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S05.E10: Let's Face It

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I was so creeped out by how Farrah was forcing Simon's hand on her child and then, she was forcing her child's head to be on his leg. If any potential predator is watching this show, they will now know that Farrah is eager to be attached to a guy and she would love for him to be showing his "love" for her child by being physical with Sophia. Not that a predator would need to know how to be physical with a child, but in Farrah's eyes, a guy needs to show that love immediately upon meeting her. Scary shit.


What the fuck was that shit Cate was saying about how they are in a different place now and she rattled off "We own a home and we have cars!" That in itself shows the mentality of this girl and Tyler, who agreed with her. She grew up with a family who didn't own material things therefore, having material things to call your own means you've made it in life! Forget job skills. Forget an education, you've got CARS!

  • Love 20

I can see Cate's point about owning a home and vehicles. To her maybe that was a sign of adulthood. Remember she grew up with April (and later Butch) as an example. I am sure there was little to no emphasis on education or really, anything. Hell, I'm 33 and don't own anything. I have job skills, and finished school to become a medical assistant, but am on disability due to major digestive issues. I'd love to trade places with them right about now. What's the point in education if you'll never use it?


I am sure Tyler and Cate feel the same way, and wouldn't be surprised if they don't continue to try and parlay their adoption experience into some kind of career move. As long as people will pay them to keep speaking they'll continue to do it. And you know Tyler will be chasing down any reality show that will have them.

  • Love 5
Sophia needs a new hairstyle; it's that weird ugly side half part (the same one Farrah sports, which is equally ugly) that is the main culprit, I think. She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.


Vegankitty, I am dying!!!!  This is a hysterical, yet oddly accurate, description of Sophia!  That little girl is certainly not easy on the eyes, at least not at this stage.

Edited by Quita
  • Love 2

The little boy from the Jungle Book is Mowgli, not Monchichi. I think Monchichis were these odd monkey-ish toys from the 70's. Not that it's that different.. And I have no idea why I even know that cos I haven't seen JB since I was probably like 10.


But yes, Sophia definitely looks like a Mowgli. A much more feral one, cos if I can recall the real Mowgli didn't seem attention starved. 

In defense of Sophia, it's mostly her mouth - sadly both of her parents had major dental/jaw issues.  Once she gets braces, that will be a major improvement.  Her hair would be fine if Farrah would stop primping her own self for a second and run a brush through Sophia's tangles.  As for the rest of her face, she'll grow into it.  She may be very attractive as a teenager.  Her eyes and skin will give her an exotic look, I bet.  She has beautiful olive skin and big dark eyes.  

Of course, her personality might be the bigger problem, thanks to having Farrah for a mother.  Poor kid.  She is really smart and intuitive, but probably doesn't stand a chance in that crazy house.    

  • Love 5

I was so creeped out by how Farrah was forcing Simon's hand on her child and then, she was forcing her child's head to be on his leg. If any potential predator is watching this show, they will now know that Farrah is eager to be attached to a guy and she would love for him to be showing his "love" for her child by being physical with Sophia. Not that a predator would need to know how to be physical with a child, but in Farrah's eyes, a guy needs to show that love immediately upon meeting her. Scary shit.

What the fuck was that shit Cate was saying about how they are in a different place now and she rattled off "We own a home and we have cars!" That in itself shows the mentality of this girl and Tyler, who agreed with her. She grew up with a family who didn't own material things therefore, having material things to call your own means you've made it in life! Forget job skills. Forget an education, you've got CARS!

I'm pretty sure that when she rattled off that list of accomplishments, she also said, "We have cell phones."

  • Love 9

Before reading any of the comments here... (which I cannot wait to do!), here are my thoughts after watching:


This show needs to go. What a boring, useless season this was. It was like TM3: nothing there.


Theresa is a cop out. She was not bringing Carly to the "REUNION" you know, something that people have so they can ALL get together again... because they want to bow out of the Catelynn and Tyler show and have no interest in anyone in either of their families having any contact with Carly. She should have said something like that rather than the absolute bull shit "I want time for us, you know, mom and mom...." or whatever garbage she said. Also, the little blond brother of Catelynn's "I just want to see my niece" sounded staged to me.


I am not sure what to say about Amber. 


Shallow moment: Maci's boyfriend's hair drives me insane. It just looks so stupid to me. It evokes the same reaction as Danny from 90 Day Fiance. His beard is gross looking too. If you are going to wear a beard, at least keep it neat. Maybe that's the rage or something but underneath all that unattractiveness, he doesn't seem like he'd be a bad looking guy.


Farrah.... I felt SO bad for poor Simon having to deal with that irritating, annoying and completely unbearable Sophia. He has the patience of a saint to put up with that. I was only watching on TV and felt his pain. Farrah will never be a happy person no matter who she ends up with. Ever. She is just entirely too nasty and cruel and everything has to be her way or she flips out. I gave Simon props for not exploding on her when she was smacking him in the car. I would have been FURIOUS.


In any case, these people are over now and we've learned that they've accomplished very little after all this time.

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 6

Watching Farrah smack Simon, made me wonder how often she smacks Sophia? I was taken back to when Deb smacked Farrah. Farrah might be carrying on the tradition of smacking one's daughter. At least Deb has gone to therapy to change her ways, but sadly, I think her old ways are stuck on Farrah.



Theresa is a cop out

I have no problem with Theresa removing herself and her child from the show and as much as possible from the rest of the Tyler and Cate clan. Hearing the family refer to themselves as "grandma" and "uncle" as if Carly is on loan, is really fucking irritating. They are not Carly's family.



What's the point in education if you'll never use it?

Tyler and Cate were the ones who were talking non-stop about getting an education. There was that one season where they talked endlessly about college and their degrees. They made some ridiculous promise to Carly that they would get an education.  If they hadn't discussed it, it wouldn't be a point to bring up now. Now, they own a home, but how are they going to pay the mortgage when the tv show is done and there are no more speaking engagements? When they need to pay property taxes and Tyler is sitting on his ass at home, where will they get the money? When their cars break down and need a new engine, where will they get the money to get it fixed? How will they pay for the insurance on their cars? How are they going to pay for health insurance? What about if their daughter needs braces, like Cate did? Where will they get the money? Those two have no education, no job skills, or anything to fall back on.  It's one thing to own cars and a home, it is another to maintain those material things.

Ever heard of the movie Trilogy of Terror? That's all I kept thinking of when I saw Sophia with that mean look on her face & how she kept hitting Simon....Scary!


I think it's her behavior that is unattractive.

That movie is one of my all-time favorites. I thought of that crazy ass doll too when someone mentioned a troll.

  • Love 9
Sophia needs a new hairstyle; it's that weird ugly side half part (the same one Farrah sports, which is equally ugly) that is the main culprit, I think. She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.


Yes! She does! I've always thought she could double as Kiki from the Puzzle Place--except someone's actually made an attempt to brush Kiki's hair.


  • Love 7

I was so creeped out by how Farrah was forcing Simon's hand on her child and then, she was forcing her child's head to be on his leg. If any potential predator is watching this show, they will now know that Farrah is eager to be attached to a guy and she would love for him to be showing his "love" for her child by being physical with Sophia. Not that a predator would need to know how to be physical with a child, but in Farrah's eyes, a guy needs to show that love immediately upon meeting her. Scary shit.


Yes this was really freaky!  I tend to think anyone attracted to Farrah's brand of crazy is probably already someone to be concerned about, but her practically throwing her child at him was scary.

  • Love 9

Farrah and Simon would have made an attractive couple if Farrah still had her old face and dressed normally for the occasion. Do they sell cases of hairspray at Costco?

There is a specific poorly made, low budget film creature that Sophia reminds me of, those are all so close but not the one I have had in my head. I may have to do some Google image searching to finally figure it out.

I immediately thought of Trilogy of Terror also:



  • Love 2

The little boy from the Jungle Book is Mowgli, not Monchichi. I think Monchichis were these odd monkey-ish toys from the 70's. Not that it's that different.. And I have no idea why I even know that cos I haven't seen JB since I was probably like 10.


But yes, Sophia definitely looks like a Mowgli. A much more feral one, cos if I can recall the real Mowgli didn't seem attention starved. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she was referencing all three, in regards to Sophia.

  • Love 11

Oh holy hell. I just watched and Farrah should not be in any show with the word "mom" in it. Even Tyler, a shameless self-promoter, takes a pause to genuinely care about his kid(s). Farrah treats Sophia like an accessory. Like, "Hi, I'm Farrah doll, and I come with a free kid." She does not seem to pause for a second to consider how to introduce Simon into her child's life in a way that works for Sophia. Not only has Farrah built up a delusion in her own head that Simon will be the new daddy, but she has passed that on to Sophia. Sophia might be a nightmarish brat, but a lot of that is Farrah's doing. She thrives on negative attention, because that is all she gets. Just look at the trip, at everyone point, Farrah was dressed to the 9's, while Sophia looked like she hadn't even had a comb run through her hair. No wonder the kid acts out (and even more in this situation). And the thing is, Farrah is going to parade one "suitor" after the other into Sophia's life until a "winner" is found. Poor kid.


Last thought, didn't Sophia's dad die in a car crash? Bravo, Farrah for dating a guy who texts and drives, or when corrected, tries to up skirt and drive. She is something else.

Edited by The Evil One
  • Love 9

<br /><br />Last thought, didn't Sophia's dad die in a car crash? Bravo, Farrah for dating a guy who texts and drives, or when corrected, tries to up skirt and drive. She is something else.

This never would have occurred to me. Well thought out and well said!

The Trilogy of Terror and feral Mowgli posts are killing me!

As with all the hilarious and clever posts in this thread, thanks to all for the side-splitting snark that makes watching these dreadful losers worth it!

I can't with Sophia, I don't necessarily blame her because she is a product of her upbringing, but that was not normal behavior, she was attention starved.

I at one point in time was in a unhealthy relationship where my boyfriend was vaguely similar to Gary, one of his favorite things to do was push my buttons and then when I would finally react he would be like "whoa, your overreacting" I kinda feels like Gary does that, he pushes Amber's buttons by talking to her like a second grader and then she gets mad and and he's like "whoa she has issues" (disclaimer... Amber does for sure have issues she in no way shape or for is blameless, but I do think Gary pushes her at times).

I'll qualify this by saying I'm a pediatric nurse... But Amber really should have kept the appointment, because if she potentially had strep, if that goes untreated it can cause many more complications including heart issues.

  • Love 8
The Trilogy of Terror and feral Mowgli posts are killing me!


yes! I'm laughing out loud and DH keeps coming in here wondering what the heck I'm doing.  I have to say, pretty is as pretty does, as the saying goes, and yes, Sophia is no Gerber baby--never has been, but if she were a sweet little thing, I'm sure there would be fewer individuals posting about Sophia's looks.

  • Love 3

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I hear Farrah say she has been dating Simon for four months. FOUR MONTHS? Long-distance as well. And she is saying she loves him and badgering him about marriage? What a psychopath. And when she asked him in the car if he's ever dated someone with kids and he said no - surely she knew that information already? Why introduce a young guy who obviously has a party lifestyle and has no experience with children to your daughter? UGH she makes me so mad. However he is clearly with her for the fame and to attend all of her club appearances for free, so I doubt he will ever dump her. If it ends it will be because she realizes he's not going to marry her.

Amber is not a good parent, she is the female equivalent of the every-other-weekend dad who only takes the kids for ice cream and to amusement parks while the mom has to do all of the heavy lifting for the rest of the time. It doesn't matter if Leah's fever is gone, she could still need antibiotics to prevent her from spreading strep throat to her family and classmates. The doctor might also charge a missed appointment fee, I bet she thinks Gary will just pay for that.

When did April get remarried and who is that guy? How long have they been together? Tyler and Catelynn were saying "I love you" to him - is it just me or do they have a tendency to say that too often to too many people?

Maci - yawn. Give all of her segments to Ryan's dad and Taylor's barber.

  • Love 14

Leah's hair is probably about the same length, but always clean and neat looking. (Well done, Kristina!)


I thought I remembered seeing Gary do Leah's hair in past seasons, brushing and even braiding it.

There is a specific poorly made, low budget film creature that Sophia reminds me of, those are all so close but not the one I have had in my head. I may have to do some Google image searching to finally figure it out.

Gizmo? Or any of the Gremlins?

.... It had been since October or around then that Amber had paid any support, so if anyone knows when this episode was filmed, we'd have a ballpark figure.

I'm assuming it was filmed in February because the giant bear Simon sent Farrah and Sophia also had a red heart box of candy with it.

  • Love 2

You guys, seriously! I'm really feeling guilty for laughing so hard at all your Sophia posts! I'm now convinced that I am destined to have a 2 or 3 Sophias as grandchildren--karma or punishment for laughing with you guys!


How come this is the first time we've heard about April's new hubby?  Seeing as how Tyler is such a total famewhore, you would have thought he'd have mentioned this on social media or in a magazine article.

  • Love 3

Watching Farrah smack Simon, made me wonder how often she smacks Sophia? I was taken back to when Deb smacked Farrah. Farrah might be carrying on the tradition of smacking one's daughter.



I thought the exact same thing. She also let Sophia smack Simon, and never corrected her, so I guess hitting's OK.


Hey, how did Bonnie the puppy grow up within two weeks?

  • Love 2

By the way, it was mentioned here that Maci has been engaged twice. I have been digging into my memory, but I can't recall Kyle King ever giving Maci an engagement ring. Can someone clue me in and give me something to verify if this engagement ever occurred. I don't consider Maci living with a guy as being engaged.


To me, the so-called engagements on the TM franchise are a joke. IMO Maci is just as desperate as Farrah. Neither one is better than the other.

  • Love 1

Yes, I know about Ryan and Maci being engaged, but I don't recall Maci being engaged to Kyle King or the other Kyle even though Maci was posting how "in love" they were and things were going to go further. As far as I know, Ryan was the only guy she was ever engaged to.


BTW, weren't we shown a sneak peek of a ring being given to Maci? Nothing of the sort happened last night. Then again, I had a phone call so I might have missed it. Did it happen?

Edited by GreatKazu

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she was referencing all three, in regards to Sophia.

That's what I thought too.

yes! I'm laughing out loud and DH keeps coming in here wondering what the heck I'm doing. I have to say, pretty is as pretty does, as the saying goes, and yes, Sophia is no Gerber baby--never has been, but if she were a sweet little thing, I'm sure there would be fewer individuals posting about Sophia's looks.

DH is husband right?

I feel so bad for Sophia. She seems like a bright little girl but Farrah obviously pays  no attention to her whatsoever. That girl is destined to raise herself for the rest of her life unless Farrah has a personality transplant. Feral is right. I can't believe she seems to have sole responsibility for the dogs. If Farrah is so rich why doesn't she hire that poor child a nanny?

  • Love 5
I feel so bad for Sophia. She seems like a bright little girl but Farrah obviously pays  no attention to her whatsoever.


I think she really is bright, but she's so spoiled.  I'll bet Michael and Debra think she's a mini-Farrah at that age, and that's a scary thought.  I agree with my fellow posters.  I think she sees other children with fathers and feels like she'd like one too.  It's probably why she sought so much attention from Simon.  I fear for her future.  It's not looking good, people.  It's not looking good.

  • Love 2

Farrah's next book should be entitled "How to Lose a Guy in Two Days."  The weekend with Daniel was bad enough, but her desperation was oozing out of my television screen as she continually pressured Simon about marriage and asked him how he liked Sophia.


What's crazy to me is they're still together in real time. I'm sorry, but even all the free trips & perks in the world would NOT make me put up with being in a relationship with Farrah... what on earth does he see in her?! Is it her backdoor? Is it the baby voice? It's not like he's a bad looking guy who couldn't get anyone else. It's completely mind-boggling to me.

Edited by ilovetrashtv
  • Love 5

Amber is not a good parent, she is the female equivalent of the every-other-weekend dad who only takes the kids for ice cream and to amusement parks while the mom has to do all of the heavy lifting for the rest of the time.



I must agree with you. Amber loves Leah, that can't be denied, but she does seem to have taken the role of a fun aunt. She likes to do the fun things with her and that's it. She didn't have a serious responisibility regarding Leah yet and once she did - the doctor appointment, she brushed it off. I think she thinks that, since she's a mother, she knows how to raise her child, but the truth is that she doesn't have the opportunity to do so and experience what are Leah's needs exactly.


I have no problem with Theresa removing herself and her child from the show and as much as possible from the rest of the Tyler and Cate clan. Hearing the family refer to themselves as "grandma" and "uncle" as if Carly is on loan, is really fucking irritating. They are not Carly's family.

Like a poster said in here, introducing new family relations that involve Kim and April would be confusing to Carly. I don't know, they act like - yeah, we gave her away and she is adopted, but officially, she is ours and it's a matter of time when she will call us her parents! So yeah, Mom, it's okay that you want to see her, you are her legitimate grandmother (her real one!).It's like they gave her to Theresa and BRandon just so they can play mommy and daddy for a while and she will come backsoon. I mean, come on!! I think the moment when Nick asked to see his little niece was a warning and a sign of how they still treat the whole adoption situation very unhealthy. The finale trailer in which Cate said how she's experiencing things with Nova that she didn't with Carly, that was just a sign of how much she regrets giving her away. I think they both do and they can't get past it. Yes, they finished school and had a new baby, but as for Carly, they seem to be stuck in the past, if you analyze their wishes regarding Carly and their conversations about her. Good for Theresa that she's not bringing her to the reunion, but the excuse was really lame.


  • Love 2


By the way, it was mentioned here that Maci has been engaged twice. I have been digging into my memory, but I can't recall Kyle King ever giving Maci an engagement ring. Can someone clue me in and give me something to verify if this engagement ever occurred. I don't consider Maci living with a guy as being engaged.

The poster saying she's been engaged twice meant that she was engaged to Ryan and now she's engaged (in real time) to Taylor.  She was never engaged to Kyle.  

  • Love 3

The poster saying she's been engaged twice meant that she was engaged to Ryan and now she's engaged (in real time) to Taylor. She was never engaged to Kyle.

Nothing has been announced about Taylor giving Maci a ring. In real time, nothing has been announced. Unless I missed something.

Farrah - What in hell is going on with this girl? She has to be a 5150 (California penal code for mentally ill person). What kind of parent practically forces her child onto a strange man? Sofia is a pawn in Farrah's conquest to nab a guy. Sick!

Sofia - Brat.

Catelyn - Why was she saying "I love you" to April's guy? There is something wrong with this family. They have issues with boundaries. Just because her mom is with this man, does not mean she should be telling him those words. At least wait until April has been with him a good, long time. How about waiting five years? Another boundary that is being crossed, is this whole thing with Carly and her supposed grandmothers, Kim and April. Good lord, these people act as if Carly is in foster care or on lay-away at Walmart. These people have no ties to Carly except their backwards DNA.

I am so over Amber. She is headed for a downfall.

How dare Amber deny her daughter medical care. She also has not paid child support. What is Gary waiting for?? He needs to get his butt to court and let them deal with her.

  • Love 3

Along with everything else that has already been said, I think this season is a clear reason why the show needs to be done.  I think the kids ages make a huge case for that, as they are at that time in their lives where they are becoming more and more of the person they are going to be, and they should be allowed to do that without cameras following them.  Much of the behavior that is commented on here is fairly common for this age at one point or another, but is typically handled in a fashion that makes it not feel like it is happening all of the time.  Plus I think it isn't beneficial for them to go through these moods and stages on camera.  I just feel it is inappropriate and they should be allowed to live their lives, including their bad moments, without a camera following them around.  I am relieved for Bentley that he has gotten a break from it all even though Maci's segments are more boring now.


I hope it doesn't come back, and these parents need to move on with their lives without MTV dragging them all back in.  Of course they are going to say yes for the money, but it really doesn't serve any of them well.


I was confused about the "April's husband" situation too.  I missed the marriage somehow?  And agree that I wondered where Tyler's mom was in the conversation about who could help with Nova.  And yes, they all get too involved with Carly, and I don't blame Theresa for not bringing her to the reunion.  They need distance at this point, I feel.

  • Love 5


Nothing has been announced about Taylor giving Maci a ring. In real time, nothing has been announced. Unless I missed something.


There hasn't been any announcement as far as I know. Just pictures of Maci on various gossip sites wearing what appears to be an engagement ring on her left hand ring finger. A current engagement at this time is only speculation, but appears to be somewhat warranted. I would bet that the reason there was no on camera proposal was that Taylor probably tried to involve Bentley, like Kail's husband did with Isaac on TM2. Which, if true, was probably a real burn on Maci because I bet she would have loved a proposal on camera. But again, all speculation.

  • Love 4

I think she sees other children with fathers and feels like she'd like one too.  It's probably why she sought so much attention from Simon.  I fear for her future.  It's not looking good, people.  It's not looking good.

I wonder if it has to do with Michael as well? He doesn't get much screen time, and he was little more than furniture in the Debra vs. Farrah scenes, but I tend to think he's been the one watching Sophia for a good part of her life. He's been in TX for a while now and Debra is... wherever, and Farrah is out-to-fucking-lunch permanently, so Michael may actually have been the most present, and most often present, adult in Sophia's life. He's also the only one in that family who doesn't scream incessantly, hit, berate, disappear, and spend countless hours under the knife trying to improve his self-esteem. I'm sure Farrah would have none of MTV showing Michael!! babysitting or being a nanny, but I can't think of another reason he'd still be in TX and Farrah's neighbors can't possibly care for Sophia every time Farrah has a rubber asshole to sell or sign. Err, basically I just think the one male figure in Sophia's life has probably been the only one to actually care for and about her so she may have made some early associations. And she was clearly desperate for attention from someone who values her more than for her services as a pet daycare worker. And no, it's not looking good for her at all :(


I'm assuming it was filmed in February because the giant bear Simon sent Farrah and Sophia also had a red heart box of candy with it.

Hmmm, so Amber was already 5 or 6 grand in the hole when that conversation took place. And I have no doubt her payments have been anything other than spotty prior to that based on her behavior; all of those nails can't come cheap! I wonder what it is that Panda says to her that gets her huffing and puffing off of the stage? This is the first time I've not only remembered the show in on the air, but actually wanted to see the next one.


Speaking of Gary's despicable rants to producer woman (sorry lady, I can't recall your name: brown hair always up, Patagonia jacket), did she ever go upstairs to see Leah in her room (after Gary's Gone Girl bullshit)? From what they showed it looked like she went outside to call Amber right after that and then took off to go film or something. And how craptastic is her job? Driving Farrah's Fake Family to the airport and any other thing that any TM cast member wants done... I'm surprised she wasn't the one hauling the sofa and mattresses into Maci's new house! On that subject, I too want to know what happened to the Being Maci house!! And, wow, the moving truck was definitely larger than the old house it was parked next to; that must have been close quarters. Maci and Beard-Face didn't seem to have any realty game at all when that terrible offer/acceptance thing played out, she really needs to improve on that given the number of houses she's owned/plans to own.


What's crazy to me is they're still together in real time.

Whhhhaaaa??? Is she paying him? Is he paying her? Did they catch an early cut of the season and realize they're equally awful and therefore meant for one another? I need an entirely different brain that just runs on Red Bull and pure stupid to even digest this information! And not to force anyone onto antipsychotics or sedatives, but I'm fairly sure that while producer-lady was driving them to the airport and Farrah was playing Twister with everyone's limbs in the back, disgusto Simon actually had his left hand between Farrah's legs, with Sophia between them (barfbarfbarfbarfbarf). I wish it were possible to physically burn a DVR recording.

Edited by meisje
  • Love 3

I think It has been mentioned by Farrah that Sophia actually does have a nanny (and Michael )(but finding an actual source is more effort than I'm willing to give, I don't even want to type Farrah into my search engine). I'm guessing Farrah want to have the mom of the year image so the nanny isn't filmed. My heart did break a little when Sophia was trying to get the dog in the cage and said "you're going to get me in trouble". So I think a non related caretaker is probably best case scenario.

  • Love 2

I at one point in time was in a unhealthy relationship where my boyfriend was vaguely similar to Gary, one of his favorite things to do was push my buttons and then when I would finally react he would be like "whoa, your overreacting" I kinda feels like Gary does that, he pushes Amber's buttons by talking to her like a second grader and then she gets mad and and he's like "whoa she has issues" (disclaimer... Amber does for sure have issues she in no way shape or for is blameless, but I do think Gary pushes her at times).


He does push her buttons and seemingly on purpose to elicit a reaction.  Because probably somewhere in his head when she reacts it means she still cares.  Gary wants Amber back so bad he can taste it.  

However, how she reacts to it is 100% her.  She's been to anger management and from what I know of those classes they give you tools on how to handle people who consistently trigger your anger.  Either get them out of your life or if you can't, like Amber, then learn how to deal with them.  

Amber is a moron because she always reacts.  He treats her like an idiot, she reacts.  He talks down to her, she reacts.  Then after she loses her shit he punishes her by taking away Leah time.  If she wouldn't react, he would eventually knock it off because he would no longer get the payoff.  She gets up on her hind legs about how "NO ONE IS GOING TO DISRESPECT ME!" and it's comical.  People are disrespectful of other people all the time.  She has a choice of whether or not she's going to let it get to her.  And she ALWAYS lets it get to her.  Her guilt over not being there for Leah is her downfall.  Gary knows it and uses it against her.  If she was smart, she'd sincerely thank him for what he's done with Leah and ask for his support and assistance in making sure Leah doesn't grow up thinking her mother abandoned her.  Because what Gary doesn't realize is that HE will have to deal with Leah's issues concerning that as well.  I realize we don't see everything that happens, but has Amber ever sat down with Leah to have a real heart to heart about what happened when she went to prison?  Did Leah get to express herself concerning that?  My guess is no, because both Amber and Gary talk shit about each other in front of her.  Be careful kids, that will come back to bite you both in the ass.  Amber resents the hell out of him because he's a good father and he was there for their little girl when she couldn't be.  She needs to admit that to herself.

Amber is a terrible candidate for being famous because she has a very thin skin.  Someone says something she perceives as a slight and BAM....0 to bitch in 2 seconds.  If she would just accept that someone can feel a certain way about her and it has nothing to do with how she feels about herself, she might be less stressed out.  I dunno how this girl handles tabloids and the shit they spew out and hasn't climbed a building with a rifle yet.  She sincerely needs to take a stadium's worth of seats and CALM.DOWN

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 13
I'm pretty sure that when she rattled off that list of accomplishments, she also said, "We have cell phones."


LOL, she DID say that! Hey, that's a pretty big deal for Tyler, as he now her unfettered access to monitoring all their "likes" and "follows". 


Maci is boring. I'm pretty sure she got Bonnie the Boxer so something else would be featured in her storyline.


I said the first thing when that dog appeared. Bentley's gone, so she needed some other cute thing to film with. 

  • Love 4

 I think the kids ages make a huge case for that, as they are at that time in their lives where they are becoming more and more of the person they are going to be, and they should be allowed to do that without cameras following them.  Much of the behavior that is commented on here is fairly common for this age at one point or another, but is typically handled in a fashion that makes it not feel like it is happening all of the time.  Plus I think it isn't beneficial for them to go through these moods and stages on camera.  I just feel it is inappropriate and they should be allowed to live their lives, including their bad moments, without a camera following them around.  

I honestly think that IF Farah (or any of the parents) actually ADDRESSED the behavior instead of giggling nervously, we (the public/posters) would cut them some slack.

Kids are going to act up. I've seen kids acting a damn fool in public - but my judgment of the parents was based on their handling of the situation.

Your kid is crying in a restaurant and you ignore them? You're a piece of shit. Your kid is crying in a restaurant and you pick them up/take them by the hand and walk out? You're a parent dealing with shit.

I used to take my son into vestibules ALL THE TIME when he would lose his shit in public. I wanted him to know it was unacceptable but I also wanted him to know that just because he lost his shit, doesn't mean we were leaving. He had a few minutes (I could wait all day) to get it together and then we were going back in.

  • Love 8


Like a poster said in here, introducing new family relations that involve Kim and April would be confusing to Carly. I don't know, they act like - yeah, we gave her away and she is adopted, but officially, she is ours and it's a matter of time when she will call us her parents! So yeah, Mom, it's okay that you want to see her, you are her legitimate grandmother (her real one!).It's like they gave her to Theresa and BRandon just so they can play mommy and daddy for a while and she will come backsoon. I mean, come on!! I think the moment when Nick asked to see his little niece was a warning and a sign of how they still treat the whole adoption situation very unhealthy. The finale trailer in which Cate said how she's experiencing things with Nova that she didn't with Carly, that was just a sign of how much she regrets giving her away. I think they both do and they can't get past it. Yes, they finished school and had a new baby, but as for Carly, they seem to be stuck in the past, if you analyze their wishes regarding Carly and their conversations about her.


I wholeheartedly agree. I think an open adoption has been a mistake for Catelynn and Tyler; they are just not equipped to respect boundaries and move forward with their lives. I feel badly for Nova, who is going to grow up constantly being compared to the mythical Carly. I'm glad Theresa is going to the reunion solo. I don't think Cate and especially Tyler think about what is best for Carly in situations like this. They care about what they want - her to meet other relatives, etc - without regard to what that will do, or feel like, or confuse the hell out of a 6 year old.


On a completely different topic, who can we petition to get Taylor's barber his own spinoff?

  • Love 7


What the fuck was that shit Cate was saying about how they are in a different place now and she rattled off "We own a home and we have cars!" That in itself shows the mentality of this girl and Tyler, who agreed with her. She grew up with a family who didn't own material things therefore, having material things to call your own means you've made it in life! Forget job skills. Forget an education, you've got CARS!


And this is why she will never leave Tyler on her own.  I bet she's afraid to be without it all.  Together they have so much more.  She'd likely be back to apartments or trailers if they split. 


I could have sworn Maci and Taylor announced their engagement recently.... or maybe I just imagined it based on the storyline of the season. 


It was nice to see Ryan say how much he actually likes Taylor - even if it was just so that he would have an easier time dealing with Maci for the rest of his life. 


I didn't really see Sophia's behavior towards Simon as abnormal... it was a little on the extreme side... but children either get really shy around people they don't know or they get really hyper.  And generally if it's on the hyper end you can get a good feeling of how someone is around kids because the adult usually goes with it and has fun or they get really awkward. 


And holy crap April has a new boyfriend!!

  • Love 2

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