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Kelly File: Duggar Interview Part 2 2015.06.05

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Giving an interview, certainly, is the last thing that poor, frightened Anna wants to do. She will put on her game face and do it because she sees no choice.


An interview won't be hard for Anna.  Know-it-all Josh will do all the talking anyway, so all she has to do is what she does best, stare adoringly up at him with a plastered on smile.

  • Love 4

If the fondling was as minor as the Duggars describe, and as minor as the police report describes, the Jim Bob and Michelle are morons for going to the police in the first place. It just doesn't add up.

That being said, it was 12 years ago, and I have to agree with the sisters that a segment of population seems to be out to get them. Some media and individual people are having a party tearing this apart. The family is being attacked, some justified, some really not. The interviewer is being criticized for not interrogating them, but I've seen plenty of soft ball interviews from people like Katie Couric as well. This was an interview, not a police investigation. Going line by line through the police report wouldn't have been appropriate.

As for the show being cancelled, I think the family is just putting up a united front.

  • Love 9

I watched about a minute of her talking to the "expert" and then fast forwarded the rest. I could not handle the spin and turning this all into the evil media being the main problem in victimizing them. 


That being said, I do think that they could have done a much better job at redacting that police report as to not identify the victims. I'm a therapist and I work with kids and have had to do my share of redacting records for protection of the client when releasing things (although never to the media). You have to read those records with an objective and critical eye to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect the victim/client. 


I was much less angry after this interview than after the parents. It was actually kind of refreshing to see these girls show several different emotions throughout the interview! I appreciate that they acknowledged that they were angry. It was clear they were coached, and made even clearer by the piece of paper in Jill's lap!

  • Love 3

Someone mentioned the best part was the after show when the pastor and the Dr. were arguing....I finally figured out who the pastor rreminded me of Dana Carey. I know off topic but Church Lady rocks.

And the Dr. wow he tells it like it is. He can de-program MEchelle. I'd pay to see that!

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 4

Boob is an idiot. "As a parent, you're not a mandatory reporter". Bullshit! You'd rather protect your son, than the children he harmed.

B... but he did report him.  He reported him to a cop buddy of his who is now doing 50 plus years hard time for kiddie porn.  I'm sure he gave Josh a very stern talking to!

  • Love 4

No, I am going to disagree.

The police report even redacted makes it crystal clear who Josh's victims were (with the exception of number five) and Michelle and Jimbob did not participate in making that public and that IS where the re-victimization starts.

And yet, if I understand the timeline correctly, if the Duggars had worked within the system instead of skirting the law (and even if you count the interview with the hand-picked family friend cop from their own secretive community as complying with the law, it took years and multiple instances of molestation to do even that), the records would have been sealed. I believe that puts the initial act of the revictimization at Jim Bob and Michelle's doorstep.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 11

In Touch:  The police report was legally available through FOIA so we obtained and released it.  In other words Just because we could do it we did it even though we could have chosen not to and that might have been morally right although we weren't legally obligated so we released it.


Jim Bob:  As parents we're not mandated reporters.  In other words Just because we don't have to do it we didn't; even though we could have chosen to report it right away and that might have been morally right but we weren't legally obligated so we didn't report it.


Hypocrites - They want In Touch to hold back and think of the victims because it would be the "right" thing to do but they want to excuse why they didn't report Josh for years and nobody should be able to tell them that the girls were victims or that choice wasn't the "right" thing to do.

  • Love 17

I wonder in the absence of strong friendships with others of these two girls have come to think of their fans as friends.

I agree with lots of posters who see them being emotional stunted, and if you do think of them with the mindset of a young teen rather than a young adult, it explains their wish to explain the situation to their fans - because the friends are their equivalent of an extended network of friends. And suddenly for them it = all the kids at school talking about them.

These are the people that stop them to say hi at the grocery store, that send them gifts, that now defend them against what they have been told again and again is a "left wing agenda".

I do think they are hurting, alot, but is trying to preserve that relationship something they feel they DO have control over?

Yes I do think they want the TLC train to continue and that's why they are doing the interview. I fear that for some of them it's more than the money but the relationship they feel it has given them with the outside world, and filled a void they had. At the same time in their life they needed a friend they suddenly got a network of fans/friends.

I don't think so. They could have said how grateful they were for all the support from the people who have watched over the years, or whatever. Which support IS out there, of course. But they focused on the fact that people think they know them, but they don't know them. That is very true. Fame and celebrity is a huge head trip for people, and people go CRAZY (fan = fanatic, after all). I've known folks who have had to deal with it... Anyway, they did not seem to display any sense of closeness, or even gratitude to their fans that I could discern.

  • Love 5

  Re Jill & Jessa, yikes! They were just as bad as Michelle & the Boob, if not even worse. I feel sorry for them because I doubt that it's the first time or the last that they've had to save Josh at their own expense, but I pity them up to a point. When the girls claimed that they didn't know what had happened to them one moment but told the investigators in another, I was suspicious, but not surprised. To me, that was more proof to me that the girls were coached because after all, they have a brand to protect and they have to do whatever it takes to protect it, whether they like it or not. This "interview" proved to me that the girls are just afterthoughts to their parents as usual, if that much. This is also more proof that when it comes to this, Josh lets other people fight his battles for him, whether it's his parents or his sisters, and chances are Anna won't be far behind, as soon as she's well enough-which, knowing this family, might be the day after she gives birth.


  Abuse is abuse. However inadvertently, this interview might make other survivors of sexual abuse feel like what happened to them "wasn't that bad" and/or it was their fault, neither of which is true. Sexual abuse is always bad and it's never the victim's fault, under any circumstances, nor is it their responsibility to protect, defend nor forgive their abusers. I hope that  Jill & Jessa do get the help they still so desperately and clearly need, preferably off camera.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 11

I posted last night and somehow it never went through. As I said last night I do not want to snark on Jessa and Jill, they were victims in this whole disgusting mess. However, they were so coached it at times looked like JB and Mechelle were doing the interview all over again. I don't believe either of them has gotten over what happened. I felt so terrible watching Jill cry - they were real  tears of pain.  I too expected Jessa to grab Jill's hand and was surprised when she didn't. However, like others have said, she is not a huggar except with Ben. I  feel for Derick and Ben, who must have about had a heart attack when this came out.

I do believe them when they said they all went to counseling, but that was not until CPS got involved.

Saying they don't care if the shows ends is a joke - they would not have done that interview if they did not want the show on tv. To say they have been exploited by the media is insulting - they never objected to all the magazine cover stories and tv appearances on Today, GMA and other shows.


And, I could not stop looking at Megyn Kelly's nose through the whole interview. I thought Jill looked the prettiest I have ever seen: her hair was clean and styled and her make up looked professional.  It is time for TLC to cancell the show and for the entire family to move on.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 6

Jill and Jessa may genuinely believe they're okay with the show being cancelled, but they'll be in for a rude awakening when Daddy Duggar starts tightening the purse strings. Jill and Derick choose to be dependent on Boob, while Jessa and Ben ARE dependent on Boob. A generic Associates Degree doesn't mean squat in today's job market and it would take years for Ben to get a ministry off the ground. It's a good thing they took that European honeymoon before the shit hit the fan, because those days are over.

It's also good that TLC paid for that European honeymoon because if they had to take a honeymoon within their means they would have ended up in Pigeon Forge Hollow which is up in Nowheresville, Arkansas.

  • Love 8

Agree. Wouldn't it be something if Josh is the one who confesses everything. In my dreams I wish Jana would talk and have the spinoff after deprogramming, but I don't think that will happen.


Jessa and Jill are following procedure for abuse ala Gothard ATI or whatever that chart is. They are able to access social media now. Jessa has 165,000 followers and she follows 12 people. They only want information to travel ONE way. What are they afraid of?


It boggles my mind that an interview would have so many things incorrect or outright lies and the interviewer wouldn't point them out. The bogus statistics, the discrepancies regarding the police report all make me think that FOX was not interviewing them, but rather just giving them air time.  


She should change her name to Megyn No-Follow-Up-Questions-No-Matter-What Kelly.

  • Love 9

So many have commented on Jessa doing nothing to comfort Jill when she started crying. It is possible that Jessa would have had a "mean girl" personality if the abuse had never happened. But I think her cold, bitchy demeanor is her coping mechanism. Plus a day or so before this story broke, I read a tabloid story (inTouch or Life and Style) while in line at the store that stated that Jessa was essentially having a Jan Brady "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" fit over Jill. Even though Jessa met Ben earlier, Jill's courtship and wedding came first. Jill got the new bigger home and Jessa got the refurbished mold house. Jessa was supposedly ordered by Boob to keep her pregnancy quiet until after Jill had the baby. Most siblings have rivalry and maybe Jessa just has no fucks to give Jill.

I have also decided the "accredited counseling" they are citing must be people they spoke to at the time of the police report. I would assume that once they realized what had happened, the police made sure counsel was available and spoke to the girls as part of protocol.

And Boob and Jessa can deny Josh is a child molester til the cows come home. He committed incest (even it it was only for a few seconds). Most people will not ever find this to be acceptable behavior (unless you're in the Duggar social circle apparently). They can cry persecution and liberal media and agenda all they want. To me, it comes down to this: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..." John 8:7. "Thou shalt not bear false witness". They condemn others for sinning because their stint as a reality television family gave them the platform to do so. These interviews show they either lied to the police when the report was made or are lying now. You can't have it both ways. If you want privacy, then don't bring the public into your home. You don't want to be judged, then don't judge others. Own your "mistakes" and reap what you have sown.

  • Love 15

What was the supposed significance of that, anyway? "We are not a TV family, we are just a family on TV".


Yeah, you guys are just regular folk.


I think it was "FU Internetz! We are NOT doing this just to get our show back! (except that we are)."


I don't know who they think they're fooling with this. But then I guess I don't know who they think they're fooling, period.

  • Love 8

All I have to say is no matter what anyone thinks, Jill and Jessa are grown women who have every right to think and say what they may. They are entitled to be respected for their opinions.

And we, the viewers have the accept it. We don't have to be fans or watch their shows. I would also add, personally I feel it is rude to attack them for how they were raised but that is me.

I also think it is unfair to psychoanalyze every movement, eye blink, count how many tears were shed, ask "why didn't Jessa hug Jill" (why does she have to?) and so forth. Families are not simple.

It wasn't the best interview but can ANY interview in this particular subject be "good"?

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 7

I'm sort of cracking up at all the "they were COACHED, can you believe it? OMG I figured it out. COACHED - those liars" posts. Of course they were prepped and were coached. No matter what the issue, guilty, not guilty, doesn't matter, if a person has a lick of sense, they're going to prepare for an interview. They're going to think about possible questions and how to succinctly and precisely craft their answer to get their message across in an understandable fashion.


Now I do agree that when people are not great extemporaneous speakers or are speaking about something very emotional, or if they're not that bright and also brainwashed, like the Duggars, and they can't veer off of a few key phrases, then they destroy their message and look shady. 

  • Love 3

So many have commented on Jessa doing nothing to comfort Jill when she started crying. It is possible that Jessa would have had a "mean girl" personality if the abuse had never happened. But I think her cold, bitchy demeanor is her coping mechanism. Plus a day or so before this story broke, I read a tabloid story (inTouch or Life and Style) while in line at the store that stated that Jessa was essentially having a Jan Brady "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" fit over Jill. Even though Jessa met Ben earlier, Jill's courtship and wedding came first. Jill got the new bigger home and Jessa got the refurbished mold house. Jessa was supposedly ordered by Boob to keep her pregnancy quiet until after Jill had the baby. Most siblings have rivalry and maybe Jessa just has no fucks to give Jill.

Oh poor Jessa. If she really feels that way, then she needs to grow up. I always taught my kids life wasn't fair. Jessa, the Paris honeymoon bride jealous?

I never got that impression though. She is pretty and knows it. Who knows.

Benessa has the best chance in the near future, at least until she drops the baby, to make money on speaking engagements.

But it will be in smaller towns like Bugtussle, OK and no more fancy Hiltons and Marriots.

Welcome to the Comfort inn and Best Western.

Definitely not Paris...maybe Paris ,Texas.


How will Anna's baby daddy support his brood?

Maybe working for his brother in the towing biz?

Help Grandma Mary in the laundry room?

Telemarketing sales?

Don't think they can run a daycare from the house.

  • Love 9

Benessa has the best chance in the near future, at least until she drops the baby, to make money on speaking engagements.

But it will be in smaller towns like Bugtussle, OK and no more fancy Hiltons and Marriots.

Welcome to the Comfort inn and Best Western.

Definitely not Paris...maybe Paris ,Texas.


How will Anna's baby daddy support his brood?

Maybe working for his brother in the towing biz?

Help Grandma Mary in the laundry room?

Telemarketing sales?

Don't think they can run a daycare from the house.

Well, not now.

  • Love 5

What was the supposed significance of that, anyway? "We are not a TV family, we are just a family on TV".


Yeah, you guys are just regular folk.

The quote gave many people a moment of pause, thinking 'what?'


"We are not a TV family, we are just a family on TV".


In March of this year, Jessa was doing a tour with the Southern Women’s Show, roaming around the Southern United States giving people advice on marriage, relationships and how to live with a giant litter of siblings. The crowds that came to listen to Jessa lecture about marriage and relationships were made up of older women in their sixties and young moms in their thirties with small children. Just the kind of people that need to hear a 22 year old girl that's been married for four months lecture to them about, right?


Jessa spoke about how she and Jill are updating their book, 'Growing Up Duggar' with more information about marriage and families. The two sisters, Jill and Jessa have made a lot of money selling their book about the Duggars and of course counted on selling a lot more once it was 'updated'. Then the story broke in May and now I'm wondering exactly what her updates to her book will be?


They aren't authors, they're just authors from TV.



Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 15

All I have to say is no matter what anyone thinks, Jill and Jessa are grown women who have every right to think and say what they may. They are entitled to be respected for their opinions.

And we, the viewers have the accept it.


I absolutely accept and respect Jill and Jessa's right as grown women or survivors in general to think and say whatever they feel.  


I don't believe I have to accept or respect their opinions. Just their right to hold them, and my perfect lack of right to insist they think or say something different.

  • Love 24

My unpopular thoughts on the interviews...

- I don't think that it mattered what was said. There would have been snark on anything and people would be angry with anything. I also think that there would be screaming if they hadn't done an interview. They were screwed either way.

- Of course Jill and Jessa were coached and prepped for this interview. It's a big deal and millions of people were watching. It isn't a TH about a wedding or a honeymoon trip, but an interview about a very upsetting abuse. I also don't see the big deal with them sounding exactly like their parents and having similar thoughts on the matter. That happens everywhere. You tend to emulate your parents and grow up having similar views. I sound exactly like my mother and our thoughts on particular topics are identical. Am I brainwashed by her?

- I think it is incredibly likely that the girls have forgiven and moved on. The abuse events coming out now seems like it would be much worse than the initial crime. If I thought I had dealt with the situation years ago in the past and now in the present millions of people were talking about how my brother molested me I would break down. I would be embarrassed and ashamed even though none of it was my fault.

- You can get higher than 2/3...

- I don't understand the coverup claim. Who did they cover it up from? Just because they didn't reveal their dirty laundry in front of the world doesn't mean they covered it up. They don't owe you or I anything.

- I also don't understand the hypocrite claim. Granted I don't watch the show so i have no idea what they have done or said in the series but in this situation I don't seem hypocrites. From what I have read they seem to practice what they preach. When I hear the word hypocrite I think of someone preaching against a particular action while actively participating in it. Just because there is this crime in the families past doesn't mean they can no longer hold particular views and beliefs in the present. Yes their views on the LBGTQ community are bizarre and amusing ironic in this situation but I don't think that just because of Josh's past crimes means they have to change their entire belief structure.

  • Love 6

The quote gave many people a moment of pause, thinking 'what?'


"We are not a TV family, we are just a family on TV".


In March of this year, Jessa was doing a tour with the Southern Women’s Show, roaming around the Southern United States giving people advice on marriage, relationships and how to live with a giant litter of siblings. The crowds that came to listen to Jessa lecture about marriage and relationships were made up of older women in their sixties and young moms in their thirties with small children. Just the kind of people that need to hear a 22 year old girl that's been married for four months lecture to them about, right?


Jessa spoke about how she and Jill are updating their book, 'Growing Up Duggar' with more information about marriage and families. The two sisters, Jill and Jessa have made a lot of money selling their book about the Duggars and of course counted on selling a lot more once it was 'updated'. Then the story broke in May and now I'm wondering exactly what her updates to her book will be?


They aren't authors, they're just authors from TV.




Good question on the book. I wonder whether the ghostwriters from the original feel that they're up to this new challenge ...


Kind of hard to imagine, really.


Also: Love the picture.

  • Love 2

Where do you see Jill and Jessa biting the hand of TLC?


Blaming the media while actively doing interviews in order to keep themselves on tv?


I mean, lets be clear, while I think its likely Jimbob ordered the girls to do the interview, there's a point where yes these two women are grown ups with their own husbands, legally allowed to say no to Daddy. Jill and Jessa didn't have to do this interview. And Jill and Jessa have obvious financial motivation to keep TLC sweet. Yes, they come off like poorly educated yokels but there is some cunning there.

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 8

My unpopular thoughts on the interviews...

- I don't think that it mattered what was said. There would have been snark on anything and people would be angry with anything. I also think that there would be screaming if they hadn't done an interview. They were screwed either way.

- Of course Jill and Jessa were coached and prepped for this interview. It's a big deal and millions of people were watching. It isn't a TH about a wedding or a honeymoon trip, but an interview about a very upsetting abuse. I also don't see the big deal with them sounding exactly like their parents and having similar thoughts on the matter. That happens everywhere. You tend to emulate your parents and grow up having similar views. I sound exactly like my mother and our thoughts on particular topics are identical. Am I brainwashed by her?

- I think it is incredibly likely that the girls have forgiven and moved on. The abuse events coming out now seems like it would be much worse than the initial crime. If I thought I had dealt with the situation years ago in the past and now in the present millions of people were talking about how my brother molested me I would break down. I would be embarrassed and ashamed even though none of it was my fault.

- You can get higher than 2/3...

- I don't understand the coverup claim. Who did they cover it up from? Just because they didn't reveal their dirty laundry in front of the world doesn't mean they covered it up. They don't owe you or I anything.

- I also don't understand the hypocrite claim. Granted I don't watch the show so i have no idea what they have done or said in the series but in this situation I don't seem hypocrites. From what I have read they seem to practice what they preach. When I hear the word hypocrite I think of someone preaching against a particular action while actively participating in it. Just because there is this crime in the families past doesn't mean they can no longer hold particular views and beliefs in the present. Yes their views on the LBGTQ community are bizarre and amusing ironic in this situation but I don't think that just because of Josh's past crimes means they have to change their entire belief structure.

I agree with what you said 100%

And I know I'm probably the only one who will say it on this thread but I don't want to see the duggars cancled. I have grown to love this family and would like to continue watching them.

Edited to add this: I don't believe they went on the interview to save the show (if that where the case I think the interview would have been very different) I think they wanted to put a stop to some of the lies and a stop to people twisting their words. If it was my family I would have done the same.

I read in here someone said young girls look up to jill and Jessa and may think since they aren't making a big deal then the young girls shouldnt. I agree that people look up to them but on another point, those young girls who do look up to jill and Jessa now see that privacy isn't a thing and when police tell you it's confident and won't get out that you can't really believe them. I personally wouldn't tell a soul after seeing these girls dragged through the mud.

Josh was wrong the family has forgiven him, they have taken action to rectify the situation and all we do (media, tabloids, etc) is put them down and question them. If cps says it's good and they are safe then who are we to say otherwise.

And I do think the media blew this story up and made it a bigger deal than it should have been.  So I do agree with jessa and michelle on that point.

I'm done ranting now :)

  • Love 5

That's what I am kinda saying, it goes both ways. I only differ in that I see no need for rudeness from the women. or towards the women.


I'm - let's say probably indelicate sometimes in what I have to say about things I feel strongly about. I'm going to guess that the Duggar family wouldn't see that as common ground, but I'm pretty sure it is :)


At any rate, I completely agree that (everyone) should be way more civil.

  • Love 3

What really stands out to me is that even with all the prepping and coaching these girls still are so inarticulate in many ways, and uneducated.  I know that we all know this anyway but wow, it's just crystal clear now.  And that they are towing the party line, it's the evil liberal media, those mean mean people that unearthed all this.  Even my 19 year old knows what the FOIA is for pete's sake.  I'm so sad for them...and it's more sad that they are so unaware of why I, the mother of a daughter that wants so much more for her child, could have such sadness.   

  • Love 7

I'm - let's say probably indelicate sometimes in what I have to say about things I feel strongly about.

Oh, I wasn't referring to you. :-) I was thinking about all the comments left on their IG and FB.

Regarding the show- If I wanted to keep my show going and really had no feelings regarding my brother, I would be quite upset too if my show was cancelled due to my parents decisions. They did not do anything to get the show cancelled. Their parents and brother did.

I never want to see the parents on again but these two women, sure. And all the other kids, even Anna and her children.

*edited for clarity

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 2

I doubt that anyone will agree with me, and that's ok, but I'd like give my feelings on this.


After watching JB & M on Wednesday I was furious.  I hated them, and kind of still do.  I hate their smugness, their attitude of entitlement, and how they think that there is only one way to live, and everyone else is 100% wrong in their beliefs.


Last night I almost didn't want to watch the J&J interview, but I did. 


Watching them, my heart really softened towards them, and I totally believe that they hated what Josh did; they acknowledged that it was horrible and wrong, and I believe them when they said that Josh apologized and asked forgiveness from each of them individually.


Granted, very young people can't really understand the full spectrum of what Josh did; but they knew to even some degree that Josh had done something very wrong, THEY felt and still feel that John repented and asked forgiveness, and they gave him forgiveness.


Again, I can't stand their parents for every reason that has ever been mentioned on this forum, but I just can't hate on most of them, including Jana, Jill, Jess, Jinger, JoyAnna, and the rest of the younger kids.


They were born into this family; I feel they definitely LOVE their parents and siblings.  That the place (in their minds and hearts) where THEY are coming from.  I don't think they were lying about trying to defend the things that have been said about Josh in the media because THEY don't see him like that.  (For the record, I do believe he was a "child molester", because that's exactly what he did, he molested children).  I don't think he is a rapist, and from a lot of research and personal experience, the odds are that he has not gone on to continue to molest children.  But of course I don't really know that for sure.  I don't care about what happens to Josh.


Like I said, I felt so much better about the entire thing after seeing Jessa and Jill last night.  I hope and think that their husbands and family will be there for them for emotional support.


Those young women deserve peace in their lives, as We ALL do.


What ever happens now, I guess is between them and TLC.


Again, just my totally humble opinion.

  • Love 14

The quote gave many people a moment of pause, thinking 'what?'


"We are not a TV family, we are just a family on TV".


In March of this year, Jessa was doing a tour with the Southern Women’s Show, roaming around the Southern United States giving people advice on marriage, relationships and how to live with a giant litter of siblings. The crowds that came to listen to Jessa lecture about marriage and relationships were made up of older women in their sixties and young moms in their thirties with small children. Just the kind of people that need to hear a 22 year old girl that's been married for four months lecture to them about, right?


Jessa spoke about how she and Jill are updating their book, 'Growing Up Duggar' with more information about marriage and families. The two sisters, Jill and Jessa have made a lot of money selling their book about the Duggars and of course counted on selling a lot more once it was 'updated'. Then the story broke in May and now I'm wondering exactly what her updates to her book will be?


They aren't authors, they're just authors from TV.



Well, at least prayer gets in some authorized touching! Now, who is that leaning on Derick's legs?

  • Love 6

Reading through all these posts makes me so sad for the girls involved.  You weren't allowed to express any of your feelings, just follow the script.


Back at the beginning of this forum, somebody brought up all the trashy shows on TLC.  When they mentioned "My 300 pound Scrotum", I said - out loud - "Josh IS a 300 pound scrotum!!!"


I really need to stop reading this stuff.  Like, you know, I mean, like now.

  • Love 16

Reading through all these posts makes me so sad for the girls involved.  You weren't allowed to express any of your feelings, just follow the script.


Back at the beginning of this forum, somebody brought up all the trashy shows on TLC.  When they mentioned "My 300 pound Scrotum", I said - out loud - "Josh IS a 300 pound scrotum!!!"


I really need to stop reading this stuff.  Like, you know, I mean, like now.

At the beginning of the interview Megyn tried twice to get the girls to respond to the term victim.. they were so set on their agenda that they didn't answer. It seems like it didn't matter who was sitting in front of them and whatever they were asked, they were going to say certain key points.

Josh paid for his counselling (wtf)

It wasn't a big deal

He was really young

We forgave him

Over the clothes, a few seconds


Victimized by the media

This was just another platform for their ministry. I can't believe anyone would want to see these people stay on the air and support/subsidize these people.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 7

The interview was hard to watch. Its really hard to believe that a few months of hard labor and Josh came back a changed man. Especially with what we've seen of him on the show and comments he's made to the press.  Its really hard listening to them down play what happened to them. That's the exact thing that makes it so hard for victims to come forward and to press charges. I really hope no one who is a victim hears that and decides not to speak up thinking what happened to them was no big deal. It is a big deal. Victims should feel like they can speak. We need them to feel they can speak up and people will be there for them their parents, the police, etc. I have no problems with Jill and Jessa being mad at InTouch but that's something JimBob should have considered when he decided to put his family on tv. He at least should have enough real world experience to know stuff always gets out. And something like that people weren't slide under the rug.

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