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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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WOTW has the first casting descriptions:


Pirate, man in his 40’s to late 50’s. He’s “an infamous pirate who has terrorized seas all around the world. Cunning, ruthless, with a touch of madness.” He’s a dangerous-looking man. A very good part this season.

Father. Aged 50’s to 60’s, he’s one of the greatest soldiers in Westeros- a humorless martinet, severe and intimidating. He demands martial discipline in the field and in his home. It’s described as “a very good part” for next year and that he’s “centrally involved” in a protagonist’s storyline.

Mother, in her 50’s. She’s a sweet, plump, and adoring mother, and has a soft spot for one of her children who benefits from her decency.

Sister, in her early 20s. She’s a kind, friendly and unpretentious woman.

Brother, in his early to mid-20’s . Athletic, a good hunter, an excellent swordsman, manly, not particularly bright but the favourite child of the father.

Priest, in his 40’s or 50’s. A gruff ex-soldier who found religion. Now a no-nonsense rural priest who ministers to the poor of the countryside. He’s salt-of-the-earth man who has weathered many battles

Leading Actress, in her early 40’s, she’s an elegant actress with a traveling theatre company. Fun, charismatic, rum-drinking actress in the troupe.

Priestess. Mid-20’s to early 30’s. Any ethnicity- she’s beautiful, intense, and magnetic.

Fierce Warrior, a tall man in 30’s or 40’s with a powerful physique. They’re looking for someone with “mixed ethnicity” for the role.

A large boy, with an actor who is 10-12 but playing 7 or 8. He’s described as “a clever boy” who seems too large for his age. He’s big and tall but not fat. “Characterful squat features” are a plus for this part. it’s specified that this is a one-time appearance.

12 year old boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He needs to use a Northern accent. He has scenes where he has to spar with a wooden sword. The length of the role isn’t specified.

7 year old boy with dark brown hair, a narrow face and green eyes. He also has a Northern accent. He also spars with the wooden sword, so it’s safe to assume it’s the same scene. This role is similarly open-ended, the description only stating that the character is being ‘introduced.’


The Tarlys and Meribald are pretty obvious, and I think Euron rather than Victarion is the infamous pirate. One boy has green eyes like Sean Bean, as WOTW points out, and is being introduced, which implies future appearances. Could this mean a series of Ned visions?

Edited by ElizaD

I'm guessing the Three boys are Ned (green eyed 7 year old), Brandon (12 year old) and Hodor (clever, big for his age 7 year old).


The big boy could be Robert I suppose but given that show Hodor is older than book Hodor making him an age with Ned seems like something they might do. We could be seeing a scene showing what happened to Hodor to make him like he is.




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I was so hoping to see something like, "Overweight Northern Lord. Cunning but loyal." 


If that is a Ned flashback via the weirwood, it would make sense for the large boy to be Robert because it would be a one-time role while the other two are possibly recurring. He would just be visiting, and the Eyrie has no weirwood.


I'm trying not to count on it being a Ned flashback. It could also be Rickon, safe at Last Hearth, practicing with a large Umber boy and someone else.

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And it's very interesting they are going to cast Sam's family.  I wonder if that means an attack on the Reach of if House Tywell is about to crumble?  That definitely reads like Euron Greyjoy and I think I'd rather see him than to be forced to endure Victorian trying to win Dany and the whole plot with the horn that can control dragons.  However, if show that Balon is dead and keep the Queenmoot, I hope the show will do for us what the books didn't and have Theon's sister (Yara?) win.

Edited by nksarmi
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The Horn is the only thing I care about vis a vis the Greyjoy's. I do not give one shit about Euron in the Reach.

I don't know, in the books I hated the idea of the horn.  I hate the very thought that if it truly works Dany could have her dragons taken away from her and commanded by this scum of a Greyjoy. I really don't want the horn to matter at all and I just have a feeling that it would have been a Quentin do over so that when Victorian got there and blew it, the dragons would just fry him.  So if it works, I hate the plot and if it fails, I hate the fact that I had to read about this guy that didn't end up mattering.

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The 7 year old boy could most definitely be Rickon couldn't it?  I don't really care about any Ned flashback scene that doesn't reveal Jon's true parentage and I'd much rather know that Rickon is being wrapped back into the story that see little Ned and Robert play together.


Rickon was six years old when the series began, so he wouldn't be seven years old five seasons later. And I don't think Art Parkinson had green eyes, nor that the producers would be eager to recast him, considering he turned out to be a fine young actor and has gone on to be cast in other legit roles.


Rickon was six years old when the series began, so he wouldn't be seven years old five seasons later. And I don't think Art Parkinson had green eyes, nor that the producers would be eager to recast him, considering he turned out to be a fine young actor and has gone on to be cast in other legit roles.

Yeah, I would think if they do recast Rickon, it would be to age him up (so he could continue to be a peer with Tommen). But I'd much rather see Art Parkinson again!

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Rickon was six years old when the series began, so he wouldn't be seven years old five seasons later. And I don't think Art Parkinson had green eyes, nor that the producers would be eager to recast him, considering he turned out to be a fine young actor and has gone on to be cast in other legit roles.

Huh, I always felt like the actor was younger.  But I would be perfectly happy if Rickon was one of the older children.  I would just rather have him back than a Ned/Robert B flashback.

I find it late in the game to be introducing the rest of the Greyjoys and Tarlys at this point. Only two seasons left, Dany probably on her way to Westeros, I don't know why they didn't just send Sam and Gilly down this season, considering that he's been fairly useless at the wall. I'm starting to consider that the show might go into season eight. Seems like there's a lot of story material left if they're having to stretch AFFC & ADWD into season 6. 

I don't think it's too late to introduce these characters if there is going to be conflict in the Reach - especially if it's going to effect food lines and supplies for the whole kingdom.  I think in the next three episodes we could see the end to both the Boltons and Stannis if the battle of Winterfell goes very badly.  Then they are pretty cut off from the rest of the kingdom and will probably just tie in to the Wall.


Dany will probably come to Westerous through Dorne, but she has a long path North if that is the case.


With Winter coming and House Lannister and Tyrell crumbling - what happens to keep the kingdom feed?  It seems like a good time for a Greyjoy villain to pillage and cause problems and House Tully to rise while hopefully turning around his treatment of Sam or he could prove to be the replacement Tywin for the show.

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I love hearing about the first casting news for the next season of Game of Thrones.  It's like the NFL draft for me.


Very excited to hear about the casting news, particularly Euron and all the Tarlys.  It seems as though Randyll will be in the Reach when all that business goes down.  Based on what little we've gotten as a description, it appears Dickon will be the "dumb jock" of House Tarly.  My own theory on the character has always been that while he's the son Randyll wanted, he's not the raging asshole his father is.  Not really basing that on much, just a theory.


I've seen some speculation that the Priest might be Damphair.  Though working with the poor doesn't exactly seem to be his thing.  One other theory is that he's a combination of Septon Meribald and The Elder Brother.

Edited by benteen
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I love hearing about the first casting news for the next season of Game of Thrones.  It's like the NFL draft for me.

Me too. I love this analogy. 


The description of Euron made me give a little nerd gasp because this is how I'm hoping they play him. I'd like for him to be more than a one dimensional rapist. I want him to keep people guessing, I hope they play up how fascinated he seems to be with the supernatural, I'd like him to be connected to the Faceless Men somehow, and that maybe this can tie into whatever the FM are up to in Oldtown. 


Rufus Sewell was somebody I had my eye on at one point for Euron. They'll probably go with more of an unknown. I wasn't familiar with Alexander Siddig's work so I didn't have strong feelings of excitement for that bit of casting news last year but I was happy that other people were excited so I'm kind of hoping that next season they cast someone that a lot of people are familiar with to help generate the anticipation for season six.  

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Didn't they ask Dominic West to play Mance and he didn't want to be on location that much? I feel like Ciaran Hinds, while a great actor, was wrong for Mance. He lacks the rogue-ness. West would be a very good Euron, but I also feel that there are probably dozens of British actors who could do be very good so, hopefully, nothing will go wrong with casting him. The show loves showcasing bad guys.

I don't see much for the Northern groups - Winterfell, Sansa, Stannis, Jon and the Night's Watch.

Didn't they ask Dominic West to play Mance and he didn't want to be on location that much? I feel like Ciaran Hinds, while a great actor, was wrong for Mance. He lacks the rogue-ness. West would be a very good Euron, but I also feel that there are probably dozens of British actors who could do be very good so, hopefully, nothing will go wrong with casting him. The show loves showcasing bad guys.

I think Dominic West didn't want to go on location in Iceland. Northern Ireland may be a different story.

In any case it may be moot since he's the male lead of Showtime's The Affair, though I don't know if GoT and The Affair's shooting schedule overlap.



Damphair has technically already been cast, he makes a short appearance in season 2 baptizing Theon. Like Kevan Lannister, they could just bring the actor they already have back to play him.

I don't think the man who baptized Theon was ever specifically identified as Damphair.  In the imdb credits the character is listed as Drowned Priest.

Euron and the Tarlys are pretty recognizable from the descriptions and young Ned in flashback is a good bet, but might the priest be a new character? Bringing in Meribald seems pretty pointless considering how much Brienne's show storyline has diverged from the book.

I can see Euron and Victarion being more or less combined. I'm glad the writers are finally getting around to Balon's death since that was a clumsily dropped storyline. Speaking of dropped stories I hope Gendry doesn't run into the Ironborn fleet during his never ending ocean cruise.

Bringing in Meribald seems pretty pointless considering how much Brienne's show storyline has diverged from the book.

The character description sounds much more like a combination of Meribald and the Elder Brother (the latter was a "gruff ex-soldier" and veteran of many battles).  I think that gives a good idea of why we would see that character.

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Ex-soldier priest...Septon Meribald fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings.  Though given that the Priest is described as having fought many wars, that might make a reference to The Elder Brother from Quiet Isle, who used to be a knight until the Battle of the Trident.  The gravedigger (believed to be Sandor) was near him when he met Brienne and company.  My guess is the Priest will be a combination of Meribald and the Elder Brother.

I agree that the three boys sound like Hodor, Brandon and Ned as children, and it'll be in a Bran-o-Vision, maybe a Hodor origin story.  Then Bran will see other visions involving the Stark boys but not Hodor.  Also makes me wonder if Bran will see a vision of Ned and Lyanna at the Tower of Joy.  Fan heads would asplode if Sean Bean made a cameo.


Anyone else think that the "fierce warrior" might possibly be the new Dothraki Khal? I hadn't considered it, but saw it mentioned elsewhere, and it made me think.


Given the recently released synopsis for 5.10, this seems likely.  To which I respond:  ugh.  One of the things I appreciate about the show is that they've cut out a lot of Dany's endless wheel-spinning in Meereen.  Having her spend any time back in the Dothraki sea interacting with a new Khal seems like more time wasting, unless it goes lke this:


Khal:  I am the leader of the Dothraki!

Drogon:  [flame, chomp]

Dany:  You were.  Now I am the leader of the Dothraki.

Dothraki:  ... okay then.


True.  But he was still there. 


Still, it looks like his character is being combined with The Elder Brother.


Hereinafter referred to as "Meribrother"


Leading Actress, in her early 40’s, she’s an elegant actress with a traveling theatre company. Fun, charismatic, rum-drinking actress in the troupe.


The only theatre company I can think of is the mummers that Arya befriends in Braavos.  I guess they could have a female actor in their troupe.

Priestess. Mid-20’s to early 30’s. Any ethnicity- she’s beautiful, intense, and magnetic.


1.  Gender-bender version of Damphair

2.  Gender-bender version of Mocarro

3   Faceless Man "priest" of the Many-faced god

4.  Non-canon

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I could get behind that Dothraki storyline if it played out like that.


About the Lady Actress, there's a mummer in the Mercy chapter with the odd name of Lady Stork.  That's how the character is.  She plays the Queen in "The Bloody Hand" and it's mentioned that Arya gives her rum before the show.  Could be a fun little role.


I just hope Arya and Dany are back in Westeros by no later than the end of Season 6.

Edited by benteen
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My thought in the books was that Arya would be sent to kill Dany.  In disguise of course.  Book Dany always had a weakness towards children.

I had thought that might happen as well and then she would ultimately reveal herself to Arya Stark when it would benefit Book Dany the most, but the show is really playing down the assassin side of what the Faceless Men do lately so who knows.  Maybe for reasons I can't even begin to imagine, she could get assigned to give Jorah the gift of death before the grayscale advances too far.  That might take some handwaving plot, but at least it would get her back into the main story and I'd love to see her interact with Tyrion and Dany.

Edited by nksarmi
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Damphair has technically already been cast, he makes a short appearance in season 2 baptizing Theon. Like Kevan Lannister, they could just bring the actor they already have back to play him.

Ian Gelder actually had multiple speaking appearances over s1-2. The Drowned priest was more like the unnamed Lord Karstark 1.0 that appeared in the KitN scene in 1.10. I think Aeron is more likely cut with Vic, the priest character definitely sounds like an Elder Brother/Meribald amalgam to re-introduce a certain dog loving, limping gravedigger.

Euron and the Tarlys are pretty recognizable from the descriptions and young Ned in flashback is a good bet, but might the priest be a new character? Bringing in Meribald seems pretty pointless considering how much Brienne's show storyline has diverged from the book.

I can see Euron and Victarion being more or less combined. I'm glad the writers are finally getting around to Balon's death since that was a clumsily dropped storyline. Speaking of dropped stories I hope Gendry doesn't run into the Ironborn fleet during his never ending ocean cruise.


Gendry is hanging in a bar with Blackfish and Benjen, trying to get hired by the Golden Company.

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If that really Is Euron, that would debunk the Euron=Dario theory that's been floating around.


Is Euron=Daario really a serious theory? I always assumed that it was a cracktheory in much the same vein as Varys, King of the Merlings.


ETA: Thanks, Oscirus! Now off to Google wild theory before the new casting info causes people to start taking things down.

Edited by Elkins

i wonder if now that Hizdahr has been killed off, that the casting call for "priestess" might actually refer to the Green Grace, instead of another servant of R'hollar, as most people assumed. They have made a few mentions of the Graces this season, and with HZL gone, there isn't any logical person that we've yet seen who could be the leader of the Harpies.

WOTW casting news:


Qhogo and Akrat: They’re seeking mixed ethnicity or other non-white actors for the roles. The successful young warriors need to be tall, confident, with swagger and linguistic bravado. It’s noted that the actors will have to speak in a fictional language. I think it’s safe to say that these are Dothraki.

Bower: He is a powerless servant, numb to the horror he serves. He’s filming around one of the days that below “outlaw band” members are so he may be connected to them. He is required to have a Northern or Midland English Accent and appears in one episode.

Lachlan:  He’s the big leader of a group of renegades who have turned on the land that they swore to protect. They’re now extorting the poor and vulnerable.  He appears in 2 episodes in season 6

Flynn: He’s part of an outlaw band. The group is using religion to justify terrorizing and extorting what they need from the people of the countryside. He appears in 2 episodes in season 6. He appears to be part of Lachlan’s band.

Japeth: Another member of the outlaw band is this lieutenant. He’s a “rough-and-ready type” with a  strong physical presence, also appearing two episodes.

Legendary Fighter:  A man in his thirties or forties who is a great swordsman and a paragon of knighthood. He carries a famous sword. We are looking for the best swordsman in Europe to play this part. The show is seeking a very impressive swordsman for the role- the  best in Europe, for a week of filming fight scenes for a season 6 role. His ethnicity/race isn’t specified, unlike many other roles.

Lord of Noble Northern House (Casting age anywhere between 25-50) The lord is a savage warrior, and he rules a distinguished house in the very far North, and the role is said to be an impactful one. He’s described as a massive bear of a man with a beard and temper to match, and hatred that run deep,” and he can be violent. The show’s looking for someone with a powerful physique who can tower over other cast members, a Northern English Accent and specifies he has to be at least 180 cm tall. The role will be on 2 episodes.

Lord of Northern Stronghold: The show’s looking for an actor in his late thirties or forties to play another lord, one that’s ruthless and calculating. The frightening lord rules a vassal household with a castle stronghold. He’ll be in 3 episodes this year, with 20 days of filming this summer and fall.

Hunter:  He’s a rough army officer on the hunt appearing in an action scene with main cast, in one episode.

Submissive Maester:  The show’s casting a maester in his twenties- a timid young maester. He’s decent but has trouble standing up to others. He appears in one episode in season 6.

Green Recruit: a young man with one line and one day of filming in August.

Sympathiser 1, 2 & 3:  These are rough military types, with a day of filming.

Housemaid:  She’s the motherly nanny (with a tight whip) to a large household.
The show wants an actress between the ages of 45-65 with a Northern English Accent. She’ll be in 2 episodes.

Father: He’s tough and old, an alpha male patriarch. The show is looking for a man with a Northern English Accent. He appears in one episode and has 2 lines.

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