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S26.E11: In It To Win It (Peru)

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I find it strange no one is discussing the scenes shown in the finale preview at the end of the episode. Personally, I find the preview to be quite a heavy spoiler in terms of probable winners Not sure this was on purpose or what, but my prediction based on the stupid preview is Tyler/Laura and Jenny/Jelani would be racing on foot to the finish line.

Winners going to be Tyler and Laura because he has longer legs and she is more athletic looking. M/R is eliminated half-way which would lead to Blair and Hayley finishing third and considerably behind the first two.

What do you guys think?

Because we're not supposed to talk about previews in the episode thread. There's a separate speculation thread for that.
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I'm going to really hate this season even more if Rochelle and Mike make it past early elimination next episode and one of the other 3 teams that didn't give up on the water challenge and didn't need help do. You clearly saw the guy in the other canoe pushing her and behind her when she finally sucked it up to try again.


They should not be in the finals, they don't deserve it compared to the other 3. The other 3 deserve to race to the end, not Rochelle and Mike. 

Edited by Artsda
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My guess would be you couldn't ask for help with the boats but they were told if someone decided to help on their own that was okay.


If somebody was the general public, I would agree. Those same dudes kept going out with each of the contestants. I'm pretty sure production hired them to show how to do the task and to provide some rescue support. If production hired those guys, then it isn't cricket for them to help.


I think that Rochelle got help because it was starting to get dark and since they weren't going to be eliminated, they needed to move the show along. Flights from Lima to Dallas leave around midnight (that airport has terrible fog conditions and most international flights arrive/depart in the middle of the night), so they didn't have any more time to waste. Phil  has to get to the destination and they are all going to get bunched anyway.


It would be interesting to hear all of them talk about it in interviews. It was especially interesting that everyone but Blair wore life vests. Was it a safety measure they took after seeing something happen? Or was he really allowed to just opt out?


Blair lives on a coast and mentioned that he has some sort of experience he thought was relevant. The others were likely not so confident. I actually think the task is easier without the life jacket because those ones they were given are bulky and would make it harder to row or get out of the water.


Anyway, we've seen in the past with water sports that there are times when the contestants are given the choice. A prime example is the swimming task in Beijing in Season 14. Your chances of drowning are slim (you are in a pool and they must have life guards there just to watch you), but some contestants chose to swim their laps wearing a life jacket. Some did not. While Blair had his struggles with the task, he certainly didn't seem to have a problem with being in the water. You do have to worry about a concussion, but those reed boats seemed unlikely to deliver one (so you just have to worry about the bottom of the ocean).

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With all the focus suddenly in this episode, with Tyler and Laura adamantly stating they will not lose to Hayley and Blair and even going so far to state at the end that if they lose to those two it would super embarrassing, I wonder if this is setting up the race coming down to these two pairings. And it sure looks like Hayley and Blair may be the ones who will win because Laura and Tyler are so cocky. It's always interesting what editors choose to show since they have so much footage to choose from. 


Laura and Tyler did well to keep themselves in the race after their errors from the last leg kept them in the back of the pack and there is clearly a comfort and familiarity between them that's pretty cool and surprising considering they just met on the race. That said, it's those little comments by them, particularly Tyler that annoys me at times. Yes Hayley and Blair are a hot bed of dysfunction but for Tyler to act like their winning anything is damn near impossible or that it would be such an embarrassment on his part to lose to them is ridiculous. 


Hayley and Blair are both young and fit and strong people, they are both fairly intelligent, they've proven they have decent navigational skills despite their drama at times over navigation. They have managed multiple times to finish a leg a lot higher despite finishing tasks in last place, due to their getting to the pit stop a lot quicker than other teams and they are fairly adept at the tasks. And well they have kicked Tyler's ass in the last two legs which he seems to not realize but I guess those don't count as him "losing" to them since that is such an impossibility in his book.


Hayley actually didn't bug me this leg and I could tell she was making a concerted effort to get along with Blair and be positive and supportive. She couldn't help herself completely with the doom fapping, worrying at the detour that they picked the wrong one because it took a little while to get done but all in all they had a very good, fairly clean leg. Jenni and Jelani did okay too and I honestly couldn't blame her for laughing at Jelani while he was doing the roadblock. He really did look like a hot mess. 


I didn't notice Rochelle getting helped at the roadblock but that is unfair if she was but I can't say I was too surprised by the non-elimination leg. I had a feeling it was coming. I do hope it's not made so that everyone gets on the same flight but I won't be surprised if that is the case because the producers will see it as way to keep things close and by that token, more exciting. 

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More dancing, really?


The question is- why did people who have been really BAD at dancing go do it?

Does that taxi driver really try to brake his vehicle with the handbrake?


I had a cab driver in NYC do that last weekend. Pulled the handbrake every time we stopped.  But my ride wasn't nearly as scary as it looked like theirs was.

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Am I the only one who didn't see Rochelle being pushed?  I saw the local guy sticking closer to her, presumably to rescue in case of drowning, but I didn't see him pushing her or towing her.  If she did get a little push I'll consider it payback for getting stuck with a broken down taxi.


I don't really care who wins, I don't really like any of the teams left.  Laura and Tyler were kind of mean, referring to Blair and Hayley as nimrods.  Hayley's gotten better, but based on her previous behavior I'm not interested in seeing her get a million dollars.  I like Mike and Rochelle, but agree that seeing people sort of bumble their way to win rather than actually being competent isn't that fun.  Jenny and Jelani are probably the team I'd be most okay with seeing win, but she's been shown to have a kind of sour attitude as well.  Can Jelani and Blair team up for the win?

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I had to go back to rewatch, it looked like he had some kind of stick, it didn't look as thick as the paddle, that he used to push at the back of the boat. It is my opinion that if that kind of help was given to Rochelle then it was given to the others and we just didn't see it. I very much doubt the producers want a lawsuit connected with cheating. And didn't the game show scandals in the 50s (?) put laws in place to prevent helping one contestant over another?


And as for the 'we deserve the win more because...' edits. I'm sure production is off camera asking pointed and directed questions, just to hear the contestants say those things. It's likely one of the reasons the teams with those sort of stories were picked. It's like the totally gratuitous episodes on DWTS where they talk about their 'worst year' etc. And why shows like 'Extreme Home Makeover' were popular, people like to hear sob stories or see people overcoming hardships or whatever. I'm sure Rochelle was asked 'why did you want to race, do you feel you deserve to win, why, how did you son influence your Race etc' then they edit the answers to what they think the audience want to hear or to whip up some controversy.


I did not find this episode to be very compelling, I was really turned off by there being yet another dance to learn. Maybe if all the teams had to learn all the dances they did over the course of the race and then replicate a minute from each for the final it would make more sense.

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I very much doubt the producers want a lawsuit connected with cheating. And didn't the game show scandals in the 50s (?) put laws in place to prevent helping one contestant over another?


Most reality shows don't qualify as quiz shows. Idol producers used to crow with glee during podcasts about how they put their thumbs on the scales. Mark's fingers are all over Survivor. Besides, they showed Rochelle getting a push. It's not like they tried to hide her getting help. They aren't tricking the audience at home.


It is my opinion that if that kind of help was given to Rochelle then it was given to the others and we just didn't see it.


It's a strange sort of help that one would only provide to somebody completely out of energy. The others did not seem that far at the end of their rope. By the time they got past the breaking waves, they had enough energy to get to the clue box.

Edited by kili
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We had a couple of bad episodes with Hayley where her non-stop nagging was sounding a lot like Lucy in Charlie Brown. But interestingly, she was usually right about what she was saying, and Blair WAS ignoring her. She's actually proved to be capable and really smart. A little crazy, but you can't have everything. 


Yes, Jenny, we know you have a boyfriend. But you don't have to treat Jelani like he has the cooties.


Tyler is a meta-human. And I was thinking Laura would have trouble with that kayak challenge, but she finished. Either the waves calmed down for her, or they didn't show that part.


Good episode. Actually caught my husband's attention, he sat down and watched it with me. I don't think he believed me when I told him Hayley is the crazy one.

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I'm disappointed we have that half-way through finale elimination gimmick again.  Last year, I suppose I was fine with it since I liked Amy and Maya and despised the Wrestlers.  Mike and Rochelle are nice people, but they were just really weak this leg.  The decision to try dancing wasn't a good idea given their past track record.  I wanted to know how many attempts they took to get the clue, but it didn't say onscreen? 


I actually liked how Blair and Hayley talked through the best technique for making the bricks.  That was actually good communication.  I like Blair, so I wouldn't mind if they win the Race.  I also like J&J, so I would like to see them win as well.  Neither of them are real powerhouses, though, so it's up in the air once all the teams are on equal footing.


Tyler & Laura are strong, but slightly too arrogant.  I wouldn't mind if they won, since they've run a good Race overall.  I suppose in hindsight, it was definite strategy to edge out the Olympians.  I have a feeling they would have aced this week.

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I am rooting for Blair.  He deserves it after all he's had to put up with.  And he's really has played a smart game, and is peaking at the right time.


It's no brainer Mike and Rochelle will be the team Phil will be eliminating mid-point.


I don't like Tyler and Laura's superior attitude.  And I could care less about Jelani and Jenny.

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Woah.  For a while there, I wondered if body snatchers had snuck into Blair & Hayley and Tyler & Laura's rooms in the middle of the night and pulled off a switch.  Was their spat at the mural the first time Tyler & Laura have snapped at each other?  Meanwhile, Blair & Hayley were interacting like normal human beings.  Glad Tyler and Laura managed to put it back together by the end of the show.    


The question is- why did people who have been really BAD at dancing go do it?


I actually thought this was a really smart strategic move on their part.  I'm sure they realized that dancing isn't their strength (which is presumably why they went to bricks in the first place), but once they got to bricks they had to realize there was NO way that they were ever going to beat Tyler and Laura at that particular task--not with T&L's head start and unquestionably superior brute strength.  Mike and Rochelle had to know they were racing for last against T&L at that point, so switching from a task they were definitely going to lose at in favor of a task they were only probably going to lose at seems like smart racing to me.  


The dumber move, to me, was Tyler and Laura NOT bailing on the bricks when Mike and Rochelle did.  I don't recall if Tyler and Laura were bunched up enough in the past to have been witness to Mike and Rochelle's past pitiful attempts at dancing, but if they were, they should have known that they could beat them at that task easily, too.  At the point at which Mike and Rochelle bailed on the bricks, Laura and Tyler were not very far into the task themselves and had some cause to believe even their completed work had some issues.  There have been so many grossly unequal tasks this season that Tyler and Laura should have been worried that even though Mike and Rocelle were terrible at dancing in general that the dancing task might have just been so much easier than the bricks that Mike and Rochelle could have vaulted past them.


Basically, I think Laura and Tyler were foolish not to pick up on what Mike and Rochelle obviously realized--that in a head-to-head competition on either task, Laura and Tyler would beat Mike and Rochelle easily, so Mike and Rochelle's only hope of winning would be to choose whichever task Laura and Tyler weren't doing and hope that the task they ended up with was just objectively easier.  It obviously worked out okay for them in the end, but Laura and Tyler really should have realized that, too, and shouldn't have let Mike and Rochelle out of their sight.  

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Just remembered another moment that had me yelling, "Just shut up!" last night...during the dance segment the woman critiquing Rochelle told her she had to smile throughout the dance.  Rochelle then even kvetched about being unable to fake a smile (on top of everything else she was down on).  She was beyond tiresome with the complaining and negativity in this last episode.  I know there is money at stake and that things can get a bit stressful at times, but some contestants need a reality check about how great the opportunity to be a part of the show is with all those unusual experiences in other countries...even for those who do not win. 

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The dumber move, to me, was Tyler and Laura NOT bailing on the bricks when Mike and Rochelle did.
Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but I think Tyler/Laura could have assumed that there was still a Roadblock, and that they'd be able to make up time even if they lost some at the bricks.  We of course saw that Rochelle had huge issues with the Roadblock, and that in the end, they were all continuing on anyways and likely are going to all be on the same flight to the U.S.
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Also, a slight lead is still a lead, whereas they could arrive at the Dancing after Mike/Rochelle.  Performing under pressure is arguably more difficult than getting a task done under pressure.  I think they made the right choice in staying.  Their bricks weren't great, but they had less stepped on than Hayley and Blair's first try.


Mike/Rochelle had been able to do well at manual labor tasks in the past whereas dancing could result in a situation where they can literally not perform it for hours.  They seemed to have given up on the bricks a bit too soon.  Since they didn't show how many times they tried the dance, it was hard to gauge how far behind they were when they arrived at the roadblock.

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Since they didn't show how many times they tried the dance, it was hard to gauge how far behind they were when they arrived at the roadblock.
I agree, unlike with Jelani/Jenny we didn't see how many attempts they had.  The editing made it seem like they got it on their third attempt but I highly doubt that, otherwise it would have said "3rd attempt" just like it did for Jelani/Jenny.  The editing also made it seem like they finished the dancing shortly after Tyler/Laura finished the bricks.  But Tyler and Laura finished the raft task and were gone by the time Mike and Rochelle even showed up.  I'm thinking they were significantly behind.


I knew right away that all four teams would make the final because Phil specifically told the first three that "you are going to be one of the teams racing to the finish line",  In the past he has said "you are one of the three teams".  Huge tip off right there.  I wonder if the first three teams figured it out or if they will be surprised when they see Mike and Rochelle boarding the same plane. 

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Mike and Rochelle seemed quite light-hearted in the interviews, so that was another clue.


I think Phil would have told the other teams that sometime during the next leg, one team will be eliminated.

Edited by Camera One
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I had a cab driver in NYC do that last weekend. Pulled the handbrake every time we stopped.

Do you mean that he pulled the handbrake to bring the vehicle to a stop, or that he applied the handbrake after he came to a stop at a traffic light or something?

If the latter, then that's what you're supposed to do. It's proper driving technique.

Edited by In Pog Form
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My take on Haley is she's a nurse, and a lot of nurses I know secretly (and not-so-secretly sometimes) think they know better than the doctors how to care for and treat patients. So this is her chance to let a Doctor know that she's right, and he is wrong, and everything would be fine if he would just LISTEN TO HER.

I really don't want her to win any money.

Laura and Tyler? Laura's face always has that look on it like she's smelling farts. So does Jenny's. And I was kind of in Mike & Rochelle's corner, but I missed the assist on the boat task, and if that really happened then they don't really deserve to win. I didn't mind Amy and Maya winning last season, but if M&R seriously needed a push from the production staff just to make sure all 4 teams made it to the final week..... sorry, Mike & Rochelle, but I can't accept that.

Stay tuned for Wednesday when we find out if TAR will be on CBS's Fall Schedule!

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More dancing, really?


Clearly it's a challenge for the contestants, especially the men, so why not?  I like it.

I'm glad they did the same thing as last season with the penultimate leg just so there'd be no shouts of shenanigans with last season's race. Not a bad leg with each side of the detour being difficult. Hayley and Blair didn't irritate me during this leg. I was surprised that TPTB are keeping track of how many roadblocks each team member is doing.  What does it say about this season that I still don't care who wins?


I don't have a favorite team, but lately Tyler's testosterone storms and his and Laura's smugness make me want them NOT to win.

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Do you mean that he pulled the handbrake to bring the vehicle to a stop, or that he applied the handbrake after he came to a stop at a traffic light or something?

If the latter, then that's what you're supposed to do. It's proper driving technique.

I don't know which. But this is the only time I've ever seen someone do that.  In the US or outside of it.  

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It's proper driving technique to pull the handbrake at every traffic light?  I disagree.  Some people do that but I don't think there is a proper or improper way.  On a standard stick shift car, you can put the car in neutral at a traffic light, and pull the handbrake if you want to take your foot off the brakes.  On an automatic car, there is typically no handbrake (at least in the automatics I am used to).  Many have an emergency parking brake that is located on the left side, near the hinge of the driver's door, you push on it with your foot.  I have only used this when parking on a hill.  On an automatic, you put the car into Park if you want to take your foot off the brakes.


I've given up trying to figure out the TAR editors' games.  Sometimes the most physically dominant team and the one which projected confidence throughout the race actually does end up winning.  Cf. Meghan and Cheyenne.  Tyler and Laura are the physically strongest team left and they have lots of confidence.  I am not sure if the recent negative editing necessarily means that they don't win.  Likewise, I'm not sure if the recent good editing for Hayley and Blair means that they win.


Lost in all of this is Jelani and Jenny.  Unlike Tyler and Laura, who seem to have formed some sort of mutual respect and seem to enjoy each other's company as friends (see the peeing in the hot tub exchange) or Hayley and Blair, who seem to have a natural good natured joking around vibe when they aren't stressed... I get absolutely nothing from Jelani and Jenny.  It's like they are just going through the motions.  Many times lawyers in firms are assigned to work with others within the firm that they don't really know.  They work together towards a common goal, but in the end, even after five or so years of working together, they still don't know anything about each other.  They couldn't tell you the names of the other person's kids or how old the kids are.  They don't know where they live or where they are from.  Jelani and Jenny seem like that.  They are treating each other professionally and that's about it.  They have no team identity because they are like two separate teams of one who are being forced to work with each other.

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They have no team identity because they are like two separate teams of one who are being forced to work with each other.


From Jenny's blog, it seems they are friend who get together when they're in the same town, but that's about it.  From the get-go, they were all about winning the money vs becoming BFFs.


I hope the cockroaches (M&R) get dropped early next week.  I'd be fine with any of the other three winning.

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Funniest editing moment of the season: Blair boasting about his boat skills, and then splash, splash, splash, capsizes, drowns, then finally manages to make it to the buoy. And Jelani was hilarious all the way with his "Jelani-way" of paddling. The waves were brutal though (but Jenny's reaction cracked me up).


At first, I didn't see that the teams had a photo clue for the mural task, so I thought teams had to search through all 3 million? billion? tiles, only to see Blair and Hayley find the flag in five minutes. I was completely baffled until I saw the next team holding a picture. Otherwise, I want to know what kind of bionic eyes these guys have.


I didn't mind the dancing challenge, and I like when there's lots of dressing up. It'S like S19 all over again, and I like it (yes, I very much enjoyed season 19).


Still rooting for Mike/Rochelle, but I'm not sure if they're going to make itm they really seem out of their game. Tyler and Laura are too arrogant for my tastes and actually quite unpleasant, Jelani seems fine enough but he and Jenny are completely blah. Hayley and Blair are very pleasant when they're getting along, but then they have yet another argument. Lets hope they will keep it together next week, so I could enjoy a win from them.


Well, I would, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm absent for two weeks and might not be able to watch the episode at all. Oh well, at least the results are easy enough to find.

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Mike/Rochelle had been able to do well at manual labor tasks in the past whereas dancing could result in a situation where they can literally not perform it for hours.  ...  Since they didn't show how many times they tried the dance, it was hard to gauge how far behind they were when they arrived at the roadblock.



I agree, unlike with Jelani/Jenny we didn't see how many attempts they had.  The editing made it seem like they got it on their third attempt but I highly doubt that, otherwise it would have said "3rd attempt" just like it did for Jelani/Jenny.  The editing also made it seem like they finished the dancing shortly after Tyler/Laura finished the bricks.  But Tyler and Laura finished the raft task and were gone by the time Mike and Rochelle even showed up.  I'm thinking they were significantly behind.

Before one of Rochelle and Mike's attempts, it was captioned 4th try, and they didn't get it that time; they had to do it at least twice more before they passed and were given the clue.


I am happy that they got into the final four.  Like so many, I'd like to see Blair win, but unfortunately that means that Hayley wins also.  I don't really like Tyler and Laura, so I wouldn't mind if they were the team eliminated.  That said, it does seem unlikely, but anything can happen.

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Regarding the handbrake, on a deleted scene, Mike explained that the taxi went down a hill without his engine, riding his brakes the entire way. By the time he got to that pull off, he may have needed the handbrake to completely stop.


Also, on a deleted scene when Tyler lost the pouch, Laura did get a little snippy with him, telling him she wanted to carry it and he wouldn't let her or something like that, and he responded she never mentioned it before. There was one for this episode where they were searching for the bricks in that large area and fighting a bit Hayley/Blair style. So, I wasn't surprised to see them gleeful about Mike and Rochelle's taxi disaster, or just being cocky. They also bash the other competitors in the deleted comments a lot, so I think they are getting a good edit.


There was also a deleted scene for Monaco, where they were getting into the clothes and Blair was getting a haircut and Hayley was in the background complaining to someone (Laura?) that everything he said was embarrassing or stupid or something. CBS' video viewer does not play well for me, so I am not going to go back and see to make sure. So, she has insulted him, not just talked poorly to him.


She also recreates history to be right. Last episode, for instance, after the cab stopped and the driver was "looking for the street," she read the clue and saw it said "in walking distance." She then points it out to Blair, saying they needed to go back, while he was waiting for the cab driver to respond. Mike and Rochelle were the only ones to not get in a cab, so I don't know if the clue was poorly worded, or no one read it correctly. It doesn't show how long they waited, 10 seconds or 10 minutes, but it became another opportunity for Haley to abuse Blair. I just can't get behind her behavior.


I am also one who does not care who wins. I would like it to be Mike and Rochelle only because I do not like the dating theme, but I really don't care one way or the other.

Edited by Christina
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To be up front, I like Mike and Rochelle. I can't imagine that Rochelle asked that guy for a push and I can't believe she should be penalized for it if the guy did it on his own.  If we want to get super literal, Phil said that both team members had to carry the boat and then one of them paddle out, Tyler carried the boat himself.

Mike and Rochelle were also at a disadvantage because Laura had God on her side with her prayer that someone would get a flat;)

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At first I thought Phil had said they each had to carry a boat, but then they only needed one boat so he must have meant they each had to carry the boat. But, yes, he did say something like that.

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I was not surprised at all that they did the same 4-team twist as last season, because this season was being filmed while that season aired, so the teams did not get to see the twist for themselves.  So the producers weren't going to miss the opportunity to pull off the same twist and get genuinely surprised reactions.  Also, since the last season's finale hadn't aired yet, they hadn't gotten any negative feedback on it (though I'm not sure if the feedback was more negative than positive).  I suspect that next season they may drop the twist now that the element of surprise is gone.


Still rooting for Mike and Rochelle, Tyler and Laura, Jenny and Jelani, Blair, and Hayley, in that order.


Those who think Jenny is a witch should see her deleted scene at the beach during the RB, in which she has many warm compliments for Jelani.  And in another scene, Tyler and Laura speak really fondly of Matt and Ashley and express how irritated they were at Blair and Hayley's glee at their elimination.  I loved Matt and Ashley too so I'm on their side.

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I don't really have a clear favorite going into the final.  I like Laura well enough (most of the time anyway), but can't say the same about Tyler.  I've come around a bit on Blair, but can't exactly root for Haley to win.  In my opinion, Mike and Rochelle should have been eliminated this past leg (whether she got help or not).  Besides, they are just not very good racers.  They have squeezed by way too often by just not making as bad a mistake as at least one other team.  So I guess I´m left with J&J, whom I don't have a strong opinion about one way or the other.


One thing I've enjoyed during this last half of the race is that they keep going to places I've been to.  Since they were up in the Trujillo area, I was hoping they'd make it to Chan Chan.  Those ruins are huge - really spread out over quite an area.  Though they lack the pyramids of the Mayan and Aztec ruins, the extension of that place is impressive in itself.  It was quite the city; at least by pre-Columbian standards.

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Yeah, I want to make it clear (not that anyone really cares except pedantic me) that while I am now on the good ship Blair Is The Bestest Bae Who Ever Baed, I still cannot freaking stand Haley. I think she's a self-centered narcissistic who only chills out and acts decently if the other person is kissing her ass constantly, which Blair is smart enough to have realized now and is trying to do in order to keep the peace. What I hate the most about her (it's hard to choose, though, because there is so much, her doom fapping -- whoever called it that is brilliant -- drives me up the damned wall, and people say Rochelle is negative as hell, as if) is despite her dumb blonde persona, I highly suspect she's smart as a whip but she just loves to put on the helpless kittenish act (put up my tent, Blair, check it for bugs, Blair, carry my enormous pack full of ten different hair straighteners and an industrial strength hair dryer, Blair, blah blah blah I'm so helpless, Blair, you have to do it, I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT LIKE THAT BLAIR DIDN"T I TELL YOU YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO MEEEEE!!!). I hate it when women act weaker and/or dumber than they are, it sends such a bad message and it's gross and manipulative. I think her trying to wheel the wheelbarrow for a couple steps before whining about her blister was the first time she ever tried to pull her own weight. Too little, too late, for me.


If Haley and Blair ever end up dating, Blair will be henpecked to death, and with the way she orders him around, it'll be slavery or at the very least indentured servitude (and the man's already been through enough of that, it's called med school + residency, provided he did a residency). Anyone who wishes that on Blair is just cruel.

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I would like to thank all of the teams for not yelling "We're in a race for a million dollars" at every cab driver they encounter!


I really wanted Blair and Hayley to go out the first couple weeks - I didn't like them at all....but now I'd be okay if they won.  I want Tyler and Laura to win, but I'd be cool with B&H doing it. 

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One of the reasons I don't want Blair and Hayley to win is that this season has pretty much been the Blair & Hayley show.  They really seem to have dominated screen time.  (With all the devoted fans, I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually keeps track of that.)  It would be so nice for them to be the team eliminated mid-leg and have just a little time of the race without them on my screen. 


I was expecting the 4 person final leg, and am happy for it.  I'm glad Mike & Rochelle are still in it.  Not sure if they have any chance at all of not being the next team eliminated, but I'd love to see them in the final 3.  And I'd be even happier if they win.  But I'm not holding my breath...

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Welcome to the Alternate Universe Amazing Race, where Hayley and Blair get along, Tyler and Laura bicker, Rochelle gives up, and Jenny and Jelani ...well, I guess they are the same in the alternate universe


(Though it was weirdly presented as a keep-racing TBC, but only to the final team, it's clearly a spoonfed flight, so that's how they got the post-leg shots.)


The TBC conceit at the end of this leg was just to avoid talking about Speed Bumps. It's a NEL in all but name, but because they've said "keep racing" and handed out a clue, it passes some kind of rule muster.


As far as the TBC leg at this juncture, it's no different than a NEL. Keeping it from the audience like that was a cheap trick by the editors though. Just show us since if it was obvious from early on that something was coming up. While I wish they didn't have these special legs on the penultimate episode, it's not an entirely new thing either.


TBC legs and NEL legs are different - in a TBC leg, there is no rest period and no punishment for coming in last.  There usually is no prize either, but I think they have done TBC prizes before.  In and NEL, they get a rest period and the last team has to do a Speed Bump in the next leg.  


I presume they told the first three finishers that this was a TBC leg - I can't imagine that they told them, "Go find a hotel, eat something, and get a good night's sleep. We will see you tomorrow" and then told Mike and Rochelle "Keep going before anyone else wakes up."  We just didn't hear the first three teams being told that it was a TBC leg so the audience would be surprised that M & R are staying in it.  Still, the unusual phrasing of "You are one of the final teams" was a pretty big hint.


Mike and Rochelle were also at a disadvantage because Laura had God on her side with her prayer that someone would get a flat;)


I am not religious (went to church every Sunday for the first 18 years of my life, so I am not clueless about it), but I have no problem with people praying for strength in a challenge, praying that they get a knowledgeable cab driver, or for praying that the clown doesn't follow them home.  It does bug me when people pray that God helps them win - I think God has bigger things to care about. But praying that someone else gets a flat tire or praying that something bad happens to another team is every kind of wrong, IMO, and just proves that being religious and/or praying doesn't make you a better person.  


I was okay with any team winning when the episode started.  I was also okay with any team losing.  Mike and Rochelle don't race well enough to deserve winning (though they are better than the goat farmers) but they don't give up or bicker (until this leg) and they are the underdogs.  Hayley and Blair fight way too much, but they are really good racers.  Jenny & Jelani and Tyler & Laura have their strengths and weakness too, but they are mostly sort of bland, not likeable enough to root for, not annoying enough to root against.  


But Laura's praying someone would get a flat tire has changed my opinion - now I don't care who wins as long as it it not Tyler and Laura.  I want Karma to bite her, hard - I hope (not pray) that they get a flat tire that causes them to lose the race.  

One of the reasons I don't want Blair and Hayley to win is that this season has pretty much been the Blair & Hayley show.  They really seem to have dominated screen time.  (With all the devoted fans, I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually keeps track of that.)  It would be so nice for them to be the team eliminated mid-leg and have just a little time of the race without them on my screen. 


I can just picture Hayley and Blair running first to the final mat, him running in front, her 5 feet behind him yelling at him to wait for her and that he is going to fast.  And, as they stand on the mat, we can't hear Phil say "You have won the Amazing Race" because Hayley is still yelling at Blair that he should have listened to her at the last challenge and they would have gotten there 3 minutes sooner, blah, blah, blah, screech, screech, screech...

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Praying for someone else's misfortune indicates that Laura is kind of terrible, but what made it slightly worse to me was that after she saw that Mike and Rochelle had broken down, her reaction was, "oh no, I prayed for that!" Uh, right, Laura, you are just that powerful. I'm an agnostic, but I'm pretty sure if God exists, it's not so he can do bad shit to people when Laura requests it.

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Yes, Jenny, we know you have a boyfriend. But you don't have to treat Jelani like he has the cooties.


Wait. What?! She has a boyfriend? When was this truly admitted? Or was she just saying she had a boyfriend so she didn't have to pretend kiss Jelani? How do I miss so much watching the episodes? 


I enjoyed Jelani's shimmying. 


I enjoyed Hayley and Blair in the beginning because it was so awkward and interesting to watch them. I'm enjoying them now because they are doing a great job and seem to be having fun. 

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I think there were.. but I couldn't say if they were actual detours or not.  I remember the Oklahoma boys having to dance a male/female dance and one of them was extremely upset about performing the female part (and dressing as the female).

Especially as, if I'm not mistaken, he had to stay in the dress for the rest of the leg.


Sorry, I do not think we do. Shift the gear to the lower gear, gently let go the clutch. Do that until 1st gear, then turn the engine off. For manual transmission anyway, which the taxi is.

But this is Peru, and from everything I've heard, driving there is... special. My husband, who was down there a few years ago, spent pretty much the whole time anyone was in a car just chuckling. From what he (and a few others) have told me about Peruvian taxi experiences, I wouldn't have been surprised if that cab hadn't had any working brakes except the emergency one, and the driver just used that as a matter of course. Beautiful country, amazing food, delightful alpaca yarn, but the driving is not for the faint of heart.


I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I think I'm actually rooting for Blair & Hayley to win. I wouldn't hate it if Laura & Tyler or Jenny & Jelani won, but I think, deep down, I'm really pulling for a Blair & Hayley win. Helps that they were kind of adorably teasy this week, and communicated shockingly well.


Mike & Rochelle, on the other hand, ugh. I haven't been a big fan of theirs pretty much from the beginning, but I really had little use for them this week. Rochelle does appear to be someone who almost needs to break down before she can muster up the wherewithal to carry on, which she usually ultimately does, but, many times this episode, I found myself thinking that I have no idea how she manages roller derby. Any of the roller derbyers (I have no idea what players of this sport are supposed to be called) I know would eat this woman for breakfast. And while I don't disagree with the logic above regarding the odds of beating Laura & Tyler, I still thought switching detours was a bad call. Assuming this wasn't a blind detour, they would have known it was a dancing challenge, and, unless at least one of your team members has some dancing skill, that's almost never a good call. If you have the choice not to do the dancing, don't do the dancing (and I say this despite being a dancer myself).

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I gotta think that Hayley and Blair had some kind of sit down where Blair just flat out pointed out. Hey - this is tv. Considering how you've been acting - this is the kind of edit you'll most likely get. If you're ok with that - keep it up. If you want people to think that maybe you're not a conceited cry-baby whiner all the gd time - you're going to have to change your ways. It's up to you - give it some thought.

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I don't know if I'm blinded by Tyler's good looks or just looking away from the tv at the right times but I don't dislike that team.  I don't see anything wrong with hoping a team has something slow them down, when you're racing them for last this close to the end.  It's not like she threw nails on the road.  


I partly suspect Blair/Hayley (Blayley, Hair?) win because Jeff must be dating Hayley for some discernible reason.  Ditto for Blair remaining friends with her.  

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As a firm believer that God doesn't get out of the bathtub for sporting events, game shows or other assorted selfish whims, I'm okay with teams praying/wishing for another team to encounter an obstacle so they can leap frog ahead.  I know I would be...but then again I'm a horrible person ;)

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I was proud of her for pushing through and finishing, despite knowing that they had to be in last place. Contrast that Bergen and Kurt earlier in the race who really did just give up when they were trailing. Whether they're the best racers or not, I think Mike and Rochelle can be proud that they did not quit, even when it must have been tempting given that they clearly knew they were in last place and thought it was an elimination leg. 


For me, she wasn't whining about fairness or luck, which is a quality which really bugs me.  She seemed to be pretty upfront that it was on her for having such a hard time, which is a hard kind of honesty but it's a good quality in a person.

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Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but I think Tyler/Laura could have assumed that there was still a Roadblock, and that they'd be able to make up time even if they lost some at the bricks.  We of course saw that Rochelle had huge issues with the Roadblock, and that in the end, they were all continuing on anyways and likely are going to all be on the same flight to the U.S.

I don't know if it was part of their thinking, but for me, I'd avoid switching tasks just to avoid one more trip with one of those taxis.  Laura and Tyler saw how risky cab rides could be, so it would have been smart to stay in place.


Considering how hot it was, I was surprised that 3 out 4 teams initially chose the brickmaking -- 95 is hot, and the sun near the equator is really brutal.  Dancing was still outdoors, but it seems like the smart gamble is that dancing would be less physically demanding in that climate.

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I noticed that Rochelle and Laura were required to do the last roadblock to maintain a balance within the teams.  Has this always been enforced?  I'm sure that the Oh My Achilles Tendon Dad in the All Stars did consistently fewer than his son (Wikipedia says it was 8-5, and it was 7-4 going into the final round).

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I don't see anything wrong with hoping a team has something slow them down, when you're racing them for last this close to the end.  It's not like she threw nails on the road.  


I have no problem with them wishing or hoping someone would get a flat tire, or if they were happy that someone did.  I suspect all teams have similar wishes. Personally, I would be hoping for the same thing and would be pleasantly relieved if I past another team that would obviously be delayed.  I have a problem with Laura praying for it - asking God to somehow hurt another team to improve your chances.  Seems hypocritical, for lack of a better word.

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I think a lot of people, myself included, use the word praying in a figurative, hyperbolic sense, as in "hoping and praying for ___ to happen".   Usually people who pray (literally) have more reverence than to ask for misfortune to befall others or fortune to fall on them.  

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