lie sprinkled in there. Becky straight up told him what the deal was. That is how he knew Vanessa was full of shit. He made it sound like he confronted Becky and she was forced to come clean. Doesn't want Steve to know she freely confides in him. But why even say he heard it from Becky? Wait for it.

4. The nomination of Shelli and Steve now makes perfect sense to Steve. Becky has to appear to go along with The Agreement to get the scent off the real plan. Which is to backdoor Vanessa.

5. However, Steve can't breathe a word of this to anyone. If Vanessa or the Austwins find out, they'll confront Becky. It'll out Becky in a position where she has to go through with the plan to backdoor John. This is the part that Steve had problem believing. Johnny explains that not going along would ruin Becky's own game because she'll now have all these people coming for her. She would have no choice. LIE!

6. By trusting Steve all this info, Johnny is putting his life in Steve's hands if Steve squeals, Johnny's done for. LIE!

Is that good or bad game play for John?

  • Love 3

I didn't realize Becky seemingly innocent original noms couldn't fault in such complicated strategizing.

John had similar but tailored conversation with Shelli and she too seemed to buy it.

Looks like it was a good play...Steve seems to have decided he'll pick Johnny Mac if he gets Houseguest's Choice and throw the veto competition. Good play for Steve?

Yes. Simply because Vanessa is too unstable to play this game with long term. .

Believe it or not, Vanessa suggested to Shelli she shouldn't use the veto on herself if she won it. Like, for real.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Interesting to not have the feeds (usually do) and read here.  I fall into someone's take then switch when another logical opinion is posted.  I have absolutely no attachment to any outcome because I don't even get BBAD. I have never experienced this before.  It is nice to feel no attachment for a change.  I miss my summer indulgence of getting involved and wound tightly at times (June/Amanda). But this is kind of nice.  Thank you all for this thread!

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8

Interesting to not have the feeds (usually do) and read here.  I fall into someone's take then switch when another logical opinion is posted.  I have absolutely no attachment to any outcome because I don't even get BBAD. I have never experienced this before.  It is nice to feel no attachment for a change.  I miss my summer indulgence of getting involved and wound tightly at times (June/Amanda). But this is kind of nice.  Thank you all for this thread!

I am seriously feeling you Wings. It feels so good to not have an emotional attachment to anyone. Right now I don't care who wins and please, please let it stay that way. I get all worked up when I have a favorite and then they don't win. So here's to keeping me neutral. And to all of you in this thread, I love you guys. I enjoy coming in here and reading your takes on things. Better than any feeds, I say.

  • Love 4

I didn't realize Becky seemingly innocent original noms couldn't fault in such complicated strategizing.

John had similar but tailored conversation with Shelli and she too seemed to buy it.

Yes. Simply because Vanessa is too unstable to play this game with long term. .

Believe it or not, Vanessa suggested to Shelli she shouldn't use the veto on herself if she won it. Like, for real.

I don't think Vanessa told Shelli not to use the Veto on herself. She said that if it comes down to the two of them, let V win and she'd take Shelli off. That way Shelli is off the block, but V can't be the re-nom. If Shelli takes herself off, V can still be backdoored.

  • Love 1

I am cackling over this!

That is perfect! I especially love Shelli hanging off the back of the ADC train, and Austin, on his leash, eating from a dog bowl labeled "Judas."

This season is unusual for me, too, in that I don't have a lot of emotion invested, except for the emotion of enjoying watching this all play out. I loathe Austin, and do not want to see him anywhere near the money, but it's not the visceral reaction I've had in years past for houseguests like Amanda or Frankie or Andy. I don't have a particular favorite I am rooting for, either. This is a really good cast, so kudos to casting.

Edited by Kris117
  • Love 12

Yes this season, for the first time in a long time, there is no one who is really offensive or hateful in the house. No racists. No real sexists. No mean frat boys. No homophobes. Austen can be creepy and idiotic, but he's more pathetic than anything else. Also this season has the strongest female players we've had in years. Well done casting!!!

  • Love 9

I'm watching a conversation between Steve and Johnny Mac and it's blowing my mind! Aren't these two supposed to be masterminds of the game? This is like a "Who's on First?" routine. There's so much miscommunication and repeating of wrong information! I haven't been paying enough attention to these two...I had a whole different view of them.


Yea, I can never make it through a full convo with those two. They're either very good at playing dumb or they're just very dumb.

Johnny Mac! What a lie! And didn't he say that there were three groups in the house and Vanessa was on her own? Steve knows that's not true. I think Shellie may have believed it though cause she was losing faith in Vanessa and Vanessa's convoluted schemes didn't help any,

Now that Clellie is gone, do we call the female half simply Ellie? I am confused. I'm all on my own out here just struggling to survive day after day. *fighting back faux tears*

  • Love 5

Now that Clellie is gone, do we call the female half simply Ellie? I am confused. I'm all on my own out here just struggling to survive day after day. *fighting back faux tears*




I just went back and read up on Steve's cry session last night. LMAO! He is so bizarre. 


I really hope Steve gets HG Choice. He decided last night that he's picking John, but Vanessa just told him he HAS to pick her. He'll probably crawl into a ball if he has to choose lol!

ETA: I wonder what the veto could be? They were on lockdown like all day yesterday. Seems pretty elaborate for a veto. And they have already woken them up and it's only 8:30 am. Hmmmm.

I don't have a lot of emotion invested, except for the emotion of enjoying watching this all play out. 


I am seriously feeling you Wings. It feels so good to not have an emotional attachment to anyone. Right now I don't care who wins and please, please let it stay that way. I get all worked up when I have a favorite and then they don't win. So here's to keeping me neutral. 




I have absolutely no attachment to any outcome because I don't even get BBAD. I have never experienced this before.  It is nice to feel no attachment for a change.  


It's really exhausting getting too caught up in this game!  I have to remind myself they'll all be friends when this is over and I'll be left with nothing but my frustration and anger if I'm not careful!  It's fun up to a point and then I have to catch myself before I go over the edge!

  • Love 3

Yeah, the fact that Becky still buys into the whole Abercrombie "lifestyle" is just so Becky. Not that the clothes themselves are bad, but I thought once you got out of high school you realized the brand didn't make you a "cool kid."

I think the twins are in a great spot. They won't get to the end together, but once one gets out, I can see the other winning.

 (Having been a manager at A&F, I had some thoughts on Becky's statements. However, since I probably signed some nondisclosure with them I decided to redact my post.)


And now I'm wondering how old Becky is to be working as a manager at A&F? I'm wondering if there's some insecurity there as she gets older...


ETA: Just realized this post has nothing to do with the live feeds. But if I had to profile Becky, I wouldn't expect too much from her given by the comments she's said on the feeds. Maybe she can say something super outrageous about A&F and cause another lawsuit/publicity!


ETA2: And of course there are great wonderful reasonable people who work in A&F management as well!

Edited by Granimal
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In his efforts to convince Steve last night of Vanessa's duplicity, Johnny Mac shared with Steve that Vanessa had told both Steve AND Shelli to choose her for Houseguest's Choice and she would pull that one off.

Johnny Mac also told each of them to choose him for Houseguests Choice.  The difference, and he was clear to say that this is what made him more trustworthy than Vanessa, is that Johnny Mac told both Steve and Shelli he'd use the veto to save Shelli.  See how honest he is?


It's the exact kind of thing Vanessa would do.




I'm sad to see Shelli not trust Vanessa anymore when the reason Vanessa's had to do the crazy things that made her the pariah in the house are because of the stupid things that Clay and Shelli did to themselves.  That's the way I see it.  I agree that she's the one who thought of the crazy things and maybe if she'd followed her own advice with Austin (tell the alliance when you're going to do something 'hinky') then as a group they might have come up with a better strategy.

I think Vanessa really feels like she's been loyal to her people, and they don't have her back anymore.  Sad.

On the other hand, I don't think Vanessa will be bitter or angry when/if she's voted out, which I like.  It's a game.


And, if Johnny Mac rises up and becomes a strategist, I'll be happy with that as well!


(It's hard to be a fan of a player and watch their game take a wrong turn and still hope they'll find the objectivity to rethink and recover)

  • Love 5

And now I'm wondering how old Becky is to be working as a manager at A&F? I'm wondering if there's some insecurity there as she gets older...


She's 26. And thanks for the info about A&F. That's kinda scary!

It's the exact kind of thing Vanessa would do.


LOL so true. I hope John becomes the new Vanessa once Vanessa goes.

  • Love 3

It's really scary, and it gets so much worse (things I'm afraid to reveal). It's really not fun to see what it does to some of these high school/college kids. Eventually you become numb to judging other people's looks. I've seen kids in tears because they were told they weren't good looking enough.


I just feel that Becky may have been influenced by company culture. Maybe the real Becky underneath isn't shallow. I guess we'll see more of her in her HOH room. Hopefully they haven't sent her any mini boards and she'll have to free fold by hand. Ha.


(The Becky and Steve conversation makes me smile, because I have a brother who is more socially awkward than Steve and he's flummoxed by the company.)

  • Love 2

Well, A&F was sued recently for firing a Muslim girl on the basis that she didn't look cool and hip enough because she wore a hijab. Fuck that store forever.


Whatever happens with the veto today my preferred preference is noms that end with Shelli/Vanessa. ADC seems to be wavering on who they would rather send home. Also, that would be a great battle to watch. LOL at anyone who believes Vanessa wouldn't campaign her ass off and sling every piece of dirt against Shelli she could find.


Vanessa was talking about her relationship with her girlfriend yesterday. I get the sense this whole crazy and possessive thing isn't an act for the show. That's her personality. 

  • Love 4

Yes this season, for the first time in a long time, there is no one who is really offensive or hateful in the house. No racists. No real sexists. No mean frat boys. No homophobes. Austen can be creepy and idiotic, but he's more pathetic than anything else. Also this season has the strongest female players we've had in years. Well done casting!!!

And it is also the perfect mix for the most boring season ever. For the first time since it began, I am not even watching BBAD. There is no huge conflict or drama and without th e"fights" it is like watching paint dry. 

  • Love 1

I've been watching BBAD & got the LIVE Feeds for the first time. First off, I got the live feeds for the week since it was free. I need to cancel that soon. It's been pretty boring. Yesterday, I watched the girls clean the kitchen. Need I say more. That said, I actually like the cast even though there isn't great drama. It's better than the racist cast and better than the ultra boring cast with Derrick & Co from last season. I think the drama is going out the front door next week if Vanessa is evicted.

  • Love 2

Shelli is stupid. Picking Vanessa was just not the best idea. I almost hope now that the noms stay the same and Shelli goes. But mostly I hope Becky wins veto and takes Steve down and puts Vanessa up. Good times!


They need to do something about the fact that they can feel the names on the veto chips. That's such bullshit.

ETA: Oh wait, I want Steve to win veto. Can you imagine Vanessa trying to convince him not to use it? LOL! And after that crying fest last night I'm scared he might actually not use it, which would be kinda hilarious.

I actually think it is a pretty good idea to have Vanessa play.

Vanessa is, in essence, a shield for Shelli now because she is a larger target. The only realistic way they both stay in the house is if Vanessa wins and saves Shelli. This is the plan that gives her the most time, in theory, to rebuild her reputation in the house.


In a perfect world, Vanessa wins and saves Shelli, leading to Austin getting nominated. It fractures her relationship with the twins to some extent, Steve as well. Then we can see some serious Vanessa chaos that would make all the other weeks look like elementary school drama.


Oh, the dream...

  • Love 7

Shelli is stupid. Picking Vanessa was just not the best idea.

I don't understand how it's not a good idea for Shelli. Vanessa will definitely take her down if she wins. A twin or Austin will go up, who are less loyal to her. And the Other Side basically hates Vanessa now, taking the heat off Shelli.

And Vanessa will be able to play HOH next week - Shelli can count on her more than the Austwins to win if they make it through.

Austin should hope Vanessa doesn't win, though because him or Liz would be up.

I think Becky or Meg are going to win, though. There's always a week where some randos come through big time.

Edited by mooses
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It's just gonna piss Becky off. Shelli knew all about the plan. It's just proof that she's Vanessa's bitch. Which they all should've known by now, but they sadly didn't. At this point though they must know. They can't be that dumb! Well, maybe some of them, but Becky probably gets it now. I hope being blindly loyal to Vanessa fucks Shelli over. Such fun!


Then again Becky also was SO sure this plan would work and Vanessa wouldn't win veto/use it on Shelli so she hasn't even come up with who else to put up if Vanessa isn't an option. 


But it's good for the other side to get out any of Steve/Austin/Liz/Julia/Shelli since they're all literally nothing by Vanessa's minions. It's sad really. Austin/Liz/Julia all said they wouldn't use veto to protect Vanessa yet they're OK with Vanessa taking Shelli down even though it means one of them will go up and most likely out. Embarrassing!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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