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S02.E11: Dysfunction Junction

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We saw him drive it to his boss's house to get fired.



He didn't actually drive there, either, and that was the first time I really noticed that he was always being driven around by others.  In that case, we never saw the driver, but when he left he got into the back of a shiny black car that made me wonder if perhaps it was a company car that was sent for him.

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He didn't actually drive there, either, and that was the first time I really noticed that he was always being driven around by others.  In that case, we never saw the driver, but when he left he got into the back of a shiny black car that made me wonder if perhaps it was a company car that was sent for him.

Thomas has the same car driving him around. Notice it's the two guys who drink the most that need a driver? The only time Craig drove was in the first episode when he pulled up to the law office.

It may be a Bravo thing, wanting these guys getting to and from parties in one piece.

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Landon I'm sure did feel the rug was pulled from under her. As do lots of people on a daily basis. When she (seemingly) blamed her mom for leading her to believe life was all (can't remember real words) garden parties I wanted to know has she ever read a novel, watched a movie, seen the news, had a friend? Open your eyes, sister, and grow the fuck up. Tragedy is frequent in all forms.

Shep disappointed me. And more so now on Twitter with his housewife-esque "I know something you don't but I cannot say but TRUST ME everything I did was validated" bullshit. Yeah, Kim Richards played that card too. And that didn't pan out so well.

In my next life I want Camerans house. Wow!!! Oh and that house Landon used, my word, breathtaking. The good things that came out of this were Charleston, JD and his wife, and Kensie. And I'd throw an honorable mention to Jekyll.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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AMEN, KnoxForPres!  Part of standard growing up no matter who you are is learning that life isn't just fun and games all the time, and sorry, but I find it extremely hard to believe that the mother who has strong convictions that women should stay in bad marriages is the same woman that never warned Landon that sometimes in life and relationships, things don't always go the way you want them to.  Aside from seeing people deal with problems and some of life's horrors just by paying a little attention to those around her,  I guess Landon was sheltered from the news her whole adolescent life, too?  My parents had the news on every morning and evening, and I remember worrying about shit when I was 4 years old, not just about my own highly dysfunctional family bubble, but also about things going on outside of our home.  She chose to be ignorant about life because she wanted to believe she was too special for any of the stuff that weighs down other people to happen to her.  And when she talks about how awful and terrible married life was for her, I take it with a huge grain of salt.  She makes it sound like she endured things some of us have only seen happen on Game of Thrones, when really "awful" to her might simply mean her husband didn't make as much time to be her playmate as she wanted him to, and she didn't like that, boo hoo. 

  • Love 5

To be fair, Landon did get divorced and divorce sucks. Especially when your family doesn't support your decision. It's like you have to prove how unhappy you were to get the support you need. When I got divorced my parents actually took his side. It hurts. Starting over is a pain in the ass as well, and if you need to start over, but your mom is constantly reminding you you wouldn't have to start over if you didn't get divorced, it's like living in never never land. I think Landon's mom needs a wake up call in terms of reality. 


Though I still think she is a whiny annoying person that drives me nuts, I do sympathize as I she seems really sad. There are always going to be people that have less than you, that understanding doesn't make emotional pain disappear. 

  • Love 6

Gawd, too much Landon this episode.  That voice.  And drawing everything out. About Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?  ARGH.  And really, at 30 whatever, blaming your mother for having too good of a childhood?  Bwahaha.  OK.  No better than Kathryn.


Shep, oh boy.  Yes, Craig is on your last nerve.  But you're getting paid to hang out with him. Suck it up.


Loved JD's house (from what we saw of it).  Sitting out on those 2 old wood chairs with some scotch. 


Whitney - Noticed he didn't put himself up for auction.  Renob.  Awful.


Jennifer is 2 faced and neither is good.


Thomas - man did he light up when he saw Kathryn.  And boy did she extinguish that light! 


Hope Craig passes the bar and gets a little back on track.

  • Love 2

Gawd, too much Landon this episode.  That voice.  And drawing everything out. About Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?  ARGH.  And really, at 30 whatever, blaming your mother for having too good of a childhood?  Bwahaha.  OK.  No better than Kathryn.


Shep, oh boy.  Yes, Craig is on your last nerve.  But you're getting paid to hang out with him. Suck it up.


Loved JD's house (from what we saw of it).  Sitting out on those 2 old wood chairs with some scotch. 


Whitney - Noticed he didn't put himself up for auction.  Renob.  Awful.


Jennifer is 2 faced and neither is good.


Thomas - man did he light up when he saw Kathryn.  And boy did she extinguish that light! 


Hope Craig passes the bar and gets a little back on track.

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I think she picked it up from the floor so whatever was on the floor is on the counter. I was afraid of her knocking the handle with her arm and tipping Kensie over.

I think I would've left it on the floor within view but not so close that I would trip over it.

If whatever is on the floor now on the counter, how could be being closer to floor any more sanitary? 


Where to put the baby carrier is kind of a no win situation.  Yeah, on the counter the handle could be hit by an arm.  On the floor she could be stepped on.  Especially with a film crew in the room.  The chef was the one who guided the carrier to the counter.  I wonder if she had a cat or something.  In any case, it's a judgement call.  I don't think one is necessarily better than the other.

  • Love 3

This season proved weirdly anticlimactic for me, and I feel like almost all of the cast members displayed unpalatable personality traits during their sophomore run. I don't really understand the favorable consensus on Shep - at times, it seems like he's gone out of his way to be nice to Kathryn, but his behavior this episode was beyond the pale. Leaning forward into Craig's personal space like that while haranguing him? It wouldn't have been problematic for me if Craig had decked him. And making bitchy social media posts about a friend's possible substance abuse issues is not a good look on anyone . . . Cameran's not a mother to anyone, in my opinion, and her indulgence in runtelldat propensities and pot-stirring has been much less slick the last several broadcasts. She was really working to wind Shep up before the confrontation with Craig, and after that *and* her hustle to frame the beach drinking with Kathryn in the most scandalous context she could, Craig would do well to trust neither her nor Shep . . . And I just can't with Patricia pretending that this wasn't an obligatory party for the cast. I think it's clear how she triumphed in her chosen career: she always sides with the man . . . Kathryn's get-up was not flattering from my perspective, and even if her displays don't serve her trophy-wife aspirations well, I love that she's too fiery to be a peon/second mother to Thomas, which is what he seems to believe a wife should be. I'm not sure whether her inability to swallow what she thinks will ultimately serve her best interests but I hope it does.

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Cameron, who was my favorite, really disappointed me in the last few episodes.  She did stir the pot and then all the baby alien comments....


I don't necessarily like Patricia.  After all, she did produce Whtney.  But I do like the character that she is.  She does add flavor to the show.


Kathryn running after Thomas?  No.........  But she's young. 


Craig 'is' screwing up his life.  Shep is right on that.  So I'm more team Shep (yeah, I get that he's a trust fund baby with no real ambition and was jealous that Craig got a higher auction price) right now.  I do reserve the right to change my mind.

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 I like that she wants a career, I'm not sure how successful she can be in real estate when she doesn't have a "real" office.  Where do her clients sign the papers?  Why not just be independent if her firm won't give her office space?


When I bought my house a million years ago we signed the papers at a coffee shop even though my realtor had an office.  The coffee shop just happened to be a convenient halfway point between her office and mine so I could get it done during my lunch hour. 

  • Love 1

To be fair, Landon did get divorced and divorce sucks. Especially when your family doesn't support your decision. It's like you have to prove how unhappy you were to get the support you need. When I got divorced my parents actually took his side. It hurts. Starting over is a pain in the ass as well, and if you need to start over, but your mom is constantly reminding you you wouldn't have to start over if you didn't get divorced, it's like living in never never land. I think Landon's mom needs a wake up call in terms of reality. 


Though I still think she is a whiny annoying person that drives me nuts, I do sympathize as I she seems really sad. There are always going to be people that have less than you, that understanding doesn't make emotional pain disappear. 

Bravofan, your post hit me, and I had to stop and give you a *hug.* I'm sorry your parents took his side.  I hope you are doing better now.

  • Love 1

If Craig has a drug problem, cocaine is much more likely. I think what was happening with Craig is that he was doing the reality show star appearance circuit, which was why he was up at noon and was generally being a douche off camera. And that Shep and Cameran are snobs.



I don't think Shep's tweet was hinting at a drug problem, necessarily. But I *will* say that in the "Two Weeks Later" TH, you can see that Craig has some weight back on his face and some color and looks noticeably better.


However, either way I stand by my position that putting off the bar for a bit after graduating law school and filming a reality show in your 20s isn't exactly hitting rock bottom.


Also, as Shep's former #1 fan, was really disappointed in how petty he became by the end of the season. His and Cameran's faux concern was hiding some real nastiness.


Shep disappointed me. And more so now on Twitter with his housewife-esque "I know something you don't but I cannot say but TRUST ME everything I did was validated" bullshit. Yeah, Kim Richards played that card too. And that didn't pan out so well.




  • Love 5

Craig's parents must be PISSED after viewing the entire season.


Everyone says what a great mother Kathryn is. She seems fine but there also seems to be a ton of time she doesn't spend with her daughter. For instance, why couldn't she have brought Kensie with on that day she went and sat over at Craig's when he was hungover and called into work? I almost always had/have my kids with me. I think she's a 50 percent mom myself.



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I just thought it was a little bit hypocritical for Shep and Whitney to be giving Craig life advice. They're both trust fund babies and will never have to work if they don't want to. I found it interesting they're both standing around telling Craig he needs a better work ethic and blah blah. Do what I say, not as I do. Total bullshit. If I were Craig I'd be telling them both exactly where they could go.


And as far as Shep's behavior towards Craig, he needs to get over himself and move on. Even if there is a good reason for the animosity, he was raised well enough and with manners, so he's just proving how much of an asshole he can be. If there's shit going on he can't talk about then don't talk about it! Don't sit there and play the "I know something you don't know!" game.

  • Love 6
Well if Craig really cultivated a good relationship with Shep, Thomas, JD and others, maybe they might have used them for their real estate deals.

Boring work but probably could have made for a good career.

He said he may have blown a potentially 6-figure income job when he got fired.



I saw it that way, too. He got "in" with the guys with money and going businesses. They always need a good lawyer. Right out of school Craig may not have been their go-to guy, but with a few year's experience and some deals thrown his way by those guys, he'd probably have been well established in Charleston.


Then again, he's said he wants to be a trial lawyer. Well, if T-Rav ever gets caught "smelling" cocaine again...

  • Love 1


Then again, he's said he wants to be a trial lawyer.

His voice is the male equivalent to Landon's. My sympathies to the  poor jury that has to listen to him. I used to like him, but he seems really superficial.  In the first season he didn't seem so self centered and conceited.   Someone needs to tell him how off putting that is and also his dancing is lame and those red shoes he wore to the faux auction look like grandpa  bedroom slippers. 


I still like Shep, but JD is my new favorite. In every scene with him I wait to hear him laugh. Love it!

  • Love 1

Craig's parents must be PISSED after viewing the entire season.


Everyone says what a great mother Kathryn is. She seems fine but there also seems to be a ton of time she doesn't spend with her daughter. For instance, why couldn't she have brought Kensie with on that day she went and sat over at Craig's when he was hungover and called into work? I almost always had/have my kids with me. I think she's a 50 percent mom myself.


Kathryn is very immature and often annoying.  But I don't feel comfortable judging what type of mother she is based on a few snippets of her life being filmed (and heavily edited). From what I've seen, she appears to adore and dote on Kensie.  In fact, I would say she's almost endearing in the scenes with her. 


I also don't know if it's quite fair to compare a "real life" stay-at-home mom vs. one filming a tv show. 


In any case, I'm pretty sure they have a full time nanny, and so why wouldn't she take advantage of that when she has to film a scene? I'm can only assume that it's easier for everybody (the "characters" and film crew) to film without the baby. 


We see plenty of scenes of JD and his wife without their kids. But I don't assume that she's a negligent mom because of it.

  • Love 3

Okay, point taken. I guess the truth is, I just don't care for Kathryn much. She tried to snag a rich guy by getting pregnant and now she would rather be partying than staying home. Which is fine...but then don't have a kid at age 22-on purpose. Yes, it's great that she dotes on and adores the baby---like mothers SHOULD. Just not a fan of hers.


Actually we very rarely see JD and Elizabeth and we have seen her with her kids a few of those times. Elizabeth and Kathryn aren't even close to being the same kind of person.

  • Love 2

His voice is the male equivalent to Landon's. My sympathies to the  poor jury that has to listen to him. I used to like him, but he seems really superficial.  In the first season he didn't seem so self centered and conceited.   Someone needs to tell him how off putting that is and also his dancing is lame and those red shoes he wore to the faux auction look like grandpa  bedroom slippers. 


I still like Shep, but JD is my new favorite. In every scene with him I wait to hear him laugh. Love it!

I love JD's laugh too!


Craig has always been shallow. In the first season he told Cameran that at age 30 she was "too old" for him, he likes them really young, and that she would need plastic surgery in a few years. He also immaturely made faces of disgust when Cameran discussed giving birth someday. I have always found him-and his monotone voice-off-putting. His parents seem so nice too.


Hmm...Cameran sure has a lot of issues with having babies. Childbirth is repulsive to her, having a baby inside of her (an "alien") is terrifying and staying home with a baby would be the definition of hell. Also, she has worried in more than one scene about the dread of having a possible "ugly" baby. She was gleeful that Kathryn and Thomas got a pretty baby. Funny stuff.


I guess the truth is, I just don't care for Kathryn much. 


I don't care for Kathryn either. I don't even find her entertaining in a reality show character kind of way. I probably would've enjoyed her more if she had paired off with Craig, those two hot messes together might've made what I thought was a lackluster season interesting. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she was linked to Shep, Thomas and Whitney. Yet, Craig who really did back then and it appears even now seemed to genuinely be into her didn't get a shot at her.

Edited by jonesingjay
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Poor Whitney does seem smitten, perhaps nursing a broken heart - my guess is there really is relationship history between him and Thomas. Who knows, maybe hooking up with Kathryn and producing a child was Thomas' way of keeping up the appearance of being straight. Just a possibility.


No, I'm pretty sure it's all one-sided. I'm usually the first one to jump on the "He's secretly gay or bi!" bandwagon, but Thomas really just has never given off any kind of gay vibe to me. I think the closest Thomas probably ever got was getting drunk and letting his VMI roommate give him a hand job circa 1982.


Kathryn in a fur coat chasing after Thomas was funny. I can't think of the last time I've seen someone wearing a fur coat in public.

  • Love 3

I just thought it was a little bit hypocritical for Shep and Whitney to be giving Craig life advice. They're both trust fund babies and will never have to work if they don't want to. I found it interesting they're both standing around telling Craig he needs a better work ethic and blah blah. Do what I say, not as I do. Total bullshit. If I were Craig I'd be telling them both exactly where they could go.


And as far as Shep's behavior towards Craig, he needs to get over himself and move on. Even if there is a good reason for the animosity, he was raised well enough and with manners, so he's just proving how much of an asshole he can be. If there's shit going on he can't talk about then don't talk about it! Don't sit there and play the "I know something you don't know!" game.

Although they could have taken a kinder, gentler approach, I think that telling Craig that he needs to get his shit together is being a good friend. Shep said he thanks his lucky stars that he's been so fortunate, but that is not the case with Craig and he does need to get his act together. Hanging with him while he hangs up his future drinking all night and whatever else he may be into is very, very bad and it would have been mean to watch him do that without saying anything.


Shep also has said that when he was Craig's age he did have a job and was a weekend warrior when it came to partying hard. And as someone here noted, Craig should have dragged his ass into the office in the morning even if he didn't do anything once he plopped in front of his computer other than stare at the screen for a few hours.


It's also a possibility that the quality of his work suffered. If he was doing the bang-up job he claimed to be doing, the boss might have cut him some slack given his reality show status and all and said, you're performance is great, but you have to show up in the morning and then given him a warning. Or maybe he tried that route and Craig still showed up whenever if ever.


I think Cameran is definitely not ready to have a baby yet, but I also don't think all the stuff she was saying about why she's not is true. She was talking a lot of smack and probably told her husband about it the night she filmed.

P.S. I definitely don't think Thomas and Whitney were having some secret sex thing. We could practically see his dick getting hard when he saw Kathryn on the ship in her crazy fur with the  red hot "physicality" and hair. I know physicality is a real word but wonder why it is that I've only heard Thomas and Apollo Nida use it. :)

  • Love 4

I just thought it was a little bit hypocritical for Shep and Whitney to be giving Craig life advice. They're both trust fund babies and will never have to work if they don't want to. I found it interesting they're both standing around telling Craig he needs a better work ethic and blah blah. Do what I say, not as I do. Total bullshit. If I were Craig I'd be telling them both exactly where they could go.


And as far as Shep's behavior towards Craig, he needs to get over himself and move on. Even if there is a good reason for the animosity, he was raised well enough and with manners, so he's just proving how much of an asshole he can be. If there's shit going on he can't talk about then don't talk about it! Don't sit there and play the "I know something you don't know!" game.

In fairness to both Shep and even Whitney they have both pointed that out to Craig that they are fortunate to have resources to fall back on. Though sometimes they were crazy over the top because even though Craig doesn't have the same resources to maintain a Shep/Whitney lifestyle forever he does have a decent safety net with his family. He isn't going to be living on the streets at worst his parents will support him until he gets on his feet. They might not support his partying lifestyle but he will be fine.

Hope this doesn't mean Craig is off my screen for good.  I hope to hear that he passed the bar and is getting his life in order.


DAYUM, Kathryn!  Talk about taking the Hot Mess Express straight to Dysfunction Junction.  Whoever coined her as Lindsay Lohan in Cruella DeVil's clothing hit the nail on the head.  Screeching and running after Thomas barefoot while wearing a full-length fur coat took the trashy "baby mama" stereotype to a whole new level.


Dead at that spiral staircase -- gorgeous!


If there is a third season, I have three requests:  1) Bring back Craig, 2) Send away Landon, and 3) Get a real reunion location!

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Re: Cameron's office


I can't remember where I read it - it might have been on Twitter - but Cameron's boss does not allow filming in the actual office. This was said several weeks back.

I'd rather her have been upfront about that on the show, rather than set her up in that pathetic excuse for an office in her mom's house. None of her "working" segments have really added anything to the narrative anyway. All it says is that "Cameran works!!! Woooo!! She's not a spoiled housewife who just wanted her Mrs!!". Also, we never saw her at her job in the first season, so why does it matter now?

Edited by fliptopbox

TBH, showing her at the office wouldn't do much, other than to establish she has a certain type of job.


Maybe they could film some of the interiors of the home she's showing.  They've done a little bit of that, showing inside Shep's house while it was under construction and then showing some homes in season 1 which went back to pre Civil War.


But they can't do too much of it, as that would be an HGTV schtick.  And Bravo obviously prefers to play up the relationship drama or any other kinds of conflict between the cast.

Cameran's whole story about her office space at her mom's was because she didn't like working in her bedroom at home. She wanted more of an office environment.

That's what you call a scripted storyline. No way is Bravo going to let Cameran look at the camera and say "Well, my boss won't let us film at the office, so there you have it!"

I'd rather her have been upfront about that on the show, rather than set her up in that pathetic excuse for an office in her mom's house. None of her "working" segments have really added anything to the narrative anyway. All it says is that "Cameran works!!! Woooo!! She's not a spoiled housewife who just wanted her Mrs!!". Also, we never saw her at her job in the first season, so why does it matter now?

I don't think that was her mother's home.  I thought it was her mother's office and she took over a room in the office.  Guess it could also be her mother's house but I didn't get that impression.

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After a week of anticipation and avoiding this thread as to not be spoiled, I finally got to see the finale. Damn. I'm disappointed! Granted, I knew it could never be as good as last season's dramatic breakup with T-Rav crying that he's an old man with a fade to black, nine months later, baby crying.... But, really? That's it? Shep and Craig's little jealous tiff was annoying. No one cares about Landon. The On Demand version that I saw didn't even have the Cameron scene that you guys posted about. We got a "who wore it best"/"bitch stole my look" showdown: full-length fur coat edition. But both Kathryn and JD lost that match-up! So the highlight was the 5-minute reconciliation and subsequent break-up #5,327. But, REALLY, Kathryn?! You can't go 3 minutes without harping on all of the BS you nag T-Rav about and then you're shocked that he realizes you're better off apart?! Now you just went and made me Team Whitney--I have to agree with that renob! Then again, when it comes to giving T-Rav relationship advice, JD comes out on top. You, sir, are a class act--and I'm even willing to overlook the fur coat.

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 3

I'd rather her have been upfront about that on the show, rather than set her up in that pathetic excuse for an office in her mom's house. None of her "working" segments have really added anything to the narrative anyway. All it says is that "Cameran works!!! Woooo!! She's not a spoiled housewife who just wanted her Mrs!!". Also, we never saw her at her job in the first season, so why does it matter now?

She was probably too embarrassed by working at a makeup counter at Gwynn's in the first season to let it be shown. 

Either way, filming her while she works is pretty pointless. We know she's in real estate, which isn't a terribly exciting field unless you're Frederick of Million Dollar Listing. If they want to show her working maybe follow her and a client (or a "client", heh) to a few properties that are on the market. Filming people at their desks in an office isn't exactly riveting tv.

  • Love 1

Either way, filming her while she works is pretty pointless. We know she's in real estate, which isn't a terribly exciting field unless you're Frederick of Million Dollar Listing. If they want to show her working maybe follow her and a client (or a "client", heh) to a few properties that are on the market. Filming people at their desks in an office isn't exactly riveting tv.

Maybe Cam was trying to get some free publicity for her mother's business.

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