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S02.E21: S.O.S. (1) / S02.E22: S.O.S. (2)

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I'm really glad Fitz survived - I was worried they were going to kill him off.


I'm really glad Hunter survived - if he had taken a bullet to the brain, I would have wanted the same for Ward. As it stands, I still think that needs to happen. (And I love that May took her gun along on vacation. Smart woman. She has to know Ward is gunning for her, and everyone else, even if she doesn't know that he accidentally killed Agent 33. She has to figure he's at the very least pissed off that his plans were ruined and Bobbie escaped.)


I'm really glad Mack's still in the mix. (And I loved all his nicknames for everyone, especially "Tremors." Heh.)


I'm actually finding myself bummed that Raina's dead. On the one hand, it would probably be boring if she were used all the time to "see the future" in time for SHIELD to always have the upper hand. That takes the tension out of the episode. On the other hand, I feel like she wasn't fully utilized now that she has this new power and accepts it. They killed her off too quickly. I liked the complexity of not knowing whether or not she'd tell the good guys the full truth about what she sees in her visions. 


Kyle MacLachian, bravo and well done. Your character may be completely crackers, but I never expected him to make me feel for him so much. But in the end, I did, and that's because you're awesome.


A few questions:


1) If a plane carrying dangerous crystals goes into the ocean, wouldn't they at least have some sort of plan to try to dilute it, contain it, or at least do SOMETHING? I mean, it's an oil tanker spill in the ocean times 1000, at least.


2) Are we seriously to believe that container is so un-secure it can simply pop open and suck a person inside? Really? Great job containing it, SHIELD. Well done. *eyeroll* Simmons better survive and she better be okay. And Fitz better not think she ditched him. He better find a way to save her. 


3) With all the ways that TAHITI has failed, is letting Cal loose on the streets really the safest thing to do? At any time his memories could start seeping in, all muddled and confusing, and who knows what kind of madness he'll take on. He might think SHIELD made him kill his wife, but have no accurate memory of why he actually did it.


4) Skye's the only Inhuman on the team? What happened to Lincoln, and all the other Inhumans who thought SHIELD was attacking them? (I mean, obviously, the majority of them can't be on the team - yet - because SHIELD doesn't know who to trust and who among them is truly willing to trust SHIELD. But I feel like Lincoln proved his worth. Maybe he's going back to Afterlife to tell everyone what happened and became a new leader for them, one that will be willing to work with SHIELD?)

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 3


And yeah, I said it elsewhere, but I"m really disappointed that an interesting ethical debate (SHIELD's desire to keep things hidden and Index gifteds) was all about who loves Skye more, her birth parents or her adopted parents. And OF COURSE the message of all of that is that Indexing is the best thing ever and gifted people should be under control of SHIELD. Because why not?


We had a great debate last week and the writers simply swept everything aside. Great points on both sides that are now moot. I liked the idea of Skye being caught in between but how about making it a really genuine tough choice? Jiaying being a psycho eliminated any dilemma.


Raina said she'd always dreamed of leading the Inhumans but that Skye would lead them instead. I thought they have their own royal family, no? Unless she was referring to the Afterlife compound, which would be harder now to reconstitute. Maybe Jiaying had always been rogue. 

  • Love 4

My favorite bit had to be May's quick thinking in getting Ward to shoot his own girlfriend a bunch of times. It was brutal and it was the highlight of the episodes.


Is Jiaying actually dead? She was cut into small pieces by Whitehall, which I presume meant more damage to her body than Cal could do with a bear hug. Did Whitehall not at some point sever her neck or spine? For what it's worth, I thought Skye would explode her from within, which almost happened.


Is Deathlok still in the shop? Or did he get the signal to stand down?


Fitz has been watching Breaking Bad? The terragen crystals are basically blue meth...


I am assuming the intricacies laid out in this episode and the series so far is a setup for the Inhumans movie. But at the same time, I have my doubts that Chloe Bennett will be invited to play on the big screen. Is it actually possible that a plot for a movie will be laid out on the show and that it will work? There were a lot of references in the show to Age of Ultron but the movie did not return the favor. For the Inhumans, will their story be carried on from this show's plotlines or will it be something altogether different with a line or two that ties it back to the small screen?

  • Love 2
1) If a plane carrying dangerous crystals goes into the ocean, wouldn't they at least have some sort of plan to try to dilute it, contain it, or at least do SOMETHING? I mean, it's an oil tanker spill in the ocean times 1000, at least.


2) Are we seriously to believe that container is so un-secure it can simply pop open and suck a person inside? Really? Great job containing it, SHIELD. Well done. *eyeroll* Simmons better survive and she better be okay. And Fitz better not think she ditched him. He better find a way to save her. 


3) With all the ways that TAHITI has failed, is letting Cal loose on the streets really the safest thing to do? At any time his memories could start seeping in, all muddled and confusing, and who knows what kind of madness he'll take on. He might think SHIELD made him kill his wife, but have no accurate memory of why he actually did it.


4) Skye's the only Inhuman on the team? What happened to Lincoln, and all the other Inhumans who thought SHIELD was attacking them? (I mean, obviously, the majority of them can't be on the team - yet - because SHIELD doesn't know who to trust and who among them is truly willing to trust SHIELD. But I feel like Lincoln proved his worth. Maybe he's going back to Afterlife to tell everyone what happened and became a new leader for them, one that will be willing to work with SHIELD?)


2. I rolled my eyes at that too.


3. Yeah, I don't buy that sending Cal back on the streets is safe. For one thing, no matter his reasoning, he killed a ton of people, and that "he did it for love and because his wife was a psycho" excuse has me rolling my eyes. Plus a big part of his problem was his uncontrollable rage that was tied to all those potions he drank. Are those effects truly gone? I would think his brain chemistry would be permanently out of whack after taking all that stuff for so long. And then yeah, Coulson's TAHITI memories returned, who's to say that his won't either.


4. Yeah I was really disappointed that the solution was to kill/hide all the Inhumans. Except Lincoln who went ... somewhere? As said above, this debate about whether the Index is ethical or not was really solved way too quickly by saying "well SHIELD may be shady as hell but these Inhumans are super evil."

Edited by kitlee625
  • Love 3

Well Skye, I hope you didn't put a lot of time and effort into Mother's Day... Jiaying went from zero to crazy Evil pretty quick .. guess the writers were not interested in shades of gray and two groups of people with reasonable, yet conflicting interests. I was satisfied with Cal's ending, though. 


My reaction to the end-of-season kill off :

a. Gordon : sad he turned out be just a lackey. How are those people in Afterlife going to get pizza now?

b. Raina : felt like a waste. Her dream was to lead the Inhumans? Whose existence she knew of for about a week? 

c. Agent 33 : Sorry you became just a plot point for Ward. 

d. Shield leaders on aircraft carrier : Sorry, it comes with the job.

e. Shield agents on carrier:  It's a bit sad how quickly you will be replaced and forgotten..

e. Coulson's hand : Check with that DeathLok guy   .. these things can be fixed.


Also, was it just me or did there always seem to be some fuzzy type of CGI pixelation happening where Gordon's eyes were supposed to be?  

  • Love 3

I think Cal's whole arc has been the only story so far that 's not only consistently entertained me, but also evoked a strong emotional resonance. I mean, the show's OK and mostly pretty fun, especially lately, but it's always been light on generating a reaction different from "cool" or "interesting". Kyle McLachlan's acting should by all rights take the biggest credit, but I think the writing for Cal has been pretty good too. I'll miss him so much and I'm glad he's had a kind of redemption. I won't argue if he deserves it or not, but I know I got all kinds of feels in his scenes with Skye this episode.


Otherwise, an OK finale, but I'm not sure if 2 episodes were warranted. The whole Ward subplot dragged, imho. I've never believed they'll kill Bobbi, anyway. But her fight with Ward and Kara was all kinds of awesome.


Count me in on "Kill Ward" train, finally. I think it was the revelation/realization that he has become exactly like Garrett that clinched it for me.


I was annoyed at the whole FitzSimmons revival (because I've never seen any romantic chemistry there and honestly feel like this storyline was an asspull later in s1 because they had had a distinct brother/sister vibe for a long time), but after the coda, I guess it had a point. But really, hope Simmons is not dead because she just hasn't been explored enough. Now, Fitz, I could live without him  - he had a few interesting scenes early in the season (and "Science, bitch!" was great) but overall he doesn't really add much to the show, especially now that we also have Mac who can take over for him if necessary.


Glad that Mac and Weaver made it. I was worried about both.


But I'm really bummed about Raina. Her death felt way too fast. Maybe they had to write her off because the actress will be on Preacher? Her arc didn't seem finished. I wouldn't be surprised if her original purpose was to take over for Jiaying.

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 4


Also, was it just me or did there always seem to be some fuzzy type of CGI pixelation happening where Gordon's eyes were supposed to be?

I saw it too. Thought it was my eyes going...ironic.

I really loved this finale. Lots of action, everyone was used somewhat evenly, plot twists, like what really happened to that village. I'm going to miss 'ol crazy Cal. What great acting by Kyle McLachlan. 

I did not like Ward becoming the new head of Hydra. Would rather have seem May kill him instead of agent 33.

Simmons BETTER be OK!!!!!

Edited by Julie23
  • Love 2

I wonder if they are going to drop the plot point about the crystals in the ocean until the Inhumans movie?


I don't think so considering they already showed them ending up in fish oil. I think it's just an easy way to slowly reveal new Inhumans next season (as opposed to some kind of terrigen bomb that would turn thousands of Inhumans at once). I'm sure some will be good and Skye will recruit them, and some will be threats.


I was annoyed at the whole FitzSimmons revival (because I've never seen any romantic chemistry there and honestly feel like this storyline was an asspull later in s1 because they had had a distinct brother/sister vibe for a long time)


Completely agree. Back in season one, the actors said in interviews that they played Fitz and Simmons as brother/sister, and I believe the writers said they wrote them that way. I'm annoyed that they caved to fan pressure and made Fitz in love with Simmons, and I'm even more annoyed that she suddenly has feelings for him now. Seeing Bobbi and Hunter together made her realize this? I don't buy it -- she almost lost Fitz himself; if that didn't show her how much he means to her, nothing will. I felt like they just pushed the romance angle now to add even more stakes to her being sucked into that thing, and I don't think that was necessary.


Interesting note from the EW recap


And last but not least, the dossier. The term Caterpillars on the side presumably refers to the team Skye will be leading, which conveniently is a term used to refer to members of Fury and Daisy Johnson’s Secret Warriors team. While I’m sure some changes will be made if the Warriors transition from page to screen, it’s a safe bet the show will at least inch in this direction.

  • Love 6

II'm annoyed that they caved to fan pressure and made Fitz in love with Simmons, and I'm even more annoyed that she suddenly has feelings for him now.


I'm with you. And I didn't even realize there was fan pressure for a Simmons/Fitz pairing. Granted, I tend not to voyage out into the larger world of fandom (especially anything on Tumblr).


Fitz and me -- er, Mack -- forever! :)

  • Love 7

b. Raina : felt like a waste. Her dream was to lead the Inhumans? Whose existence she knew of for about a week?  


I thought Raina, unlike Skye, knew about Inhumans her entire life, and had spent all that time searching for them and for her own transformation. Still, sad to see her go. She was a great character.


May setting up Ward to kill Agent 33 was probably my favorite part.

  • Love 7

I didn't like Simmons suddenly having feelings for Fitz. I liked that they went with the different and more realistic approach, where Simmons didn't feel the same way. 


I'm wondering if they are setting up the Secret Warriors, since Quake is the captain of that team, with a bunch of mostly unknown heroes that they can probably use without effecting the movies. 

  • Love 1

I doubt she's out of the way. I think she really will get some sort of fusion with that alien thing and maybe some sort of anti Inhuman bias. It was set up in a way after Tripp died but she still didn't turn to Gonzalez because it would have been way too fast. Now, with this stuff amplifying her fear and distrust, who knows what will happen.


I was hoping for Fitz and Mac just because it would be new for a superhero/comic book show. The only gay man I remember is the captain on Flash, and he's a background character. I'm not really invested into it or anything, however.

  • Love 2

1) If a plane carrying dangerous crystals goes into the ocean, wouldn't they at least have some sort of plan to try to dilute it, contain it, or at least do SOMETHING? I mean, it's an oil tanker spill in the ocean times 1000, at least.



3) With all the ways that TAHITI has failed, is letting Cal loose on the streets really the safest thing to do? At any time his memories could start seeping in, all muddled and confusing, and who knows what kind of madness he'll take on. He might think SHIELD made him kill his wife, but have no accurate memory of why he actually did it.



Raina said she'd always dreamed of leading the Inhumans but that Skye would lead them instead. I thought they have their own royal family, no? Unless she was referring to the Afterlife compound, which would be harder now to reconstitute. Maybe Jiaying had always been rogue.

On 1. While I agree there should have been some sort of effort to recover the crystals (even if it was just a throw away line that they failed to locate them), it's not like there aren't some pretty good reasons why they couldn't have gone after them right away (Skye and Cal being the only ones on deck to see them go over, carrying for the many dead and wounded on board). Also, there would be no dilution. I mean they've been dropped into an ocean. There's no greater dilution than that. It's not like they can drop more water into it and hope that works out.

3. We've only seen Tahiti fail once, and for all we know, the mind wiping has been used on more than just the test victims for the GH serum and been very successful. If they know what went wrong with the murdery guy from the beginning of this season and can avoid making the same mistake, I don't think it's a stretch that they could wipe Cal and safely return him to the wild.

As for Raina and the Inhumans, I've been operating under the pet theory that Marvel intends to open the Inhumans movie with Attilan (the home city of the royal family) being located on the moon as it sometimes is in the comics, with the Afterlife community being made up of the descendants of Inhumans who didn't (or weren't allowed to) make the move. So Raina could have been talking about ruling the Inhumans on Earth. Or it could be that Afterlife has been separated from Attilan for so long that few remember the royal family.


Is Jiaying actually dead? She was cut into small pieces by Whitehall, which I presume meant more damage to her body than Cal could do with a bear hug. Did Whitehall not at some point sever her neck or spine?


After what we saw of how Jiaying healed tonight, I don't think she can heal/be brought back to life on her own. I think she needs to steal the life force of others (and in the case of fatal injuries, many others) to accomplish it. Cal said he attacked and wiped out all of those villages 20+ years ago to bring Jiaying enough victims to fully heal. I think that means Jiaying will stay dead from any lethal injury so long as she's not given the opportunity to prey on anyone before dying or so long as no one's around to make efforts to revive her.


b. Raina : felt like a waste. Her dream was to lead the Inhumans? Whose existence she knew of for about a week? 

Raina's always known about the Inhumans. Not by name maybe, and certainly not where to find them, but between Cal and her grandmother she knew her heritage and that people like her existed. It's why she's had such an interest in powered people for as long as we've known her, and it's why she wanted to ask the not-really-Clairvoyant Garrett the question from last year's finale "what will I become?"

  • Love 2

So, Kara/Ward's plan was actually personal: they wanted to torture Bobbi and make her apologize for what she did during her time undercover.  Of course, Bobbi wasn't down for any of that, and even almost beat both of their silly asses.  So, they then try to use her as bait and kill Hunter instead.  But she took the bullet!  And seems to be pulling through!  But... doesn't want to stick around?  I guess this will depend on if they go with this spin-off for not.


Meanwhile, Melinda doesn't get to shoot Ward, but almost finds something just as sweet: she totally set-up Ward to shoot and kill Kara!  Ha!  Couldn't happen to a better pair of psychos!  And now Ward has had enough and is going to reform Hydra.  Yep, the Redemption Tour is dead and buried!  Ward ain't no shades of grey now: dude is a pure villain, if he goes through with this.


I really did not see any real affection that Ward had for Kara, so kinda don't buy him being so butthurt over her death. 


As much as I was looking forward to another May-Ward battle, her getting him to take out his puppet was pretty boss.


What a waste of Raina. What was the point of the set up of her saying she was a guardian for her to get killed in the end.

I was a bit underwhelmed by her getting taken out so easily.  SkyeMommy did not even seem to have to avoid the spikes.  She would have been a good ongoing character because it was so clearly established that Raina could not be trusted unless there was something in it for her.  I wouldn't have wanted her to be a regular, but a once in awhile resource.


Kyle MacLachian, bravo and well done. Your character may be completely crackers, but I never expected him to make me feel for him so much. But in the end, I did, and that's because you're awesome.

KM has really raised the bar for interesting villains. He made BSC so compelling.  And I want KM back on my tv in whatever show asap.


I'm guessing the side effect of those Fish Oil tablets may not be deadly - just some hardening of the arteries.

  • Love 1

So was Kirk Acevedo's character killed by Skye at the cabin ?  Funny how she seems to feel no remorse about doing that.


Skye resolves all her family issues, then probably develops a few more.


One minor hiccup in the recap -- Jiaying didn't drain the life out of Raina, she stabbed her in the neck with a knife/dagger right in front of Skye.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
No, it was mentioned he was in recovery, so presumably he's still alive, just away from the action.


Thanks @FurryFury - I missed that.


One thing I noticed upon review -- were Bobbi's cuffs glued to that table because when she surprisingly freed herself, there were no holes in the tabletop that those cuffs would have been bolted to ?


It still bugs me that the powers of super slo-mo are exclusively used only for Skye, whether she is using her powers or not -- as exemplified by the multiple girl beatdown scene.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1

So was Kirk Acevedo's character killed by Skye at the cabin ?  Funny how she seems to feel no remorse about doing that.





One minor hiccup in the recap -- Jiaying didn't drain the life out of Raina, she stabbed her in the neck with a knife/dagger right in front of Skye.

He was trying to kill her at the time she just protected herself

  • Love 4

from the recap:



Item one is Coulson's plan for a secret SHIELD team of people with powers. Say, that does sound like fun. They could have started the series with that, but it's not terrible to have it in the third season.

Except I think that (the so-called "Secret Avengers" plotline) was perhaps the plan for the aborted spin-off, not for AoS.  I mean didn't they keep saying in the press that the spinoff was going to be setup by the finale?  My guess is that Bobbi would have been the team "handler" (the Amanda Waller), Mack would have assisted her, Deathlok probably would have been there, and the rest of the characters would have been new.


Skye, conveniently, would have still be on AoS, but I bet would have guest starred a lot.


I dunno. I guess whether or not they make this the main show plot depends on what they say are Fury, Hill, Morse and Coulson's SHIELD roles going forward. I wonder how solid their plan even was and if it depended on the second show being picked up or not.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1

from the recap:


Except I think that (the so-called "Secret Avengers" plotline) was perhaps the plan for the aborted spin-off, not for AoS.  I mean didn't they keep saying in the press that the spinoff was going to be setup by the finale?  My guess is that Bobbi would have been the team "handler" (the Amanda Waller), Mack would have assisted her, Deathlok probably would have been there, and the rest of the characters would have been new.


Skye, conveniently, would have still be on AoS, but I bet would have guest starred a lot.


I dunno. I guess whether or not they make this the main show plot depends on what they say are Fury, Hill, Morse and Coulson's SHIELD roles going forward. I wonder how solid their plan even was and if it depended on the second show being picked up or not.

Secret Warriors not Secret Avengers.That was Daisy's thing in the books - the team were all the sons/daughters of superheroes/villains


The project in the books was codenamed Caterpillar and that was the name on the file that Phil handed her


And there is now a bunch of Inhumans underground with a bunch of crystals,crystals in the food chain and that rock for that side of the team to chase.

Great season finale, though it did gloss over the gray areas in both sides' ethical arguments.

I'll miss Raina, and crazy-Cal. Tahiti's a magical place, man. With puppies on top.

The way May tricked Ward into taking out Kara was awesome.

However I am a teeny bit sympathetic to Kara. First, "leave no agent [named Skye] behind" SHIELD never did try to recover her. Then when she did make it back, how did Bobbi not go to her and sincerely apologize? "I didn't know there would be anybody at the safe house. I had to maintain a deep cover to protect all of SHIELD from Hydra, but I'm really sorry you were caught." Obviously Bobbi wasn't going to give any kind of sincere apology under kidnap and torture, but I think Kara was owed one.

Clark and Kyle looked like the were having a blast doing their SUV-pin scene.

The romance theme was surprisingly everywhere.

- Lovely that Cal still loved his wife, but was willing to kill her to protect his daughter.

- I have to admit, I was never sure whether Ward was pretending with Kara to use her or whether he really cared about her. In a twisted way, I think it's kind of sweet that it seems it was genuine.

- I love that May made a phone call to her ex, when things were getting tough. I don't think they're getting back together, but all that was good is still there.

- I feel the same about Hunter and Bobbi. I think they are fun as exes who bicker but still care and very occasionally boff. Unfortunately it looks like the show is turning up the romance? At least other characters were reading them that way.

- I'm on the Fitz/Simmons are friends/siblings train. It felt clunky having Simmons look at Hunter and suddenly decide that being afraid for Fitz's safety meant special tingly feelings. It seemed to be an obvious juice to make her obelisk attack more angsty, as if everyone wouldn't already be horrified. If they had created a special "our friendship is totally back on track" moment for Fitzsimmons, it would have been just as powerful.

- I would also love to see Fitz/Mac, but it looks less likely than ever.

  • Love 3

Speaking about romance, I think I could buy May and her husband, surprisingly (because romance-wise, the show does nothing for me, and I'm glad it's not forcing anything). Maybe I just want her to be happy.

Cal and Jiaying were tragic, too, and I totally bought how their relationship got worse and worse with time. Both were understandable in their motivations, too, which made it so much more poignant.


Since the transforming black rock thing is a Kree weapon to wipe out Inhumans, did it take Simmons because she's Inhuman?


I think it would have killed Simmons if she were an Inhuman.

  • Love 1

Speaking about romance, I think I could buy May and her husband, surprisingly (because romance-wise, the show does nothing for me, and I'm glad it's not forcing anything). Maybe I just want her to be happy.


May totally needs to be happy.  Though if we are talking about romance, for some reason I've come to like the idea of Bobbi/Mack. 

  • Love 5

b. Raina : felt like a waste. Her dream was to lead the Inhumans? Whose existence she knew of for about a week?


Also, was it just me or did there always seem to be some fuzzy type of CGI pixelation happening where Gordon's eyes were supposed to be?  

Remember that Cal said Raina was always wanting more after her desires were met? Being grasping was in character for her.


I wondered about Gordon's face too, but from close-ups in this episode I think it's just that the prosthetic is much smoother than the actor's actual skin, and there are no angles or deep hollows to give that area strong definition.


So was Kirk Acevedo's character killed by Skye at the cabin ?  Funny how she seems to feel no remorse about doing that.

If some stranger shot a bullet at me with no provocation and my attempt to protect myself accidentally killed him, I wouldn't exactly throw myself on his coffin in grief. I'm just sayin'.

Edited by Bruinsfan
  • Love 10
Yeah good job Skye, polluting the ocean

Dear inhabitants of the earth: Stop using the ocean as your dumping ground.  Because it will always bite you in the butt. 

Sincerely, Nature.


Shield really were idiots not to go ocean diving for those crystals

For an organization dedicated to protecting people from weird stuff, SHIELD is pretty careless with their stuff.  (This also shows up in the new Avengers movie,

where a bunch of stuff from a Hydra base is left lying around for Ultron to pick up and use.



Kyle McLachlan's acting should by all rights take the biggest credit, but I think the writing for Cal has been pretty good too.

There's a thing that happens sometimes where writers start writing to what an actor is doing with the role.  I know genre shows don't win Emmys but I want one for Kyle McLachlan.


I really did not see any real affection that Ward had for Kara, so kinda don't buy him being so butthurt over her death.

Ward "loved" Kara because he saw himself in her.

  • Love 10

I have to say, I've been thinking about it, and I don't see how May knew that Ward was going to kill Kara. I think even saying she she set him up is a bit of an overstatement. I think May knew that Kara would probably rely on her May-Mask; but I think there's a difference between allowing your enemy to use her own distraction technique to make herself into a target and making your BSC enemy kill one of his own. Ward was overconfident and careless. And, you know, homicidal.

  • Love 9

I think May calling in her "All Agents to whatever floor and don't do anything until you see my face" was her setting up Kara and Ward. The other Agent said they don't have any more Agents after they knew the other one wasn't answering his comms. 


She knew both Ward and Kara would go to that floor to wipe out those Agents (that will never show). Kara would change into May to handle those Agents and Ward being trigger happy and a psycho would kill May on the spot if he thinks she's showing up to that floor. Which he did.

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 7


3. We've only seen Tahiti fail once, and for all we know, the mind wiping has been used on more than just the test victims for the GH serum and been very successful. If they know what went wrong with the murdery guy from the beginning of this season and can avoid making the same mistake, I don't think it's a stretch that they could wipe Cal and safely return him to the wild.


I thought that Coulson had wanted to dismantle the program because it wasn't working properly, and had many problems. Which was one of the reasons why he was so angry when he found out that Fury had ordered it done to Coulson anyway.

  • Love 1

That has got tobe the most exciting 2 hour finale so far on TV!  I was so wired after watching this show that I had problem sleeping.


I'm gonna miss Reyna and Crazy Cal.  It seems that Reyna knew she was going to die anyway and she knew that her death would bring about change to the world of the Inhumans.  I guess she wanted to be an "Angel" so badly she got her wish.  Reyna knew that Skye would witness her murder at the hands of Jiaying and Skye would turn against Jiaying.  I think Reyna died happy.


KM was just amazing as Cal.  It was so tempting to hate him but I couldn't after awhile because I can tell he did all those bad things because of the loss of his family.  It made him absolutely crazy.  But hell, Cal was a charming kind of crazy.  KM just chewed up the scenery.  I had to laugh when Cal turned into a Frankenstein looking kind of monster and chased Fitz and Simmons down the hall.  He was suppose to be scary but I thought he just looked funny.  I laughed harder when Coulson pinned Cal against the wall with the car and Cal still couldn't stop being chatty.


I'm glad they didn't kill off Cal.  May be KM might come back, but right now, I am very satisfied with how his character ended up.  I think Cal is going to be very happy being an ordinary veterinarian.


Oh, Jemma!  They better bring her back next season!


You'd think the agents would be scrambling to find those Inhuman crystals once the whole plane carrying the crystals went into the ocean.  So, if you have that particular brand of fish oil, does that mean that you will turn Inhuman or turn into a big grey rock, turn into ashes and blow away?


What about the rest of the Inhumans???  Are they now under the control of SHIELD?  What about their little "paradise" away from the rest of the world?  Who's going to be running things in that village?  Skye?


I'm glad Mack is staying in SHIELD.  


I think they'll probably give Coulson a prosthetic arm or something.


All in all, very satisfied with this season finale.  This is going to be one long summer!



  • Love 4

When Jiaying was sucking the life out of Skye, was Skye's face turning 50 shades of gray ?  </snark>


I'm just hoping in Season 3 there are vacation photos of May in that red bikini she packed in her bag as she went off on vacation.  :)


I also wonder if Cal's vet clinic is in Milwaukee.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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However I am a teeny bit sympathetic to Kara. First, "leave no agent [named Skye] behind" SHIELD never did try to recover her. Then when she did make it back, how did Bobbi not go to her and sincerely apologize? "I didn't know there would be anybody at the safe house. I had to maintain a deep cover to protect all of SHIELD from Hydra, but I'm really sorry you were caught." Obviously Bobbi wasn't going to give any kind of sincere apology under kidnap and torture, but I think Kara was owed one.

I don't know if that would have been helpful if Kara didn't already know that Bobbi was the one that gave the Intel on Kara's safe house to Bakshi. It might have taken SHIELD away the a place Kara might be able to regroup and rebuild as person away from Ward's influence if she knew that someone who played a part in her capture was present. Bobbi might have apologized to her had Kara given any indication that she knew what had happened and Bobbi might have apologized to Kara later down the line when she felt Kara was ready to hear it. I don't think it's inherently wrong for her to have not apologized to Kara at that moment on the plane.

Also Bobbi wasn't just saving her cover or protecting all of SHIELD in an abstract way when she gave HYDRA the location of the safe house Kara was using. She gave that information to save 12 SHIELD agents from death or facing Kara's fate, presumably by redirecting HYDRA away from wherever those agents were hiding and toward a safe house she was hoping was empty. An apology from Bobbi wouldn't be out of place, but I don't think Bobbi owes Kara one anymore than she would have owed one to the 12 agents who she didn't save if her attempt had failed.

I thought that Coulson had wanted to dismantle the program because it wasn't working properly, and had many problems. Which was one of the reasons why he was so angry when he found out that Fury had ordered it done to Coulson anyway.

But wasn't the part he wanted to dismantle the research on the GH serum and not the memory wipe? We keep using the word Tahiti as if it's a code for memory erasing but it's not. It's the healing and resurrection research that were what the program was really about. The mind wiping only became part of the program because the GH serum was driving people insane, and erasing their memory of what had happened to them was the only thing that helped them return to normal. That's what Coulson wanted stopped, he thought the effects of the GH serum were too brutal to use even on willing subjects who were already dying. Cal never had access to the GH serum so presumably the experience of the Tahiti patients isn't relevant to what will happen to him. The only link is if he somehow uses pain to remember the way the murder-y test subject did earlier this season, but we don't know if that technique works for all people whose memory has been wiped or if it worked for him because of the GH serum and the compulsion to carve it gave him.

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I thought Raina, unlike Skye, knew about Inhumans her entire life, and had spent all that time searching for them and for her own transformation. Still, sad to see her go. She was a great character.

I loved Raina, she was awesome.


I  loved Mac.


if we are talking about romance, for some reason I've come to like the idea of Bobbi/Mack.

I concur.  If they must do a romance I'm for Bobbi/ Mack over Bobbi/Hunter.

Edited by miracole
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