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S04.E19: Sympathy For The De Vil

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In fictional 1920s England, viewers meet a young Cruella, whose oppressive mother uses her Dalmatians to terrorize her daughter. Cruella is confined to her mother's attic until a mysterious stranger arrives and empowers her to challenge her captor. In Storybrooke, Regina gains leverage to keep Gold from interfering with her plan to rescue Robin, but her trip to New York takes the backseat when she and Emma learn that Cruella has kidnapped Henry.
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Little Cruella was darling! But she looked nothing like Cruella. Usually, this show does such a great job with younger versions of the characters. Not this time. And she was just too old to play the young girl locked in the tower. Just as the actor was too old to play young Emma. So Cruella is just a bad seed... Next week looks good!

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My random thoughts during the episode:

Hard to believe dalmations are threatening while wagging their tails.  I guess it’s a challenge to get dogs to stop tail wagging on command.

Wow, female villains seem to wear REALLY red lipstick; I found it rather distracting.  I just kept staring at Cruella’s and Maleficent’s lips during their entire scene. 

Yay!  A scene with Emma and her parents actually talking about their issues.  And then it is interrupted by Regina.  Darn it! 

I enjoyed Regina getting the better of Rumple. Rumple is usually several steps ahead of everyone else and it makes it more interesting when positions are reversed.

They do like their dance scenes in this show, don’t they?  I liked the 20’s costumes in the club scene, kudos to costume department.

So the Author is one more person who can travel to the Land Without Magic.  So many ways to get to LWM and yet Rumple couldn’t locate or use any of them…

Loved watching Cruella playing Angry Birds.

Overall I enjoyed this episode, and found Cruella’s tale rather sad.  Even Pongo was crying at the end.

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West Coasters, when Snowing find the Author in the last couple minutes of the show stop watching.  It was a really good episode and then it decided to go stupid in a way only this show can.  The last few minutes is going to rank right up there with Snow's heart has a black spot because she killed Cora.  Spare yourself,  I beg of you.  But watch the rest.  Because otherwise a very solid episode.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Why must they take away everything we love. Like what the hell Cruella was their best character this half season. At least she was full on crazy. And also lmao that her happy ending is to be able to kill again.

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Wow.  That was really a good episode!  I hate the way they are turning Emma though.  It is totally unrealistic to think she would hold something like that against her mother.  Snow jumped into the portal to follow her into the Enchanted forest and saved her from the ogre.  I just think they are writing the family dynamic stupidly.  Other than that really enjoyed all of it.  Loved the way Regina got control of Gold.  But I think back on what other comments about the total double standard between how they make a decision a "hero" makes to use deadly force to be some beacon of cosmic bad karma when Regina and Gold among others have killed myriads of people and still get a pass.  Rumple killed Pan to save his family and that was understandable and written as a good thing.  All of a sudden Emma is Darth Vader II because she killed a woman who was threatening to kill her son. Even though Cruella couldn't really kill anyone, the threat was there and it was justifiable homicide but now.  Emma is a big bad wolf.  sigh.

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FINALLY! A villain without a damn sob story! Was pleasantly surprised.

Peter Pan: *AHEM*

(Granted, Cruella's even worse, since there's straight-up confirmation that she was a remorseless sociopath from BIRTH, whereas Malcolm theoretically could have been decent until he grew up to be a selfish adult and then de-aged into an even more selfish kid.)

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I think someone here called it that Emma was going to kill her. Next week looks awesome. Team Emma kills more people at this point.

I'm still confused about this author plot.

ETA: Props to the makeup department. Emma looks like hot garbage right now.

Edited by mjgchick
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How can Emma's heart go dark when she was protecting her son who was being threatened by Cruella?



This is ridiculous. 

"Heroes don't kill."  So, those knights we've seen David run through with his sword are fine and healthy?  The ones we saw Snow shoot arrows at are running around just fine?


Why am I supposed to want to watch next week?

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I am wondering how Cruella got to the Enchanted Forest.  And how she met Ursula and Maleficent.  And how she survived as a villain without killing anyone.  It just seems like her villainy would be severely hampered by not being able to commit murder.

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I'd say Cruella never change, but it's too late for that now.


Color me shocked that they didn't give her a sob story and that she was just a plain good ol' sociopath.  


I don't even care that Emma killed her.  We sort of speculated that in the spoiler thread, so there was no shock there.

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New favorite episode of 4b!

And of course the evilest most awesomest Queen of Darkness bites the dust!!! No fair!!!!!! :'(

Cruella's backstory wasactually reminiscent of Tangled a bit. Except with extra crazyness.

#Authella ;__; it lasted one episode, but I shipped it...

So the magic ink is in Cruella's hair? Is Gold gonna steal some of her hair and extract it somehow?

It made me nervous that Rumple was lurking near the shell that Killian discovered.

Does Henry get is need to chase after adorable Dalmations from his step-grandmother?

I thought it was a fantastic episode, and I liked how they added the Cruella De Vil song. I would have been disappointed if they somehow didn't slip that in.

Next week looks intense.

And to the poster above who added the Author's ability to jump realms as another way to travel--maybe the author wrote that rumple couldn't travel between realms (unknowingly to Rumple), and that's why his attempts always failed?

I can dream.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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You'll like this episode if you...

... like 1920s England. Loved the setting!

... enjoy clever twists. I totally didn't call Cruella being the murderer. It was like Twilight Zone.

... find music references amusing. It was forced, but I liked the Cruella DeVil song placed in.

... like darker tones. I was afraid Cruella wasn't going to be as psychotic as her usual self. I was dead wrong!

... love pop culture references intertwined with fantasy characters. The Angry Birds joke was so funny.

... miss Regina being bad. Her scene with Rumple reminded me why she's my favorite character.

... wanted the Author to be more like an actual character than a random jerky plot device.


You won't like this episode if you...

... prefer deep conversations be finished. Geez, so many interruptions! Especially from Regina.

... feel killing someone to save a life doesn't make someone dark. That look Emma made had no sense whatsoever.

... don't like violence.

... don't want to dance to swing music.

... wish Henry had fallen off the cliff instead.

... find "worlds outside of time" confusing. That was puzzling and just weird.

... wanted a logical reason for Cruella wearing tons of makeup.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Never has there been a less terror inducing scene that being chased by Dalmatians.  I don’t think ‘ahhh, aren’t they cute’ was the reaction they were going for.  I mean really, those Dalmatians are the most terrible actors I’ve ever seen.  The kept breaking character like their owner came home and they were desperate to dance in a little circle and lick them.  Big demon dogs from hell with frothing maws and red eyes they are not.


In retrospect, huge clue that the Mother wasn't the villians from Rapunzel and Cinderella rolled into one.  I liked that the Author drew the parallel to Cinderella as well.  He's used to those normal fairy tales and Cruella's a different breed.

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No wonder Cruella needed someone else to kill the author. I'm glad she was a full-on psycho and owned it. I just got that vibe from her. I would've hated her to be made into a victim with a sob story. Except, I guess she ended up that way, didn't she?

I liked Hook trying to talk Emma down. All these things happening to Emma in 4B are just messing with her mind and her world view. She's looking a little.....stressed out lately.

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Poor Henry. He gets one little scene of being an actual character, and not a plot device, and he`s acting alongside Pongo. He could be Emma`s favorite lamp, the amount of reactions he has and characterization he gets. 


Wow! I am, so used to this show pulling out the "sob story villain origin story" card for every bad guy, I did not see that twist coming AT ALL. Cruella was just an evil, serial killer type, and that's it? That`s actually pretty refreshing! No excuses, no sad story, she is just a sociopath. I love it!


I actually really enjoyed this episode until the very end. The 1920s setting was a nice change of pace (although I swear I kept expecting to see Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano walk by any second) and I loved the use of the Cruella De ville song as a jazz tune. We even got a little bit of an explanation of how these lands work (still kidd of of confusing, but its something), plus I got a littlebit of my Captain Swan fix, and Emma being justifiably pissed at her parents!


Then they had to kill off Cruella, the best of this years crop of villains, and play off Emma killing Cruella while defending her son, as "turning dark"? Like....what? Who cares if Cruella couldn't actually kill him, Emma didnt know that! What was she supposed to do? Ask nicely? What?  

Edited by tennisgurl
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So Emma has an abiding hatred for hypocrites and that trumps murder and mayhem.  OK, its an explanation.


I snorted when Emma told Regina to back off because she held a grudge against a ten year old for half of her life.

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I got a phone call at 8:30 and wasn't even mad that I missed the rest of the episode. Scrolling through comments, I can see that some story development actually happened. Too bad the first half of the episode bored me so thoroughly that I kind of don't even care. 


It might be time for me to take a break. When I watch this show, I just get annoyed that the characters that I like (Emma/Hook/Snow/Charming) aren't on screen, or when they are, they are too stupid to live.

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So, okay, this is totally Once's take on The Bad Seed/Psycho/insert psychological thriller here, and I freakin' loved it. Like, yes, please let Cruella De Vil Hand That Rocks the Cradle this place up!


I don't even care that Emma killed her. Because of course she did. The psycho villain dying at the end and at the hands of the hero is how these things play out. Emma is Annabella Sciorra and Cruella is Rebecca DeMornay and hell yes she gets tossed off a cliff/out the window at the end of it. Because what the hell do you expect, Cruella, when you kidnap and threaten to kill the son of two of the most powerful magic users in town? Did you not think they'd come after you? You had a freaking GUN on him? Did you not think they would do whatever it took to save his life? Jeebus.


And oh my goodness, my poor Emma, I just want to hug her. She's so angry and she's so shaken to her core. (Although I did snicker when she told Regina to back off since Regina held a grudge for half her life over a ten-year-old telling a secret. Heh!)


I'm sure I'll have more once my heart stops pounding a mile a minute. ;)

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Good episode! Especially for one so tied into the author storyline. 



  • Just everything Cruella, really
  • An evil character who is just evil -- and batshit insane, to boot!
  • I actually quite enjoyed the scene in the forest with Hook and Regina trying to talk to Emma
  • Both Cruella really being the evil one and being unable to kill all along were actually good twists I did not see coming. Well done, writers.
  • I prefer evil Regina, so I am all for her stealing Belle's heart, but the show needs to make up its damned mind about whether she's reformed or not
  • Regina taunting Rumple through Belle was pretty great, though
  • The makeup dept is really working the "distressed Emma" look
  • Doggies


Did not like

  • I don't mind them exploring more dark!Emma, but the idea that she did something wrong by trying to save the life of her son from someone who had a gun to his chest... eyeroll.
  • Henry's still alive
  • The whole "AU 1920s" thing is as dumb as "AU Victorian London" was
  • I really hope Hook gets more than two lines next week
  • Sad that we won't get more Cruella; Mal has been pretty lame this season 
Edited by retrograde
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I don't get it.  How did killing Cruella make Emma evil?


Because Henry was in no real danger so in essence, Emma killed Cruella for no reason which then makes her evil.


Also I missed the first 15 minutes so who's story was right? Cruella or her mother's? In terms of who actuallty killed all those men.

Edited by Bluerang1
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So, okay, this is totally Once's take on The Bad Seed/Psycho/insert psychological thriller here, and I freakin' loved it. 

Oh, I LOVED The Bad Seed!  There's nothing more fun to watch than psychopathic murdering little girls.

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And oh my goodness, my poor Emma, I just want to hug her. She's so angry and she's so shaken to her core. (Although I did snicker when she told Regina to back off since Regina held a grudge for half her life over a ten-year-old telling a secret. Heh!)

Regina telling Emma to just get over it (basically) is a new level of blindness to her own faults. Maybe she's getting to a place of regretting her past actions? Nawwww.....! :)

I thought the Dalmatians were cute too. There was no way they were going to look really threatening, was there?

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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Also I missed the first 15 minutes so who's story was right? Cruella or her mother's? In terms of who actuallty killed all those men.

I believe her mother's was correct, and Cruella was the Bad Seed who killed all the men.

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Because Henry was in no real danger so in essence, Emma killed Cruella for no reason which then makes her evil.

Also I missed the first 15 minutes so who's story was right? Cruella or her mother's? In terms of who actuallty killed all those men.


But Emma didn't know that.  All Emma knew was that her son's life was in danger and the crazy woman was going to shoot him or shove him off the cliff.


Cruella's mother was the one who was right.  Cruella poisoned her father with poisoned flowers and killed the two other husbands.

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See, the dogs still weirded me out because I'm afraid of dogs. Any dog running after me and barking, no matter how typically cute and cuddly, is pretty much my worst nightmare. I was cringing for the Jared and the actress playing Wee Cruella, even though the dog chases were clearly controlled and safe, because holy shit a dog was chasing them.

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Stark-raving lunatic Cruella was aces.  It's rather refreshing to have a truly unhinged villain now and then.  


Boy, does Emma look like crap or what?  The last few minutes of the ep were intense, and I found myself saying "Oh shit" quite a bit, but ultimately I feel like Emma was justified in what she did.  Whether or not she'll feel that way is yet to be seen (lbr, she will totally think it's "unforgivable").  And I find myself yet again gaping at the scope of Rumple's manipulations and machinations.  Bastard.


Regina and Belle's heart - yawn.


Wet!Hook's talk with Emma in the woods and searching frantically for Henry - mmmhmm...moar please.

Edited by Lieutenant
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See writers, this is how you do a twist. Cruella murdering the husbands actually fit into what happened previously in the episode. It didn't just poof out of thin air like last week's fiasco.

Also, the twist that she can't kill. All those past scenes where she pulls a gun on Rumple or on Emma yet never shoots it, all those many times she's TALKED about killing ("I say we slit her throat") and generally acted psycho and bloodthirsty yet oddly never putting her money where her mouth is. I'm both elated that the writers did so well here and infuriated, because it makes it all the worse that they fail to do it on so many other occasions.

Edited by Mathius
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No wonder Cruella needed someone else to kill the author.

And why she told Ursula to kill Belle to threaten Rumple back in the winter finale.


Indeed, it was a fantastic episode!  I, too, liked Cruella just being as crazy as she is in the movie!  Kills her mother with her new powers, and then the dogs she uses to kill her with, just to make her new coat!  Loved the Author owning her in the flashbacks!


Yeah, this won't make Emma any darker than killing Cora made Snow.  Unless Emma lets herself feel dark about it like Snow did over Cora.

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Was I the only one who got a Flowers in The Attic vibe with Young Cruella's room? Not to mention she's blonde and a psycho like Cathy Dollanganger.

No, seriously only on this show where the hero kills the villain for protecting their family makes them worse than the actual villain. I don't care that Cruella couldn't kill, Emma didn't know this. Also I hate that in the end it seems like that piece of carp Rumple might be getting his way. The make up is scary looking.

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This episode really blew the "evil isn't born, it's made" claim out of the water. Don't think they realized it though.


I know, right?

Especially with what was shown in the promo. 


Overall the episode wasn't bad, but there was a lot of stupid. Emma thowing a tantrum about her parents was kinda annoying. Yeah--I get it. She is legitimately upset. But telling Regina and Hook that at least they were "honest" villains was dumb. 


I feel so bad for the Rumbelle fans. Poor Belle. Just when she was growing a spine, someone uses her as a puppet again. 


Did the Author say he manipulated Snowing into making Emma the goodest of goods because he was afraid of Cruella? But he wrote in that Cruella couldn't kill anyone. So, I'm confused. 


I expected Emma would kill Cruella this episode. But if this is what makes her "Dark", I call BS. Whatever, Show... 

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I feel so bad for the Rumbelle fans. Poor Belle. Just when she was growing a spine, someone uses her as a puppet again. 

Are we absolutely sure that Regina did that without Belle's permission?  Because while I'm probably the last person here to defend Regina, it seemed possible that Belle was in on Regina's scheme. 


For one thing, it would allow Belle to know how Rumple would react in that scenario, without committing herself to returning to him.  There would be benefits for her, too.

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I feel so bad for the Rumbelle fans. Poor Belle. Just when she was growing a spine, someone uses her as a puppet again. 

I had the impression Belle was a willing to be a puppet. Although this was not on screen.

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