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S11.E21: How To Save A Life

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I respectfully disagree. The originals are the only things that keeps this show decent. i have a total disinterest for all the new interns, and jo (that without alex is barely a character), stephanie, the umpteenth secret half sister, april and jackson etc etc. this show was build on a few very good characters that are dying like flies and in the most absurd ways. So I care when one of them dies just to boost ratings or to placate shonda. plus, after 10 years of shooting 15 hours a day, it's nothing but fair that longtime actors reduce hours. i just wished it was quality time.


I agree that the show has become terrible, and I don't care for the newbies either.  However, Derek showing up for a few minutes every few episodes wasn't really making Grey's any better for me.  He's really been absent a lot, so I lost interest in him long ago because he really seemed irrelevant to almost everything.  I can't miss him now that he's gone because he was virtually gone for so long.

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i understand you point of view, but i always thought and he actually made a difference, i'm one of those who thought that meredith having a family and dealing with her issues is more interesting than dramatic, whiny, tragic meredith. i don't think that married women can't stand on her own or be as challenged as single women. they are just different paths. the truth is that shonda underestimates all her male characters, and derek was just "meredith's husband", as owen was interesting just in function of cristina. i don't like the moral shonda is dictating us, and i sure am a feminist.

Edited by Elle8
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Yes! Which is why I was sad for George and the character's fans, but all I thought when it aired was, from El Train to bus, Gant to George. It was almost a play by play and made me wonder if Shonda found an ER script and just changed transportation and names.


And the reveal was anticlimactic, having seen it before. (Although I'll never forget people paging Gant for the John Doe patient as a beeper kept going off near him.)

When Derek was fumbling with the phone then the truck came I immediately thought of Ray fumbling with the phone then the truck came too. Completely different storylines of course. TV doctors need to stop fumbling with cell phones.

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Comparatively, though, Ray had it good. He just lost both of his legs!  :-P 

Grey's already did the amputated leg in the plane crash. That and ER writers were much better.

We need a comparison thread. I really think Grey's may be close to topping ER in character (docs/nurses, etc) deaths.

Edited by windsprints
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I wish Derek had just died from pancreatic or liver cancer. He could have gotten the diagnosis in DC and come home to die a couple episodes later. Imagine that. A character dying from illness. A unique way to go and a quick way to go with there still being time for people to say goodbye.




And then Meredith decides on her specialty. She'll be an oncological internist. The next season sees the usual cases interspersed with scenes of her studying freeze dried slices of Derek's tissues, and arguing passionately with a geneticist over the meaning of some anomaly.



It is quite dramatic to keep reading about the deaths of characters on shows I abandoned years ago -- some names are familiar (George, no, really?!), others not; but the overall impact to learning all this at once is a sense of carnage.  A pupil of Shondaversity would learn that one should never hope to leave a job, because the primary way out of a job is via death. 


In wrestling it's called being "jobbed out".


I am indifferent to the death on Grey's.  Shonda made me that way by killing everybody off all the time.


Maybe Shonda is really a character in an M Night movie. Eventually she will realize that she is not a tv show creator, she's actually a Reaper.

  • Love 4

Grey's already did the amputated leg in the plane crash. That and ER writers were much better.

We need a comparison thread. I really think Grey's may be close to topping ER in character (docs/nurses, etc) deaths.

To be fair, St. Elsewhere probably did it even before both of them. And if we dare count it as even slightly a medical show (admittedly... barely), one could argue "General Hospital" even before that.


Of course there were other medical dramas that didn't feel the need to bury their castmates. But it does seem to be a theme overall. 

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Okay, I signed up for this site so I could add my .02. Won't repeat what everyone has said, though I too thought this episode was total garbage on every level. Why couldn't they leave just ONE happy couple, ala ER?


My point though, on behalf of all the small-town doctors: I was posting about this episode on FB, talking about how ridiulous it was that they didn't think to order a head CT, and noting the comment on here about how "It's not a KFC. They follow normal medical rules" or something along those lines. A friend made the following comment  - "Even the KFC, I mean hospital, in Dodgeville did a head CT."


Reminding me that a few years ago I was in a bad bike crash in southwestern WI, on an organized ride. Was taken by ambulance to a dinky hospital in the middle of nowhere WI. I had a badly broken collarbone, but no obvious head injuries. THEY DID A HEAD CT - and found that I had bleeding on the brain. Granted, until they saw that on the scan, they were just going to send me home, along on my merry way, to see someone about the collarbone at some point. But still. THEY DID A HEAD CT. (I was then transferred to a major trauma center hospital.)

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Welcome, MissCurmudgeonly!  And I'm glad your accident had a better diagnosis and outcome!


Thanks! Yeah, if I was narrating to myself while I was being wheeled around, I know none of it, since i don't remember the accident/crash, the ambulance rides, the stay at the hospital, none of it. Probably better that way. :-)

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My two cents on on-screen deaths. Will Garner's death was sad, horrible and I cried like a baby. I still miss him. The difference is that the episode where Will died, and the following episodes dealing with the aftermath were VERY well written and acted. It has been to date, the only death of a major character on The Good Wife.  Also, Will did not die from a horribly contrived accident and unrealistic hospital procedures...while narrating his own death. Again, well written is the key difference here. What Shonda threw together for this script was crap. Pure, unadulterated crap. I couldn't even cry at Derek's death because I was so angry at how it happened. Fans didn't even get to mourn. I suppose we are supposed to mourn this week, but I won't be watching.

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The main reason I didn't tear up or feel sadness of any kind, I think, is that I was too distracted wondering if he was in fact dying, if this is actually it, because I felt like if they were really killing off Derek, the episode/story/final moments should actually be ... I don't know, powerful and poignant and indicative of the fact that one-half of the series' central love story is now dying after 11 seasons. But the whole thing just felt so unbelievably off, and I kept waiting for some kind of "gotcha" moment - not because I was in such denial about "McDreamy" dying, but because I couldn't quite believe they were writing him off so casually and haphazardly and I was like, "Shouldn't this feel more important than this?"

Edited by Chicken Wing
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But the whole thing just felt so unbelievably off, and I kept waiting for some kind of "gotcha" moment - not because I was in such denial about "McDreamy" dying, but because I couldn't quite believe they were writing him off so casually and haphazardly and I was like, "Shouldn't this feel more important than this?"

THIS. Especially since, they spent most of this season driving a rift between Meredith and Derek and we only saw them heal it via flashbacks in the last two episodes, which felt very forced. As a west coast viewer, I was barely home from work when the "Derek is DEAD" news spiral through the internet, so  I spent most of the episode just waiting for the thing that was going to kill him. So I figured that my apathy was due to the fact that I knew the outcome, but yeah, everything just felt off and slapdash. To turn his death into an anti-cellphone/driving PSA was just annoying (especially since I can't believe his Porsche SUV doesn't have bluetooth! My parents' Hyundai has it for goodness sake!), but the medical incompetence of this backwoods hospital in the MIDDLE OF SEATTLE was ridiculous. I stopped being sad and just sorta laughed through the whole thing. I was too shocked at the stupidness to be angry.


The only part that felt real was Meredith yelling at the doctor who brought her the forms. Once he called her Mrs. Shepherd, I knew she was going to go off and that was satisfying. I was a bit annoyed that Meredith pulled the plug without even thinking about calling his mother (whom she met and who liked her!) or Amelia who lives RIGHT THERE. I know Meredith doesn't do family, but Amelia is LIVING WITH THEM, so I feel like she should have called. Gotta think that's going to come up again.


I've been watching this show since the beginning, some seasons more passionately than others, but I'm just done now. I deleted it off my DVR and I'm ready to move on. Like I said last week, after 11 years, I guess I've been looking for a way to quit this show, so I guess I can thank Shonda for giving one. If this is how she treats "McDreamy," there's really no point in caring for any of the other storylines or characters. I'm out.

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I was a bit annoyed that Meredith pulled the plug without even thinking about calling his mother (whom she met and who liked her!) or Amelia who lives RIGHT THERE. I know Meredith doesn't do family, but Amelia is LIVING WITH THEM, so I feel like she should have called. Gotta think that's going to come up again.


This was just bad, bad writing (like the rest of the episode).  Of course Mer should have called Amelia so she could have an opportunity to say goodbye to Derek while he was still breathing even if already brain-dead.   As has been noted, this hospital was not in the wild, and Amelia could have gotten there in an hour if not sooner.  Why take away her opportunity for a little closure?


As you said, unless this comes up again as a deliberate plot point where Amelia is super pissed that Mer didn't even try to reach her, it is just plain bad writing.

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I really do feel awful for the hard core Grey`s fans. It reminds me of when How I met your Mother ended. I watched for 10 years, and then in the finale, they threw away everything they has built up. This must be awful, you have my sympathies. We`ve all been burned by a show we loved before, it really really sucks. 


I just found this forum the other day while looking to see what other people thought about this episode.  I had also thought about HIMYM and how they wrecked the ending.  


Originally I was mainly ticked off at how lame this episode was and how many holes the plot had, even going back to the episode before from Meredith's point of view.  Also how it's just one more Grey's unceremonious dispatch to the Great Beyond.  


But when I compare it with HIMYM, there's a bigger picture.  It's the end of continuity.  The show began with Meredith and Derek.  We spent all these years with that as the main love story.  Then blam, he gets hit by a truck and the story is over.  That's a stupid ending to the story.  It's no wonder so many fans are aggravated.  

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This was just bad, bad writing (like the rest of the episode).  Of course Mer should have called Amelia so she could have an opportunity to say goodbye to Derek while he was still breathing even if already brain-dead.   As has been noted, this hospital was not in the wild, and Amelia could have gotten there in an hour if not sooner.  Why take away her opportunity for a little closure?


As you said, unless this comes up again as a deliberate plot point where Amelia is super pissed that Mer didn't even try to reach her, it is just plain bad writing.


I really get the impression that the show wanted to save money on the central actors, and that's why no one else appeared. 

The show began with Meredith and Derek.  We spent all these years with that as the main love story.  Then blam, he gets hit by a truck and the story is over.  That's a stupid ending to the story.


Exactly this. Today I was channel-surfing and stopped on Lifetime's reruns. They're currently on season 2 (the best season, in my opinion - the 5 originals! Burke! Addison!). Watching ANY scenes with Mer and Derek leaves a bad taste in my mouth now. Their relationship feels futile now and all their scenes have a "oh what's the point? this is going to end very badly" vibe to them.


This latest bonehead move by Shonda will ruin not only the rest of this season and futures season(s), but also all the previous ones.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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Yes! Which is why I was sad for George and the character's fans, but all I thought when it aired was, from El Train to bus, Gant to George. It was almost a play by play and made me wonder if Shonda found an ER script and just changed transportation and names.


And the reveal was anticlimactic, having seen it before. (Although I'll never forget people paging Gant for the John Doe patient as a beeper kept going off near him.)


Found the original ER version. Still gives me chills. (Although the audio is out of sync here.) At least George on GA was conscious for a time (the 007 bit into, was it Mer's?, hand).

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Found the original ER version. Still gives me chills. (Although the audio is out of sync here.) At least George on GA was conscious for a time (the 007 bit into, was it Mer's?, hand).

ER keeps coming up and now all I want to do is watch ER.  I'm all over youtube, lol.

I've been rewatching episodes from the earlier seasons and so far MerDer hasn't been ruined for me knowing Derek dies. I do think if they had gotten divorce instead it would have ruined the earlier seasons for me. As shitty of a send off Derek got, the whole Renee thing was so much worse.


I can rewatch shows if a character dies at the end. I'm not sure I'd rewatch Grey's anytime soon but I'd still be able to enjoy the earlier seasons.

Edited by windsprints
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ETA - I don't tweet or do any social media, so you are more than welcome to use it, ChicksDigScars.


Ahh. I do believe that I will save it for Thursday night!  It will look so pretty with a #GreysAnatomy hashtag during the two hour funeral bullshit that I will not be watching!  Thank you! 


I notice that the "Patrick Dempsey was a trouble making diva and Shonda did what she had to do" narrative is popping up (even more), all of the sudden, on internet gossip sites. It smells like Shondaland and ABC are smarting from backlash and are desperately trying to justify what happened to a still-pissed off fanbase. Sorry, not buying it. It smells like they're in CYA mode. I know that Dempsey asked for a reduced role, and that his marriage was failing. Maybe he even changed his mind about the two year deal that he signed, but "unprofessional behavior affecting the other actors," and "Shonda gave him every chance that she could," and "had no choice." Whatever. This is behavior that has never been tied to Patrick Dempsey before now.  Now all of the sudden, Shonda is facing REAL criticism and backlash from yet ANOTHER temper tantrum resulting in a main character death, and they start trashing the actor? Classy, ABC and Shondaland. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 10

Exactly this. Today I was channel-surfing and stopped on Lifetime's reruns. They're currently on season 2 (the best season, in my opinion - the 5 originals! Burke! Addison!). Watching ANY scenes with Mer and Derek leaves a bad taste in my mouth now. Their relationship feels futile now and all their scenes have a "oh what's the point? this is going to end very badly" vibe to them.


This latest bonehead move by Shonda will ruin not only the rest of this season and futures season(s), but also all the previous ones.


I feel like this too.  During HIMYM's run, I didn't watch any of it in real time until the last few months, when I was really curious how it would all unfold.  I had started watching it late at night in syndication the year before so I wasn't entirely invested in the story, but I still felt like the end ruined the entire series.  I never watched any of the episodes in syndication after that.


I had just wrapped up watching seasons 1 through 8 of Grey's on dvd (though I stopped before the plane crash episode as I didn't want to see that), most of which I'd seen before, but it was fun to watch all those episodes in a row.  I'm glad I did it before this happened because I think I would have felt like you do . . . that it would make the relationship seem pointless and doomed.  

I saw someone share the change.org/bring back derek petition on Facebook, and I really wondered what the point of it was (I feel like that about a lot of change.org stuff, but this one especially). 


Exactly WTF do the fans signing it expect to happen? Do they think Shonda Rhimes will just call in the cast and crew and start re-filming the end of the season? 

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Yeah, as much as I like the sentiment, the deed is done and they can't reverse it. I don't want Dead Denny sex repeats, that's for sure. SO, I hope the petition gets ABC's attention and Shonda's feels the heat, and that's about it. 


I think Netflix needs to add ER. I feel like binging on Thursday nights at 8:00.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Exactly WTF do the fans signing it expect to happen? Do they think Shonda Rhimes will just call in the cast and crew and start re-filming the end of the season?

Mostly everyone knows that nothing will happen. Many are using that petition to make a point, not to actually bring Derek back. 


I notice that the "Patrick Dempsey was a trouble making diva and Shonda did what she had to do" narrative is popping up (even more), all of the sudden, on internet gossip sites


It's amusing how people just eat that without any verification. Sad it has to be that story the one that many want/will believe.


ER keeps coming up and now all I want to do is watch ER.  I'm all over youtube, lol.


I have a folder just of ER clips and bloopers and everything. No shame. 

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Dear WalnutQueen


I think getting invested in a Shonda Rhimes show is like being in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Just to let you know that I DID Tweet this (edited slightly to get down to 149 characters) hashtagged "#GreysAnatomy," and replaced "Shonda Rhimes" with "@Shondaland" so that her production company's official Twitter account would possibly see it.  It's been retweeted and favorited by 26 people so far!  LOL. 



  • Love 7

I was watching old clips and it just hit me how like George's death Derek's was.  I had completely forgotten that once they realized it was George that they all mobilized to take extra life saving measures and took him right to surgery.  Normal John Doe just gets to lay in bed waiting to die.  Same thing with Derek.  They tried harder when they knew who he was and what he did.

I'm sure this has probably been said, but wow Derek's death was probably the most emotional death of a character I have ever seen on a show. This one was too real.  He took the time to save all those people and that precious little girl (I will forever hear her voice). Only to have that accident happen.  I had originally thought he 'dreamed' his save sequence but no.  That hit me the most and then seeing Meredith.  I'd be so numb and if I was a doctor and knew they blew the ct scan I would be all over that doctor.  I did feel for the young doctor who knew to do the scan but  the dumbass over ruled her. I'm glad Meredith gave her that speech. Shonda did a good job because this was jarring.  Still crying

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Dear WalnutQueen





Just to let you know that I DID Tweet this (edited slightly to get down to 149 characters) hashtagged "#GreysAnatomy," and replaced "Shonda Rhimes" with "@Shondaland" so that her production company's official Twitter account would possibly see it.  It's been retweeted and favorited by 26 people so far!  LOL. 




Dear ChicksDigScars - you are my HERO!!!  (HEROINE?)  (heroin?)  Whatevs - that's totally cool!   Seriously.   ;-)

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Finally got up the nerve to actually watch this episode all the way through.


That was horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. I don't know if Shonda thought it would be less traumatic for people to hear Derek narrating his own death (as one poster eloquently put it), but I found it sickening, wrenching and utterly terrifying. It's one thing to be unable to speak as a patient -- it's quite another to be that way as a doctor being treated incorrectly by other doctors. To have the mental capacity to realize people are making mistakes and be unable to speak (the moment he tried to speak, but couldn't, was gut-twisting) is one of the scariest deaths I can possibly imagine. The fear of dying combined with the certainty of death, and all being conscious enough to realize it. Like, is this a Thursday night TV show or an actual horror movie?! I wish they had Derek sort of narrating from "above" like he did during the OR scene. Seeing his eyes open and hearing his thoughts -- it was just so frighteningly sad. That actually affected me more than his actual death, I think.


And I found it so utterly cruel to cut to Seattle Grace Mercy Death/GSMH immediately after Derek's car accident only to realize that was not where they were taking him. Plus, to open with Derek talking to Amelia and Bailey, saving an accident victim. Ugh...twist the knife more, Shonda.


(Plus, seeing the medical hoops Scandal jumped through for a "fan favorite" character immediately following this episode, and I'm left with a really bad taste in my mouth).


Goodbye, Derek. The show won't be the same without you.

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And I found it so utterly cruel to cut to Seattle Grace Mercy Death/GSMH immediately after Derek's car accident only to realize that was not where they were taking him.


That part was so unnecessary. For the past couple of seasons, this show has liked to use the "fake out". Sometimes it's fitting, in this case it was rude and in poor taste. As was the moment when Meredith walks into his hospital room and he's awake and okay and she lays on his chest. It felt taunting.

Edited by funnygirl
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It's one thing to be unable to speak as a patient -- it's quite another to be that way as a doctor being treated incorrectly by other doctors. To have the mental capacity to realize people are making mistakes and be unable to speak (the moment he tried to speak, but couldn't, was gut-twisting) is one of the scariest deaths I can possibly imagine. The fear of dying combined with the certainty of death, and all being conscious enough to realize it. Like, is this a Thursday night TV show or an actual horror movie?! I wish they had Derek sort of narrating from "above" like he did during the OR scene. Seeing his eyes open and hearing his thoughts -- it was just so frighteningly sad. That actually affected me more than his actual death, I think.

I agree. His narration was probably my favourite part of this episode. My list of not favourite parts is a lot longer...

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I re-watched this tonight to begin preparing myself for the premiere. I think I cried just as much as the first time I saw it. Maybe more - without my anger and disbelief at all of the stupid things y'all have pointed out, I just strictly watched part of my favorite couple die (FTR, I fast-forwarded thru the rescue and started when Derek arrived in the ambulance). I wallowed and grieved (yes, for a fictional character), and I felt horribly for Meredith. I thought Meredith acted as well as could be expected in a moment like that. As for not calling Tyne Daly or Amelia, I chalk that up to her utter shock, and also - her own selfishness that this wasn't happening to anyone but her (not saying that's right - but that is certainly Meredith). Aside from perhaps the unsatisfying way it happened, I do agree with what Shonda said: they had to kill Derek because if Patrick wasn't going to sign on, there was no other way out. Meredith wouldn't put up with Derek in DC, and to make them divorce would have been worse, IMO, than killing him. (I say that with three full months of space!) I thought it was true to the story, even tho it broke my heart. I equate it to <the lead's>


shocking death on

The Good Wife

<CBS show>. Awful, devastating - but it fit the story. 


I had to give up Private Practice in the middle of Season 3 because Shonda wouldn't stop killing the babies. Then I gave up Scandal last season when Huck

slit Lena Dunham's throat - killed her just for the shock value, IMO

. I'm still a stalwart Grey's fan, and hope this season doesn't disappoint. (I should mention I watched every single stinking episode of ER - stuck with it till the bitter end.) 

I just powered through all 11 seasons on Netflix, so I am not a loyal Grey's viewer and watching all episodes in such a short period of time affects my viewing as well I think - I also knew that Derek's death was coming (I actually started watching when I heard about this episode). I enjoyed the episode. I think maybe it is partially because I started the series knowing he would die, but I didn't find the episode to be disrespectful to Derek - he was charming, he saved lives, he was the hero. I also found him, throughout the series, to be smug, condescending and selfish. I may just enjoy the show more now, without him.

Edited by RainbowBrite
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