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S01.E20: The Trap

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From that clip of Iris saying "OMG" I'm assuming she finds out that she's been lied to by the 3 men in her life. Who is that on the bridge with her before The Flash snatches him away?

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Barry made Gideon? Did not expect that. And he apparently helps found the Justice League.


Iris finally knows, not because anyone told her but because of a spark.


Wells is a great chessmaster.

Edited by RandomWatcher
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Unsatisfying way of Iris finding out. But at least no one out right had to tell her. Barry just told her he didn't have powers to her face. Not going to end well for you, Flash my man. And you should really blasted by Iris. And this is coming from a WestAllen fan. (Speaking of West-Allen, hahaha)


Joe usually grates these days, but didn't surprisingly when he didn't give his blessing to Eddie. I mean, if he really doesn't think Iris will end up happy, he shouldn't give consent. But, I hope he ends up respecting whatever Iris ends up choosing (which he won't, but here's to hoping).


Poor Eddie's just floating through the episode with hearts in his eyes. He's a good man.


Cisco was especially funny tonight. I laughed out loud at his comment about the shirt he thought got eaten by the dryer.


Finally, can anyone be any creepier than Wells? Not too many.

Edited by Jenesis
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Add "fire hydrant" to the Flash's skill set.  


Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry should have figured out a long time ago that working on their covert bring-down-Wells technology in Star Labs during work hours is about as brilliant of an idea as printing "I hate my boss" signs at work on your boss's workstation in the middle of the workday.


West-Allen fans can rejoice, as their choice pairing is apparently (future-)canon.

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Iris knows finally.  And she didn't have anyone tell her, she put it together.


I loved the almost mention of the Justice League.  Gideon said Barry was a founding member of before she got cut off.  Would have been even better if Gideon got out "Jus" before being cut off.


Eddie's insurance so I'm guessing Eobard will want to take his identity, like he did to Wells.  Nice that they continue to show that Eddie and Eobard are as far away from each other as possible.


Such an awesome episode.  About the only bad thing is I was hoping Barry as Flash would have taken care of some stuff for the Captain's wedding.

Edited by Jediknight
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Barry made Gideon? Did not expect that. And he apparently helps found the Justice League.


I did not catch that, but you are right. Maybe Gideon will end up becoming Barry's secret weapon against Wells.


I hope we get to see Amanda Pays' character take over Star Labs now.

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Wow @ Wells. thawne is not an uncommon name, Eddie.

I liked that they remembered iris had a blog, she should have figured out Barry was the flash before. Lol @ Barry speaking to her in his normal voice.

I thought that iris was going to tell Barry she loved him.

Wow at Wells.

Edited by chelsie
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So I assume in the original timeline Caitlyn became Killer Frost and Cisco became Vibe. Wells did say they were better off now than they were in the original timeline.


I wonder why Wells hates The Flash so much. 


I hated everything involving Iris tonight. The actress was fine, as always, but the way the character was used annoyed me. Joe making decisions that would affect her life by telling Eddie not to propose, Iris taking a few minutes to explain her findings about the explosion (fine scene, but I was way more interested in the main storyline than going over informationthe audience has known since day one), Barry downplaying those findings, all of the Barry/Iris stuff, and the terrible way she found out the truth. Really, show? A spark just happened to happen when she visited Barry in the hospital over a year ago and just happened to happen again, and she just happens to remember what happened over a year ago. Ugh.


Eddie was great. I hope he pulls through unharmed. I'm rooting for him even more now, given that Joe is actively shipping his daughter with his son, and that the narrative itself is telling us how Barry/Iris is endgame. I hate these destined pairings. 

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Dang, that last scene with Wells watching Barry in his coma was creeeepy as hell. 


I was so worried about Cisco. He needs to get about a million hugs. 


Tom Cavanagh is amazing. If I met him on the street, I would start a slow clap. 


Praise be! Iris finally knows! At this point, I`m pretty sure the plummer at the police station knows who the Flash is. 

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I thought that Iris stuff tonight was fantastic. I loved the way she was so excited to tell Barry her theory and the way her face fell when he seemed to brush it aside. I am glad that they are finally moving the iris-Barry connection along (at a snails pace, I might add). I didn't sign up for this show NOT to see them together. Finally she knows and we can move on to the next chapter of this saga. 


Wells was great as always and TC played the villain to a tee. 


Eddie go leave any day now. If he doesn't turn into the RF at some point, I don't even understand why he still exists. 

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Eddie go leave any day now. If he doesn't turn into the RF at some point, I don't even understand why he still exists. 

Since he's obviously not married to Iris, either death or Wells tells him that he's actually Barry's brother and he becomes Cobalt Blue.

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West-Allen fans can rejoice, as their choice pairing is apparently (future-)canon.


Likely that anyone who 'ships Barry and Iris already knew this though.


I have not been a fan overprotective Joe, but I completely agreed with his reason for not wanting Iris to marry Eddie. Good to know that Joe is aware that Iris has feelings for Barry that she needs to address.


I was glad that Barry was able to save Rob. He and Captain Singh are facing some horrible obstacles getting to the altar in all the timelines. I hope we get to see the wedding and no more tragedies or near tragedies occur.

Edited by SimoneS
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I did not guess, when this show started, that the person I'd be most attracted to in this show would be the dude very nearly old enough to be my dad. 


But creepy Wells is hot. 


And watching Tom Cavanagh flip back and forth and back again between kind, paternal Wells and creepy, stalkery Wells is just so much goddamn fun.  And we got bonus fake, shapshifty Wells.


ETA: He is old enough to be my dad.  Well, then.  Looking good, Mr. Cavanagh.

Edited by Gin and Tonic
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Any Lois and Clark fans thinking of that when Iris realized it? I appreciated the callback to the first time she found out with the "I promise I will bring him back to you."


Joe West calls in the middle of the proposal. Worst. Cockblock. Ever.


I'm a sucker for Joe calling Barry "son." They get me every time with that. I like that he was also trying to spare Eddie some heartache in stopping the proposal, but I loved Eddie for pointing out he didn't need his permission. I really want to love Eddie, but there's no way he can remain good and relevant.


Wells is the creepiest creeper to ever creep. I want him dead and yet I still want Cavanagh creeping me out and threatening my boys every week. Weird.


Cisco had some great lines. Were the glasses supposed to look like his comic counterpart? I'm thinking yes. http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/6/66303/2878843-vibe_cv1_ds.jpeg

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I'm a sucker for Joe calling Barry "son." They get me every time with that.

I have such mixed feeling on this because while I love Joe and Barry's relationship, it makes it really hard for me to ship WestAllen. This episode really brought back the "family" vibes in a not good way (for me anyway).

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I really enjoyed this episode...

And I did have Lois and Clark feels when Iris realized that The Flash was Barry. It wasn't just the spark, it was the combination of the spark (nice touch, David Nutter) with Barry saying, "I promise I will bring him back to you." Barry has said that to Iris more than once as Barry - he said something similar when Eddie was falsely accused and he also said it in the alternate timeline (even though Iris doesn't know/remember). She seemed to have a "spark" of recognition before their hands touched...

Oh and I just have to add: that whole spark thing? Soulmate level stuff - the kind I totally expect from Max-Liz-Dreamer creator David Nutter - I LOVE it when he produces Flash episodes.

I'm glad she figured it out on her own - she seems to be doing a lot of that lately. Figuring out stuff all on her own without any help from anyone at Star Labs. I kinda can't wait to see what she does to "prove" she knows - will she keep that a secret and let all the men in her life hang themselves with it, or will she come out with the truth? I kinda think she's going to keep it all until she knows everything... she knows Barry is lying to her about WAY more than just the Flash now - she knows he's lying about Star Labs, the Burning Man, Wells, everything...

I didn't see that whole Every Man twist coming - that was really, really good.

And so Wells DID have the cameras everywhere and he DID go after Iris as "vengeance" against Flash/Eddie for "investigating" him.

Barry struggling with the secret knowledge of "Iris West-Allen" was comical - especially the part where Eddie goes, "Iris Thawne" and Barry mutters under his breath, "I kinda think she'll want to hyphenate." I laughed outloud.

Tom Cavanaugh is just scintillating as Wells. Just like Barry, I hate him for what he's done, but then I like him too.

There is one missing piece left from Cisco's dream - that Wells is doing ALL of this in order to get back to his time. He's not doing it because he really likes Barry or cares - he's doing it to get something he wants.

Question: If Barry created Gideon, how did Wells get his hands on it?

Edited by phoenics
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Several things: So iris doesn't know where her husband has run off too.

- Joe's instincts are crazy though, wow.

- Wells is on another level to Flash team.

- I did like the way CBC were eyeing Wells after they found out what they found out.

- cisco dream was wrong

- Iris/Barry could be another timeline...

Edited by chelsie
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This episode was ok, mostly predictable.

Did Barry and team really think they could out smart Wells? You'd think if they figured he made sure Barry was struck by the bolts from the particle accelerator that he wasn't just leaving that to chance and was somehow keeping an eye on him (and them).

Though it was great that Iris finally put all the strange happenings together, it would've been nice if we'd actually seen her investigating and putting the pieces together over the past several months, instead of throwing that scene in, which seemed to come out of nowhere. Also it made no sense that she'd think Star Labs knows about the meta humans and that they were created by Star Labs but still had no thought about Barry being affected in some way. Star Labs after all did take him in after he was injured by the PC and nursed him back to health.

I still just can't with Joe controlling ever aspect of Iris' life or the stupidity of him, Barry and the others being insistent on keeping her in the dark even as the sh*t is hitting the fan. Very annoying and stupid.

The way Iris learned the truth was silly at best. The build up to her learning the truth was so half-assed, which is a shame because it could've been written so much better than this. What happened to the picture she took of Flash? Or Barry speaking in his regular voice while the Flash and in front of Iris? These are just a couple of several scenes that could've been used to build towards her discovering the truth. But at least she now knows. Though I don't have much hope for a satisfying fallout from her discovery.

Edited by Enero
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Question: If Barry created Gideon, how did Wells get his hands on it?


I was wondering the same thing. Maybe Wells steals Gideon after Barry goes missing? 

Edited by SimoneS
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I have such mixed feeling on this because while I love Joe and Barry's relationship, it makes it really hard for me to ship WestAllen. This episode really brought back the "family" vibes in a not good way (for me anyway).

Eh, he just means future son in law, lol. :D

I wondering the same thing. Maybe Wells steals Gideon after Barry goes missing?

But how? Wouldn't Gideon be stuck in the future where Barry of the future created him? If Wells came back with Barry to kill youngBarry, wouldn't he have left Gideon in the future?

The only way this makes sense is if Wells visited the past more than once, bringing Gideon back with him one of those times.

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I'm a sucker for Joe calling Barry "son." They get me every time with that. I like that he was also trying to spare Eddie some heartache in stopping the proposal, but I loved Eddie for pointing out he didn't need his permission.


Unless I'm mistaken Wells/Thawne also referred to Barry as Joe's "son" when he was in the coma, so maybe that's just something that's common knowledge. I was glad to see Iris figured out the real secret about Barry but not so happy to see Joe's reaction when he found out Eddie wanted to propose to her.  Eddie may not need his permission to ask Iris but she doesn't need Joe's permission to say yes if she wants to either. They're already living together so Joe's permission is moot anyway.

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Good episode. In retrospect, it seems so silly to think Wells/Thrawne wouldn't see through the traps Team Flash set up. And I figured it wouldn't be out of the question that W/T wouldn't experience the same timeline like Cisco did.


Bit of a cop-out as to Iris finding out Barry's secret. Not as bad as Chloe getting Clark's other side exposed to her in Smallville, but it just seems too easy. Anybody else figure a talking gorilla will be the least of the men's problems next week?


Damn, Barry creates Gideon? And becomes a big wheel with the CCPD? And marries Iris? Sweet. Of course, now I'm thinking that Future Iris might have lied on the byline to confuse Past Barry. If I think too much about it, I'll turn into Cisco . . . adorably confused.

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Well, this was a little frustrating but not unexpected.  I mean, the big confrontation is a season finale trope.


Other than that, it thought it was a decent episode.


Cisco ain't dead.  Good :)


Iris knows Barry is The Flash and they will eventually marry.


Eddie continues to be the Butt Monkey (poor guy).


Don't know why they referred to the Gideon AI as a "he", though, when it's obviously patterned after a woman.


Also kind of bummed that Everyman is dead.  Waste of potential.


Next Episode:  MONKEYS IN THE SEWERS!  Everybody gonna smell like poo gas!

Edited by bmoore4026
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I did not guess, when this show started, that the person I'd be most attracted to in this show would be the dude very nearly old enough to be my dad.

But creepy Wells is hot.

And watching Tom Cavanagh flip back and forth and back again between kind, paternal Wells and creepy, stalkery Wells is just so much goddamn fun. And we got bonus fake, shapshifty Wells.

ETA: He is old enough to be my dad. Well, then. Looking good Mr. Cavanagh.

So glad I'm not the only one. My Wells crush is incredibly embarrassing. I will continue to rationalize by blaming it on Tom Cavanagh's superior acting.

Iris knows! I spent every moment when she was onscreen mentally screaming, "Put it together, Iris!" and she did. I was afraid they would steal the revelation from her with a vibrating hand to the head. Very glad they didn't go in that direction.

This episode was a win for me. Poor Cisco, who will never sleep again. I loved Joe's guffaw.

ETA: I also feel bad for Eddie. I've grown quite fond of him. Any bets that Eobard hates Barry for messing up an Eddie-Iris pairing and giving him the short end of the stick in terms of ancestors? Not that Eddie isn't hero worthy in his own right.

Edited by pookat
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Cisco needs a theme song.. "All I do is win."

Also - when Wells told Barry to vibrate his arms really fast (this looks better in an animated cartoon, btw) to stop the fire by "sucking all of the air out of the room", I kept wondering - wouldn't everyone in there suffocate?

Edited by phoenics
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This probably makes me a bad person, but I'm kinda hoping Iris was electrified enough by that little blue lightning bolt that she'll be able to kick Joe, Barry AND Eddie.  That hope alone might be why I liked the episode.


Good stuff:


1. Finally, Iris knows, ending this plotline from hell. Fair warning: if there's a single time travel thingy coming up that makes her not know again, I'm going to scream. Loudly.  


2. Loved the twist of Wells using the shapeshifter to get away.


3. "Mazel tov."  Not the line, just the delivery. That was great. As was Cisco's later realization about his dream shirt.  Actually Cisco in general - another great episode for him.


4. "I think she'll want to hyphenate."  Nice reaction, Barry, although I guess you can be cool now that you realize that Iris marries you in at least one timeline. 


5. Barry as Director of Forensics, Founder of the Justice League, and builder of supercomputers. I'm here for this.


6. Captain Singh complaining about wedding issues shortly after Barry's realization that yes, at some point he really is going to get married. Hee.


Questionable stuff:


1. I remain impressed at how a single hospital corridor and room can handle pretty much every single medical scene on both Arrow and Flash.  Fortunately it's a very dramatic hospital corridor, but still.  If the spinoff starts using that same hospital room it's going to get really crowded.


Bad stuff:


1. I get Joe's reasoning, but the whole bit of him saying "No," to Eddie was just so filled with wrong. Either explain your reasoning to Eddie, Joe, with a nice "Dude. I didn't want to be the one to tell you, but -" or shut up, Joe.   Or go and talk to your daughter, not try to control her love life through Eddie. Auugh.


2.  And on a related note, Eddie asking Barry to talk to Joe about not giving Eddie his blessing about Iris - here's a whacked out thought: You guys could all try talking to Iris.  I did like Eddie pointing out that he didn't actually need Joe's blessing, but that moment got lost when Eddie asked Barry to interfere.

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I can't imagine Iris is going to be very happy after Barry straight out lied to her earlier that day.  But happy she knows.  Hope Barry doesn't decide to time travel again so that Iris goes back to not knowing.  Speaking of, is Iris West-Allen the author of the article in this timeline, meaning it can change?  Or is this just a retcon and the writers just want us to forget that someone else wrote the article in the pilot?  


Cisco is my heart.  


I hope Wells doesn't take over Eddie.  I love Eddie.  He's seriously the best.  I also really hope Eobard Thawne isn't holding a deadly grudge against Barry over a woman.  Like Iris.  Because ugh, kill me now.  

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When Wells told Barry to vibrate his arms really fast (this looks better in an animated cartoon, btw) to stop the fire by "sucking all of the air out of the room", I kept wondering - wouldn't everyone in there suffocate?

I thought the same, then I wondered why Barry didn't fly.

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I really enjoyed this episode. 


I really couldn't believe how the gang was soo open about their investigation. Pretty much discussing it anywhere they could be over heard. I also couldn't believe the group was going to not tell Iris even with RF out there trying to hurt Barry. 


I am just glad Iris knows now. Now, she needs to get THEM!!! 


Oh and I just have to add: that whole spark thing? Soulmate level stuff - the kind I totally expect from Max-Liz-Dreamer creator David Nutter - I LOVE it when he produces Flash episodes.


Wait, David Nutter was the creator of Roswell? I knew there was a reason why I liked his work. 

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It's finally out in the open!  Both things.  Iris now knows Barry is The Flash and Eobard (going to starting to call him that now) knows the gang are on to him.  Have to admit I didn't see the Hannibal Bates twist coming.  Well done, Eobard.  Tom Cavanaugh killed it as always.  He is just so damn good in this role.  I liked how different he was in each "reimagined" version of the way he killed Cisco.  Still creepy as hell, but in different ways, which makes sense since one was in a dream, and the other was actually Hannibal.  Really looking forward to seeing what his game plan is.


Thank goodness Iris now knows.  I really hope that when she confronts them, Barry doesn't be an idiot and try to be all "Oh, no!  I'm totally not The Flash.  You must be mistaken!"  I hope she gives all the liars hell for the secret keeping.


Christ, Joe.  While I agree that you are probably right Iris really does love Barry and not Eddie, that still is controlling as hell.  You can't let your own daughter make her own decisions and mistakes.  On the other hand, I do find the whole "Asking the father for blessing" to be so old-fashioned, so I did get a kick out of it blowing in Eddie's face.  Probably also didn't help that I am watching Alias for the first time on Netflix, and Jack Bristow had a hilarious response to that entire tradition.


Cisco had a lot of great lines in this one.  Glad her survived this time-line.  The world would be a darker place without Cisco.


So, Gideon is going to be created by Future Barry.  Interesting.  Since this was the most she's talked in a scene, I really could noticed that it was Morena Baccarin this time.


Way too concerned that they were going to off Singh's fiancee.


So, Eobard's first act of open evilness to the gang is going to be.... rampaging gorilla.  Yeah, you might as start things off with the telepathic gorilla.  Grodd!!

Edited by thuganomics85
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I can't imagine Iris is going to be very happy after Barry straight out lied to her earlier that day.  But happy she knows.  Hope Barry doesn't decide to time travel again so that Iris goes back to not knowing.  Speaking of, is Iris West-Allen the author of the article in this timeline, meaning it can change?  Or is this just a retcon and the writers just want us to forget that someone else wrote the article in the pilot?

I think that originally Mason might have been the author of the article and then when he died, Iris took up that mantle.

Cisco is my heart.

I was stressed out when he was lucid dreaming and Wells did the vibrating hand thing... blood pressure way up.

I hope Wells doesn't take over Eddie.  I love Eddie.  He's seriously the best.  I also really hope Eobard Thawne isn't holding a deadly grudge against Barry over a woman.  Like Iris.  Because ugh, kill me now.

Well, if they follow canon... but I really hope that's not it.

Also, I've been worried that Wells is going to take over Eddie sometime in the future... they keep showing how GOOD Eddie is... and I just think something is going to corrupt him. I do think Wells is going to tell Eddie about Barry/Iris and how they are destined for each other or some such thing... This is going to really screw with the timeline, etc..

When Iris asked Barry to "listen to me... I mean, really, really listen to me" my heart broke a little bit... I think she knows on some level that the men in her life have all expected her to just be the little woman and do whatever... and SHE now needs Barry to believe in her just like she believed in him ALL those years - and sadly Barry stuck to his lie and basically derailed her... that scene was sad in more ways that one.

I really enjoyed this episode. 


I really couldn't believe how the gang was soo open about their investigation. Pretty much discussing it anywhere they could be over heard. I also couldn't believe the group was going to not tell Iris even with RF out there trying to hurt Barry. 


I am just glad Iris knows now. Now, she needs to get THEM!!! 



Wait, David Nutter was the creator of Roswell? I knew there was a reason why I liked his work.

Not the creator - but he was an exec producer and he also directed a few episodes in the first season - a lot of his influence on the show and work on the show manifested in the Max-Liz Dreamer scenes we got in the first season. That episode where Max was setting parking meters off like fireworks? David Nutter! Jason Katims was the creator and show runner.

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Not the creator - but he was an exec producer and he also directed a few episodes in the first season - a lot of his influence on the show and work on the show manifested in the Max-Liz Dreamer scenes we got in the first season. That episode where Max was setting parking meters off like fireworks? David Nutter! Jason Katims was the creator and show runner.


Got it. I loved season 1 Max and Liz the best. As the show progressed, my hate for Isabel and Max grew as well. But season 1….sigh! 

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I have not been a fan overprotective Joe, but I completely agreed with his reason for not wanting Iris to marry Eddie. Good to know that Joe is aware that Iris has feelings for Barry that she needs to address.


I'm the opposite. Joe is STILL being completely intrusive and overprotective; and it's a pet peeve of mine when characters have to tell other characters how said characters feel. Ugh.


...  Speaking of, is Iris West-Allen the author of the article in this timeline, meaning it can change?  Or is this just a retcon and the writers just want us to forget that someone else wrote the article in the pilot? ...


It's a ret-con, but a minor one that I'm totally fine with.

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That was a fantastic episode.


Ok, first off, go Iris for figuring stuff out. I like when characters are smart. I like it more when women are smart. They're showing her as incredibly capable of figuring stuff out on her own and since nobody else is telling her, then she kind of has to. It's a wonder she didn't figure it out before but I guess once she figured out the particle accelerator was the cause for all these meta humans, and with Barry lying about not having powers, it wasn't a far jump to make with Barry being The Flash. I can see the spark jolting that particular memory, so I'll buy it. At least nobody had to spell it out for her. So...on a scale of one to Hulk, how pissed is she going to be?


I get Joe's reasoning and I don't blame him but....dude, you're confessing this to the WRONG GUY. Joe should have been upfront about it to Eddie, feelings be damned. Instead, he just goes 'nope...not gonna tell you why so ha' and then poor Eddie doesn't understand and has to ask Barry for answers. Jeez Joe, you're not being as protective as you think, with keeping Iris out of this for her own good again, not saying a word to Eddie and then telling Barry. At this point, I don't feel like Joe is making any mature decisions whatsoever. 


I didn't see the Hannibal Bates twist, but I probably should have. Eh, the dream didn't follow exactly how it should have but I can handwave it as Cisco 'jumping' forward a little bit while being distracted by his fear, and of course in the real life scenario, it not being Wells at all and different circumstances. It was a good episode for Cisco, and Caitlin's getting better at lying! 


Excellent episode for Eobard/Wells. Of course he kidnaps Eddie and I laughed at Eddie asking if it was about him, followed by Wells' 'nope, you're just insurance'. I'm gonna predict that they'll kill the body of Wells, or try to and as a result, he becomes Eddie and next season will be creepy Eobard/Eddie. Now, I'm guessing Eddie and Iris may be done for, but they could also keep them together to fool her with Eddie/Eobard. But that's just a guess. And I imagine they'll try to find a way to keep Tom Cavanagh around, but I don't know how yet. 


Some pretty good lines overall. I enjoyed the episode and it's definitely moving things along.

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Who was surprised that Wells had cameras?  I am kind of tired of how he always has the upper hand, but what should they expect?  Even the suit, at this point why wouldn't you assume that he tampered with it?  I expected more from Joe if not the Scooby Doo gang. 


Yes Eddie, let's propose one week after she walked out on you in a snit. Sounds like she is ready to me! 


They need to put Barry and Iris together and move Eddie on to evilness or greatness, because this love triangle issue is boring and the actor's mannerisms are annoying. 


Kind of figured they would be  using Bates' powers again, but didn't know how. No big surprise as Wells had already shown he was not above using a prisoner.  Why would he even let them put their plan together and just play along?  Was he toying with them?  


Looks like he has a secret lair?   Yes, once Caitlyn goes evil and they've lost Wells, who will handle their part of the team? 

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Great episode!  Exciting, it delivered in just about every way. 


Tom Cavanaugh was awesome.  He's a badass villain who enjoys what he does without looking ridiculous.  Enjoyed that last flashback with Barry a lot, it was terrific.  Hell of a counterplan he pulled off...didn't see the Hannibal Bates twist coming.


Barry creating Gideon isn't something I expected either.  Enjoyed that whole scene a lot and laughed when Cisco said he put a tracker on Wells wheelchair and if he was wrong about him, he was so going to hell.


Wells and Eddie interacting is a very cool development.


I'm glad Iris finally knows the truth.  What I'd like to know is if they would have told her the danger she was in after she was secured.  That was the kind of threat she'd have to know about.  Knowing Jackass #1 (Joe) and Jackass #2 (Barry) I have my doubts.


Speaking of which, how didn't Barry and company not know that Wells was recording everything that happened in Star Labs.  After all, WELLS OWNS THE ENTIRE COMPANY!!!  They just LOVED having their "secret" conversations all over the building.  Still, it wouldn't have made much difference as Wells had cameras in every aspect of their lives.

Edited by benteen
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But how? Wouldn't Gideon be stuck in the future where Barry of the future created him? If Wells came back with Barry to kill youngBarry, wouldn't he have left Gideon in the future?

The only way this makes sense is if Wells visited the past more than once, bringing Gideon back with him one of those times.

When we saw Wells arrive in the present time, he had Gideon with him as a wrist-computer. 


I'm the opposite. Joe is STILL being completely intrusive and overprotective; and it's a pet peeve of mine when characters have to tell other characters how said characters feel. Ugh.



It's a ret-con, but a minor one that I'm totally fine with.

Did we even see the by-line at the start of the season?


I love how Cisco loved the scarlet suit with the white logo.


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That episode was so good, at one point O was wondering of it was season finale time already.


Everyone knows about Wells, Iris finally knows about Barry, loved the flashbacks to Barry in a coma.


Barry created Gideon! So amazing. 

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Who was surprised that Wells had cameras?  I am kind of tired of how he always has the upper hand, but what should they expect?  Even the suit, at this point why wouldn't you assume that he tampered with it?  I expected more from Joe if not the Scooby Doo gang. 


Yes Eddie, let's propose one week after she walked out on you in a snit. Sounds like she is ready to me! 


You sound like a fellow snarker - I think I love you!

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Can I just say how I've always loved Carlos Valdes as Cisco? Because he was in rare form this episode and easily shares the title of MVP with TC! Every line he had was perfect in every way. From his 'Nope, that ain't happening!' when he saw Gideon's core, to his "I thought this shirt got eaten in the dryer," all of it was amazing! He even referenced Inception and the superior go into your dreams movie, Dreamscape, in the same sentence! I love this guy and I want to have his nerd babies!


TC consistently makes Wells excellent but he really raised the bar this episode. The way Wells played everybody was a masterstroke of Machiavellian proportions. Dude is a beast, and that's before you take in to account his mastery of his speed powers!


Finally Iris knows. What are Joe and Barry going to do now that they can't keep the poor, helpless thing in the dark anymore? I swear if they pull any time traveling shenanigans to make her forget I will burn shit to the ground!

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