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Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over and Over...

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Office Space.


    Never get tired of it and never get tired of quoting it.

Office Space is genius. It's funny because it's true.



Office Space is in my top 3 quotable films alongside The Color Purple and Forrest Gump. I don't know if I was supposed to laugh at Milton's plight or not, but I always find myself genuinely pissed-off in the scene where he gets passed over for cake...I couldn't wait for him to burn that place down

Edited by spaceytraci1208

We hear you've been missing work, Peter.

Well, I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob. 


PC load letter?  What the f**k does that mean?


It's a Jump To Conclusions Mat!


The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.


The ratio of people to cake is too big.


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays!



Classics.  All of them.  Every one.  Office Space should be required viewing for anyone working in an office.  And yes, I have a red Swingline stapler on my desk.

  • Love 5

Meatballs. It's a silly movie about a summer camp staring Bill Murry before he hit it big with Stripes and Ghostbusters. Highly quotable; "It just doesn't matter. God himself could point his finger at our end of the field all the girls would still go out with Camp Mohawk since they have all the money!" Most people I know live Caddyshack, this one beats it by a mile. (Like Caddyshack 2 and a weekend at Bernie's 2 any sequals are best avoided).

Edited by ilovethedark
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Well, I've seen Need for Speed 4 times. I'm so ashamed. It's like an even dumber version of F&F. But I have like this weird fascination with Aaron Paul. And he looks 12! And I feel like a pedophile! Someone help me!

Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

and I'm not even gonna lie, I've watched the remake of Endless Love twice.

Edited by 00redsvt
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Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead

The Rocky Horror Picture Show


I've watched Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead so many times, and it is so stupid, but so enjoyable. Is The Rocky Horror Picture Show stupid? I think it's kind of genius. 


I'm such a whore for silly dance movies; Breakin', Lambada, The Forbidden Dance, all those dumbass Step Up films... it's bad. I refuse to call Dirty Dancing and Footloose stupid, though... OK Footloose is stupid, but Dirty Dancing is everything.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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I don't know if they all qualify as stupid... obviously I watch them repeatedly because I enjoy them but I've seen Grease, Sister Act, She's All That, Ever After, and The Princess Bride more times that I can remember and probably more times than is healthy. I don't watch TV (like the TV set) that much anymore so I don't really watch the same movies over and over than much anymore. I'll sometimes get sucked into watching a rom-com if there's a part I want to watch coming up like the makeover scene in The Devil Wears Prada (even though I hate that movie) or the Thriller scene in 13 Going on 30.

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Mine’s Congo with: Laura Linney scowling all over the place, Tim Curry’s vaguely Eastern European mustache twirling bad guy,  Mr. Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson’s great white hunter, Bruce Campbell for no apparent reason, Dylan Walsh with his flowing locks as the damsel in distress and Bufford Pusser himself in all his profiteering glory.


Not to mention: match making gorillas who know sign language, hidden diamond treasure, man eating hippos, civil war, space satellites with death lasers, murderous grey simians and escape via hot air balloon.


I love, love, love it and I’ll just finish with this, “Stop eating my sesame cake!”

Edited by bosawks
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I've watched Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead so many times, and it is so stupid, but so enjoyable. Is The Rocky Horror Picture Show stupid? I think it's kind of genius.

I'm such a whore for silly dance movies; Breakin', Lambada, The Forbidden Dance, all those dumbass Step Up films... it's bad. I refuse to call Dirty Dancing and Footloose stupid, though... OK Footloose is stupid, but Dirty Dancing is everything.

Everyone in my family looks at me funny for knowing ALL the words to TRHPS. Which makes me sad because I totally want to do one of the live reenactments at a theater. No soup for me, I guess.

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Count me in as another who loves Clue.  I have seen it close to 100 times and it never gets old.  I can quote every line of it.


I read about some remake in the works.  Was curious if it was going to be a completely new story, would it still be a comedy, would the only thing in common be the board game it is based on, etc.  Then I read it got shelved and was disappointed.


I also was very disappointed that there wasn't some kind of 25th anniversary DVD with special features, etc.  Sad that some of the actors have now passed.

  • Love 3

I refuse to accept that I live in a world in which Clue and Office Space count as stupid movies.



Mortal Kombat owns this thread for me. It's only as an adult that I'm able to watch and truly appreciate just how cheesy it is because when I was thirteen? It was the best. film. ever.


Oh, Mortal Kombat. How I loved thee. How I listened to your theme song on loop for ages...

  • Love 3

Pretty much any Lifetime made-for-TV movie. There's this one that I love called Odd Girl Out that was made about ten years ago, starring Alexa Vega (of Spy Kids fame). It's this movie about this girl who's slowly ousted by her friend group by this jealous bitch while her best friend stands by and lets it all happen. Then, the best friend will periodically befriend Vega's character and make her believe everything is cool between them before stabbing her in the back. They make a hate-website and it gets so extreme that Vega's character tries to kill herself. But another uncool girl, who's been there for her all along, pulls her out of her depression and makes her realize those girls were never her friends at all. It ends with Vega's character verbally destroying the main BFF by telling her how terrible she is and blah, blah, blah.


It's a pretty serious topic, but the movie itself is just ridiculous in how unrelentingly grim it is. The school is portrayed as this evil place by literally having as little light as possible, so it's cast in shadows and almost complete darkness. It's got a few Avril Lavigne songs to portray how dark and lonely Vega's character is becoming. The acting is sort of decent for a made-for-TV flick, but the film does get pretty silly for a movie about bullying. There's one scene where Vega's mom goes to the school to talk to the principal about the bullies, and all the teenagers literally stop talking and glare at her like they're planning where to bury her later.


I love watching it whenever it's on. Another favorite Lifetime flick is Augusta, Gone, which is also pretty decent for what it is but can also get silly and ridiculous at times. Like when the main character has to go to this reform school for bad kids, and one of the stipulations is that she can't buy any more black clothing or makeup. Because once your kid starts wearing darker stuff, that's a sure-fire sign that she's become a little hellion.

  • Love 1

We hear you've been missing work, Peter.

Well, I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob. 


PC load letter?  What the f**k does that mean?


It's a Jump To Conclusions Mat!


The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.


The ratio of people to cake is too big.


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays!


Classics.  All of them.  Every one.  Office Space should be required viewing for anyone working in an office.  And yes, I have a red Swingline stapler on my desk.

But did you know that red Swingline staplers didn't exist until demand for them after the movie prompted the company to make them?

  • Love 2

Oh, I watch tons of garbage when left to my own devices. One morning I woke up and thought, let's check out The Mirror Has Two Faces on youtube. But thankfully, I rarely make those mistakes more than once. I did watch Love Potion Number 9 more than once though. And how could I forget my other stupid watch? Teen Witch. I've seen than movie an embarrassing number of times. 


I like Don't Tell Her it's Me. It's a favorite of my oldest sister's, although the copy that she has is oddly called The Boyfriend School. I am not always a fan of kids in movies, but I actually really like the little girl in that one. She does a great job.


All in all "stupid" movies are far more fun to watch than "good" ones: I can't count how many times I've seen The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking, Mac &Me,  Annie (1982), all of which I know are not considered masterpieces by any means. They are still tons of fun to watch.


Although these ones don't hold up quite as well, I would still gladly watch Just one of the Guys and/or the Corey Haim "masterpiece" Just one of the Girls" if they came on. There was also one called Backfire! that I think was supposed to be a parody of Backdraft which was all kinds of ridiculous, but I would still love to see that again.

Edited by die Frau
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Even though I loath musicals; Showgirls,and Xanadu. Congo here too, and the old King Kong with Jessica Lang. Oh! Airport and Airport 75 I freaking love A75, the shots of the plane flying through the mountains are stunning-no CGI ether back then. "Climb, baby, climb." lol

I watch Tootsie and Bonnie and Clyde every time they air, though I don't think they qualify as stupid.

I too, thought Christian and Helen were brother and sister.

Edited by xls

Although these ones don't hold up quite as well, I would still gladly watch Just one of the Guys and/or the Corey Haim "masterpiece" Just one of the Girls" if they came on. There was also one called Backfire! that I think was supposed to be a parody of Backdraft which was all kinds of ridiculous, but I would still love to see that again.


I love Just One of the Guys! I had no idea there was a Just One of the Girls or that Corey Haim is in it. This is now a must see film for me.


Cry-Baby is so deliberate in it's stupidity that it transcends being stupid and becomes kind of smart. 


I love the OG Clash of the Titans and The Golden Voyage of Sinbad. I live for those cheesy stop-motion effects. 

  • Love 2
Oh, I forgot about all the DCOM's. I don't watch them that much anymore but I was a sucker for repeat viewings of Disney Channel Original Movies.



Anytime Disney would play (which sadly, is not often anymore), Brink!, Motocrossed, Zenon and Smart House.  They don't make em like that anymore.


Sports movies are my guilty pleasures, enough that I'll even watch the dumbest ones.  I know every line from every Mighty Ducks movie, I freaking love Wildcats, and I think I watched Ladybugs (with Rodney Dangerfield and Jackee) at least once a week growing up.  


 What'd you do? A girl doesn't give the opposing team the finger and tell their coach, "Up yours!" A girl doesn't refer to the referee a blind bastard. A girl doesn't slap another girl on the ass and say, "You're hot stuff!" And a girl doesn't say "I gotta take a leak so bad I can taste it!"


Also, a movie in which I think I may be the only person that likes it - Hello Again, with Shelly Long and Gabriel Byrne.  Oh, and If Looks Could Kill with Richard Grieco.  I will stop and watch those if I ever see them on tv.

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Ok, this one hasn't made heavy rotation on tv yet (at least not the stations I've got), but, if when it is, I will more than likely stop for Rock of Ages every time I see it.  Damn was Tom Cruise hot in that movie and, imo, quite impressive.  When he commits to a role, he really commits to a role.  Also, I lived in Hollywood in from 1987-1989, from the age of 18-20, and I was in most of those clubs, listening to those songs, dressing that way......so, nostalgia plays a part.

  • Love 1

Watch it, aradia22. My sisters and I will hurt somebody over a bad word uttered about Grease 2. We used to attend a church-run summer school that played Grease and Grease 2 on repeat on the VCR.

This was 30+ years ago in NC, keep in mind. I still wonder if anyone actually looked at what we were watching, because Grease/2 doesn't exactly promote the lifestyle one would think a southern Baptist child of the early 1980s would be taught to live. We love those movies now, as a result, though. The Footloose soundtrack, too--we choreographed dances to it in the church auditorium. This wasn't a very stuctured summer school.

  • Love 2


Watch it, aradia22. My sisters and I will hurt somebody over a bad word uttered about Grease 2. We used to attend a church-run summer school that played Grease and Grease 2 on repeat on the VCR.

I'm sorry, but I have to go there. It was an interesting novelty but not a great movie. Cool Rider was kind of fun. I seriously cannot remember even the title of another song. The thing with all the seasons or holidays was painful. And there were no stakes. Grease made you care about all the silliness. 


This wasn't a very stuctured summer school.

I attended a Christian summer day camp/school one year. They taught us religious songs and sat us down to watch Veggietales. And we learned a lot of math. Did I mention it was an Asian Christian summer school? I still have great affection for Veggietales.

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We used to attend a church-run summer school that played Grease and Grease 2 on repeat on the VCR.

That's hysterical!  I remember some of my friends' parents being really upset with some of the songs in that movie.



"Let's Do It for Our Country"

"Let's Bowl"

"Who's That Guy?"


"Back to School"

"We'll Be Together"


No, I didn't look these up and yes I could even sing pretty big sections of each song (Including "Cool Rider" and "Girl for All Seasons"  :)

  • Love 1

I also love the Airport Movies.  In fact Airport '75 was the first "grown up" movie I ever saw in a movie theater.  Mr. Moving bought me the Airport Terminal Pact (Airport, Airport "75, Airport '77/ the Concord and Airport '79) DVD set for my birthday a few years back.  It is a running joke between us that these DVDs are the most romantic gift he ever gave me.


Welcome to our world, funandfitpt! My sister listens to the Grease movie soundtracks as she works. She'll be chatting with me during the day and type a random song lyric and I'll know exactly what she's talking about, no explanation needed! She has introduced her six-year-old daughter to the songs. My niece also loves to act out Ren's dance moves from Footloose.

Edited by bilgistic

What a Girl Wants with Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth

Crossroads with Britney Spears, Zoe Saldana and Taryn Manning


But the stupid movie I have seen more times than any other... "Not Another Teen Movie." It's just so stupid and I hate all the parody movies that followed it (Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc). But, man, I could watch this 90's-teen rom-com-mashup forever. 

  • Love 1

Lots of favorite stupid movies. Casual Sex?, Streets of Fire, Better Off Dead, How High, Superstar and my top 3, in descending order, are Cool As Ice, Out For Justice and Pootie Tang. My brother and I can quote the practically the entirety of Pootie Tang. My favorite part is the PSA, "And remember, don't bain the dillllleeesss!" Lmao


But the stupid movie I have seen more times than any other... "Not Another Teen Movie." It's just so stupid and I hate all the parody movies that followed it (Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc). But, man, I could watch this 90's-teen rom-com-mashup forever.

I love She's All That and NATM makes the mistake that almost everyone makes by not actually paying enough attention to She's All That to critique it. But I've seen it more than once and it's probably the first role where I found Chris Evans attractive. So strange that he's now Captain America. Can someone turn the whip-cream underthings into a Captain America meme?

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