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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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610 promo:

  1. Trial prep in King's Landing, looks like Loras is up first.
  2. Jon telling Sansa they need to trust each other because they have so many enemies, and then trolling shippers by kissing her on the forehead.
  3. Jaime attends a party at the Twins, Walder baits retribution by using the "send their regards" quote again.
  4. Littlefinger meeting Sansa in the godswood, saying he thought she knew what he wanted.
  5. Davos accusing Melisandre of killing Shireen in front of Jon.
  6. Brief shot of Bran (hey, Bran!  You really dropped out of the narrative after the first half!).
  7. Dany and Daario, Tyrion's promo quote, which apparently is to Daenerys after all.
  8. I think there's a brief shot of Lancel interspersed with #7.
Edited by SeanC
  • Love 1

Jon telling Sansa they need to trust each other because they have so many enemies, and then trolling shippers by kissing her on the forehead.

Jaime attends a party at the Twins, Walder baits retribution by using the "send their regards" quote again.

On the first point, I thought Jon's fight with Sansa was staged like a lover's quarrel, and yeah having him kiss Sansa (even if it's completely platonic in context) during the same episode we're likely to learn the truth about his parentage is BLATANT trolling.  We're on to you show!!!


And Walder is going DOWN.  First House Bolton, then House Frey.  The Lannister's are almost redundant at this point since they're destroying themselves far, FAR better than any outsider could ever manage.

  • Love 3

1. There is a scene with "Shae" (played by Sibel Kekilli, dressed like a Meereen peasant), Tyrion and possibly Varys.

2. Tyrion and Varys have a farewell scene in the Meereenese port. (The rumours are that Varys and Olenna both head to Dorne. Judging from the letter Olenna was writing in 6x07, I'd say it's likely that that's where they end up.)

3. There is an explosion outside Dany's chambers.

4. Tyrion inside the pyramid looks up and sees the suspended torch shaking.

5. A red priestess (played by Melanie Liburd) appears.

6. 7 characters, 40 extras (Unsullied, slaves), sand and multiple green screens needed for Mesa Roldán, Almería shooting. Tyrion, Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, Razdal and two other masters spotted on set. A dragon also confirmed to be part of the scene. Sapochnik-directed scene (6x09).

7. Crucial scene shot in Sorbas, standing in for the gates of Meereen (directed by Sapochnik).

8. The Sons of the Harpy are killing people (masters?) when something or someone surprises them.

9. The Dothraki charge Meereen (6x10).

10. Tyrion tells someone "Are you afraid? You should be. You're in the great game now. And the great game is terrifying."


It seems that all scenes are accounted for except for the Shae scene.

5 minutes ago, Kostgard said:

What the hell is Jaime doing at the Twins? At Riverrun he was constantly talking about how he's in a hurry to get back to Cersei because he knows her trial could happen any day now. Yet he travels to the Twins, which is in the opposite direction from KL?


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Just don't eat the pies, Jaime.

I've been saying for the longest time that Jaime wasn't going back to KL this season. Or possibly ever. 

But as for this little diversion, I suspect it might have to do with making sure what he promised Edmure in regards to him being sent to Casterly Rock is carried out.

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, Winnief said:

On the first point, I thought Jon's fight with Sansa was staged like a lover's quarrel, and yeah having him kiss Sansa (even if it's completely platonic in context) during the same episode we're likely to learn the truth about his parentage is BLATANT trolling.  We're on to you show!!!

Trolling? Or setup? 'Cause its not trolling if it actually happens... just sayin'.

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As amazing as tonight's ep was, it wasn't even the finale. So next week should be epic. 

There should be a great big flashing sign over Jon and Sansa: THEY'RE COUSINS, NOT SIBLINGS! COUSINS, DO YOU HEAR ME? IT'S STILL KINDA GROSS BUT NOT THAT GROSS! 

I am also surprised that Jaime is at the Twins. I thought he'd rush back to Cersei in King's Landing.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

A head kiss is the least romantic kiss that one can possibly give. Just sayin

Groundwork, my friend. Groundwork.

Think of all the times in shows where the 'just friends' (that everyone knew was the designated couple) have pulled out the head kiss as a way to show an intimate connection before they were ready to have them show actual romantic affection. The forehead kiss between potential love interests is one of the oldest tells out there in television/movies storytelling.

There's still two (shorter) seasons left to go, but they need the groundwork in place to make it feel like a proper payoff and not something pulled out at the last minute. So... forehead kiss.

We also have to put the forehead kiss in the context of the rest of the episode as well. We've got Littlefinger telling her "you know what I want" and determining who will rule the North now that Ramsey is dead. What I'm sure he wants is for Sansa to take the throne of Winterfell and marry him so he gets to be Lord Protector of the Vale and the North. Instead, after a talk with Jon about trusting each other that culminates in the forehead kiss she backs Jon for King, short-circuiting Littlefinger's plans... giving up what she might want (to be a queen) for the good of her family and the North. That's the sort of thing that generally ends up coming back around in the final act (i.e. by doing the right thing against her interests, the narrative will end up giving her what she's always wanted from an unexpected direction).

On a related note, Sansa herself brought up tonight that neither Jon (bastard) or Sansa's (female) claim is as strong as Rickon's was. Neither is the ideal candidate, which is why Sansa putting her support behind Jon is probably so important next episode... but if the truth of his parentage comes out that could provide enough disunity that an additional gesture may be needed (such as ensuring that Ned's grandchildren will be the heirs to the throne) to placate those who thought they were backing Ned's son over Ned's daughter... not Lyanna's son over Ned's daughter.

Yeah, that might not give him much outside of the North, but given Dany's swerve away from "Burn Them All" towards rational rulership raises the prospect that Jon will end up only controlling the North anyway... making Sansa definitely a better choice, particularly if it keeps there from being strife in coming generations between his future children and Ned's future trueborn grandchildren (because they're one and the same).

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

A head kiss is the least romantic kiss that one can possibly give. Just sayin

Well, they're not going for romance. YET. Okay, just kidding. 

I've said this before, but I think a lot of the Jon/Sansa shipping is because the actors look so very pretty together and have a ton of chemistry onscreen. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Groundwork, my friend. Groundwork.

[I agree with everything I snipped, but post would have been huge]

Yeah, that might not give him much outside of the North, but given Dany's swerve away from "Burn Them All" towards rational rulership raises the prospect that Jon will end up only controlling the North anyway... making Sansa definitely a better choice, particularly if it keeps there from being strife in coming generations between his future children and Ned's future trueborn grandchildren (because they're one and the same).

I also liked what was hinted by (was it Tyrion or Dany? I have no time to rewatch RN) saying what happens if each of the 7 kingdoms want to break off, which kind of brought out a 'why not?', IMO. I mean, it's only a couple of centuries ago that Aegon yoked everyone together whether they wanted to or not. Maybe Danaerys can be a different kind of ruler - we've already had the example of what happens when you put all your eggs in the absolute king of everything basket, and that suddenly disappears.

Last thing, before I really have to go offline and do some work - that scene in the promo with LF and Sansa in the godswood: you know what he wants, Sansa! Don't fucking give it to him!

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, arjumand said:

I also liked what was hinted by (was it Tyrion or Dany? I have no time to rewatch RN) saying what happens if each of the 7 kingdoms want to break off, which kind of brought out a 'why not?', IMO. I mean, it's only a couple of centuries ago that Aegon yoked everyone together whether they wanted to or not. Maybe Danaerys can be a different kind of ruler - we've already had the example of what happens when you put all your eggs in the absolute king of everything basket, and that suddenly disappears.

I agree, it's actually a scenario I think is more likely to happen. This series is all about who is going to sit on the Throne, but I'm beginning to think that even if Dany conquers Westeros, we are going to see a return to the 7 Kingdoms being separated. And maybe united in something similar to the British Commonwealth. A figure head for the continent but each 'country' ruled by their own leader.

Edited by Bill1978
This is not the episode thread
  • Love 4
On 13 June, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Eyes High said:

Trailer 1 ("Red Band" trailer): Tyrion VO: "You're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying." Littlefinger in the godswood. Little birds stabbing someone. 

Trailer 2: Sansa VO: "It's all I think about (...) what was taken from me." Walder Frey making a toast at a Frey/Lannister soldier gathering. Littlefinger looking nervous, looks like godswood scene.

Previous post, updated after 6x09.

Still wondering about that Shae scene, though. SK was on set at the same time as Conleth Hill. Deleted scene?

Confirmed plotlines for 6x10:

1. Meereen: Dany/Tyrion (great game dialogue), Dany/Daario

2. Riverlands: Jaime, Arya, Frey/Lannister victory celebration

3. KL: Cersei's trial, little birds stabbing scene

4. North: Davos/Jon/Mel, Littlefinger/Sansa in the godswood

5. Beyond The Wall: Bran, TOJ flashback


6. Oldtown: A scene was filmed involving Sam and a maester.

7. North: Northern lords gathering

8. Dorne: Varys and Olenna's actors were spotted where the Dorne scenes were filmed.

We also know that Lord Royce's actor filmed in July and December, but we've only seen him in one scene.

32 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

We also know that Lord Royce's actor filmed in July and December, but we've only seen him in one scene.

He may be at the Northern lords gathering, if it's a general post-battle conference.

I wonder if Brienne's is one of those stories that has just wrapped up early this year?  The only possible endings I can think of are either showing her returning to Winterfell, or else running into the Brotherhood Without Banners on the way north.

Cast episode totals are noticeably down this season.  This'll be the first time there hasn't been anybody in 9-10 episodes.  The peak is 8, to be shared by Jon (though he was playing a corpse for two of those), Arya, Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime, Dany, and Davos.


And maybe united in something similar to the British Commonwealth. A figure head for the continent but each 'country' ruled by their own leader.

That might well be the solution.  The North in particular is damn near impossible to 'rule' from the outside-too big, too wild, not to mention a whole separate religion, so granting them more nominal independence (like Dorne already enjoys,) may be the smart move.  Especially if one Northern ruler was blood to the Targaryen dynasty anyway...


I've said this before, but I think a lot of the Jon/Sansa shipping is because the actors look so very pretty together and have a ton of chemistry onscreen. 

That definitely plays a role.  D&D in some respects got really, REALLY lucky with Sophie.  She was just a kid when they cast her, (in great part because she looked like Book Sansa) but then she grew up to be both an extraordinary actress AND a stone cold knockout.  The latter part also feeds speculation that Sansa is the YMBQ.  



On a related note, Sansa herself brought up tonight that neither Jon (bastard) or Sansa's (female) claim is as strong as Rickon's was. Neither is the ideal candidate, which is why Sansa putting her support behind Jon is probably so important next episode... but if the truth of his parentage comes out that could provide enough disunity that an additional gesture may be needed (such as ensuring that Ned's grandchildren will be the heirs to the throne) to placate those who thought they were backing Ned's son over Ned's daughter... not Lyanna's son over Ned's daughter.

Yeah, that might not give him much outside of the North, but given Dany's swerve away from "Burn Them All" towards rational rulership raises the prospect that Jon will end up only controlling the North anyway... making Sansa definitely a better choice, particularly if it keeps there from being strife in coming generations between his future children and Ned's future trueborn grandchildren (because they're one and the same).

That does seem like a plausible scenario.  Though, of course if Bran comes back he could conceivably be the next Lord of Winterfell too.

  • Love 4

Damn, the women really have gotten their revenge this season, haven't they?

  • Yara took over and allied with Dany
  • Dany burned the Khals, took over the Dothrakis, and pretty much annihilated the Masters/Sons of Harpy
  • Arya killed the Waif
and is about to get rid of Walder Frey
Sansa fed Ramsey to the wolves And Cersei
is about to blow her enemies the fuck up
  • Love 2

I can't believe we only have 1 episode left. Damn.

I'm curious about Jon's line in the preview: "we have so many enemies now". I wonder who he means? House Bolton is gone, Houses Umber and Karstark have lost their lords and most of their armies, Houses Mormont, Hornwood, & Mazin are his allies, the Wildlings are loyal to him, and spoilers indicate the other northern lords will pledge fealty to House Stark once again. Basically the entire North is his. I doubt the happenings in the North have reached King's Landing, and the Lannisters have bigger problems at the moment to care about the Bastard of WF anyway. I doubt Walder Frey gives a shit. So, who are these 'many enemies'? 

2 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

I doubt Walder Frey gives a shit. So, who are these 'many enemies'? 

I believe Walder Frey is still a potential enemy (and his allies) because Ramsay spread a rumor that Fat Walda and baby were 'killed by his enemies', i.e. those loyal to the Starks.  So as far as Walder Frey believes, Jon/Sansa and their allies killed his daughter and grandson.  Plus they probably assume, at least at this time, that the Lannisters are also their enemy, plus possibly the Tyrells, since the North/Jon/Sansa will still try to secede.  Certainly Jon knows the WW are still a threat and believes most will not support him in battling that.

12 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

I can't believe we only have 1 episode left. Damn.

I'm curious about Jon's line in the preview: "we have so many enemies now". I wonder who he means? House Bolton is gone, Houses Umber and Karstark have lost their lords and most of their armies, Houses Mormont, Hornwood, & Mazin are his allies, the Wildlings are loyal to him, and spoilers indicate the other northern lords will pledge fealty to House Stark once again. Basically the entire North is his. I doubt the happenings in the North have reached King's Landing, and the Lannisters have bigger problems at the moment to care about the Bastard of WF anyway. I doubt Walder Frey gives a shit. So, who are these 'many enemies'? 

I am guessing that Jon is referring to the fact he believes the Starks are still likely opposed by the Lannisters, Tyrells, Martells, and every other major house out there.  He has no idea of the brewing issues in King's Landing and probably believes (rightfully so) that the Lannisters aren't going to take too kindly to the fact that he just killed their Warden of the North and eradicated a major ally of theirs (the Boltons).

  • Love 4

Do we know who's supposed to stay behind in Meereen and take care of things while Dany tries to conquer her homeland?

Looking at the main cast, it appears that literally the only one left in the King's Landing area (assuming Varys is going to Dorne not there) will be Cersei. Wonder if her screentime will be notably reduced next season, like how on Mad Men Betty became way less important after S3...

Edited by jjjmoss
Just now, jjjmoss said:

Do we know who's supposed to stay behind in Meereen and take care of things while Dany tries to conquer her homeland?

Despite fan speculations, Dany hasn't really given any indication she's planning to leave anybody behind.  In the Inside the Episode videos, D&D seem quite clear that she's planning to take her whole force with her, and I'm not sure what the point of leaving Grey Worm and/or Missandei would be without the Unsullied to carry out their will.  It seems like they're going to have Dany give Meereen back to the people or whatever, with the threat in the air that she'll return if the Masters try to pull anything.

  • Love 3

Following up on my earlier post about episode counts, this is the provisional list of people who we know will qualify for the show's SAG Ensemble Award nomination this year (they've gotta win that at some point, right?):

  1. Peter Dinklage
  2. Nicolaj Coster-Waldau
  3. Lena Headey
  4. Kit Harington
  5. Emilia Clarke
  6. Liam Cunningham
  7. Carice van Houten
  8. Sophie Turner
  9. Maisie Williams
  10. Nathalie Emmanuel
  11. Conleth Hill
  12. Alfie Allen
  13. Dean-Charles Chapman
  14. Kristofer Hivju
  15. Michiel Huisman
  16. Jonathan Pryce
  17. Faye Marsay
  18. Jacob Anderson
  19. Hafthor Bjornsson

On the bubble (currently at five episodes and status in the finale uncertain):

  1. Gwendoline Christie
  2. Daniel Portman
  3. Ben Crompton
  4. Gemma Whelan

Whelan's part of the Meereen crew, so it's easy to imagine her in the finale.  Christie and Portman, we've heard nothing either way.


Since we know Bran make it the Wall, Crompton's odds would seem decent.

Series regulars guaranteed to miss the cut this year:

  1. Isaac Hempstead-Wright (poor Isaac, so close this time)
  2. Aidan Gillen
  3. Natalie Dormer
  4. Indira Varma
  5. Rory McCann
  6. John Bradley
  7. Hannah Murray
  8. Jerome Flynn
  9. Michael McElhatton
  10. Iwan Rheon
  11. Tom Wlaschiha
  12. Iain Glen
Edited by SeanC
49 minutes ago, Statman said:

I am guessing that Jon is referring to the fact he believes the Starks are still likely opposed by the Lannisters, Tyrells, Martells, and every other major house out there.  He has no idea of the brewing issues in King's Landing and probably believes (rightfully so) that the Lannisters aren't going to take too kindly to the fact that he just killed their Warden of the North and eradicated a major ally of theirs (the Boltons).

Exactly. People are commenting like Sansa now gets to sit on some Winterfell throne and reign supreme. The Lannisters and the Freys are not going to sit still while the Starks take back Winterfell. Jaime might want to let it go because of Brienne and his oath to Cate, but Cersei and the Freys will not. Unless the Starks woo the other northern houses that abandoned them, they are alone against their enemies. 

I always figured that Jon would leave Sansa at Winterfell and go fight the White Walkers, but I don't see how he can leave her unprotected with their army devastated. Maybe she goes to the Vale and stays with Robin, but eventually the Vale army will be needed against the Night's King. Nowhere is safe until Jon and his remaining army find more obsidian and Daenerys arrives with her dragons and army.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1

No way is safe until Jon and his remaining army find more obsidian and Daenerys arrives with her dragons and army.

And even then Jon's gonna have to convince Dany that they should be on the same side against the White Walkers-not to mention proving the truth about his parentage though, dragon-riding genes may go a long way on both scores.


Plus with the way the Night's King's been building his forces even the dragons and Unsullied might not be enough at this point...

57 minutes ago, Statman said:

I am guessing that Jon is referring to the fact he believes the Starks are still likely opposed by the Lannisters, Tyrells, Martells, and every other major house out there. 

I guess it does make sense that since Jon's been out of the political loop for so long he wouldn't know how divided the south is and would assume that his family's past enemies would become his now. And I doubt Littlefinger will provide any details about how divided the south really is. With only 13 episode left, I just hope Jon doesn't spend too much time worrying about the mostly non-existent enemy to the south and focuses on preparing for the real enemy to the north.

  • Love 1

I think Jon is probably talking about all the houses that didn't join them when they fought the Boltons, and whose lords may have perished in battle (like the Umbers), plus the Lannisters, plus the Lannisters' friends, plus the Freys.

If/when the other Northern Houses accept Jon and Sansa as their rulers, then Jon can relax (a little).

  • Love 1

Damn, the women really have gotten their revenge this season, haven't they?

Yara took over and allied with Dany

Dany burned the Khals, took over the Dothrakis, and pretty much annihilated the Masters/Sons of Harpy

Arya killed the Waif


Sansa fed Ramsey to the wolves And Cersei


I've been thinking all season how the women, in every plot thread, have been slowly taking over, and wondering if that's the ultimate goal for the series. Don't forget that Ellaria and the Sand Snakes are likely in control of Dorne, and given Dorne's history with the Targs, may be the next to ally with Dany. The argument can also be made the Margaery and Lady Olenna are the current (and likely future) brains for Highgarden. Plus: Brienne, full stop. Yes, a lot of this is revenge, but I see this world's gender dynamic quite obviously flipping, too.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

spoilers indicate the other northern lords will pledge fealty to House Stark once again.

I'm curious how this will be handled.  The casting spoilers said something about a fat Northern lord who gives a stirring speech.  Presumably that's Lord Manderly, but I always thought it was a "rally the northern houses before the battle" thing.  That didn't happen, so if he gives a stirring speech it's going to look like he's just sucking up to the winner of the battle of the bastards. 


I'm kind of hoping for a "Words are wind" response from Jon when these Northern lords pledge fealty.  "Thank you.  Undoubtedly you'd be here bowing to Ramsey if he'd won.  You wouldn't aid us when we needed it, but now you're happy to pledge loyalty when it costs you nothing.  Well, guess again -- as a show of loyalty, each of you will provide 1000 troops, fully armed and provisioned, to man the abandoned castles on the Wall.  You thought you'd be safe now that the battle is won, but, my lords, the real war has only begun, because the Night King is headed south with his army of the dead, and Winter Is Coming."

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, mac123x said:

The casting spoilers said something about a fat Northern lord who gives a stirring speech.  Presumably that's Lord Manderly, but I always thought it was a "rally the northern houses before the battle" thing. 

I wonder if they might be moving the Frey pie bit to the Twins and involving Walder -- like if there are lords whose family members he's holding hostage there, and now's the time they're starting to take their revenge, especially if news about Winterfell has reached them and that gives them something to fight for.

2 hours ago, mac123x said:

I'm kind of hoping for a "Words are wind" response from Jon when these Northern lords pledge fealty.  "Thank you.  Undoubtedly you'd be here bowing to Ramsey if he'd won.  You wouldn't aid us when we needed it, but now you're happy to pledge loyalty when it costs you nothing.  Well, guess again -- as a show of loyalty, each of you will provide 1000 troops, fully armed and provisioned, to man the abandoned castles on the Wall.  You thought you'd be safe now that the battle is won, but, my lords, the real war has only begun, because the Night King is headed south with his army of the dead, and Winter Is Coming."

O.M.G. I would love it if Jon did this. He needs to be firm, focused, and a little ruthless going forward, but would that be something he'd be able to demand from them?

9 hours ago, Love said:

I'm super curious to know when this supposed "big" Jon episode that Kit mentioned in Entertainment Weekly is going to happen.  Given that there is one episode left with apparently 60 other plots happening (exaggerating slightly), I can't really see Jon being the focus.  

You probably just saw it.  That battle was all about Jon Snow...

  • Love 2

The Season 6 soundtrack album track list, with a few we probably haven't heard yet:

Maester (2:52) - Sam at Oldtown.
Trust Each Other (3:09) - Jon and Sansa, from the promo.
Winter Has Come (3:14) - the white ravens, also in the promo.
Hear Me Roar (2:16) - enter the Mad Queen.
The Winds of Winter (3:29) - if the Wall is falling, I imagine this is it; in any event, likely involving Bran.
The Tower (Bonus Track) (2:33) - the Tower of Joy, could be from episode 3 or episode 10.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, SeanC said:

Despite fan speculations, Dany hasn't really given any indication she's planning to leave anybody behind.  In the Inside the Episode videos, D&D seem quite clear that she's planning to take her whole force with her, and I'm not sure what the point of leaving Grey Worm and/or Missandei would be without the Unsullied to carry out their will.  It seems like they're going to have Dany give Meereen back to the people or whatever, with the threat in the air that she'll return if the Masters try to pull anything.

Yea the more I think about it, the less sense it makes for Dany to leave behind her army commander. If the scenes from the previews indicate anything, I could see her leaving behind Darios and the second son to rule in her stead.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Oscirus said:

Yea the more I think about it, the less sense it makes for Dany to leave behind her army commander.

And from a purely strategic perspective, of the three components of her land forces, the Unsullied are the only ones who could be considered truly loyal, so they're the ones she should be the least willing to part with.

  • Love 1
57 minutes ago, amandawoods said:
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I figured that Jamie would be going back to Cersei after the taking Riverun.  I'm guessing that he survives the Frey Pies.  Is he going to paired with Arya next season? Because I don't get the point of him being there.  But I think I would like an Arya/Jamie pairing.


Much as I'm certain Jaime is the valonqar, I had this thought about him being the main character who gets killed completely unexpectedly, as reported by, I think, Javi.  He'd certainly fit the bill in terms of unexpectedness.

1 hour ago, SeanC said:
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Much as I'm certain Jaime is the valonqar, I had this thought about him being the main character who gets killed completely unexpectedly, as reported by, I think, Javi.  He'd certainly fit the bill in terms of unexpectedness.




Javi reported very early on that an unexpected character is killed (not main character, unexpected character). Truede reported that a lot of characters die in the season finale including a main character. Personally, I think Javi was talking about Rickon (we've had the multiple spoilers about Rickon for so long we have to remember there was a time people thought there was NO WAY they'd kill another Stark, or bring Rickon back just to kill him). Truede is probably talking about Margaery.

Javi also thinks (recently) that Jaime is the valonqar, and that Cersei blowing everything up with wildfire is what will turn him against her, so I don't think Javi knows/thinks that Jaime is going to be killed yet.


Edited by Audreythe2nd
6 minutes ago, Audreythe2nd said:
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Javi reported very early on that an unexpected character is killed (not main character, unexpected character). Truede reported that a lot of characters die in the season finale including a main character. Personally, I think Javi was talking about Rickon (we've had the multiple spoilers about Rickon for so long we have to remember there was a time people thought there was NO WAY they'd kill another Stark, or bring Rickon back just to kill him). Truede is probably talking about Margaery.

Javi also thinks (recently) that Jaime is the valonqar, and that Cersei blowing everything up with wildfire is what will turn him against her, so I don't think Javi knows/thinks that Jaime is going to be killed yet.



Fair enough about main character, but I figured that by "unexpected" they meant something that was going to be a big surprise within the narrative; once Rickon was Ramsay's captive, his dying wasn't all that surprising.

46 minutes ago, SeanC said:
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Fair enough about main character, but I figured that by "unexpected" they meant something that was going to be a big surprise within the narrative; once Rickon was Ramsay's captive, his dying wasn't all that surprising.


I believe he said this right before we started getting the real, reliable spoilers from BastardBowl and the confirmation that Rickon was Ramsay's hostage (coupled with the confirmation that the Umbers had turned on the Starks). But you're right, he could be talking about literally anyone else. I'm just pointing out that he didn't say main character, and that I don't think, all things considered that he's referring to Jaime.

10 hours ago, SeanC said:

The Season 6 soundtrack album track list, with a few we probably haven't heard yet:

Thanks for posting the detail, now I know when the digital release is occurring. I could only manage to find information about the physical release in a month's time. I knew that tradition said it was usually released around Episode 9 digitally but there was nothing concrete.

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