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S20.E12: Week 9 Results

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Oh, hey Noah - you getting permission from Riker to propose before his dance does not make it okay. What the hell else was he going to say?

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Derek really shouldn't come back to this show because (and I'm sure he knows this, too) he's never going to win again.  So, I don't know why he keeps coming back. 


For money and pr, like all the other pros? He was second a year ago, and 1st the 2 seasons before that. I don't think he's been too mistreated.

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Saaaaad. :(


I've said this before, but I'm honestly uninterested in who wins this show, but I DO care who's freestyles I get to see. I was bummed we didn't get a Charlie freestyle, and I really really wanted to see a Nastia freestyle. And I'm now massively less interested in the final.


I will say this, and I'm saying this as a fan of Derek. He did do her a disservice by not being able to be there fully as a partner - she could keep up with the technical stuff in the time crunch they had, but they weren't able to click in to a partnership until too late. It wasn't the training she needed, it was the partnership. He made some comment early on where he was like, "We're actually more productive than when we're at the studios with everyone, because it's all work and there's no time to goof around." And I was all, "Nooooooo, it's the goofing around you need to be doing!"


I guess I'm glad she got to go out on a high note, at least. Bleh Noah. 

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I can't say I was super surprised that Noah got through - after all, he sewed that up with the calculated proposal - but I really didn't think Nastia would be going home. However I did learn something back in the days on those other boards (uh, previous to these), which is that fan bases do not really decide the outcomes of these shows. Numbers-wise, fan bases pale in comparison to the good ole hefty weight of the masses, who vote for whichever dance/song/etc they like the most on any given night.


Rumer, while given the death slot of going first last night with her judges' choice, was absolutely the most memorable. I have seen many pasos, many tangos, and many waltzes, but I have never seen Swan Lake on this show and Bruno (that sly fox) knew that and frankly, he bested the other judges with showmanship.

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For money and pr, like all the other pros? He was second a year ago, and 1st the 2 seasons before that. I don't think he's been too mistreated.


If Derek's not first, he may as well be last!


Poor baby, some other celebrities may be more engaging, charismatic and better dancers than his celebrity. It's just so unfair. Sweet humble angel has just suffered so much. This pure cinnamon roll is too good for Dancing with the Stars.

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Oh, hey Noah - you getting permission from Riker to propose before his dance does not make it okay. What the hell else was he going to say?

He did?

Way to put Riker on the spot dude.

I caught the shade Val threw at Derek and Nastia, not a good look.

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Well Hough fans have to remember they have Hough-lite Riker in the finals, so  I wouldn't be overly bummed about  Derek.  It's Nastia who probably should have danced with Sasha all season long who I feel for. 

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I hope they have the sharks at the ready so Noah and Sharna can jump over them during their freestyle.

That would be FABulous!

I have prepared myself for them to win. I was actually surprised they weren't called safe tonight.


Nastia deserved to be in the finals but I'm glad Derek isn't, and up until this season I was a Derek fan. I feel like he was allowed to crap all over the show this season. I'm glad Val said what he did in that "tell us why you want to win" segment about "I've given this show my undivided attention."


With the way the judges scored Noah this season, clearly NOT giving scores based on how specific dances are supposed to be danced, Carrie Ann needs to have a bucket of water dumped on her head if she deducts points for a lift ever again.

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A little surprised Nastia was sent home but I'm not really upset about it. Now if she'd been paired with Sasha from the beginning I'd be royally miffed at her being eliminated. She had more chemistry with him than she did all season with Derek.

Much as I like Allison as a contemporary dancer I really, really don't care for her ballroom. So I can't get behind her and Riker winning.

Noah is an amazing person and he and Sharna made me cry a few times last night but I'm not voting for him to win. (Sorry Sharna! I still love you!)

So I guess I'm hoping for Rumer to win it all. Which is who I'd picked from the start.

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Well Hough fans have to remember they have Hough-lite Riker in the finals, so  I wouldn't be overly bummed about  Derek.  It's Nastia who probably should have danced with Sasha all season long who I feel for. 

Oh yes, I hope TPTB can see that Sasha would make an excellent pro partner next season! He was fantastic with Nastia.

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Rumer, while given the death slot of going first last night with her judges' choice, was absolutely the most memorable. I have seen many pasos, many tangos, and many waltzes, but I have never seen Swan Lake on this show and Bruno (that sly fox) knew that and frankly, he bested the other judges with showmanship.

This.  I was completely enthralled by the dance, wow that had to be so friggen difficult, the dirty dancing lift alone is one mutha to get right,  and the production was spot on. 

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Oh yes, I hope TPTB can see that Sasha would make an excellent pro partner next season! He was fantastic with Nastia.

Oh yes, I hope TPTB can see that Sasha would make an excellent pro partner next season! He was fantastic with Nastia.

Wasn't Sasha paired with Snooki a few seasons back?

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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Not to say Val looked good in that talking head, but I can't feel too bad for Derek because he (and Mark) has thrown his fair share of shade in a pre-finals analysis of their competition, most notably his passive aggressive compliments towards Kyle Massey in S11, when it seemed like he might be more of an audience fan favorite than his partner Jennifer Grey.

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Oh yes, I hope TPTB can see that Sasha would make an excellent pro partner next season! He was fantastic with Nastia.

I thought Sasha was a great pro when he danced with Snooki.  I am surprised he hasn't been selected more often.

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Not to say Val looked good in that talking head, but I can't feel too bad for Derek because he (and Mark) has thrown his fair share of shade in a pre-finals analysis of their competition, most notably his passive aggressive compliments towards Kyle Massey in S11, when it seemed like he might be more of an audience fan favorite than his partner Jennifer Grey.

Yes, they have.

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If Derek's not first, he may as well be last


Derek once said that he'd just as soon go out 4th (this was before the seasons where they had 4 couples do a freestyle) so as not to have the added pressure of the finale week and the freestyle and 2 other dances.  Of course, I doubt he was thinking of a season where he had such a beautiful dancer as a partner.

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Nastia and Derek got eliminated? What the fuck? They were easily the best of the night.

No way Nastia should have been eliminated. I felt that she was robbed as much as the last Olympian, Shawn Johnson was is losing to Melissa Rycroft in the all star season. Shawn was season 8 champion while Melissa, I believe, came in 4th. Maybe it has to do with Derick being their partners. I guess Olympians are not as popular as disabled veterans (with all do respect) and daughters of movie stars who were bullied as a child.

Edited by Waldo13
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This reminds me of when Brandy fell short in S11, but Bristol Palin made the finals.


I was going to post the exact same thing. Noah probably has the same voting block as Bristol did.


I heard that Val was just an ass tonight.  Basically saying that Nastia is "uninteresting" and his dramatic collapse to the floor after the results.  Too bad they're pretty much going to hand him the mirror ball next week.


Actually, all of the pros gave critiques of all the celebs' weaknesses, and Sharna basically called Nastia a robot without human emotion, but sure, let's just highlight Val's critique of Nastia alone as the sole takeaway of the night if it makes people feel better.


I really liked Erin talking to the pros alone to hear about their effort, because even through it is about the stars, obviously they want to succeed in their role as well. The show doesn't comment on it, but making it to the finals can make the difference between coming back and having a job next season, or ending up on Dancing with the Goatherders of Turkmenistan, like some of the other former DWTS pros are doing.


And hey, first time since week 1 that the someone on the show mentioning "Val's time", so congrats, grassy knollers, you're finally vindicated!


Did the dancing through the eras skip the 1940s or did I miss it?


I loved Allison in the female pros number. She was obviously the best dancer onstage in that routine. I just think she's out of her element as a pro on a ballroom competition show. Or at least a show that purports to be a ballroom competition show.


Is Teen Beach the new High School Musical except even worse? Riker's brother is cuter than he is, why didn't he do the show?


Shocked as hell Nastia is leaving. You could tell Rumer wasn't expecting that at all. I wonder if Derek getting hurt kind of shot her finale chances in the foot, because they should have been a shoe-in for the win. (Puns slightly intended. Sorry.) Did Derek's fanbase stop voting once Sasha took over?

Edited by skittl3862
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Wasn't Sasha paired with Snooki a few seasons back?

Yes, but not since. He needs to be back! Of course I don't know what machinations go on behind the scenes, and why pros like Sasha seem to do well when they're given a chance to compete and then aren't given more chances. For example, TPTB would have been justified in not having Allison as a pro this season, given last season with Jonathan, yet here she came back right away and with a ringer no less.

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I caught that, too! Total shade at Derek. Loved it.

And Val remains one of my favorites. I enjoy Derek's choreography, but I really felt it was a selfish choice to take Nastia, someone who had all it took to win, and shortchange her by being, literally, pulled in two directions every week. (Plus, I would guess the injury was related to the workload and lack of concentration or other explanation for unusually careless behavior). Nastia was a lovely dancer and would have done well with Sasha all season (and he got shortchanged, too, since injured Derek kind of treated him like a stand in, not a peer, someone executing/ teaching Derek's choreo and standing around while Derek and Nastia talked to Tom and Erin. I found him somewhat unappreciated, considering the difficulty Sasha had to contend with in rehearsal all season, and even moreso at the end.


Noah's going to win, isn't he? Bleh.  (And I have a feeling that to Derek this season will always be "the one I would have won if I didn't get injured." No way to prove it, of course, but I did see the ego this season that others have mentioned before. He should have thought of his partner and just been part of the show as a guest, when convenient.)

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This may be a huge unpopular opinion but I don't think Nastia being paired with Sasha or Henry or anyone else but maybe Val (which would not have happened because he was already with Rumer because many forget that Nastia herself did not commit to the show until a week or two before the announcement) would have made a difference and in fact, I think she might have been an earlier shock boot with them. 


I do not disagree that Derek's crazy schedule was not ideal and did not help but I honestly think Nastia would have gotten the same "you're cold, you don't connect" accusations she got because it's simply how her personality is. I think just as some mention the judges not giving Noah the scores he deserved, they also played their part in the Nastia narrative in nitpicking her constantly and furthering the storyline that she was so cold. Maybe the narrative would have been different if she was with another Pro but I don't think so. 


And honestly, possibly another unpopular opinion, I didn't find Nastia so much different and this whole new life some seemed to suggest with Sasha. I just felt like it was time for the shift in her narrative, so suddenly she was "amazing and found herself" even though she'd been amazing many times before that. And honestly, for all the gushing over the Charleston and Quickstep, I think Nastia's true emotional moment and emotional connection was the VW with Derek. 


I felt that she was robbed as much as the last Olympian, Shawn Johnson was is losing to Melissa Rycroft in the all star season. Shawn was season 8 champion while Melissa, I believe, came in 4th. Maybe it has to do with Derick being their partners.



In my opinion, Shawn won Season 8 because she was a recent popular Olympian and Cheryl completely screwed up the freestyle with Gilles who likely could have won the whole thing. And then in All-Stars, there was clearly in my opinion a push to have a non-winner win and because Gilles unfortunately imploded, Melissa became the chosen one. I never do Grassy Knoll and even I called bullshit on that season's scoring with regards to Melissa and the way Apolo was dismissed. Apolo was the Charlie of that season. So in essence, I don't think that had anything to do with Derek.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It's interesting when a pro that stands in, burns up the dance floor with a celeb.

Sasha and Nastia really clicked and looked great together.

Made me think, what if?

Like when Meryl and Val pulled off one of the best dances of S18.


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I will say I think Noah is most comparable to Candace/Bristol (though I didn't watch the Bristol season) - beyond "limitations", I just don't think the guy has that much rhythm. And I think he's got the same voting block. 


Is Teen Beach the new High School Musical except even worse? Riker's brother is cuter than he is, why didn't he do the show?



Yes definitely, and I gotta believe Ross was their first choice, and somehow he was able to say no and foist his brother on them. (Riker's won me over, mostly, but I can't believe "minor role on Glee and in mildly successful band" was more enticing than "star of hit Disney channel show and in mildly successful band") 

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Well Hough fans have to remember they have Hough-lite Riker in the finals, so  I wouldn't be overly bummed about  Derek.  It's Nastia who probably should have danced with Sasha all season long who I feel for.


And once again, even if Derek wasn't on the show this season, there's no guarantee that Nastia would've been on.  Derek had another partner all ready to go but it fell through.  So, they got Nastia to replace her.  Even if Sasha got to be a pro this season, his partner probably wouldn't have been Nastia. 


But Sasha has put in enough work to show that he should probably once again be a pro next season.  They just need to find someone short enough.

Edited by superdeluxe
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Val's comment was being too perfect can be uninteresting. I've watched the show for years that sentiment has been said about many ringers. How many posters have said similar about other contestants?

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I thought there was more warmth from Nastia in her solo dances with Sasha than the rest of them put together.  Sasha would've made it all about her, and let her relax.  What could have been, indeed....

Edited by msburg
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I loved Allison in the female pros number. She was obviously the best dancer onstage in that routine. I just think she's out of her element as a pro on a ballroom competition show.

This cracks me up because I was thinking the exact opposite. That she was worse that any other dancer out there. Maybe it's my hatred of her as a ballroom partner that's coloring my opinion.

Not surprised at all about Noah but I thought it would be Rumor. Glad I was wrong. I still have a reason to watch the finale.

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And honestly, possibly another unpopular opinion, I didn't find Nastia so much different and this whole new life some seemed to suggest with Sasha. I just felt like it was time for the shift in her narrative, so suddenly she was "amazing and found herself" even though she'd been amazing many times before that. And honestly, for all the gushing over the Charleston and Quickstep, I think Nastia's true emotional moment and emotional connection was the VW with Derek. 


I didn't see much of a difference with Sasha vs Derek, but I did see a difference a bit when they were able to stay in LA, and just focus on the one thing. (Although I don't know what happened with Nastia's class work?)


I watched their rehearsal streams, and they seemed more relaxed and goofy at the LA ones. Derek had this crazy "NET: No Extra Time" philosophy for splitting the work in New York, and while it might have been efficient I don't know how much they were able to bond during it. (Every time she got the, "you guys aren't connecting" critique I kept thinking - if this were a cheesy dance movie, that would be the moment when they'd have a frustrating rehearsal, and then one of them would say "You know what, we just need to get out of here," and then there'd be a montage of them at Coney Island letting loose, and then miraculously they'd be connected.) She might have still gotten the "you seem cold" edit, because obviously her personality tends towards the closed off, but I would have been interested if it would have made a difference. The narrative might have been able to shift slightly sooner. (Or it may not have, who knows.) 

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Not to say Val looked good in that talking head, but I can't feel too bad for Derek because he (and Mark) has thrown his fair share of shade in a pre-finals analysis of their competition, most notably his passive aggressive compliments towards Kyle Massey in S11, when it seemed like he might be more of an audience fan favorite than his partner Jennifer Grey.

Derek and Mark also threw shade at Brandy during her season. They parroted the message boards criticisms about her that year saying Brandy wanted the win too much.

Edited by gohawks
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Actually, all of the pros gave critiques of all the celebs' weaknesses, and Sharna basically called Nastia a robot without human emotion, but sure, let's just highlight Val's critique of Nastia alone as the sole takeaway of the night if it makes people feel better.


I found more detail of what was said:  Folks can judge for themselves what Val said. Not a big deal to me in the context of the segment:


Q: Hey could u post the video segment where Val allegedly said something bad about Nastia. I didn't watch the show and know that they are blowing this way out of proportion.


A: I haven’t seen a video posted of it yet. But I’ve transcribed what was said about Nastia

Val says, he thinks “She (Nastia) is the whole package. She’s flawless really but I think being so perfect makes them (her & Derek) a bit uninteresting.”


Sharna ALSO says “We need a human moment from her (Nastia)”


It wasn’t really a big deal to me, quite fair critique which is what ALL four of the pros were doing in the segment pointing out strengths & weaknesses of the other celebs.

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I also did not appreciate Val's comment (critique) about Derek and Nastia that they were so perfect it made them uninteresting.  I thought that was harsh and not really a critique of her dancing.


That comment I actually agreed with. Nastia is a fantastic dancer, she's a powerhouse for all the technique. She does look perfect, and that can be boring if you don't also have emotion showing. There were a lot of times throughout the season where I thought she was technically perfect but emotionally blank, and that does affect how her dancing comes off to the audience. She really only seemed to relax more these past couple of weeks or so (to me, anyway). I know she's a more emotionally reserved person and I can respect that, but it does affect the dancing and the way she presents as a performer. It's not as fun to watch someone who's technically spot on, but emotionally a bit boring.


That said... I do think she was completely robbed tonight. I would have been furious if Rumer had gone home, but to see Nastia get the boot was almost as bad. To have her go home while Noah is still in the competition is complete and utter bullshit to me. He doesn't dance. And it could have been amazing to see Nastia in the final. Instead I'm going to be sitting there, fuming, watching Noah do 1/3 of what everyone else is doing (if that much, even). To have any of them (Rumer, Nastia or Riker) go home over Noah -- it's incredibly unfair.


On the one hand, I appreciate that the things Noah has done as a performer have been difficult for him. So by that measurement, he's doing pretty much all he absolutely can. He's at the top of his effort.


But by that same token, that level of difficulty for him doesn't come close to the level of performance that has come out of the other three people, so there comes a point where it's not fair that these people are killing themselves with all these intense, high energy, high movement dances, and Noah makes it to the finals with essentially a lot of walking around and barely any movement at all. He hasn't even had to do most of the dances the rest of them did -- did he ever do a jive, a quickstep or anything remotely fast? -- and that's not right.

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But Sasha has put in enough work to show that he should probably once again be a pro next season.  They just need to find someone short enough.



I think Sasha is really short and that is way he doesn't get cast more.

I'm 5'4! I volunteer!

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I am still steamed about the surprise proposal.  I think it was majorly unfair to the other contestants.  Did I hear correctly that only Sharna and Riker knew this was going to happen?  I wonder if the producer would have let this go through--but knowing this show, all publicity is good and this set Twitter afire.  I just think it threw Nastia, Rumer, and Riker under the bus.







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Derek and Mark also threw shade at Brandy during her season. They parroted the message boards criticisms about her that year saying Brandy wanted the win too much.


Let's not forget the demented lines debacle. But yeah, Derek's shade was out in full force with Brandy and especially with Kyle. I'm inclined to forgive Val for saying something that is very very true: perfection is boring. Nuances matter in dancing. 

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I wish the show would consider going a little less A list for their athletes as there are only a handful of American Olympic gold medalist female gymnasts who I would want to see on the show, and even fewer still who I think would actually do DWTS. Same with the figure skaters. There are a ton of fun athletes who've never medaled at the Olympics who would still be great on the show.

.There's a whole whack of short gymnasts out there who would love the chance.

cough...Gabby Douglas...cough!

Yes! That might have to wait till after 2016 though as she's trying to make a comeback, and so far she's avoiding going the Nastia (and Shawn Johnson) way about it ;) I also like the idea of Sasha with future Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Biles after 2016.


I think Mark has done great work these past few seasons, but since Sasha is even shorter than Mark next season it would be nice if TPTB would assign Sasha whoever they were going to give Mark, give Henry whichever celebrity selected for Derek, and Artem whichever partner Val would normally get. Shake things up a bit.

Edited by tearbender
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I'm not ashamed to admit that I cackled like a madwomen when Nastia got the boot. really Noah should have gone home before her (I've been wanting them both gone though), but no way was he gonna get sent home the same week he proposed. Also, when I got to thinking, how would it worked out if Nastia won the mirrorball? Would Sasha and Henry (the latter whom Nastia failed to mention--he must have been grouped in with "everyone") get any mirrorball credit?

I'll take a guess and say Rumer 1st, Noah 2nd (although he should be 3rd) and Riker 3rd for the finals unless his teeny bopper following kicks voting into overdrive with all their 50 accounts each and stuff.

I agree with Val's comment on Nastia and Derek. She is a wonderful dancer, but I've always considered her bland otherwise. She lacked chemistry with Derek, and I never felt like she connected with the audience (or at least me).

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Derek really shouldn't come back to this show because (and I'm sure he knows this, too) he's never going to win again.  So, I don't know why he keeps coming back.

For money and pr, like all the other pros? He was second a year ago, and 1st the 2 seasons before that. I don't think he's been too mistreated.



Exactly.  The guy has won the trophy FIVE times!  He's never done worse than 6th place (with Shannon Elizabeth).  He gets his ass kissed like no one else.  Give other pros a chance.


Nevertheless, I think Nastia deserved to be in the finals (her quick step with Sasha was outstanding); the finals will definitely suck without her.


I am still steamed about the surprise proposal.  I think it was majorly unfair to the other contestants.  Did I hear correctly that only Sharna and Riker knew this was going to happen?  I wonder if the producer would have let this go through--but knowing this show, all publicity is good and this set Twitter afire.  I just think it threw Nastia, Rumer, and Riker under the bus.


I just read somewhere that this will be Noah's third marriage - WTF?

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Did the dancing through the eras skip the 1940s or did I miss it?


I would have loved it if they smashcut to an intense battle scene of them storming the beaches at Normandy: 1940s. No dancing. 


Right back into dancing.

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Also, fourth place, does this mean Derek will go away now? Last time he got third.



Bethany was 4th.


I do think that Derek will cite this as "We could have won but I got hurt"



Derek has taken all his eliminations in stride and never made excuses for them. 


I did not see Val's comment and honestly don't really care one way or the other. That being said, if twitter is anything to go by, he's getting skewered for it and that may not be so good for him and Rumer. Man, I don't know if Val's head will be able to take it if Allison aka can barely dance ballroom herself, wins a mirrorball before him. Or hell the guy with the one arm and one leg.


Give other pros a chance.



How is Derek's presence not giving another Pro a chance? People bring up Henry and Sasha, well if the producers wanted to make either of those a Pro, they would have. Both had a season and instead of making them a Pro again, they chose to bring in others like Artem and Keo. And speaking of those two, they are a perfect example of if the producers want to bring someone back they do. Keo hardly impressed his first season since he had a dud and was out the first week and they still gave him another shot. Derek's presence is not what guarantees some other Pro a chance or not because by that same token you can say the same for Tony who has been on the show practically since the beginning or Mark who has been as long as Derek, etc. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I love Nastia and she got my votes but people were not passionate about her Seeming coldness this season. Then she danced with Len and people assumed she would be safe. I'm not shocked. People have talked up Noah being a national hero. There are some who believe that him just trying makes him deserving of the title.

And then he played the romance card. On my FB timeline people were all aww they are super adorable together.

So I'm just not shocked. I do wish Nastia was still her because I have loved her family since the 80's. Nastia was one of the best dancers. Plus I adore what Derek does creativity.

But we'll have amother first time pro winner so people can chill a bit.

If Allison and Riker win will Derek get blamed?

Any way I'll vote for Rumor. I love Val's dancing and Bruce Willis. I like Rumer too but I do think she has been one note but so has Allison (Who I Actually love too off this show) ..

And I do hope Derek continues to comeback. He's entertaining for a lot of us.

Edited by tarotx
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Man, I don't know if Val's head will be able to take it if Allison aka can barely dance ballroom herself, wins a mirrorball before him. Or hell the guy with the one arm and one leg.


I'm sure he'll take it in stride. He came in behind Sadie last season and she was the equivalent of one arm and one leg.

Edited by skittl3862
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I'm 5'4! I volunteer!


'Scuse me, poster comin' through here at 4'11"!


I was mentioning to my Mom last night that I've wanted to see Nadia Comaneci on this show for quite some time (even before Shawn Johnson was on) and I wouldn't mind seeing her with Sasha at all.  


I would say that Bart Conner and Nadia would be a good choice if they wanted to try another Ty Murray/Jewel thing, but I would want for the votes to get split.  I do think that's why Charlie left earlier than he probably woud have otherwise.

Edited by Sile
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