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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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If Dany was smart she would seek an alliance with the North/Vale.  Given that the Lannister/Tyrell alliance is crumbling and the Riverlands are figuring their own shit out its her best chance to avoid all the kingdoms uniting against her (Dorne being the wild card). But I should probably take that to speculation.

There's also a difference between what we know and what they know.  Presumably Team Meereen is out of the loop on current Westeros politics considering Qyburn has Varys' little birds.  Tyrion could use his pull and say he's still married to Sansa and the heir presumptive to Winterfell (he has no idea about Bran being alive and thinks of Jon in the NW still).  And when the Greyjoys arrive how are the Starks gonna figure in that?  Yara still wants to conquer the realm but Theon would probably make a concession to Dany about Sansa and Jon living but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Then again the north may not be necessary.  It all depends what Varys secret mission is.  Either he is returning to KL and taking out Pycelle and Kevan or he's headed to Dorne.  Either way there's a likely Targaryen/unsullied/dothraki/Greyjoy/Dorne? Fleet heading to Westeros in season 7.1. She's covered on infantry, horse, longship and dragons.  Tl;dr: shits gonna go down.

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

Thematically, the resolution to Dany's antagonism toward the Starks (which has been soft-pedalled in the show anyway) should be her reckoning with the real actions of her father and seeing things were more complicated than she had been raised to believe, not members of her entourage vouching for specific people.

I agree. I hope also that the antagonism is softened by Jon being Dany's nephew. He'd be the bridge between the two families. She is not the last Targaryen. And let's face it, Rhaegar started it.

Edited by scottiB

The only two people left alive that would even know about Jon's roots are Bran and Reed and Dany wouldn't be likely to listen to either of them.

That being said, Dany is neither vindictive nor a fool and she has to realize that the existence of Starks is a huge gift since it would give her support of the North. I don't think she'd need Tyrion or Theon to talk her out of her nonexistent Stark bloodlust.


Even if Theon and Tyrion speak, I doubt they will discuss Sansa.

I tend to agree but if Theon somehow lets it slip that she's alive when Tyrion has assumed she was dead, it would be interesting to see what his reaction would be.

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

Thematically, the resolution to Dany's antagonism toward the Starks (which has been soft-pedalled in the show anyway) should be her reckoning with the real actions of her father and seeing things were more complicated than she had been raised to believe, not members of her entourage vouching for specific people.

Its actually a huge problem that they are soft-pedaling Dany's antagonism toward the Starks because I think they are going to want a big final battle and its going to make no freaking sense.

Pretty much all the factions in Westeros are decimated or declining and only Jon's are on the rise to be opposition to Dany.  But Dany has been set up as caring about removing people from the yoke of their masters.  So what is she supposed to do, come to Weteros to battle the man who led or is leading an army against a horde of undead monsters to save everyone?  She'd look like an idiot.

I think that is why they've started characters talking about how Dany is more a conqueror than a liberator or ruler.  There is going to need to be a reason for Dany to continue to fight Jon long after it stops making sense.  Jon at least has the reason that he's fighting an invader because I don't think he'd try to take the throne for himself just clean up those that took out his family.

I am starting to think that this show ends with no Iron Throne at all and the 7 Kingdoms separated again.  Or at the very least the North is Sovereign with Jon as King and the rest is under Dany's rule.

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Its actually a huge problem that they are soft-pedaling Dany's antagonism toward the Starks because I think they are going to want a big final battle and its going to make no freaking sense.

Wouldn't that be as likely to indicate there isn't going to be a big Dany vs. Jon battle?  Just based on the series' remaining timeline (two shorter seasons), once the Wall falls and the White Walkers invade there's going to be far more urgent items on the agenda.

And in any event, Jon wouldn't stand any more of a chance against Dany than any of the other kingdoms.

  • Love 5

I don't see any Jon/Dany battle happening either. I expect that when Daenerys gets to Westeros that she will stroll to the Iron Throne. Jon will be up north with the other northern clans preparing to fight the White Walkers. He is more likely petition Daenerys for help than get into a battle with her. When they finally meet, somehow the truth about Jon's parentage will emerge. The most dramatic reveal would be Jon not being burnt by dragon fire, thereby confirming his parentage. I think the most likely scenario is after they defeat the Night's King and his army, Daenerys will rule Westeros and name Jon her heir since she seems to believe that she cannot have children.

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5 hours ago, kittykat said:

Yara still wants to conquer the realm but Theon would probably make a concession to Dany about Sansa and Jon living but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yeah, I think Asha won't care one bit about who they have to conquer. I was just saying that I don't see Theon ever again being complicit in anything that harms the Starks.

If King's Landing is destroyed or in really bad shape, I think the fighting will be centered in Lannisport with Cersei (if she survives) fleeing home and Dany and her ships somehow getting wind of this and attacking here there. Possibly with Euron and his newly built fleet also attacking both factions. I think Dany will go to the Westerlands because she likely won't have any opposition from the Tyrells or the Martells, the show Stormlands army seems to have all died in the North and the Vale army will probably still be in the North. This is assuming Westeros isn't overrun by White Walkers at this point. 

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On 6/14/2016 at 3:49 PM, Eyes High said:

Summary of leaks/spoilers for 6x09 and 6x10:


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No storylines except Winterfell and Meereen.

Scene in Meereen shot with Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tyrion, Razdal, and Unsullied at Mesa Roldan.

A very detailed summary of the battle has been floating around for months, but in short: Ramsay kills Rickon just as the battle is about to begin by shooting him full of arrows before Jon's eyes, Tormund kills Smalljon, battle goes poorly for Team Jon until Sansa, LF and the Vale army bail them out. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell. Wun Wun busts down the WF gates and is killed with an arrow to the eye. Jon beats the shit out of Ramsay but refrains from outright killing him since he doesn't want to kill Ramsay in front of Sansa. Sansa has a scene with Jon before the battle where she warns him that Rickon is already dead.

Davos will find the little toy stag he gave Shireen and will confront Melisandre. Melisandre will admit to having burned Shireen.

Deaths: Rickon, Smalljon, Wun Wun


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Wall: Benjen will accompany Bran and Meera to the Wall before departing. Bran has a vision of Ned and Lyanna. Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies, which then cuts to a shot of a baby, then to a shot of Jon.

Oldtown: Sam has a brief scene with a maester.

Dorne: Appears in finale. Speculation that Varys and Olenna show up in Dorne appears correct (Olenna seen writing a mysterious letter and leaving KL, Varys departing on a "secret mission").

KL: Mountain kills Septa Unella. Little birds kill someone (Pycelle?). Crowd gathers at the Great Sept for Cersei's trial, but Cersei isn't there. The High Sparrow is confident that she'll show up, but she doesn't. The Great Sept is blown up using wildfire, killing Loras, Margaery, Mace, and the High Sparrow. Tommen dies by jumping out a window.

Winterfell: Big northern lords powwow takes place where Lyanna Mormont vouches for the Starks, and the other houses (Cerwyn? Manderly?) apologize for not supporting the Starks at the battle and say that they don't care about Jon's bastardy. Jon is named King in the North. Littlefinger meets with someone in the godswood (rumoured to be Jon). Ramsay will wind up meat for his hounds.

Riverlands: Arya arrives back in the Riverlands. She serves Frey pie (not sure if it's actual Frey pie or just poisoned pie) at the Twins and kills Walder Frey. Jaime leaves Riverrun and travels.

Meereen: Dothraki charge Meereen en masse.

Deaths: Ramsay, Walder Frey, Lame Lothar Frey, Unella, Loras, Margaery, Mace, High Sparrow, Tommen, Pycelle

Spoiler sources have indicated that there are a lot of major character deaths in 6x10, so this list might not be exhaustive.


That seems very likely. Some thoughts:


- I guess Tommen won't commit suicide as some have speculated, he's probably just going to be trapped inside the burning Red Keep and trying to escape by jumping out the window. So it's going to be Cersei who indirectly kills him. 
- Nooo, not Margaery! I hoped she'd get back to Highgarden or to Dorne with Olenna once Tommen is dead. 
- Kevan will almost certainly die, too. There's really no reason to leave him alive after what will happen in KL and he's already made it far longer than in the books. The only question is: On whose orders will it be? They could stick to the books and have it be Varys (though they may omit Varys appearing there himself) or, and that's my guess, Qyburn/Cersei. The show made a point that Qyburn's controlling the little birds now, so it seems reasonable that they would conspire to off Kevan and Pycelle, as they are loyal to the king and by extension the High Sparrow. Plus Varys is more of a pure good guy on the show, which would fit with that portrayal. 
- In Meeren, I expect one of Dany's supporting cast to go down (most big battles will likely have at least one prominent victim to keep the stakes high). It's not going to be Tyrion and Varys just left, so this really only leaves Missandei (please not!), Grey Worm (I like him, but he's expendable) and Daario (eh, whatever). 
- I'll throw in Littlefinger as a potential victim. Sansa may decide to kill him off after using him for the army, which might make LF proud of her (not really happy, obviously...). There's a reason they showed us that shot of him in the trailer and if they just wanted to include him, they could've picked any of the shots in the Vale. That figure dressed in black may be Sansa bringing him the news. Of course the show could also show him emerge as the new power and have him make a move for the Iron Throne, which would be one explanation for a potential conflict with Dany. We'll see. 
- This sounds like Tormund will survive, which is great news! Wun Wun going down like this kind of sucks, but he's really more of a gimmick than a real character, so if that's the price for everyone else surviving (besides Rickon of course), so be it. 
- I was hoping for more Sam this season, especially at Oldtown. I wonder if they basically just show him finding whatever it is he needs to find and that's going to be the entire arc or if that's just delayed until next season. 

6 hours ago, kittykat said:


Then again the north may not be necessary.  It all depends what Varys secret mission is.  Either he is returning to KL and taking out Pycelle and Kevan or he's headed to Dorne.  Either way there's a likely Targaryen/unsullied/dothraki/Greyjoy/Dorne? Fleet heading to Westeros in season 7.1. She's covered on infantry, horse, longship and dragons.  Tl;dr: shits gonna go down.

I think Cersei and Qyburn will take out Kevan and Pycelle on the show, as they're too loyal to the king and thus the High Sparrow. Plus Varys is portrayed as a good guy, flat out murder doesn't seem to be his M.O. (expect for his revenge on the sorcerer, which is understandable). So yeah, Varys is probably headed to Dorne. 


3 hours ago, SeanC said:

Wouldn't that be as likely to indicate there isn't going to be a big Dany vs. Jon battle?  Just based on the series' remaining timeline (two shorter seasons), once the Wall falls and the White Walkers invade there's going to be far more urgent items on the agenda.

And in any event, Jon wouldn't stand any more of a chance against Dany than any of the other kingdoms.

If anything, I think there may be some sort of conflict at first, but ultimately Dany will realize that Jon isn't trying to take her throne away from her. Maybe one of her new red priestesses will also convince her of the looming threat. But in any case, you're probably right that there just isn't enough time for a long, drawn-out conflict of Dany vs Jon/Sansa. She still has to arrive in Westeros, march towards KL and find it burned to the ground like in her vision and deal with some internal politics/her new allies. That lone should take up three or four episodes, which is probably going to be half the season. She then gets the call from Jon and travels north, where she'll arrive towards the end of the season. Five of the last six episodes are probably going to focus on the war against the WWs exclusively, with the finale just wrapping things up. 

Edited by Conan Troutman

I'm wondering if Varys could defect over to the Sand Snakes/Tyrells. Considering the show's tendency to square peg, round hole their main characters to end up in roughly the same spot as their book counterparts, maybe the Red Priests supporting Dany is enough to get him to switch his allegiances. So even with no (f)Aegon on the show, he still ends up on the (f)Aegon side of things. 

9 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I don't see any Jon/Dany battle happening either. I expect that when Daenerys gets to Westeros that she will stroll to the Iron Throne. Jon will be up north with the other northern clans preparing to fight the White Walkers. He is more likely petition Daenerys for help than get into a battle with her. When they finally meet, somehow the truth about Jon's parentage will emerge. The most dramatic reveal would be Jon not being burnt by dragon fire, thereby confirming his parentage. I think the most likely scenario is after they defeat the Night's King and his army, Daenerys will rule Westeros and name Jon her heir since she seems to believe that she cannot have children.

I'm not a GOT / ASOIAF expert, so forgive me. But hasn't Jon already shown that he's vulnerable to fire? In Season 1 (don't know which book) he grabbed the oil lamp to save the Lord Commander and badly burned his hand - in the book it's mentioned a lot, afterwards. So is dragon fire different? And not all Targaryens are immune to fire/burning.

My favourite dramatic reveal of Jon's parentage would be Dany ordering Drogon or whoever to burn Jon, a dramatic 'Dracarys' 'cos she's had enough of these fools, and her dragons just exchange embarrassed looks. Sorry mom, no can do. Points for Rhaegal nudging Jon until Jon gets up on his back.

ETA:  It just occurred to me - maybe his death and resurrection have changed Jon, and he is immune to dragonfire now! That would be awesome.

Edited by arjumand
sudden brainwave
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11 hours ago, SeanC said:

Wouldn't that be as likely to indicate there isn't going to be a big Dany vs. Jon battle?  Just based on the series' remaining timeline (two shorter seasons), once the Wall falls and the White Walkers invade there's going to be far more urgent items on the agenda.

And in any event, Jon wouldn't stand any more of a chance against Dany than any of the other kingdoms.

I don't know that they've soft-pedaled the Starks as enemies THAT much. They're mentioned as enemies just about any time the Essos crew starts naming specific houses; most recently last episode when Missandre and Grey Worm said "aren't the Starks our enemies" and Tyrion agreed they were enemies. The time before that was Dany's "Break the Wheel" speech where she specifically listed the Starks as one of the spokes on the wheel she means to destroy.

Similarly, I do think there's times for a Dany vs. Jon battle IF the final battle being geared up for isn't a two-sided Men vs. the White Walkers conflict but a three way "Dany vs. Jon. vs. White Walkers" battle with Team Stark stuck between Team Fire and Team Ice.

Which brings me to the final bit... No, if Jon got into a head to head fight with Dany's forces at full strength he wouldn't stand a chance. But let's say that a well-laid trap or destiny or happenstance results in Dany's forces coming at Team Stark right about the time the Army of the Dead shows up at Winterfell. Her army isn't going to ignore the greater threat that is the White Walkers on their flanks, particularly if the Stark's aren't showing themselves to be much of a threat. By the time its all over Dany's army could be severely depleted and not have enough to overtake the Stark forces that have been weathering the storm in Winterfell (or only employed them strategically against key targets like the Night King or Dany's dragons).

And let's not rule Bran out of the picture either. He'll never walk again, but the Three-Eyed Raven confirmed he'd FLY. Dany's biggest advantage is her dragons and Bran has already proven he can warg things people have said are impossible to warg. If Bran can turn one of the dragons on Dany's other forces or even on its siblings and its a whole different ball game (particularly since if the one Bran wargs goes down he could just warg another one).

Not saying this WILL happen, just that there's actually still quite a lot of room for the plot to go in less expected directions, particularly as the number of plots starts to condense and we get more time per episode to explore the ones that are left (ex. the Wall story is basically over and Jon, Sansa, Bran, Brienne and Littlefinger are all en route to merge into a single plot line... Dany and Tyrion's plots merged last year, now the Iron Born and probably Dorne will fold into that as they leave Meereen behind and take over the gutted King's Landing).

My hunch is that we'll see something in the next two episodes in how Dany deals with the Masters/Sons of the Harpy that will give us a pretty strong indication of whether Dany is going to be a white hat or a black hat going forward and if its a black hat there will most certainly be a war with Team Stark coming.

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17 minutes ago, Chris24601 said:

My hunch is that we'll see something in the next two episodes in how Dany deals with the Masters/Sons of the Harpy that will give us a pretty strong indication of whether Dany is going to be a white hat or a black hat going forward and if its a black hat there will most certainly be a war with Team Stark coming.

The Masters/Sons of the Harpy are pretty much pure evil and have repeatedly violated attempts to reach a peaceable compromise with them.  I don't see that Dany crushing them under her bootheel, which is probably what she's going to do, augurs much about how she'd handle people in completely different circumstances.


most recently last episode when Missandre and Grey Worm said "aren't the Starks our enemies" and Tyrion agreed they were enemies

Grey Worm meant, I believe, that the Starks and Lannisters are enemies of each other, so why were they going to a bar together, as in Tyrion's joke.

Edited by SeanC
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6 minutes ago, Eyes High said:


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One of the reliable spoiler sources on Reddit, Docmantistobogan, who worked on Season 6, claimed that he heard a rumour that Theon died, but unlike the items he reported as true, he had only heard that from one source.


If Theon dies this season, I have to imagine that means he dies in the North in the books, but since the writers had changed that story so much they decided to use him as a lead-in into the Ironborn story.  Honestly, though, if that's the case, I'd have preferred to see him go out fighting the Boltons, which would have felt a lot more organic to his story since Season 2 than wandering off to Slaver's Bay only to die immediately.

  • Love 1

It's possible that Tyrion's trailer line--"Are you afraid? You should be. You're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying"--is from Tyrion's last scene in Season 6. It seems like the sort of thing Tyrion would say to Dany as she leaves Slavers' Bay for good; if she's embarking on her invasion of Westeros, that would mark her entry into the "great game." If Yara and Theon make it to Meereen by 6x09, even if they provide well short of a thousand ships, maybe Dany decides to bite the bullet and launch her invasion anyway. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I have hope.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure that line is meant for Dany. What would she be terrified of? The great game should be afraid of her, really. My guess is that he's saying it to Yara - she's officially entered the game by teaming up with Dany and just got her first glimpse of how it looks like with whatever happens in Meereen. Theoretically, it could also be meant for Theon, but even being brutally killed is a cakewalk compared to what Ramsay did to him. 

  • Love 2

"Break the Wheel," has more to do with destroying the power structure then it does with destroying the mentioned families. At the time of her speech both she and Tyrion believe that the Starks are dead.

They're not about to just pick up Theon and Yara's ships but also the masters. So do they make a quick stop by the iron islands first or are they going straight to Westeros? 

Just now, Eyes High said:

One thing we haven't seen yet is the Shae scene. SK was spotted in costume on set in Spain along with Tyrion and Varys' actors. I'm wondering how she'll fit into the last two episodes, especially now that the shit has officially hit the fan in Meereen.

That one really confuses me in terms of how it's going to play out.  Tyrion hallucinating Shae or whatever is way outside this show's usual visual style.

19 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

"Break the Wheel," has more to do with destroying the power structure then it does with destroying the mentioned families. At the time of her speech both she and Tyrion believe that the Starks are dead.

They're not about to just pick up Theon and Yara's ships but also the masters. So do they make a quick stop by the iron islands first or are they going straight to Westeros? 

I imagine the only people who are left on the Iron Islands are busy building the 1000 ships and under Euron's command to kill Yara and Theon (and whoever else left) if they are spotted. 


On another note; isn't there a scene with Shae not shown yet? I know there was pictures of the actress (Sibel Kekillli) on set. 

15 minutes ago, Direwolf said:

Could it be Tyrion dreaming while dying? That would be an interesting twist.

Could be. Tyrion has started talking about his retirement plans, and we all know how that ends.

The show has a pretty strict "No dreams/visions except for Bran's," and they've only broken it three times: Jojen's burning hand vision in Season 4, Dany's HOTU vision, and Sansa's riot dream in Season 2.

Edited by Eyes High
12 minutes ago, jjjmoss said:

Have we gotten any kind of indication that Gendry will ever return?

Well, GRRM recently said at Balticon that Arya would see Gendry again in the books.  In the show, who knows?  Maisie Williams was asked about this some months ago and said she had met Joe Dempsie at a party at Hannah Murray's house a while earlier and asked him the same question, and was told he didn't know when/if he'd be back.

6 hours ago, SeanC said:
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If Theon dies this season, I have to imagine that means he dies in the North in the books, but since the writers had changed that story so much they decided to use him as a lead-in into the Ironborn story.  Honestly, though, if that's the case, I'd have preferred to see him go out fighting the Boltons, which would have felt a lot more organic to his story since Season 2 than wandering off to Slaver's Bay only to die immediately.

Yeah; I'm with you SeanC.

Man, Cersei really isn't the best long-term thinker, is she?

First she gives the Sparrow power and is shocked when he uses that power to punish her and not just the Tyrells. Then she tips her hand in regards to FrankenMountain and the Sparrow takes the "trial by combat" option off the table. And now - 


she just decides to blow the place up? And it sounds like maybe she doesn't make sure that Tommen is safe first. And even if she does, I don't know what makes her think Tommen would be cool with her actions (especially if Margaery dies as a result) and forgive her and keep her at his side. Not to mention the people of Kings Landing - I'm sure she's gonna take a lot of innocent lives along with the Sparrow, which won't exactly endear her further with the people.

And honestly, if Jaime returns to her side after this, I am done with his character. Just let Arya teleport down to Kings Landing after she's done at the Twins and let her Needle him. He was one of my favorites during his redemption arc, then they went and stuck him back with Cersei, where he's boring as hell. And his Kingslayer moment is what has defined and haunted him for the last 20 years or so. If he breaks his oath and loses all honor with the people of Westeros and kills his king in order to stop a wildfire massacre, but turns around and is totally cool when Cersei does it, then that "good" and "honorable" part of Jaime means nothing. It was just the wrong person who wanted to do that terrible thing he stopped. If it was his sister with that plan 20 years ago, KL would be a pile of ash.

They seem to be setting up his defection from Team Lannister, what with the Tullys both reminding him that the rest of the world thinks he sucks (and how that does bother him), and Brienne reminding him of his potential to be a good and honorable man. And even though he says he's all about Cersei, he sure is willing to go against her wishes when the wishes of someone else he loves runs counter to them (i.e., freeing Tyrion, and there's no way in hell Cersei would have signed off on anything he did for Brienne in episode 8). So there is potential for him to return to his redemption arc, but he has also mentioned several times about letting the rest of the world burn as long as he and Cersei are together. Will he still be down with that romantic notion when he actually sees it in reality, or will he be (rightly) grossed out? Also, this show isn't that great at tapping into the potential they set up (see all the wasted time on Arya in Braavos that mostly ended up in nothing), so I don't necessarily trust the show to build on the potential they laid out.

And the other reason I want Jaime to ditch Team Lannister is that Cersei needs to truly feel the weight of her bad choices. Really, she's the architect of her own misery. If she emerges out of the fireball with Jaime still at her side, she won't feel the full impact because keeping him serving her is still a win and knowing she can do any ridiculous thing she wants and can always count on Jaime to back her up is definitely a win. (And that's also why if/when Jaime ditches her, I don't want a final confrontation. I want him to just ghost her - he never returns to KL, he never reaches out to her. And if she reaches out to him, he can have the letter-burning moment from the book). After Tommen dies, I'm sure there will be a power vacuum while people try to figure out who is King, and I'm guessing Cersei will grab the throne while people are still reeling. She'll finally get what she truly wants - the throne and the power - but it will be very temporary and very tenuous. She will have zero supporters (outside of Qyburn and FrankenMountain), and I'm sure the folks in Dorne will be actively plotting against her (especially Olenna, if it is true that the rest of her family gets BBQ'd). I just hope Cersei lives long enough to see Tyrion again when he helps Dany take over KL.

Jaime "travels" in episode 10. Please let it be to anywhere other than KL and Cersei.

I agree with those who speculate that Westeros will probably split at the end of the story, with Jon in the North and Dany in the South, and that is the best case scenario. It really feels like Dany might make a dark turn, but I suppose how ruthless she is in these last two episodes may indicate the direction she takes. Daario already looked pretty grossed out at her speech from the dragon, and he's not exactly the most moral person.


  • Love 3

We already have plenty of leaks about Snowbowl, but here's the good doctor's latest "predictions" anyway.

Reddit translation:


starks themselves are hopeless about rickon's situation that rickon dies before the battle. but he is brought to the battle by ramsay before jon snow. jon snow is amazed to see him alive. ramsay asks rickon to run to his brother. rickon runs away from ramsey and jon is trying to save him with arrows on horseback but just as he reaches near jon an arrow hits him and he dies. 

melisandre is with jon. she does not do anything magical and jon wins the battle without any magic. she is just there to support him. the battle begins with a big handicap to jon as he is outnumbered 6 to 1. there are a lot of skirmishes by arrow. and ramsay is a good commander.

there are 3 main commanders on the stark side. jon snow tormund and davos. as the battle progresses boltons encircle the starks and the body of the dead basically creates a wal between the starks and boltons and the stark army is being pushed against one another. they try to break free but are unsuccessful. one of the top moments of the episode is the fight between tormund and smalljon umber. 

there are a lot of rumors about tormund's fate in this episode but he survives this fight. when everything seems lost for the starks the army of the vale arrive commanded by littlefinger and sansa. they break the circle of the bolton army and cause massive losses to the bolton army. 

this casues the coward ramsay to flee to winterfell which have now closed the doors. wun wun leads a charge against the door and manages to break it to the delight of jon but he is injured greviously in the battle. wun wun dies in the battle. jon captures ramsay and puts him in the cellars with his dogs. he effectively dies this season. he is devoured by his own dogs.


there are spectacular cgi scenes where drogon and the other 2 dragons destroy the fleet of the masters. the other 2 are released when the tower is under attack. sons of the harpy are fighting and killing on the streets of meereen when they are trounced by the dothraki. 

yara and theon arrive at meereen at the best possible moment when there is a attack by sea from boats and daenerys needs ships to fight and they arrive with ships. daenerys will punish all masters and the punishment will be meted out by missandei or grey worm against the slave masters.

this is one of the best and most spectacular episodes so enjoy.

1 hour ago, Lady S. said:

We already have plenty of leaks about Snowbowl, but here's the good doctor's latest "predictions" anyway.


Reddit translation:

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starks themselves are hopeless about rickon's situation that rickon dies before the battle. but he is brought to the battle by ramsay before jon snow. jon snow is amazed to see him alive. ramsay asks rickon to run to his brother. rickon runs away from ramsey and jon is trying to save him with arrows on horseback but just as he reaches near jon an arrow hits him and he dies. 

melisandre is with jon. she does not do anything magical and jon wins the battle without any magic. she is just there to support him. the battle begins with a big handicap to jon as he is outnumbered 6 to 1. there are a lot of skirmishes by arrow. and ramsay is a good commander.

there are 3 main commanders on the stark side. jon snow tormund and davos. as the battle progresses boltons encircle the starks and the body of the dead basically creates a wal between the starks and boltons and the stark army is being pushed against one another. they try to break free but are unsuccessful. one of the top moments of the episode is the fight between tormund and smalljon umber. 

there are a lot of rumors about tormund's fate in this episode but he survives this fight. when everything seems lost for the starks the army of the vale arrive commanded by littlefinger and sansa. they break the circle of the bolton army and cause massive losses to the bolton army. 

this casues the coward ramsay to flee to winterfell which have now closed the doors. wun wun leads a charge against the door and manages to break it to the delight of jon but he is injured greviously in the battle. wun wun dies in the battle. jon captures ramsay and puts him in the cellars with his dogs. he effectively dies this season. he is devoured by his own dogs.


there are spectacular cgi scenes where drogon and the other 2 dragons destroy the fleet of the masters. the other 2 are released when the tower is under attack. sons of the harpy are fighting and killing on the streets of meereen when they are trounced by the dothraki. 

yara and theon arrive at meereen at the best possible moment when there is a attack by sea from boats and daenerys needs ships to fight and they arrive with ships. daenerys will punish all masters and the punishment will be meted out by missandei or grey worm against the slave masters.

this is one of the best and most spectacular episodes so enjoy.

Sansa must leave after the speech with Jon, kinda sucks that now LF is some sort of military genius ( correspondence course in Westeros version of West Point ) at least Sansa saw how Ramsey encircles the foes then crush them.

Edited by GrailKing
2 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I hope the Reddit spoilers are accurate because they make the episode sound amazing. I don't mind Littlefinger having a minor moment of glory because I confident  that Varys will kill him eventually.

I always thought that Littlefinger should get a Murder On the Orient Express type of death.

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1 hour ago, SeanC said:

Regarding the finale:

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I bet the Frey banquet scene is introduced from their POV, and the first indication we get of something amiss is when people start dying of the poisoning, at which point Arya appears (the show's big "I'm going home" line pointedly avoids any indication that she's going to the Twins).

That sounds really good!!! 


I wonder if Arya killing Walder Frey is her last scene of the season...

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On June 17, 2016 at 0:38 PM, Oscirus said:

"Break the Wheel," has more to do with destroying the power structure then it does with destroying the mentioned families. At the time of her speech both she and Tyrion believe that the Starks are dead.

I agree, especially since she was speaking to Tyrion.  He may hate Cersei, but I don't see him listening calmly while Dany speaks of killing Jaime, Myrcella, and Tommen. 

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